[Google Maps API v3] Re: Very Basic Question about DefaultUI

2011-08-17 Thread Rhino Smith
I've knocked together a simple custom control that displays the page you've 
cited in a separate browser window when the user clicks on the control. 

It's not exactly elegant but it will do for now. Thanks for the suggestion.

I've also found a video on YouTube that shows users the basics of the UI. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic9A1FB7PKM&feature=relmfu. An alternative 
would be to point users to that. 

Frankly, I'm really surprised that the good folks at Google didn't 
anticipate this need and build a flashy video that all of us could link to 
that shows all of the standard controls and how to use them. Maybe I'll have 
to do that myself.

Thanks again for the link.

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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Re: Is it possible to access the google premade icons in different colours?

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Broadfoot
As Jeff says, look at using the Charts API. It's fantastic.

Also try the MapIconMaker:

The code it generates is for V2, but it's very easy to port to V3.

There shouldn't be any perceivable performance penalty using the Charts API
(versus using the default pin).



On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 3:36 AM, JKurtock  wrote:

> I've had a lot of luck with Google Charts
> http://code.google.com/apis/chart/image/docs/gallery/dynamic_icons.html#pins
> You generate "standard" pins in any color imaginable, and it's easy to
> add letters and numbers.  And if pins aren't enough for you, well, the
> sky's the limit.
> Since this is another layer of indirection there is a tiny performance
> hit, but once the image is cached you can't detect that.
> - Jeff
> On Aug 17, 8:31 am, Lawrence Fleming  wrote:
> > Hi, I'm finally manning up and diving into the V3 API, it's all going
> pretty
> > smoothly but there's something that comes to mind. usually when
> generating
> > various maps google offers a plethora of different markers (see
> attatchment
> > if I'm not making any sense) , the ones that are specifically of interest
> of
> > me are the ones that are the same shape as the original red marker, but
> > different colours. I am eager to use that marker as it is a recognised
> icon
> > and carries good conotations, but I would really like to be able to apply
> it
> > in the 12 or 13 different colours that some of the other APIs offer.
> >  If push comes to shove I can just define it as a custom icon with the
> > MarkerImage class, but it seems a tad redundant am I missing something
> > really obvious?
> >
> >  Screenshot-2.png
> > 51KViewDownload
> --
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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Google Maps V3 Resize and Center in the same time. (with jQuery resize)

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Broadfoot
Hi Repas,

I'd be looking at using a "step function" of jQuery animate() that gets
called at each step. Within the function, you could use panTo or setCenter
on the map.


Let me know how that goes!



On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 2:54 AM, Répás Zoltán  wrote:

> The example is here: http://teszt.privilegetours.co.uk
> In the landing page (START), select the *"Térképes"* tab (it means *
> "Mapped"*)
>  *Répás Zoltán*
> marhar...@gmail.com
> 06302311320
> On 2011.08.17., at 16:07, Kesuke wrote:
> Ideally option 1 would work, but sometimes the animation complete
> function in JQuery fires before the DOM has actually finished
> rendering the animation - especially on older devices/mobile devices.
> You could try enclosing the resize in a setTimeout() method, probably
> with a generous time on it like 300-750 miliseconds. This will mean
> you resize the map THEN panTo the new center.
> It would be good if you could show us a link to this - for example
> sometimes I've found that by floating the map div in a certain
> direction you can make the pan look less awkward.
> If you are trying to time it perfectly so the map pans with the
> animating div you probably won't be able to. Even though you can
> specifcy a time in miliseconds for the animation to take, the time is
> more of a rough guide rather than a consistent or precise measure to
> sequence events.
> On Aug 17, 10:45 am, Répás Zoltán  wrote:
> Hello!
> I'd like to make a cute animation for my google maps api.
> I have two divs next to each other, one with 0px width.
> When I click to a single target the MAP width is scales down, with a jquery
> animation in 200ms.
> Same time the right sided DIV's width sets from 0 to 500px (200 ms too)
> So it looks like, the map is "compressed" by the right-panel.
> I'd like the point to be in the middle after the click. And here is the
> problem.
> Wrong method #1 The point will be in the middle after the resize, but the
> move is not smooth because the panTo event will fire after the resize.
> $(content).prependTo("#mapinfo");
> $("#map").animate({
> width: '478'
>   }, 200);
> $("#mapinfo").animate({
> width: '500',
> right: '0',
>   }, 200, function() {
> google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
> map.panTo(marker.getPosition());
> });
> 01---2 time in secs
>  S--E animation #1
> (Start - End)
>  S--E animation #2
> (Start - End)
>  ---X fire map resize
> event trigger, and center it
> Wrong method #2 The point will be in the middle in the same time when the
> resize fired, so it gets failed to find where the center will be after the
> resize because the resize wont finished yet.
> google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
> map.panTo(marker.getPosition());
> $(content).prependTo("#mapinfo");
> $("#map").animate({
> width: '478'
>   }, 200);
> $("#mapinfo").animate({
> width: '500',
> right: '0',
>   }, 200, function() {});
> 01---2 time in secs
>  S--E animation #1
> (Start - End)
>  S--E animation #2
> (Start - End)
>  X--- fire map resize
> event trigger, center
> Please help me, how to resize and panto center in the same time.
> Thanks for the help.
> Répás Zoltán
> marhar...@gmail.com
> --
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>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Get Updates for changes to a specific Map

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Broadfoot
Hi Sascha,

Are you using My Maps? If so, see the forum here:

This group is for the Maps API:



On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Sascha Mombartz wrote:

> How can i get updates (rss, or other feed) for changes done to a certain
> map i own? for example: i add a draw a new line, label  it and save it to a
> map. id then like to be able to post that update/change.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: [Google Maps API v3] How can I display OverlayMapType in a OverviewMap?

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Broadfoot
No workaround that I can think of, other than re-implementing the overview
map (a LOT of work!)

I've changed the issue to a feature request. It's not really a bug. Please
do star the issue if you'd like to see it implemented.



On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 7:24 PM, giscoda  wrote:

> Hello,
> in V3 the OverviewMap does not display any overlaymaptypes.
> There is already an issue filed:
> http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=3434
> Any known workarounds?
> Thanx
> -s.
> --
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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Posting directions to another URL

2011-08-17 Thread mgolds02
I should note that the end of line 4 should be a comma, not a );.. i miss 

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[Google Maps API v3] Posting directions to another URL

2011-08-17 Thread mgolds02
I'm not sure if I should post this here or in the jQuery forums but I 
figured i'd give it a shot here first.  I'm trying to post the response of 
the directionsService.route(...) method for some post processing on the 
points contained in the json response and I'm having difficulties.  I'm 
using jQuery and the $.post(..) method.  The code below is what I have thus 
far and its not working.. The error follows it.  Without the $.post(...){} 
stuff it does in fact work so I know it's something with the $.post().  Is 
there a scope problem or something I'm missing?

directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {
  if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
$.post("http://localhost:8080/foo";, response);

Firebug gives me "a is undefined on main.js (line 14)"

Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks!

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Measuring Area of a given poits

2011-08-17 Thread xelawho
there's this:

and the geometry library has a computeArea() function:

it should be fairly simple to put the two together, although I'm sure
someone has done it already..

On Aug 17, 9:49 am, shafiq ahmad  wrote:
> hi there,
> how to draw a polygon shape by clicking different point om map to measure
> the area in feet or meters?
> regards
> shafiq

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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Error: 'google' is undefined

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Broadfoot
No problem!

It's always best to see what the live output looks like. When using
frameworks like Wordpress, they'll often do clever (no sarcasm!) things that
may be surprising.



On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 1:11 AM, Stephen Backholm wrote:

> Chris,
> You're were exactly right.  Wordpress was manipulating and renaming my
> script calls, and the call I didn't recognize was actually my script.
> Thanks for solving this.  One of those mental block moments that needed a
> fresh set of eyes.
> Regards,
> Stephen
> --
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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Re: 2011/8/17 - New Release (3.6)

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Broadfoot
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:37 PM, en4ce  wrote:

> btw, this clickable icons are really not consistent if you cant style

the infowindow, the infowindows look like google, but our info windows
> don't ... (same thing with panoramio anyway), of cause i can set this
> function off but where is the point

Could you file a feature request, please?

Also, can you elaborate whether you'd like to use a custom overlay to
display the business information (like InfoBubble), or whether you want to
style the *content* of the InfoWindow?


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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Re: 2011/8/17 - New Release (3.6)

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Broadfoot
Hi Simon,

Thanks! I was able to reproduce.

It turns out that particular airport is comprised of two geometries - the
runways are a "transit.station.airport", but the general area is a "poi"
(unfortunately the most specific category).

So, to disable the clickable icon, you'd need a style like

  featureType: "poi",
  elementType: "labels",
  stylers: [ { visibility: "off" } ]

(you could turn all the other poi categories back on, though)

It does seem wrong that there is a geometry (and label) only selectable
under a vague category, I will follow up on this.

Hope this helps,


On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:50 PM, sgiddings  wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Sorry, but had to lock my web site to version 3.5 to avoid the
> problem.
> However, the airport in question is :
> - Aéroport de Dinard Pleurtuit Saint-Malo (DNR), 35730 Pleurtuit,
> France
> whose coordonates are
> Lat : 48.58776739755567
> Lng : -2.0796951962890944
> Hope this helps with your investigations
> Simon
> On Aug 17, 11:02 am, Chris Broadfoot  wrote:
> > Are you able to make a quick demo page? Or tell me which airport you are
> > looking at.
> >
> > --http://twitter.com/broady
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 6:16 PM, sgiddings 
> wrote:
> > > Hi Chris,
> >
> > > Just been looking at this to be able to disable clicking on google
> > > located pois.
> > > Use the Styled Map Wizard to generate the required code and came
> > > across a problem.
> >
> > > When turning off all visibility of airports ... they are still
> > > displayed, labelled and clickable.
> > > Here is the, generated, code :
> > > { featureType: "transit.station.airport", stylers: [ { visibility:
> > > "off" }]}
> > > I even tried :
> > > { featureType: "transit.station.airport", elementType: "labels",
> > > stylers: [ { visibility: "off" }]}
> >
> > > Do I need to log a bug ?
> >
> > > On Aug 17, 3:53 am, Chris Broadfoot  wrote:
> > > > Hi all,
> >
> > > > We recently released a new minor version of the Maps API. This means
> that
> > > > shortly, the versions of the Maps API will be:
> > > > 3.6: Development/Nightly
> > > > 3.5: Feature Stable
> > > > 3.4: Frozen
> > > > 3.3 will continue to exist for a short period of time, after which
> you
> > > will
> > > > receive 3.4 when requesting 3.3.
> >
> > > > 
> >
> > > > In this release, we have added clickable business icons to the road
> map.
> > > > This provides a consistent user experience between the Google Maps
> and
> > > the
> > > > Maps API.
> >
> > > > Another popular feature request was the ability to style hybrid and
> > > terrain
> > > > map types. This is now possible via the "styles" option on
> MapOptions.
> > > When
> > > > specifying styles in this way, they will be applied across all the
> > > default
> > > > map types. This also makes it easier to create styled maps (no need
> to
> > > > create a StyledMapType).
> >
> > > > For more detail on these two new features, see the blog post here:
> > >http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.com/2011/08/business-icons-and-st.
> ..
> >
> > > > 
> >
> > > > As noted previously, we recommend production applications specify a
> minor
> > > > version (e.g. 3.4, 3.5). Though, please take the time to test your
> > > > application against the nightly version (3.6) so that we can rectify
> any
> > > > issues that may surface during your testing.
> >
> > > > To see more information about versioning of the Maps API, see
> > > documentation:
> > >http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/basics.html.
> ..
> >
> > > > The full changelog for the Maps API can be found here:
> > >http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/wiki/JavascriptMapsAPIv3Cha.
> ..
> >
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > Chris
> >
> > > > --http://twitter.com/broady
> >
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups
> > > "Google Maps JavaScript API v3" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to
> > > google-maps-js-api-v3@googlegroups.com.
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > google-maps-js-api-v3+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/google-maps-js-api-v3?hl=en.
> --
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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Error: 'google' is undefined

2011-08-17 Thread hanef fajer Road
is there problem??i make marker with dynamic infowindow information
and it show,but when i updating database using MySQL for My windows
information and place of marker, my map couldn't show again.. :(

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[Google Maps API v3] Get Updates for changes to a specific Map

2011-08-17 Thread Sascha Mombartz
How can i get updates (rss, or other feed) for changes done to a certain map 
i own? for example: i add a draw a new line, label  it and save it to a map. 
id then like to be able to post that update/change.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Is it possible to access the google premade icons in different colours?

2011-08-17 Thread JKurtock
I've had a lot of luck with Google Charts
You generate "standard" pins in any color imaginable, and it's easy to
add letters and numbers.  And if pins aren't enough for you, well, the
sky's the limit.

Since this is another layer of indirection there is a tiny performance
hit, but once the image is cached you can't detect that.

- Jeff

On Aug 17, 8:31 am, Lawrence Fleming  wrote:
> Hi, I'm finally manning up and diving into the V3 API, it's all going pretty
> smoothly but there's something that comes to mind. usually when generating
> various maps google offers a plethora of different markers (see attatchment
> if I'm not making any sense) , the ones that are specifically of interest of
> me are the ones that are the same shape as the original red marker, but
> different colours. I am eager to use that marker as it is a recognised icon
> and carries good conotations, but I would really like to be able to apply it
> in the 12 or 13 different colours that some of the other APIs offer.
>  If push comes to shove I can just define it as a custom icon with the
> MarkerImage class, but it seems a tad redundant am I missing something
> really obvious?
>  Screenshot-2.png
> 51KViewDownload

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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Google Maps V3 Resize and Center in the same time. (with jQuery resize)

2011-08-17 Thread Répás Zoltán
The example is here: http://teszt.privilegetours.co.uk
In the landing page (START), select the "Térképes" tab (it means "Mapped")

Répás Zoltán

On 2011.08.17., at 16:07, Kesuke wrote:

> Ideally option 1 would work, but sometimes the animation complete
> function in JQuery fires before the DOM has actually finished
> rendering the animation - especially on older devices/mobile devices.
> You could try enclosing the resize in a setTimeout() method, probably
> with a generous time on it like 300-750 miliseconds. This will mean
> you resize the map THEN panTo the new center.
> It would be good if you could show us a link to this - for example
> sometimes I've found that by floating the map div in a certain
> direction you can make the pan look less awkward.
> If you are trying to time it perfectly so the map pans with the
> animating div you probably won't be able to. Even though you can
> specifcy a time in miliseconds for the animation to take, the time is
> more of a rough guide rather than a consistent or precise measure to
> sequence events.
> On Aug 17, 10:45 am, Répás Zoltán  wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I'd like to make a cute animation for my google maps api.
>> I have two divs next to each other, one with 0px width.
>> When I click to a single target the MAP width is scales down, with a jquery 
>> animation in 200ms.
>> Same time the right sided DIV's width sets from 0 to 500px (200 ms too)
>> So it looks like, the map is "compressed" by the right-panel.
>> I'd like the point to be in the middle after the click. And here is the 
>> problem.
>> Wrong method #1 The point will be in the middle after the resize, but the 
>> move is not smooth because the panTo event will fire after the resize.
>> $(content).prependTo("#mapinfo");
>> $("#map").animate({
>> width: '478'
>>   }, 200);
>> $("#mapinfo").animate({
>> width: '500',
>> right: '0',
>>   }, 200, function() {
>> google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
>> map.panTo(marker.getPosition());
>> });
>> 01---2 time in secs
>>  S--E animation #1 
>> (Start - End)
>>  S--E animation #2 
>> (Start - End)
>>  ---X fire map resize 
>> event trigger, and center it
>> Wrong method #2 The point will be in the middle in the same time when the 
>> resize fired, so it gets failed to find where the center will be after the 
>> resize because the resize wont finished yet.
>> google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
>> map.panTo(marker.getPosition());
>> $(content).prependTo("#mapinfo");
>> $("#map").animate({
>> width: '478'
>>   }, 200);
>> $("#mapinfo").animate({
>> width: '500',
>> right: '0',
>>   }, 200, function() {});
>> 01---2 time in secs
>>  S--E animation #1 
>> (Start - End)
>>  S--E animation #2 
>> (Start - End)
>>  X--- fire map resize 
>> event trigger, center
>> Please help me, how to resize and panto center in the same time.
>> Thanks for the help.
>> Répás Zoltán
>> marhar...@gmail.com
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Google Maps JavaScript API v3" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> google-maps-js-api-v3+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-maps-js-api-v3?hl=en.

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[Google Maps API v3] map is throwing error

2011-08-17 Thread eSut

The error message:

"The Google Maps API server rejected your request. The "sensor"
parameter specified in the request must be set to either "true" or

Code for the html page that uses the javascript file shown below this

Uganda Map

html { height: 100% } body { height: 100%;
margin: 0; padding: 0 } #map_canvas { height: 100% }


Code that the map uses in a file:

var map;
function initialize() {
  var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(1.504954, 32.376709);
  var myOptions = {
zoom: 7,
center: myLatlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),

  var cityLogo = new google.maps.MarkerImage('images/maplogo.png', new
google.maps.Size(100,50), new google.maps.Point(0,0), new
  var cityShadow = new google.maps.MarkerImage('images/
map_logo_shadow.png', new google.maps.Size(130,50), new
google.maps.Point(0,0), new google.maps.Point(65, 50));
  var kamLogo = new google.maps.MarkerImage('images/kamlogo.png', new
google.maps.Size(100,50), new google.maps.Point(0,0), new

  var cityPos = new google.maps.LatLng(1.715285, 33.611126);
  var kampala_coor = new google.maps.LatLng(0.313710, 32.581133);

  var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
  position: cityPos,
  map: map,
  animation: google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE,
  icon: cityLogo,
  shadow: cityShadow,
  title:"Click to zoom"

  google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function()
{setTimeout(moveToDarwin, 100);});
  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function()

  var contentString = ''+
'Kampala is the largest city and capital of Uganda. ' +
'The city is divided into five boroughs that oversee local
planning: '+
'Kampala Central, Kawempe Division, Makindye Division, '+
'Nakawa Division and Lubaga Division. '+
'The city is coterminous with Kampala District.'+
0/0c/KampalaSkyline.jpg/250px-KampalaSkyline.jpg" />'+
'Wikipedia (last visited August 2011).'+

  var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
  maxWidth: 300,
  content: contentString

  var kampala = new google.maps.Marker({
  position: kampala_coor,
  map: map,
  icon: kamLogo,
  shadow: cityShadow,
  title:"Capital of Uganda"

  google.maps.event.addListener(kampala, 'click', function() {

function moveToDarwin() {
  var darwin = new google.maps.LatLng(1.715285, 33.611126);

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Very Basic Question about DefaultUI

2011-08-17 Thread RichardK
 Your custom button could link to this 

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Facebook social plugin in an infowindow

2011-08-17 Thread RichardK
I have this working now in an iFrame at although all comments from one map 
click appear in any other map click and that is entirely due to Facebooks 
social plugin in than GM API3 so may attemt a solution using my own SQL 
database of comment threads.

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[Google Maps API v3] Measuring Area of a given poits

2011-08-17 Thread shafiq ahmad
hi there,

how to draw a polygon shape by clicking different point om map to measure 
the area in feet or meters?



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[Google Maps API v3] Is it possible to access the google premade icons in different colours?

2011-08-17 Thread Lawrence Fleming
Hi, I'm finally manning up and diving into the V3 API, it's all going pretty 
smoothly but there's something that comes to mind. usually when generating 
various maps google offers a plethora of different markers (see attatchment 
if I'm not making any sense) , the ones that are specifically of interest of 
me are the ones that are the same shape as the original red marker, but 
different colours. I am eager to use that marker as it is a recognised icon 
and carries good conotations, but I would really like to be able to apply it 
in the 12 or 13 different colours that some of the other APIs offer.
 If push comes to shove I can just define it as a custom icon with the 
MarkerImage class, but it seems a tad redundant am I missing something 
really obvious?

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: can I get all junction point,intersection point,cross point on the road from A to B?

2011-08-17 Thread JKurtock
If you are asking if you can get each street intersection you cross on
a route: no, you can't.

If you are trying to determine if one route crosses another, you can
try checking to see if they share any step start_locations (which
would mean they cross).  But routes can cross without having a common
waypoint.   You could try checking each direction step to see if the
straight line path between beginning and end cross (this is just
geometry).  While that would probably catch most crossing steps, I can
imagine a routing in mountainous areas where this would not guarantee
that they cross.

Good luck.

- Jeff

On Aug 16, 3:09 am, steve  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using route on api v3,can I get all cross point on each steps?
> because I want to check one road cut another road,so I think if I can
> get all cross points on each road I can determine it
> ex:the 
> routehttp://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=21.008981,...
> Thank a lot

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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Error: 'google' is undefined

2011-08-17 Thread Stephen Backholm

You're were exactly right.  Wordpress was manipulating and renaming my 
script calls, and the call I didn't recognize was actually my script.

Thanks for solving this.  One of those mental block moments that needed a 
fresh set of eyes.


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: a solution to unwanted infowindow scrollbars?

2011-08-17 Thread xelawho
> and I believe the infowindows do not really look appealing when
> specified white-space: nowrap;

yes, like I say - you have to set your own line breaks otherwise you
will naturally get horizontal scrollbars if you have long lines of

more annoying is that, having a look at it in other browsers I note
that it only really works for FF. Chrome seems to do an OK job in the
"not recommendable" examples given (but not on my test page) but IE8
makes a real mess of it, as you can see.

so  I guess it's back to the drawing board, or the scrollbar as it
were - unless there has been some better solution offered and I missed

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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Error: 'google' is undefined

2011-08-17 Thread Stephen Backholm

Thanks for taking a look.

The first script is unrelated to the map code.


The map script calls are as follows, but the last one doesn't show up due to 
the error.  You'll see it when you debug, but it doesn't show in the source.




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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Google Maps V3 Resize and Center in the same time. (with jQuery resize)

2011-08-17 Thread Kesuke
Ideally option 1 would work, but sometimes the animation complete
function in JQuery fires before the DOM has actually finished
rendering the animation - especially on older devices/mobile devices.
You could try enclosing the resize in a setTimeout() method, probably
with a generous time on it like 300-750 miliseconds. This will mean
you resize the map THEN panTo the new center.

It would be good if you could show us a link to this - for example
sometimes I've found that by floating the map div in a certain
direction you can make the pan look less awkward.

If you are trying to time it perfectly so the map pans with the
animating div you probably won't be able to. Even though you can
specifcy a time in miliseconds for the animation to take, the time is
more of a rough guide rather than a consistent or precise measure to
sequence events.

On Aug 17, 10:45 am, Répás Zoltán  wrote:
> Hello!
> I'd like to make a cute animation for my google maps api.
> I have two divs next to each other, one with 0px width.
> When I click to a single target the MAP width is scales down, with a jquery 
> animation in 200ms.
> Same time the right sided DIV's width sets from 0 to 500px (200 ms too)
> So it looks like, the map is "compressed" by the right-panel.
> I'd like the point to be in the middle after the click. And here is the 
> problem.
> Wrong method #1 The point will be in the middle after the resize, but the 
> move is not smooth because the panTo event will fire after the resize.
>                 $(content).prependTo("#mapinfo");
>                 $("#map").animate({
>                     width: '478'
>                   }, 200);
>                 $("#mapinfo").animate({
>                     width: '500',
>                     right: '0',
>                   }, 200, function() {
>                         google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
>                         map.panTo(marker.getPosition());
>                 });
> 01---2 time in secs
>  S--E animation #1 (Start 
> - End)
>  S--E animation #2 (Start 
> - End)
>  ---X fire map resize 
> event trigger, and center it
> Wrong method #2 The point will be in the middle in the same time when the 
> resize fired, so it gets failed to find where the center will be after the 
> resize because the resize wont finished yet.
>                 google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
>                 map.panTo(marker.getPosition());
>                 $(content).prependTo("#mapinfo");
>                 $("#map").animate({
>                     width: '478'
>                   }, 200);
>                 $("#mapinfo").animate({
>                     width: '500',
>                     right: '0',
>                   }, 200, function() {});
> 01---2 time in secs
>  S--E animation #1 (Start 
> - End)
>  S--E animation #2 (Start 
> - End)
>  X--- fire map resize 
> event trigger, center
> Please help me, how to resize and panto center in the same time.
> Thanks for the help.
> Répás Zoltán
> marhar...@gmail.com

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: 2011/8/17 - New Release (3.6)

2011-08-17 Thread sgiddings
Hi Chris,

Sorry, but had to lock my web site to version 3.5 to avoid the

However, the airport in question is :
- Aéroport de Dinard Pleurtuit Saint-Malo (DNR), 35730 Pleurtuit,
whose coordonates are
Lat : 48.58776739755567
Lng : -2.0796951962890944

Hope this helps with your investigations

On Aug 17, 11:02 am, Chris Broadfoot  wrote:
> Are you able to make a quick demo page? Or tell me which airport you are
> looking at.
> --http://twitter.com/broady
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 6:16 PM, sgiddings  wrote:
> > Hi Chris,
> > Just been looking at this to be able to disable clicking on google
> > located pois.
> > Use the Styled Map Wizard to generate the required code and came
> > across a problem.
> > When turning off all visibility of airports ... they are still
> > displayed, labelled and clickable.
> > Here is the, generated, code :
> > { featureType: "transit.station.airport", stylers: [ { visibility:
> > "off" }]}
> > I even tried :
> > { featureType: "transit.station.airport", elementType: "labels",
> > stylers: [ { visibility: "off" }]}
> > Do I need to log a bug ?
> > On Aug 17, 3:53 am, Chris Broadfoot  wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > We recently released a new minor version of the Maps API. This means that
> > > shortly, the versions of the Maps API will be:
> > > 3.6: Development/Nightly
> > > 3.5: Feature Stable
> > > 3.4: Frozen
> > > 3.3 will continue to exist for a short period of time, after which you
> > will
> > > receive 3.4 when requesting 3.3.
> > > 
> > > In this release, we have added clickable business icons to the road map.
> > > This provides a consistent user experience between the Google Maps and
> > the
> > > Maps API.
> > > Another popular feature request was the ability to style hybrid and
> > terrain
> > > map types. This is now possible via the "styles" option on MapOptions.
> > When
> > > specifying styles in this way, they will be applied across all the
> > default
> > > map types. This also makes it easier to create styled maps (no need to
> > > create a StyledMapType).
> > > For more detail on these two new features, see the blog post here:
> >http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.com/2011/08/business-icons-and-st...
> > > 
> > > As noted previously, we recommend production applications specify a minor
> > > version (e.g. 3.4, 3.5). Though, please take the time to test your
> > > application against the nightly version (3.6) so that we can rectify any
> > > issues that may surface during your testing.
> > > To see more information about versioning of the Maps API, see
> > documentation:
> >http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/basics.html...
> > > The full changelog for the Maps API can be found here:
> >http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/wiki/JavascriptMapsAPIv3Cha...
> > > Cheers,
> > > Chris
> > > --http://twitter.com/broady
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Google Maps JavaScript API v3" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > google-maps-js-api-v3@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > google-maps-js-api-v3+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/google-maps-js-api-v3?hl=en.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: 2011/8/17 - New Release (3.6)

2011-08-17 Thread en4ce
i am a bit disappointed, the last version was released like 1 month
ago we "just" see what we had within the places api anyway? what?
sorry, but was this really so impotent?

i just wonder, where is earth, where is the youtube / wiki layer,
where is the webcam layer ?


btw, this clickable icons are really not consistent if you cant style
the infowindow, the infowindows look like google, but our info windows
don't ... (same thing with panoramio anyway), of cause i can set this
function off but where is the point


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: a solution to unwanted infowindow scrollbars?

2011-08-17 Thread Pil
Sounds interesting at first sight.

But I'm sorry, this solution cannot be recommended generally.

Have a look at the infowindows in the following example.
In this case the contents of a kml file is loaded into the
and I believe the infowindows do not really look appealing when
specified white-space: nowrap;


On Aug 17, 8:56 am, xelawho  wrote:
> hi,
> apologies if this has been noted, but I searched the group and it
> seems that there were alot of people frustrated with vertical
> scrollbars appearing in their infowindows but I couldn't find any
> concrete solutions offered.
> I could never get setSize() to work, setContent() did nothing useful,
> and I was getting scrollbars on two lines of text (!) But here's what
> worked for me. Maybe it will help someone else:
> in my css,  for the #map_canvas I specified white-space:nowrap;
> and bye bye scrollbars :D
> I haven't tested it fully - I guess if you style your infowindow divs
> individually you would include the line there. And I don't use
> graphics in my infowindows, so that's another unknown.
> And of course if you have a lot of text you would have to put in your
> own line breaks, which could get boring.
> But anyway. Just thought I'd mention it.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Limiting search

2011-08-17 Thread davie
to locate an address you will need to know at least the city and
country .As you are only requiring the state you would be better using
a database such as GeoNames http://www.geonames.org

Regards Davie

On Aug 17, 9:53 am, AA  wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Sorry, but is there any way someone can suggest anything? We have not
> found the solution yet, any advice would be extremely valuable.
> Thank you.
> On 11 авг, 16:17, AA  wrote:
> > Hello Everyone,
> > I would like to find out if anyone can suggest a solution in the
> > following map search case: a user opens the map, enters the exact
> > address (up to street, house number), we have to locate the address
> > and then receive back only country, state, city and that's it. We do
> > not need any other data. Can anyone tell if such search limitation is
> > possible?  Is there a universal functionality for this as not every
> > country has states?
> > Your help is much appreciated.
> > Thank you.

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[Google Maps API v3] How can I display OverlayMapType in a OverviewMap?

2011-08-17 Thread giscoda

in V3 the OverviewMap does not display any overlaymaptypes.

There is already an issue filed:

Any known workarounds?


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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Error: 'google' is undefined

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Broadfoot
Hi Stephen,

Looks like your scripts are ordered incorrectly. I see:


You'll want to load the dependencies of your script first (e.g. Maps API,
Google AJAX API, jQuery)



On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Stephen Backholm wrote:

> Site: http://tinyurl.com/4ycf69e*
> *My site works on my local machine, but when I upload it to my live site
> it doesn't render and debugging shows that I get a "'google' is undefined"
> error on the line:
> google.load('visualization','1',{});
> I have the following items included between the head tags, before the call
> to google.load:
> http://www.google.com/jsapi";>
> http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false";>
> I am guessing that due to the asynchronous nature of the google.load call
> it is being called too early, but all attempts to ensure proper loading
> order have failed.
> Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated.
> Regards,
> Stephen
> *
> *
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Google Maps JavaScript API v3" group.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/google-maps-js-api-v3/-/RMIvt7U6UWgJ.
> To post to this group, send email to
> google-maps-js-api-v3@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> google-maps-js-api-v3+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-maps-js-api-v3?hl=en.

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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Re: 2011/8/17 - New Release (3.6)

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Broadfoot
Are you able to make a quick demo page? Or tell me which airport you are
looking at.


On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 6:16 PM, sgiddings  wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Just been looking at this to be able to disable clicking on google
> located pois.
> Use the Styled Map Wizard to generate the required code and came
> across a problem.
> When turning off all visibility of airports ... they are still
> displayed, labelled and clickable.
> Here is the, generated, code :
> { featureType: "transit.station.airport", stylers: [ { visibility:
> "off" }]}
> I even tried :
> { featureType: "transit.station.airport", elementType: "labels",
> stylers: [ { visibility: "off" }]}
> Do I need to log a bug ?
> On Aug 17, 3:53 am, Chris Broadfoot  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > We recently released a new minor version of the Maps API. This means that
> > shortly, the versions of the Maps API will be:
> > 3.6: Development/Nightly
> > 3.5: Feature Stable
> > 3.4: Frozen
> > 3.3 will continue to exist for a short period of time, after which you
> will
> > receive 3.4 when requesting 3.3.
> >
> > 
> >
> > In this release, we have added clickable business icons to the road map.
> > This provides a consistent user experience between the Google Maps and
> the
> > Maps API.
> >
> > Another popular feature request was the ability to style hybrid and
> terrain
> > map types. This is now possible via the "styles" option on MapOptions.
> When
> > specifying styles in this way, they will be applied across all the
> default
> > map types. This also makes it easier to create styled maps (no need to
> > create a StyledMapType).
> >
> > For more detail on these two new features, see the blog post here:
> http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.com/2011/08/business-icons-and-st...
> >
> > 
> >
> > As noted previously, we recommend production applications specify a minor
> > version (e.g. 3.4, 3.5). Though, please take the time to test your
> > application against the nightly version (3.6) so that we can rectify any
> > issues that may surface during your testing.
> >
> > To see more information about versioning of the Maps API, see
> documentation:
> http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/basics.html...
> >
> > The full changelog for the Maps API can be found here:
> http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/wiki/JavascriptMapsAPIv3Cha...
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Chris
> >
> > --http://twitter.com/broady
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Google Maps JavaScript API v3" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> google-maps-js-api-v3@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> google-maps-js-api-v3+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-maps-js-api-v3?hl=en.

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[Google Maps API v3] Error: 'google' is undefined

2011-08-17 Thread Stephen Backholm
Site: http://tinyurl.com/4ycf69e*

*My site works on my local machine, but when I upload it to my live site it 
doesn't render and debugging shows that I get a "'google' is undefined" 
error on the line:


I have the following items included between the head tags, before the call 
to google.load:


I am guessing that due to the asynchronous nature of the google.load call it 
is being called too early, but all attempts to ensure proper loading order 
have failed.

Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated.



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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Help displaying exact location in gmaps

2011-08-17 Thread davie
Hi Paul
I geocoded 61 huntly terrace and the location was eve less accurate,12
I assume this is a function of the database/search. Looking at it
logically what size of database would it require to store the data for
all possible addresses in the world, the UK alone has over 28 million.
The normal approach is to geocode the address, show it on a map, and
get the viewer to correct the position. The correct position is then
stored in your own database. I have not tried this to find that this
will provide a correct position in streetview.
I suggest you try this using streetview-simple.html from the api v3

Regards Davie

On Aug 16, 7:53 pm, Paul  wrote:
> Hey Davie,
> Thanks for your messages. Ok so for streetview it seems its sometimes not
> spot on, I take it does this mean the maps is also sometimes out a bit or do
> you find this is more exact?
> To have very close by (like a couple of houses along) this is ok, I've also
> seen cases where it is showing the exact location (and correct streetview).
> I still need to try and get the api to recognise the number in the address
> though to provide this accuracy. To give an extreme example I live on a road
> with over 600 numbered street addresses (Kingsland Road, London), if I can
> only get an approx location in the middle of street then that's really
> limiting
> Check out the code nowhttp://bhartisolutions.net/street/street_view.htmlits
> pinpointing 106 Baker Street when I'm trying to view 50 Baker Street..
> Seems you can do tons of things with the api I'll be amazed if it can't
> allow you to pass through the number for the street..

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Limiting search

2011-08-17 Thread AA
Hello Everyone,

Sorry, but is there any way someone can suggest anything? We have not
found the solution yet, any advice would be extremely valuable.

Thank you.

On 11 авг, 16:17, AA  wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I would like to find out if anyone can suggest a solution in the
> following map search case: a user opens the map, enters the exact
> address (up to street, house number), we have to locate the address
> and then receive back only country, state, city and that's it. We do
> not need any other data. Can anyone tell if such search limitation is
> possible?  Is there a universal functionality for this as not every
> country has states?
> Your help is much appreciated.
> Thank you.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: 2011/8/17 - New Release (3.6)

2011-08-17 Thread sgiddings
One further piece of information -
I have not requested the places library at all !

On Aug 17, 10:16 am, sgiddings  wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Just been looking at this to be able to disable clicking on google
> located pois.
> Use the Styled Map Wizard to generate the required code and came
> across a problem.
> When turning off all visibility of airports ... they are still
> displayed, labelled and clickable.
> Here is the, generated, code :
> { featureType: "transit.station.airport", stylers: [ { visibility:
> "off" }]}
> I even tried :
> { featureType: "transit.station.airport", elementType: "labels",
> stylers: [ { visibility: "off" }]}
> Do I need to log a bug ?
> On Aug 17, 3:53 am, Chris Broadfoot  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > We recently released a new minor version of the Maps API. This means that
> > shortly, the versions of the Maps API will be:
> > 3.6: Development/Nightly
> > 3.5: Feature Stable
> > 3.4: Frozen
> > 3.3 will continue to exist for a short period of time, after which you will
> > receive 3.4 when requesting 3.3.
> > 
> > In this release, we have added clickable business icons to the road map.
> > This provides a consistent user experience between the Google Maps and the
> > Maps API.
> > Another popular feature request was the ability to style hybrid and terrain
> > map types. This is now possible via the "styles" option on MapOptions. When
> > specifying styles in this way, they will be applied across all the default
> > map types. This also makes it easier to create styled maps (no need to
> > create a StyledMapType).
> > For more detail on these two new features, see the blog post 
> > here:http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.com/2011/08/business-icons-and-st...
> > 
> > As noted previously, we recommend production applications specify a minor
> > version (e.g. 3.4, 3.5). Though, please take the time to test your
> > application against the nightly version (3.6) so that we can rectify any
> > issues that may surface during your testing.
> > To see more information about versioning of the Maps API, see 
> > documentation:http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/basics.html...
> > The full changelog for the Maps API can be found 
> > here:http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/wiki/JavascriptMapsAPIv3Cha...
> > Cheers,
> > Chris
> > --http://twitter.com/broady

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Google Maps JavaScript API v3" group.
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[Google Maps API v3] Re: 2011/8/17 - New Release (3.6)

2011-08-17 Thread sgiddings
Hi Chris,

Just been looking at this to be able to disable clicking on google
located pois.
Use the Styled Map Wizard to generate the required code and came
across a problem.

When turning off all visibility of airports ... they are still
displayed, labelled and clickable.
Here is the, generated, code :
{ featureType: "transit.station.airport", stylers: [ { visibility:
"off" }]}
I even tried :
{ featureType: "transit.station.airport", elementType: "labels",
stylers: [ { visibility: "off" }]}

Do I need to log a bug ?

On Aug 17, 3:53 am, Chris Broadfoot  wrote:
> Hi all,
> We recently released a new minor version of the Maps API. This means that
> shortly, the versions of the Maps API will be:
> 3.6: Development/Nightly
> 3.5: Feature Stable
> 3.4: Frozen
> 3.3 will continue to exist for a short period of time, after which you will
> receive 3.4 when requesting 3.3.
> In this release, we have added clickable business icons to the road map.
> This provides a consistent user experience between the Google Maps and the
> Maps API.
> Another popular feature request was the ability to style hybrid and terrain
> map types. This is now possible via the "styles" option on MapOptions. When
> specifying styles in this way, they will be applied across all the default
> map types. This also makes it easier to create styled maps (no need to
> create a StyledMapType).
> For more detail on these two new features, see the blog post 
> here:http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.com/2011/08/business-icons-and-st...
> As noted previously, we recommend production applications specify a minor
> version (e.g. 3.4, 3.5). Though, please take the time to test your
> application against the nightly version (3.6) so that we can rectify any
> issues that may surface during your testing.
> To see more information about versioning of the Maps API, see 
> documentation:http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/basics.html...
> The full changelog for the Maps API can be found 
> here:http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/wiki/JavascriptMapsAPIv3Cha...
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --http://twitter.com/broady

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Adding Sliding panel.

2011-08-17 Thread GMapHelp
Hello Everyone,
 After lots of vexation .Finally i was able to get some wat effect
like Google map. I am posting the code also so that anyone like me
searching for sliding panel with Google maps V3 may find it helpful. I
do still have problem in rendering zoom control and scale control as
the sliding panel expands and collapse. If any help or suggestion
would be appreciated.


 Code /

 var map;
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(53.409532,-2.990113);
var srcImageL = 'slidebtnL.jpg';
var srcImageR = 'slidebtnR.jpg';

   function SPControl(MainContainer, map)
   MainContainer.style.padding = '0px';

   ///Open panel--
   var MyPanel = document.getElementById("slidingPanel");
   MyPanel.style.borderStyle = 'solid';
   MyPanel.style.borderWidth = '1px';

   var controlUI = document.createElement('DIV');
   controlUI.style.backgroundColor = 'silver';
   controlUI.style.borderStyle = 'solid';
   controlUI.style.borderWidth = '1px';
   controlUI.style.cursor = 'pointer';
   controlUI.style.position = 'relative';
   controlUI.title = 'Click to close sliding panel';

   // Create an IMG element and attach it to the DIV.
   var imgclose = document.createElement("img");
   imgclose.src = srcImageL;
   imgclose.style.width = "20px";
   imgclose.style.height = "20px";

   ///Close panel-
   var closeControl = document.createElement('DIV');
   closeControl.style.backgroundColor = 'silver';
   closeControl.style.borderStyle = 'solid';
   closeControl.style.borderWidth = '1px';
   closeControl.style.cursor = 'pointer';
   closeControl.style.position = 'relative';
   closeControl.title = 'Click to open sliding panel';

   // Create an IMG element and attach it to the DIV.
   var imgopen = document.createElement("img");
   imgopen.src = srcImageR;
   imgopen.style.width = "20px";
   imgopen.style.height = "20px";

   MyPanel.isVisible = true;

   function closeEvent(){MyPanel.isVisible=false;
   function openEvent(){MyPanel.isVisible=true;

   google.maps.event.addDomListener(controlUI, 'click', function()
controlUI.onclick = function(){MyPanel.style.display = "none";

   google.maps.event.addDomListener(closeControl, 'click',
function() {
closeControl.onclick = function(){MyPanel.style.display =
"block"; openEvent()};

  function initialize() {
var myOptions = {
  zoom: 11,
  center: latlng,
//  scaleControl: true,
  mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  //disableDefaultUI: true
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),
var MapControls = {
mapTypeControl: true,
mapTypeControlOptions : {
  mapTypeIds: new
  style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU
scaleControl: true,
scaleControlOptions: {
  position: google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_LEFT
streetViewControl: false,
scrollwheel: true

var holdDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
var spcontrol= new SPControl(holdDiv, map);


 code /

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