Re: Image from resource in SafeHtmlTemplate

2011-08-13 Thread Ioan Agopian
You can use the following code to build the html for the image:



On Aug 13, 12:25 am, Micah Caldwell wrote:
 I have an image from a ClientBundle resource:
 final String myImageUrl = new

 I also have a SafeHtmlTemplates interface:
 public interface MyTemplates extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
 @Template(img src='{1}'/)
 SafeHtml GenerateCellHtml(String imageUrl);


 When I call MyTemplates.GenerateCellHtml an exception is thrown because the
 URL output by Image.getUrl(), when the image comes from a resource, does not
 have one of the supported protocols (http, https, ftp, etc.).

 Is it possible to use SafeHtmlTemplates with an Image sourced from a
 ClientBundle?  Am I stuck manually building the HTML string in the middle of
 my Java code using SafeHTMLBuilder?

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Re: Image from resource in SafeHtmlTemplate

2011-08-13 Thread Ioan Agopian
You don't have to run the result of AbstractImagePrototype.create
through the template, just add it to the SafeHtmlBuilder:

String imageHtml =

On Aug 13, 7:12 pm, Steen Laursen wrote:
 Micah Caldwell wrote:
 SafeHtmlTemplates doesn't like that one either. The output of that ends up
 escaped when I run it through the template:

 lt;img onload='this.__gwtLastUnhandledEvent=quot;loadquot;;'
 src=''style='width: 48px;
 height: 48px; background: url(...mCC) no-repeat 0px
 0px' border='0'amp;gt;

 ('...' added for brevity)

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Re: Application written using GWT 2.1.1 goes belly up in 2.3 dev mode -- please help me to understand

2011-08-04 Thread Ioan Agopian

It seems that GWT is no longer in the build path. Try setting it again
in the project settings under Google / Web toolkit.


On Aug 4, 8:20 pm, Rob Tanner wrote:

 I have a production application built using GWT 2.1.1 and the Eclipse
 plugin.  I've just installed Eclipse Indigo (jee edition) and the GWT
 2.3 plugin.  Not wanting to break something that already works, I
 created a new workspace in Eclipse and than imported the project.
 When I try to bring up the project in Development mode I get lots and
 lots of errors (could say all hell breaks loose).  Below is the output
 I get in Eclipse.  I'm hoping there's a simple configuration solution
 to this problem, but at this point I have no idea what it is.


 [DEBUG] [accountrequest] - Validating newly compiled units
         [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Errors in 'jar:file:/Users/rtanner/Java/
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 43: No source code is 
 available for
 type; did you forget to
 inherit a required module?
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 54: No source code is 
 available for
 type; did you forget to
 inherit a required module?
         [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Errors in 'jar:file:/Users/rtanner/Java/
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 124: No source code is 
 available for
 type; did you forget to
 inherit a required module?
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 178: No source code is 
 available for
 type; did you forget to
 inherit a required module?
         [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Errors in 'jar:file:/Users/rtanner/Java/
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 36: The method
 touchGetClientX(Touch) is undefined for the type DOMImpl
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 45: The method
 touchGetClientY(Touch) is undefined for the type DOMImpl
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 54: The method
 touchGetIdentifier(Touch) is undefined for the type DOMImpl
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 63: The method 
 is undefined for the type DOMImpl
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 72: The method 
 is undefined for the type DOMImpl
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 103: The method
 touchGetScreenX(Touch) is undefined for the type DOMImpl
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 112: The method
 touchGetScreenY(Touch) is undefined for the type DOMImpl
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 121: The method
 touchGetTarget(Touch) is undefined for the type DOMImpl
         [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Errors in 'jar:file:/Users/rtanner/Java/
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 97: No source code is 
 available for
 type javax.validation.ConstraintViolationT; did you forget to
 inherit a required module?
         [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Errors in 'jar:file:/Users/rtanner/Java/
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 92: The method
 addSubDelegate(AbstractEditorDelegate, String, Editorcapture#16-of ?) is 
 undefined for the type AbstractEditorDelegateT,capture#15-of ?

                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 93: The method 
 getEditorChain() is
 undefined for the type AbstractEditorDelegateT,capture#17-of ?
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 129: The method
 accept(EditorVisitor) is undefined for the type
 AbstractEditorDelegatecapture#23-of ?,capture#24-of ?
         [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Errors in 'jar:file:/Users/rtanner/Java/
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 67: No source code is 
 available for
 type javax.validation.ConstraintViolationT; did you forget to
 inherit a required module?
                 [ERROR] [accountrequest] - Line 82: The method 
 initialize(String, T,
 E, DelegateMap) in the 

Re: GWT CELLTABLE How to restore old value in cell if validation fails

2011-08-03 Thread Ioan Agopian
No, I don't think that's possible.

But you can store all your edit cells in a list and clear them all at
once, like this:

// when setting up table columns add the edit cells to this list
ListEditTextCell editCells = new ArrayListEditTextCell();

// clear incorrect values for the whole row
for (EditTextCell editCell : editCells)



On Aug 3, 12:25 pm, vaibhav gwt wrote:
 Thanks Loan :)

 Is it possible that all column values from particular rowrestoretooldvalue?
 || ID || Dept || Code || RNO || RCode
 || .||ZCode ||
 || 1  ||  CS   || 001  ||  3      ||  030
 || .||Q1||
 || 2 ||  DS   || 001  ||  5      ||   040
 || .||S1 ||

 Suppose In above editable grid I changed 1st record i.e
 || 1  ||  CS   || 001  ||  3      ||  030
 || .||Q1||
 changed to
 || 1  ||  BP   || 010  ||  3      ||  003

 Is there any way torestoreoldobject(row) values instead to clearingcellview 
 data for each column and redraw editable grid.

 In Short revert record tooldvaluewhich is selected by our checkbox
 (All or selected chkbox only i.e selectionModel.isSelected(object) )

 My Grid contain (2-N) column so I am asking this question ?

 On Aug 2, 5:42 pm, Ioan Agopian wrote:

  Hi Vaibhav,

  Youcando it like this:
  // clear incorrect data

  Wherecellis the TextEditCell that you're using for that column.


  On Aug 2, 12:59 pm, vaibhav bhalke wrote:

   Hi all,

   PFA WebEx recording for Issue.

   I want to used editableNumbercell like intger,decimal etc.. But there is 
   such gwt widget present so I am using editable textcelland using
  validationfor numbers when user updatevalueincell.

   How to avoidcellediting whenvalidationfails.

  ifvalidationfail then editable-textcellvaluerestored tooldvalue.How
   to do that?

   intgerColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdaterRecordInfo, String() {
           public void update(int index, RecordInfo object, Stringvalue) {
               // Called when the user changes thevalue.
                   Window.alert(Specify valid integervaluefor parameter);
                   // How to restoldvaluehere? currently updatevalue
   set tocell



   Any help or guidance in this matter would be appreciated.

   Best Regards,
   Vaibhav Bhalke
   About me :

    Issue1-How torestoreoldvalueincell(ifvalidationfails).wrf

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Re: Web-/Server Management Tool with GWT

2011-08-02 Thread Ioan Agopian
Hi any,

Pretty big project to start with :).

I think you're looking at it wrong as the main task will be to handle
all the configuration for the server services, and GWT can only
provide the user interface. All the background server work has to
happen on the server, and GWT only runs on the client. First you
should decide what to use on the server side, then decide what to use
for the client.

Also I think you're trying to reimplement the wheel, there are a lot
of projects that already do some of the things you want. You should
check out:
- Zentyal ( - nice gui for server management
on Ubuntu
- Sme Server ( - same for CentOS
- there are others but these two I have used.
There are a lot on man years spent on developing these projects, and
as they are open source you can contribute / branch them.


On Jul 30, 11:27 am, any_nickname wrote:
 Hi everybody!

 I'm in charge of all the websites and web-plattforms in our company.
 To make my and others life (maybe :-)) easier, I'm planning a kind of
 web- and server management tool with GWT for our company.
 I've read the whole GWT-Docs and at the moment I'm reading Essential
 GWT by Federico Kereki.
 Somehow I have some difficulties getting into the whole GWT-
 stuff... :-)

 Therefore I wanted to ask you, what you think about my plans and if
 you have any suggestions on how to approach this. Also I'm interested
 in suggestions, on how you would split up the modules.
 In addition, there are a few functionalities I'm not even sure, if
 they are possible to implement.

 The tool should do the following:
 - I thought of the following layout:
 -- The tool could be split up into modules.
 -- An overall tool is responsible for user authentication and
 management and for embedding each of the modules. Also the settings
 of each module are configured within the overall tool.

 - The following modules I want to implement:
 -- an already existing project management tool I wrote in PHP (this
 I'm going to translate it into Java/GWT)
 -- a calendar where each user can also share appointments with other
 -- a task-tool (users can also share tasks)
 -- we are using Microsoft Hosted Exchange - do you know, if it is
 possible to make the HEX-Account accessible from within this tool? I
 mean, the user would safe his credentials to the database and then,
 each time, he logs in to the tool, he will be also authenticated to
 HEX and he can access his E-Mails from the tool (without the need of
 loading/authenticating another Website). I know, saving these
 credentials to the database isn't really secure (maybe there are more
 secure ways to do this).
 -- Server Status: in this module I'd like to see different
 information about the (Debian-)server, the tool is running on (like
 CPU load, available memory, running services). And also the
 possibility to start and stop some services (like Mail, FTP, Apache,
 MySQL, etc.). In a future more advanced version, I could also imagine
 registering all our servers and seeing their status.
 -- module to manage one of our plattforms run on TYPO3 (nothing big,
 just making DB-entries for a particular TYPO3-Extension)
 -- Manage FTP-Users (PureFTP-Server)

 The aim of the whole thing is also to provide a system, where a single
 login is needed for all.

 I'm curious about your comments.


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Re: GWT CELLTABLE How to restore old value in cell if validation fails

2011-08-02 Thread Ioan Agopian
Hi Vaibhav,

You can do it like this:
// clear incorrect data

Where cell is the TextEditCell that you're using for that column.


On Aug 2, 12:59 pm, vaibhav bhalke wrote:
 Hi all,

 PFA WebEx recording for Issue.

 I want to used editableNumbercell like intger,decimal etc.. But there is no
 such gwt widget present so I am using editable text cell and using
 validation for numbers when user update value in cell.

 How to avoid cell editing when validation fails.

 if validation fail then editable-text cell value restored to old value.How
 to do that?

 intgerColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdaterRecordInfo, String() {
         public void update(int index, RecordInfo object, String value) {
             // Called when the user changes the value.
                 Window.alert(Specify valid integer value for parameter);
                 // How to rest old value here? currently update value
 set to cell



 Any help or guidance in this matter would be appreciated.

 Best Regards,
 Vaibhav Bhalke
 About me :

  Issue1-How to restore old value in cell (if validation fails).wrf

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Re: GWT CELLTABLE Editable value not persisted when user clicked cell twice or thrice

2011-08-02 Thread Ioan Agopian

You have to update the value stored in your dataprovider to the new
If not, when user clicks repeatedly the cell, it will revert to the
old value.


On Aug 2, 1:01 pm, vaibhav bhalke wrote:

 Editable value not persisted when user clicked cell twice or thrice. Is it
 celltable issue ?

 Best Regards,
 Vaibhav Bhalke
 About me :

  Issue-2 Editable value not persisted when user clicked cell twice or 

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Re: CellTable with SimplePager displaying GAE datastore data in async

2011-07-08 Thread Ioan Agopian
What framework are you using to connect to the datastore?

I've not used JDO or JPA, but in Objectify you can set an offset and a
limit on a query. In onRangeChanged you can get them like this:
Range range = display.getVisibleRange();
Integer offset = range.getStart();
Integer limit = range.getLength();

So there's no need to work with cursors. If this functionality is not
exposed through your datastore layer you could always use the low
level api.

On Jul 7, 7:47 pm, George Agiasoglou
 Hi there,

 I have a celltable which displays data from GAE datastore using an

 Everything works fine up to the last page. So if pageSize is 10 and the
 results are 35, doing 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 and back works fine. In order to do
 this I store cursors so that I can continue from where I left off or go

 If however, I go to the last page and the range changes to display 25-35 and
 then back like so, 35-25, 25-15, 15-5 etc the cursors are rendered useless.

 Have you comes across this problem? What are your experiences?

 Maybe I am not using SimplePager properly? I am not complaining how the
 SimplePager is implemented, and I do understand the fact it manages to
 always maintain the same number of records in View and keep the hight

 Will the only solution be to write my own custom pager?


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Re: problems using ScrollPanel and layout panels

2011-07-04 Thread Ioan Agopian
Williame, thanks for your response, I really hope we can find an
elegant solution.

I don't think that your approach works well for dynamic content. I
don't really know the size of the cell tree in advance so I can't
adjust the size of the containing panel when placing the cell tree in

At first, I used like you a HtmlPanel as my main container, and I had
outside scrolling working fine, but I had to switch from it when I
started to use a SplitLayoutPanel for one of my views, because the
split panel worked only when specifying the exact height for it, I
couldn't get it to work with a height of 100%.

So I switched to using RootLayoutPanel and converted all my outer
panels to layout panels and the SplitLayoutPanel started to work
correctly (not surprisingly, as the documentation for layout panels
clearly says that you have to attach them only to other layout
panels). Having solved that I bumped into this inner scrolling

From the layout panels documentation:

ScrollPanel... works well in layout panels (see below), which provide
it with the explicit size it needs to scroll properly.

And below we have this example:

g:DockLayoutPanel unit='EM'
  g:north size='4'

  g:west size='16'

  g:LabelContent Area/g:Label

Which is like my code, except they use static content for the scroll

I suppose an elegant solution must exist, because almost all web apps
will use dynamic content.

On Jul 3, 4:22 am, Williame wrote:
 I feel your pain.  I've spent hours trying to make my center docklayoutpanel
 scrollable while at the same time make it replacable by new widgets based on
 menu choices.  Most things worked fine by putting a Scrollpanel in the
 center block, except TabLayoutPanel put a few level inside it would never
 show the tab headers.  I found that ResizeLayoutPanel can help.  Hope it
 never gets deprecated.

 You can use Window.getClientWidth() and Window.getclientHeight() to get the
 visible window size in pixel, then subtract the size of the other screen
 elements.  But this did not resize well for me and I did not want to write a
 lot of code to handle and propagate onResize.

 In the end I went with an html panel for my main outer interface, so I could
 use simple div elements for the top(north) elements, and used a
 ResizeLayoutPanel for the placeholder for content.  In the java side of the
 uibinder code I put in a call to a ResizeLayoutPanel size adjustment after
 clearing and placing new panels into the ResizeLayoutPanel widget.

 g:HTMLPanel styleName={style.mainPanel}
 div class={style.header}My Company name/div

 div ...
 !-- content widget placeholder --
 g:ResizeLayoutPanel ui:field=uberContent title=Content
 styleName={style.appcontent} height=384px width=681px/


 In the code to replace the content widget with a different widget, the panel
 size of the new widget can be used to resize the placeholder widget if the
 new panel is a fixed size layout panel.  If it is not, you need to
 explicitly specify the size of the new panel:

 MyPanel panel = new MyPanel();

 In adjustContent(int height, int width) method, reset placeholder widget
 size to just a little bigger than the new panel added to it:

 uberContent.setHeight(height + 50 + px);
 uberContent.setWidth(width + 20 + px);

 The css for the placeholder widget, uberContent, sets margin-bottom to keep
 the panel below the header div's.  The scrolling seems to work like a normal
 web app, resizes work pretty well too.  Tested with latest of each: IE,
 firefox, chrome, safari and opera.  Even iPad(safari).  The overflow css
 attribute seems to wreak havok on layout panels, especially tablayoutpanel.  
 I have it set to overflow: scroll; for the style.mainpanel, outer
 htmlpanel.  But not set at all for the ResizeLayoutPanel style.  
 DockLayoutpanel sets overflow: hidden by design.

 I wouldn't be surprised if there are several better, more elegant solutions,
 which I would love to know of, but this worked for me.  Hope it helps.
 Discalimer I am neither java, css or gwt expert.  But do love gwt.  Thank
 you Google!! /Disclaimer

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problems using ScrollPanel and layout panels

2011-07-01 Thread Ioan Agopian
Hi all,

I have the following code:

g:DockLayoutPanel unit='PX' ui:field=dockPanel
g:north size='35'

g:ScrollPanel width = 100% height = 100%
p1:CellTree ui:field=cellTree/

This DockLayoutPanel is in turn attached to other layout panel who is
attached to the root layout panel.

The behavior that I want is that when the user starts opening nodes in
the tree and the cell tree grows bigger than the panel that contains
it, a scroll bar will appear and the user can scroll and see all the

The scroll bar never appears though. After searching on the net I
found that I have to set the height is absolute units for the scroll
panel. But how can I set it with absolute units, when I want the panel
to fill the whole area, and I don't know how big the browser window
will be?

I guess there must be a simple solution to this, but I can't find

Any ideas?


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