[google-appengine] Duplicate Existing, Deployed GAE Project

2018-10-03 Thread Phil Miller
This backend GAE server is in prod but hasn't been updated in a few years. 
Now I need to make changes and so much has changed including Eclipse, GAE 
and Objectify. After struggling to get even a deployable, updated project 
working I decided to just start with a fresh install of Eclipse, the Google 
Cloud plugin etc and rebuild the server and update Objectify to the latest 
version. What I'd like to do is duplicate the existing project in the 
Google Cloud Console somehow, including the database, get a new version 
working against that server, then do a final database copy from prod to dev 
and then go live. I have no idea whether this is possible. Seems simple in 
theory but I don't see a duplicate feature in the app console and I'm not 
entirely sure I can go from Objectify 3 to the latest version.

Also posted here...


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[google-appengine] uploads to our server failing with Operand stack overflow. Exceeded max stack size.

2018-09-06 Thread Brian Miller

Looking for assistance from Google Cloud infrastructure team for the 
following issue.

We started seeing failures with two of our file upload servlets hosted in a 
Google App Engine project,
at about 5:50 PM Pacific Time Wednesday night, September 5, 2018.

We did NOT do a new deployment recently, so code is the same as what was 
working shortly before that.

This is the server error we are seeing now:

java.lang.VerifyError: Operand stack overflow

Exceeded max stack size.

at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Class.java:2591)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Class.java:2943)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:350)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Holder.newInstance(Holder.java:153)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:487)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(ServletHandler.java:388)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle(SessionHandler.java:182)
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle(ContextHandler.java:765)
at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle(WebAppContext.java:418)
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(HandlerWrapper.java:152)
at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(Server.java:326)
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(HttpConnection.java:542)
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(HttpConnection.java:404)
at com.google.tracing.CurrentContext.runInContext(CurrentContext.java:320)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

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[google-appengine] Re: App Engine Python and Java community support has moved to Stack Overflow

2017-07-17 Thread Brian Miller

Don't users need to achieve a certain level of status before they can post on 
Stack Overflow, though ?

On Friday, March 23, 2012 at 4:19:12 AM UTC-7, Amy Unruh wrote:
> hi all,
> As announced in these threads:
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine/browse_thread/thread/67a5cdffae1c03bc/dfcefead96fc2dbf
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine/browse_thread/thread/b047df982c802b1d/ef03502449c5e859
> we have now placed the Java and Python App Engine groups into read-only mode, 
> and are directing developers to instead ask their questions on Stack Overflow 
> using the google-app-engine tag: 
> .
> See those earlier threads for more context on the rationale for this change, 
> and some tips for using Stack Overflow.
> The google-appengine group 
> () remains open for general 
> discussions and announcements that are better suited for the groups 
> format. 
>  -Amy, on behalf of the App Engine Team

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[google-appengine] Re: Email & Idempotence

2017-07-17 Thread Brian Miller

Any updates on this subject based on updates to GAE or current Recommended 
/ Best Practices
2017 vs. 2010 ?

We have some Java code running in GAE that sends e-mails using javax.mail
but which does not yet use a Task Queue to do this.

We occasionally experience missing e-mails with no server log to explain it.
When debugging and adding try/catch blocks and server logs, I noticed
that we occasionally see the 
The API call mail.Send() took too long to respond and was cancelled."
exception, but this is a red herring because for the specific cases I've 
looked at where
we got that Exception, the e-mail WAS in fact successfully sent/received, 

I'm looking into options for making the e-mail sending more robust, and am 
introducing the Java Task Queue API into this portion of our code, if it 
will help and not cause new problems.

Thanks for any input

Brian Miller

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[google-appengine] Re: GQL queries of Datastore via command-line tool like gcloud, bq, other?

2017-07-05 Thread Brian Miller

Thanks for the reply, Jordan.

I also saw there is a separate group for discussions about Google Cloud 
( https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/gcd-discuss )
I probably should have posted there first / instead of in this group.

We do have existing Java code in our server (deployed to a Google App 
Engine environment)
which accesses our datastores via Java libraries.

We do use the Cloud Console, mostly in a limited and ad hoc manner, as 
for some tasks as part of DevOps, debugging, testing, etc..

I was just curious about a possible existing command-line tool which might
(a) have advantages over the Cloud Console, (b) be used as a sanity 
check for comparison
with the results we are seeing from our Java code. 

Thanks again for your input,


On Monday, July 3, 2017 at 2:13:52 PM UTC-7, Jordan (Cloud Platform 
Support) wrote:

> Since the Google Cloud Datastore  
> is a highly-scalable NoSQL non-relational database, interactions with the 
> Datastore are optimized for direct API calls 
> ,
> and not for SQL-like languages such as GQL. 
> As explained in the documentation 
> , GQL is 
> a limited SQL query language which can be used for SQL-like queries on the 
> Datastore. GQL is not available in all Datastore API languages, but it is 
> available for the Java Client Library 
> .
> The Cloud Console  
> GQL 
> console should only be used for simple/quick and board overview of your 
> data.
> If you are instead looking for SQL support for a highly-scalable database, 
> I would recommend looking into Google Cloud Spanner 
>  instead.  

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[google-appengine] GQL queries of Datastore via command-line tool like gcloud, bq, other?

2017-06-30 Thread Brian Miller


I have been using the "Datastore" feature with Google App Engine,
and querying data via

(1) Java-based application our team wrote, which runs in deployed Google 
App Engine environment
(2) web console of Google Cloud Platform, via 
 (Query by kind) and

(Query by GQL)

I recently started experimenting with the command-line tools provided
with the google-cloud-sdk, such as google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud

I noticed that there are commands:

gcloud datastore create-indexes index.yaml
gcloud datastore cleanup-indexes index.yaml

I was hoping there might be a way to use gcloud (or other command-line tool)
to perform GQL queries like "SELECT * FROM MyDatastoreName"

I also noticed there is another tool called "bq" for BigQuery,
but we do not have datasets in BigQuery.

Is there an existing command-line tool for querying datastores,
or would I need to write my own?


Brian Miller

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[google-appengine] Re: Custom domain redirecting to appspot URL

2017-02-22 Thread David Miller
We appear to be having the same issue - also can't get subdomains to map to 
a service. - Flexible environment with a container.

On Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 10:05:05 AM UTC+11, Mario Gallegos wrote:
> Thanks John, but what i'm trying yo do is to avoid my app to redirect to 
> appspot-preview.com and use my custom domain instead.
> On Friday, February 17, 2017 at 3:21:43 PM UTC-6, John Lowry wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We made a change this morning which causes some App Engine Flexible apps 
>> to redirect to appspot-preview.com. 
>> If this is causing an issue for you, please create a support case and we 
>> will provide help.
>> https://cloud.google.com/support/
>> John Lowry
>> On Friday, February 17, 2017 at 12:45:26 PM UTC-8, Mario Gallegos wrote:
>>> Hello Alex, I just tested it and it is not working for me. 
>>> Is it supposed to be fixed for everyone? or just a few?
>>> On Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 10:15:27 AM UTC-6, Alex (Cloud 
>>> Platform Support) wrote:

 Good news, it seems like this redirection issue has now been resolved. 
 Custom domains listed on Flexible Environment App Engine instances should 
 work as prescribed without redirecting to an appspot.com URL.



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[google-appengine] Re: Application instance is still available after service deleted

2016-06-21 Thread Vlad Miller
Hi Nick,

Thank you, I will post to public issue tracker.

On Tuesday, 21 June 2016 12:46:57 UTC+3, Vlad Miller wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a worker type application which executes some tasks in background. 
> The problem is that after I deleted the service from the console, the 
> service itself is still available via URL. But I can't see any instances or 
> any references to that service anywhere else in console. 
> The problem begins that after I deploy new version of that service I will 
> receive 503 error from the service url.
> What is the problem and how can I fix this issue?

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[google-appengine] Application instance is still available after service deleted

2016-06-21 Thread Vlad Miller

I have a worker type application which executes some tasks in background. 
The problem is that after I deleted the service from the console, the 
service itself is still available via URL. But I can't see any instances or 
any references to that service anywhere else in console. 

The problem begins that after I deploy new version of that service I will 
receive 503 error from the service url.

What is the problem and how can I fix this issue?

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[google-appengine] Re: Datastore updates are not persisting. Help!

2015-07-12 Thread Russell Miller
This was answered on reddit 

On Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 6:54:55 PM UTC-7, Russell Miller wrote:
> I am working on a GAE project in Python using NDB, and noticing that when 
> a datastore update happens it doesn't persist consistently.
> After performing an NDB Model put I am able to query for that record and 
> see the new value. However, on the next request for that resource, the 
> value is reverted to its previous state.
> This has been happening all day when running a dev instance with 
> dev_appserver.py, and I hoped I would see different behavior on my live 
> instance -- but it's the same there.
> I'm wondering if there is something up with Google Cloud Storage. I 
> checked the status page and everything is green there. 
> https://status.cloud.google.com/

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[google-appengine] Datastore updates are not persisting. Help!

2015-07-11 Thread Russell Miller

I am working on a GAE project in Python using NDB, and noticing that when a 
datastore update happens it doesn't persist consistently.

After performing an NDB Model put I am able to query for that record and 
see the new value. However, on the next request for that resource, the 
value is reverted to its previous state.

This has been happening all day when running a dev instance with 
dev_appserver.py, and I hoped I would see different behavior on my live 
instance -- but it's the same there.

I'm wondering if there is something up with Google Cloud Storage. I checked 
the status page and everything is green 
there. https://status.cloud.google.com/

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: New Pricing

2014-04-15 Thread Andrew Miller
I would also love to know this too, I have been holding back on some 
development features because of the channel pricing. But if its only quota 
driven now, than that changes a lot for me.

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 6:07:34 AM UTC-4, Alexis wrote:
> What about Channel API?
> It used to be priced $0.01 / channel opened, but I no longer see it 
> mentioned in the pricing page (neither as bundled or paid service):
> https://cloud.google.com/products/app-engine/

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[google-appengine] Best way to delete data by time (NDB) (Python)

2014-03-18 Thread Andrew Miller
What is the most cost efficient way to delete data from NDB that is x days 

For example, if you only wanted to store chat logs or something for only 30 

Would you run a backend once a day to query for any entity that is less 
than x time?

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[google-appengine] Re: Is GAE memcache API thrad-safe?

2014-03-18 Thread Andrew Miller
You want to look into 

On Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:41:54 PM UTC-4, Chen Ym wrote:
> Shoud I use a lock to protect the memcached object?

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[google-appengine] 上传gae yaml怎么写

2012-07-09 Thread Miller
('^$', 'siteWithResources.default.default'),  
( r'^js/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
{ 'document_root': 
'C:/Python25/Lib/site-packages/django/django-resources/js/' }
   def default( request ):   
return render_to_response( 'django-templates/default.html',

application: mrqunying
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
skip_files: |


- url: /django-templates/default\.html
  script: default.py

- url: /.*
  script: default.py
  secure: optional
请问,app.yaml 的 handlers 如何写才能发布应用程序 ? 
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

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[google-appengine] Re: Deployment Failing with 500 error.

2011-02-25 Thread Paul Miller

On Feb 25, 9:48 am, Tom Wu  wrote:
> python appcfg.py update --no_precompilation  myapp will solve this problem.

It does not solve the problem, it is a work around.  --no_pc is going
to slow things down considerably I would guess; if that's not the
case, why ever bother with precompiling?

The real question is: why doesn't this show up on the status board?


I would think this would qualify as a problem.

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[google-appengine] Re: Why Google AppEngine sucks

2009-09-28 Thread K Miller
Googles 'App-Engine' SUCKS

Because it is Googles feeble attempt
 - of trying to be like Microsoft - here.

Just because you employ the same
'Lame-Brain' (just out of college) MORONs
 - to write the CODE here.

It will not bring the CALIBRE of this site
 - up to Microsoft's standards !!!

Just A Thought - HERE.


To qoute a line (here)
 -  from the Great Prophet "Bob Dylan"

"Where have all the great Coders gone
 - a long time, in passing !!!"

 "Where have all the great Coders gone
 - from the great time - Ah Go."

;- )

On 9/25/09, GregF  wrote:
> On Sep 26, 7:51 am, Rob  wrote:
> > Well,  unless it's a maintenance Tuesday when you appear on Oprah then
> > you'll wish you were on EC2 and could roll out a couple of extra app
> > servers :-)
> Touche! An apt point. The current frequent planned maintenance is a
> nuisance, but we warn customers ahead of time and present a nice
> message to users explaining what is going on. One odd effect is that
> we've had great feedback from our warning messages - customers
> perceive it as proving how hands-on and organised we are.
> However, the reasons for the maintenance (see
> http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/09/migration-to-better-datastore.html
> )
> are good - I'd rather they happened than Appengine become staler and
> staler. And they've still got the pre-release tag to wave at us. :
> (  But I'm expecting maintenance to get more and more infrequent.
> My only other issue with Appengine is support - a user group really
> doesn't cut it. So far I haven't had a critical issue to resolve, but
> if I did, waiting for a Googler to notice my message on the group
> would be extremely frustrating. An email address or a form to submit
> issues, or an IRC channel would give more confidence - it's the
> difference between polling and interrupt-based comms. To give credit
> where it's due, Google have got much better at explaining what is
> going on both with planned and unplanned outages.
> >

Milka 1010 As 'spoken' - by me !!!

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[google-appengine] Re: Upgrade from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5 fails on windows XP

2009-09-07 Thread K Miller
Go To The 'Start Menu', 'Settings' - 'Control Panel'

Click on 'Add/Remove Programs'

Find anything that says "Chrome'
 or even "Googles" - and Delete it !!!
[you can always re-install it - later.]

This is the only TRUE method of 'exorcising'
your computer of Chrome / Googles 'CRAP' ware
 - for ever.

Hope that Helps (works).

On 9/5/09, Perica Zivkovic  wrote:
> Hi there,
> I tried to upgrade from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5 on windows XP (32bit). Did not
> removed prev version just started 1.2.5 installer and it was busy
> removing packages (that went ok) after that it popped error dialog:
> "The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this
> package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code
> is 2908"
> during "Updating component registration" step. There is only one
> button on error dialog :) and that is OK. When you click ok it pops
> again so only way to get out is to kill MSIEEXEC.exe from task
> manager. Running it again produces the same error.
> So now I'm stuck without GAE SDK (old one was removed by this
> installer) and new one gives this error
> u... H E L P ??
> >

Milka 1010 As 'spoken' - by me !!!

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[google-appengine] UserProperty and bulk uploader

2009-07-28 Thread Tom Miller


Is there a way to use the bulkloader module to load and export a


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[google-appengine] Re: remote_api limitations

2009-02-23 Thread Jackson Miller

Nevermind. They are getting created, but the timestamp is based on my
local machine (and thus 5 hours old).  Is that they intentioned
behavior of timestamps or a bug?


On Feb 23, 10:39 pm, "jackson.h.mil...@gmail.com"
> I am using the remote_api to run some jobs. However, I am running into
> an issue when I try to create objects using the remote_api.  Is it not
> possible to create objects from a script using remote_api?
> Specifically I am trying to call a method that creates a new record in
> a different model as part of it's job.  The job runs fine except that
> no objects get created.  I have checked to see if it is creating them
> in the local data store, but it does not appear to be.
> Is the intention that all objects that get created should be handled
> via an HTTP call?
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