[appengine-java] Re: Key command to restart dev server in eclipse?

2010-06-25 Thread l.denardo
there's a small reload icon in the "development mode" tab, next to the
one to stop the server.
Sadly it looks like the one to refresh the tab's content, but it's
not, I realized it was server reload by accident.

A couple of warnings:
-Reloading the server adds memory space to the process, so it goes out
of memory after a couple of reloads and you have no way to stop it but
killing the process (I run on Ubuntu 10.4).
-Reload button sometimes disappears from the UI, but it's an Eclipse
issue (or at least my eclipse :-)), it happens to other buttons too.


On Jun 24, 4:44 pm, Mark  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using eclipse for development. Is there a way we can bind
> restarting the dev server to a key command? I find it takes a bit of
> time to restart manually, especially when using a laptop trackpad!
> Thanks

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[appengine-java] Regarding Datastore

2010-06-25 Thread MANISH DHIMAN
Hi All
I have the following queries.

-- I inserted a new entity (but do not commit the transaction) into
the data store and then count the total number of entities in the data
store. There is no change in the count of entities from the previous
one. I think for that particular transaction it should be incremented
by one i.e. for a user that insert new record into table it should be
visible to that user even when transaction is not committed.
 Sample code:
 DatastoreService datastoreService =
Transaction transaction = datastoreService.beginTransaction();
String employee = "Employee";
Query query = new Query(employee);
PreparedQuery preparedQuery = datastoreService.prepare(query);
int totalEntities = preparedQuery.countEntities();
response.getWriter().print("Total Row in DataSource before
insertion: " + totalEntities + "");
Key key = KeyFactory.createKey(employee, 99656994);
Entity entity = new Entity(employee, key);
entity.setProperty("Name", "ABCD");
entity.setProperty("Village", "ASDF");
entity.setProperty("Designation", "Constable");
totalEntities = preparedQuery.countEntities();
response.getWriter().print("Total Row After Insertion : " +
totalEntities + "");
preparedQuery = datastoreService.prepare(query);
response.getWriter().print("Total Row After Insertion after
reInitilization: " + totalEntities + "");

-- Is it possible to delete an entity from table using low level api
without providing any Kay object(On the basis of filter other than

--I am not able to apply filter on Key of an entity.


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[appengine-java] Uploading of jar file at run time

2010-06-25 Thread MANISH DHIMAN
Hi All
Is it possible to upload a jar file in a G A E application at runtime.

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[appengine-java] Re: java.lang.VerifyError when using Eclipse, locally testing servlets, integrating Wave and Visualization

2010-06-25 Thread Paul Gestwicki
I tracked it down, although I still don't understand it!

I had integrated EasyMock (easymock.org) to support some of my unit
tests. In order for the unit tests to run, I needed to add asm
(asm.ow2.org) and cglib (cglib.sourceforge.net) to my build path. If I
remove these from my Eclipse build path, then my unit tests fail to
run, but the server runs fine.

It looks like the solution is to maintain two separate build paths,
one for unit tests that contains asm and cglib, and the other for
regular development.

I'd still love to know why including these on the build path would
give a VerifyError.

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[appengine-java] GWT Hosted Mode with App Engine

2010-06-25 Thread alexh

I am currently developing a GWT 2.0 application that will run on
App Engine. I have chosen to use Maven and am running my application
from the command line for debugging and testing.

What I would like to do is run my application in the GWT 2.0 hosted
but still initialize the App Engine runtime server. Can someone help
me out
with what I need to configure in order to make this happen? I'm
currently using gwt-maven-plugin in my pom.xml. Any help with this
would be greatly appreciated.

I realize that the Google Plugin for Eclipse handles this seamlessly,
but I have been unable to get it to cooperate with M2Eclipse and my
Maven project.



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[appengine-java] Re: Servlet filter does not work POST

2010-06-25 Thread Rahul Ravikumar


On Jun 24, 12:17 pm, Mouseclicker  wrote:
> I found out that POST filters only don't work if the post request
> comes from an _ah/upload request.
> On Jun 23, 1:24 pm, Mouseclicker  wrote:
> > HI,
> > is there any reason (or known issue) that a configured servlet filter
> > is only called for GET requests?
> > With the filters something was fixed for release, but I am
> > using 1.3.4. It still does not seem to work (used the local dev
> > server).

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[appengine-java] Re: Local Persistance of Data

2010-06-25 Thread lisandrodc
Thanks Prateek! The struts version that tape-worm was old  (2.1.2).
The problem was solved by the version 2.1.8!!!

On 25 jun, 03:07, Prateek  wrote:
> Which URL are you trying to access???
> http://localhost:/_ah/admin
> OR
> http://localhost:/_ah/login
> I guesshttp://localhost:/_ah/adminshould work fine.
> Can you even validate the struts2 jar version. Is it
> Regards
> Prateek
> On Jun 25, 3:02 am, lisandrodc  wrote:
> > Hi Prateek. First thanks, but I don´t solve my local data problem.
> > Now, my struts.xml is:
> > 
> >  > "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
> > "http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.0.dtd";>
> > 
> > 
> >         
> >         
> > 
> >                 
> >                         /pages/inicio.jsp
> >                 
> >                          > class="struts.action.Default">
> >                         /pages/alta.jsp
> >                 
> >                  > class="struts.action.RegistrarEmpleado">
> >                         /pages/alta_exitosa.jsp
> >                 
> >                  > class="com.login.LoginAction">
> >                         /pages/home.jsp
> >                         /pages/inicio.jsp
> >                 
> >                 
> >                         /pages/modificacion.jsp
> >                 
> >         
> > 
> > And my web.xml:
> > 
> > http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> >         xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"; xmlns:web="http://
> > java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"
> >         xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee
> >http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd";
> >         version="2.5">
> >         
> >     struts2
> >      > class>org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ng.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter 
> >  > filter-class>
> >   
> >         
> >                 struts2
> >                 /*
> >         
> >                 
> >         com.login.OgnlListener
> > 
> > 
> > But... says the page:
> > "Struts Problem Report
> > Struts has detected an unhandled exception:
> > # Messages:     There is no Action mapped for action name login."
> > On 24 jun, 15:56, Prateek  wrote:
> > > Hello  @ IAN @ JOHN @ lisandrodc
> > > I just try the changes. We need to work out a few more changes.
> > > we need to make changes on web.xml with respect to the filter-class.
> > > that has been changed from
> > > "org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher" to
> > > "org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ng.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter",
> > > reason behind doing this was because the excludePattern doesnot work
> > > with FilterDispactcher and that was fixed in next release with the
> > > StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter class.
> > > Ref Link : 
> > > http://www.mail-archive.com/@struts.apache.org/msg34677.html
> > >    
> > >         struts2
> > >          > > class>org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ng.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter
> > >   > > filter-class>
> > >     
> > >     
> > >         struts2
> > >         /*
> > >     
> > > and changes in struts.xml is
> > > 
> > > This should work. I worked fine for me.
> > > @ Ian : thanks buddy as the linkhttp://localhost:/_ah/admindid
> > > solve my local data problem.
> > > @ John : Thanks for helping and guiding.
> > > Regards and Thanks
> > > Be happy and keep Smiling always
> > > Prateek
> > > On Jun 24, 8:39 am, Prateek  wrote:
> > > > Hello Ian and John,
> > > > Thanks a lotz guys. I guess i found the solution. Will go home and try
> > > > it.
> > > > we need to include a exclude pattern in our struts.xml
> > > > 
> > > > @ lisandrodc  I guess that should solve our problem.
> > > > Below link would help you.
> > > >http://www.benmccann.com/dev-blog/tag/struts-2/
> > > > Thanks for all you support.
> > > > Be Happy
> > > > Prateek.
> > > > On Jun 24, 10:45 am, Prateek  wrote:
> > > > > Hello Ian ,
> > > > > Hello John,
> > > > > Thanks for the response.
> > > > > @Ian : Yes, i m using the same URL but with my own port config 
> > > > > iehttp://localhost:/_ah/admin. I even 
> > > > > triedhttp://localhost:/_ah/login
> > > > > but no output. I can see the local_db.bin file in my 
> > > > > WEB-INF/appengine-
> > > > > generated/ directory.
> > > > > @ John, yep you are correct, all my request are mapped to be handle by
> > > > > struts. its by default '/' mapping. But that is required for my apps.
> > > > > if i config my struts to handle /_ah/admin as well where would i
> > > > > redirect him.
> > > > > Thanks and Regards
> > > > > Prateek
> > > > > So you
> > > > > On Jun 24, 10:19 am, John Patterson  wrote:
> > > > > > You probably have struts configured to handle all requests.  Wicket 
> > > > > >  
> > > > > > uses a filter rather than a servlet so it can pass unhandled URL's  
> > > > > > down the chain.  Can you configure Struts like this?
> > > > > > On 

[appengine-java] ServletContext getResourcePaths("/") returns an empty set when run on the server (works locally)

2010-06-25 Thread Bob Schellink
Hi all,

I'm trying to provide GAE support for the Apache Click[1] web
framework. At startup time Apache Click scans the 'web' folder for its
template files which are then mapped to Java classes. In order to find
the template files it recursively scans the web folder starting from
root ("/"). The problem I've found is that the call
ServletContext.getResourcePaths("/") returns an empty set. Locally it
returns all files and folders.

Is this expected behavior or a bug? If this is expected, how come?

Interestingly getResourcePaths returns resources if a subfolder is
specified, for example: getResourcePaths("/pages").

Kind regards


[1]: http://click.apache.org/

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