Re: GWT CssResource not propagating width:calc(x) property

2013-08-09 Thread Deanna Bonds
Try wrapping the calc() in a literal(calc(100% - 16px) ) ;

the literal() works for anything the cssresource parser doesn't know about 

On Friday, August 9, 2013 1:13:33 PM UTC-4, Wayne Rasmuss wrote:

 I have the following css entry that I'm accessing via a CSS resource

 .form-input-line-cell {
 position: absolute;
 left: 8px;
 bottom: 3px;
 font-size: 32px;
 text-indent: 8px;
 border: solid #d3d3d3 1px;
 border-radius: 3px;
 color: black;
 width: -webkit-calc(100% -16px);
 width: calc(100% - 16px);

 When I view a field using it in the dev tools in firefox, the width 
 properties with calc are not present. I've verified that other changes I 
 make are propagating as expected, so the build is working and I'm looking 
 in the right place. Any ideas?


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Re: Eample for MVP+EventBus+Presenter+Activity

2011-06-09 Thread Deanna Bonds
If you try Roo, there are a few options: You can run it from the command 
line, or you can run it inside eclipse.  I would recommend using the 
SpringSource Tool Suite as it has it already integrated, but there happens 
to be a bug with gwt in the Roo 1.4 release (roo version is not same as STS 
version).  Install latest STS, then upgrade the Roo version to the latest 
snapshot release.  The bug and procedure is described in this jira entry  .   I would also recommend 
starting from the command line at first to learn the commands and see what 
just roo alone does for you. It basically generates the project, database 
connection,  all entities and their request factories,  the MVP and 
Activities and Places framework.  Scaffolding UI for all entities and a 
scaffolding application page.  You can actually run the project and mess 
with all the data without writing a single line of code.   You don't have to 
keep roo in the loop if you don't want after you have your scaffolding, but 
I find it handy to keep things in sync.

As Stevko say, roo can do a lot and generates a lot, and at first it can be 
overwhelming.  But you only really need a small subset of what it can do.  

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Re: Eample for MVP+EventBus+Presenter+Activity

2011-06-09 Thread Deanna Bonds
Oops typo in my post.  The Roo with the bug is 1.1.4 and you need to upgrade 
that to 1.2 SNAPSHOT

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Re: Project wizard creates a completely different MVP project from the what it has in the docs.

2011-06-07 Thread Deanna Bonds
Spring Roo will also do this.  It comes built in to the SpringSource Tool 
Suite - built from eclipse.

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Re: Eample for MVP+EventBus+Presenter+Activity

2011-06-06 Thread Deanna Bonds
I was going through the same thing.  I ended up going back and rewatching 
the Ray Ryan architecture videos from 2009 and 2010 again, but this time 
drawing down all the diagrams, but combining them all.  Then after having a 
big block diagram of the gwt framework and going the javadoc for the classes 
it just clicked into place.  What I had problems with in the original 
readings of the docs, was that the overall big picture was really 
understated and somewhat confused by all the optional things.  And an 
intended way(s) to use it combined with spring roo would help.   That may be 
another piece of the puzzle for you.  This framework depends a bit on spring 
roo to generate all the boilerplate code.  

My way of using it has been to create a gwt project with the gpe.  Then add 
spring roo to that project.  Use Roo to create all the data enties, and 
request factories.  At this point I'm guessing because here is where I am - 
let Roo add in the client side mvp and simple uibinder display areas into 
it's special generated folder/packagePath.  Copy the display areas into my 
own and modify them the way I want and set up the places.  Then add in 
backend logic.

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Re: Shortcomings in Places

2011-06-06 Thread Deanna Bonds
Have you tried throwing a Login or Privilege Exception from the server to 
the client (when server needs the authentication or acl privilege).  Then 
let the client respond to the exception with a dialog - not a place.  Then 
the client can respond to the authentication response with reloading areas, 
resubmitting the request that threw the exception, and any other internal or 
visible updates it needs. 

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Re: Shortcomings in Places

2011-06-06 Thread Deanna Bonds
Probably not the right place to debate UI patterns,  but some of the most 
successful web sites let you do all you can without requiring you to sign in 
or register.  They ease you into the sign up process.  Throwing a login 
or privilege exception is a great way to implement that pattern.  GWT allows 
you to easily exceptions from the server to the client, so it is easy to 
implement.  But if there isn't something you don't want an anonymous user to 
see, you can always disable those till you have authentication.  And when a 
user first navigates to the site, check a return on whether the session is 
authenticated to enable/disable UI components.  

Another side to this is you always want especially privilege exceptions to 
be thrown just to stop hackers from playing.  The UI might not let you edit 
another users record, but some hacker may play with with the JS in firebug 
and do it anyway.  So you need the privilege exceptions.

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Re: Simulating button click in GWT Unit test?

2011-06-04 Thread Deanna Bonds
Can you directly call the click handler in the activity.  If you are testing 
the functionality that seems the best place to test.

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Project Creation Order

2011-05-24 Thread Deanna Bonds
What is the intended project creation order assuming the use of Roo, GPE, 
and GWT Designer for GAE?

You can create the project in GPE or Roo, but I think GPE gives a better 
distinction of client and server - so my first assumption is GPE to create 
(is that right?)

Next I would guess add Roo to the project, then create some data entities. 
 Then create request factories around them.

Then use GWT Designer to add MVP to the project  and create UI Binder 

Then code in the rest.   

Is this any where close to the intended order of using these tools?

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Re: gwt query

2010-01-22 Thread Deanna Bonds
I asked that about a week ago.  There are no current plans for it.

On Jan 22, 6:47 am, Johan Rydberg wrote:
 Any comments on when gwt query will be integrated with GWT?

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Re: GWT MAPS: how to change marker's color ?

2010-01-20 Thread Deanna Bonds
You will need a new graphic for that.  The markers are images.  You
can use any image you like for a marker (of appropriate size).  It
also takes an optional shadow image to go with it.  Search around and
you can find many different markers premade for you, including those
that look like the standard ones but different colors.

On Jan 20, 9:53 am, SergeZ wrote:
 Hi everybody! I have a trouble in changing marker's color. I thought
 that I can do it through changing style of marker but I can't - I
 didn't found the appropriate method.

 So, how can i change color of the existing makrer ? For example from
 default red to , say, green.

 Thanks a lot for your answers!!!
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Re: GWT Road Map

2010-01-19 Thread Deanna Bonds
@Diego Interesting

Anyone know what data backed widgets means as far as data format?  Are
we talking a List of POJO's?  Or a special format?

On Jan 19, 9:15 am, Diego Lovison wrote:

 On 19 jan, 11:27, Rodrigo Romero III wrote:

  It would definitely be great if google could put a roadmap for any of
  their products...but due to the confidenciality they are well
  known...I don't think that's going to occur

  You'll have to wait until things just popup each now and then

  Diego Lovison wrote:
   and about the road map?
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Re: DockPanel Question

2010-01-15 Thread Deanna Bonds
Have you tried putting all the stuff you need to clear in a panel that
you add/remove from the DockPanel areas?  You could easily keep track
of the one Panel in the area and might even be able to cache them.

On Jan 15, 10:27 pm, Sean wrote:
 So, I was working with a DockPanel, and I want to remove a Widget.
 Seems to only be two ways, remove teh Widget or remove the Widget by
 it's index.

 Is there a way to remove Widgets by their Direction? I feel there
 should be a DockPanel.clear(DockPanel.NORTH) or something to that

 For example, I want to put GWT.Visualizations in the Center direction
 with the surrounding directions controlling which type of
 Visualization is in there. That means, I wont' know what is in there,
 it could be the default HTML giving directions for all I know.

 What's the best way to clear the Center(or any) direction before
 adding to it? Seems like a pretty useful thing that's missing from the
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Re: GWT Incubator Status Update and Schedule

2010-01-13 Thread Deanna Bonds
Happy to see these getting promoted to GWT.  Can you make sure they
use code splitting so there isn't an extra overhead with them being

On Jan 12, 4:19 pm, Gabriel Guerrero
 +1 For at least doing another release compatible with gwt 2, I use the
 FastTree and the PagingScrollTable, and it will be nice to have a
 version of those widgets that support the new layout system, for what
 I saw in the trunk the seem to be already compatible with the new
 layout, although I have not tested them


 On Jan 12, 6:05 pm, John LaBanca wrote:

  Incubator Users -

  The Google Web Toolkit Incubator project began as a proving grounds for new
  widgets to be vetted before joining the ranks of the GWT trunk. We've seen
  some success stories over the last year with EventHandlers, ClientBundle,
  and DatePicker, but for many of the widgets and libraries, Incubator has
  become an elephant graveyard.

  In order to address this issue, we will start graduating some of the
  libraries to GWT trunk, move some into separate projects, and discontinue
  development on others. Ultimately, we will wind down the incubator project

  The schedule below shows the fate of each subproject in incubator. It's a
  tentative schedule, meaning that it could change as priorities shift.

  GWT 2.1

     - *PagingScrollTable and FastTree*
     We are working on a new set of data backed widgets for GWT 2.1 that will
     include APIs for trees and tables. We will build upon the lessons learned
     with these incubator widgets, but the API for the new data backed widgets
     will evolve significantly from the current APIs. When the data backed
     widgets are added to GWT trunk, we will stop development on
     the PagingScrollTable and FastTree.

     - *Locale Selection*
     Selecting the locale on the server requires one less round trip to the
     server on startup and is needed for effective use of
     runtime locales selection.  This library will be included in GWT 2.1.

  GWT 2.2

     - *CollapsiblePanel*
     This widget will probably become a subclass of DockingLayoutPanel,
     similar to SplitLayoutPanel.

     - *SliderBar and ProgressBar*
     Both of these widgets currently require the use of a global timer, which
     has performance implications. If we can implement these without a resize
     timer, we will include them in GWT 2.2. If we cannot, we will discontinue
     development on them.

     - *Logging*
     The logging API may make it into GWT 2.1 if time permits.

     - *Form Validation*
     We will take a closer look at the form validation API in GWT 2.2..

  Separate Project:

     - *SoundResource*
     SoundResource is a promising API for including sound in an application,
     but it makes sense to wait for HTML 5 features to become widely adopted
     before including it. We would like to move SoundResource into the 

     - *Graphics*
     The graphics library provides a single, platform independent API that
     works on top of Canvas and VML. The library is not ready for GWT trunk, 
     this project is worth pursuing.

     - *HtmlDecorators*
     We will continue to work on this project to arbitrarily add decorations
     to widgets.

  As always, please feel free to reply with comments or suggestions.

  John LaBanca
  on behalf of the GWT team
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Is GQuery planned to be integrated with GWT.

2010-01-13 Thread Deanna Bonds
After last years google io I expected to see GQuery on the roadmap.
Looks like a great core piece to help create our own composites
without requiring everything to be a gwt object.   Is this (still)
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Re: TabLayoutPanel...

2010-01-13 Thread Deanna Bonds
Are you using a TabBar
You can add html directly into each tab.  But for what you are doing I
might consider the icon as a background image to a div with the text
offset.  Best way I have found to get the css right is in firefox/
firebug.  In the style browser you can change them on the fly, then
once it is right copy that to your stylesheet.

On Jan 13, 3:15 pm, Stine wrote:
 Hello :)

 I am still struggling with getting familiar with GWT ':]

 Right now I am trying to create a tab panel where each tab contains
 both an icon and a text describing what can be found at the attached
 page. Maybe it does not sound of much!! But to me it is not that clear
 how the tabs should be constructed! If I add horizontal panels as tabs
 I find it difficult to write the CSS making the whole TabLayoutPanel
 look nice... hmm...

 Anyone out there who has solved a similar small excercise which I
 could have a look at maybe? ;D Cannot find any examples on the

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Re: TabLayoutPanel...

2010-01-13 Thread Deanna Bonds
TabBar is part of the TabPanel,  which is a composite.  That probably
would be easier to work with.

On Jan 13, 3:53 pm, Stine Søndergaard wrote:
 ... first issue! D How can I use a TabBar in connection with a
 TabLayoutPanel? :}
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Re: TabLayoutPanel...

2010-01-13 Thread Deanna Bonds
Can you ask a specific question about where you are are getting hung.
Maybe some code of what you are trying to do.

On Jan 13, 4:41 pm, Stine Søndergaard wrote:
 I must be stupid... I simply don't get how I do it!!! D At least not
 without having my code end up as a big mess and mixture of objects and plain
 HTML... hmm...
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Re: TabLayoutPanel...

2010-01-13 Thread Deanna Bonds
Use TabPanel, not TabLayoutPanel.

That should make things easier.

On Jan 13, 4:52 pm, Stine Søndergaard wrote:
 Hmm... let me see... is something like this at all a right approach? :]

 public class Test implements EntryPoint {

     public final void onModuleLoad() {
         TabLayoutPanel mainTabs = new TabLayoutPanel(40, Style.Unit.PX);
         mainTabs.add(new HTML(Page A), new MyTab(images/a.jpg, Tab
         mainTabs.add(new HTML(Page B), new MyTab(images/b.jpg, Tab

     class MyTab extends HTML {
         public MyTab(String icon, String text) {
             super(div style='background-image: url( + icon + );'  +
 text + /div);

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Re: TabLayoutPanel...

2010-01-13 Thread Deanna Bonds
Not if you followed that link.  Here is the example code from it
public class TabPanelExample implements EntryPoint {

  public void onModuleLoad() {
// Create a tab panel with three tabs, each of which displays a
// piece of text.
TabPanel tp = new TabPanel();
tp.add(new HTML(Foo), foo);
tp.add(new HTML(Bar), bar);
tp.add(new HTML(Baz), baz);

// Show the 'bar' tab initially.

// Add it to the root panel.

On Jan 13, 5:25 pm, Stine Søndergaard wrote:
 But is TabLayoutPanel not the new TabPanel? :/
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Re: SmartGWT?!

2010-01-12 Thread Deanna Bonds
A wrapper means that it is not written in Java.  It is javascript
code, with just a calling Java wrapper around it so that it can be
used from GWT.  By not being written in Java you don't get the
advantages the GWT compiler offers.  Some of those I listed.  First
was code elimination.  GWT compiler can tell what code is never
referenced (in the Java written code, not javascript) and eliminate
the code so you don't ever download code that is not being used.  And
download time is a big problem in web apps.  You don't want an app
that takes a long time to show display.   Another thing the GWT
compiler does is compile different versions of the code for different
browsers using the javascript that is tailored to that browser (it
will also do this for different (human) languages you want to display
your app in).  The another big advantage of the GWT compiler is code
splitting.  You can tell the compiler where to break up the code so
that code that is not needed initially can be downloaded when needed
and doesn't take up bandwidth when it first loads.

I hope that helps :)

On Jan 12, 6:56 am, Stine Søndergaard wrote:
 Hello again :) It would be fantastic if you could maybe attach a few more
 words to this:

 SmartGWT is a javascript wrapper - which
 means you don't get the advantages of the compiler, browser specific
 code compiles,  code elimination,  and runAsync (code splitting).

 ... I am not sure I understand it ~:/ *Sigh*

 Thanks a lt,
 Stine :)
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Re: GWT Validation Best Practice

2010-01-12 Thread Deanna Bonds
There is a validation library in gwt-incubator but I haven't used it
yet.  It is on my todo list to explore it.  There isn't much doc to it
so you will have to dissect the code in the jar file.

On Jan 12, 6:30 am, simonob007 wrote:
 Hi GWT Community

 I am in the process of evaluating GWT as a basis for building RIA's so
 am building out a basic form based application to test out GWT.

 So far my GWT experience has been really good however I appear to have
 hit a brick wall in terms of validation (such as basic client side
 form validation) as from what I can see GWT does not have any built in
 validation components so I would have to build validation components

 From my investigations (including searching this group) I have not
 been able to come to any conclusions on best practice for validation
 with GWT, I have seen there are a number of separate GWT  validation
 projects available however I have not been able to come to a
 conclusion on a best practice.

 Please could you share your personally experiences around GWT
 validation and share any best practices?

 NOTE: I know that there are also a couple of 3rd party libraries such
 as SmartGWT and Ext GWT that provide built in validation techniques
 however I would like to discount these for now due to licensing
 questions (particularly over Ext GWT) and as I understand from my
 research these libraries do not seem to benefit from key GWT features
 such as code splitting, code elimination, etc and don't really adhere
 to GWT 'best practice' (I hope I'm not opening a can of worms with
 this statement)

 Many Thanks

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Re: SmartGWT?!

2010-01-11 Thread Deanna Bonds
Some things to consider.  SmartGWT is a javascript wrapper - which
means you don't get the advantages of the compiler, browser specific
code compiles,  code elimination,  and runAsync (code splitting).  It
also has its own paradigm which you may or may not like, but isn't
really in the vein of the gwt best practices as set forth in the
famous video.   The advantages is is it a nice looking full featured
widget set, many of which are not in pure gwt or gwt-incubator.  I
don't know if it works with UIBinder.

On Jan 11, 9:14 am, Stine wrote:
 ... approaches are a lot different when chosing raw GWT or SmartGWT,
 are they not? :}
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Re: SmartGWT?!

2010-01-11 Thread Deanna Bonds
On Jan 11, 9:50 am, Stine Søndergaard wrote:
 Famous video? :)

This is a great talk by Ray Ryan on GWT best practices.
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Re: Storing Google Map Markers

2010-01-06 Thread Deanna Bonds
Because of the number of significant digits in a lat,lng -  I
converted the array of map markers to JSON in the client and kept it a
string all the way to the database.  That way I never lost any
precision, which I did if I tried to parse the JSON to native data
types in any layer.

On Jan 6, 7:33 am, sam wrote:
 Previously, I stored Google Map points (lat, long) and other info at a
 certain location in mysql table from GWT via RPC.

 Now, I want to make it independent of external stuff like mysql. What
 is the best way to store the data in GWT? Can anyone guide me to the
 procedure and means?

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Re: user by default

2010-01-05 Thread Deanna Bonds
That would be part of the appengine API.  Here is the discussion group
for them
But I think the answer is yes, you ask for a user object and it
returns one if the user is logged in, else you set up the login

On Jan 5, 6:12 am, Acerezo wrote:
 Can I get the user account by default if the user is al ready loggin
 in igoogle, gmail, etc?


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