A wrapper means that it is not written in Java.  It is javascript
code, with just a calling Java wrapper around it so that it can be
used from GWT.  By not being written in Java you don't get the
advantages the GWT compiler offers.  Some of those I listed.  First
was code elimination.  GWT compiler can tell what code is never
referenced (in the Java written code, not javascript) and eliminate
the code so you don't ever download code that is not being used.  And
download time is a big problem in web apps.  You don't want an app
that takes a long time to show display.   Another thing the GWT
compiler does is compile different versions of the code for different
browsers using the javascript that is tailored to that browser (it
will also do this for different (human) languages you want to display
your app in).  The another big advantage of the GWT compiler is code
splitting.  You can tell the compiler where to break up the code so
that code that is not needed initially can be downloaded when needed
and doesn't take up bandwidth when it first loads.

I hope that helps :)

On Jan 12, 6:56 am, Stine Søndergaard <stinespl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello again :) It would be fantastic if you could maybe attach a few more
> words to this:
> "SmartGWT is a javascript wrapper - which
> means you don't get the advantages of the compiler, browser specific
> code compiles,  code elimination,  and runAsync (code splitting)."
> ... I am not sure I understand it ~:/ *Sigh*
> Thanks a loooot,
> Stine :)
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