[Google Maps API v3] getPlace() doesnt return sublocality and reverse geocode doesn't replace places' name

2011-10-21 Thread Leone
I'm getting place 
calling getPlace() when a user selects a Place from the predictions attached 
to the places autocomplete 
So, when a place of type "park" is selected, the getPlace() method doesnt 
return its address sublocality.

Then, someone suggested me to use reverse geocode passing the place's 
coordinates as parameter. This way i got the place's sublocality and some 
data else, BUT i lose informations like the place's name. Also, if the 
selected place is a small city, the reverse geocode loses the city's name, 
returning only the address of any road nearby with no locality.

Does anybody have any other suggestion to get the most data of the selected 

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Combine User Location with PHP/MySQL Listings

2011-10-21 Thread Steve McIntyre
So I took your advice and I put the geolocation and the DB listings in
separate functions (tasks).

I was able to get it so the functions load (as seen with the alert on
Listings), but it's still not populating the map_canvas.

I suspect this line might be a key to overcoming this:
bindInfoWindow(marker, map, infoWindow, html);

Here's the page:

Here's the code:

Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Example: Map Geolocation

  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


  var map;

  function initialize() {
var myOptions = {
  zoom: 6,
  mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new

// Try HTML5 geolocation
if(navigator.geolocation) {
var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude,

   var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
 map: map,
 position: pos,
 content: 'Location found using HTML5.'

  }, function() {
} else {
  // Browser doesn't support Geolocation

  function handleNoGeolocation(errorFlag) {
if (errorFlag) {
  var content = 'Error: The Geolocation service failed.';
} else {
  var content = 'Error: Your browser doesn\'t support

var options = {
  map: map,
  position: new google.maps.LatLng(60, 105),
  content: content

var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(options);

  google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

function listings() {
  var map = new
google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), {
//center: new google.maps.LatLng(, ),
//zoom: 12,
//mapTypeId: 'roadmap'
  var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow;
  alert("Listings Loaded");

  // Change this depending on the name of your PHP file
  downloadUrl("phpsqlajax_genxml5.php", function(data) {
var xml = data.responseXML;
var markers =
for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
  var name = markers[i].getAttribute("name");
  var address = markers[i].getAttribute("address");
  var citystate = markers[i].getAttribute("citystate");
  var phone = markers[i].getAttribute("phone");
  var type = markers[i].getAttribute("type");
  var point = new google.maps.LatLng(
  var html = "" + name + " 
" + address + "
" +citystate + "
" + phone; var icon = customIcons[type] || {}; var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: pos, icon: icon.icon, shadow: icon.shadow }); bindInfoWindow(marker, map, infoWindow, html); } }); } function test() { alert("Test Loaded"); } window.onload = listings; -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Maps JavaScript API v3" group. To post to this group, send email to google-maps-js-api-v3@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to google-maps-js-api-v3+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/google-maps-js-api-v3?hl=en.

[Google Maps API v3] Re: Transaction limits and associated costs

2011-10-21 Thread John Coryat
It's pretty easy to do if you use Analytics. 

-John Coryat

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Transaction limits and associated costs

2011-10-21 Thread Joseph Elfelt
Excellent question.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Transaction limits and associated costs

2011-10-21 Thread abanjo
Hi Thor,
there is a place where i can monitor the transactions on my site?
How i can know exactly the number i reached in the day?


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Add Sidebar to v3

2011-10-21 Thread Rossko
> I'm having trouble finding the code or a tutorial for this. How do I add the
> sidebar to the v3 store locator instead of the drop down?

Have you looked at any of these yet?

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Combine User Location with PHP/MySQL Listings

2011-10-21 Thread Rossko
> earlier quote - "I'm guessing that it should go on the main page
> instead of being
> placed within the XML output of the business listings, since that's
> server side info, and user location is client side."

Yes, that would make sense, as javascript placed in a file being
treated as XML data is not going to be executed by the browser at all.

> From what I can tell, the map drawing is done all at once

Not really.  Your map is created and centered.  Later on, some XML
data is fetched, and some markers are plotted on the existing map from
that, one at a time, in a loop.

If there happened to be pre-existing markers or lines or whatever
already on the map, so what. So we could do the user location stuff
before even fetching XML (many people would choose to do it that way
to exploit the added benefit of actually using the user location to
influence the XML fetching stuff e.g. get nearest data only)

Everyone has their own approach, but solving it in steps seems
straightforward in this case.
Finding the user's location is a task.
Once you have that location, plotting it on the map is a task.
Obviously, there is a prerequisite in there somewhere of setting a map
up before you can plot anything on it.
The geolocation example I pointed you at does all that except plot a
marker, but that is a straightforward addition:

After a map exists, you can also fetch XML and plot it as another task
in sequence.

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[Google Maps API v3] How Do I make button like 'Map' and 'Satellite'

2011-10-21 Thread Vanni Casari
Hi all,
I want to add with google map api v3 two button 'Hybrid' and 'Terrain'
like 'Map' and 'Satellite'.
Also I want to delete check-box under 'Map' and 'Satellite'.
The GUI of mapControls that I want is similar to google map api v2.
Anyone can help me?


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: clicking on Direction Service Panel

2011-10-21 Thread Tyler
I needed to do the same thing without wanting to rewriting what Google
provides.  Here's how I accomplished it:


div#directions-panel is what I set as the panel in my

Here's the relevant CSS:
#directions-panel {
  position: relative;

#directions-panel-cover {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

Essentially this creates an empty, transparent div that sits on top of
the directions panel div, so it blocks any mouse inputs. You may need
to tweak the element order or z-index values, depending on your


On Oct 6, 1:03 am, Subodh Shah  wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the response. What I was looking for a simple configurable
> way for it, rather than again redoing the same what google provides. [?]
> Thanks for your help.
> Subodh
>  330.png
> < 1KViewDownload

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[Google Maps API v3] Street View Plotting

2011-10-21 Thread Sam
Hi, I am new to the group recently, I have been trying to design a
object capturing system using google maps API. What i am trying to do
is allowing a user to click on the street view and plot an object from
that reference point.. Is there any sort of event handler in street
view functionality to allow me do that?I had a quick search to the
group and I couldn't find anything.

If anyone can point me in the right direction I be very greatful.

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Re: [Google Maps API v3] How do I close InfoWindow when user clicks anywhere outside of the MAP?

2011-10-21 Thread Francis Wecker
Oh, it's simple,

try test if infoWindow is open before close;

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[Google Maps API v3] Add Sidebar to v3

2011-10-21 Thread Am
I'm having trouble finding the code or a tutorial for this. How do I add the 
sidebar to the v3 store locator instead of the drop down?
Thank you for your help.

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[Google Maps API v3] javascript api v3 not displaying 2 markers

2011-10-21 Thread .netSpider

I have a .net application which is using gmaps api v3. I'm new to maps api 
and I have never programmed this before so please be patient. 
Here is the snippet from the code:

var map;
function initialize(lat,lng) 
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng);
var myOptions = {
zoom: 15,
center: myLatlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), 

google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function () {
setTimeout(moveToDarwin, 3000);

var marker = new google.maps.Marker
position: myLatlng,
map: map,
title: "Hello World!"

google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function () {

 function moveToDarwin(lat, lng) {
var darwin = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng);
The lat and lng I defined in the code behind and this code works fine, I can 
view the one marker. 
The problem occurs when I'm trying to put another marker after the first 
marker code:

var marker2 = new google.maps.Marker
position: myLatlng2,
map: map,
title: "2nd marker!"

This doesn't show anything on the page. I'm hard coding the lng and lat 
values for this 2nd marker so that It should be dipslayed and the value of 
these are not that far in terms of postcode so it's not completely out of 
bound but still it doesn't show. It doesn't even show the first marker. 
I know there are articles about loading markers using For loop and xml file 
and database but I just want to check this. 
Thanks in advance.


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Search always goes to Pacific Ocean

2011-10-21 Thread Am
Also, once the map goes to the ocean, I can't make another search. It gets 
"stuck" in the ocean. I have to shift + refresh to search again. What could 
be causing this issue?
Thank you for your help.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Search always goes to Pacific Ocean

2011-10-21 Thread Am
Thank you for the code. I added the code to my phpsqlsearch_genxml.php. I'm 
still having the issue with it going to the ocean. Is there a specific place 
in the code that I need to put that code? I put it at the end of the code. 
Could that be why it's not working?

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[Google Maps API v3] Help pretty pls. Adding my locations to fullscreen map

2011-10-21 Thread Vahakn
Hello all.

I have a website www.fruitcity.co.uk which endeavours to map all the fruit 
trees in public space in London.
A very kind coder friend has managed to alter the King Size wordpress theme 
to get the map full screen in the background.
Which you can see here:

Im wondering: 
1. how to get the tree locations from  My Places in my gmail account on to 
the fullscreen map
2. How to have some input controls so people can input new trees locations

if anyone can help id be greaty appreciative.


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Printing issue on Internet Explorer only

2011-10-21 Thread MymsMan
I use the Freeware version 
http://www.CutePDF.comit works well for those 
thing where you want to save a copy but not kill a 
It is very easy to use - you just select CutePDF as a printer and then save 
the file.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Remove "action bar" from placemarks' info window?

2011-10-21 Thread Binarus

thank you very much for your help and your invitation to try Gmap4. It's a 
great and very interesting tool.

Nevertheless, in the meantime, I have decided to give up on "My Places" 
since I had multiple other problems with it (the (in-)famous "track 
splitting" being the worst of these - my tracks sometimes have several 
thousand points, and when importing into "My Places", I am ending up with 
one track being split into several dozens of tracks, and all of these must 
be assigned the intended properties individually, one by one; besides that, 
the import of GPX or KML into "My Places" is failing for months now, at 
least when the files are uploaded from local drives, and Google does not 
seem to be interested to solve this problem, so I suspect they will abandon 
the "My Places" service anyway).

Instead, I am now trying to learn how to use the maps API. I am quite 
satisfied with the progress and with the API so far. I hope I won't 
encounter serious problems...

Regarding the height and width attributes of the images, I wanted to thank 
you for the tip. Of course, you are right. I knew that it's easier (and 
probably quicker) for a browser to render a page if all boxes' dimensions 
are known as soon as possible. But complex web applications and dynamic 
content probably take the importance of this to a new dimension.



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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Combine User Location with PHP/MySQL Listings

2011-10-21 Thread Steve McIntyre
> It may be that you haven't grasped how php works?  ALL the php is run
> at server, any output is assembled into a page which is sent to the
> client, THEN the client builds the display and runs any javascript.

Yes I do understand that PHP is server side and JS is client side and
that AJAX can make requests from the server (like PHP requests) and
serve them up without refreshing the page.

earlier quote - "I'm guessing that it should go on the main page
instead of being
placed within the XML output of the business listings, since that's
server side info, and user location is client side."

> > Either way, it seems to me the user marker needs to be inserted into
> > the map within the same function that populates the map with the PHP
> I don't see why.  Look at what you want;
>   Determine a location
>   Build and centre a map
>   Place a marker at location
>   Fetch some XML from a php script
>   Draw more markers using the XML

So do you have any suggestions on how to do this?

Are you suggesting that each of these steps are separate functions?

I've already stated what I want, and centering the map can be taken
out of the list, since I'm not looking for that bit of info (it's easy
to do once I get the user location). I'm just trying to figure out how
to combine user location with PHP/MySQL listings. Specifically, I'm
trying to find out how the map is drawn in that scenario.

Is the placement of the markers (user & listings) done in one
Is the geolocation a separate function?

>From what I can tell, the map drawing is done all at once, but again,
correct me if I'm wrong on that.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Printing issue on Internet Explorer only

2011-10-21 Thread Kesuke
Which cutePDF package did you use to create that?

On Oct 21, 2:51 pm, MymsMan  wrote:
> I also got strange results printing (cutePDF) with IE9 Win7 x64,
> (hotel_plan2)
> a second attempt was more successful but not perfect (streetview man appear
> below map) (hotel_plan2)
> I also get missing tile printing of FF 7.0.1 (plan d'acces ...)
> I noticed that the print dialog appears before the map completes loading so
> it is possibly a timing problem and you need to wait for the map to finish
> before printing.
>  hotel_plan2.pdf
> 656KViewDownload
>  hotel_plan3.pdf
> 1048KViewDownload
>  Plan d'acc�s de l'Hotel Paris Bercy.pdf
> 716KViewDownload

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Printing issue on Internet Explorer only

2011-10-21 Thread Joseph Elfelt
Yes - looks like a timing issue

I opened your page with IE8 (XP SP3) and cancelled the print dialog
After the map fully loaded I did File ==> Print preview
In the 'print preview' window, the tiles are aligned correctly.

You might try listening for tilesloaded.

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[Google Maps API v3] How do I close InfoWindow when user clicks anywhere outside of the MAP?

2011-10-21 Thread Sandeep
How do I close InfoWindow when user clicks anywhere outside of the MAP - 
that is somewhere else in the browser window. I tried 
using google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'click', function() {

and it seems to work. However once a InfoWindow is closed - it does not 
reopen when I click on the Marker.

Any thoughts/pointers?


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Issues loading Maps JS API through firewall

2011-10-21 Thread Jason Kirkland
It might be good to check whether the same error comes up in IE's developer 
console since IE seems to freak out the most over actual javascript issues. 
 I only suggest this because maybe there is a js issue and IE should catch 
it and that might then lead to ask what version of Chrome they're using.

I'm guessing the above suggestion won't solve the problem but it might be 
worth checking

We've had firewall issues lately that have blocked https traffic and that 
your customer's firewall could be blocking something as well.  We also have 
had a severe internet speed slowdown which has caused tiles to not load and 
other strange behavior.  Your customer might be experiencing something 

Hope you find a solution!


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Printing issue on Internet Explorer only

2011-10-21 Thread jarreweb
for addition, i'm using IE8 on Windows Vista x64
haven't tried on IE9

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[Google Maps API v3] Printing issue on Internet Explorer only

2011-10-21 Thread jarreweb
Hello to all

I just discover a printing issue on Internet Explorer (it works great
on Chrome/Firefox)
I haven't found any post about this bug over the internet or this

the problem occurs only on the print of the following page, not on the

here is the issue on jpg file : http://jarreweb.free.fr/tests/gg_map_ie.jpg
you can see tiles which are not aligned with the rest of the map

i can't find why
i try to modify some css properties or removing some div but with no

any help would be appreciated

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Convert google maps into an image

2011-10-21 Thread Kesuke
Sorry, as Andrew has pointed out, just to clarify the key word in that

> > This means any solution will almost certainly involve a serverside
> > script that stitches YOUR tiles together to form a new image
> > and saves it.

Stitching the licensed tiles together, including if you have their map
layer with your own overlay, would obviously breach the ToS.

On Oct 21, 9:51 am, Andrew C Leach  wrote:
> On 21 October 2011 08:59, Kesuke  wrote:
> > This means
> > any solution will almost certainly involve a serverside script that
> > stitches your tiles together to form a new image and saves it.
> Can I suggest a cursory look at the Terms (particularly 10.1.3(a))
> might be in order?

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Re: [Google Maps API v3] Re: Convert google maps into an image

2011-10-21 Thread Andrew C Leach
On 21 October 2011 08:59, Kesuke  wrote:
> This means
> any solution will almost certainly involve a serverside script that
> stitches your tiles together to form a new image and saves it.

Can I suggest a cursory look at the Terms (particularly 10.1.3(a))
might be in order?

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Maps in Android with HTML5

2011-10-21 Thread Thor Mitchell (Google Employee)
This article may also be of interest:



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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Combine User Location with PHP/MySQL Listings

2011-10-21 Thread Rossko
> Agreed, and it seems like it's a waste of time to try to mix PHP into
> that function.

It may be that you haven't grasped how php works?  ALL the php is run
at server, any output is assembled into a page which is sent to the
client, THEN the client builds the display and runs any javascript.

> Either way, it seems to me the user marker needs to be inserted into
> the map within the same function that populates the map with the PHP

I don't see why.  Look at what you want;
  Determine a location
  Build and centre a map
  Place a marker at location
  Fetch some XML from a php script
  Draw more markers using the XML

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Convert google maps into an image

2011-10-21 Thread Kesuke
I've been looking for about 2 years now for such a solution. The
problem is browsers deliberately lack a mechanism to selectively
'screencap' a  clientside - since that would be a security risk
(i.e. a great way to steal someones credit card details).This means
any solution will almost certainly involve a serverside script that
stitches your tiles together to form a new image and saves it.

I'd be interested to see your solution of programmatically merging
tiles into an image as have been considering this.

On Oct 21, 8:14 am, Geoff  wrote:
> exactly my issue. i have a heatmap overlay on my map and i want to
> export all that data into an image.  currently, i'm using the static
> maps api and programmatically merging a generated heatmap image on top
> to produce the image i want.  was wondering if there's an easier way
> to do this.
> On Oct 20, 5:34 am, Kesuke  wrote:
> > >> Google Static Maps
> > But static maps won't work with custom overlays will it?
> > On Oct 20, 10:30 am, davie strachan  wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > Google Static 
> > > Mapshttp://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/staticmaps/
> > > Regards Davie
> > > On Oct 20, 1:29 am, Geoff  wrote:
> > > > Is there a way to convert the google maps object into a static image
> > > > (png, jpg, gif, etc.)?  Specifically, I have a div holding a google
> > > > maps object with all my annotations and overlays, and I want to
> > > > generate a jpg from it.  How do I do this?

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Convert google maps into an image

2011-10-21 Thread Geoff
exactly my issue. i have a heatmap overlay on my map and i want to
export all that data into an image.  currently, i'm using the static
maps api and programmatically merging a generated heatmap image on top
to produce the image i want.  was wondering if there's an easier way
to do this.

On Oct 20, 5:34 am, Kesuke  wrote:
> >> Google Static Maps
> But static maps won't work with custom overlays will it?
> On Oct 20, 10:30 am, davie strachan  wrote:
> > Hi
> > Google Static Mapshttp://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/staticmaps/
> > Regards Davie
> > On Oct 20, 1:29 am, Geoff  wrote:
> > > Is there a way to convert the google maps object into a static image
> > > (png, jpg, gif, etc.)?  Specifically, I have a div holding a google
> > > maps object with all my annotations and overlays, and I want to
> > > generate a jpg from it.  How do I do this?

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