[appengine-java] Re: why dont my two longs equal each other?

2009-10-20 Thread nclemeur

Just use

These are objects in Java, so you need to use equals (or



On Oct 21, 12:39 pm, John V Denley  wrote:
> OK so Im sending in an ID number (Long) and Im doing a query on the
> datastore, getting all the "contacts" in the database, using the
> "getID" function to get the "StoredID" and comparing the ID's.
> However for some reason the boolean "test" below never becomes true,
> despite after stepping through the program there are times when
> StoredID=16 and ID=16, but yet (StoredID==ID) does not evaluate to
> "true"
> anyone got any ideas?
>   public String updateContact(Long AdminID, Long ID, String
> Name,String Phone, String KnownAs, String Notes) throws
> NotLoggedInException {
>             Contact ContactToUpdate=null;
>             Long StoredID;
>             PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
>             try {
>               Query q = pm.newQuery(Contact.class, "AdminID == AID");
>               q.declareParameters("Long AID");
>               List Contacts = (List) q.execute(AdminID);
>               for (Contact contact : Contacts)
>               {
>                   StoredID=contact.getID();
>                   boolean test=(StoredID==ID);
>                   if (test)
>                   {
>                           ContactToUpdate=contact;
>                   }
>                   else
>                   {
>                           ContactToUpdate=null;
>                   }
>              }
>          }
>          finally
>          {
>               pm.close();
>          }
>       }
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[appengine-java] Re: Removing jsessionid from URLs

2009-10-21 Thread nclemeur

> Ok, I have learned something new today :)
> You will only have this problem if you are creating a user session for
> each and every request. If you are a bit more conservative for
> creating user sessions (for example, storing data in cookies for the
> anonymous user) maybe this issue would disappear.

Yes, I agree, but in my case I could find anywhere in my code where I
was creating a Session (maybe it was done in another layer, I am using
the Stripes  as a framework - which I really recomment.) But I would
have expected that disabling the session in  app engine would also
remove the jsessionid from the url. However that was not the case. And
same thing with the jetty configuration parameters. So a filter to
wrap the response was the only solution I found.
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[appengine-java] Re: Fast MVC Framework for GAE?

2009-12-10 Thread nclemeur

> I know stripes is a very slow framework on server startup time, and
> apparently it needs to start up after being idle for a few minutes on
> GAE. Before I go down the patch of switching MVCs, I would be
> interested in

I am using Stripes and I think the startup is not really that slow, I
usually get it in 6-7 secs. Obviously it's very depending on how many
actions you have but, but maybe the startup time might not be only
stripes fault? I also did try yesterday to activate the precompilation
and the results were really encouraging (down to 3-4 secs). I have
another webapp with a single servlet and I think it does 1-2 sec
startup time (without precompilation). I don't believe you'll find any
java framework that would improve significantly on Stripes.




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