Re: [google-appengine] Anyone happy with the new pricing?

2011-05-11 Thread Sameer Lodha
Extremely concerned about the pricing changes that are coming to App
Engine. As mentioned by others, a (nominal) increase is not such a big
concerns as compared to changes in the way the billing is done.

Hard to believe that they (Google) had many people (paying customers)
clamoring for changes to the existing billing model (as they seem to
suggest in the blog post) !!

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Martin Webb  wrote:
> I like so many of us have spent a lot of time learning app engine - i have
> been worried like so many that using app engine is a mistake because any app
> you invest/build can only be run on... app engine. Recently i read a post
> about vc's not willing to invest in app engine products as the risk is too
> hign; ie. anyone investing in a company who's software/app is app engine
> based is investing in a; the company b; app engine. Not that i need a vc, or
> investment, it made me re-think the issue that if google change the service,
> close the service, re price the service i have no where else to run my app.
> I think this (new monetizing schema) its not a price change, demonstrates
> that all of us supporting this product are a little foolish, this was voice
> back in 2009 in a number of blogs that slated app engine, one of the 10
> reasons not to use app engine was the fact that unlike amazon/ other cloud
> offerings you cant take your business anywhere else.
> I now like a lot of us fill a little foolish in spending so much time on
> this project, now having what is first hand experience that "google" can and
> will just change the goal posts in a manner that could close/kill my app.
> What i would like to make clear is that the issue is not price it's that
> what google has done here is change the way they charge for the product, and
> since their is no other competitor their is no where else to go.
> Which when said like that does make us all look rather foolish as the whole
> point of web apps is portability and ease of access.
> That said i love python, love app engine and strangely love the simplicity
> of big table.
> Im just not sure if that love is a more a hobby one or a business one.
> Regards
> Martin Webb
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> From: Jeff Schnitzer 
> To:
> Sent: Wed, 11 May, 2011 5:04:16
> Subject: Re: [google-appengine] Anyone happy with the new pricing?
> The worst part is the present uncertainty.
> * How many instances will I need to service N requests per second?
> * Will that number change significantly because of things out of my
> control like running on a hot server?
> * What datastore operations will cost how much?
> I'm not surprised by a price increase - hell, I'm surprised it took
> this long to materialize.  I don't love the new structure though, it
> seems harder than ever to figure out what my application is going to
> cost.  I would personally rather that Google kept the pay-for-cpu-ms
> approach (even if it's largely a bunch of magic numbers) and just
> increase the price to whatever is "sustainable".
> I *am* a little worried about Google pricing themselves out of the
> (read: my) market.  Presumably they want to capture as much revenue as
> possible from the folks with high monetization-per-request traffic
> like Best Buy and WebFiling, but there is no longer a separate "App
> Engine for Business" offering to segment the market.  If GAE is priced
> efficiently (in a purely economic sense), it could very well be too
> high to accomodate those of us squeaking by with freemium or
> advertising-based businesses.  This is somewhat ironic since one of
> the things that makes GAE great is that it scales out to "fad facebook
> app of the week" traffic so easily.
> I fear that there isn't enough competitive pressure on the price -
> Google really could charge whatever the market will bear, and some
> parts of the market will probably be willing to bear quite a lot.
> Unfortunately nobody else has a PaaS product that comes even close to
> measuring up.  My sincere hope is that Amazon makes Elastic Beanstalk
> a much better product than it currently is, not because I want to use
> it, but because I want Google to feel less certain that they can
> charge a premium rate.  (Sorry Google, I hope we can still be 

Re: [google-appengine] Where I pulled the 70X from AND How the new pricing could be cheaper for you!

2011-05-13 Thread Sameer Lodha
Brandon, thanks for the detailed analysis.

I too had almost exactly the same thoughts regarding CPU vs Instance
billing. Lets wait for the new scheduler to go live before finally deciding
on the path ahead.
Only hope that once it (the scheduler) stabilizes, we don't go through the
entire cycle again if & when Google decided to change things again in the
future or at-least the transition wouldn't be as drastic!!


On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Brandon Wirtz  wrote:

> I know that my use case for GAE is non-typical.  And as I mentioned before
> I’ll likely have to port my code to a different language under the new
> pricing, but I wanted to share how my use case works, and how yours may
> differ.
> When I moved to 1.5 it seems in my app that the sites getting the
> improvement have the highest MemCache hit ratio.  Likely the improvement is
> a function of something related to that.  I also noticed the request time
> went down the most on those, so probably I'm just seeing the effect of
> requests on those sites taking 30% less time so each instance serves 30%
> more people.
> On one of my apps I saw nearly zero improvements. And it is the one that
> worries me the most pricing wise.
> It cruises along at 60-75 instances 24/7 but only use 10 CPU hours a day
> CPU Time
> $0.10/ CPU hour
> [image: Description: 8%]
> 8%
> 9.95 of 127.50 CPU hours
> $0.35 / $12.10
> Because of the free quota that is 35 cents a day for the CPU  But if there
> was no free quota, or we were really big so the free quota was not
> factored.  That would be 10x $0.10 or a $1 a day
> But 60 instances 24 hours at 5 cents per is $72 so 72X the price  (before
> any scheduler efficiencies)  This is where I got the 70X I quoted before.
> I have another app that runs at 9 instances (after moving to 1.5) that uses
> 5 CPU Hours a day
> CPU Time
> $0.10/ CPU hour
> [image: Description: 1%]
> 1%
> 5.00 of 406.50 CPU hours
> $0.00 / $40.00
> 9x 24x.05  = $10 (and some pennies) vs 50 cents on the old model.  20x
> before any scheduler efficiencies
> I believe my use is the way it is because the really short logic of my code
> goes like this.
> User: I need a file
> App: I have that in memcache it’s popular right now. Sending
> ….
> ….
> 50ms later…
> User:Thanks!
> (Instance time 75ms CPU time 25ms)
> OR….
> User:I need a file
> APP: I don’t have that in memcache let me go get that for you
> …
> 110ms later…
> DataStore: Here is that file you asked for.
> App: Great I’ll pass it to the user
> …
> …
> 50ms later
> User Thanks.
> (Instance time 200ms CPU time 40ms)
> OR… (and this one kills me)
> User:I need a  big file
> APP: I don’t have that in memcache let me go get that for you
> …
> 110ms later…
> DataStore: Here is that file you asked for its big.
> App: Yeah I know and this user is on dial up. They Suck
> …
> …
> …
> …
> …
> 1500ms later
> User Thanks. What took so long.
> (Instance time 2000ms CPU time 40ms)
> And In all three of these scenarios what I’m really paying for if I get
> billed by instances is the waiting to send stuff to the user, and possibly
> read it out of GQL.  None of this uses the “Python” bits for anything
> useful.
> If on the other hand I was folding proteins or searching for
> extraterrestrials my Instance hours and my CPU hours would be far less
> disparate. In fact because instance hours are cheaper than CPU Hours if you
> can keep your instance at better than 50% load at all times you will in fact
> save money.
> *SO….*Check this out, the old price per CPU hour was 10 cents, but a
> Reserved Instance is 5 cents.  So if you can figure out how to not wait on
> the dumb user and his 56k connection, and not sit idle while waiting on some
> value to be returned from the depths of where ever Google stores your data
> and all the lost socks from my laundry, then you can actually save money on
> the new pricing.   It’s my horribly inefficient use of the time that I’m
> waiting on the user that gets me to 70x.  If this were PHP I’d have a do
> while that folded proteins while I waited for my user to receive their bits,
> but I can’t do that.
> Google on the other hand could likely make my apps much more efficient if
> there were a request handler that said “This dude is asking for a thing” and
> I’d say “put them on hold I’ll get you the file, Got it, here it is” and it
> would then say “what do you want me to do with this? Read it to them?” and
> I’d say “Yep”, “you suck why do I have to do that” , “Because you are the
> edge cache and that is your job”.
> And I think some days this works, (so do cache control headers and the
>  edge caching such that when two people ask for the same exact thing only 1
> hits my APP) and other days it doesn’t work so much. And I don’t really know
> why cause I can’t see the movi

Re: [google-appengine] Re: FAQ for out of preview pricing changes

2011-06-30 Thread Sameer Lodha
@Nickolas Daskalou +1

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Nickolas Daskalou  wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Yet another "2nd 'next week' ending" has come and gone (for those playing at
> home, that makes 4 weeks).
> The application we had been working on has been halted in light of the new
> pricing announcement, and we have been waiting for some good news for a
> while now. Is there any update you can give us?
> I feel your initial announcement was made a little prematurely, and by
> greedy corporates with dollar signs in their eyes, who are not at all in
> touch with the App Engine community. If they had been, they would have known
> that a major selling point of App Engine was its "pay for what you use"
> pricing model.
> As has been mentioned earlier, the new proposed prices are almost absurd
> when compared with other cloud computing providers. Even if App Engine
> finally gets full multithreading support, an App Engine instance will still
> cost over 10x that of an equivalent, less handicapped instance on Amazon
> EC2.
> Given the old (current?) pricing scheme, I think the logical thing would
> have been to start charging users for RAM consumption (which has already
> been mentioned in other threads). A "pay for what you use" hosting service
> can indeed work, just take a look at
> Due to the overhead of running a PaaS as opposed to an IaaS, App Engine
> obviously cannot be as cheap as EC2, but a >10x price difference is
> definitely not a true reflection of this overhead. In my opinion, doubling
> the EC2 price to remove server administration headaches from developers
> would be reasonable, but beyond that it may not make sense for a developer
> to pay such a high premium when they can administer an EC2 stack themselves
> with less restrictions than App Engine, and save a considerable amount of
> money in the process.
> Sticking to your guns with this new pricing scheme could be the beginning of
> the end for App Engine. A company wishing to build the next big app can
> easily play with the numbers and realise that if they get decent user
> numbers in the future, the costs of App Engine would be astronomical
> compared with other cloud computing providers. With more PaaS providers
> coming into the market, and Google's reputation of being extremely price
> competitive, the new pricing has definitely been a big shock for most of us.
> On the other end of the scale, developers looking for a free ride to try out
> their hobby app are given extremely generous quotas, both with the old and
> new pricing models. If the need to support these developers has caused the
> rest of App Engine to become expensive, then I recommend substantially
> reducing the free quotas down to almost nothing (as a gesture of goodwill,
> old apps should probably keep their old free quotas). App Engine has been
> around long enough to have gained good exposure, and the free quotas have
> played a part in that, but now that the word is out it may be time to become
> more realistic with the amount of money lost to free riding apps.
> On a personal note (and as someone else mentioned in this group), I am both
> disappointed and embarrassed that I not only praised App Engine to other
> developers, managers and stakeholders when it was an unproven technology,
> but also that I have spent a considerable amount of time learning the system
> and new design patterns, along with a substantial amount of time developing
> on it.
> If a large change is not made to the new proposed pricing, I daresay the
> only developers and companies you will see using App Engine will be those
> that have already committed a large amount of resources on their project,
> and are too far in to be able to port across to a new system. All it then
> takes to pull the rug out from under App Engine's feet is someone building a
> commercial-grade, drop-in replacement for the App Engine stack, and charging
> a lot less for it.
> Nick
> On 6 June 2011 10:58, Gregory D'alesandre  wrote:
>> Sorry it has taken so long, but we are still working on clarifying some of
>> these areas internally, I will send an update soon, thanks for your
>> patience...
>> Greg
>> On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Vanni Totaro 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Greg,
>>> 2nd "next week" ending :)
>>> Any update for us?
>>> Regards,
>>> Vanni
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Re: [google-appengine] Created new app but application does not exist

2011-07-27 Thread Sameer Lodha
Most probably, the user id you are using for the app upload does not
have the "rights" to the application.

In the App Engine Console, go to "Administration" - "Permissions".

Here you can setup the permissions.

Hope this helps.


On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Peter Liu  wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to create a new app called "androidquery", and the web UI
> shows some error (forgot exact wording).
> Despite the message, I can access the admin panel for this app, so
> it's created (at least half way) and the appid is reserved.
> But when I deploy, it shows this error:
> Error posting to URL:
> 404 Not Found
> This application does not exist (app_id=u'androidquery').
> I suppose some error happened in the middle of the app creation
> process and the app is stuck?
> Anyway to rescue the app or the app id? I really want to keep the app
> id because it matches my .com domain.
> Many thanks.
> --
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Re: [google-appengine] Created new app but application does not exist

2011-07-27 Thread Sameer Lodha
By user id I meant - Your Google ID.

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Sameer Lodha  wrote:
> Most probably, the user id you are using for the app upload does not
> have the "rights" to the application.
> In the App Engine Console, go to "Administration" - "Permissions".
> Here you can setup the permissions.
> Hope this helps.
> Sam
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Peter Liu  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried to create a new app called "androidquery", and the web UI
>> shows some error (forgot exact wording).
>> Despite the message, I can access the admin panel for this app, so
>> it's created (at least half way) and the appid is reserved.
>> But when I deploy, it shows this error:
>> Error posting to URL:
>> 404 Not Found
>> This application does not exist (app_id=u'androidquery').
>> I suppose some error happened in the middle of the app creation
>> process and the app is stuck?
>> Anyway to rescue the app or the app id? I really want to keep the app
>> id because it matches my .com domain.
>> Many thanks.
>> --
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Created new app but application does not exist

2011-07-28 Thread Sameer Lodha

Thanks for the clarification.

But to be very clear, the message should ideally be something like

"You do not have rights to this application (app_id=u'androidquery')."
instead of...
"This application does not exist (app_id=u'androidquery')."

The second message only makes sense when there is no such app in App Engine!!

Hope you agree.

Thanks again.

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:18 PM, Jose Montes de Oca
> Hi Peter,
> It would be good to see what was the first error you were receiving. But on
> regards the second one, the error is not confusing it just means you were
> trying to deploy an app from a google account that did not was an
> owner/developer of the app ID, therefore that application did not existed in
> the scope of the user you were using to deploy with.
> Hope this clarifies the error.
> Best,
> Jose
> On Wednesday, July 27, 2011 6:31:15 AM UTC-7, Peter Liu wrote:
>> That does it! I forgot I logged into another account.
>> The error from the creation process and the error message from the
>> deployment is confusing.
>> On Jul 27, 5:14 pm, Sameer Lodha  wrote:
>> > By user id I meant - Your Google ID.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Sameer Lodha  wrote:
>> > > Most probably, the user id you are using for the app upload does not
>> > > have the "rights" to the application.
>> >
>> > > In the App Engine Console, go to "Administration" - "Permissions".
>> >
>> > > Here you can setup the permissions.
>> >
>> > > Hope this helps.
>> >
>> > > Sam
>> >
>> > > On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Peter Liu  wrote:
>> > >> Hi,
>> >
>> > >> I tried to create a new app called "androidquery", and the web UI
>> > >> shows some error (forgot exact wording).
>> > >> Despite the message, I can access the admin panel for this app, so
>> > >> it's created (at least half way) and the appid is reserved.
>> >
>> > >> But when I deploy, it shows this error:
>> >
>> > >> Error posting to URL:
>> >
>> > >> >>
>> > >> 404 Not Found
>> > >> This application does not exist (app_id=u'androidquery').
>> >
>> > >> I suppose some error happened in the middle of the app creation
>> > >> process and the app is stuck?
>> >
>> > >> Anyway to rescue the app or the app id? I really want to keep the app
>> > >> id because it matches my .com domain.
>> >
>> > >> Many thanks.
>> >
>> > >> --
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>> > >> For more options, visit this group
>> > >> at
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Re: [google-appengine] i could not update new version to GAE

2011-08-04 Thread Sameer Lodha
Same issue here. Not able to update app!!

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 6:19 PM, hoamon  wrote:
> this problem persists about one hour, below is my error log, thanks for your
> help:
> Application: bio-enzyme-v2; version: 1362-65dfd0f2ce44-1 (was:
> 736-207d478f1490-1)
> Host:
> Starting update of app: bio-enzyme-v2, version: 1362-65dfd0f2ce44-1
> Scanning files on local disk.
> Scanned 500 files.
> Scanned 1000 files.
> Scanned 1500 files.
> Scanned 2000 files.
> Scanned 2500 files.
> Cloning 795 static files.
> Cloned 100 files.
> Cloned 200 files.
> Cloned 300 files.
> Cloned 400 files.
> Cloned 500 files.
> Cloned 600 files.
> Cloned 700 files.
> Cloning 1739 application files.
> Cloned 100 files.
> Cloned 200 files.
> Rolling back the update.
> Error 500: --- begin server output ---
> 500 Server Error
> Error: Server Error
> The server encountered an error and could not complete your
> request.If the problem persists, please  HREF="";>report your
> problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it.
> --- end server output ---
> --
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Re: [google-appengine] App Engine Update Downtime

2011-08-04 Thread Sameer Lodha
This issue is still persisting. Not able to update/deploy our app!!

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 8:47 PM, Johan Euphrosine  wrote:
> This issue is tracked there:
> If you still have this issue, please comment with your application id.
> Thanks in advance.
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:00 PM, LSH  wrote:
>> Starting update of app: *, version: no-underscore
>> Scanning files on local disk.
>> Scanned 500 files.
>> Could not guess mimetype for static/favicon.ico.  Using application/
>> octet-stream.
>> Cloning 207 static files.
>> Cloned 100 files.
>> Cloned 200 files.
>> Cloning 377 application files.
>> Cloned 100 files.
>> Cloned 200 files.
>> Rolling back the update.
>> Error 500: --- begin server output ---
>> 500 Server Error
>> Error: Server Error
>> The server encountered an error and could not complete your
>> request.If the problem persists, please report your problem and
>> mention this error message and the query that caused it.
>> --- end server output ---
>> --
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> --
> Johan Euphrosine (proppy)
> Developer Programs Engineer
> Google Developer Relations
> --
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Re: [google-appengine] down

2011-09-08 Thread Sameer Lodha
You intermittently get those. Retry after a few mins, all should be fine.

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 4:57 AM, reco  wrote:
> hi guys,
> i am getting 500 errors again
> --
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Re: [google-appengine] Some Best Practices for Apps For Domains with GAE [Was Apps For Domains is a MAJOR failing of AppEngine]

2011-09-20 Thread Sameer Lodha

Thanks for taking out time to share your experience & knowledge. This would
save us quite a lot of time & effort.


On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 4:55 AM, Brandon Wirtz  wrote:

> This started as a Response to Vlad, and then I decided to make it more of a
> 10 things to know about Apps For Domains, and I ended up with 11.
> ** **
> I’m not a Googler, but I can guess, that on average Apps For Domains makes
> more money for Goog, than GAE does.  If Google can get you to sign up for
> email on 20 users, that adds up to a lot of money, and the tracking cookies
> on those users on adsense pages adds up to even more.  More data is more
> money. 
> ** **
> Apps For Domains wasn’t horrible until recently, the interface keeps
> getting more GoDaddy like. Which may be Familiar to those of use with lots
> of domains, but is a very bad thing.  I also don’t think Apps For Domains
> likes GAE users.  You can almost hear the Tech support people in that group
> moan when they hear you have an issue with GAE. (at one point my subdomains
> all disappeared and wouldn’t let me redeploy them because they were in use
> and Apps for Domains told me it was a Code Problem)
> ** **
> If you are setting up Apps for domain, I have over the last month or so
> decided that you should follow some simple rules…
> ** **
> **1.   **Don’t set the admin account to a user account you use for
> anything else.  This makes the email notifications harder to see, but will
> save you unified login headaches over, and over.  
> **2.   **Pony up the $10 for a paid account. This sucks, especially
> for test domains, but you don’t get support otherwise. Sometimes you don’t
> get support even if you paid, but being able to at least call someone will
> make your life less of a Pain when something goes wrong.
> **3.   **Validate your domain using the DNS TXT entry not the HTML
> upload. If your HTML file becomes unreachable you may suddenly be unable to
> connect.
> **4.   **While you can have multiple domains with one account, as the
> primary if you ever sell that domain you can’t un-associate it, which is a
> PITA (More for the buyer than the seller) so don’t do this.
> **5.   **Don’t enable “Multiple Logins” on your Google Logins for any
> of your Apps For Domains admin accounts.  While this seems to be well tested
> for GMAIL and Adsense, sometimes sessions get messed up and you will find
> that you are making changes to the wrong account.
> **6.   **Use Incognito Windows when administrating your Apps For
> Domains Accounts. Similar to above sessions don’t seem to work write in Apps
> For domain.
> **7.   **Don’t Administer accounts in IE9 or FireFox. Google seems to
> test only against Chrome, and some of the Dynamic elements on the page don’t
> always line up in IE9 and FireFox.
> **8.   **Don’t even login to Apps For Domains via a Mobile Device or
> Android Tablet.  It seems the Pre-Caching on these is a little over-zealous
> and will often select all the options on some pages. (Awesome Sauce let me
> tell you)
> **9.   **Don’t use Root, Or Admin for the administrative Email User
> Name
> **10.   **Don’t Use the same Password across all your Apps For domains
> accounts.
> **11.   **Login to your account altleast once a month, the TOS and
> deployed apps change and sometimes if you miss a change things will just
> happen without your knowledge.
> ** **
> ** **
> *Brandon Wirtz
> *BlackWaterOps: President / Lead Mercenary 
> [image: Description:
> *Work:* 510-992-6548
> *Toll Free:* 866-400-4536 
> *IM:* (Google Talk)
> *Skype:* drakegreene 
> BlackWater Ops
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
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Re: [google-appengine] Data Loader/unloader

2012-01-11 Thread Sameer Lodha

Exporter - Reliable - Cheap - Fast (In that order)
Importer - Reliable - Fast - Cheap (In that order)
A standardized logic for Incremental export would be great
Ideally would like to run it in batches - Security would not be a huge concern.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Brandon Wirtz  wrote:
> I have been thinking about releasing my import and export tools for GAE.
> Which do you have the most interest in?
> Tab Delimited
> Serialized
> Would you rather have an export that was fast? Cheap? Or 100% reliable?
> Would you rather have an importer that was Fast? Cheap or 100% reliable?
> If I build it with just a password for security is that enough? Or is this a
> tool you would leave running 100% of the time and need to have do “real
> security”?
> Anyone know of something out there for doing this?
> --
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Re: [google-appengine] What is a good pattern to display and sort long lists? Work around the 1MB memcache limit? Or something else?

2012-02-07 Thread Sameer Lodha
One tip is to "Zip" data before you put it into memcache. That way you
can easily store 4x to 10x more information. But again there would be
limit to how much you can save.

Beyond that, I think the better approach would be to use Query Cursor
to get just the required data (to be displayed) at runtime.


On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Per  wrote:
> Hi all,
> say I have a few hundred users in one organisation, and I want to
> display them in a list. I want to be able to sort them by user name,
> or manager, or some other criteria. Right now I load them from the
> database all in one go, sort them, store them in memcache, and then
> during pagination, I load them from that memcache each time the user
> clicks forth or back. When the user changes the ordering, I load the
> list from memcache, re-order, and store it back.
> This works fine for 1000 users (each of them has some 15 fields).  Now
> if I had a few thousand users, I'd have to make sure the user objects
> are not  too big, or the list will be more than 1 megabyte. I can
> denormalise into a slimmer user object, which makes database access
> faster too. But what if I want to display 10.000 or more users -- Each
> user object can't have more than 100 bytes then, because of the
> memcache limit of 1MB. But that's not even enough for even the most
> basic fields.
> Is the solution to split the list into several memcache blocks? If so,
> are there any libraries or tools that support this? Or am I barking up
> the wrong tree, should I deal with this in an entirely different way?
> I did some googling, but the main questions (and answer) was always
> around speeding up the initial database call. This is working fine for
> us, and it doesn't matter if it takes a few seconds either.
> Feedback from people who have dealt with similar issues would be
> greatly appreciated! :)
> Cheers,
> Per
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Unable to deploy app anymore (500)

2012-04-03 Thread Sameer Lodha

Python 2.5 / HRD

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:26 AM, aw  wrote:

> +1 Python27
> --
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Re: [google-appengine] My Datastore is lost when I re-start the development server

2012-04-20 Thread Sameer Lodha
Another possible issue is that you might have changed the App ID in the
app.yaml file.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Robert Schuppenies wrote:

> It's probably
> which is a
> bug. Can you try the new SDK once we release 1.6.5 and see if that fixed
> the issue? FWIW, it's probably best to add your feedback to the bug then to
> consolidate..
> thanks,
> robert
> On Fri Apr 20 04:33:01 GMT-700 2012, Jeff Gager 
> wrote:
>> I have just started using GAE (Python 2.7 SDK 1.6.4) , I have set up a
>> simple test project using Pydev (latest version) in eclipse (indigo)
>> on Windows XP (SP3).
>> It all works fine, I can persist data in the datastore and blobstore
>> and then retrieve it, but when I stop the development server and start
>> it again the data in the datastore is lost. This is not the case for
>> the blobstore which is retaining blobs fine and I can see the
>> blobstore folder that gets created in C:\Temp
>> I did the sensible thing and look back through old posts and found
>> that most people who have this problem solve it by changing the
>> location of the datastore file, so I used the following parameters;
>> --datastore_path="${workspace_loc}/myproject/datastore" --
>> blobstore_path="${workspace_loc}/myproject/blobstore" "$
>> {workspace_loc}/myproject/src"
>> I moved the blobstore at the same time as you can see.
>> The blobstore still works, and now the blobstore folder is created in
>> myproject folder as expected. The datastore file is still not created
>> however, and when I stop and restart the development server the data
>> is still lost.
>> The dev server startup logs include the following entry
>> WARNING 2012-04-20 10:49:04,513] Could not
>> read datastore data from C:\myworkspace\myproject\datastore
>> So I know it is trying to create the datastore in the correct place.
>> Finally I lifted the whole eclipse workspace folder and copied it to
>> another computer with exactly the same setup except it is running
>> Windows 7 instead of Windows XP.
>> Everything works fine there - both the datastore file and blobstore
>> folder are now created where I expect them to be.
>> I have set up eclipse, python, gae, my project and my eclipse launch
>> file in exactly the same way on two computers, it works on one and
>> not the other. Maybe XP is something to do with it but to be honest I
>> think that's unlikely.
>> The only other clue I have come up with is that a recent change to the
>> GAE development server stopped writing to the datastore file after
>> every change and only flushes on exit, see this
>> adding the following to my code did not help at all however
>> from import dev_appserver
>> import atexit
>> atexit.register(dev_appserver.TearDownStubs)
>> So it's not down to incorrect termination sequence either as far as I
>> can tell.
>> Anyway I am stumped and I would be really grateful for suggestions you
>> guys can come up with.
>> --
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Large text files from blobstore are not being gzipped (AppEngine Java)

2012-06-22 Thread Sameer Lodha

The issue "2820" has been hanging fire for quite some time now (30 months).
It would be a huge help if we could get visibility into whether it would
ever be addressed.


On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Stuart Langley  wrote:

> Probably
> On Thursday, 21 June 2012 19:56:20 UTC+10, Emanuele Ziglioli wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm serving a number of text files from the blobstore and while smaller
>> ones are being gzipped by the frontend servers, larger ones are not.
>> Not sure what the threshold is, it could be as low as 4MB.
>> Couldn't find any mention of it anywhere.
>> Our files are "text/csv" and "application/json"`.
>> We serve them with a servlet, just like in the documentation:
>> blobstoreService.serve( blobKey, res);
>> That's a major problem for us in terms of customer experience. Has anyone
>> seen that?
>> Thank you
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Project too successful - due to Arctic Sea Ice Drama.

2012-08-22 Thread Sameer Lodha
I would suggest Cloudflare as they have no limits on bandwidth utilization
& the bandwidth is completely free. You can make do with there free plan.
Setup is trivial as well.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 6:50 PM, Richard Watson wrote:

> Some options:
> 1) At the very least, ensure Google's Edge Cache is able to cache your
> images by adjusting cache control.  Search this forum for some thoughts on
> how.
> 2) You could try Google's PageSpeed service, although it could take time
> to set up (if they accept you):
> 3), which should reduce the load significantly, and is
> fairly quick to set up.  No changes to your code.
> 4) Put the images on Amazon's S3 and CloudFront, but that'll mean some
> changes to publish images to it.
> 5) Use another CDN, as already mentioned.
> On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1:09:34 PM UTC+2, noiv wrote:
>> Thanks Rob, Richard,
>> the image tiles are directly served from GAE and only outgoing bandwidth
>> limits capacity. I'm going to reach out in Winter for sponsoring, but the
>> question is how to survive next 8 weeks?
>> If I understand you correctly there might be an option to put a provider
>> with unlimited bandwidth in front, so GAE serves each image only once. How
>> could I start that?
>> -- Torsten
>> On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:55:13 AM UTC+2, Rob Coops wrote:
>>> The big question for me is where are you serving these images from?
>>> If you are serving them directly from NASA servers or from an
>>> alternative source then you would most likely see very little traffic as
>>> most of it will be just URI's pointing to the images. There are a lot of
>>> hosting companies out there that claim to deliver unlimited bandwidth (not
>>> true I am sure, but worth giving it a shot). GAE seems to have been purely
>>> at delivering functionality actual content should be served from other
>>> locations if you want to keep bill within reason.
>>> If you are already showing people the images from an location other then
>>> GAE you will have to choose to limit the amount of data people can consume
>>> (only a static image no zooming, panning or any other fancy stuff)
>>> informing visitors that you are unable to afford this functionality due to
>>> the high bandwidth demands. If that still won't do it you could attempt to
>>> find some company willing to sponsor your efforts, unfortunately the nature
>>> of GAE means that portability is not to great so moving to an alternative
>>> host will be difficult at best.
>>> I have seen many projects that got sponsorship from companies
>>> or government organisations to allow them to continue to provide the unique
>>> information to viewers.
>>> On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Richard Watson 
>>> wrote:
 Which resources are being hit the hardest? Outgoing bandwidth?

 On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:51:45 AM UTC+2, Torsten Becker wrote:
> Hi,
> since two years I’m running a blog at GAE focusing the Arctic and as
> an unique feature a Google Map with daily high resolution Arctic satellite
> images from NASA was included. The NASA images need to be tiled, cached 
> and
> served and this process runs on GAE, too.
> Usually interest is low during dark Arctic Winter and rises in
> September the time sea ice reaches its minimum extent. No problem so far
> with the free quota on outgoing bandwidth.
> This year is different: Latest Arctic storm reduced sea ice extent by
> a million square kilometers in a week and public interest was so high free
> quota was exhausted 5 hours after reset.
> Now - end of August - it is absolutely clear that this year will or
> has already broke all records in terms of sea ice minimum and makes a 
> major
> step direction ice free-ness. When in a few years the Arctic lacks sea ice
> completely in September, it will change weather pattern all over the
> northern hemisphere - one explanation of accelerating public interests.
> I’d like to mention the project is ad free and totally beyond any
> economic interests. All I want is to keep it running and give everybody on
> the planet the chance to see with his own eyes how dramatic the situation
> in the Arctic is. True color satellite images are free of interpretation
> and do not lead to discussions whether there is sea ice or not.
> Here is the thing: If I enable billing to satisfy the need for pure
> information I’m bankrupt next month. If not 99% of the users are going to
> see nothing, get frustrated and possibly never come back.
> So my best option is to close the site now.
> What do you think?
> -- Torsten
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Re: [google-appengine] Downloading only recent data from Datastore

2012-10-16 Thread Sameer Lodha
This would require Custom Logic to be implemented by you.

My suggestion...
1. Define an auto-update time-stamp property for each Entity Group
2. Write Logic to Download Data based on the time-stamp
3. If required, store the Last downloaded time-stamp value for each Entity
Group, so that you may proceed from there in the next iteration.

The above is what we have implemented for incremental offline backups.

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 12:15 AM, Mikhail Dubov  wrote:

> Just read an article on how to download data from AppEngine Datastore:
> It's a great tutorial, but, as far as I can see, it says nothing on
> whether it is possible to download entities from Datastore that were
> created after a *specific date*, which is actually my current need - I
> want to download my data periodically and each time I do this it would be
> preferrable to get the *new/updated entities only*. So, is that possible?
> Thanks,
> Mikhail
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Billing - credit, prepay, minimum ammonits and VAT Invoices

2013-01-12 Thread Sameer Lodha
+1 for Monthly Billing and / or prepaid Credit

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 2:47 AM, Sorin Zsejki  wrote:

> I also need a VAT Invoice. I hope Google is reading this.
>  --
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Re: [google-appengine] App's admin console broken since last night's maintenance

2013-02-07 Thread Sameer Lodha
Same issue with our HR Python25 Apps. Not able to View the "Task Queue"
screen for any of our Apps. And the Dashboard is intermittently unavailable.

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Akitoshi Abe  wrote:

> Hello,
> Same issue occurring in some of my apps. I checked more than 20 High
> Replication Python27 apps and about half of them have problem on Dashboard
> page "Application statistics are currently unavailable"...
> Akitoshi Abe
> 2013/2/7 Dave Loomer 
>> Issues occurring over the past several hours:
>>- Non-console-related: one of my backends wouldn't start. Tasks would
>>just error out in the queue, and nothing (error or otherwise) showed in 
>> the
>>logs for that backend. Instances page would show no instance running. This
>>started last night but has since resolved itself.
>>- Dashboard page shows "Application statistics are currently
>>unavailable." with no graphs, quota info, etc. Started this morning, still
>>- Can't get into task queues. Persistent "Server Error / A server
>>error has occurred." (This had been an intermittent issue over the past 
>> few
>>weeks but is now consistent). Started this morning, still occurs.
>> This is M/S app "mn-live". I have other M/S apps which do not exhibit
>> this behavior, although the mn-live one is by far the "heaviest" in terms
>> of data, queues, and general resource usage.  All are paid apps (billing
>> enabled).
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Every day around 9.10 AM Brussels time, huge drop in GAE performances

2013-02-11 Thread Sameer Lodha
One of the reason for this could be that the billing cycle for the day
ends/starts at that time.

Everyday, we see that all running Instances are shut down & new ones go up
at this time.


On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Philip Kilner  wrote:

> Hi Again,
> On 11/02/13 08:33, Philip Kilner wrote:
>> There was certainly something odd going on, around 8am UK time today -
>> from my PoV, it started at or a whisker before 8am GMT, and lasted c.20
>> mins.
> Spoke too soon - am still getting anomalous behaviour, specifically
> spinning (un-served) requests, and console reports no instances - looks
> like it's having trouble spinning up instances to serve requests. It's
> improving over time, but is still not what I'd expect.
> Based on what I'm seeing, I'm astonished that this does not show as a
> spike in the latency on the status page.
> --
> Regards,
> PhilK
> e: - m: 07775 796 747
> 'work as if you lived in the early days of a better nation'
> - alasdair gray
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Google App Engine 1.7.5 SDK now available!

2013-02-14 Thread Sameer Lodha
Couldn't agree more with the humour part.
But seriously, there's real need for reasonably priced (actual) high memory

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 2:17 AM, pdknsk  wrote:

> > High Memory Instances
> :)
> That's some humor right there.
> "High Memory"
> 13 GB
> ...
> 52 GB
> "High-Memory Instance"
> 17.1 GB
> ...
> 64.8 GB
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: HUGE latency increase

2013-03-22 Thread Sameer Lodha
Same here. All are apps (HR) are unusable. Task queue adds are failing. And
not able to write anything to the datastore.

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 12:41 PM, radomir  wrote:

> Same here. Latency is going through the roof and dashboard reports an
> average of 70538 ms for our application home page. Completely unusable.
> Google do you care?
> App id: bugdigger-hr
> On Friday, March 22, 2013 7:45:50 AM UTC+1, gks wrote:
>> Starting from 11PM PST, I noticed a huge latency increase for all my apps
>> and majority of incoming request were aborted due to the increasing
>> latency. There isn't any change or deployment in my app for past couple
>> days. Can anyone from Google take a look at this latency issue?
>> My app id are:
>> aos-prod-1
>> aos-prod-2
>> aos-prod-3
>  --
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Re: [google-appengine] App Engine VM-based Backends - Trusted Tester Sign-up

2013-06-24 Thread Sameer Lodha
This is great news.

The biggest issues we have had thus far has been limited amount of memory
(RAM) both with front & back-ends. Although 90% of our process goes thru
fine (with the amount of RAM available). There are quite a few instances
where more memory is absolutely essential. This should address that pain
point effectively.

I just hope, that the management of these backends (provisioning, auto
start & auto stop) as simple as the existing (dynamic) backends.

Appreciate the great work that the Appengine team is doing.

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 12:51 AM, Takashi Matsuo  wrote:

> Fellow App Engine Gurus,
> We're happy to announce the next generation of App Engine Managed
> Backends. These Backends utilize the App Engine VM Runtime, allowing
> developers to run Backends on Compute Engine VMs. By building on top of
> Compute Engine VMs, developers can:
>- take advantage of higher CPU and memory
>- rely on longer-lived processes
>- utilize a local filesystem
>- communicate via native network stacks
>- execute external processes
>- access the entire JRE
>- upload arbitrary Python extensions
> Given that these are App Engine Backends, you can still use all the App
> Engine APIs to access the existing managed services (Datastore, Task
> Queues, Memcache, etc.)
> Updating existing Backends to run on Compute Engine VMs is a simple config
> change:
> app.yaml
> application: app-id
> version: v1
> runtime: python27
> *vm: true*
> *
> *
> *manual_scaling:*
> *  instances: 1*
> That’s all you need to get started. We’ll pick a deafult VM machine type
> and spin everything up your behalf. Of course there other options that you
> can set (including machine type) and these are documented in the Getting
> Started 
> Guide
> .
> In order to build a great product, we need quality feedback from brave
> early adopters. If you’re interested test driving, please sign-up at the
> link below and we’ll take care of the rest.
> App Engine VM-based VM Runtime - Trusted Tester 
> Sign-up
> Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to:
> Thanks!
> --
> Takashi Matsuo | Developers Programs Engineer |
> --
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: increased latencies in App Engine in the last 6-8 hours

2013-06-25 Thread Sameer Lodha
For the last 4 hours there again seems to be issues with AppEngine.
Specifically, the Task Queue execution rate has slowed down dramatically.
The system is hardly executing one task a minute.

Hope somebody at AppEngine end is already aware about these issues &
working on resolving the same.

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 4:17 AM, James Gilliam  wrote:

> Here's the thing about the latency.
> GAE has a serious datastore issue right now.  Old records are being
> returned instead of the most recent ones.  It is random.  In some cases,
> they are not returning all the rows for a particular table.  We are seeing
> this behavior in tables which were updated yesterday.  I submitted a
> critical production error documenting these issues with GAE, yesterday.
> I was able to get around one of the most serious situations I was having
> by recopying a namespace, after repeatedly querying to determine the real
> number of rows -- about half the time GAE was reporting the wrong number of
> rows.  The copied namespace is working ok for now.
> GAE is not transparent when they have serious issues imo.
> On Saturday, June 22, 2013 7:50:47 PM UTC-7, Jacob G wrote:
>> I have noticed large latency increases in App Engine in the last 6-8
>> hours, seemingly from the HR datastore. It is not all the time, but it is
>> frequent. Http requests begin to be processed by an instance quickly, but
>> then a datastore request will be latent for 15+ seconds. Http requests that
>> used to complete in less than a second will take 25-60 seconds.
>> Are you aware of this issue? I don't see any documentation of it in the
>> server status page, but there's definitely a problem!
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Re: [google-appengine] Task queue Problem

2013-06-25 Thread Sameer Lodha
We too can confirm that this issue is consistently affecting all our (HR)
Apps for the last 4 hours. The surprising thing is that during most of the
last 4 hours the "Task Queue" Status Page shows things as normal.

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Eric Ka Ka Ng  wrote:

> Since around 2 hours ago, the task queues in our apps seems stop
> functioning. The rate of task execution is very very slow (sometimes 0,
> sometimes 10 / min, sometimes normal). is there any wrong with the task
> queue and could someone from Google help? our apps relies heavily on task
> queue
> - eric
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: increased latencies in App Engine in the last 6-8 hours

2013-06-25 Thread Sameer Lodha
Although it does not talk about the specific Task execution issue, here is
the update from App Engine team...!topic/google-appengine-downtime-notify/1pJZnl4EMKk

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 8:34 PM, Sandeep Koduri wrote:

> Any update, Seems like the state is still the same. any update from App
> engine team?
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Jacob G  wrote:
>> I'm also seeing slow-down on Task Queue execution rate. I emailed some
>> Google contacts I have, but they usually do not reply. I presume they read
>> it, and follow up on it. But they are very non-transparent.
>> On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 6:39:41 AM UTC-4, Sam wrote:
>>> For the last 4 hours there again seems to be issues with AppEngine.
>>> Specifically, the Task Queue execution rate has slowed down dramatically.
>>> The system is hardly executing one task a minute.
>>> Hope somebody at AppEngine end is already aware about these issues &
>>> working on resolving the same.
>>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 4:17 AM, James Gilliam wrote:
  Here's the thing about the latency.

 GAE has a serious datastore issue right now.  Old records are being
 returned instead of the most recent ones.  It is random.  In some cases,
 they are not returning all the rows for a particular table.  We are seeing
 this behavior in tables which were updated yesterday.  I submitted a
 critical production error documenting these issues with GAE, yesterday.

 I was able to get around one of the most serious situations I was
 having by recopying a namespace, after repeatedly querying to determine the
 real number of rows -- about half the time GAE was reporting the wrong
 number of rows.  The copied namespace is working ok for now.

 GAE is not transparent when they have serious issues imo.

 On Saturday, June 22, 2013 7:50:47 PM UTC-7, Jacob G wrote:
> I have noticed large latency increases in App Engine in the last 6-8
> hours, seemingly from the HR datastore. It is not all the time, but it is
> frequent. Http requests begin to be processed by an instance quickly, but
> then a datastore request will be latent for 15+ seconds. Http requests 
> that
> used to complete in less than a second will take 25-60 seconds.
> Are you aware of this issue? I don't see any documentation of it in
> the server status page, but there's definitely a problem!
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> --
> Regards
> Sandeep Koduri
> Phone: +91- 99 666 02 456
> Gtalk: sandeep.koduri | Skype: sandeep.koduri
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email
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Re: [google-appengine] Some Datastore items no longer accessible via queries (although still present in the store)

2013-06-25 Thread Sameer Lodha
That's eventual consistency for you. We experienced the same issue earlier
today. Try after some time (maybe an hour), things should hopefully be fine
by then.

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Bartek Bargiel

> hi,
> we experienced a quite serious issue in our thingscloud app and we'd like
> to get some feedback from GAE engineers.
> Brief summary:
> - 2 objects are still present in the Datastore
> - yet they do no longer get returned in responses for our queries (no
> matter if we filter by key or any other property)
> I ran tests both in the server app and using a remote shell access as well
> - no results. Searching in the datastore viewer displays the objects
> properly.
> As far as I can tell from the server logs the problem manifested itself at
> ~12.20 PM UTC time - one of our app's users is located in Finland, the
> other one in Poland.
> We use Python in our codebase (if it's relevant).
> please advice.
> -- Bartek Bargiel
>  --
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Billing for additional RAM

2010-12-23 Thread Sameer Lodha
We have been hitting the soft memory exceed issues quite a few times in the
recent past (In Task Queue). The limit it seems is approx 220 MB.


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Norlesh  wrote:

> Hi Kash, seems to me were allowed to use as much memory as our apps
> can acquire but no more (not helpful I know) and since normal app
> requests are shooting for below 1 second response theres probably not
> a lot of pressure to beef that up above the current amount which from
> what Ive gathered seems to be at least 180 MB - doing a search for
> 'appengine soft memory limit MB' gives some ballparks.
> I expect running multiple apps per server box would be painful if it
> got to the point where all the servers ram had to be paged to disk
> when swapping between apps to handle incoming requests.
> I haven't used the task queue yet so don't know what the soft limit is
> there (all though I expect to run up against it when I do) - hopefully
> if it is low though there would be enough interest from developers for
> that to be raised in the future.
> [I would be curious to know what the results are if you happen to do
> some stress testing using tasks]
>sorry I can't be more help, Shane
> On Dec 21, 10:55 pm, kash  wrote:
> > Hi Norlesh,
> >
> > I sent a request for GAE team through a CPU quota increase request
> > form. i asked them about the memory issue. i got the below reply,
> > which i still find a bot vague. can you have a look at it and tell me
> > what you think
> >
> > Google support reply: "Hi. Thank you for choosing App Engine to host
> > your application. Apps with
> > billing enabled are no longer limited to 500 requests per second. If
> > you
> > keep your average latency under 1000 ms, your app should be able to
> > scale
> > as high as necessary to handle the load.
> >
> > The best way to ensure your application scales is to keep all or most
> > user-facing requests as short as possible, generally under 1 second,
> > and
> > move any long-running processes to the background using the task queue
> > API. For more information, please consult the documentation and
> > community
> > forums.
> >
> >
> >
> > As far as RAM usage goes, it's pretty much whatever VM you have access
> > to.
> > You will get memory errors if you exceed the maximum amount, but we
> > don't
> > charge for memory usage otherwise.
> >
> > Thank you.
> > -wesley, App Engine support team
> >
> > Original Message Follows:
> > 
> > From:
> > Subject: App Engine CPU quota increase
> > Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 14:23:16 +
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > social network
> >
> > > ApplicationIdentifier: not decided yet
> > > AutoDetectedBrowser: Google Chrome 8
> > > AutoDetectedOS: Intel Macintosh OS X
> > > IssueType: appengine
> > > Language: en
> > > bug: cpu
> > > cause: I am trying to build a social network that is expected to reach
> > > around 1 million users in 2 years. I want t make sure before i start
> > > developing this app on google app engine that i can expand freely. I
> > also
> > > find one information missing, which is the additional RAM usage cost. i
> > > appreciate if you can provide me more detailed information. I went
> > through
> > > the whole app engine guide including the quotas and billing but still
> > did
> > > not find this info.
> >
> > > thanks,
> > > first_name: Mohamed
> > > last_name: Kash
> > > qps: 1
> >
> > On Dec 21, 2:34 am, Norlesh  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi Kash,
> > >  I have no idea about what the charge would be - only thing I found to
> > > suggest that it could be possible in the future was something eluded
> > > to in the last post ofhttp://
> > > on 13 Dec where a googler mentioned checking out the 'background
> > > servers feature' when its released in response to someone asking about
> > > a memory intensive use case (you know as much as I do about when that
> > > release is but its on the road map).
> > >  -r Shane
> >
> > > On Dec 20, 11:51 pm, Mohamed kash  wrote:
> >
> > > > Hi All .. I wonder if anyone knows how google plans to charge for
> > > > additional RAM usage. they never mentioned that
> >
> > > > /Kash
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Unable to deploy since 3.10pm EST

2010-12-23 Thread Sameer Lodha
Same issue here :(
Starred :)

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 1:56 AM, Philip  wrote:

> Please star this issue (usually the fastest way to get help) if you
> are also affected.
> On Dec 22, 9:23 pm, kamens  wrote:
> > If it helps: App ID: khanexercises
> >
> > On Dec 22, 3:22 pm, kamens  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Same exact situation/error here.
> >
> > > On Dec 22, 3:20 pm, Sundar  wrote:
> >
> > > > I keep getting the following from about 3.10pm EST, when trying to
> deploy my
> > > > application:
> >
> > > > Error 500: --- begin server output ---
> >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 500 Server Error
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Error: Server Error
> > > > The server encountered an error and could not complete your
> > > > request.If the problem persists, please";>report your problem
> and
> > > > mention this error message and the query that caused it.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- end server output ---
> >
> > > > I was able to deploy to one application just fine, then the second
> failed,
> > > > and now the first also fails.
> --
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Experiencing major timeout issues right now

2011-02-21 Thread Sameer Lodha
Yes, we too are experiencing timeouts right now.

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Kenneth wrote:

> Here's my heartbeat log, last number is seconds, it normally takes 0.3
> seconds, started going wrong at 13:48, 18 minutes ago.
> 2011-02-21 13:48:09 0.314763
> 2011-02-21 13:48:20 0.326129
> 2011-02-21 13:48:20 0.326129
> 2011-02-21 13:48:40 10.359252
> 2011-02-21 13:48:40 10.359252
> HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
> 2011-02-21 13:49:10 0.365876
> 2011-02-21 13:49:10 0.365876
> 2011-02-21 13:49:23 2.567092
> 2011-02-21 13:49:23 2.567092
> 2011-02-21 13:49:43 10.346164
> 2011-02-21 13:49:43 10.346164
> HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
> 2011-02-21 13:50:50 6.927295
> 2011-02-21 13:50:50 6.927295
> 2011-02-21 13:51:01 1.616932
> 2011-02-21 13:51:01 1.616932
> 2011-02-21 13:51:22 11.017017
> 2011-02-21 13:51:22 11.017017
> HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
> 2011-02-21 13:52:09 7.398814
> 2011-02-21 13:52:09 7.398814
> 2011-02-21 13:53:10 50.837602
> 2011-02-21 13:53:10 50.837602
> HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
> 2011-02-21 13:53:59 19.733425
> 2011-02-21 13:53:59 19.733425
> 2011-02-21 13:54:20 11.355937
> 2011-02-21 13:54:20 11.355937
> HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
> 2011-02-21 13:54:51 0.324213
> 2011-02-21 13:54:51 0.324213
> 2011-02-21 13:55:12 10.792039
> 2011-02-21 13:55:12 10.792039
> 2011-02-21 13:55:52 30.599355
> 2011-02-21 13:55:52 30.599355
> 2011-02-21 13:58:04 5.367718
> 2011-02-21 13:58:04 5.367718
> 2011-02-21 13:58:18 3.818956
> 2011-02-21 13:58:18 3.818956
> 2011-02-21 13:58:38 10.808313
> 2011-02-21 13:58:38 10.808313
> 2011-02-21 13:58:49 0.427645
> 2011-02-21 13:58:49 0.427645
> 2011-02-21 13:59:10 11.052849
> 2011-02-21 13:59:10 11.052849
> 2011-02-21 13:59:20 0.347583
> 2011-02-21 13:59:20 0.347583
> 2011-02-21 13:59:34 4.387588
> 2011-02-21 13:59:34 4.387588
> 2011-02-21 13:59:45 0.324877
> 2011-02-21 13:59:45 0.324877
> 2011-02-21 14:00:08 13.216120
> 2011-02-21 14:00:08 13.216120
> 2011-02-21 14:00:18 0.310759
> 2011-02-21 14:00:18 0.310759
> 2011-02-21 14:00:38 9.930738
> 2011-02-21 14:00:38 9.930738
> HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
> 2011-02-21 14:01:50 42.642383
> 2011-02-21 14:01:50 42.642383
> 2011-02-21 14:02:00 0.317504
> 2011-02-21 14:02:00 0.317504
> 2011-02-21 14:02:11 0.577140
> 2011-02-21 14:02:11 0.577140
> 2011-02-21 14:02:29 8.354815
> 2011-02-21 14:02:29 8.354815
> 2011-02-21 14:02:40 0.942265
> 2011-02-21 14:02:40 0.942265
> 2011-02-21 14:02:51 0.753091
> 2011-02-21 14:02:51 0.753091
> 2011-02-21 14:03:08 7.034798
> 2011-02-21 14:03:08 7.034798
> 2011-02-21 14:03:19 0.974700
> 2011-02-21 14:03:19 0.974700
> 2011-02-21 14:03:30 0.942385
> 2011-02-21 14:03:30 0.942385
> 2011-02-21 14:03:41 1.249594
> 2011-02-21 14:03:41 1.249594
> 2011-02-21 14:03:51 0.358910
> 2011-02-21 14:03:51 0.358910
> 2011-02-21 14:04:12 11.243269
> 2011-02-21 14:04:12 11.243269
> 2011-02-21 14:04:32 9.430184
> 2011-02-21 14:04:32 9.430184
> 2011-02-21 14:04:46 4.820456
> 2011-02-21 14:04:46 4.820456
> On Feb 21, 2:00 pm, Kenneth  wrote:
> > Anyone else?
> --
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[google-appengine] Deployment failing

2011-03-28 Thread Sameer Lodha
As of right now (& since the past hour), the deployment on GAE is
falling!! Anybody else facing similar issue?

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