loading widgets deferred binding

2009-10-03 Thread Sampath Kumar
Hello ,
  Most of the articles  sites speak about I18N  browser specific
code optimizations. Is there a way by which I can, for example, load only
widgets for a specific tab in a tabpanel, when the user selects the specific
tab. I only load the widgets in the default tab when the page loads. May be
I need to set a property before I do a GWT.create(Abstract widget type).
in each widget. Is this achievable in some way?


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Re: Form panel content type is not correct in case of Videos upload

2009-10-03 Thread Manuel Carrasco Moñino
Yeah, you have to do the identification in the server, there are various
libraries that makes it easy.

- http://sourceforge.net/projects/mime-util

File f = new File (c:/temp/mime/test.doc);
Collection? mimeTypes = MimeUtil.getMimeTypes(f);

- http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmimemagic/

Magic parser = new Magic() ;
MagicMatch match = parser.getMagicMatch(new File(gumby.gif));
System.out.println(match.getMimeType()) ;

- http://lucene.apache.org/tika/

File f = new File(C:/Temp/mime/test.docx);
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);

ContentHandler contenthandler = new BodyContentHandler();
Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
metadata.set(Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY, f.getName());
Parser parser = new AutoDetectParser();
parser.parse(is, contenthandler, metadata);
System.out.println(Mime:  + metadata.get(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE));

Source: http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0487.html

Manolo Carrasco

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 8:44 PM, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 29 sep, 13:59, vaibhav.saxena vaibhav@gmail.com wrote:
  I am using form panel in my GWT client code. I need to detect the
  content type on my server side of the file being upload. Now strange
  thing that is happening is something defined below:
  When i upload a image i get the correct content type image/jpeg but
  when i upload a video of type mp4 i used to get application/octet-
  stream while i should get video/mp4.

 GWT doesn't (and actually cannot) do anything about it, it's just what
 your browser chooses the send. You can test with a plain HTML form
 and you should get the same result. Not a GWT bug.

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How to implement model change event

2009-10-03 Thread Richard

Hi all,

   I'm new to GWT and I'm creating a little project which allows to
find some articles, viewing and editing them. Laters means I have 2
possibles views of the same article. I want that when I modify an
article via the article editor all the views of this article be
notified of this change and refresh them. How can I do that ?

I've built my own simple MVP pattern (no framework, without gin).
for example for the editor :
 - the model is an Article
 - the view is a passive view which expose some display methods to be
used by the presenter (displayTitle(), displayContent(), ..)
 - the presenter is instantiated with an Article and manage the view

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Re: GWT Graphics Library

2009-10-03 Thread ThomasWrobel

pretty nice stuff!

On Oct 2, 1:42 pm, Joonas lehti...@gmail.com wrote:
 Noticed that there is a really nice new Apache-licensed vector
 graphics library available for GWT called GWT Graphics by Henri


 The library supports
 - Internet Explorer 6 and newer
 - Firefox 3.0 and newer
 - Safari 3.2 and newer
 - Opera 9.6 and newer

 The drawing is implemented with SVG most browsers and in VML in IE. It
 supports most drawing primitives, connecting events to drawing
 primitives as well as modifying drawing primitives on the fly. API and
 implementation is done in pure GWT and it doesn't need any external

 Library is well documented:

 The demos are fairly basic, but show the potential and generic nature
 of the library:
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Open Source WIdget Library

2009-10-03 Thread James

Hello All,
I've been looking for the best open source widget libraries to extend
GWT 1.6. EXT-GWT was very good, but it's not cheap for commercial use.
Specially there are some widgets we need ie a calendar widget that we
don't want to do home grown if possible. I also looked at GWT-EXT, but
I was told there were some issues using them? Any others? Just wanted
some feedback on this.

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Re: Open Source WIdget Library

2009-10-03 Thread mikedshaffer

You should also take a look at SmartGWT http://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/

On Oct 3, 5:56 am, James jdrinka...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello All,
 I've been looking for the best open source widget libraries to extend
 GWT 1.6. EXT-GWT was very good, but it's not cheap for commercial use.
 Specially there are some widgets we need ie a calendar widget that we
 don't want to do home grown if possible. I also looked at GWT-EXT, but
 I was told there were some issues using them? Any others? Just wanted
 some feedback on this.

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Getting User Principal in Client

2009-10-03 Thread Brian

What's the most standard way of getting the user principal and roles
onto the client side of my GWT application? I know I'll need to check
every one of the reads and writes on the server side because relying
on cient side objects is not secure. However, I want to present just
the valid GUI objects on the client side. Some tabs I want certain
users to have but not others. Same for certain buttons. I don't mind
so much if the client side can reverse engineer and see all the hidden
GUI components as long as the general users are presented with the
appropriate screens.
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Read Xml File from RPC Servlet

2009-10-03 Thread Nickelnext

Hello everyone,

i got this problem and it seems that noone on the web ever had it, or
at least no one has spoken about it.

That's my problem: I have a Rpc service called LoginService that
validates people on a certain webPage.

Until now, i had only one user (me) and my username and password were
hard-coded into the rpc servlet.

Now i must provide a xml file containing every Administrator.

I created a xml file like this:
adminusernameanother one/usernamepasswordanother password/

Now, what i found out is that in my LoginServiceImpl.java i cannot
call a RequestBuilder to get the xml file in which the admins are
stored and validate the user, and i don't know another way to load
that file, so...i'm in a dead-end. I don't know how to move on, so
please help me!

Thank you
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Extending DatePicker

2009-10-03 Thread jd


I have extended DatePicker so that a date range can be selected on one
widget.  The current range is between the last two date selections and
when a date is highlighted all dates between the last selection and
the current highlighted date are emphasized.

It almost works.  The problem I am having is that HighligtEvents are
sent twice for every date, mouse-over and mouse-out, EXCEPT when a
date from another month is chosen (i.e. a date in November when the
current month is October).  In this case the HighlightEvent for the
mouse-out are missed and the also the event for the highlight of the
current date in the new month is missed.

What would help me is:

1 - if there were a way to know if the HighlightEvent was caused by
mouseover or mouseout (or separate events)
2 - when the month is changed (by clicking on a filler date) the
HighlightEvent should be fired for the new date that the mouse happens
to hover above.

For reference here is my code:

public class RangeDatePicker extends Composite
private static final String RANGE_STYLE = range;
private static final String POTENTIAL_STYLE = potential;
private static final long DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
private Date first;
private Date second;

public RangeDatePicker()
final DatePicker picker = new DatePicker();
picker.addHighlightHandler(new HighlightHandlerDate()
private Date last;

public void onHighlight(HighlightEventDate event)
GWT.log(Highlight  + event.getHighlighted() + 
picker.getHighlightedDate(), null);
if (second != null)
// normally the same date is fires 
twice - for mouse-over and
RangeDate range = new 
RangeDate(second, event.getHighlighted
if (last != null  
// this is a mouse-out so 
remove highlights

picker.removeStyleFromDates(POTENTIAL_STYLE, newDateRangeIterable
// this is a mouse-over so add 
the highlights

picker.addStyleToDates(POTENTIAL_STYLE, newDateRangeIterable

last = event.getHighlighted();

picker.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandlerDate()
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEventDate event)
RangeDate range = getDateRange();
if (range != null)

picker.removeStyleFromDates(RANGE_STYLE, newDateRangeIterable

// this will change the date range

range = getDateRange();
if (range != null)

picker.removeStyleFromDates(POTENTIAL_STYLE, newDateRangeIterable


protected IterableDate newDateRangeIterable(RangeDate range)
ArrayListDate iterable = new ArrayListDate();
for (Date d = range.getFrom(); !d.after(range.getTo()); d = new 
(d.getTime() + DAY))
return iterable;

protected void addSelectedDate(Date value)
first = second;
second = value;

public RangeDate getDateRange()
if (first != null)
return new RangeDate(first, second);
return null;



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GWT, MVP a beginner's question

2009-10-03 Thread Chris Burrell

I'm new to whole lot (GWT, MVP, Dependency Injection, etc.) but my mind is
coming round to the idea.

At the risk of sounding like a total ignorant, do View incorporate other

Or would you for example build your custom panels to ensure that you only
have one view with lots of bits on it?

I'm struggling to see whether each discreet part of the page is a seperate
view and has its own seperate presenter, or whether you have one view, build
from many panels, and with one Presenter in the background...


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Re: GWT state management across multiple page/modules.

2009-10-03 Thread jd


I believe what you are after is Code Splitting

This is in trunk now and will be included in the upcoming 2.0
release.  I am using it in trunk now and it seems very stable.

If you're not willing to move to trunk or wait for the 2.0 release you
could try using the window name hack where you can store large
amounts of data between pages serialized in the window name.


On Oct 2, 11:51 pm, AndrewG andrew.g...@rcrt.co.uk wrote:
 I tried posing this before - no luck - so I am trying again.

 I am looking at modifying a (largely) JSF-based web application to use
 GWT. I have done some preliminary experiments which have been quite
 successful so far - in providing a richer UI and better user

 The main issue that I see at the moment is that the current
 application has approx 100 pages of one sort of another (many are
 light-weight - but not always simple - 'popup' editor forms for back-
 end data).

 The structure of the UI - redesigned for GWT - would be a bit
 different - making use of being able to dynamically switch page
 content - rather than using a reasonably big web page hierarchy.

 Given the number of features to migrate - the final structure and
 migration path are a bit of a concern.

 Common sense suggests that it may not be a good idea to try to produce
 a gwt 'monster app' module containing the whole UI - but instead make
 it more modular. Current thinking is that the new design should
 consist of a number of different pages - each containing the
 equivalent functionality of perhaps 5-10 of the original web pages. A
 horizontal main menu at the top would allow switching between these
 pages - each of which would correspond to a different set of app
 functionality - built into a gwt module.

 Each gwt 'mini app' module would run on its own web page - so none of
 these would be too large - and they could be developed one at a time -
 and integrated into the existing app - replacing the corresponding set
 of old jsf-based web pages.

 I have tested this for two of these 'mini-apps' modules - and it works
 quite nicely. The obvious problem going forward is how to track/manage
 state in each of these modules when users navigate between them. For
 example, the 'current' page might contain a series of trees/tables etc
 - and the user navigates away from the web page hosting that app/
 module - and then back again - it will not be in the state that he
 left it (but in its fresh state).

 There are obviously a number of different ways to tackle this (from
 client side cookies to server side backing beans, etc) - but is there
 a 'proper' way to do it within the context of gwt - ie one that the
 gwt framework is designed to support easily ? - I suspect that there
 ought to be - but I have only just started with gwt - so not sure

 Any informed opinions would be appreciated.


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setVisible vs. add/remove

2009-10-03 Thread David Pinn

I want to confirm my understanding of the fastest way to reveal and
hide widgets. For example, as the user navigates around my
application, different widgets should appear in the 'contents' part of
the screen.

Am I correct in assuming that calling:


will be faster than calling:

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Re: GWT, MVP a beginner's question

2009-10-03 Thread Dave Pinn

You would typically have one presenter and one view for each discrete
part of the page. The idea is to componentise the parts of the page so
that they can be re-used in a variety of contexts; for example: you
might have a page navigation sub-panel that gets used on several

To re-use your panel do something like this:

  public MyContainingPresenter(MyContainingPresenter.Display
display, MyReusablePanel subPanel) {
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Re: Open Source WIdget Library

2009-10-03 Thread Geraldo Lopes

Another option:



On 3 out, 08:56, James jdrinka...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello All,
 I've been looking for the best open source widget libraries to extend
 GWT 1.6. EXT-GWT was very good, but it's not cheap for commercial use.
 Specially there are some widgets we need ie a calendar widget that we
 don't want to do home grown if possible. I also looked at GWT-EXT, but
 I was told there were some issues using them? Any others? Just wanted
 some feedback on this.

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Re: Read Xml File from RPC Servlet

2009-10-03 Thread Nickelnext

It really was a stupid question. I solved the problem, simply using a
java class.

That's why i did not found anything on the web :P

Bye all!
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Re: Read Xml File from RPC Servlet

2009-10-03 Thread PJ Gray
Good you solved your problem.   But you should really check out this page on
the gwt incubator...might help you with your login process, and making it
(more) secure:



On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Nickelnext nickeln...@gmail.com wrote:

 It really was a stupid question. I solved the problem, simply using a
 java class.

 That's why i did not found anything on the web :P

 Bye all!

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Showing image+text on SuggestBox() MultiWordSuggestOracle()

2009-10-03 Thread Pion

The default SuggestBox() shows the text as shown on

I'd like to display both small image/icons and text.

Any pointer (doc, sample code, etc) is appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help.
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How do I overlay two images?

2009-10-03 Thread JoeB

How do I overlay two images, one on top of the other (i.e. at the same
location on the screen)?  Can I do this with the GWT Image class?  How
do I place them at the same location?

To be more specific, I have two images: one is generated (it changes
over time) and one is fixed (it never changes).  I want to draw the
generated image first, and then place the fixed image over it.

Thanks for the help!

-- JoeB
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Serialization problem using CustomFieldSerializer(s) and specifying specific .java files in gwt module xml

2009-10-03 Thread Andrius Juozapaitis


I've been trying to emulate parts of 3rd party library and stumbled
upon a problem. The library has certain classes with java.lang.Object
references that I wanted to get rid of, and I want the classes to
implement java.io.Serializable. The package structure is like that:



Everything is built using maven, so files end up where they should

Original base entity class I want to emulate:
package dao;
public class EntityWithObjectReference {
public Object objReference;
private String text;
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;

Emulated base entity class (implements serializable, Object ref

package dao;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class EntityWithObjectReference implements Serializable {
private String text;
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;

The class I actually use in both client and server side:

package dao;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class ExtendedEntity extends EntityWithObjectReference
implements Serializable {
private String name;

public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;

There's also a EntityWithObjectReference_CustomFieldSerializer.java,
which simply ignores the Object reference for now:

package dao;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.*;
public class EntityWithObjectReference_CustomFieldSerializer {
public static void serialize(SerializationStreamWriter writer,
EntityWithObjectReference entity) throws SerializationException {
public static void deserialize(SerializationStreamReader reader,
EntityWithObjectReference entity) throws SerializationException {
entity.setText( reader.readString());

Now, if I just leave the source element empty (it should include all
the java files in the package), everything works fine, serialization
works as expected, and custom serializer is being called.

inherits name=com.google.gwt.core.Core/
source path=dao
!--include name=ExtendedEntity.java/--
!--include name=EntityWithObjectReference.java/--
super-source path=substituted/

***When I try to uncomment the two lines*** that explicitly include
the specific java files (I need that because the original library I
want to emulate has a number of additional files in the source
packages that gwt doesn't ever need to know about), there's a problem
- GWT keeps complaining that 'This application is out of date, please
click the refresh button on your browser'. The server response is the
same in both cases:

//OK[3,2,1,[dao.ExtendedEntity/1266011518,xxx,evil entity],0,5]

But GWT generated javascript expects a different checksum in this
case, and an exception is raised when deserializing the data. Any
ideas why this is happening? Bug, feature, a bit of both? I'd be more
than happy to supply the code to verify this behavior, if anyone can
help me sort this out.

Andrius J.

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Sample of a suggestion box connected to a database

2009-10-03 Thread John Restrepo

Hi, as you noticed I'm just learning GWT, I've been testing
MultiWordSuggestOracle and SuggestBox, but now I want to try it
connecting it to a database, I've been looking for documentation but
due to my limited knowledge I don't understand too much, this post is
for asking you for some example how to do this if have one, thanks a
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[gwt-contrib] Re: -soyc runs the dashboard, too

2009-10-03 Thread Sami Jaber
ping ?
Is it possible to know when this new feature will be commited ?
as I understand it, soyc-vis.jar will be taken out and replaced by gwtc
-report that will generate in the same time soyc reports and the dashboard.
can we still use the term SOYC in GWT 2 or it is going to be replaced by a
more marketing/friendly naming as dev mode was replaced by OOPHM and
production mode by web mode ?
thanks for your responses,

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Lex Spoon sp...@google.com wrote:

 Cool.  Does the new code LGTY?  -Lex



[gwt-contrib] Re: Any plans for supporting Scala ?

2009-10-03 Thread John Tamplin
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Miroslav Pokorny 
miroslav.poko...@gmail.com wrote:

 The main hurdle remains that the compiler works on source and not
 bytecode, was there not a plan to change this sometime in the future.

 If it worked on bytecode one could use any language as it would not
 matter. Fir the moment it's too late got that now, unless some dies
 the work of building the ast from bytecode instead of source.

The problem with that, as you can see by inspecting decompiler output, is
that it is hard to recover the original source constructs from the bytecode,
and you likely wind up taking lower-level constructs to build the JS from.
In IHM, recovering source-level generic info from the bytecode signatures
was a huge nightmare, and had to have heuistics based on which compiler
generated the bytecode to do everything.

Also, most of the languages that compile to bytecode use reflection to
translate the source language in at least some cases, so it would not
actually help you get those languages translated to GWT.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on UiBinder in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-03 Thread SonyMathew

Good questions/suggestsion...

The XML approach is very much going backwards in my opinion - it
reminds me of all the legacy web-frameworks - that i have been using
for the last 10 years.  Essentially language constructs like for
loops and if/else are going to have some funky syntax in XML along
with funky binding expressions to Java fields.  All this to
accommodate HTML elements like div and span?  These concepts
should be abstracted in my opinion.  GWT won't be able to mask browser
differences of HTML elements effectively with this approach either.

I agree - JavaFx like syntax would have been perfect - otherwise Java
is just fine - the kind of Java/OO things I am doing now with GWT is
just not going to be possible with XML.  I wish all that energy on
UIBinder would have been spent on better Java API and Widgets.

On Sep 30, 4:14 am, codesite-nore...@google.com wrote:
 Comment by markovuksanovic:

 Could someone tell if it is possible to achieve something like (syntax is  
 definitely wrong but I hope you get the idea - it's more of a pseudo code )

 foreach (String s in stringList)
      div class='{res.style.mainBlock}'
        div ui:apply='{res.style.userPictureSprite}'
          Well hello there
          ui:gwtLabel value={bind to s} /
 end foreach

 I've seen that it possible to define a filed of for example list and then  
 in java class add items to that field.. but I would prefer something like  
 above - to have a loop which would generate widgets and bind there property  
 to a value.

 For more information:http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/UiBinder

[gwt-contrib] Re: Adding ClientBundle to trunk

2009-10-03 Thread Fred Sauer
Have you thought about implementing *External*DataSource?

It looks like Flash doesn't like 'data:' URLs for creating Sound() objects.
In gwt-voices I'd like to be able to use DataResource#getUrl() to get a
strongly cacheable URL for my MP3 sound files.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:31 PM, BobV b...@google.com wrote:

 After 16+ months of on-and-off development, ClientBundle (nee
 ImmutableResourceBundle) is moving to GWT trunk.

 $ find user/src/com/google/gwt/resources/
 user/test/com/google/gwt/resources/ -name *.java | xargs wc  | grep
9871   34391  317990 total

 The com.google.gwt.resources.Resources module is not included from
 User by default, so this commit should be a no-op for those tracking
 GWT and incubator trunk.  Note also that some non-trivial API changes
 have occurred, includes renames and removal of methods marked as

 The initial add at r5083 includes the following resource types:
  - CssResource
  - DataResource
  - ExternalTextResource
  - GwtCreateResource
  - ImageResource
  - TextResource

 TODO in priority order:
  - Move StyleInjector as a separate commit.
- Which package is most appropriate?
  - Deprecate incubator versions and provide transition documentation.
- A very rough guide to changes is here
  - Deprecate ImageBundle with replacement.
  - Begin switching gwt.user and sample apps to ClientBundle

 Bob Vawter
 Google Web Toolkit Team


Fred Sauer
Developer Advocate
Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
