Re: new GWT MVP article (part 2)

2010-04-28 Thread Fabio Kaminski
Its funny when a solution creates more problems than solve issues they
promissed to address..

this look to me like a politician, telling you they will solve the world
hunger.. and in the and you are paying more tributes to make his cows fat..

i have go back to the whiteboard, and come back to javascript.. since at
least.. gwt purposes steel better than all those rails-clone frameworks..

too bad its working on plaster java.. :s

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Andrew Hughes  wrote:

> There is quite a serious collision between the MVP pattern and the (super
> cool) UiBinder.
> Presenters don't know what their concrete view is, all they know is the
> view interface has a asWidget() method. This seems like a logical
> separation. MVP says "presenters shouldn't know HOW they are visually
> displayed".
> Since this is the real world, you will probably want to have a childView
> added to your parentView - this get's messy with UiBinder
> Presenters can only obtain either the childView's
> interface... childPresenter.getView(); *//return's only interface type,
> not a widget!*
> Or, it can get a plain old widget via
> asWidget() childPresenter.getView().asWidget();*//return's just the
> type "Widget".*
> Thus, the parentView can only be provided with a "Widget" via
> childPresenter.getView().asWidget(). Inturn, that's all you can specify in
> the  ParentViewui.xml, i.e. , the
> ParentView.ui.xml would look like:
>   * *
> You also need this in the
> @UiField(provided=true)
> Widget childView; //Can't specify a concrete Widget type here
> Because Gin has it's limit's and there's very limited runtime options with
> UiBinder, you end up writing a lot of BoilerPlate code "providing" the child
> widgets, plus you have to work with just "Widget" type's everywhere. Both of
> which are BAD and really do make development difficult and don't forget
> you can't call uiBinder.createAndBind until all widget's have been provided.
> Thanks for reading.
> --AH
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Mike  wrote:
>> I'd like to chime in as well...
>> Since the project posted with the update hasn't been totally
>> refactored, its very confusing for those new to GAE, GWT, MVP, etc
>> (and it shouldn't be).  This seems akin to turning in your homework
>> half-done or half-eaten by the dog...
>> I would like to encourage Google to complete the refactoring, and in
>> doing so -- present the ideas in a more concise and clear manner.  The
>> presentation seems to add confusion rather than clarity.
>> I've found the following article to be extremely helpful in the
>> comprehension of MVP:
>> Article suggests T(est)D(riven)D(esign) beginning with the Presenter
>> layer.
>> The article also suggests a possible Adapter layer for use in getting/
>> setting data between the Presenter and View layers (which, I quite
>> liked and made my own attempts at MVP much simpler and clearer).
>> In my own experience, and reading other comments, seems that the
>> largest struggle people have is in understanding what code should live
>> in which layer, and how best to achieve that.  I'd personally prefer
>> to see some additional instruction/suggestions assisting with these
>> issues.  Also, I'd like to see the article updated to provide a better
>> overview of what is going to end up where (and why), and a better walk-
>> through of putting the proper bits into the proper places to achieve
>> that.
>> > > Thank you everyone for sharing.
>> >
>> > > >@Chris Ramsdale,
>> > > >"We use the technique described in part II. Composite views are
>> responsible
>> > > >for instantiating their own children, and making them available for
>> the
>> > > >parallel composite presenters. "
>> > > >"Regarding the nested layer presenters, thanks for the feedback and
>> I'll look
>> > > >into our codebase for examples that we can share publicly. "
>> >
>> > > Chris, I was wondering if you can share any code samples, or if
>> > > possible ask google team
>> > > to write a tutorial on more complex layouts and navigation. (parent/
>> > > child, composite views).
>> >
>> > > I've visited many forums, and this has been an area where many are
>> > > struggling. The MVP tutorial is great for introducing the concepts,
>> > > but
>> > > for real world applications with complex layout, i think more
>> examples/
>> > > resources are definitely helpful for those who want to follow best
>> > > practices.
>> >
>> > > almost all GWT books are written prior to 2009, mainly dealing with
>> > > widgets, and very little on architecture, especially MVP.
>> >
>> > > Thank You
>> --
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Re: Extending the 'Contact: MVP' example

2010-03-18 Thread Fabio Kaminski
As far as i understand you have "windows" that contain widgets... like:

MainWidgetContainer (which owns) LoginWidget, HeaderWidget and so on..
LogoutWidgetContainer (owns) LogoutWidget, ComeBackSoonMessageWidget, etc..

if is that the case, you would only call the go() which means
when you wanna change from one widget container to another...
MainWidgetContainer <-> LogoutWidgetContainer
not LoginWidget > HeaderWidget or LogoutWidget...

as soon you establish this rule (you can even restrict go() method to
allowing only widget containers)
if you dont do it yet.. the only thing you need ins to assemble the
Containers.. like:

public class MainView extends Composite implements Display {

   final LoginView loginView;
   final HeaderView headerView;

  (add those to this widget)

Fabio Kaminski

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Brian Reilly wrote:

> It seems to me like you need a supervising presenter to coordinate
> interactions among each of the panes of the application, in a
> DockPanel as you suggest. The AppController would then bootstrap this
> instead of managing what is shown in the root panel. Finally, the
> logic that is in the AppController of the Contacts example would need
> to be pushed down into this presenter or something that sits between
> that and the contacts widget.
> Doing this, though, removes a lot of responsibility from the
> AppController. I don't know that the AppController is a bad idea. It
> may be useful for a simple example. However, I think it would be more
> useful to have a more self-contained contacts widget that could be
> reused without having to worry about the AppController.
> I haven't tried any of this myself yet, but I've been thinking about
> similar issues related to managing view state when composing widgets
> using MVP.
> -Brian
> On Feb 27, 12:32 pm, Andrew  wrote:
> > The idea is to have multiple presenters throwing views up into their
> > own little piece of real estate on the screen, then depending on
> > different events, swap out presenters. For instance I want user
> > information in one little box on the screen, and a header across the
> > top. I want the user information screen to disappear and show a modify
> > user screen in it's place when they click the modify user button, but
> > I don't want anything to happen to the header when that happens. I
> > have a different presenter for each piece of the application, for
> > instance the User Screen, a Header, a part that shows a list of items.
> > I already tried to do this, but when an event happened, a new screen
> > would show and wipe out another one. In my case the modify user button
> > was clicked, and it wiped out the header.
> >
> > I don't know how passing multiple containers to a presenter would
> > solve this problem unless it was just a reference to a structure that
> > was housing all of them. For instance a whole DockPanel gets passed
> > down to each presenter and they all add themselves to the dock panel.
> > I might try that and see what happens, but if anyone else has a better
> > idea please let me know!
> >
> > Andy
> >
> > On Feb 26, 8:06 pm, Jim  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > modify Presenter.go(HasWidget container) to Presenter.go(HasWidget...
> > > containers).
> >
> > > On Feb 26, 5:18 pm, Andrew  wrote:
> >
> > > > Hey all. I've got a question about the GWT and more specifically the
> > > > mvp architecture tutorial
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > > I've been messing around with this, and extending it for my own
> > > > project, but i've run into a little problem.
> >
> > > > if (token != null){
> > > > Presenter presenter = null;
> >
> > > > if (token == "user"){
> > > > presenter = new UserPresenter(userRpcService,
> eventBus, new
> > > > UserView());
> > > > }
> > > > if (token == "edit"){
> > > > presenter = new EditUserPresenter(userRpcService,
> eventBus, new
> > > > EditUserView());
> > > > }
> >
> > > > if (presenter != null){
> > > > presenter.go(root);
> > > > }
> >
> > > > In this code, we are passing the root panel to the presenter in order
> > > > to tell it which panel to attach to. The problem is that I've tried
> > > &

Re: MVP related question

2010-03-18 Thread Fabio Kaminski
You should deploy only gwt-servlet.jar in your Servlet container..
as you will need ate least to extends GWT's RemoteServiceServlet
wich will do all the rpc magic serialization and proper servlet treatment
for your service...

So normaly you use gwt-dev and gwt-user to build and compile..  and
gwt-servlet for service response..


Fabio Kaminski

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Dhiren Bhatia  wrote:

> So, this should mean that the client package does not need to get
> deployed to my Tomcat server, correct? I tried deleting the client
> package from the server side just to see what would happen and the app
> doesn't work which is why I'm confused.
> Thanks.
> On Mar 18, 9:48 am, PhilBeaudoin  wrote:
> > The View and Presenter participants in the MVP pattern are expected to
> > live on the client only. The Model objects are typically shared
> > between the client and the server.
> >
> > If you look at your Project.gwt.xml file you will see:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > This means all classes in package client and shared are compiled to
> > javascript.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Philippe
> >
> > On Mar 18, 9:25 am, Dhiren Bhatia  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > I'm curious about the container the 'Presenter' runs in. If I have an
> > > application that uses the MVP pattern on the UI side and makes RPC
> > > calls to a servlet (running in Tomcat), where does the presenter run?
> > > Does it get compiled to Javascript and run in the browser or is it
> > > running in Tomcat?
> >
> > > Is there a document that explains exactly which pieces get compiled
> > > into Javascript? Apologies if this has been asked already.
> >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Dhiren
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Re: GWT Grid vs. SmartGWT grid

2010-03-15 Thread Fabio Kaminski
the right question is.. what do you need?
you need simplicity or a lots of built-in features?
do you need stand up for millions of users.. or do you control the app
users.. and could even train them if you like?

in my case i need simplicity and support a lot of users.. low latency..
and my fear is that third part library could get broken by futures versions
of GWT
that can change the way it does thing in its roots.. so a lot of rewrites
for these fellows

Smart its a cool project... but you always need to think if you fill you
project with a bunch of features your users may get lost..
and may repeats "Vista" mistakes..

you need to balance when to make developers life easier or user life

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 6:29 PM, ckendrick wrote:

> Someone off-list took some of my comments the wrong way.  I'd just
> like to clarify, as long as GWT is targeting the ultralight use case
> of an application that must be as fast as possible on first access, it
> makes sense for GWT to rely on browser layout and just provide direct
> CSS for skinning.  It's not something I'm saying is a flaw in GWT or a
> bad design decision, in fact, it's the same decision I would make in
> addressing that use case.
> The reason is simply that it takes a certain irreducible amount of
> code to really build layouts that don't depend on native browser
> behavior, and that's too much to deliver for the ultralight use case.
> It's just different designs for different use cases.
> I hope the core GWT widgets continue to focus on the ultralight use
> case, because there's just nothing comparable, especially for mobile.
> On Mar 12, 12:44 pm, ckendrick  wrote:
> > And here are the authors to disagree :)
> >
> > 1) Yes, we make intentional departures from the GWT way, such as..
> >
> > 2)SmartGWThas better cross-browser consistency than GWT itself.
> > Why?  Because GWT relies on native browser behavior and CSS for
> > layout, and this is where all the quirks come from.  We do layout with
> > layout manager classes, more in the style of Java Swing.  Yes, GWT has
> > layout managers, but what they're actually doing in many cases is
> > relying on the browser interpretation of sizes and layout rules.
> > Also, re-skinning your application with GWT is straight CSS,
> whereasSmartGWTprovides an abstraction that separates styling-as-such from
> > layout.
> >
> > 3) The library is cached, so you only increase the first-ever load
> > time.  If you have a site where you are trying to display something as
> > fast as possible for a visitor who comes only once, this may matter.
> > If you're building an enterprise application and people use it
> > regularly, it doesn't matter, the extreme productivity benefits of
> theSmartGWTgrid (and other components) are much more important.  On
> > broadband,SmartGWTapplications come up faster than the launch time
> > of Word or Acrobat, so it's right in line with user expectations for
> > enterprise/desktop applications.
> >
> > As far as the future, my take is that GWT cannot both retain an
> > ultralight footprint *and* provide the features of an enterprise
> > platform likeSmartGWT- static code analysis just isn't a strong
> > enough approach to code trimming to enable this.  I covered this in
> > depth here:
> >
> >
> >
> > You've also got to consider the state of the art, of course.  Will
> > your customers be doing a head-to-head comparison on functionality and
> > productivity between your competitor, who usedSmartGWT, and your app,
> > which uses plain GWT grids?  That's going to go very badly against
> > you.
> >
> > On Mar 12, 1:58 am, Nathan Wells  wrote:
> >
> > > I would say you are correct on the disadvantages ofSmartGwt. There
> > > are those (most notably the author(s)) who I know disagree with me.
> > > GWTers recognize the need for a more robust, data-backed table
> > > solution, and it's currently in the works, targeted for 2.1. Our
> > > company decided to go withSmartGwtfor now, then migrate to a more
> > > "Gwtfull" solution later.
> >
> > > On Mar 12, 1:29 am, mariyan nenchev  wrote:
> >
> > > > Try scroll paging table from gwt incubator, i think it was updated to
> gwt
> > > > 2.0.
> >
> >
> --
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Re: Contacts MVP Example -- getAssociatedType() override necessary?

2010-03-09 Thread Fabio Kaminski
the client application.. that consumes this events dont really need this
method as like in the example you implement TYPE as static.. e point it to
the EventBus..

but i guess the GWT framework uses it anyway..

suppose that  i provide you a framework and want to obligate you to
implement a method
that i use in the framework logic.. and cant know previously what you will
implement ..
a good way to do it.. its obligate to implement the method.. via interface..
or abstract method

maybe opening the eventhandler source??

(but if you find out its useless, dont forget to let me know) :)


Fabio Kaminski

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 7:33 PM, scope  wrote:

> Hey there-
> I've been slowly going through all the GWT tutorials in an effort to
> understand the capabilities of the tool.
> Could someone please explain why the GwtEvent subclasses from the
> MVP article override getAssociatedType()?
> The article and code samples can be found here:
> An example from is:
>  @Override
>  public Type getAssociatedType() {
>return TYPE;
>  }
> Is this necessary?  Since GwtEvent is a template (generic in Java
> terms), won't the default implementation of the method suffice?
> Thanks and take care.
> --
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Re: Google Plugin for Eclipse 1.3 Preview is now available

2010-03-09 Thread Fabio Kaminski
Ok Keith!

I did the installation extracting de zip contents in the dropins folder of
in fact i install a newer version of eclipse 3.5 , the 20100218-1602 build
for java EE

it includes WST plugins already... and after extract the file.. looking in
the details..
in the installed plugins .. it lists the google plugin its has been installed successfully..

but i cant see a thing,.. there'is is other plugins dependencies??

im working on an ubuntu linux 64.. (the last one was fedora :))

one more thing.. i have unistalled all google plugins that was installed
and just then, extract the contents of the plugin snapshot you pointed out..

im pretty fine creating projects and tunning things "at hand" ... but if it
works.. it will be a welcome and handy feature..

thanks for your attention,

Fabio Kaminski

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 6:50 AM, olivier nouguier  wrote:

> Hi Keith
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Keith Platfoot wrote:
>> Hi Olivier,
>>>  No new issues with this release (eclipse 3.5.1 + maven + sts + aspectj +
>>> wtp).
>>> * Same classloader (than GEP 1.2) issues with spring namespace handler in
>>> dev mode.
>> I'm not familiar with this problem.  Is there a bug on the GWT issue
>> tracker I can review to get more details?
>  I've just submitted an issues
>  With a sample project.
> Tell me if you cannot reproduce the issue.
> --
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> --
> Mohandas Gandhi
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Re: Deserializing GWT Requests

2010-03-05 Thread Fabio Kaminski
Read the RemoteServiceServlet file from gwt source for help...

it looks that the magic happens on its "String processCall(String
payload)"... since its not marked as final.. you can extends
RemoteServiceServlet and overrides it..

or if you need more control, extend AbstractRemoteServiceServlet and
mimetize RemoteServiceServlet doing you Tango.. wherever it is.

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Ron  wrote:

> I'm looking to create a program which can deserialize the GWT RPC
> Requests into a human readable format. For example I want to be able
> to read through a flat file containing these requests and be able to
> deserialize the GWT-RPC requests to gather information such as the
> service name, method name and method parameters. Does anyone know an
> easy way to accomplish this?
> --
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Re: MVP + UiBinder, thoughts?

2010-03-05 Thread Fabio Kaminski
the way i see, when UiBinder arrives it has made the Presenter/Display
design behind it..
particularly i find a little painful to write that kind of weird coding..

in that way UiBinder was a blessing, cause, in my point of view the ui.xml
file its similar to display as the view tier..
and leave the widget .java  file to write only the event handling logic
similar to presenter tier in that example..

and the best of it.. with less code and confusion, with a new xml artefact
that could be handled by a designer focused on it if you wish so, that
does'nt need any java knowlodge  or to open the source and compile every
time you need to change the view tier..

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 5:16 PM, bryce cottam  wrote:

> indeed, that's the direction I'm going with it.  I wasn't using GIN at
> first, (since everything I was doing was proof of concept) but now
> that I'm "really" coding it, GIN comes in quite handy for this.
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 6:30 PM, PhilBeaudoin
>  wrote:
> > Just a quick thought... If you wanted to make the Presenter-View
> > relationship bidirectional without having to inject it manually,
> > couldn't you have GIN inject a Provider
> > into the view? Then you just bind MyPresenter.DisplayHandlers to
> > MyPresenter.
> >
> > On Feb 21, 11:33 am, ross  wrote:
> >> Hey all,
> >>
> >> I have been wrestling with this design pattern the past week or so on
> >> my application architecture.  I am eagerly awaiting to hear Google's
> >> stance onUiBinder+MVPpatterns but maybe we'll have to wait for I/O
> >> to find that out :)
> >>
> >> In the meantime I really appreciated this thread and I've gone with
> >> something very much along the lines of what Bryce mentioned with
> >> having the 'Execute' interface in the Presenter.  Having the 'Execute'
> >> interface defined in the View seemed too circular for me (and also the
> >> javac) :)
> >>
> >> Here's my code:
> >>
> >> -
> >> Presenter
> >> -
> >>
> >> public class MyPresenter implements Presenter {
> >>
> >>   public interface DisplayHandlers {
> >> void onBackLabelClicked();
> >>   }
> >>
> >>   public interface Display {
> >> void setDisplayHandlers(DisplayHandlers handlers);
> >> Widget asWidget();
> >>   }
> >>
> >>  public MyPresenter(..., HandlerManager eventBus,
> >>   Display display) {
> >> this.eventBus = eventBus;
> >> this.display = display;
> >>   }
> >>
> >>   @Override
> >>   public Widget bind() {
> >> display.setDisplayHandlers(new DisplayHandlers() {
> >>
> >>   @Override
> >>   public void onBackLabelClicked() {
> >> // fire an event on the bus or whatever else you may fancy
> >>   }
> >>
> >> });
> >>
> >> return display.asWidget();
> >>   }
> >>
> >> }
> >>
> >> -
> >> View
> >> -
> >>
> >> public class ErrorView extends Composite implements
> >> ErrorPresenter.Display {
> >>
> >> @UiField
> >>   Label backLabel;
> >>
> >>   ErrorPresenter.DisplayHandlers handlers;
> >>
> >> }
> >>
> >> -
> >>
> >> hope this helps someone (only relevant code is shown)
> >>
> >> On Jan 29, 3:37 pm, bryce cottam  wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > Yes, I am using this pattern and liking it quite a bit right now.  I
> >> > feel it cleans up a lot of boiler-plate code.
> >> > Here is a sample application that demonstrates some of the design
> >> > patterns I'm using (including the Command Pattern for RPC calls):
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > It's pretty basic, and some things could be improved (like the use of
> >> > GIN/Guice and some more reflection based RPC dispatching on the
> >> > server), but I didn't go to great lengths to include that because the
> >> > main thing I wanted to demonstrate in this code was the use of the MVC
> >> > tweaks brought up in this thread.
> >>
> >> > I want to emphasize that it was thrown together for a friend in order
> >> > to demonstrate concepts and not as a tutorial walk through, it
> >> > includes stuff like rpc based login (which I don't suggest using).
> >> > Anyhow, I hope it helps demonstrate how I'm dispatching events.
> >>
> >> > as far as your usingUiBinder+MVPwithout any issues: I wouldn't say
> >> > your "missing" anything per se', it's just that I wanted something
> >> > cleaner than what I was seeing around the forums.  I don't like
> >> > returning HasText/HasClickHandler type interfaces from my view to my
> >> > presenter 'cause I think my display can be smarter than that without
> >> > embedding any business logic in it. I like making calls like
> >> > display.getName() rather than display.getNameBox().getText().  When I
> >> > do things that way, it makes it really easy to swap out my display
> >> > instances with simple beans and I don't have to much with any testing
> >> > framewo

Re: Elegant merge UiBinder + Gin

2010-03-04 Thread Fabio Kaminski
Thanks Chris!

Thats work for me.. with little changes..

in fact , i was kind of implementing an observer pattern for the uis.. and
the things get complicated wuth the uibinder.. :s

in my implementation.. i have a "AbstractComposite" extending from composite
who receives a Main Presenter wich receives an eventBus...

the solution went fine when i build "everybody" including Widgets in Gin
module now..

my injected dependency in Widget was children widgets..and now with the
provided annotation binder do not create things by its own.


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:19 PM, Chris Lercher wrote:

> Hi Fabio,
> I think this should be possible:
> public class MyComposite extends Composite {
>private static MyCompositeUiBinder uiBinder =
> GWT.create(MyCompositeUiBinder.class);
>interface MyCompositeUiBinder extends UiBinder
> {
>Button button;
>public MyComposite(@Named("myButton") Button button) {
>this.button = button;
> }
> Then you'll only have to bind myButton in your module, and create the
> button in the ui.xml like this:
> Chris
> On Mar 4, 7:05 pm, Fabio Kaminski  wrote:
> > Anyone has an elegant solution merging GIN DI + UiBinder?
> >
> > how can UiBinder created objects(even "provided=true" ones) be visible to
> > GIN Injector and vice-versa?
> >
> > or GIN DI cant work anyway on the UiBinder ground ?
> >
> > like.. if i have a singleton..created by GIN and want that the UIBinder
> DI
> > can get the same object
> > to inject on its widgets.
> > can i have this??
> >
> > how the two apis can work together elegantly?
> >
> > Thanks
> --
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Re: Google Plugin for Eclipse 1.3 Preview is now available

2010-03-04 Thread Fabio Kaminski
Hi Keith,

my version is Galileo 3.5.1 64 on fedora linux
with all WST plugins installed and recent updates..

the google plugin never worked for me on this platform (no Google menu on
windows > preferences, no GWT project wizard and buttons available)

i even try your last patch .. unziping in the eclipse folder...
and after update google plugin using the "install new software"
everything went fine.. and eclipse detects plugin installed sucesfully..

i thought this was normal with this version.. so i give up of the plugins
and do things manually(a lot of hacks :s)..

but i guess i can have some hope now :)


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:49 PM, Keith Platfoot  wrote:

> Hi Fabio,
> What's your specific issue with Eclipse on 64-bit Linux?  We've tested the
> 1.3 plugin on 64-bit versions of all 3 versions of Eclipse (3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
> and did not encounter any problems.
> If you can provide a few details, we'll see if we can work out a resolution
> for you.
> Keith
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Fabio Kaminski 
> wrote:
>> any workarounds for eclipse 64 bit on linux?
>> or there is some hack in eclipse to work smoothly with it..
>> im still doing things by hand..
>> Thanks
>> Fabio Kaminski
>> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Keith Platfoot wrote:
>>> Hey again,
>>> Just wanted to mention that to actually customize your project's WAR
>>> directory (enhancement bullet 1 in the announcement email), you'll need to
>>> navigate to Google > Web Application in your project properties dialog.  You
>>> can use any project-relative path as the WAR directory (e.g.
>>> src/main/webapp) and you can also use the checkbox below to toggle whether
>>> or not you want to launch and deploy from that directory, by default.  If
>>> you uncheck that option, Eclipse will prompt you for a location the first
>>> time you launch your project, and will not mess with the JARs in
>>> /WEB-INF/lib or try to move your build output directory to
>>> /WEB-INF/classes.  You can think of the checkbox as the *Keep your
>>> hands off my runtime WAR directory!* option. :-)
>>> If anyone runs into issues or has questions about any of the new
>>> features, don't hesitate to ask.  Thanks!
>>> Keith
>>> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Keith Platfoot wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Last month, I announced some of the changes we had planned for the 1.3
>>>> version of the Google Plugin for Eclipse. To recap, this release is focused
>>>> on making life easier for developers using GWT/App Engine alongside
>>>> third-party tools, including Maven and Eclipse for Java EE. In my post, I
>>>> promised we'd let you download a preview of 1.3 to get some hands-on 
>>>> testing
>>>> of the new features and provide us with your feedback before the official
>>>> release.
>>>> I'm happy to announce that the time has come. An early preview of 1.3 is
>>>> now available for download at the following URLs:
>>>> Note: Ensure that your version of Eclipse has Eclipse's Web Standard
>>>> Tools (WST) installed before installing the plugin. WST can be installed by
>>>> navigating to the Software Installation section, and selecting the the
>>>> appropriate WST feature from the update site for your version of Eclipse.
>>>> The update sites and feature names are provided below:
>>>>- 3.5 (Galileo): Galileo > Web, XML, and Java EE Development >
>>>>Eclipse Web Developer Tools
>>>>- 3.4 (Ganymede): Ganymede Update Site > Web and Java EE Development
>>>>> Web Developer Tools
>>>>- 3.3 (Europa): Europa Discovery Site > Web and JEE Development >
>>>>Web Standard Tools Project
>>>> This is a preview build, so the usual caveats and warnings apply: it is

Elegant merge UiBinder + Gin

2010-03-04 Thread Fabio Kaminski
Anyone has an elegant solution merging GIN DI + UiBinder?

how can UiBinder created objects(even "provided=true" ones) be visible to
GIN Injector and vice-versa?

or GIN DI cant work anyway on the UiBinder ground ?

like.. if i have a singleton..created by GIN and want that the UIBinder DI
can get the same object
to inject on its widgets.
can i have this??

how the two apis can work together elegantly?


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Re: Google Plugin for Eclipse 1.3 Preview is now available

2010-03-04 Thread Fabio Kaminski
any workarounds for eclipse 64 bit on linux?

or there is some hack in eclipse to work smoothly with it..

im still doing things by hand..


Fabio Kaminski

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Keith Platfoot  wrote:

> Hey again,
> Just wanted to mention that to actually customize your project's WAR
> directory (enhancement bullet 1 in the announcement email), you'll need to
> navigate to Google > Web Application in your project properties dialog.  You
> can use any project-relative path as the WAR directory (e.g.
> src/main/webapp) and you can also use the checkbox below to toggle whether
> or not you want to launch and deploy from that directory, by default.  If
> you uncheck that option, Eclipse will prompt you for a location the first
> time you launch your project, and will not mess with the JARs in
> /WEB-INF/lib or try to move your build output directory to
> /WEB-INF/classes.  You can think of the checkbox as the *Keep your
> hands off my runtime WAR directory!* option. :-)
> If anyone runs into issues or has questions about any of the new features,
> don't hesitate to ask.  Thanks!
> Keith
> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Keith Platfoot wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Last month, I announced some of the changes we had planned for the 1.3
>> version of the Google Plugin for Eclipse. To recap, this release is focused
>> on making life easier for developers using GWT/App Engine alongside
>> third-party tools, including Maven and Eclipse for Java EE. In my post, I
>> promised we'd let you download a preview of 1.3 to get some hands-on testing
>> of the new features and provide us with your feedback before the official
>> release.
>> I'm happy to announce that the time has come. An early preview of 1.3 is
>> now available for download at the following URLs:
>> Note: Ensure that your version of Eclipse has Eclipse's Web Standard
>> Tools (WST) installed before installing the plugin. WST can be installed by
>> navigating to the Software Installation section, and selecting the the
>> appropriate WST feature from the update site for your version of Eclipse.
>> The update sites and feature names are provided below:
>>- 3.5 (Galileo): Galileo > Web, XML, and Java EE Development > Eclipse
>>Web Developer Tools
>>- 3.4 (Ganymede): Ganymede Update Site > Web and Java EE Development >
>>Web Developer Tools
>>- 3.3 (Europa): Europa Discovery Site > Web and JEE Development > Web
>>Standard Tools Project
>> This is a preview build, so the usual caveats and warnings apply: it is
>> not officially supported, and we recommend using a clean installation of
>> Eclipse and a new workspace. Also, we're distributing this preview as a zip
>> file so be sure to follow the instructions on our Installing the Google
>> Plugin for Eclipse from zip files page (
>> *Known Issues*
>>- If you change launch configuration settings in the Server or GWT
>>tab, you'll need to switch to the Arguments tab before clicking Apply or
>>Run/Debug.  This will be fixed in the final release.
>> That being said, we are very interested in your experience with this new
>> release, which we hope will allow the Google plugin to interoperate much
>> better with alternative project structures and third-party tools. The
>> tentative 1.3 release notes are as follows:
>> Enhancements
>>- Configurable WAR directory to allow better integration with Eclipse
>>for Java EE <> and
>>projects built with Maven <>
>>- Web Application launch configurations now display and allow editing
>>of generated Program and VM arguments
>>- Errors/Warnings preference page for customizing the severity of any
>>generated problem marker
>>- Projects can reference GWT/App Engine SDKs directly via JARs instead
>>of through SDK library
>>- GWT+App Engine projects automatically configured for optimal caching
>> Fixes

Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin Installation Problem

2010-03-03 Thread Fabio Kaminski
64 bit eclipse and jre?

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 6:42 AM, digidrops  wrote:

> I installed all the gwt plugins like described here:
> The installation went fine, but I either can't see the gwt-buttons or
> the google entries in preferences. I can't see anything from gwt
> except that the plugins are installed. Any suggestions?
> --
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Re: Have you read the GWT Applications book by Ryan Dewsbury?

2010-03-03 Thread Fabio Kaminski
Change the "receiver.AddEvent(evt)" method to the
broadcastEvent(evt,null).. so every client listening will receive a
SendMessageEvent and act properly...

public void sendMessage(User receiver, String message) {
  Usuario sender = getCurrentUser();

  if( receiver != null ){
SendMessageEvent evt = new SendMessageEvent(sender,message);

  //receiver.AddEvent(evt);  <- comment this line, cause here whe
are sending the message only to receiver!
  broadcastEvent(evt,null); // and use this one already documented
on the book
  onEvents(receiver.getId() );

   //the receiver User are not needed anymore so you can change the
method signature to sendMessage(String message)


Fabio Kaminski

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:16 PM, kozura  wrote:

> Read the book again, with care?
> --
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Re: Gwt Pagination of Data

2010-02-25 Thread Fabio Kaminski
I guess layout could be wherever fits better for your purpouses.. depending
on the number and types of graphical elements you have...

but the most important part would be event handling mecanism and the service
call interface...

example (using UiBinder for clarity):

with EventBus (centralized, better)

 Button nextBtn;
 TextBox pageIndexTxt;
 TextBox nameTxt;
 HandleManager eventBus;

 public Constructor(HandleManager eventBus){

  public void onNextClick(ClickEvent e){

  NextPageEvent evt = new NextPageEvent(pageIndexTxt.getText()+1);

 public void bind(User user){

Meanwhile in the justice room...
in your Main Presenter class you subscribe for listening to the event and
deal with it..(this most done before app can receive user inputs)

HandlerManager eventBus;
YourServiceAsync service = GWT.create(...);
YourCompositeWidget widget;

void onBind()
   eventBus.addHandler(NextPageEvent.TYPE, new NextPageEventHandler() {

 void onNextPage(NextPageEvent event){
  service.getUserByPage(event.getPage(), new
AsyncCallback() {

  public void onSuccess(User result) {

  public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {



without EventBus;

Just call service.getUserByPage()... directly on the event handling for the
button click
public void onNextClick(ClickEvent e);

Fabio Kaminski

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Tapas Adhikary  wrote:

> Hi All,
> What is the best way to achieve pagination using GWT. If I want to develop
> the pagination of data that clicking on the next button the next set of data
> will be populated with a previous button and next button(if there is any
> more data) , what panel or layout I should use ? Any sample code will help
> more.
> Thanks,
> -Tapas
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Re: Announcing GwtGL - a WebGL binding for GWT

2010-02-25 Thread Fabio Kaminski
uoww... you can implement even shaders!!

congrats for this promising api and the pioneering...

very cool project!

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:01 PM, timwhunt  wrote:

> That sounds really neat!
> > web browsers. Soon all major web browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome,
> > IE) will support WebGL - at the moment most of these browsers offer
> How soon is "soon"?
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Re: Unable to Use GWT Developer Plugin with Firefox 3.6

2010-02-25 Thread Fabio Kaminski

i got the same problem, with the plugin in 64 bit linux...
and no way on earth that i would reverse my applications to 32 bit , just to
work fine with it...

so the solution was to download the GWT 2 source code...
and compile the firefox plugin with my 64 bit libs...

it work fine, any help wanted on it, let me know...

im just missing the 64 bit plugin for eclipse... but for now im creating
projects by hand... as i get used to it ..

any issues on compile that from source.. or whatever solution... let me know


Fabio Kaminski

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Thomas Ardal wrote:

> Hi all,
> I had the same problem. Changing my prefered language to en-us made
> Firefox 3.6 able to install the GWT Developer Plugin.
> Regards,
> Thomas
> On 18 Feb., 22:35, Arturas  wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > The same issue as anybody reported. I am running 64bit debian lenny,
> > ( with Mozilla Iceweasel 3.5.5. I have installed
> > the plugin, and tried to debug a gwt project. Once it gets to the
> > browser, the browser complains that the addon is not installed.
> >
> > My solution was to installed a debootstrapped ubuntu karmic 32bit on
> > top of debian (cf. with
> > 32bit firefox in it, and use the firefox 32bit version to run and
> > debug gwt applications. That worked perfectly ok.
> >
> > I would not recommend installing debian lenny 32bit version, since by
> > default firefox is of version 3.0.x. This version was too early for
> > gwt addon.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > arturas
> >
> > On Feb 9, 12:41 pm, vali  wrote:
> >
> > > Hello!
> >
> > > I've got the same problem. I can install the plugin in firefox 3.6 but
> > > when i want to use it, i just get a message that i need the plugin (as
> > > if it wasnt installed yet).
> > > Works with FF3.6 in windows tho'
> > > Using 3.5.7 until the bug is fixed... Unfortunately i didnt find many
> > > people complaining about that, so i hope this will be fixed at all.
> >
> > > im using arch linux w/ 2.6.32 under gnome btw.
> > > greets
> > > vali
> >
> > > On 8 Feb., 13:55, makoki  wrote:
> >
> > > > We've got a similar problem under mac. The app that before the plugin
> > > > update worked fine now has some problems with DateBox instances,
> other
> > > > browsers plugins seems fine, the application runs fine if compiled
> and
> > > > seen through any browser including FF without plugin, it gets the
> same
> > > > problems if try the compiled app with a FF browser with the plugin.
> > > > Oh, we're using FF 3.6 and GWT 2.0
> >
> > > > On 3 feb, 14:21, kolstae  wrote:
> >
> > > > > I have the exact sameproblem.
> >
> > > > > On Feb 2, 4:53 pm, Thad  wrote:
> >
> > > > > > Yes.  This has been observed and commented on.  I've been
> usingFirefox3.5.7 (on Linux) because of this.
> >
> > > > > > This morning I was alerted to an update to the GWTplugin, and
> > > > > > installed it (v.1.0.7511).  However it still does not work
> withFirefox3.6.  When I try using it,Firefox3.6just asks for,
> > > > > > downloads, and installs thepluginover and over again.
> >
> > > > > > On Jan 30, 2:39 am, akhil  wrote:
> >
> > > > > > > Dear Team,
> >
> > > > > > > i m using GWT 2.0 with MyEclips6.0, i created an sample project
> with
> > > > > > > GWT but when i compile and goto browse (FireFox3.6) that it is
> asking
> > > > > > > that apluginis required , as per give link i download theplugin
> > > > > > > also, but it's showing error that it is not compatible
> withFireFox3.6
> >
> > > > > > > wating for Help
> >
> > > > > > > regards
> > > > > > > Akhil
> --
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Re: Migration Traditional Web to GWT

2010-02-25 Thread Fabio Kaminski
i guess you have a list of options to consider...

* Develop you application in GWT and deploy in the Google Apps using the
Google datacenter and possibly (in behind) BigTable.

Thats a good option if you dont depend too much of external communication,
as google Apps its a little bit restrictive of it. (As payment service from
Visa for example, or sending an sms message to a external network..etc)

* Use GWT with BigTable clones as Hadoop/HBase(Java) for example, if you
need some kind of Data abstraction Layer , you can use something like
Datanucleus, or you can just go native anyway..

  This could be a option, but think twice if you have a Web 2.0 app and need
a good real-time data processing... the BigTable (Clones) paradigm its not a
proven technology for real-time processing demand , as it was created with
Petabyte batch-processing technology behind it.

  (Off course, if you have a big datacenter and the REAL BigTable
implementation , desconsider words above.. :)  )

 Another thing, forget about relationships and table joins (you must design
a hole new datastructure).

* Use GWT with Mysql-Cluster(or another RDBM cluster)

   You can use real-time and relational paradigm, with the clustering

Anyway if you want to use BigTable alikes Databases, you should consider de
advantages/weakness of using it, and if your application is the one who
could benefit from it.

for the real-time ones, i think we need to wait a little bit until realtime
approaches to this tecnology get mature...

(but i can bite my tong.. and i hope so) :)


Fabio Kaminski

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:47 AM, Kimseng  wrote:

> Dear Sir,
> I would like your idea on how to convert my existing web application
> developed on Maven, Struts 1, Hibernate and Mysql to GWT and BigTable
> Data Store.
> Happy to get any idea on this.
> Thanks
> --
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Re: Issue: Compile GWT1.6.4 code on 64 bit OS CentOS - JDK 1.6.0_04

2010-02-25 Thread Fabio Kaminski
maybe "" is in 32 bit format??

run a simple javac or java command and see what happens, if its only with
this application..

it looks like you need to unistall all JDK in you linux (including IceTea)
and install only the sun jdk again..

hope this help..


Fabio Kaminski

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:51 AM, AmolSawant  wrote:

> Hello Friends,
> While compiling GWT code on 64-bit CentOS with Jdk1.6.0_04, I get the
> following message:
> Please advise.
> Build tool used is CruiseControl that calls a master build.xml :
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:09 ScriptRunner  - copyGWTCompileCode:
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:10 ScriptRunner  -
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:10 ScriptRunner  - compileGWTCode:
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:24 ScriptRunner  -  [java] Compiling module
> com.giki.GikiApplication
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # An unexpected error
> has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at
> pc=0x2b82de3c822a, pid=9372, tid=1146300736
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # Java VM: Java
> HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (10.0-b19 mixed mode linux-amd64)
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # Problematic frame:
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # V  [
> +0x1f122a]
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # An error report file
> with more information is saved as:
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # /data/cc/
> cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.3/projects/gikiapp/giki/app/hs_err_pid9372.log
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # If you would like to
> submit a bug report, please visit:
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # The crash happened
> outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # See problematic
> frame for where to report the bug.
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
> [cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] Java Result: 134
> thanks,
> Amol
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Re: Design question

2010-02-25 Thread Fabio Kaminski
I just dont understand the point to embed GWT in jsp , as the big issue in
use GWT is about cut the overload processing and computation of the server
for the presentation layer, distributing the overload to the client,
computing on his browser..

that' s one of the biggest benefits of it. you just deliver the
presentation, and computes only in the business layer when an ajax-rpc
request come..

JSP and GWT are diferent (and competing) approaches..

of course you can do it, but i dont think it will be a good thing...


Fabio Kaminski

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Alexander Arendar <> wrote:

> Hi Vik,
> please read this article:
> Sincerely,
> Alex
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Vik  wrote:
>> Hie
>> I am fairly new to GWT and here is my question
>> I have already a jsp/html base web application.  I am trying to replace
>> some parts of this app using GWT.
>> So, currently i can see there is a default module xml is created.  I added
>> a new EntryPoint class in the app for implementing a
>> popup on page 1.
>> Now, for page 2 which has another kind of form should i create a new
>> module class and entry point class for this form?
>> or should i just create another entry point class in the existing module?
>> or should i use the same entry point class and in the onModuleLoad method
>> based on the div element present I should
>> just render that particular ui ?
>> Thankx and Regards
>> Vik
>> Founder
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