Re: chrome upgrade scrolling issues

2013-08-26 Thread Andy King
I have Chrome version 29.0.1547.57 m on Windows 7 and the scrolling 
appears to work correctly, that is, when I go to one of the other places 
the scrollbar is at the top of the panel.

On Monday, August 26, 2013 9:27:10 AM UTC-7, EMan wrote:

 my computer (mac) just upgraded to the latest version of chrome.  It seems 
 now my site has an odd issue with scrolling.  When I scroll down a page and 
 then click a link to a new place, it stays scrolled in the old position.

 You can see this at  scroll to the middle of the page, 
 then click on the header connect,  you can see it stays scrolled in the 
 middle of the page, even though it is a new place.

 This only happens on chrome, and only after I applied the latest chrome 
 Version 29.0.1547.57

 anyone else have this issue?


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Changing the Displayed Value in a DataGrid

2013-07-17 Thread Andy King
I am trying to modify the value that is displayed in a DataGrid cell after 
the user has entered or modified the existing value.  For example, if the 
user enters 5/6/12 I want the cell to display 05/06/2012 when the user 
exits the cell.  Here is the code that creates the column:

final TextInputCell fosterDateStartCell = new TextInputCell();
final ColumnIFosterHistoryProxy, String fosterDateStartColumn;
fosterDateStartColumn = new ColumnIFosterHistoryProxy, 
String(fosterDateStartCell) {
public String getValue(final IFosterHistoryProxy fosterHistory) {
final String date = fosterHistory.getFosterDateStart();
if (GLGWTUtil.isEmpty(date)) {
return ;
return date.substring(4, 6) + / + date.substring(6, 8) + / + 
date.substring(0, 4);
fosterDateStartColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdaterIFosterHistoryProxy, 
String() {
public void update(final int index, final IFosterHistoryProxy 
fosterHistory, final String value) {
final String[] dateParts = value.split(/);
if (dateParts.length != 3) {
final int month = Integer.valueOf(dateParts[0]);
final int day = Integer.valueOf(dateParts[1]);
final int year = Integer.valueOf(dateParts[2]);
final String date = (year  100 ? 2000 + year : year) + (month  10 
? 0 : ) + month +
(day  10 ? 0 : ) + day;
final ViewData viewData = new ViewData(date.substring(4, 6) + / + 
date.substring(6, 8) +
   / + date.substring(0, 4));
fosterHistoryGrid.addColumn(fosterDateStartColumn, Start Date);
fosterHistoryGrid.setColumnWidth(fosterDateStartColumn, 10ex);

The getValue() method is working well ... if the value in the proxy object 
is 20120506 then I see 05/06/2012 in the cell.  But the update() method 
is not showing the correct value ... if the user enters 5/6/12 then I do 
not see 05/06/2012 (the value in the cell is still 5/6/12 after the 
update() method has executed).  Note that the setFosterDateStart() method 
does not cause the update to be sent to the server; it simply sets the 
value in the editable proxy object.  Also note that the 
getFosterHistoryId() method returns the stable identifier value for the 
IFosterHistoryProxy object, and that the key provider for the selection 
model associated with the DataGrid is using that identifier.

Many thanks for any help!


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Re: Unable to find '.gwt.xml' on your classpath (again)

2013-04-10 Thread Andy King
Well, I found a solution, although I don't know why the original project 
doesn't work. The fact that the project ran with no problem on one machine, 
but had problems on the other machine, seemed to point to a difference in 
configuration. I renamed the .html file, TimeToPlay.html, to 
TimeToPlay2.html, and changed the run configuration to point to it. This 
was successful, and the application now runs. If I change the name (an run 
configuration) back to TimeToPlay.html then it appears that a different 
html file is being picked up ... I just can't figure out where it's coming 

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Unable to find '.gwt.xml' on your classpath (again)

2013-04-08 Thread Andy King
I am at my wits end with this problem ... I've looked at suggested 
solutions, but none have worked.  Here is the (all-too-familiar) error that 
I see in the GWT Development Mode window:

[DEBUG] [fosterapet] - Loading inherited module 'fosterapet'
[ERROR] [fosterapet] - Unable to find 'fosterapet.gwt.xml' on your 
classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath 
entry for source?
[ERROR] [fosterapet] - Failed to load module 'fosterapet' from user agent 
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) 
Chrome/26.0.1410.43 Safari/537.31' at

The project that is referenced in this error, fosterapet, is unrelated to 
the project that I'm working on ... I don't want to inherit the gwt.xml 
file from the fosterapet project.  I have the new project on two machines, 
and it works without a problem on one of the machines.  On the machine that 
gives the above error I have even deleted the entire project (deleting the 
contents on disk), deleted the run configuration for the project, and 
imported the project from SVN.  I then right-clicked on the project (in 
Eclipse) and selected Run As - Web Application, and get the same error. 
 I just don't know where the reference to the fosterapet project is 
coming from.  I've searched all files under the project directory using 
grep, and there doesn't appear to be any mention of fosterapet.  Note 
that there is no gwt-unitCache directory when I try to run the project for 
the first time.  Perhaps there's something in the browser (Chrome) that is 

I am so sorry to ask what seems to be a question that has been answered 
many times before.  The only difference that I see in my situation is that 
the referenced file is not something that I even want in this project.  I 
really appreciate any help that is offered!

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Re: Need some help with Totoe and XML

2013-03-27 Thread Andy King
Where is this XML located?  Are you receiving on the client machine 
somehow?  I realize that Totoe is a client-side parser and helper, but it 
would be useful to have some context for why you're doing.  Also, what have 
you tried already?

On Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:01:14 AM UTC-7, skippy wrote:

 I have this XML: 
 I need to get at Group Name=ACCT00305” and at all the children and 
 values like this: 
 ACCT000   31MEB0009 
 NAME055  Miss Taylor R Williams 

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Re: XMLParser Problems

2013-03-20 Thread Andy King

I don't know of any way to use XPath against the GWT XML library, but 
that's not to say that you can't do so.  In my work with it I just walk 
through the Document object and extract the elements and attributes into my 
own structure.  If you know the structure of your XML ahead of time then 
this is really very easy.


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Re: XMLParser Problems

2013-03-17 Thread Andy King
First, it appears that your XML is invalid ... your last child element has 
a beginning tag of ACCT005 and an ending tag of vlst.  Assuming that 
this isn't your only problem, I think you are just not getting the child 
nodes of the item element, but instead you are getting the child nodes of 
the document (which would be the item element node).  This is how I'd 
fulfill your requirements:

  final Document doc = XMLParser.parse(item);
  final Element itemElement = 
  Node node = itemElement.getFirstChild();
  while (node != null) {
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
  // node is an account element
node = node.getNextSibling();

Note that not all child nodes will necessarily be Element nodes ... hence 
the check for NodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE.


On Thursday, March 14, 2013 6:02:13 AM UTC-7, skippy wrote:

 I am trying to load this xml file into a hashmap or list using XMLParser.  
 What ever I try, I keep getting a node list of 1 with all the nodes in it.
 Here is an example of the xml file:

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Re: Eclipse, GWT, which class to use and how to call it via a hyperlink?

2013-01-16 Thread Andy King
Glyn, just my two cents ... please take it with a grain of salt if you 
don't like it! ... it appears that you have programming experience, and I 
am impressed that you have got as far as you have ... my recommendation is 
that you go through a Java book (e.g., Head First Java) and a GWT book 
(e.g., GWT In Action, 2nd Edition) before trying to proceed with a major 
project.  I don't think it will take you much time to get through the Java 
training, and when you start the GWT book you could just develop your 
application as you learn.

On Monday, January 14, 2013 3:34:32 PM UTC-7, Glyndwr Bartlett wrote:

 I am new to both java and GWT and am using Eclipse (Juno with the GWT 
 plugin) to develop an application for a volunteer organisation. I have 
 created a class called AwardTracker (in org.AwardTracker.client) which is 
 my entry point. This displays a standard login page. I followed a tutorial 
 for this and it is working. The next part I want to implement is to build a 
 page to create an account. For this I have a “Create an account” hyperlink 
 on the login page. I have created a new Package 
 (org.AwardTracker.client.CreateAccount) to hold this class. 

 To create the class I am selecting, at the top of the page, Create new 
 visual classes / GWT / GWT Java UI / Composite is this the correct one?

 Once I have created the page how do I call it with the following event 

  Hyperlink hprlnkCreateAnAccount = *new* Hyperlink(Create an 
 account, *false*, newHistoryToken);

  hprlnkCreateAnAccount.addAttachHandler(*new* Handler() {

 *public* *void* onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) {

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Re: How to integrate Jsoup in GWT

2013-01-04 Thread Andy King
It appears that Jsoup may be intended for use on the server-side of the 
application, and yet you are using it on the client side.  If you want to 
use it in the client then you'll have to make the source code available to 
the GWT compiler, and the source is in the 
 Are you sure you want to execute the Jsoup routines from the client?  I 
would probably run Jsoup on the server and communicate with it from the 
client using GWT RPC.

On Friday, January 4, 2013 4:20:51 AM UTC-7, Kaustav Mukherjee wrote:

 I am trying to develop a simple app with *Jsoup*. For that, I have 
 replaced the default code in the ** file from GWT with 
 my code, which requires *Jsoup*. I have downloaded the *Jsoup* *jar* file 
 from (the first link), and placed it in the *
 StockWatcher/war/WEB-INF/lib* folder. After this, the *Jsoup* classes are 
 imported into the class all right (there is no red colored cross sign on 
 those import lines), but while trying to run the app, I am getting an error 
 as shown in the figure. Can anyone give me a step by step help on what to 
 do now? I am new to GWT.

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Re: ByteBuffer to String

2013-01-04 Thread Andy King
I don't think ByteBuffer is available in GWT ... can you use the first 
solution suggested here:

On Thursday, January 3, 2013 8:17:11 AM UTC-7, Andres Q wrote:


 I have the following Java code

 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

 ByteBuffer msg = ... // a ByteBuffer that contains a String
 String s = Charsets.UTF_8.decode(msg).toString();

 this works fine in Java, but when I try to compile it with GWT I get:

 The method decode(ByteBuffer) is undefined for the type Charset

 What's the proper way, in GWT, to obtain a String (encoded in UTF-8) 
 that's inside a ByteBuffer?


 ps: this question has also been asked in 
 if anyone wants to answer there and gain some rep

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Re: losing focus on the page when popup comes

2013-01-02 Thread Andy King
Is this for something like a login screen?  I've done this by creating a 
widget ... the UiBinder XML file is as follows (this is in 

g:LabelLogin is required/g:Label
g:TextBox ui:field='userIdTextBox'User ID/g:TextBox
g:Button ui:field='okButton'OK/g:Button

In the Java source file ( I create the UiBinder object in 
the LoginWidget constructor using:

ILoginWidgetBinder = GWT.create(ILoginWidgetBinder.class);

When I want to display the login request screen I call the login() method:

public void login() {

When the OK button is clicked and a response received from the server to 
the login credentials the onSuccess() method executes the hide() method 
to hide the login widget.

On Wednesday, January 2, 2013 7:50:03 AM UTC-7, sreenivas wrote:


 I want to make my complete page to loose focus when popup comes. I mean i 
 should not be able to click any widgets in the background when popup 
 appears. For now, I am able to get the pop up , but I am able to click the 
 buttons in the background page. How should i achieve this blur mechanism on 
 background when popup opens?

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Re: The purpose of GWt

2012-11-21 Thread Andy King
You can try this:

But seriously, there are so many examples available!  Even the GWT showcase 
has an example 

On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 1:13:21 PM UTC-7, Goran Bojanic wrote:

 Hi everybody, I was reading little about gwt and I have not found that it 
 is possible to animate objects with gwt. What do i in fact want is to 
 animate shapes in my google site?
 Best regards, Goran

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Another Request Factory Example (using MySQL)

2012-11-21 Thread Andy King
I have started to create another example/tutorial, this time using MySQL 
for the data (the first example just held the data in memory).  The example 
has some way to go before it is complete, but it may help others even in 
its current state.  The first part of the tutorial includes instructions 
for pulling the code from Google Code and for creating the database table. 
 Here's the link to the first part: GWT Request Factory  
 If you didn't go through the first tutorial, which is here: A GWT Request 
Factory Journey, then that may be a good idea 
to do first.

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Configuring .properties file into my project

2012-08-12 Thread King Sam
Hi GWT guys,

Good day to all.

I am working on GWT now and trying to learn every corner of the project. At 
this point of time, I am struck up with configuring the .properties file.

I am using a .properties file in my client package. In that I have given a 
server name defined to a variable(ipAddress1).

I have used interface in the client package and used annotations in that to 
get that server name.

This interface i have used in my client application to get the server name 
from .properties file.

1) Now here, If I need to change the server name in future, I need to 
change in .properties file as well as Interface. Its not a good practice. 
How can I handle this situation?

2) How can I configure the .properties file to my whole project?

3) If the above way is the only process to get all the data in .properties 
file, how can I handle that without using the Constants package in the 

Here is my sample code:


ipAddress1 = dtjhbtibadm;


public interface Const_Interface extends Constants{
String ipAddress1();


Client App:

public class MyApp implements EntryPoint{
public void onModuleLoad() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
Const_Interface cons_intr = (Const_Interface) 
java.lang.String ipAddress1 = cons_intr.ipAddress1();
java.lang.String ipAddress= ipAddress1;



gwt-user 1.6.4.jar

Thanks in advance,

Sampath Girish M


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Class in package can't be resolved to a type

2009-06-05 Thread Dan King

Hi everyone,

I have a GWT project. In that project I created a common package
com.projectName.common When I reference a class from the project I
dont' have an issue in Eclipse. The problem is the GWT Compiler is
unable to compile my code.

I receive errors when trying to use the classes in the common package
that they cannot be resolved to a type

Here is an example. I have a class called testClass in the common
package and I am trying to use it in the entry point for my project:

[ERROR] Line 38: testClass cannot be resolved to a type

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Re: GWT 1.6.4 war deployment

2009-06-03 Thread Noel King

It can be done using the cypal gwt eclipse plugin by going file 
export  web  war file I used this prior to eclipse plugin.  I use
google gwt for running in eclipse and cypal one for war only now.  I
also believe there is ant script out there have just not used it yet



On Jun 2, 6:24 pm, Miguel Méndez wrote:
 We don't currently support exporting to a war from the IDE.  You could do a
 clean build in eclipse, then perform a GWT compile, then you can simply war
 the contents of the war folder.
 We are tracking the export war request as part of the following 

 On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Efren wrote:

  Is there a way to deploy a Eclipse GWT Project to a war file ?
  Im using Eclipse 3.4, GWT 1.6.4, GWT plugin for Eclipse. I want to
  deploy to Websphere Application Server Community Edition server.

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Re: Returning to Java after a long lapse and starting with GWT. Any recommended books that cover both?

2009-06-01 Thread Noel King


Agree with Lars here the documentation on GWT website is excellent
If you use eclipse plugin you should be up and running.  I have read a
 of the GWT books and think GWT in Practice  is great book for showing
the bigger
picture for GWT demonstrating other technologies it integrates with.
Other than that
Google Web Toolkit Applications was another good read.  Have not
looked lately but you
Should ask yorself how up todate some of these books really are GWT
has made some
Excellent enhancements over last few releases which would not be
picked up in older books



On May 31, 6:58 pm, vogella wrote:

 I recommed to start with a few GWT online tutorials and see what your
 learning need is.

 Best regards, Lars

 On 30 Mai, 20:50, paw wrote:

  I've read a few posts with recommended books for GWT, but I haven't
  touched Java since around 1996.  Should I study up on Java before
  learning GWT or do any of the GWT books cover enough Java to learn as
  I go?

  Thanks for any help and suggestions.
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Re: Deployment of default GWT application.

2009-05-05 Thread Dan King

I figured this out. All you need to do is copy the whole war folder
into the Tomcat deploy folder. On Ubuntu that folder is located at /

So say if you have a project named testProject create that folder in
the Tomcat deploy folder, giving you /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/

Then reload Tomcat (this may not be needed) and in your browser browse
to http://server address:8080/testProject

And your new app should be loaded. 8080 is the default port used by

On Apr 28, 1:27 am, Dan King wrote:
 It works fine when running/debugging in the hosted mode.

 I have Tomcat installed on a separate server but I am not really sure
 how to get it to serve the Java part of the project.

 On Apr 27, 5:01 am, Vitali Lovich wrote:

  On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 4:51 AM, newtoGWT wrote:

   Did you test your application in hosted mode? try debugging it in the
   hosted mode..

  That kind of defeats the whole deployment aspect of his question.   This
  only helps if you need to debug an error in your application logic, not
  configuration or integration (I'm assuming that he's already done this since
  he talks about deployment to apache).

   On Apr 27, 2:38 am, Dan King wrote:
Hi there,

Can anyone give me any instructions on how to deploy the default GWT
application. I have successfully gotten the client to appear properly
in the browser by reference it as a website in Apache. The problem I
am getting is when I click Send to send the name to the server I
receive a Remote Procedure Call - Failure message. I'm not sure what I
need to do. Any help is greatly appreciated as I am new to web
development and GWT.

  Apache is an HTTP server.  RPC requires a Java servlet (i.e. served by
  something like Tomcat, JBoss, Glassfish, etc).  Are you properly integrating
  the two?  Typically, AFAIK, you use your Java servlet server to also serve
  the HTML.  I have no experience with deployment of this kind, so I dunno
  (I'm assuming that it is possible to integrate Apache + some Java server - I
  don't even have a clue either way).

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Size of panels.

2009-05-05 Thread Dan King

I am having some difficulty with the display of a a bunch of panels.

I need a specific layout and am adding a HorizontalPanel with two
Labels on it to a VerticalPanel, named x, with a Label on top and the
HorizontalPanel on the bottom and then adding the VerticalPanel, named
x, to another HorizontalPanel, three times with just different text in
the top Label on VerticalPanel x. Now I have set the size so they fill
100% of the space available. For some reason though the Label with the
different text alters the sizes of the VerticalPanel x's.

Is this normal, how do I make them all the same size?

This is a confusing question so I added the source to what I am doing.

Thanks for any help provided.

private VerticalPanel createClasses(int numOfClasses) {

VerticalPanel classesVPanel = new VerticalPanel();
for (int i = 0; i  numOfClasses; ++i) {

+ Integer.toString(i + 1), 75, 34, 62));

return classesVPanel;

private VerticalPanel createEssayPanel(int percentMarked) {

HorizontalPanel classHPanel = new HorizontalPanel();

if (percentMarked != 0) {

Label marked = new Label(a);
+ %);

if (percentMarked != 100) {

Label waiting = new Label(a);
int percentWaiting = 100 - percentMarked;
+ %);

VerticalPanel classVPanel = new VerticalPanel();


Label essayLabel = new Label(Essay);

return classVPanel;

private VerticalPanel createPeerPanel(int percentFinished) {

HorizontalPanel classHPanel = new HorizontalPanel();

if (percentFinished != 0) {

Label marked = new Label(a);
+ %);

if (percentFinished != 100) {

Label waiting = new Label(a);
int percentWaiting = 100 - percentFinished;
+ %);

VerticalPanel classVPanel = new VerticalPanel();


Label essayLabel = new Label(Peer );

return classVPanel;

private VerticalPanel createAssignmentPanel(int percentFinished) {

HorizontalPanel classHPanel = new HorizontalPanel();

if (percentFinished != 0) {

Label marked = new Label(a);
+ %);

if (percentFinished != 100) {

Label waiting = new Label(a);

Deployment of default GWT application.

2009-04-27 Thread Dan King

Hi there,

Can anyone give me any instructions on how to deploy the default GWT
application. I have successfully gotten the client to appear properly
in the browser by reference it as a website in Apache. The problem I
am getting is when I click Send to send the name to the server I
receive a Remote Procedure Call - Failure message. I'm not sure what I
need to do. Any help is greatly appreciated as I am new to web
development and GWT.


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Re: No Image of Charts

2009-01-14 Thread King

Anybody here ???
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No Image of Charts

2009-01-12 Thread King

Hello Guys,

I implemented, the example of gwt-ext charts from the web-site the first example with the lines,
in to my projekt.

I only changed a few little things but now no image is visible ? why ?

If i copy the source code 1 to 1 alone in one projekt without my
porjekt the line chart exampe works

this is the source code, of the implemented version from the line
chart example

package se1.gwt.client;


import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Viewport;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.chart.yui.LineChart;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.chart.yui.NumericAxis;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.chart.yui.SeriesDefY ;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.Label;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.NumberField;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.TextField;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.*;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.event.EditorGridListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.VerticalLayout;

 public class Ansicht4 extends Composite /*implements EntryPoint*/ {

public Ansicht4() {

final Panel absolutePanel = new Panel();
final Label ansicht2Label = new Label(Ansicht2);
absolutePanel.add(ansicht2Label, 24, 0);
 Panel panel = new Panel();

 panel.setLayout(new VerticalLayout(15));
 MemoryProxy proxy = new MemoryProxy(getData());
 RecordDef recordDef = new RecordDef(
 new FieldDef[]{
 new StringFieldDef(month),
 new FloatFieldDef(rent),
 new FloatFieldDef(utilities)

 ArrayReader reader = new ArrayReader(recordDef);
 final Store store = new Store(proxy, reader);

 SeriesDefY[] seriesDef = new SeriesDefY[]{

 new SeriesDefY(Rent, rent),
 new SeriesDefY(Utilities, utilities)


 NumericAxis currencyAxis = new NumericAxis();
 final LineChart chart = new LineChart();
 chart.setTitle(Monthly Expenses);


 Renderer renderer = new Renderer() {
 public String render(Object value, CellMetadata
cellMetadata, Record record, int rowIndex, int colNum, Store store)
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyFormat();
 return nf.format(((Number) value).doubleValue());
 ColumnConfig monthConfig = new ColumnConfig(Month, month,
150, true);
 TextField monthField = new TextField();
 monthConfig.setEditor(new GridEditor(monthField));

 NumberField rentField = new NumberField();

 ColumnConfig rentConfig = new ColumnConfig(Rent, rent,
100, true);
 rentConfig.setEditor(new GridEditor(rentField));

 NumberField utilitiesField = new NumberField();

 ColumnConfig utilitiesConfig = new ColumnConfig(Utilities,
utilities, 100, true);
 utilitiesConfig.setEditor(new GridEditor(utilitiesField));

 ColumnModel columnModel = new ColumnModel(new ColumnConfig[]

 EditorGridPanel grid = new EditorGridPanel();

 grid.addEditorGridListener(new EditorGridListenerAdapter()
 public void onAfterEdit(GridPanel grid, Record record,
String field, Object newValue, Object oldValue, int rowIndex, int
colIndex) {


 Viewport viewport = new Viewport(absolutePanel);

 private static Object[][] getData() {

Re: Error's , PLEASE HELP ME :)

2009-01-09 Thread King

hello guys,

at first i thank you all for the big feedback!

I solved the problem :) I have asked friend who helped me

thank you all
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Images not displaying after Upload

2009-01-03 Thread Noel King

GWT: 1.5.2


I am having a problem displaying images after they have been uploaded
to through my web application.  My file upload screen has the file
upload component, with a scaling mechanism sitting behind it, which
all works perfectly.  Once a file has been upload the upload service
returns the URL of the created image back to the client, which I then
use on the client side to add a new image object to my preview panel
on the same page, however the image does not display.

Ultimately, I get a string and build the following code to display the
image on the preview panel
//imagefolder =images, which is the name of my base folder in build/
//URL = returned URL from file upload for example
//ImageSizes.SMALL = small
//ImageSizes.IMAGETYPE = JPG
//full URL equals images/2/2008/11/30/1230664382652small.JPG

Image newImage = new Image(imageFolder+/+URL+ ImageSizes.SMALL

However once this displays on the screen the image does not appear but
the empty box instead.  What bothers me is that if I add the following
code to my preview panel the image displays on a recompile:

Image newImage = new Image(images/

Ok so I am not left with logically trying to understand what is the
difference/problem here and I been thinking along the lines of:
1.  Input Streams from upload not closed when create image object
first, however since I can open the image and see all details
correctly in the folder structure I do not think this is the issue.
2.  There may be a need to do a refresh on the panel, which I am
currently trying to investigate.

I have been investigating and debugging this for about 3 days now and
have had no luck searching forums.  I am hoping somebody here with a
deeper understanding of how browsers/GWT handles image retrieval can
point me in the right directions.  Any help with this would be much



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Re: Error's , PLEASE HELP ME :)

2008-12-30 Thread King

 This looks like the problem-tab in Eclipse. More interesting would
 be the log-window of the server when you start your project in
 hosted mode.

I get the same error message like before in hosted mode:

[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
se1.gwt.client.StringCounterClient (see associated exception for
details) (TypeError):
'$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt
 number: -2146823281
 description: '$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt
at com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component.checkExtVer(Native Method)
at com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component.clinit(
at se1.gwt.client.StringCounterClient.onModuleLoad

But i dont understand, why i get the error symbol on the public folder
in the gwt projekt... I included the file system of gwt-ext after that
i have a red, x on the icon of the public folder!

 If you're not using GWT 1.5 you should change your JDK to 1.4 BTW.

I use GWT 1.5.3 ...

 If nothing works you might consider changing the list to the
 mailing-list of GWT-Ext. They also reside at Google Groups but
 the people should be different.

how can i change it ?

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Re: Error's , PLEASE HELP ME :)

2008-12-30 Thread King

 This looks like the problem-tab in Eclipse. More interesting would
 be the log-window of the server when you start your project in
 hosted mode.

I get the same error message like before in hosted mode:

[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
se1.gwt.client.StringCounterClient (see associated exception for
details) (TypeError):
'$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt
 number: -2146823281
 description: '$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt
at com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component.checkExtVer(Native Method)
at com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component.clinit(
at se1.gwt.client.StringCounterClient.onModuleLoad

But i dont understand, why i get the error symbol on the public folder
in the gwt projekt... I included the file system of gwt-ext after that
i have a red, x on the icon of the public folder!

 If you're not using GWT 1.5 you should change your JDK to 1.4 BTW.

I use GWT 1.5.3 ...

 If nothing works you might consider changing the list to the
 mailing-list of GWT-Ext. They also reside at Google Groups but
 the people should be different.

how can i change it ?

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Re: Error's , PLEASE HELP ME :)

2008-12-29 Thread King

Hello Lothar :)

I will explain my problem in german... Maybe than we wont have this
communication problems :)

Also ich habe schon einiges versucht und gegoogelt habe ich auch

Meine Vermutung ist einfach, es stimmt was mit EntryPoint{ und
onModulLoad() .. was nicht! Die zweite Fehlermeldung kann man ja
ausser acht lassen, weil
es sich auf das erste Problem bezieht!

würde mich fruen wenn mir da jemand erklär was es so mit entrypoint
und so auf sich hat


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Re: Error's , PLEASE HELP ME :)

2008-12-28 Thread King

On 27 Dez., 14:12, Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
 King schrieb: (TypeError):
  '$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt

 Have you searched for this error-message using your search-engine
 of least mistrust? There should be a lot of threads about this.

  I use:

 the wrapper-classes but not the Javscript-library of Ext...

 Regards, Lothar

which search engine do you mean ? Do mean that I habe to search in the
Internet ?... Can you explain it to me clearlear ?

I included the gwt-ext.jar file in eclipse ?

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Re: Error's , PLEASE HELP ME :)

2008-12-28 Thread King

On 27 Dez., 14:12, Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
 King schrieb: (TypeError):
  '$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt

 Have you searched for this error-message using your search-engine
 of least mistrust? There should be a lot of threads about this.

  I use:

 the wrapper-classes but not the Javscript-library of Ext...

 Regards, Lothar

which search engine do you mean ? Do mean that I habe to search in the
Internet ?... Can you explain it to me clearlear ?

I included the gwt-ext.jar file in eclipse ?

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Error's , PLEASE HELP ME :)

2008-12-26 Thread King

Hello Guys,

I get the following Error Message, if I try to run the chart example
from the page ... I
included the source code in my projekt , I only rename the
source to StringCounterClient, dont ask why :) !

The Error Message is:
[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
se1.gwt.client.StringCounterClient (see associated exception for
details) (TypeError):
'$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt
 number: -2146823281
 description: '$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt
at com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component.checkExtVer(Native Method)
at com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component.clinit(

the secon error Message is:
[ERROR] Failure to load module 'se1.gwt.StringCounterClient'

I get this messages on the the shell (Web-Browser) if i want to run
the projekt as a gwt application

Technical details:
I use:
Eclipse 3.4.1
GWT: 1.5.3

this is the source code of GWT-EXT Charts, with the changes from me on
line 18:

package se1.gwt.client;

 import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
 import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Viewport;
 import com.gwtext.client.widgets.chart.yui.LineChart;
 import com.gwtext.client.widgets.chart.yui.NumericAxis;
 import com.gwtext.client.widgets.chart.yui.SeriesDefY;
 import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.NumberField;
 import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.TextField;
 import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.*;
 import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.VerticalLayout;

 public class StringCounterClient implements EntryPoint {

public void onModuleLoad() {

 Panel panel = new Panel();

panel.setLayout(new VerticalLayout(15));

 MemoryProxy proxy = new MemoryProxy(getData());
 RecordDef recordDef = new RecordDef(
 new FieldDef[]{
 new StringFieldDef(month),
 new FloatFieldDef(rent),
 new FloatFieldDef(utilities)

 ArrayReader reader = new ArrayReader(recordDef);
 final Store store = new Store(proxy, reader);

 SeriesDefY[] seriesDef = new SeriesDefY[]{

 new SeriesDefY(Rent, rent),
 new SeriesDefY(Utilities, utilities)


 NumericAxis currencyAxis = new NumericAxis();
 final LineChart chart = new LineChart();
 chart.setTitle(Monthly Expenses);


 Renderer renderer = new Renderer() {
 public String render(Object value, CellMetadata
cellMetadata, Record record, int rowIndex, int colNum, Store store)
 NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyFormat();
 return nf.format(((Number) value).doubleValue());
 ColumnConfig monthConfig = new ColumnConfig(Month, month,
150, true);
 TextField monthField = new TextField();
 monthConfig.setEditor(new GridEditor(monthField));

 NumberField rentField = new NumberField();

 ColumnConfig rentConfig = new ColumnConfig(Rent, rent,
100, true);
 rentConfig.setEditor(new GridEditor(rentField));

 NumberField utilitiesField = new NumberField();

 ColumnConfig utilitiesConfig = new ColumnConfig(Utilities,
utilities, 100, true);
 utilitiesConfig.setEditor(new GridEditor(utilitiesField));

 ColumnModel columnModel = new ColumnModel(new ColumnConfig[]

 EditorGridPanel grid = new EditorGridPanel();

 grid.addEditorGridListener(new EditorGridListenerAdapter()
 public void onAfterEdit(GridPanel grid, Record record,
String field, Object newValue, Object oldValue, int rowIndex, int
colIndex) {

Implement a Calender to the Navigation on the left side

2008-12-02 Thread King

hello everybody,

I start to programming with GWT Designer yesterday... My Question is,
if anybody knows how i can implement a small calender to the left
panel! I didnt do it before in java or something else... Is there a
easy way ???

Thank you very much!!!

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applicationCreator failed to start

2008-11-15 Thread Google King

applicationCreator faild to start in my windows sys.
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gwt downloading

2008-11-08 Thread Google King

Who I can download gwt perfectly?
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gwt zipped file problem

2008-11-03 Thread Google King

i want to start using [google web toolkit] but i meet problem with
extracting the zipped file ( in my computer
windows , i used Winzip and Winrar which gives me error massage that
the compressed file is defective or somthing like that.
pls help me to solve this problem.
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-~--~~~~--~~--~--~--- Problem

2008-10-30 Thread Google King

i want to start using [google web toolkit] but i meet problem with
extracting the zipped file ( in my computer
windows , i used Winzip and Winrar which give me error massage that
the compressed file is defective or somthing like that
pls help me to solve this problem

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