[google-appengine] Re: Where (geographically) do App Engine apps run?

2011-05-26 Thread yuvi

Looking into GAE log gives your the time zone 

On May 25, 8:54 pm, Craig  wrote:
> I understand that GAE apps are deployed across multiple data centers,
> but I would like a better idea of where those are for the purpose of
> latency expectations for non-US traffic.  If everything is only based
> out of the US, it seems like latency for traffic from India or China
> for example would be higher.  Do deployed GAE apps also run on data
> centers in Asia, Europe, etc?

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Splitting Client and Server side in 2 AppEngines to keep server side code confidential

2012-12-05 Thread yuvi
hi Ben,

In general it is possible to make Ajax call from a client on abc.com to service 
at xyz.com 
That is done normally by jsonp calls to solve the same-origin browser issue.
Using GWT might complicate things. if you have used gwt-rpc then you are 
facing a problem. to the best of my knowledge it is not possible to split your 
deployment. If the client code is on a different domain you need to use GWT 
RequestBuilder or jsonpRequestBuilder... hope that helps.

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[google-appengine] Qauth vs OpenID

2010-12-29 Thread yuvi

I'm developing a Gadget to  Java App Engine .

In some cases I use GAE build-in OAuth:
 OAuthService oauth = OAuthServiceFactory.getOAuthService();
user = oauth.getCurrentUser();

In one case openid:
UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService();

I have noticed in both cases  getUserId() is the same. Is that always
right, and
I can be sure it is the same user ? I use this process to know if user
X belongs to Google Apps Domain Y.

Is there a more simple way in GAE build-in OAuth to know  if user X
belongs to Google Apps Domain Y ?


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[google-appengine] Re: logging seems be disabled in my app

2011-01-05 Thread yuvi
Is that on development in eclipse or GAE ?

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[google-appengine] Re: Google Apps domain and Namespace API

2011-01-25 Thread yuvi
I'm using java ...
If you plan a multi-tenant application used by many Google Apps
Domains then the Namespace is useful
to separate between different Domains data. In case you use openid for
authentication, the  java API getAuthDomain()
provide a domain unique string that can be good for Namespace .

Note: you need to both read and write using Namespace


On Jan 25, 2:46 pm, tobik  wrote:
> According to the documentation: "The following code sample shows you
> how to set the current namespace to the Google Apps domain that was
> used to _map_ the URL."
> Does that mean, that google_apps_namespace() returns used Google Apps
> only when the app is really mapped to the domain? Something like
> myapp.example.com. I just need to confirm that (simple yes or no)
> because I don't have the permission to map to url right now.
> I deployed the official Namespace example (guestbook_namespace) and it
> doesn't work, google_apps_namespace() returns an empty string when I
> try to access it via myapp.appspot.com. The app is properly deployed
> to my Google Apps domain though.
> Thanks for your help.

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[google-appengine] Re: wild match in url-pattern

2011-01-28 Thread yuvi

There are only 2 * options
/dirName/*  or  *.fileType  you can see many examples for that.

On Jan 28, 1:40 pm, Sandeep Arneja  wrote:
> Hi I need help with this:
> /_ah/mail/* --> WORKS
> /_ah/mail/xyz* --> DOES NOT WORK
> Alhough google documentation on incomming mail has:
>   handleowner
>   HandleOwner
>   handleowner
>   /_ah/mail/owner*
> but they dont work.

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[google-appengine] Re: Google App Engine Buit-In OAuth failing when requesting for access token

2011-01-28 Thread yuvi

I'm using it from an Opensocial Gadget and it seems to work OK. The
only thing I have notice is that even
when I use my Google account control panel to "Revoke access" the
token is still working.


On Jan 28, 6:40 pm, Takashi SASAKI  wrote:
> Hi, Arun
> I also making an OAuth consumer with Google App Engine for Python.
> The consumer uses simplegeo oauth2 library.
> Here is my code snippet to get access token
> when called back just after authorization.
>             user_info.authorized_request_token =
> self.request.get("oauth_token")
>             user_info.verifier = self.request.get("oauth_verifier")
>             assert(user_info.request_token ==
> user_info.authorized_request_token)
>             request_token =
> oauth2.Token(user_info.request_token.__str__(),
> user_info.request_token_secret.__str__())
>             request_token.set_verifier(user_info.verifier.__str__()) #
> may not needed
>             request = oauth2.Request.from_consumer_and_token(consumer,
> token=request_token, http_url = SP_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL)
>             signature_method = oauth2.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
>             request.sign_request(signature_method, consumer,
> request_token)
>             #self.response.out.write(request.to_header())
>             connection.request(request.method, SP_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL,
> headers=request.to_header())
>             response = connection.getresponse()
>             response_read = response.read()
>             access_token = oauth2.Token.from_string(response_read)
>             user_info.access_token = access_token.key
>             user_info.access_token_secret = access_token.secret
>             user_info.put()
> I hope it helps you somewhat.
> Takashi SASAKI (@TakashiSasaki on Twitter)
> On 1月29日, 午前1:28, Arun Shanker Prasad 
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > Background:
> > I am trying to implement a web-service for my App Engine application
> > and authenticate the user using OAuth. For this I chose to use my App
> > Engine application as an OAuth service provider.
> > My issue:
> > I got the request token back from App Engine and I redirected my user
> > to authorize the token and user grants access, everything is working
> > fine up until this point. When I try to get the access token using the
> > token and verifier provided by posting info to 'https://app-
> > id.appspot.com/_ah/OAuthGetAccessToken', I am getting a 400 error back
> > and does not have any information regarding what went wrong :(
> > I had used GData OAuth before on my client application and had similar
> > issues during development, but the response from Google's GData
> > service had a bit more information as to what was wrong and I was able
> > to get it working pretty easily.
> > My question is has anyone tried using their App Engine application as
> > an OAuth service provider? (I tried googling for a sample and was not
> > able to find anything)
> > I am using Google App Engine for Python.
> > Thanks,
> > Arun Shanker Prasad.

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[google-appengine] Re: datastore

2011-02-13 Thread yuvi

What authentication method you are planing to use/build ?

On Feb 13, 10:21 pm, Clinteney  wrote:
> Hey, I am trying to create a datastore that stores the users information
> like after he logs in, there is a page that shows his name. So i need the
> datastore for that, right?  but how can I add the new user to the datastore
> after he logs in? thank you

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[google-appengine] Re: Appspot application as a service provider

2011-03-03 Thread yuvi

You can sure do that !  I'm about to release by the end of the month a
new opensource EXACTLY for that .

See some info on www.gadglet.com

and the server itself on gadglet.appspot.com

On Mar 2, 11:47 am, Pradeep  wrote:
> Hello all,
>           I am stuck up at a place where i want to use my appspot
> application(xxx.apppspot.com) as an oauth service provider.
> I need to access my appspot application from an igoogle widget. Is it
> possible to make my igoogle widget as consumer and my appspot app as
> the service provider.
> If this can be done,can someone kindly guide me through it ?
> Thanks,
> Pradeep

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[google-appengine] java dev environment change jdoconfig.xml

2011-03-06 Thread yuvi
I have manually added to jdoconfig.xml the  parameter

Every now and again this parameter is removed by the SDK ... any idea ?

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[google-appengine] Joins can only be sorted by the join column in ascending order

2011-03-07 Thread yuvi

I'm using owned items and it all works fine now except sorting, Is
this going to be enabled any time ?

: Joins can only be sorted by the join
column in ascending order (in this case 'sharedItemReff')

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[google-appengine] App Engine datastore viewer

2011-03-14 Thread yuvi

I have a persistent class that all the content  is saved while using
The class doesn't show in the control panel of the datastore viewer
select box of available types ("By kind:")

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[google-appengine] _ah_SESSION Entities

2011-03-14 Thread yuvi

On the control panel Datastore Viewer I see many _ah_SESSION Entities.
Are these records ever deleted by app engine ?
Datastore Statistics shows that _ah_SESSION Entities takes 96% of my
app storage.

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[google-appengine] Re: App Engine datastore viewer

2011-03-14 Thread yuvi

there is data, but with a namespace  and only with namespace.

On Mar 14, 4:57 pm, Gwyn Howell  wrote:
> there needs to be data for the entity name to be listed in the drop down

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[google-appengine] Re: Using eclipse to build google gadgets...

2011-03-23 Thread yuvi

I have been doing that for the last year and about to release a new
open-source for that "Gadglet" 

The CLIENT side is done with GWT library from Google see



The SERVER side is implemented on Google App Engine ... in between a
complete JSON data protocol.

Feel free to ask more questions directly, and if you are interested
you can have "Gadglet" alpha version in about 3 weeks.

On Mar 23, 6:20 pm, Tony O Dowd  wrote:
> Anyone got a good reference to using eclipse to develop google
> gadgets. I traced an article that offered a solution that requires
> lots of additional changes to linkers and other system libraries.
> Surely, there is an easier way. Anyone got a better path to follow?

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[google-appengine] Gadglet v0.1 Alpha is out

2011-04-11 Thread yuvi

I have released Gadglet v0.1 Alpha.

Gadglet is an Open-source platform for developing and running
OpenSocial Gadgets (Not a container).
Gadglet includes many solutions for Gadgets including both technical
and application aspects.

Client side: GWT base APIs.
Client-server communication: defined query format and JSON  response.
Server side: Google App Engine storage & web, simple controller, plug-
in method, simple content item APIs,  Gadgets administration

Minglets - Cross social network Gadgets. In simple words, users from
iGoogle will be able to share things with
the users from Orkut ..

Bizlets - Enterprise Gadgets! Special set of services for Google Apps
users, inducing registration, Domain management, etc..

Live Gadgets: http://www.gadglet.com
Dev site: http://dev.gadglet.com
Download: http://code.google.com/p/gadglet/downloads/list
Users group: http://groups.google.com/group/gadglet

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