[go-nuts] Stalking people online for thought crimes! This is what the Go project has succumbed to!

2016-10-27 Thread Aram Hăvărneanu
I have received a very insulting and distressing e-mail from Sarah
Adams, who claims to represent the The Go Code of Conduct Team, an
illicit bully organization who claims authority about what Go
contributors think and say outside the Go mailing lists. I do not
recognize this group's legitimacy in these matters.

The e-mail says:

We received a report about your comment on this thread
"Their English was so bad I couldn't understand what was
going on".

This comment goes against our community Code of Conduct,
https://golang.org/conduct. The comment is not respectful,
and would have been more productive just as, "I couldn't
understand what was going on".

Please consider this a warning from the Code of Conduct
working group.

Some more context is necessary. There is someone in the Go community
who literally steals other people's code, receives money for it,
and actively tries to covers his tracks.

A person named Florin Pățan provided an overview:


which has been discussed on reddit:


Reddit also discussed this thief's action in another thread:


I have archived these documents here:

[1] http://archive.is/9oN1A
[2] http://archive.is/Q36G5
[3] http://archive.is/aSFUg

The comment in question refers to this GitHub issue, also archived:

[4] https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go/pull/1137
[4] http://archive.is/7xgc7

Now take a look at what I said, and what Sarah Adams in her
infinite arrogance suggests I should have said:

Aram: Their English was so bad I couldn't understand what
 was going on

Sarah: I couldn't understand what was going on

If you compare these two phrases: you can see that the problem Sarah
Adams has is with "their English was so bad".

In other words, Sarah's problem is with speaking the objective

Whether someone speaks good or bad English is an objective fact
easily determined by anyone who speaks English at some level of
proficiency. I encourage all English speakers to take a look at [4]
and do an individual assessment of the level of proficiency in English
those sock puppets possess.

I will not be policed around for telling the *TRUTH*. I will not
be silenced into political compliance. I will not tolerate other
people who tell me what is acceptable to say, especially when these
people only want to hide the *OBJECTIVE TRUTH*.

The comment is not respectful

Damn right it wasn't. You or your organization has no authority
mandating how respectful my speech is. What level of arrogance.

However, it was not disrespectful. It was an objective assessment
of an *infractor's* level of English competence.

I owe nobody respect. Certainly not someone who breaks the law and
steals other people's intellectual property. Respect is earned.

and would have been more productive just as

Ah, yes, here you can see in action the new-age practice of corporate
double speak applied to open source projects. This is not Google.
You are not fooling me or anyone else who still has a grain of
independent thought left.

This is a pathetic and disgusting attempt of silencing independent
contributors who still refuse to kneel after your coup d'état in
which you managed to replace the Go technical governance with a
thought police political organization vassal to Google.

In some sense, you have succeeded. I will never yield to you, you
can never silence me, but you certainly made me realise that my
association with the Go project is a mistake and a liability. I do
not want to be associated with your organization, even accidentally.
When I contribute to Go, I only make you people stronger. In fact,
this is your modus operandi; you rely on people who do the actual
technical work (either as part of the Go team, or as contributors)
in order to gain more support for your cause. To gain legitimacy.
To claim authority.

I cannot remove the code I have contributed to the Go project over
the years, but I can certainly stop contributing as an individual
in the future. I will make sure, best of my ability, that any
competent individual or organization who is evaluating Go is made
aware of who is actually pulling the strings here, and what they
are getting into.

Stalking people online for thought crimes! This is what the Go
project has succumbed to! And newcomers need to be aware of that.

You are luring people with technical arguments and weed them with
political correctness. Your propaganda machine is strong, but not
infallible. Just like all good propaganda, you rely on a majority
of true facts to hide you agenda and falsehoods. Yes, your technical
preaching is truthful, and that is the best disguise for your dark
agenda of manipulation, contr

Re: [go-nuts] Stalking people online for thought crimes! This is what the Go project has succumbed to!

2016-10-27 Thread Andrew Gerrand
Hi Aram,

I am sorry this has caused you such distress.

As has been pointed out by others, your comment did not appear to be
directed at the Iris author, but rather at dlsniper, the author of the blog
post. He even replied to you apologizing for his English skills, and you
did nothing to correct him, so I don't think one would be remiss to assume
that he was the target of your comment. For this reason, I think it
unlikely that your comment was reported by the Iris author.

The actions of the Iris author are, in my opinion, pretty awful. But the
only people that can take action against them are the people whose code he

But the Iris issue is a distraction here. The CoC working group was formed
to help resolve conflict within official Go spaces, one of which is the
golang subreddit. Your comment was reported by someone in the community,
and so we contacted you about it.

On "objective truth": As a thought experiment, is it productive to tell a
newbie "You're a terrible programmer"? It may be true, but it is obviously
mean and discouraging. To me, it seems disingenuous to insist that we have
a right to say whatever we want wherever we like, so long as it is true.
Civility requires a little more from us.

The purpose of the message from the CoC group was to let you know that your
comment was interpreted as hostile, and to suggest that you could have make
the equivalent point without belittling anyone. I sincerely encourage you
to take it in the spirit in which it was intended.

In Sarah's message to you, she concluded:

  Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

  The Go Code of Conduct Team

I wish you had taken us up on that offer instead of starting this public
thread. We are reasonable people that care deeply about all members of the
community, including you.


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Re: [go-nuts] Stalking people online for thought crimes! This is what the Go project has succumbed to!

2016-10-27 Thread prades . marq
>  The actions of the Iris author are, in my opinion, pretty awful. But the 
only people that can take action against them are the people whose code he 

This is completely irrelevant IMHO. Why are these witch hunts allowed in a 
go forum ? I'm not talking about the author of this thread who decided to 
make a private matter public when he didn't need to, thinking he was too 
good to be held to the same standards as others because he is a Go 
contributor, I'm talking about threads of /r/golang where doxxing, insults 
against individuals are the norm because this or that person is deemed a 
"thief" or this person use this API the wrong way or that person use 
dependency injection. There is a nasty mindset in the Go community and I 
didn't hear anybody within the Go team calling it out for what it is, 
bullying. The thread about Iris author should have been shut down because 
it was full of insults and disrespect. Iris author being a "so-called 
thief" doesn't justify this kind of behavior in the Go community. The same 
shit happened with Martini's author which left the Go community. Nobody 
stood up for him when he was mocked on /r/golang because he dared use 
dependency injection. You'd think an innovative language would reward 
innovation, no, it's more like if you dare do things the way an influent 
gopher doesn't approve it's "open season" and anything goes to take you 
down ... 

Le jeudi 27 octobre 2016 17:45:44 UTC+2, Andrew Gerrand a écrit :
> Hi Aram,
> I am sorry this has caused you such distress.
> As has been pointed out by others, your comment did not appear to be 
> directed at the Iris author, but rather at dlsniper, the author of the blog 
> post. He even replied to you apologizing for his English skills, and you 
> did nothing to correct him, so I don't think one would be remiss to assume 
> that he was the target of your comment. For this reason, I think it 
> unlikely that your comment was reported by the Iris author.
> The actions of the Iris author are, in my opinion, pretty awful. But the 
> only people that can take action against them are the people whose code he 
> stole.
> But the Iris issue is a distraction here. The CoC working group was formed 
> to help resolve conflict within official Go spaces, one of which is the 
> golang subreddit. Your comment was reported by someone in the community, 
> and so we contacted you about it.
> On "objective truth": As a thought experiment, is it productive to tell a 
> newbie "You're a terrible programmer"? It may be true, but it is obviously 
> mean and discouraging. To me, it seems disingenuous to insist that we have 
> a right to say whatever we want wherever we like, so long as it is true. 
> Civility requires a little more from us.
> The purpose of the message from the CoC group was to let you know that 
> your comment was interpreted as hostile, and to suggest that you could 
> have make the equivalent point without belittling anyone. I sincerely 
> encourage you to take it in the spirit in which it was intended.
> In Sarah's message to you, she concluded:
>   Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
>   Sincerely,
>   The Go Code of Conduct Team
> I wish you had taken us up on that offer instead of starting this public 
> thread. We are reasonable people that care deeply about all members of the 
> community, including you.
> Andrew

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