Re: [google-appengine] Re: Can I use set in Appengine?

2011-11-15 Thread Max
I don't know, but still not working. (I'm working in
This my code:

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
for i in range(1, 16):
public_tweets ='#asroma', rpp=100, 
lang='it', show_user='true', page=i)
for tweet in public_tweets:
appo = tweet.text.split(':')
print tweetlist

This is the result:

[u'SaryLittleBovix', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', 
u'alexszeuzstfau', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', u'asroma_club', 
u'asroma_club', u'asroma_club', u'cahyoJUVE', u'RomaIndoPLG', 
u'xilovebojan_asr', u'r0by', u'Roma182', u'denni1327', u'romacalcionews', 
u'Tomjoad71', u'laromanet', u'giuseppex1', u'betman', u'Di_Elle', 
u'romacalcionews', u'mashirado', u'mashirado', u'mashirado', 
u'Davide_Martelli', u'mashirado', u'romacalcionews', u'alexszeuzstfau', 
u'AntonFilippo', u'giallorossa4', u'romacalcionews', u'giallorossa4', 
u'domenicocamusi', u'giallorossa4', u'laromanet', u'romacalcionews', 
u'RobertoRenga', u'mashirado', u'dick7folds', u'romacalcionews', 
u'MarcoFattorini', u'adheto', u'denni1327', u'romacalcionews', u'tuttocalcio', 
u'Xavikevicius', u'xHelliiGlastle', u'Santupea', u'OfficialASRoma', 
u'xpennyecioffy', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', 
u'eijan31', u'RoMaNiSta_8', u'laromanet', u'romacalcionews', 
u'xemotionalrain_', u'xdeeni', u'Watz0n', u'giallorossa4', u'tsumio4', 
u'Di_Elle', u'MikeArvanitis18', u'juliantama77', u'AdistaAdinda', u'ramamor21', 
u'xpennyecioffy', u'adheto', u'OfficialASRoma', u'vale_soulkeys', 
u'romacalcionews', u'1001storieRoma', u'FeDeShh', u'romacalcionews', 
u'giallorossa4', u'Loris41086', u'romacalcionews', u'giallorossa4', 
u'AndreaGirvasi', u'giallorossa4', u'romacalcionews', u'sayheyyrene', 
u'romacalcionews', u'OfficialASRoma', u'ipincescototti', u'romacalcionews', 
u'CalcioBlogLive', u'romacalcionews', u'SwOmar', u'SwOmar', u'SwOmar', 
u'SwOmar', u'SwOmar', u'SwOmar', u'SwOmar', u'silvicone', u'romacalcionews', 
u'romacalcionews', u'Gabriella_Guida', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', 
u'whatalex', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', 
u'romacalcionews', u'illupified', u'illupified', u'Giuseppecaboni', 
u'romacalcionews', u'RobertoRenga', u'romacalcionews', u'asroma_club', 
u'DjSekou', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', u'giallorossa4', 
u'romacalcionews', u'xshelovesjulio', u'directioner_asr', u'romacalcionews', 
u'giallorossa4', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', u'laromanet', 
u'romacalcionews', u'OfficialASRoma', u'romacalcionews', u'_Axeelle', 
u'romacalcionews', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'massimilianom29', u'AndreaLaureti', 
u'romacalcionews', u'FunkyKovael', u'tuttocalcio', u'Ilya_Kam', 
u'romacalcionews', u'almostbelgian', u'AleSCCP', u'marquesrequian', 
u'helmputih', u'giallorossa4', u'_Axeelle', u'giallorossa4', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', 
u'weiloume', u'romacalcionews', u'Loris41086', u'RickWeggemans', 
u'antonio__romano', u'RomanistiPLK', u'RomanistiPLK', u'letsbefreaks19', 
u'XlukmanX', u'elhasym', u'LUTP', u'romaindonesia', u'sandyrobot', 
u'crilenny', u'fikryobama', u'ivanhawk', u'thrasher93x', u'brucebanter', 
u'BhargaWisnawa', u'ramamor21', u'yoga_nasu', u'DemonBrando', u'Thebigswords', 
u'hdwibowo', u'Beamikyb', u'AnnameryZA', u'Di_Elle', u'FiqiAinur', 
u'heylanaguedes', u'Dborruto', u'OfficialASRoma', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', 
u'romacalcionews', u'shapiro87', u'ipincescototti', u'solzinho_', u'solzinho_', 
u'romacalcionews', u'illupified', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'romacalcionews', 
u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'benjamin631', u'romacalcionews', 
u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', 
u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'romacalcionews', u'alexszeuzstfau', u'romacalcionews', 
u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', u'pucciarellic', u'BuonAndrew', 
u'mirkomeci', u'thedice79', u'Rosilde', u'Davide_Martelli', u'macbroccoli', 
u'carlomatt', u'StuartJHarper', u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', u'MichiMartino', 
u'fabvalenza', u'giallorossa4', u'giallorossa4', u'tuttocalcio', 
u'romacalcionews', u'giallorossa4', u'tuttocalcio', u'Barz_O', 
u'romacalcionews', u'Roma182', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'romacalcionews', 
u'laromanet', u'solo4roma', u'solo4roma', u'laromanet', u'solo4roma', 
u'romacalcionews', u'asroma_club', u'asroma_club', u'fabbbio80', u'elhasym', 
u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', u'OfficialASRoma', 
u'romacalcionews', u'PagineRomaniste', u'giallorossa4', u'PagineRomaniste', 
u'romacalcionews', u'romacalcionews', u'pucciarellic', u'pucciarellic', 
u'itsflo_', u'francy_asr', u'pucciarellic', u'tuttocalcio', u'CalcioBlogLive', 
u'romacalcionews', u'laromanet', u'giallorossa4', u'romacalcionews', 
u'giallorossa4', u'giallorossa4', u'OfficialASRoma', u'romacalcionews', 
u'giallorossa4', u'laromanet', u'SwOmar', u'SwOmar', 

[google-appengine] Re: Can I use set in Appengine?

2011-11-15 Thread pdknsk
Unlike sort(), sorted() doesn't sort in place, but returns the result.

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[google-appengine] Re: Can I use set in Appengine?

2011-11-15 Thread Max
Thanks, your post is really great.
After reading it I solve like this:

tweetlist = sorted(set(tweetlist))

Really thanks!

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[google-appengine] Re: Can I use set in Appengine?

2011-11-14 Thread Tim Hoffman

If your using Python 2.5 then you need to import the sets module.

 from sets import Set
Set([1, 2, 4])

This code will also work in 2.7

Though in 2.7 you have the set type builtin.



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[google-appengine] Re: Can I use set in Appengine?

2011-11-14 Thread Max
It's not working for me.
The code:

from sets import Set
print tweetlist

The results:

[u'1001storieRoma', u'3zoOozq8', u'6PierC9', u'ABelal10', u'ASRoma_1927', 
u'ASRoma_1927', u'ASRoma_1927', u'AcoSoegono', u'AdiCuur', u'AdistaAdinda', 
u'AleSCCP', u'Alpax93', u'AndreaGirvasi', u'AndreaGirvasi', u'AndreaLaureti', 
u'AngeloMarolla', u'AnnameryZA', u'Aquismaia21', u'Arianthorn', u'ArsAas', 
u'Assemotti', u'Baressobastia', u'Barz_O', u'Beamikyb', u'BhargaWisnawa', 
u'BoDherar', u'BonHakkinen', u'BrickView', u'Budicesc', u'BuonAndrew', 
u'Burziga', u'C4224', u'CalcioBlogLive', u'CalcioBlogLive', u'CamillaSpinelli', 
u'CarlaTrudu', u'ChenguGold', u'Cicciotosto', u'ClaudiaBorry', u'DanyRecchia', 
u'Darko_8_', u'Darko_8_', u'DaveSaveriano', u'Davide_Martelli', 
u'Davide_Martelli', u'Dborruto', u'DeadCatDeadRat', u'DemonBrando', 
u'DemonBrando', u'DiSalviaMichele', u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', 
u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', 
u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', u'Di_Elle', u'DianaDionisioG', u'DjSekou', 
u'EmDeFra', u'EmanueleMelfi', u'Er_capo5', u'ErikCocoTomo', u'Erik_lamela_', 
u'FeDeShh', u'FedeFede_', u'FedericaLago', u'Ferdinando_R', u'Filver93', 
u'FiqiAinur', u'Fra__Asr', u'Francesca_LG', u'Frau87', u'Frau87', u'Frau87', 
u'Frau87', u'FunkyKovael', u'GIOVANNI_N0', u'Gabriella_Guida', u'Giaima', 
u'Giugia89', u'Giulia_B34', u'Giulia__asr', u'Giulia__asr', u'Giuseppecaboni', 
u'GregMY', u'GretaFaccani', u'Gsateeh', u'Hamod_D', u'Hellii4', 
u'HudsonKnedyGirl', u'Ilya_Kam', u'Irishtotti', u'Itz_Simple', u'Itz_Simple', 
u'J_Stonebraker', u'J_Stonebraker', u'Jack_Bauer1978', u'Jack_Bauer1978', 
u'JuJuAlmal', u'JuJuAlmal', u'JuJuAlmal', u'Kayingi', u'LAROMA24', u'LAROMA24', 
u'LAROMA24', u'LAROMA24', u'LAROMA24', u'LUTP', u'LUTP', 
u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', u'LaRomaSiamoNoi', 
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[google-appengine] Re: Can I use set in Appengine?

2011-11-14 Thread pdknsk

set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Can I use set in Appengine?

2011-11-14 Thread Matt Jibson
A set object is an unordered collection

You can use set() to filter out duplicates. But then you need to
convert back to a list to be able to sort:
result = sorted(list(set(tweetlist)))

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:22 PM, pdknsk wrote:

 set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Can I use set in Appengine?

2011-11-14 Thread Matt Jibson
To improve my previous post: no need to use list(). You can do

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Matt Jibson wrote:
 A set object is an unordered collection

 You can use set() to filter out duplicates. But then you need to
 convert back to a list to be able to sort:
 result = sorted(list(set(tweetlist)))

 On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:22 PM, pdknsk wrote:

 set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Can I use set in Appengine?

2011-11-14 Thread Nick Johnson
You don't need to import Sets in Python 2.5.


On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 2:51 AM, Tim Hoffman wrote:


 If your using Python 2.5 then you need to import the sets module.

  from sets import Set
 Set([1, 2, 4])

 This code will also work in 2.7

 Though in 2.7 you have the set type builtin.



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Nick Johnson, Developer Programs Engineer, App Engine

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