[Google Maps API v3] Re: Google Map Search

2011-10-14 Thread Esa
Of course I meant that:

You can adjust the request and you can filter the _response_.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Google Map Search

2011-10-14 Thread Esa
A very interesting problem. I been succesfully limiting geocoding for
a single country, but multiple countries hmmm...

You can adjust the request and you can filter the request. However
your example of "Boston" returns the six first "Bostons" in the World,
all of them in US. So you cannot get anything useful by filtering the
results, you have to make the query more intelligent.

Syntax for that kind of query is not published.

All the help that I can provide at this point, is an old test page
that prints the full geocoder response.

(tested only with FF)

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Marker tooltip not being displayed

2011-09-07 Thread Esa
Have you tried with any other browser than FF 6.0 ? I get tooltips
with Chrome and FF 3.6.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Encoding polylines?

2011-09-06 Thread Esa

On Sep 7, 1:49 am, Hadmut  wrote:

> This looks like the old algorithm google used some years ago (I guess
> it was v2 or even v1). But is this still the same? I doubt, since to
> my knowledge zoom levels are not used anymore. I thought, this old API
> was obsoleted and replaced with something newer.

The algorithm is still valid. Forget the zoom levels. Now you can
reach also encoding by API.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: using div tag inside asp.net form not working

2011-09-02 Thread Esa
I don't think it is a good idea to place map container inside a form

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: I can see my map on local, but not in my server

2011-08-31 Thread Esa
I can see a map on the page.

Your CSS:

width: 450px;
height: 350px;

The trailing curly bracket is missing. I think it depends on browser
how it parses that.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Unchecking Checkbox on load

2011-08-31 Thread Esa
You have a nice function filterData() that reads the checkboxes and
shows/hides the layers. That function is called only by onclick events
of checkboxes. You should call that function on page load too.

The last lines in your initialize() function:


should be replaced by a line:


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: What is the best way to determine the current (pixel) position of the InfoWindow on the web page?

2011-08-31 Thread Esa

On Aug 31, 9:01 am, Pil  wrote:

> http://www.wolfpil.de/v3/drag-from-infowindow.html

Great work Pil. That's a cool page with many neat tricks.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Change the style markeroption icon for my fusion table layer

2011-08-31 Thread Esa
You can set the icon style in Fusion Tables, not in your maps

Visualize > Map > Configure styles > Marker icon

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Print sidebar but not map

2011-08-30 Thread Esa
In your html

Attribute media="screen" makes that you don't have any css rules for
print. Delete the attribute and you will have similar CSS for screen
and printing.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: 45° Imagery - Coverage

2011-08-29 Thread Esa
Found this in my bookmarks

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: onclick zoom level

2011-08-28 Thread Esa

On Aug 28, 12:44 pm, Martin™  wrote:

> I'm pretty sure that not all results contain a viewport bounds (but
> could be wrong!) so you'd have to test for it's presence and if
> present you can use that with the Map fitBounds() method to better pan
> and zoom your map.

geometry.viewport and geometry.bounds are different things.
geometry.viewport is always returned and recommended to be used with

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Custom Tile Layer (SVG based) on Alternate Pane...

2011-08-27 Thread Esa
Assuming that you can easily generate a 'hot spot' file from your SVG.
You can read the mouse coordinates by 'mousemove' event and compare
those to hot spots.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Detailed Traffic Time Information

2011-08-27 Thread Esa
maps.google.com used to provide a duration estimate also with traffic.
Accuracy of the estimate was not satisfactory and it was discontinued
a few weeks ago.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Regarding google map version3.3

2011-08-23 Thread Esa
You can specify v=3.3 in API script request parameters

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Hide/show infoboxes?

2011-08-19 Thread Esa
The last two lines inside your createMarkers() function are:

var ib = new InfoBox(myOptions);
ib.open(theMap, marker);

You can change them to

ib.open(theMap, marker);

if you first declare in global scope (outside that function)

var ib = new InfoBox(myOptions);

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Hide/show infoboxes?

2011-08-19 Thread Esa
I would recommend creating just a single instance of InfoBox. Use the
setContent() method in the click handler.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Multiple origins multiple destinations

2011-08-19 Thread Esa
Have you studied Distance Matrix Service

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Checkbox in IE 9

2011-08-19 Thread Esa
You should first fix your HTML.

You have two BODY-tags and you have some P-tags inside a table.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Adding Sliding panel.

2011-08-19 Thread Esa
I was writing earlier: "You can either adjust the map size or you can
float the side panel on
map and move the control elements. Both ways have many pitfalls. "

There is a third way to do it. You can have two maps. One displayed
with sidebar and one full width displayed when the sidebar is hidden.
That would solve the problem of keeping the right center point.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Move a marker on mouse move event of map

2011-08-19 Thread Esa
I would try {optimized: false} in Marker options.

That makes the marker an independent DOM object. Not rendered by
canvas layer.

This is just a wild quess but please report.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Weather now at maps.google.com

2011-08-19 Thread Esa
Please file an issue request.
I will vote for it.

On Aug 19, 1:46 pm, en4ce  wrote:
> Google released a weather layer today to maps.google.com, i wonder if
> there is any chance to get it to work for the maps api?
> some one ?
> bests!

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: how to access multi-temporal data from google severs??

2011-08-15 Thread Esa
Actually Google keeps some older tilesets online but have no idea how
to access those legally.

There is a 'v' (probably version) parameter in URI of satellite tiles.
Now we are using v=89 but versions back to v=85 are still online.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Draw thousands of objects (markers, infowindow, polylines, circles, polygons)

2011-08-15 Thread Esa

On Aug 14, 4:04 pm, Nasir  wrote:
> might be poly cluster can be helpful
> readhttp://home.provide.net/~bratliff/polycluster/

Absolutely. Bratliff been doing great experimental work with canvas
overlay. API v3 is nowadays using very similar technique for rendering
standard overlays. (Markers, Polylines, Polygons)

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: How to disable zoom in/out shortcut +/-

2011-08-15 Thread Esa
{keyboardShortcuts : false} in Map options

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Bypassing certain restrictions

2011-08-15 Thread Esa

On Aug 15, 6:11 am, Chris Broadfoot  wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 7:10 PM, Pil  wrote:

> > The only way to bypass this restriction - that I know of - is to call
> > the traffic tiles directly - as for example done on this test page by
> > Esa
> Which is definitely against terms of service, and subject to break at any
> time.
> >http://koti.mbnet.fi/ojalesa/v3/osm_dual.htm

Oops. Already took down those maptypes.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: force refresh of getTile function

2011-08-14 Thread Esa
Right. It is good to emphasize that I was simplifying. I
specially meant this case when we are testing 'checked' property of a


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: force refresh of getTile function

2011-08-14 Thread Esa
Right. It is a good good to emphasize that I was simplifying. I
specially meant this case where we are testing 'checked' property of a


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: force refresh of getTile function

2011-08-14 Thread Esa
Kesuke. None of the syntax issues you pointed are not against
JavaScript rules.

Curly brackets with if() ;else; are optional.

Underscores are allowed characters in id strings.

You don't have to add '==true' in if statement. JavaScript makes the
test by default.
if(x==true) can be written simply if(x)

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: force refresh of getTile function

2011-08-14 Thread Esa

On Aug 12, 3:27 pm, Kesuke  wrote:
> I was just taking another look at this and there is another problem
> with that setRedye function, the (document.dir.redye_check.checked)
> throws up an "Unable to get value of the property 'checked': object is
> null or undefined" error. I'm not sure why that is, I would have
> thought it should work but two guesses are it either doesn't like the
> underscore in redye_check (I don't usually use underscores in element
> names) OR it wants you to stipulate the full question like;
> if (document.dir.redye_check.checked == true) { ... } else { ... }
> Try using the script debug console.
> On Aug 10, 11:48 pm, Tyler Durden  wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > i use a custom tile set for my projection, which is the result of a
> > rotor router simulation.
> > Example:http://rotor-router.mpi-inf.mpg.de/Peter/50Mio/
> > But the given colorscheme isnt that pretty. Thats why there is a php
> > script which redyes the tiles live and returns them to the google api.
> > With a maptype for the original and one for the redyed tiles it works
> > fast and without problems. So far so good.
> > Now i added a menu on the right side to set custom color values.
> > For every type of simulation (ee. lrdu) i here use a maptype and added
> > a bool variable "redye" in my get_tile function, to set where to get
> > the tiles from: orignal tiles from the server or  redyed tiles from
> > the php script.
> > Example:http://rotor-router.mpi-inf.mpg.de/Peter/1Bio/
> > My problem in this version is the triggering of a refresh.
> > When someone sets the redye checkbox the color change should be
> > instantly. But the MapsApi doesn't recognizes the change of the bool
> > variable and therefor doesnt change it. First i have to zoom or do an
> > event, which forces a refresh of the visible tiles.
> > How can i force this refresh in the setRedye() function... i tried to
> > trigger an event after the bool value is changed by the setRedye()
> > function(example: projection_changed) but nothing happens ... i tried
> > to register the custom functions within the maps event handling but
> > nothing happens, it only makes the code unnessary bigger ... i even
> > tried to zoom in and out (hackaround) to force a refresh, only zoom in
> > or zoom out works ... both together do not trigger an event ...
> > can someone plz help me?
> > additional tips are welcome.
> > greetz
> > Peter

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Adding Sliding panel.

2011-08-12 Thread Esa
I see quite tricky to duplicate the behavior of the map when its size
is changed. Map doesn't move when the side panel is switched. However
its center changes. You can test it by zooming in.

You can either adjust the map size or you can float the side panel on
map and move the control elements. Both ways have many pitfalls.

It would be easier with v2 API. It has some additional options to zoom
focusing and control element positioning.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Is it possible to attache click event to OverlayerView?

2011-08-12 Thread Esa
Maybe you appended the overlay on a pane that is too deep for clicks.

Try floatPane and there should be no difficulties with mouse events.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Introducing Glide Panel

2011-08-12 Thread Esa

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Bug: overviewMapControl:true, and ImageMapType

2011-08-04 Thread Esa
Confirmed. I cannot see anything wrong with your MapType definition.
Probably you discovered a bug in api. Please file it.

Nothing to do with the issue, but. You should delete the trailing
commas in mapOptions object that IE users can access the page also.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: I have a polygon, how to know Technical Info point is the inside of my polygon

2011-08-04 Thread Esa
Right. Looks like a section of Mike Williams' Epoly library.  That is
in v2 syntax. Larry has ported that to v3:

That works fine if you have a single path polygon. To be precise,  v3
enables multipath polygons (holes and islands on holes). So a full v3
port would need a few more lines.

The original algorithm is explained here:

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Determine if an InfoWindow is open for a particular marker?

2011-08-03 Thread Esa
infoWindow.getMap() returns null if info window is closed.

So you can use simply:

if (infoWindow.getMap())

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Save Location while Adding/Deleting Markers

2011-08-03 Thread Esa
You have the ajax function downloadUrl(). Why don't you just reload
the data without reloading the page.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Is there any default search area?

2011-08-03 Thread Esa
There is also the documented Region Code Biasing
which brings the biased results first.

"Note that biasing only prefers results for a specific domain; if more
relevant results exist outside of this domain, they may be included."

If you include the country name to the search string, it is very
unlikely that results from other countries would be returned.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Is there any default search area?

2011-08-03 Thread Esa
Adding the country name to the search string is the most powerful way
to bias geocoding. Country code will do as well.

Usually a single line will do it. Something like:

search += " au";

in a suitable position in your code.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Google Places Limit

2011-07-27 Thread Esa
How about Autocomplete? Doesn't it generate a request by each 'keyup'.
So the 1000 limit can be reached by a single visitor in a few minutes.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Displaying Wind Direction with Arrows

2011-07-12 Thread Esa
You don't need mapiconmaker  if you have icons of your own.

I already have the arrows saved in

You should gather those to a single image file and use it as a sprite
as v3 provides that feature.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: How to use google closure library extend google.maps.Map class ?

2011-07-12 Thread Esa

I'm not sure if you are searching for Google Maps API v3 Closure
extern files. They used to be here
but just noticed that they are not.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Adding KMLs to Map from a Dropdown Box

2011-07-12 Thread Esa
You define a function several times

function addState(WestVirginia) {
  blah blah

You should define the function just once but call it as many times as
you need. Pass the data to the function as an argument (also called
parameter). That is the idea of a function. To make your code

That is JavaScript basics and out of scope of this forum.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Infowindow vertical scrollbar instead of correct autosizing

2011-07-12 Thread Esa
I been waiting that someone would come up with some exact information
but I quess there is no such information. If you search "vertical
scrollbars" on this forum, you find some lengthy discussions with no

Info window autosizing works perfect mostly but there are some
exceptions that no-one knows. Just make your html as simple as
possible. Avoid margins and paddings. Avoid maxWidth. Forget
autosizing and define a size to your content if possible.

In your case it would be easiest to set "height: 40px" for the outer
div of html.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: I can divide the map by quadrant?

2011-07-12 Thread Esa

Do you mean quadtree data structure? I made some experimenting and
will do some more

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Distance betweens one point and multiple points

2011-07-12 Thread Esa
You should study Google Distance Matrix service

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: SPORADIC Marker-click FAILURE on FusionTable layer

2011-07-11 Thread Esa
You set a new query after each zoom level change based on 'importance'
column. To me it seems that those problematic markers are those who
vanish first when you zoom out.

The click coordinate data is provided by a separate tiny JSON file. It
looks like setQuery() makes the tiles to come but the JSON file
doesn't always come.

There is not much you can do but file an issue

First you could experiment without any query conditions.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Infowindow vertical scrollbar instead of correct autosizing

2011-07-11 Thread Esa
I can see in info window content DOM:

margin-bottom: 5px

but didn't find it in CSS. Does it come with your data?

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Infowindow vertical scrollbar instead of correct autosizing

2011-07-11 Thread Esa
In your CSS

#theMap {
line-height: 1em;}

is inherited to info window.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: highlightMarker

2011-07-11 Thread Esa
Instead of writing that kind of animation, I would recommend trying
BOUNCE animation.
I like it even better for similar purpose.

You can also file a feature request for that 'hesitating growing'

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Google Maps as Schematic Editor

2011-07-09 Thread Esa
You can also write a custom projection for your coordinate system

This is an example how to 'misuse' Maps API by Marcelo:
Note that is an old example using v2 syntax

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: detailed errors for multiple waypoints in directions

2011-07-09 Thread Esa
ZERO_RESULTS means that no route was solved.

NOT_FOUND means that geocoding failed on one or more locations. If you
want to find out which of the locations was not found, you have to
geocode each of them.

Driving directions do not cover all the countries. E.g. Mexico still
seem to be marked 'No' on the coverage spreadsheet:

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: detect user click street view

2011-06-29 Thread Esa
Confirmed. I haven't discovered any 'click' event for StreetView

You can construct a 'click' listener on the div element by
addDomListener(). However that will also be triggered when the control
elements are clicked. If you want to separate clicks on map and on
StreetView, you can use getVisible() method.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Long click event?

2011-06-09 Thread Esa

On Jun 8, 8:34 pm, Anna PS  wrote:

> Long-click seems like a very handy event for mobile users

Absolutely. I been doing it with something like:

google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'mousedown', function(){
map.pressButtonTimer = setTimeout(function(){
}, 500);

clearTimeout() is essential. Note that you can often see 'if()'
statement with clearTimeout but that is not needed by Ecma standard.

map.pressButtonTimer is a variable name, not any API property.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Long click event?

2011-06-09 Thread Esa
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'mousedown', function(){
map.pressButtonTimer = setTimeout(function(){
}, 500);

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Calculating kml load time in javascript

2011-06-07 Thread Esa
Instead of calculating you probably mean measuring the loading time.

For measuring the loading time, you would need a 'load' event for the
KmlLayer. Unfortunately there is no such an event available. Not at
least documented.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: rectangles by area in square meters

2011-06-07 Thread Esa

On Jun 7, 6:45 pm, Aigars V  wrote:

> Is there something similar to circle's
> radius for rectangles (edge length, area  ...) ?

Well, you can use an instance of Circle as a tool to make the maths
for you.

1] Set a Circle with a desired center LatLng and radius in meters.
2] Get its bounds by getBounds() method
3] Construct a Rectangle using the bounds

var radius = Math.sqrt(yourArea) / 2;
var circle = new google.maps.Circle({center: yourPoint, radius:
var bounds = circle.getBounds();
var square = new google.maps.Rectangle({bounds: bounds, map:map});

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: About Infobox: show/open/setContent

2011-05-22 Thread Esa
ib = new InfoBox(traceOptions);

There is not a constructor InfoBox() in the API.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: click and dblclick events

2011-05-22 Thread Esa
That is the documented behavior.

dblclick: "This event is fired when the user double-clicks on the map.
Note that the click event will also fire, right before this one."

API provides disableDoubleClickZoom option but if you want to use
'click' and 'dblclick' separately, yes, you have to 'install that
silly click counter'.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Elegant way to detect user interaction

2011-05-08 Thread Esa
That is a bad question. All I can provide is link to a page that may
bring some ideas

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Markers draggables only certain distance

2011-05-08 Thread Esa
Just add 'libraries=geometry' to your api script call, and you have
the computeDistanceBetween(a,b) method available.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Custom Overlay Z Index

2011-05-08 Thread Esa
z-index arranges front/behind appearance of child nodes inside a
parent node. If the parent node is behind another node, no z-index
will bring a child on front that another node.

I guess you have to adjust the 'pane' of your custom overlay.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Marker covered by a custom overlay still receives mouseover

2011-05-07 Thread Esa
Thanks that you share the valuable information though your question
didn't provoke much discussion. Silence often means that listeners are

I finally found the thread from 2009 where the question was discussed

It is still worth having a look. You can find that you don't have to
care about window.event if you use addDomListener()

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Custom Color for Google Maps

2011-05-07 Thread Esa
See Styled Maps

There is a wizard you can play with

A few weeks ago I saw another really stylish wizard but I lost the
link. Maybe someone finds it.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: programatically triggered event notdefine in the listener

2011-05-07 Thread Esa
I quess you have tried that 'mouseup' on map is not triggered. You
could try if 'mousemove' on map is triggered. That returns a similar
event object.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Icons disappeared all of a sudden!

2011-05-06 Thread Esa
You could try if it is a change in api or in your code by loading an
older version of api.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Some problems with markers update and with closing

2011-05-06 Thread Esa
An error was thrown to me on:

function closeAllInfoWindows()
if(cont != -1)
 cont = -1;

I think the value of 'cont' was out of sync.

You don't need that function if you create just a single instance of
InfoWindow(). Inside marker 'click' handler:

infoWindow.open(map, this);

That's it.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: programatically triggered event notdefine in the listener

2011-05-06 Thread Esa
You trigger 'mouseup' by trigger() method, with no mouse on map. What
point should event.latLng be?

You can pass the event object in trigger() as third parameter:

var eve = {latLng: yourLatLng};
google.maps.event.trigger($map,"mouseup", eve);

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Drag and Drop for Boundary Box Creating

2011-05-05 Thread Esa
There is KeyDragZoom for v3 in utility library

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Alternate to Gears\html5

2011-04-30 Thread Esa
I really don't understand what do you mean by

"We are not supporting html5"

On Apr 30, 7:30 pm, Navindian  wrote:
> We are not supporting html5. Gears seems to be deprecated.  I need
> alternative to Gears and Html5.
> On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Navindian  wrote:
> > Yes I am using Gears API. But the End User needs to install Gears. Thats
> > the concern.
> > On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Rossko wrote:
> >> > When I try to login into my map. It should center the map based on
> >> browser
> >> > location.
> >> You'll probably want to adapt a geolocation script
> >>http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/basics.html...
> >> --
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> >> google-maps-js-api-v3+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>http://groups.google.com/group/google-maps-js-api-v3?hl=en.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: questions about the custom projection

2011-04-29 Thread Esa
Have you considered GroundOverlay  option?

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: questions about the custom projection

2011-04-29 Thread Esa
You define the projection by defining functions:


So the answer to both questions is: Yes. Just write the functions to
work that way.

However your second question raises questions: Is a 10,000m wide area
a "local area"?

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: questions about the custom projection

2011-04-29 Thread Esa
You define the projection by defining functions:


So the answer to both questions is: Yes. Just write the functions to
work that way.

However your second question raises questions:
- is a 10,000m wide area a "local area"?
- can you make UTM work over such a wide area with acceptable accuracy?

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Is there a way to only return specified types of results when doing a Reverse Geocoding?

2011-04-29 Thread Esa
The size of the example response you posted is far less than a single
map tile.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Map turning gray when loading and using TERRAIN

2011-04-28 Thread Esa
I had a look with View Source Chart (Firefox plugin). That reveals
that something sets opacity of map tile divs to zero.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: putting markers on polylines

2011-04-28 Thread Esa
That's a marker after each five meters.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: putting markers on polylines

2011-04-28 Thread Esa
Ah, sorry. It took me this long to realize that Larry already ported
EPoly to v3.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: putting markers on polylines

2011-04-28 Thread Esa
Actually you should use the geometry library functions that were
introduced to api recently

Still you have to write the milestone function but geometry library
provides you interpolate() function to make it a little bit easier.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: putting markers on polylines

2011-04-28 Thread Esa

On Apr 28, 7:44 pm, fireofhellx  wrote:
> yes that is what i need but there is a lot going on in that script
> do i just need to get the length of my polylines then put markers on
> at a set distance i have found this for calculating the length

> but it dosent seem to work

I been using those methods a lot and they work fine for me. The first
one calculates distance between two LatLng points. The second one
makes use of that and iterates through a polyline segments and returns
a cumulated length. Actually I wrote them but never documented them.

If you have a polyline called poly, you can test it by:


By using those, you can create a 'milestone function'. See
getPointAtDistance() function in Mike Williams' v2 EPoly library.

The polyline length is measured to the last vertex before milestone
and to the first vertex after milestone. The last part is calculated
by interpolation.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: google map v3 DirectionsRenderer.direction objects one of the property name is changing periodically

2011-04-28 Thread Esa
In directions result routes > legs there is a documented
'via_waypoints' object. According to documentation:

"An array of waypoints along this leg that were not specified in the
original request, either as a result of a user dragging the polyline
or selecting an alternate route."


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Map turning gray when loading and using TERRAIN

2011-04-27 Thread Esa
Yes, I can confirm a really weird behavior.

If you leave the page and come back at once, the map tiles flash and
go away to gray. Firebug doesn't report any image requests. The tiles
are in browser cache but they are not shown. If you pan, you can see
new tiles but the gray area stays in the middle.

I would suggest trying an older api version.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: sthg wrong with the travel mode

2011-04-27 Thread Esa
The first one probably works


but that is just good luck because those happen to be string values of

google.maps.TravelMode.WALKING and

Put those constants in an array and let the select element choose from
the array

var modeArray = [];
modeArray[0] = google.maps.TravelMode.WALKING;
modeArray[0] = google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING;

var selectedMode =

Don't set values of select element at all. As Jeff said, they are not
very useful. Some browsers return a selected value but not all. That
is because of different 'multiple' attribute handling. It is better to
keep the values in a separate array.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Recent Maps API Update causing canvas warning with Polygon fillOpacity option

2011-04-26 Thread Esa
It seems to be fixed now when version was changed to 3.4.11

My advice to use strings was good only for < 24 hours. Now the
arguments must be passed as numbers.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: What is ignoreMoveend

2011-04-26 Thread Esa
Not anything documented.

If you could give us a link to the example, people could study and
analyze meaning of the variable or function.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Showing markers within bounding box using Google Maps API v3

2011-04-26 Thread Esa
I quess that you are not using map.getBounds() because it always
returns bounds with longitudes -180 to 180 when whole world is visible.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Map in hidden div not displaying correctly in FF and IE8

2011-04-26 Thread Esa
Documentation says about 'resize' event of map:

"Developers should trigger this event on the map when the div changes
size: google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize')"

I would like to be precise with the terminology. An html element is
hidden with {visibility: hidden} style rule. In your case it is set
{display:none}. That collapses the element to zero size.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: I need help...

2011-04-26 Thread Esa
Your interval function is not working. The parenthesis cause the
function to be triggered just once when the JavaScript is parsed.


It is a good practice to wrap the function inside an anonymous

 setInterval(function(){loadcontent()}, 2000)

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Recent Maps API Update causing canvas warning with Polygon fillOpacity option

2011-04-26 Thread Esa
Just noticed that there is a conflict between documentation and the
JavaScript warning that is thrown.

Documentation states data type "number" for fillOpacity,
strokeOpacity, strokeWeight and zIndex.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Recent Maps API Update causing canvas warning with Polygon fillOpacity option

2011-04-26 Thread Esa
{fillOpacity: "0"}

did the trick for me. Use string instead of a number.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Help V3: Replacement for Infowindowbeforeopen and infowindowbeforeclose events V2.

2011-04-25 Thread Esa
I agree Rossko that you can set the infowindow content at the moment
of opening without any special event. It is often done in marker
'click' handler

I would save the user input in real time using 'change' events of text
fields and 'dragend' events on the map.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Jump to anchor on the page the map is shown from click on anchor

2011-04-23 Thread Esa
Not enough information to form a hypothesis. However I have a guess.
The variable i inside click handler looks very suspicious.

  marker.url = '#'+i;

Have you made sure that i has a good value at the moment when a click
takes place.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: URLs loaded "under the hood"

2011-04-19 Thread Esa

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Create your own infoWindows?

2011-04-19 Thread Esa
I quess, you didn't try Google

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: keydragzoom button for visual control

2011-04-19 Thread Esa
The company who provide this maps API, they also provide a powerful
search engine


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[Google Maps API v3] Re: smooth marker movement

2011-04-19 Thread Esa
We cannot see what is happening.

On Apr 19, 10:51 pm, fireofhellx  wrote:
> im making an iPhone web app that tracks the users position is there any way
> to make the marker that represents the user move smoothly across the map as
> they move. like what happen within the google maps app. because at the
> moment my marker jumps from position to position

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Animated Custom Map controls

2011-04-14 Thread Esa
API just appendChilds your control element to a control layer div when
you push it to map.controls. It also positions your control element

  {position: absolute; top: 0px; right; 0px; z-index: 10}

It repeats the positioning every now and then. I guess that is the
positioning that breaks your animation. Try wrapping your control in a
wrapper div and push the wrapper div into map.controls instead. So api
does not touch those properties of your control.

That is just a wild guess because you didn't provide any link.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: Adding id to each image tile of an overlay

2011-04-13 Thread Esa
If you mean access to the tile image dom node, I don't know any
straightforward solution but a tileset script of your own.

You can form your tile url by quadkey or geohash formulas. That is
like an id but still you have to iterate through the tiles and compare
src property to find a certain tile image.

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: how to stylize rollover title?

2011-04-12 Thread Esa

On Apr 12, 10:32 am, thebit  wrote:
> Hello,
> I founded this interesting InfoBox 
> script:http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/infobo...
> It's very simple tu use but I do not understand if there is a specific
> page in which to ask some informations or if I can post here my
> questions.

That is a great script written by Gary

You also asked how to use tiptool.js

The essentials:

1] in html:
Of course you first have to upload the script in the folder

2] in JavaScript:


That will create the mouseover/mouseout listeners and a 200ms timer

3] in CSS something like:

.tiptool: { border: 1px solid blue;
 background-color: white; }

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: how to stylize rollover title?

2011-04-10 Thread Esa
Creating a custom overlay is explained in the documentation:

I don't think I'm going to write a stripped version of tiptools.js.
There are not many unused functions in the script. The filesize is
about 7kB with comments and unpacked. I cannot recommend any simpler

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[Google Maps API v3] Re: how to stylize rollover title?

2011-04-10 Thread Esa
The tooltip that is defined by 'title' attribute, is generated by
browser. You cannot style that by css because that is not a HTML

Making a tooltip  with OverlayView is not very complicated.

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