[google-appengine] Re: erroring

2011-08-18 Thread reco
Seems also the login to appemgine.google.com is down.


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Re: [google-appengine] Re: erroring

2011-08-18 Thread reco
thanx nick! good luck!

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[google-appengine] https://appengine.google.com/ down

2011-09-08 Thread reco
hi guys,

i am getting 500 errors again

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[google-appengine] Re: Want my money back, What should I do?

2011-11-21 Thread reco
hi brandon,

we are on app engine since day one. its a really nice platform even
though we had a lot of issues through out the past with outages and
and the apps not behaving as they should.

I understand that you guys need to make money with this platform. I
think this is great. Actually i love you guys to make money so there
will be future enhancements, fixes, 

the issue we see though atm its that you are forcing us to fast to
move on. running an app on 2.5 even on HR is from business standpoints
not worth what you are charting for. i am sure things will change with
python 2.7 and multithreading. the SDK to work on this is out there
since around 2 weeks. we are in the process of moving to a
multithreaded version of our app which will hopefully result in less
instances used.

i suggest that you guys should expand the 50% discount for another 2-3
months. dec 1st is just to early.

you get this from a very happy GAE developer.


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[google-appengine] Re: Want my money back, What should I do?

2011-11-23 Thread reco
hi nick yeah... i know. i wanted to address the google guys...
i had no intention to participate in this fast food debate


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[google-appengine] app down

2011-12-07 Thread reco
hi google guys,

any issues. our main app nex9-99.appspot.com is down.
all pages return 404 not found.

not entries in the logs


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[google-appengine] Re: app down

2011-12-07 Thread reco
just realized the app lost the default version setting. i did set it
again and all good now.

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[google-appengine] Re: image url returned by getServingUrl gives 500 error

2012-09-14 Thread reco
we hd the same issue on with a python app. a serving  url worked in new 
york. but the exact same version did not work in austria/vienna. playing 
around by accessing different sizes fixed the problem.


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[google-appengine] problem deleting/resetting indexes

2009-05-26 Thread reco

hi there,

i deployed my app yesterday. The python SDK did create indexes which
were kind of redundant. One index got an error and didn't recover in
the last 24 hours.

appcfg vacuum_indexes with an empty index.yaml

no luck there - error message i got:
2009-05-26 12:26:54,562 WARNING appcfg.py:670 4 indexes were not
deleted.  Most likely this is because they no longer exist.

no way to deploy a working version atm.

can somebody from google please delete all indexes from that app?
i even dont care about the data in the datastore.

app id: purple-imageapp

i am listed as an admin there.

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[google-appengine] index still not removed after 4 days

2009-05-28 Thread reco

hi there,

i vacuumed the indexes since i could not deploy my app anymore.. i did
this back on monday. the indexes still show up. google please fix
that. app id: purple-imageapp

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[google-appengine] Re: 403 Application Over Quota Problem - Not True!

2009-06-24 Thread reco

same thing here,

my daily Outgoing Bandwidth shows a limit of 1GB on my quota details
google mentions though there is a daily limit of 10GB even if billing
is not enabled.


app id: purpleimageapp


On Jun 22, 3:19 pm, Devel63  wrote:
> All of a sudden, my app is returning 403 application overquota
> whenever I do anything a bit strenuous.
> All of the quotas are WAY under, but things that used to work fine are
> now triggering this message.
> A guess is that the budgeting process has become much more fine-
> grained, and is mistakenly extrapolating from one request that may do
> a number of DB writes and take 10 seconds.  But these are extremely
> rare.
> The app name is judysapps-qa.
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[google-appengine] Re: 403 Application Over Quota Problem - Not True!

2009-06-24 Thread reco

answering my own problem here.
app engine quotas were reduced rom 10GB to 1GB per day outgoing
bandwidth — crazyy


On Jun 24, 6:12 pm, reco  wrote:
> same thing here,
> my daily Outgoing Bandwidth shows a limit of 1GB on myquotadetails
> page.
> google mentions though there is a daily limit of 10GB even if billing
> is not enabled.
> http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.html
> GOOLE please HELP
> app id: purpleimageapp
> thanx!
> On Jun 22, 3:19 pm, Devel63  wrote:
> > All of a sudden, my app is returning 403 application overquota
> > whenever I do anything a bit strenuous.
> > All of the quotas are WAY under, but things that used to work fine are
> > now triggering this message.
> > A guess is that the budgeting process has become much more fine-
> > grained, and is mistakenly extrapolating from one request that may do
> > a number of DB writes and take 10 seconds.  But these are extremely
> > rare.
> > The app name is judysapps-qa.
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[google-appengine] Re: 403 Application Over Quota Problem - Not True!

2009-06-24 Thread reco

he cc,

yes this is crazy
at least if you enable billing they could give you 5GB outgoing
bandwidth for free.
have the free accounts limited to 1GB i think is fine.


On Jun 22, 10:08 pm, cc  wrote:
> Yep same problem here 403s everywhere! Try using the Remote API it is
> now useless with the newquota. Problem seems to be that the "burst"quotahas 
> also dropped by a factor of 10 along with the dailyquota.
> Google has the burstquotaset to try to help keep you under the dailyquota, 
> spreading thequotaover a 24 hour period. This "feature" seems
> to render most apps unusable now. Anyone trying out app engine under
> the freequotais quickly going to decide not to use app engine for
> their web app. Kind of defeats the purpose of even offering the free
> version. Google should have kept the burstquotaconstant and only
> reduced the dailyquota. This is just further proof that the
> accountants are now running the show at Google.
> On Jun 22, 3:06 pm, Mike Wesner  wrote:
> > enabling billing seems to have sped things up and so far has stopped
> > the 403's.
> > I still think something is fishy since we had not warnings in the
> > appspot dashboard and are way under free quotas.
> > On Jun 22, 4:58 pm, Mike Wesner  wrote:
> > > Several of our appspot instances are having this exact same issue.
> > > We are way underquota, hardly hitting the appid at all and we see 403
> > > on static files and other things.  Random 500 errors too.
> > > We are enabling billing on a few of our test instances which we hope
> > > will help, but I can't see how it will make a difference since we are
> > > so far underquota/usage rates.
> > > ANY GOOGLERS READING THIS?  This is a serious issue and we get ZERO
> > > information or support from google.
> > > How can a company use this stuff when its so flakey?
> > > On Jun 22, 2:19 pm, Devel63  wrote:
> > > > All of a sudden, my app is returning 403 application overquota
> > > > whenever I do anything a bit strenuous.
> > > > All of the quotas are WAY under, but things that used to work fine are
> > > > now triggering this message.
> > > > A guess is that the budgeting process has become much more fine-
> > > > grained, and is mistakenly extrapolating from one request that may do
> > > > a number of DB writes and take 10 seconds.  But these are extremely
> > > > rare.
> > > > The app name is judysapps-qa.
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[google-appengine] Billing settings multiple credit cards

2009-06-25 Thread reco

I would like to be able to put more than one credit card on file. In
case one card gets denied it should take the backup card.
My sip provider has this feature pretty handy.

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[google-appengine] image get_serving_url performance

2010-11-11 Thread reco
hi there,

we are experimenting with the get_serving_url.
first we had amazing performance. this was off hours. now during the
day the results seem to very alot.

see the ab test on one image below. this is the worst result we got

not sure what todo against this. :(

$ ab -n 100 -c 10
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $>
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/

Benchmarking lh3.ggpht.com (be patient).done

Server Software: fife
Server Hostname: lh3.ggpht.com
Server Port: 80

Document Length: 173599 bytes

Concurrency Level: 10
Time taken for tests: 96.017 seconds
Complete requests: 100
Failed requests: 0
Write errors: 0
Total transferred: 17395100 bytes
HTML transferred: 17359900 bytes
Requests per second: 1.04 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 9601.682 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 960.168 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 176.92 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 19 226 431.4 20 2267
Processing: 126 7313 11040.7 2140 54497
Waiting: 22 73 194.6 26 1577
Total: 145 7540 11154.2 2169 54517

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 2169
66% 4669
75% 10057
80% 15309
90% 25098
95% 33798
98% 42182
99% 54517
100% 54517 (longest request)

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[google-appengine] app locked, changes possible in 525599 minutes

2011-02-28 Thread reco
hi googlers,

can u checkout whats going on with the app bny-imageapp?
seems the billing settings got messed up.


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[google-appengine] download app

2011-03-08 Thread reco
hi there,

i am the owner of an app but the developer who deployed the app to the
app engine is not part of our team anymore. also we dont have access
to the code repository.
gae wont let me download the app. is there a way for you guys to let
me download the app?

app id: purpleimageapp


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[google-appengine] Re: Getting one bill a month for the App Engine Usage

2011-04-01 Thread reco
hi ikai,

yeah this would be amazing. looking forward too.


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