Re: GWT application listings

2011-02-19 Thread Philippe Beaudoin
I don't know of any such site. This question on Quora might be a good 
starting point:

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Re: Module unload

2011-02-19 Thread Y2i
I use Window.addCloseHandler() to handle module unload, but I'm not sure if 
it is an official method or not.

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google maps with GWT Designer

2011-02-19 Thread djronbxs

im trying to designe a google map application with GWT Designer, can
you please show me where do I attach the map please. Do i need to
insert a vertical panel then add a canvas and then attach the map to
the canvas ? or can I attach the map to the vertical panel ?


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Clear Center of a DockLayoutPanel

2011-02-19 Thread DartmanX
I am trying to determine how to clear out the center of a
DockLayoutPanel (GWT 2.1).

My "main" view will be something like this:


I'm using an MVP design and will register event handlers (which will
be delegated to MenuItem Command implementations). However, when
someone chooses an item from the menubar, the contents of the center
need to change.

It's been suggested that I put a DeckPanel in the center, which is
fine, but I don't know how to get the contents to "flip" the deck.

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Hijri (Jalali) Datepicker

2011-02-19 Thread nima
Dear all expert

I want to generate hijri (jalali) date picker, there is no problem in
the UI design, but the callendar converter doesn't work accurately
with GWT. It should be mentioned that the converter itself is working
correctly and the problem starts when I try to use it in GWT.
Can anyone help me?

import java.util.Date;


class CalendarWidget extends Composite
implements ClickListener, SourcesChangeEvents {

private class NavBar extends Composite implements ClickListener{

public final DockPanel bar = new DockPanel();
public final Button prevMonth = new Button("<", this);
public final Button prevYear = new Button("<<", this);
public final Button nextYear = new Button(">>", this);
public final Button nextMonth = new Button(">", this);
public final HTML title = new HTML();

private final CalendarWidget calendar;

public NavBar(CalendarWidget calendar) {
  this.calendar = calendar;


  HorizontalPanel prevButtons = new HorizontalPanel();

  HorizontalPanel nextButtons = new HorizontalPanel();

  bar.add(prevButtons, DockPanel.WEST);
  bar.setCellHorizontalAlignment(prevButtons, DockPanel.ALIGN_LEFT);
  bar.add(nextButtons, DockPanel.EAST);
  bar.setCellHorizontalAlignment(nextButtons, DockPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT);
  bar.add(title, DockPanel.CENTER);
  bar.setCellHorizontalAlignment(title, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER);
  bar.setCellVerticalAlignment(title, HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE);
  bar.setCellWidth(title, "100%");

public void onClick(Widget sender) {
  if (sender == prevMonth) {
  } else if (sender == prevYear) {
  } else if (sender == nextYear) {
  } else if (sender == nextMonth) {

private static class CellHTML extends HTML {
private int day;

public CellHTML(String text, int day) {
  super(text); = day;

public int getDay() {
  return day;

private final NavBar navbar = new NavBar(this);
private final DockPanel outer = new DockPanel();
private final Label label = new Label();

private final Grid grid = new Grid(6, 7) {
public boolean clearCell(int row, int column) {
  boolean retValue = super.clearCell(row, column);

  Element td = getCellFormatter().getElement(row, column);
  DOM.setInnerHTML(td, "");
  return retValue;

private Date date = gregorianToJalali(new Date(), 'Y');

private ChangeListenerCollection changeListeners;

private String[] days = new String[] { "شنبه", "یکشنبه", "دوشنبه",
  "سه شنبه", "چهارشنبه", "پنج شنبه", "جمعه" };

private String[] months = new String[] { "فروردین", "اردیبهشت",
  "تیر", "مرداد", "شهریور", "مهر", "آبان", "آذر", "دی",
  "بهمن", "اسفند" };

public CalendarWidget() {
outer.add(navbar, DockPanel.NORTH);
outer.add(grid, DockPanel.CENTER);

private void drawCalendar() {
int year = getYear();
int month = getMonth();
int day = getDay();
setHeaderText(year, month);
grid.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(0, "weekheader");
for (int i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
  grid.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, i, "days");
  grid.setText(0, i, days[i]);

Date now = gregorianToJalali(new Date(), 'Y');
int sameDay = now.getDate();
int today = (now.getMonth() == month && now.getYear()+1900 == year) ?
sameDay : 0;

int firstDay = gregorianToJalali(new Date(year - 1900, month, 1),
int numOfDays = getDaysInMonth(year, month);

int j = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
  for (int k = 0; k < 7; k++, j++) {
int displayNum = (j - firstDay + 1);
if (j < firstDay || displayNum > numOfDays) {
  grid.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(i, k, "empty");
  grid.setHTML(i, k, " ");
} else {
  HTML html = new CellHTML(
"" + String.valueOf(displayNum) + "",
  grid.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(i, k, "cell");
  if (displayNum == today) {
grid.getCellFormatter().addStyleName(i, k, "today");
  } else if (displayNum == sameDay) {
grid.getCellFormatter().addStyleName(i, k, "day");
  grid.setWidget(i, k, html);

protected void setHeaderText(int year, int month) {
navbar.title.setText(months[month] + ", " + year);

private int getDaysInMonth(int year, int month) {
switch (month) {
  case 1:
if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)
  return 29; // leap year
  return 28;
  case 3:
return 30;
  case 5:
return 30;
  case 8:
return 30;
  case 10:
return 30;
return 31;

public void prevMonth()

Problem in the Release Notes page for 2.2

2011-02-19 Thread Brian V

Not sure where the best place to report this, but I believe  you have
a broken link on the Release notes page about HTML5 canvas:

I believe the link:
should be:

Brian Van Klaveren

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Multiple requests in one context

2011-02-19 Thread Mike Limansky
Hi all.

  We are using GWT in our project. And we got the problem related with

  The problem is following. Let's we have a some entity class which
contain some formula and a data to evolute it. The calculation is
performed on the server side. We are using RequestFactory to get
intermediate result (this because in real application we have a huge
object graph involved in this calculation process, so it's difficult
to pass it via GWT RPC). The result is passed back to the form, and
the user can check it, modify if it needed, and commit.

  Because of the are using RequestFactory to pass the proxies to
server, the EntityProxy objects became to the frozen state, and we can
not edit them anymore. If we call Request.edit(..) in the onSuccess
handler it fails with "Request is already in progress" message.

  How it's better to solve it?

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Re: How to make a TextArea auto-growing...?

2011-02-19 Thread Brandon Donnelson
Nice link, they do it better I think than I did.

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Re: best practice for callbacks

2011-02-19 Thread Brandon Donnelson
An example of handlers I have: - Demo - Wiki of my handler 

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Re: best practice for callbacks

2011-02-19 Thread Brandon Donnelson
MyClassWidget widget = (MyClassWidget) event.getSource();

If all the widgets are different, and your not sure of the type, I'll stick 
the handler after init of the widget.
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
  MyClassWidget widget = new MyClassWidget();
  widget.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() {
  public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) {

MapIcon mi = (MapIcon) event.getSource();

int e = mi.getChangeEvent();

if (e == AppEventManager.MAPICONSELECTED) {





Not sure that was what your aiming for.

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Accordion Panel, collapse all accordions

2011-02-19 Thread Mulder
The default behavior is to expand the first accordion, and collapse all the 

Is there a way to collapse all the accordions on initial page load.


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Re: Code Splitting: code placed in wrong fragment

2011-02-19 Thread Sky
Hmm, ok I have a greater understanding of my problem now.

My PageProxys are what do the instantiations of Pages and the first split 
point that directly references a PageProxy will be the split fragment that 
contains the associated Page. I don't understand why though. Maybe it has 
something to do with the face that each PageProxy is statically defined 
inside each Page?

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Re: RequestFactory/Editor AutoBean has been frozen error

2011-02-19 Thread Colin Alworth
I think you are addressing the wrong issue – Scott is pointing out that 
general exceptions do not allow you to re-fire contexts after modifying the 
proxies further. The r/o proxy instance is stuck as read only because there 
still exists a context-specific edited copy of it, which did not succeed and 
has not been cleared.

The context clears itself in the case of failure or validation error, but 
not in the case of general failure, Scott is suggesting (and I think I 
agree, admittedly without having tried this use case) that this is a 
mistake, and that general transport failure should be treated as something 
that can be retried.

On Friday, February 18, 2011 6:01:14 PM UTC-6, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> I think it was on-purpose: validation is done before any invocation is 
> processed, so you can safely send the same invocations back to the server 
> after making changes to the proxies so they validate the next time. I guess 
> the idea is that you then only change proxies and fire the context again, 
> without enqueueing your invocations once more.
> Failures however can happen at any time during invocations processing. 
> Clearing invocations would work in many cases, but not all: you'll send the 
> same operations, but the domain objects might have change as a result of a 
> previous successful invocation (RequestFactory doesn't make any assumption 
> on the use of transactions, so things have not necessarily been rolled back; 
> actually in your case, our datastore –MongoDB– doesn't have that concept of 
> transaction, and we successfully use RF with it; and similarly, AppEngine 
> transactions are so specific that you won't enclose your whole RF request in 
> a transaction), so applying the operations might very well fail (e.g. entity 
> has been deleted, or its state has changed so that a setter now throws an 
> exception).
> You'd probably rather want to copy the edited entities to another context. 
> I haven't checked but it might be possible using AutoBeanUtils.getAutoBean 
> and AutoBean.clone before a context.edit().
> See also

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Code Splitting: code placed in wrong fragment

2011-02-19 Thread Sky
*Is there any way to see, via the Compile Reports, why a particular class is 
ending up in a particular split fragment? There are only stack traces for 
classes that end up in the initial fragment and leftovers fragment.*

My specific problem:

I have Pages and a PageFactory creates these pages. Every Page has a 
PageProxy. The Link that comes into PageFactory has a reference to it's 
associated PageProxy. The PageProxy has a method that returns a 
LazyLoadPageHandler that the PageFactory runs to create pages. The 
LazyLoadPageHandler is the only place that ever instantiates a specific 
Page. The PageFactory's createPage() has the GWT.runAsync().

The result is correct that individual Pages are all split out into a single 
split fragment.

However, as soon as I added another split point somewhere else in the 
program, most of those Page sub-classes got moved over to the new split 
fragment! The new split fragment does indeed access PageProxys but they do 
not request LazyLoadPageHandler, let alone fire them. The weird thing is 
that two of the Pages are kept in the original split fragment, even though 
their associated PageProxys are accessed inside the new split code.

If I simply make a reference to the PageProxys outside of any split code and 
before the initial split point then they (the Page sub-classes) all get 
moved back into the original split fragment.

I'm lost as to the reasons behind all this and I fear that no one is going 
to be able to help me due to how specific of a situation this is :(

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Re: SAXParseException when using SafeHtml Template

2011-02-19 Thread zixzigma
Thank you Ryan, it Worked !!!

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Re: SAXParseException when using SafeHtml Template

2011-02-19 Thread Ryan Mehregan
try wrapping your "template markup" in a block element,

public interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
SafeHtml img(String url, String text);



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SAXParseException when using SafeHtml Template

2011-02-19 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone,

I am getting SaxParseException when using a custom created SafeHtml 
it complains that the markup is malformed, but I cannot spot the problem.
do you know what I am doing wrong ?

Thank You

I have the following template:

final Template template = GWT.create(Template.class);

public interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
SafeHtml img(String url, String text);


and use it in the following way:

public void render(Context context, ImageProxy value, 
SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
sb.append(template.img(value.getImageURI(), value.getName()));

when I use  it works fine.
when I use "{1}"
I get the following exception:

DEBUG: Invoking generator 
TRACE: Constructing interface 
  TRACE: Generating method body for img(). 
ERROR: Parser fatal error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup 
in the document following the root element must be well-formed.. 
ERROR: Parse Error during template parsing, at line 1, column 23 of 
input {1}: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:
 The markup in the document following the root element 
must be well-formed.. 
DEBUG: Rebinding 
  WARN: For the following type(s), generated source was never committed (did 
you forget to call commit()?). 

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GWT application listings

2011-02-19 Thread Terrance.Macgregor
I am a huge fan of GWT was wondering if anyone kept a page of sites
that used GWT to develop their applications.

I think that RoR does a nice job of this.  Ref:


I apologize in advance if this post is a duplicate.

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Re: best practice for callbacks

2011-02-19 Thread frank
Thanks, but I loop through UI-Elements so I can´t make the variables

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Re: best practice for callbacks

2011-02-19 Thread Jeff Larsen
If you make the variables final you can have access to them. 

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Re: Getting Error when deploying on Tomcat

2011-02-19 Thread Noor

The only thing I am not understanding is that when I'm running in
production mode, everything is running perfectly but when I am taking
the war file and placing it on external jetty or tomcat, first the
application is not loading correctly and also event the rpc is not

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Re: UiBinder + HTMLPanel + css = Loss of hair???

2011-02-19 Thread Hilco Wijbenga
On 19 February 2011 03:43, pete  wrote:
> Hallo,
> I have a weird problem, in my UiBinder template (suppose it's the
> template for TestWidget) I have sth like the following code
>    .fullSize {
>        height: 100%;
>        width: 100%;
>    }
>        TestDiv
> But if I initialize
> TestWidget test = new TestWidget();
> SimplePanel testPanel = new SimplePanel();
> testPanel.setPixelSize(800, 600);
> testPanel.add(test);
> RootPanel.get().add(testPanel);
> I see that the ScollPanel indeed has the full size of 800 x 600, but
> then in FireBug it shows a weird div with just position: relative; and
> for all child elements the size is broken (meaning, the percentage
> doesn't refer to the 800 x 600 px anymore...)
> I tried for a ridiculous long time, to fix this, but I don't know
> where I go wrong (since literally every f* tag should have size
> 100% and therefore I don't know where this ominous tag without style
> comes from...)
> Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, and how to fix it? It' almost 5
> in the morning here, so it might as well be a stupid mistake, that I
> can't identify through my swollen little pig eyes anymore, but I
> couldn't find rest, if I hadn't at least posted it here ;-)

The strange div you're seeing is part of ScrollPanel. ScrollPanel
consists of a div in a div.

If you add

.fullSize div {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

then you should get what you want.

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Re: Problems while installing Google Updates for Eclipse 3.6

2011-02-19 Thread Sandeepa Nadahalli

I finally got it working. I had to download the plugins separately and 
install from the local disk.

You can try this approach before going for uninstall-install cycle.


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Re: GWT Designer 2.2 error with gwt-maven project

2011-02-19 Thread Philippe Beaudoin
The only difference with mine seems to be that I don't include gwt-dev in 
the dependencies. Including it did cause problem in m2eclipse so you may 
want to take it out. (It's grabbed automatically by gwt-maven-plugin.)

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Re: Stack Layout Panel - strange layout problem after switching tabs!

2011-02-19 Thread Philippe Beaudoin
Using IE's DOM explorer might help you see what's wrong there... If you have 
the app deployed somewhere I could take a quick look.


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Re: Getting Error when deploying on Tomcat

2011-02-19 Thread Noor
If someone knows something about this, please help !!

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Re: GWT 2.2 / RequestFactory - Can domain objects be interfaces as opposed to concrete classes?

2011-02-19 Thread Frédéric
Thanks Thomas and John for for your inputs. Would you see this
workaround as the default behaviour in future GWT releases?

On 18 fév, 18:13, John Maitland  wrote:
> I had the same problem and managed to implement a new
> ServiceLayerDecorator. See..
> Regards,
> John

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Re: UiBinder + HTMLPanel + css = Loss of hair???

2011-02-19 Thread pete
Not being a html / css is my problem as well ;-)
Just that anyway, there is this weird div with only attribute
"position: relative" created in the html output. So even if I set
margin, it still goes with respect to this sh div, that I don't
know how to control, doesn't it? If I set the attributes of this div
to width="100%" height="100%" manually with firebug, it renders
correctly, but I don't know how to reach this div from inside of my
template / code...

Thanks for the margin tip though, I'll try this next time!!

On Feb 19, 6:24 am, JosephLi  wrote:
> hi Pete,
> I am not an html / css, but from what I read, u might want to switch
> to using css'  margin-left and margin-right properties for better
> layout control.
> Joseph
> On Feb 18, 10:43 pm, pete  wrote:
> > Hallo,
> > I have a weird problem, in my UiBinder template (suppose it's the
> > template for TestWidget) I have sth like the following code
> > 
> >     .fullSize {
> >         height: 100%;
> >         width: 100%;
> >     }
> > 
> > 
> >     
> >         TestDiv
> >     
> > 
> > But if I initialize
> > TestWidget test = new TestWidget();
> > SimplePanel testPanel = new SimplePanel();
> > testPanel.setPixelSize(800, 600);
> > testPanel.add(test);
> > RootPanel.get().add(testPanel);
> > I see that the ScollPanel indeed has the full size of 800 x 600, but
> > then in FireBug it shows a weird div with just position: relative; and
> > for all child elements the size is broken (meaning, the percentage
> > doesn't refer to the 800 x 600 px anymore...)
> > I tried for a ridiculous long time, to fix this, but I don't know
> > where I go wrong (since literally every f* tag should have size
> > 100% and therefore I don't know where this ominous tag without style
> > comes from...)
> > Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, and how to fix it? It' almost 5
> > in the morning here, so it might as well be a stupid mistake, that I
> > can't identify through my swollen little pig eyes anymore, but I
> > couldn't find rest, if I hadn't at least posted it here ;-)
> > About any help I'd be really glad...
> > Greetz,
> > Pete

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"Note: RequestFactory caches ServiceLocator and service instances, so make sure both are thread-safe."

2011-02-19 Thread Luca
Today, reading again the documentation to find a sparkle of light in 
implementing RequestFactory with EJBs, I read this note.

Now, it's not a problem if ServiceLocator are cached, there I do a simple 
JNDI lookup so every time the method is called we got a new Service 

The problem is the second part "service instances" are cached too, and this 
is not an option with EJBs because at any time the container can decide to 
discard that instance and the reference is to an invalid EJB.

Not only heavy loaded server can lead to the decision to deactivate the 
bean, but also any System Exception put the bean in an invalid state, and 
this is something that can happen often in production system.

How did you manager to deal with this ?? 

For now I decided to simply ignore the problem, but I'm not so confident 
with this.

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best practice for callbacks

2011-02-19 Thread frank

I have the following Problem.
>From many  different methods (e.g. a Clickhandlers) I call the same
async service on the server.

In the callback I don´t have access on the variables of my calling
method, which I need, to decide, who called the service. (for example
to update different UI-Widgets)
Is there a better way as using "kind of global variable"?

Thanks Frank.

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Re: UiBinder problem with IsWidget

2011-02-19 Thread Colin Alworth
Assuming  MapWidget extends IsWidget, yes, that should work.

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 8:26 AM, pete  wrote:

> But I should be able to use an Interface in my template, if I use
> (provided = true)?
> On Feb 18, 5:22 pm, Y2i  wrote:
> > Oops, sorry I didn't notice MapWidget was an interface.  I think you are
> > correct.
> --
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Re: UiBinder problem with IsWidget

2011-02-19 Thread pete
But I should be able to use an Interface in my template, if I use
(provided = true)?

On Feb 18, 5:22 pm, Y2i  wrote:
> Oops, sorry I didn't notice MapWidget was an interface.  I think you are
> correct.

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Getting Error when deploying on Tomcat

2011-02-19 Thread Noor

I have already compiled my application, when I am running it in web
mode from Eclipse everything is working perfectly fine, no error at
all. In my project, i'm using several libraries such as hibernate. All
libraries have been correctly been placed on the classpath as well as
in the lib folder in web-inf.

however when i'm deploying it on tomcat, i'm getting several problem,
first no data is being loaded from database. I was using a lib for
capcha at

Can someone please help, i've got to deploy this system??

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Re: Master-details with GWT

2011-02-19 Thread Jeff Schwartz
Not sure what kind of help you are asking for. Do you want suggestions
regarding the UI and what interface elements to use or are you asking about
database schema, etc.?

If your question is UI related you can use a CellTable to present the master
records. When a row is selected you can get the Master record from
DataProvider which acts as sort of a middle man between the actual data and
the CellTable and then retrieve its many side of records from what ever
datastore you are using. There are other ways of course but CellTable is
very efficient and fast.

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 7:36 AM, csaffi  wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I'd like to develop a web application using GWT for implementing the
> master-details pattern. When clicking on the master-table, the details-
> table will show all records related to the master.
> For example, two related tables with a 1:n relation could be these:
> - Master: orders(id, date, totalAmount)
> - Details: order(order, code, description, price, qty)
> Please help me if you could suggest anything. Thanks!
> --
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*Jeff Schwartz*
follow me on twitter: @jefftschwartz

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Re: GWT Designer 2.2 error with gwt-maven project

2011-02-19 Thread har_shan

The same error still comes for me in eclipse for gwt-maven-plugin
2.2.0 (as per temp suggestion above) and even when it's plugin
dependency is updated to use GWT 2.2.0.
This is my relevant POM section:










and property:


m2eclipse seemed to have picked up 2.2.0 version of plugin correctly,
as i can see from Maven console

Am i missing anything, please point out..


On Feb 19, 4:38 am, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> On Friday, February 18, 2011 7:19:07 PM UTC+1, Philippe Beaudoin wrote:
> > gwt-maven-plugin version 2.1.0 uses gwt-dev 2.1 automatically, which can
> > break quite a few things.
> gwt-maven-plugin:2.1.0-1 has a dependency on,
> but you can override it to make it use the version you want/need (and this
> is the "official" way of doing 
> things):
> No need to recompile the plugin.

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Master-details with GWT

2011-02-19 Thread csaffi
Hi everybody,
I'd like to develop a web application using GWT for implementing the
master-details pattern. When clicking on the master-table, the details-
table will show all records related to the master.

For example, two related tables with a 1:n relation could be these:

- Master: orders(id, date, totalAmount)
- Details: order(order, code, description, price, qty)

Please help me if you could suggest anything. Thanks!

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Error cant found Acceso.gwt.xml

2011-02-19 Thread SrArcos
Hello All, I have a problem with a GWT proyect (I'm using GWT 2.1.1).
I have created a proyect called Library which is located on src/
org,nac.jamr, and obviously I have a folder org.nac.jamr.client,
org.nac.jamr.server and org.nac.jamr.shared, ok?

I need another module for an initial login html page. I have created a
module called Access.gwt.xml which is located on src/org.nac.jamr and
for now, my proyect has errors! Eclipse say me that I need import a
module... but don't worry. I have removed the Access.gwt.xml, and I
have created it in src/org.nac.jamr.access...

I click on run, and Log say me:

[Error] Unable to find org.nac.jamr.Acceso.gwt.xml ...

Someone know what file/configuration I need to touch to solve this

Thanks for all!

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Re: ServiceLocator and entities with collection

2011-02-19 Thread Luca
I got them, every collection has getter/setter, but they are not called on 
the server side.

Where is my mistake ??

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Re: ServiceLocator and entities with collection

2011-02-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
Every property has to have a setter for it to be mutable, i.e. a one-to-many 
relationship needs to have a One#setFoos(List many). RequestFactory 
won't getList()/clear()/addAll(), it will setList(); even if on the 
client-side you called getList/add/remove/etc.

BTW, same goes for embedded/value objects.

If you cannot have setters in your domain objects, you can "merge" values 
(e.g. getList/clear/addAll instead of setList) in a ServiceLayerDecorator 
(override the setProperty method)

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Re: ServiceLocator and entities with collection

2011-02-19 Thread Luca
Thank you very much Thomas, to summarize what you sent me I can say that 
only many-to-one relationship are managed, one-to-many it's up to the 
developer ???

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