Frame Events

2009-08-30 Thread Scottish

Is there any event that is dispatched when the iframe's location is

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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError

2009-08-30 Thread Junie

Hi Guys,

I'm  starting to study GWT and downloaded the GWT plugin for eclipse.
But when I create a web application project and try to run/debug it,
I'm encountering the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/junie/
linux-1.7.0/ /home/junie/eclipse/plugins/
linux-1.7.0/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
(Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
at java.lang.System.load(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.(

I tried this both on Eclipse Ganymede and Galileo running on Ubuntu
8.04. Please guide me on what is happening and how to fix it.


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Re: Running Apache Hupa sample of GWT MVP

2009-08-30 Thread smiletolead

Thanks Chris. I have referred to that application already :)

On Aug 30, 3:53 pm, Chris Lowe  wrote:
> Hi Ganesh,
> The Hupa code is a great example to look at for MVP, command pattern
> etc. If you're interested in those patterns then I've created a simple
> (and standalone) example of an MVP application based on the generated
> GWT starter application:
> Hopefully that will give you something to play with until you get Hupa
> up and running.
> Cheers,
> Chris.
> On Aug 30, 4:03 am, smiletolead  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >   I am looking at the sample GWT project Apache HUPA which implements
> > MVP pattern. I am having trouble in running it, though I was able to
> > set up in Eclipse. I am unable to login. I set this mail client to
> > connect to gmail by setting IMAP details of gmail. But it did not
> > connect. Has anyone connected it with gmail or any other IMAP mail
> > server?
> > Thanks
> > Ganesh
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Re: Java server frameworks for GWT

2009-08-30 Thread Sandman

StefanSiebel wrote:
> I would take a look at Groovy / Grails. It's very much like Ruby /
> Rails but with much tighter Java integration. They have plugin for
> easy GWT integration:
> This way you can use GWT-RPC + work in a Rails like enviroment.

Thanks for the link Stefan. I will take a look at it.
Take care.

> On Aug 30, 2:14�am, Sandman  wrote:
>> elpix1 wrote:
>>> I didn't have any experience with Java servers also, having worked
>>> mostly with Python,
>>> but using servlets with the GWT RPC model is very easy.
>>> I run my test GWT application with Tomcat and Jetty with no problems.
>>> I think any of these servers are OK for testing and even production.
>>> I am not currently using any framework, �but I am researching
>>> an ORM to use with my project (currently I am using standard JDBC).
>>> An ORM can really boost productivity but there is some issues using
>>> ORMs with GWT, since you can't transfer through RPC entity classes
>>> generated by the ORMs. These classes need to be converted
>>> to/from DTOs before RPC or you need to user some class
>>> converter (gilead, dozer).
>>> See:
>>> Regards,
>> Thanks elpix1 and David for your replies.
>> David, I will check out Winstone. It seems like a really cool program.
>> It seems like it could work for me, since I wouldn't have to disrupt my
>> existing setup. Discoveries like this make me really glad that I posted
>> this question to the group :)
>> elpix1, your comment made me aware of some of the issues I need to watch
>> out for. I suspected that a framework might not really be necessary
>> since Java provides most functionality inherently. With Python for
>> instance, django makes communication with databases so easy that its
>> hard to resist using a framework such as it. But I guess Java's JDO
>> mechanism does similar things.
>> Thanks a lot. Take care.
> > 

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how to remove scroll bar around Disclosure Panel

2009-08-30 Thread enorm

Hi, all
I'm making a daemon according to gwt examples. I made a "Disclosure
Panel"  then add it to "Horizontal Split Panel", I found that there
are scroll bar exist if resize the window. Is there any method to
remove them?

K. R

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Re: Java server frameworks for GWT

2009-08-30 Thread StefanSiebel

I would check out Groovy / Grails. It's very much like Ruby / Rails
but with a much tighter Java integration. They have a GWT Plugin This allows you to use GWT-RPC while
working in a Rails like enviroment.

On Aug 30, 2:14 am, Sandman  wrote:
> elpix1 wrote:
> > I didn't have any experience with Java servers also, having worked
> > mostly with Python,
> > but using servlets with the GWT RPC model is very easy.
> > I run my test GWT application with Tomcat and Jetty with no problems.use
> > I think any of these servers are OK for testing and even production.
> > I am not currently using any framework,  but I am researching
> > an ORM to use with my project (currently I am using standard JDBC).
> > An ORM can really boost productivity but there is some issues using
> > ORMs with GWT, since you can't transfer through RPC entity classes
> > generated by the ORMs. These classes need to be converted
> > to/from DTOs before RPC or you need to user some class
> > converter (gilead, dozer).
> > See:
> >
> > Regards,
> Thanks elpix1 and David for your replies.
> David, I will check out Winstone. It seems like a really cool program.
> It seems like it could work for me, since I wouldn't have to disrupt my
> existing setup. Discoveries like this make me really glad that I posted
> this question to the group :)
> elpix1, your comment made me aware of some of the issues I need to watch
> out for. I suspected that a framework might not really be necessary
> since Java provides most functionality inherently. With Python for
> instance, django makes communication with databases so easy that its
> hard to resist using a framework such as it. But I guess Java's JDO
> mechanism does similar things.
> Thanks a lot. Take care.

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GWT DynaTable Problem

2009-08-30 Thread pdar

Hi All!

I'm new to GWT and I have a little problem. I'm trying to modify one
of Google example apps - the dynamic table witch a school schedule.
The data in the example is generated randomly. I modified it so the
data in the table is from the JDO database. What I want to do is to
modify the code, so the rows in the table will be updated when there
is a change in the database, beacause right now they aren't updating.
Here's the server side application code:

public class RankTableServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
RankTableService {

  private static final Person[] NO_PEOPLE = new Person[0];
  private static final int MAX_PEOPLE = 100;
  private final List people = new ArrayList();

  Query query;
  List results;
  PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();

  public RankTableServiceImpl() {

  public Person[] getPeople(int startIndex, int maxCount) {
int peopleCount = people.size();

int start = startIndex;
if (start >= peopleCount) {
  return NO_PEOPLE;

int end = Math.min(startIndex + maxCount, peopleCount);
if (start == end) {
  return NO_PEOPLE;

int resultCount = end - start;
Person[] results = new Person[resultCount];
for (int from = start, to = 0; to < resultCount; ++from, ++to) {
  results[to] = people.get(from);

return results;

  protected void onAfterResponseSerialized(String serializedResponse)

  private void generateUserList() {

  int i = 0;
  String login;
  String money;
  User element;
  int cash;

  query = pm.newQuery(User.class);

  results = (List) query.execute();
  Iterator itr = results.iterator();

  Collections.sort(results, new MoneyComparator());

  while (i != results.size())
  if (i == MAX_PEOPLE) break;

  Person person = new Person();

  element =;

  login = element.getLogin();
  cash = element.getMoney();
  money = Integer.toString(cash);


and the client side applicatin code:

public class RankTableWidget extends Composite {

  public class RankProvider implements DynaTableDataProvider {

private final RankTableServiceAsync rankService;
private int lastMaxRows = -1;
private Person[] lastPeople;
private int lastStartRow = -1;
public RankProvider() {

  rankService = (RankTableServiceAsync) GWT.create

  ServiceDefTarget target = (ServiceDefTarget) rankService;

  String moduleRelativeURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "ranktable";

public void updateRowData(final int startRow, final int maxRows,
final RowDataAcceptor acceptor) {

  if (startRow == lastStartRow) {
if (maxRows == lastMaxRows) {
  pushResults(acceptor, startRow, lastPeople);

  rankService.getPeople(startRow, maxRows, new AsyncCallback(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

public void onSuccess(Person[] result) {
  lastStartRow = startRow;
  lastMaxRows = maxRows;
  lastPeople = result;
  pushResults(acceptor, startRow, result);


private void pushResults(RowDataAcceptor acceptor, int startRow,
Person[] people) {
  String[][] rows = new String[people.length][];
  for (int i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) {
Person person = people[i];
rows[i] = new String[3];
rows[i][0] = person.getPosition();
rows[i][1] = person.getLogin();
rows[i][2] = person.getMoney();
  acceptor.accept(startRow, rows);

  private final RankProvider rankProvider = new RankProvider();
  private final DynaTableWidget dynaTable;

  public RankTableWidget(int visibleRows) {
String[] columns = new String[] {"Position", "Nick", "Sum"};
String[] styles = new String[] {"pos", "nick", "sum"};
dynaTable = new DynaTableWidget(rankProvider, columns, styles,

  protected void onLoad() {

Please tell me, how should I modify the code to make the table update?
I think it's the matter of modifying the getPeople() function so I
don't need to paste the rest of the code (correct me if I'm wrong)

Regards, Przemek


Re: Does GWT work in Snow Leopard?

2009-08-30 Thread James

Hi... I just wanted to add that along with the suggestions on:

I had to rename the "CurrentJDK" symbolic link in


from 1.6.0 to the (newly added) 1.5.0 because it appears that ant was
looking at the "CurrentJDK" for its version not the env.

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Re: Java server frameworks for GWT

2009-08-30 Thread StefanSiebel

I would take a look at Groovy / Grails. It's very much like Ruby /
Rails but with much tighter Java integration. They have plugin for
easy GWT integration:

This way you can use GWT-RPC + work in a Rails like enviroment.

On Aug 30, 2:14 am, Sandman  wrote:
> elpix1 wrote:
> > I didn't have any experience with Java servers also, having worked
> > mostly with Python,
> > but using servlets with the GWT RPC model is very easy.
> > I run my test GWT application with Tomcat and Jetty with no problems.
> > I think any of these servers are OK for testing and even production.
> > I am not currently using any framework,  but I am researching
> > an ORM to use with my project (currently I am using standard JDBC).
> > An ORM can really boost productivity but there is some issues using
> > ORMs with GWT, since you can't transfer through RPC entity classes
> > generated by the ORMs. These classes need to be converted
> > to/from DTOs before RPC or you need to user some class
> > converter (gilead, dozer).
> > See:
> >
> > Regards,
> Thanks elpix1 and David for your replies.
> David, I will check out Winstone. It seems like a really cool program.
> It seems like it could work for me, since I wouldn't have to disrupt my
> existing setup. Discoveries like this make me really glad that I posted
> this question to the group :)
> elpix1, your comment made me aware of some of the issues I need to watch
> out for. I suspected that a framework might not really be necessary
> since Java provides most functionality inherently. With Python for
> instance, django makes communication with databases so easy that its
> hard to resist using a framework such as it. But I guess Java's JDO
> mechanism does similar things.
> Thanks a lot. Take care.

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Re: ext-GWT vs GWT-ext

2009-08-30 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 30 août, 11:59, muhannad nasser  wrote:
> i wanna choose one of these libraries to start my project... i am searching
> for a good comparison between those two or any other library that may do the
> job...

GWT-Ext was a *wrapper* around the pure-JS Ext-JS lib, just like
SmartGWT is a wrapper around SmartClient (AFAICT); this means that
your page will load the whole set of widgets, classes, methods, etc.
even those that won't ever be used.

Ext-GWT (or GXT) on the other hand is a *port* of Ext-JS over to GWT,
which means that only the code you actually use will end in the
javascript loaded by the browser.

That being said, I haven't ever used any of those libs, so I can't
really tell which one to choose...
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Re: Howto implement a RequestBuilder using gin

2009-08-30 Thread Jeff Chimene

On 08/29/2009 11:32 AM, Christian Goudreau wrote:
> First thing first, my implementation is for a server that don't have
> Servlet ! So gwt-dispatch wasn't the thing for me. I use it in another
> project, but for this one, I had to build a dispatch api from scratch.
> Si I decided to use XML for communication between PHP et my client and
> use Request Builder to retreive that XML. So, I CAN'T use real object !
> I have to "serialize" them with a custom class before sending them and
> then, on server side, deserialize them. There's a couple things to know
> when we use that type of communication.
>1. Server Side is unaware of client side classes. So we can't use
>   clients object or server object, that's why I have to "serialize"
>   them in xml. I could use JSON btw.
>2. I don't really need a "response" classe like in the model, since
>   this classe is used to be send from the server to the client.
>3. We have to do the work twice... That's shitty, but I had to make
>   Products obejcts in PHP as well as in java.
>4. The only thing that is sent to the server by the client, is an URL
>   ! The url to a specific php script that send back an XML reponse.
>   So it's not generic, because it's always String that your parse
>   back in XML !
> So now, here's the complete meat in action. Hope you'll find something
> to use for yourself.
> So, in SearchProductPresenter I have the @inject is done here and I
> simply call (dispatcher.execute) the appropriate action(GetProductsName)
> and when I get the response(GotProductsName), I transform it from XML to
> the type I want. In service side, when the PHP script is called, it
> looks at the $_GET action and print out xml according to the argument.

So I have a modification to SearchProductsPresenter.onBind()

I want an instantiation that I can mock in this part of the code. There
are several steps to accomplish this:

o An /Action/ abstract class. This class supports real and mock requests.

o The /Requester/ interface

o One or more /Requester/ implementations (e.g. Flavors, Products). Each
implementation can be real or mock. The RequestBuilder.Method will be
set in the real implementation as well any request and authentication data.

The mock implementation declares a private /Response/ class. It is in
this class that the mock data are generated.

o A /Service/ interface

o A real /Service/ implementation

o A mock /Service/ implementation

There are two gin modules. One contains
and the other contains

This is in support of a /Presenter/ class that does not know if it's
processing real or mock data.

  private final Server  server;
  private final Service service;
  private final Requester   flavorRequester;

  public ServerAddPresenter(Display display,

// This service can be either real or mock
// ... do an XHR or mock the Response
  Service service,
  EventBus eventBus,

// This requester can be real or mock
// It can process real data or generate mock data
  Requester flavorRequester,
  Server server) {}

Please see

I look forward to your comments.

> It's work in progress, I have a couple things to do to generalize the
> process on server side, and multiple type of objects actually doesn't
> work verry well (For Batching purpose), I chose XML over json for this
> very purpose. I can do the same thing to give the server some
> informations by adding content to the request, read it on server side
> and doing the action as said in my $_GET action string.
> Regards
> Christian
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Jeff Chimene  > wrote:
> Hi Christian:
> Thanks for the meat!
> I hope you have time for a few questions...
> So ServiceCached is:
> Public interface ServiceCached  {
> public class GetProductsName implements Action;
> public abstract class GotProductsName implements RequestCallback;
> }
> Action: from gwt-dispatch? How do you get past the "extends
> serializable" part of its definition? Serializable seems to bring in
> all kinds of Java RPC baggage; which definitions cause problems at
> link time. I notice that here it's not bound to a generic type.
> Why is GotProductsName an abstract class?
> I'm assuming that the injection is something like:
> @Inject
> Fred (ServiceCached serviceCached) {
> this.serviceCached = serviceCached;
> }
> So how does that get us to GetProductsName?
> Looking forward to your responses!
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 6:02 AM, Christian
> Goudreau > wrote:
> > Huh, I

Using javascript widget in a GWT widget

2009-08-30 Thread Yossi

Hi All,

I found a widget on the web that I want to use in my GWT application.

I want to be able to add it inside a widget and to wrap it with some
java methods (like setting the height, width, getting value and

Can someone post a simple example of how this is done or link an
article about this.

I searched the web for it and found nothing.


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Re: Making a fancy GWT Chart

2009-08-30 Thread Joseph Arceneaux
So what is the technology behind Google finance?  This seems to me to be
Ajax-powered, client-side created charts and graphs...

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Sri  wrote:

> There are multiple ways to achieve this -
> If you want to continue generating images in java, you will also have
> to write a Servlet which returns the BufferedImage in one of the
> formats (gif/jpeg etc). Then, in your ImageWidget you would give the
> URL for your servlet. In the servlet, you would do something like this
> -
> a) Read the request parameters and created a BufferedImage
> b) Set the appropriate content-type request headers to the tell the
> browser that you are sending an image ('image/jpg' or 'image/gif'
> etc)
> c) Use the ImageIO class to copy the BufferedImage to the servlets
> output stream
> You can also take a look at FusionCharts. It provides a flash based
> client side graph/chart library. In this case, you would have to
> create an XML in your client side code and then pass it to
> FusionCharts using its Javascript API.
> On Aug 29, 8:47 pm, Nether  wrote:
> > My goal is to make a chart which shows standard deviations as a
> > gradient on the vertical axis.  I don't think it is easy to do this in
> > the browser, so what I plan on doing is having the server render the
> > chart to a BufferedImage and sending that to the client to display in
> > an "Image" widget.
> >
> > The problem is that the Image widget only takes a URL, but how do I
> > give it a bufferedimage?
> >
> > Also, is this the best solution for me to be using for making this
> > gradient chart?
> >
> > Thanks for your time.
> >

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Re: Based on access privileges enable/ disable buttons at the time of application startup

2009-08-30 Thread Etienne Neveu

Sri already gave you good suggestions.

Note that you can avoid the RPC calls if you include the permission
data inside your HTML host page.

I did this in a previous application by adding a javascript variable
inside the host page, and accessing it through the dictionary class.
More information here:

Another solution, if the permission data is complex, would be to
serialize this data, put it in your host page, and use it like a RPC
payload. This is described here:

I discussed it in more details in this thread:

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Re: "semaphores" in gwt

2009-08-30 Thread Etienne Neveu

Woops... Missclicked :/

Let's try again:


Thomas and Christian already gave you useful answers.

I want to add the following:

- As of now, Javascript is single threaded , so you don't have
concurrency problems. So you know the onSuccess() method of your RPC
services can not be run concurrently, and you may then use boolean
flags to know whether you already got the other RPC response.
There are some talks of making JavaScript multi-threaded with worker
threads ( ), but
you don't have to worry about that now.

- If you are interested in reducing your app's startup time, you could
avoid the 2 additionnal http requests from the RPC calls by "pre-
loading" the RPC data in your HTML host page, as explained here:
This technique needs some setup, but it seems like it would be perfect
for your use case.

- If your RPC calls fetch some really simple data like the current
user's nickname/firstname/lastname, you could simply embed this data
inside a javascript variable in your host page, and access it by using
a GWT dictionary.


- Etienne

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Re: "semaphores" in gwt

2009-08-30 Thread Etienne Neveu

Thomas and Christian already gave you useful answers.

I want to a

On Aug 30, 2:40 am, Christian Goudreau 
> Implement a Batch request. You can use the gwt-dispatch project. It's an
> implementation of the command pattern really well done that allow you to
> batch request and a lot of thing like rollback, caching, etc.
> Christian
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 8:36 PM, ThomasWrobel  wrote:
> > I think your options are;
> > a) Just nest one request inside the other.
> > or
> > b) Do both requests separately, but within both the OnResponse check a
> > flag to see if the other one has finished as well. If either flags
> > that both are done, then trigger the message/code you want to run
> > based on this.
> > I think b is better, but I'm sure someone else might have better more
> > detailed advice.
> > On Aug 30, 2:20 am, Jaap  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > When starting my webapp I do two RPC calls. I need the data of both of
> > > them in order to display something. If you work with threads with a
> > > native program you just use semaphores to achieve this. What's the
> > > way to do this in GWT?
> > > Thanks
> > > Jaap
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GWT plugin: Problem when project name is changed

2009-08-30 Thread hezjing
I have a GWT project named X created by Google plugin.

Then later I want to change the name to Y, so I right clicked Project X ->
Refactor -> Rename ... -> New name: Y

When run, it will complaint the working directory does not exist: /X/war
It seems that launch configuration is still referring to the old name.

Would it be possible for the plugin to rename the launch configuration,
hosted page and etc?



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Re: Based on access privileges enable/ disable buttons at the time of application startup

2009-08-30 Thread Sri

a) After authenticating the user, make a RPC call to the server to get
the permissions map for the user. On the server side, get the userid
from the session rather than the request parameter.
b) On the client side, use the permissions map to figure out if a
particular link can be shown or not.
c) Be aware that client side disabling/enabling buttons is only
usability and not security. In each your RPC Services you must check
if the logged in user has the necessary permissions to perform the
operation. Again, it is a matter of using the session object to see if
the user is authorized.


On Aug 30, 4:08 am, mathesmond  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to enable/disable buttons in my application based on user
> permissioning , this should happen at the time of application startup.
> can you please provide me some pointers as to how this can be
> achievedi
> Cheers
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Re: Making a fancy GWT Chart

2009-08-30 Thread Sri

There are multiple ways to achieve this -

If you want to continue generating images in java, you will also have
to write a Servlet which returns the BufferedImage in one of the
formats (gif/jpeg etc). Then, in your ImageWidget you would give the
URL for your servlet. In the servlet, you would do something like this
a) Read the request parameters and created a BufferedImage
b) Set the appropriate content-type request headers to the tell the
browser that you are sending an image ('image/jpg' or 'image/gif'
c) Use the ImageIO class to copy the BufferedImage to the servlets
output stream

You can also take a look at FusionCharts. It provides a flash based
client side graph/chart library. In this case, you would have to
create an XML in your client side code and then pass it to
FusionCharts using its Javascript API.

On Aug 29, 8:47 pm, Nether  wrote:
> My goal is to make a chart which shows standard deviations as a
> gradient on the vertical axis.  I don't think it is easy to do this in
> the browser, so what I plan on doing is having the server render the
> chart to a BufferedImage and sending that to the client to display in
> an "Image" widget.
> The problem is that the Image widget only takes a URL, but how do I
> give it a bufferedimage?
> Also, is this the best solution for me to be using for making this
> gradient chart?
> Thanks for your time.
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Re: Has anyone used gwt-validation api? or is there a better one?

2009-08-30 Thread Sri

Its a good framework as long as you only want to do client side
validations. The moment you want to do server side validations, GWTC
starts complaining. The Annotation based framework would start
requiring server side classes, which won't be available to GWTC.

On Aug 29, 10:51 pm, myapplicationquestions 
> Has anyone used gwt-validation api? or is there a better one? I need
> mostly data type validations, and some basic constraints on UI side..
> Let me know what you all think
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Re: How to use multiple servers in a single client

2009-08-30 Thread Sri

Simply put, it can't be done.

Cross Domain restrictions require that javascript code only
communicate with the server from which it originated. So, all RPC
requests that you make must go to the same server.

However, you can have a simple facade on your server. You can let your
webserver simply proxy requests to a different server where you can
take appropriate action. Something like /update proxies to
and /delete proxies to To the browser, it is always the
same web-server, so no cross-domain issues.

On Aug 28, 9:11 am, Ganesh  wrote:
> Hi
> I am working on a GWT application. In this, what my client needs is I
> send calls to different servers on basis of request types.
> Suppose there are 4 request types SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE on basis
> of operation to be performed on server. If request type is SELECT, we
> need to send request to SERVER_1 and if request type is INSERT, UPDATE
> OR DELETE, we need to send request to SERVER_2.
> Now my question is how to send call to 2 different servers through
> same client window.
> Please help
> Ganesh Bansal
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Re: Did you forget to inherit a required module? about jdo

2009-08-30 Thread Alessandro Loche

Not all classes, of course. GWT related classes must be in client package 
(or subpackages or packages that you include in your gwt.xml file as ).

It's difficult from here without source code to help you. Otherwise, did you 
inherit User module in your gwt.xml file, and specify an entry-point class 
as well?

For example, using your data:

in package com.Demo3 you should have a file named Demo3.gwt.xml as follows 
(basic configuration):";>



and in package com.Demo3.client:

public class YourEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
/* everything starts from here */

From: "lily" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 3:57 PM
To: "Google Web Toolkit" 
Subject: Re: Did you forget to inherit a required module? about jdo

> Thank you,follow your instructions,this problem is solved.
> But when I moved my classes out of the package 'client'.
> It still error.
> Compiling module com.Demo3
>   Computing all possible rebind results for 'com.Demo3'
>  Rebinding com.Demo3
> Checking rule  class=''/>
>[ERROR] Unable to find type 'com.Demo3'
>   [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made
> this type unavailable
> I have saw someone said that it can be solved  by this method,but it
> didn't work.
> Help me,Please.  Thanks a lot.
> On 8月30日, 下午7時07分, "Alessandro Loche" 
> wrote:
>> You should move your classes out of the package 'client'. This is because
>> GWT consider it by default as a source package, so the compiler will 
>> search
>> for source code to translate Java into Javascript.
>> Regards
>> --
>> From: "lily" 
>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:01 PM
>> To: "Google Web Toolkit" 
>> Subject: Did you forget to inherit a required module? about jdo
>> > When i call
>> >  private static final PersistenceManagerFactory PMF =
>> >  JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory("transactions-optional");
>> > It will be like this.
>> > what's trouble with me?
>> > p.s.I have jdoconfig.xml made by eclipse.
>> > Compiling module com.Demo3
>> >   Refreshing module from source
>> >  Validating newly compiled units
>> > Removing units with errors
>> >[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/com/
>> > client/'
>> >   [ERROR] Line 7: No source code is available for type
>> > javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; did you forget to inherit a
>> > required module?
>> >   [ERROR] Line 8: No source code is available for type
>> > javax.jdo.JDOHelper; did you forget to inherit a required module?
>> >[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/com/
>> > client/'
>> >   [ERROR] Line 30: No source code is available for type
>> > javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; did you forget to inherit a
>> > required module?
>> >   [ERROR] Line 31: No source code is available for type
>> > javax.jdo.JDOHelper; did you forget to inherit a required module?
>> > Removing invalidated units
>> >[WARN] Compilation unit 'file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/
>> > com/client/' is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>> >   [WARN] file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/com/client/
>> >
>> >   Computing all possible rebind results for
>> > ''
>> >  Rebinding
>> > Checking rule > > class=''/>
>> >[ERROR] Unable to find type
>> > ''
>> >   [ERROR] Hint: Check that the type name
>> > '' is really what you meant
>> >   [ERROR] Hint: Check that your classpath includes all
>> > required source roots
> > 

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Re: Did you forget to inherit a required module? about jdo

2009-08-30 Thread lily

Thank you,follow your instructions,this problem is solved.
But when I moved my classes out of the package 'client'.
It still error.

Compiling module com.Demo3
   Computing all possible rebind results for 'com.Demo3'
  Rebinding com.Demo3
 Checking rule 
[ERROR] Unable to find type 'com.Demo3'
   [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made
this type unavailable

I have saw someone said that it can be solved  by this method,but it
didn't work.

Help me,Please.  Thanks a lot.

On 8月30日, 下午7時07分, "Alessandro Loche" 
> You should move your classes out of the package 'client'. This is because
> GWT consider it by default as a source package, so the compiler will search
> for source code to translate Java into Javascript.
> Regards
> --
> From: "lily" 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:01 PM
> To: "Google Web Toolkit" 
> Subject: Did you forget to inherit a required module? about jdo
> > When i call
> >  private static final PersistenceManagerFactory PMF =
> >      JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory("transactions-optional");
> > It will be like this.
> > what's trouble with me?
> > p.s.I have jdoconfig.xml made by eclipse.
> > Compiling module com.Demo3
> >   Refreshing module from source
> >      Validating newly compiled units
> >         Removing units with errors
> >            [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/com/
> > client/'
> >               [ERROR] Line 7: No source code is available for type
> > javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; did you forget to inherit a
> > required module?
> >               [ERROR] Line 8: No source code is available for type
> > javax.jdo.JDOHelper; did you forget to inherit a required module?
> >            [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/com/
> > client/'
> >               [ERROR] Line 30: No source code is available for type
> > javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; did you forget to inherit a
> > required module?
> >               [ERROR] Line 31: No source code is available for type
> > javax.jdo.JDOHelper; did you forget to inherit a required module?
> >         Removing invalidated units
> >            [WARN] Compilation unit 'file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/
> > com/client/' is removed due to invalid reference(s):
> >               [WARN] file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/com/client/
> >
> >   Computing all possible rebind results for
> > ''
> >      Rebinding
> >         Checking rule  > class=''/>
> >            [ERROR] Unable to find type
> > ''
> >               [ERROR] Hint: Check that the type name
> > '' is really what you meant
> >               [ERROR] Hint: Check that your classpath includes all
> > required source roots
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Re: ext-GWT vs GWT-ext

2009-08-30 Thread muhannad nasser
thanks Shawn.. :)

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 2:57 PM, Shawn Brown wrote:

> > i wanna choose one of these libraries to start my project... i am
> searching
> > for a good comparison between those two or any other library that may do
> the
> > job...
> I think gwt-ext is dead.  Ext-GWT was the basis for gwt-ext but
> Ext-GWT went gpl and gwt-ext got killed.  The developers of gwt-ext
> moved to smartGWT I think.
> I'm happy with ext-gwt but look at the docs of both smartGWT and
> ext-GWT.  One may be easier for you to start.  Also, seach this forum
> for comparisons of Ext-Gwt and smartGWT.   There have been some
> discussions...
> The licenses are different too.  Ext-Gwt is gpl but smartGWT may be
> lgpl (double check).
> Shawn
> >

~~~With Regards~~~
Muhannad Dar-Nasser
~~Computer Systems Engineering~~

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Re: ext-GWT vs GWT-ext

2009-08-30 Thread Shawn Brown

> i wanna choose one of these libraries to start my project... i am searching
> for a good comparison between those two or any other library that may do the
> job...
I think gwt-ext is dead.  Ext-GWT was the basis for gwt-ext but
Ext-GWT went gpl and gwt-ext got killed.  The developers of gwt-ext
moved to smartGWT I think.

I'm happy with ext-gwt but look at the docs of both smartGWT and
ext-GWT.  One may be easier for you to start.  Also, seach this forum
for comparisons of Ext-Gwt and smartGWT.   There have been some

The licenses are different too.  Ext-Gwt is gpl but smartGWT may be
lgpl (double check).


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Re: Did you forget to inherit a required module? about jdo

2009-08-30 Thread Alessandro Loche

You should move your classes out of the package 'client'. This is because 
GWT consider it by default as a source package, so the compiler will search 
for source code to translate Java into Javascript.


From: "lily" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:01 PM
To: "Google Web Toolkit" 
Subject: Did you forget to inherit a required module? about jdo

> When i call
>  private static final PersistenceManagerFactory PMF =
>  JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory("transactions-optional");
> It will be like this.
> what's trouble with me?
> p.s.I have jdoconfig.xml made by eclipse.
> Compiling module com.Demo3
>   Refreshing module from source
>  Validating newly compiled units
> Removing units with errors
>[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/com/
> client/'
>   [ERROR] Line 7: No source code is available for type
> javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; did you forget to inherit a
> required module?
>   [ERROR] Line 8: No source code is available for type
> javax.jdo.JDOHelper; did you forget to inherit a required module?
>[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/com/
> client/'
>   [ERROR] Line 30: No source code is available for type
> javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; did you forget to inherit a
> required module?
>   [ERROR] Line 31: No source code is available for type
> javax.jdo.JDOHelper; did you forget to inherit a required module?
> Removing invalidated units
>[WARN] Compilation unit 'file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/
> com/client/' is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>   [WARN] file:/D:/eclipasejava/demo3/src/com/client/
>   Computing all possible rebind results for
> ''
>  Rebinding
> Checking rule  class=''/>
>[ERROR] Unable to find type
> ''
>   [ERROR] Hint: Check that the type name
> '' is really what you meant
>   [ERROR] Hint: Check that your classpath includes all
> required source roots
> > 

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Re: Running Apache Hupa sample of GWT MVP

2009-08-30 Thread Chris Lowe

Hi Ganesh,

The Hupa code is a great example to look at for MVP, command pattern
etc. If you're interested in those patterns then I've created a simple
(and standalone) example of an MVP application based on the generated
GWT starter application:

Hopefully that will give you something to play with until you get Hupa
up and running.



On Aug 30, 4:03 am, smiletolead  wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I am looking at the sample GWT project Apache HUPA which implements
> MVP pattern. I am having trouble in running it, though I was able to
> set up in Eclipse. I am unable to login. I set this mail client to
> connect to gmail by setting IMAP details of gmail. But it did not
> connect. Has anyone connected it with gmail or any other IMAP mail
> server?
> Thanks
> Ganesh
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2009-08-30 Thread muhannad nasser

is there a way to simulate CTRL+C using code and copy some text to the


~~~With Regards~~~
Muhannad Dar-Nasser
~~Computer Systems Engineering~~
~~.NET Developer @ Iconnecths~~

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Re: Image/Absolute to make the clickhandlers fire on the abs, ignoreing the image?

2009-08-30 Thread ThomasWrobel

Actualy, Ive just noticed this only effects Firefox...opera works

Is this a bug in Focus panel when using firefox? (the example online
is a focus panel containing a Absolute Panel, which, in turn, contains
other Absolute panels).

On Aug 30, 2:28 am, darkflame  wrote:
> Basically is it possible for an image widget to be "transparent" as
> regards to click events, passing them to the panel under it?
> I'm working on a panel-streaming 
> engine;
> Just click on the first option in the dropdown on the top right.
> (Anyone thats read Reinventing comics should recognize this idea ;) )
> You will notice you can click and drag it around fairly easily when
> clicking on the "space", but if you click on the image panels the
> mouse will get 'stuck'.
> Any method to make the images on the absolute be completely ignored
> click-wise?
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ext-GWT vs GWT-ext

2009-08-30 Thread muhannad nasser
i wanna choose one of these libraries to start my project... i am searching
for a good comparison between those two or any other library that may do the


~~~With Regards~~~
Muhannad Dar-Nasser
~~Computer Systems Engineering~~

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Re: Making a fancy GWT Chart

2009-08-30 Thread ThomasWrobel

I dont know much about sever-side rendering, but cant the sever render
the image to a url, possibly triggered by gwt calling a php function?

Also, have you looked into the possibility of GWTCanvas being used to
draw with gwt?

It can handle gradients..but not in IE.
(if its just liner gradients on rectangles though, you could also just
do it yourself by drawing lots of lines changing the color each time).

On Aug 30, 2:47 am, Nether  wrote:
> My goal is to make a chart which shows standard deviations as a
> gradient on the vertical axis.  I don't think it is easy to do this in
> the browser, so what I plan on doing is having the server render the
> chart to a BufferedImage and sending that to the client to display in
> an "Image" widget.
> The problem is that the Image widget only takes a URL, but how do I
> give it a bufferedimage?
> Also, is this the best solution for me to be using for making this
> gradient chart?
> Thanks for your time.
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Based on access privileges enable/ disable buttons at the time of application startup

2009-08-30 Thread mathesmond


I would like to enable/disable buttons in my application based on user
permissioning , this should happen at the time of application startup.
can you please provide me some pointers as to how this can be

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Re: Running Apache Hupa sample of GWT MVP

2009-08-30 Thread Norman Maurer


anything in the server logs ? I neved tested it with googlemail yet,
Im tested it against dovecot and courier-imap.

Any feedback is welcome:)


2009/8/30 smiletolead :
> Hi all,
>  I am looking at the sample GWT project Apache HUPA which implements
> MVP pattern. I am having trouble in running it, though I was able to
> set up in Eclipse. I am unable to login. I set this mail client to
> connect to gmail by setting IMAP details of gmail. But it did not
> connect. Has anyone connected it with gmail or any other IMAP mail
> server?
> Thanks
> Ganesh
> >

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Help With OnBrowserEvent

2009-08-30 Thread GTM

I'm trying to implement both right click and drag and drop. I want a
draggable label to also be rightclickable. However, when I add an
"onBrowserEvent" method to my label (to add right click functionality)
it removes the ability to drag objects (even if this function is
empty). It seems like this is because a left click seems to call
onBrowserEvent repeatedly. The drag functionality works when I remove
this function completely, but of course it removes the right click
functionality. Is there any way to disable calling onBrowserEvent on a
left click?

small bit of my code:
public class AdvLabel2 extends Label implements AdvClickNotifier {

private AdvClickListener listener = null;

public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
GWT.log("onBrowserEvent", null);
event.cancelBubble(true);//This will stop the event from being
propagated to parent elements.
switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) {
case Event.ONMOUSEUP:
if (DOM.eventGetButton(event) == Event.BUTTON_LEFT) {
GWT.log("Event.BUTTON_LEFT", null);
listener.onClick(this, event);
if (DOM.eventGetButton(event) == Event.BUTTON_RIGHT) {
GWT.log("Event.BUTTON_RIGHT", null);
listener.onRightClick2(this, event);

case Event.ONDBLCLICK:


GWT.log("Event.ONCONTEXTMENU", null);


// Do nothing
}//end switch


I used that for enabling right clicks.

I used that for enabling drag and drop.
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