Re: Session Tracking

2012-02-29 Thread Maverick
Write a service on Server side which extends RemoteServiceServlet.
Create an object of type HttpSession as a member.
Write methods to serAttribute and getAttribute.

On client side. Inject the service and call setAttribute and
getAttribute methods wherever you want to add data to session or read
data from session.

Refer sample code below:

SessionService ( On server side)

import java.awt.List;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;


public class SessionImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
ISession {

       public static HttpSession httpSession;

       public String getStrAttribue(String attribute) {
              httpSession = getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(true);
              return  (String) httpSession.getAttribute(attribute);

       public void setAttribue(String attribute, String attValue) {
              httpSession = getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(true);
              httpSession.setAttribute(attribute, attValue);



To use session (on client side)

       public ISessionAsync session;

session.setAttribue("User","Sujit",new  AsyncCallback() {

                                         public void onSuccess(Void
result) {
                                                //some event

                                         public void
onFailure(Throwable caught) {
                                                // TODO Auto-generated
method stub


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Session Tracking

2012-02-29 Thread JAGINI UDAYKUMAR

I am working on gwt. I want to know how to handle sessions(Session
Tracking like in servlets). Can anyone help me.

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Proguard Causes "The RequestFactory ValidationTool must be run" Error

2012-02-29 Thread Double
Title pretty much says it, when I have proguard enabled I get the error, 
when I disable it (or run in debug mode) everything is fine. Any help would 
be appreciated.

*Stack Trace:*
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): FATAL EXCEPTION: 
IntentService[at email]
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): java.lang.RuntimeException: 
The RequestFactory ValidationTool must be run for the com.project.mms.a.a 
RequestFactory type
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at Source)
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at Source)
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at Source)
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at com.project.mms.w.a(Unknown 
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at com.project.mms.o.a(Unknown 
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at 
com.project.mms.C2DMReceiver.a(Unknown Source)
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at Source)
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at 
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at 
02-29 17:24:04.195: E/AndroidRuntime(18174): at

*Proguard file:*

-optimizationpasses 5
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*

-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class
-keep class info.guardianproject.database.** {*;}
-keep class info.guardianproject.database.sqlcipher.** {*;}
-keep class com.project.mms.ui.* {*;}

-libraryjars /libs/guava-r09.jar
-libraryjars /libs/commons-codec.jar
-libraryjars /libs/sqlcipher.jar
-libraryjars /libs/jsr305-1.3.9.jar
-libraryjars c:/android-sdk-windows/platforms/android-8/android.jar

-dontwarn sun.misc.Unsafe

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
native ;

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
native ;

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public (android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public (android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);

-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);

-keep class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
  public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *;

# Needed by google-api-client to keep generic types and @Key annotations 
accessed via reflection
-keepclassmembers class * { ;
-keepattributes Signature,RuntimeVisibleAnnotations,AnnotationDefault
# Needed by Guava
-dontwarn sun.misc.Unsafe

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Windows 8

2012-02-29 Thread
Wrapping the Windows 8 JS API in GWT

Anyone looking at this?

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String to Object Structure in GWT

2012-02-29 Thread Deepan
Hi All,

I am relatively new to GWT. 
I have input as a string and i want to convert it into object structure. I 
was wondering how it can be done in GWT.

Example String -  *(node1(node2(node3) (node4)) (node5))*

"node1" has 2 children "node2" and "node5"
"node2" has 2 children "node3" and "node4"

More like converting a string into binary tree object.


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2012-02-29 Thread blrnrc
Hi to all,
I'm very new on GWT.

I have to rebuild an old web app that use GWT (maybe 1.x) beacuse it
can be accessed by last browsers.

I need some advice!
What is the best practice to do this?
What can I do to achive my gol?

Thanks very muych.

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Re: GWT application freezes when new version is deployed while using it

2012-02-29 Thread Kyle Baley

We've done something similar. Rather than show a pretty dialog, we embedded
some JSNI code in the onAsyncCallFail call. This shows a standard
"window.confirm" dialog, then calls $wnd.location.href = href (I seem to
recall window.location.reload didn't work). We also deploy in the wee
weekend hours as well.

I'm liking a lot of the suggestions here, particularly the one about a
heartbeat call. The problem I've been wrestling with is: Whenever we want
the user to use the new version, we have to wait until they actual do
something (i.e. make an RPC call or hit a code-split point). Which means
they're trying to get something done and we're interrupting them. A
heartbeat mitigates this a little. And assuming we structure things
properly, we could notify the user of the new version without actually
forcing them to reload. Maybe with a message at the top. I believe Google
Groups does this now, yesno?

That's the theory anyway...

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Joseph Lust  wrote:

> Kyle,
> Can you hardcode the onclick="window.location.reload();" method in the
> "OK" button, so it should still work even if the GWT frontend is
> hosed?
> Sincerely,
> Joe
> On Jan 11, 8:56 am, Kyle Baley  wrote:
> > We've gone Thomas's original suggest route of informing the user. But in
> > our original pass at this, we threw up a dialog with an OK button on it.
> It
> > said something to the effect of "There's a new version. Please log in
> > again". Clicking OK is intended to log the user out and forcibly refresh
> > the page.
> >
> > What we're finding is that for the code-splitting case, the dialog does
> > indeed come up but the whole page becomes unresponsive afterward. That
> is,
> > you can't click the OK button. I've verified that this happens regardless
> > of whether we put a dialog up or not. Nothing on the page is clickable at
> > all. Wondering if this is what others see as well and if so, if there's a
> > way around it.
> --
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about css style in gwt

2012-02-29 Thread tong123123
in gwt developer guilde
complex style section:

 .gwt-MenuBar { 
>/* properties applying to the menu bar itself */ 
>.gwt-MenuBar .gwt-MenuItem { 
>/* properties applying to the menu bar's menu items */ 
>.gwt-MenuBar .gwt-MenuItem-selected { 
>/* properties applying to the menu bar's selected menu items */
I cannout underatand, why the css rule is 

.gwt-MenuBar .gwt-MenuItem

but not 

I am not good in css, is
.gwt-MenuBar .gwt-MenuItem
 is equal to just one css class? not any special meaning for the prefix 
.gwt-MenuBar, that is
we can rename it as 
.gwt-MenuBargwt-MenuItem will not any different?

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Re: the output of DialogBox is very strange

2012-02-29 Thread jhulford
I don't think setSize is really supported for the content area of the
DialogBox since setSize is inherited from UIObject.  I believe the
size you're setting is the actual dialog box's outer dimensions (ie.
the DecoratorPanel's table) and not your content's dimensions.

What you'll really want to do is have your dialog box's main content
widget sized how you want it and let dialog box size itself based on
that - as RKP Pisters suggested.

On Feb 28, 8:21 pm, tong123123  wrote:
> thanks for the reply.
> I found the problem seems related to Dialogbox.setsize(), if call this
> method, the dialogBox will be very strange, just try the following to
> simulate:
> public class GWTTest1 implements EntryPoint, ClickHandler {
>           private static class MyDialog extends DialogBox {
>             public MyDialog() {
>               // Set the dialog box's caption.
>               setText("My First Dialog");
>               // Enable animation.
>               setAnimationEnabled(true);
>               // Enable glass background.
>               setGlassEnabled(true);
>               // DialogBox is a SimplePanel, so you have to set its widget
> property to
>               // whatever you want its contents to be.
>               ScrollPanel scrollPanel1 = new ScrollPanel();
>               //scrollPanel1.setSize("1800px", "500px");
>               setWidget(scrollPanel1);
>               Button ok = new Button("OK");
>               ok.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
>                 @Override
>                 public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
>                   MyDialog.this.hide();
>                 }
>               });
>               scrollPanel1.add(ok);
>             }
>           }
>           public void onModuleLoad() {
>             Button b = new Button("Click me");
>             b.addClickHandler(this);
>             RootPanel.get().add(b);
>           }
>           public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
>             // Instantiate the dialog box and show it.
>             MyDialog myDialog1 = new MyDialog();
>             // if myDialog1.setSize(), will throw very strange result!!
>             myDialog1.setSize("1800px", "500px");
>   ;
>           }
>         }
> if comment out the statement "myDialog1.setSize("1800px", "500px");"
> and uncomment the statement //scrollPanel1.setSize("1800px", "500px");
> everything is ok.
> so I think the DialogBox.setSize() has some problem.

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how to look the widget's html code generated by gwt

2012-02-29 Thread tong123123
as captioned, any method to know what html is generated for a widget
by gwt?
I see many post can create a subclass of widget and override the
render() method, but seem they know what is the original html
generated by the widget, how could they got this information?

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Re: How to load an external JS-file without calling a function in there

2012-02-29 Thread Joseph Lust

I thought you could just place the  tag in your manifest file
and that external library would be loaded into the page. Perhaps
you've already tried this, but I did not see it mentioned above.

