> This looks like the problem-tab in Eclipse. More interesting would
> be the log-window of the server when you start your project in
> hosted mode.

I get the same error message like before in hosted mode:

[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
se1.gwt.client.StringCounterClient (see associated exception for
com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError):
'$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt
 number: -2146823281
 description: '$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt
        at com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component.checkExtVer(Native Method)
        at com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component.<clinit>(Component.java:108)
        at se1.gwt.client.StringCounterClient.onModuleLoad

But i dont understand, why i get the error symbol on the public folder
in the gwt projekt... I included the file system of gwt-ext after that
i have a red, x on the icon of the public folder!

> If you're not using GWT 1.5 you should change your JDK to 1.4 BTW.

I use GWT 1.5.3 ...

> If nothing works you might consider changing the list to the
> mailing-list of GWT-Ext. They also reside at Google Groups but
> the people should be different.

how can i change it ?

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