Re: [google-appengine] Re: One senses GAE is just not a major priority for Google

2014-11-11 Thread Emanuele Ziglioli
Thank you Daniel for your update!

It's great to hear an official statement from Google about App Engine's 
health and future.
I've certainly been enjoying increased reliability and reduced instance 
warmup time over the past couple of years, and that's a reflection of the 
hard work that's been going on behind the scenes.
At the same time, I would have liked to see some more development on the 
Datastore while other projects such as BigQuery appear to be isolated from 
I believe that GAE's power is in it simplicity so my hope is that you guys 
will carry on with this philosophy of a simpler to use, easier to maintain 
solution in App Engine (I bet that's not an easy to achieve goal by any 
means, considering all the other services such as Gcloud).or
The other main aspect that's attracted me to GAE, the platform, is that it 
comes with batteries included, all you need to get a web app up and 
running is there. By spinning off services such as the Datastore or adding 
foreign ones such as Cloudstore and Big Query, one feels that the focus 
gets lost.
But hey, I'm looking forward to experimenting with managed VMs, have been 
lurking on the Beta mailing list quite regularly.


On Tuesday, 11 November 2014 16:49:12 UTC+13, Daniel Sturman wrote:

 Hey fellow App Engine users,

 There is some great conversation in this thread. I’ll try to address some 
 of the key points being discussed.

 Regarding the discussion group; our apologies for the delayed response. 
 Most of our customer questions now come on Stack Overflow, so we’ve 
 been monitoring it more actively than this forum. We’ll be watching this 
 forum more closely too from now on.

 Regarding the larger topic of Google’s investment in App Engine: App 
 Engine is a critical part of our cloud story, and will continue to be. 
 We’re investing heavily in it. In the most recent months this investment 
 has had two major prongs - stability improvements and new efforts to create 
 a more flexible model within App Engine.

 First, stability improvements. App Engine has grown and so has the size 
 and sophistication of the workloads that relied on it (thanks to developers 
 like you). We realized it was time to take a step back and invest in 
 driving down technical debt and improving overall stability as a foundation 
 for the future. The team has been heads down improving stability and 
 reliability. Some of the improvements include more comprehensive monitoring 
 across all services, better application scheduling and load balancing, 
 deployment of SSD to reduce latency variability for Datastore access, and 
 many others large and small.

 Second, a more flexible PaaS. App Engine’s prescriptive environment for 
 building web and mobile applications allows teams to iterate quickly on new 
 ideas and scale up the ones that stick. The drawback, though, comes in 
 terms of its constraints (e.g. limited JRE access, limited C/C++ Python 
 modules, no inbound socket support). When we were building out our IaaS 
 offering, Compute Engine, we realized that by unifying the compute stack 
 (layering App Engine on Compute Engine), we could continue to give our 
 customers the developer experience and efficiencies that App Engine brings 
 with the flexibility and power that’s normally only associated with IaaS. 
 Further, since it is a single stack, users can drop down into the IaaS 
 layers when needed to make lower-level customizations (although we hope 
 that most will never have to). We’ve surfaced all of this work as App 
 Engine Managed VMs, 
 which are now in Beta and open to everyone that wants a test drive. You’ll 
 see that Managed VMs do not require you to manage the OS or web server 
 configuration, and frontend serving has all the same great features as our 
 existing runtimes. In other words, they marry the best of App Engine with a 
 more flexible application environment.

 Finally, unified administration tools are an important part of a cohesive 
 platform. This is the goal of the Developers Console. In some cases the 
 cutover has been a straight “drop in” of existing functionality, in others 
 we took the opportunity to make improvements. Not all is perfect, so thank 
 you for the feedback! I’ve created bugs / feature requests for the items 
 you’ve mentioned (infinite scroll issues, “save as” issues, better Task 
 Queue admin functionality) and suggest that any other feedback be sent to javascript: (this is a 
 more narrowly focused list).

 Looking ahead, the reliability work is wrapping up (although, much like 
 you, we’re always investing in this area) and you can expect new feature 
 work to start ramping up (for example, we’ll have 64 bit JVM support 
 landing soon). The beta launch of Managed VMs will progress towards General 
 Availability and, in parallel, we’re 

Re: [google-appengine] Re: One senses GAE is just not a major priority for Google

2014-11-11 Thread PK
Hi Dan,

thanks for taking the time. We have not heard from anybody from Google in this 
forum for many months so your reassuring communication is very welcome. 

 I list below some of the reasons that might explain why some of us who have 
been following GAE for a long time have been skeptical about Google’s 
commitment and jump to conclusion when articles like this appears in the press.

1. There are still 3,000 issues open in the tracker. Although many of them are 
irrelevant enhancements others are critical. For instance, 
---we never expected that 5 years later would be still unable to send 8-bit 
e-mail through the platform (issue 2383) or 
—in the critical area of security we would have to deal with a Users API stuck 
in the 2009 reality and crashes in certain important use cases (issues 9045 and 
8916)  or
--- that it would still be so difficult to create an SSL app (issue 8528). 
2. Now what makes this more frustrating is that bugs have been aging for way 
too long. For instance, issue 2383 was filed in 2009, it was accepted in 2012 
and at the end of 2014 it is still open.
3. Google used to communicate a roadmap here. This was great for our planning. 
At some point the roadmap disappeared, again without communication. 
Furthermore, until a few months ago new releases (and pre-releases) were 
announced in this forum. Then suddenly the announcements and every Googler 
disappeared without warning. StackOverflow is a great QA forum but is not a 
discussion or announcement forum. 
4. Finally, last but not least the enthusiasm on Google’s part does not come 
across. I have been following GAE and developing since almost day one. The 
early days the developers were out here and in the irc chatrooms all the time. 
Input from customers was actively sought. Now we do not see anybody from your 
engineering/PM team here in the trenches.

Knowing the alternatives, I remain very enthusiastic about PaaS in general and 
GAE in particular. I acknowledge that the GAE stability is very good, Google’s 
innovations in the hybrid IaaS/PaaS cloud is significant and that recently I 
have seen more activity in the issues tracker. For instance, I was impressed 
how proactive you were when I filed 11396 or regression 10503. 

I remain optimistic that the GAE stability will stay where it is but also that 
the Google investment reflected in faster feature velocity will increase, and 
the open communication will return.


On November 10, 2014 at 8:09:09 PM, Daniel Sturman ( wrote:

Hey fellow App Engine users,

There is some great conversation in this thread. I’ll try to
address some of the key points being

Regarding the discussion group; our apologies for the delayed
response. Most of our customer questions now come on   
Stack Overflow,
so we’ve been monitoring it more actively than this forum. We’ll be
watching this forum more closely too from now on.

Regarding the larger topic of Google’s investment in App Engine:
App Engine is a critical part of our cloud story, and will continue
to be. We’re investing heavily in it. In the most recent months
this investment has had two major prongs - stability improvements
and new efforts to create a more flexible model within App

First, stability improvements. App Engine has grown and so has the
size and sophistication of the workloads that relied on it (thanks
to developers like you). We realized it was time to take a step
back and invest in driving down technical debt and improving
overall stability as a foundation for the future. The team has been
heads down improving stability and reliability. Some of the
improvements include more comprehensive monitoring across all
services, better application scheduling and load balancing,
deployment of SSD to reduce latency variability for Datastore
access, and many others large and small.

Second, a more flexible PaaS. App Engine’s prescriptive environment
for building web and mobile applications allows teams to iterate
quickly on new ideas and scale up the ones that stick. The
drawback, though, comes in terms of its constraints (e.g. limited
JRE access, limited C/C++ Python modules, no inbound socket
support). When we were building out our IaaS offering, Compute
Engine, we realized that by unifying the compute stack (layering
App Engine on Compute Engine), we could continue to give our
customers the developer experience and efficiencies that App Engine
brings with the flexibility and power that’s normally only
associated with IaaS. Further, since it is a single stack, users
can drop down into the IaaS layers when needed to make lower-level
customizations (although we hope that most will never have to).
We’ve surfaced all of this work as  
App Engine Managed VMs,
which are now in Beta and open to everyone that wants a test drive.
You’ll see that Managed VMs do not require you to manage the OS or
web server configuration, and frontend serving has all the 

Re: [google-appengine] Re: One senses GAE is just not a major priority for Google

2014-11-11 Thread pdknsk
Completely agree on the issue tracker. There are many relatively low 
hanging fruit bugs which have been neglected for years. I guess partly 
because Google went after the most starred bug: PHP. If that was a worthy 
investment I do not know. I guess it wasn't. I hope the second-most starred 
bug (Perl) isn't next on the TODO list :D

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[google-appengine] Re: I can't install docer images with gcloud preview app setup-managed-vms

2014-11-11 Thread Johan Euphrosine (Google)

There is an ongoing issue w/ the SDK support for boot2docker 1.3.1, as a 
temporary workaround you can downgrade the boot2docker 1.3.0 as advised by 
the documentation.

boot2docker download 

On Thursday, November 6, 2014 7:33:22 AM UTC-8, Илья Дьячков wrote:

 Pulling base images for runtimes [python27] from Google Cloud Storage

 Pulling image: google/appengine-python27

 *Error pulling image google/appengine-python27*

 Pulling image: google/appengine-log-processor

 *Error pulling image google/appengine-log-processor*

 Pulling image: google/appengine-log-server

 *Error pulling image google/appengine-log-server*

 Base images for runtimes [python27] are pulled

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: One senses GAE is just not a major priority for Google

2014-11-11 Thread Doug Anderson
+1 nice to hear from Dan... very encouraging indeed!!!
+1 to PKs comments as well...

Hopefully Dan's improvement list includes better Datastore admin... 
especially the ability to edit repeated fields!  I have to write custom 
admin code for every repeated field I may need to edit.  The strategic use 
of repeated fields is key to success with the GAE datastore so it's not 
like they are some obscure back seat feature.

I really like Dan's comments about SSDs... the write time on the datastore 
is terrible compared to AWS Dynamo (all SSD with single digit ms writes) 
BUT the datastore has better transaction support and is arguably a better 
general purpose datastore (includes zigzag merge-join queries etc).

Managed VMs via Docker containers gets a big thumbs up from me as a GAE gap 
filler!  Looks very promising!

 - Doug

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 12:25:24 PM UTC-5, PK wrote:

 Hi Dan,

 thanks for taking the time. We have not heard from anybody from Google in 
 this forum for many months so your reassuring communication is very 

  I list below some of the reasons that might explain why some of us who 
 have been following GAE for a long time have been skeptical about Google’s 
 commitment and jump to conclusion when articles like this appears in the 

 1. There are still 3,000 issues open in the tracker
 Although many of them are irrelevant enhancements others are critical. For 
 ---we never expected that 5 years later would be still unable to send 
 8-bit e-mail through the platform (issue 2383 or 
 —in the critical area of security we would have to deal with a Users API 
 stuck in the 2009 reality and crashes in certain important use cases 
 (issues 9045 and 8916  or
 --- that it would still be so difficult to create an SSL app (issue 8528 
 2. Now what makes this more frustrating is that bugs have been aging for 
 way too long. For instance, issue 2383 was filed in 2009, it was accepted 
 in 2012 and at the end of 2014 it is still open.
 3. Google used to communicate a roadmap here 
 This was great for our planning. At some point the roadmap disappeared, 
 again without communication. Furthermore, until a few months ago new 
 releases (and pre-releases) were announced in this forum. Then suddenly the 
 announcements and every Googler disappeared without warning. StackOverflow 
 is a great QA forum but is not a discussion or announcement forum. 
 4. Finally, last but not least the enthusiasm on Google’s part does not 
 come across. I have been following GAE and developing since almost day one. 
 The early days the developers were out here and in the irc chatrooms all 
 the time. Input from customers was actively sought. Now we do not see 
 anybody from your engineering/PM team here in the trenches.

 Knowing the alternatives, I remain very enthusiastic about PaaS in general 
 and GAE in particular. I acknowledge that the GAE stability is very good, 
 Google’s innovations in the hybrid IaaS/PaaS cloud is significant and that 
 recently I have seen more activity in the issues tracker. For instance, I 
 was impressed how proactive you were when I filed 11396 or regression 

 I remain optimistic that the GAE stability will stay where it is but also 
 that the Google investment reflected in *faster feature velocity* will 
 increase, and the *open communication* will return.


 On November 10, 2014 at 8:09:09 PM, Daniel Sturman ( 
 javascript:) wrote:

   Hey fellow App Engine users,

  There is some great conversation in this thread. I’ll try to address some 
 of the key points being discussed.

  Regarding the discussion group; our apologies for the delayed response. 
 Most of our customer questions now come on  Stack Overflow, so we’ve 
 been monitoring it more actively than this forum. We’ll be watching this 
 forum more closely too from now on.

  Regarding the larger topic of Google’s investment in App Engine: App 
 Engine is a critical part of our cloud story, and will continue to be. 
 We’re investing heavily in it. In the most recent months this investment 
 has had two major prongs - stability improvements and new efforts to create 
 a more flexible model within App Engine.

  First, stability improvements. App Engine has grown and so has the size 
 and sophistication of the workloads that relied on it (thanks to developers 
 like you). We realized it was 

Re: [google-appengine] Re: One senses GAE is just not a major priority for Google

2014-11-11 Thread Stuart Langley
What have you got against PHP bro? ;)

On Wednesday, 12 November 2014 06:18:06 UTC+11, pdknsk wrote:

 Completely agree on the issue tracker. There are many relatively low 
 hanging fruit bugs which have been neglected for years. I guess partly 
 because Google went after the most starred bug: PHP. If that was a worthy 
 investment I do not know. I guess it wasn't. I hope the second-most starred 
 bug (Perl) isn't next on the TODO list :D

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: One senses GAE is just not a major priority for Google

2014-11-11 Thread Adam Sah
+1 thx for the inspiring post.  I'm excited about Managed VMs, in our case 
for hosting a SOLR/Lucene instance.

(Google TLM, Gadgets 2004-2009)

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