Re: could not add gin the project

2009-08-12 Thread Kwhit

And the JAR file has to be in war/WEB-INF/lib in the project, not an
external include
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Re: How do you deal with Validation and MVP?

2009-08-02 Thread Kwhit

This is a hot topic for me at the moment and I'll come back to you
directly probably at the end of this coming week. Here's my interim
thoughts though.

I've been working on MVP over the last two weeks and don't think the
various patterns I know of (including (Ray Ryan's, Fowler, Greer, and
others) work very well for testing. I'm now using a variation I've
called MVP-Ci for the moment which is a cross between MVP and
Presentation Manager (see Fowler's web site).

Validation is defined in the PM, for the moment using JSR303
annotations (but I suspect this will evolve). The framework I'm
building (re-)evaluates the validity of fields as they are updated and
stores them as attributes of the fields. The View observes the PM and
can then update the screen accordingly as it wishes (i.e. any of the
three ways you've described).

How they are shown to the user is a matter of HCI. I don't know what
the research says but I know what I like. Left to me I think that the
Eclipse Java editor has got it right: small but apparent indicators
with longer descriptive messages easily available.
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Re: What validation framework best fits with Google-gin

2009-07-31 Thread Kwhit

There's examples for both on their websites. The 'advantage' with gwt-
validation is that you use annotations although ironically I think I
will end up not up not using them.

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Re: What validation framework best fits with Google-gin

2009-07-30 Thread Kwhit

The only one I've found is gwt-validation. It works pretty well but it
has a few quirks particularly in letting exceptions disappear. The
project isn't very active.

Always make sure you have a public getter for the field you're
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Re: save form data in database

2009-07-27 Thread Kwhit

I would walk through all of the tutorials on that page
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Re: Cool GWT Features

2009-07-27 Thread Kwhit

Apart from Bruce Johnson's list, the killer selection criteria for me
is Google App Engine. Outside GWT yes but it was the deciding factor
for me.
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Re: Multi-Module or Multi-EntryPoint

2009-07-26 Thread Kwhit

Of course there are many ways of skinning this particular cat. Here is

* Treat entry points as components on a web page. An EP might just be
a menu or it could be the entire page. Prefer the latter if you're
starting from scratch

* I like to keep all the logic in one place - the one place in this
instance is Java. I find it easier to maintain the app when all my
layout logic is done in one language. Exception: styles. Define all
styles in CSS file(s). Have a plan for defining style names and do
that, and only that, in Java

* Use a single index.html with a basic layout that is reused for the
whole of the application. It may be that you want two or three major
layouts - e.g you might want a catastrophic error message page. Keep
these to a minimum for the user's sake

* Figure out the major contexts of your application: user not signed
in, edit preferences, create order, browse catalogue, ... I call these
'contexts', others call them 'places'

* Put a working area in your main layout - this is where your contexts
will be presented one at a time

* Manage your contexts using the GWT History component

* Use Composites to encapsulate, simplify and clarify complexity

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Re: GWT 1.6 Architecture

2009-07-24 Thread Kwhit

See Ray Ryan's presentation:
for a good starting point

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Re: Command Pattern, MVP, EventBus

2009-07-24 Thread Kwhit

 On Jul 23, 3:11 pm, Eduardo Nunes  wrote:
 > Shouldn't the server errors be treated as unchecked exceptions
 > (extends RuntimeException)? Maybe a solution could be three

I've found my self coding RE's for just about everything now. I think
they are the most undervalued part of the Java language during the
development phase. Example

try {
final File f = new File("Whatever); something with file
} catch(final IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Something went wrong with the file
operation", e);

The big advantages are you don't have to think about dealing with
problems whilst you're writing your 'happy day' code, you avoid
declaring exceptions which just put's off the inevitable and normally
shifts the problem into a place where you're not equipped to deal with
it and lastly: often times, especially in a stateless environment, a
RE is the right course of action.

It also travels from server to client in GAE/GWT which is good.

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Re: Command Pattern, MVP, EventBus

2009-07-24 Thread Kwhit

> Are your responses also in the form of events, where the traditional
> response value is the "payload" of a new event object?  For either server
> error or validation error, are you sending back a different event, or
> setting a flag inside the expected return event?

Yes currently all inter-component communications is via events on the
client side - the payload doesn't look like events on the server. I
did try it but dropped the idea of a server side event bus. Events are
not reused so different events come back from the server. It's
experimental - it works but I don't have enough experience yet to
claim it's a good or better idea.

I use 'modelettes' for want of a better word which are litle bits of
the core application model that travel twixt server and client. With
response time latency and keeping bandwidth at reasonable levels in
mind I want to keep what goes to the server in chunks (not like Google
Wave that can do character by character). What I think will be the
next big thing is a focus on services - encapsulation revisited but
for different reasons. This has led me to having 'service providers'
on the server as a layer above, and providing core business logic for,
the core model objects: Person, Account, ... The service providers
have a
"response = process(request)" interface. When the SPs are loaded they
announce which requests they would like to process to the server end
of the pipe which will call them when the requests come in.

> Unless you grew your event bus's intelligence, you would also lose
> batching.  Even undo could be tricky.  I'm guessing inside your event bus
> you have something like
> if eventX.isRPCEvent() {
> service.takethisEvent(eventx,new callback{...onsuccess(Event
> resultEvent){ fireEvent(resultEvent)}
> };
> }
Your're right. I'll try and think of a way of addressing this. It may
be that I have to step back and find a place for commands a bit.

> Do you have a separate, server side event bus to do things...

See above

> ...Also do you ever have one
> event that goes to the server, but two events coming back?...

Not yet. I've built in a mechanism for SPs to passively listen to
completed processing of requests which could be used to piggy back
events but I haven't used it yet (YAGNI?).

>> * I dropped the idea of using HasClickHanders, HasValues, ... in favor
> I also didn't like those two particular return types since my 3rd party
> widgets (Smartgwt)  don't support those interfaces.  And wrapping each 3rd

I'm reviewing this at the moment in the light of Thomas B's merciless
but very correct post above.

>> I still need to figure out a position on places / history (see posts
>What pattern would you say you are using now?

I am using History and think it's great. I don't have a clear,
describable pattern yet

> Along with someone else in a previous email, I also did not understand the
> reason behind void startProcessing(); and void stopProcessing();

Not sure

I'm going to try and post the code to the group next week so you can
look for yourself
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Re: Command Pattern, MVP, EventBus

2009-07-23 Thread Kwhit

See above positing
2/ Define Viewer interface (without thinking about how the Viewer
might be implemented)
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Re: Command Pattern, MVP, EventBus

2009-07-23 Thread Kwhit

I think Jason has hit the nail on the head.

The reason I got uncomfortable with the HasXxx's is that they expose
the internal workings of the Viewer (Display in RR's terms). The name
getSelectionButton() is a clue. The presenter doesn't and shouldn't
care about how the Viewer decides how to trip an action - it might be
by some convoluted means like a time out and then HasClickHandler
makes no sense.

The other thing that made me uncomfortable was where Display was
defined - in the Viewer implementation. As soon as I did a second
implementation: a mock object, I can see that something is going

As a programmer I find myself being too focused on the internal view
when I should be looking at how consumers of an interface see it.
Guice for example sees it's core entities as injectors but I see them
as factories. As the consumer, the Presenter is the boss here and, for
example, a sign in Viewer only needs (g/s)etAccountName(), getPassword
() and a 'signIn' callback. The HasXxxx expose a whole lot of other
functionality that you don't want anybody using.

In summary
1/ Define your Presenter logic
2/ Define your Viewer interface
3/ Unit test your Presenter implementation
4/ Implement and test your Viewer

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Re: Command Pattern, MVP, EventBus

2009-07-21 Thread Kwhit

A short update on the original posting.

I've now implemented the pattern I suggested in the original post in a
reference application and it's running.

My goals for doing the work were to address two issues:

1/ My GWT/GAE productivity: after a short learning curve it had sped
up but it slowed right down again

2/ I found it easier not to write unit tests (a dangerous state of
affairs) - they made the project messy, infiltrated the code, were
difficult to write and slow to run

The current implementation:

* Adds a generic RPC mechanism (the pipe)

* Doesn't use the command pattern. Instead everything is an event.
Selected events from the event bus are sent over the pipe and
responses are fired back. This makes the pipe invisible - no more
coding service interfaces

* I've added a layer (Stratus) on top of Bigtable-JDO inspired by
Grails create, find, update, delete

* Added a NullPipe and mock implementation of Stratus - I can now run
end-to-end testing: presenters to database - i.e. everything but the
composite itself without deploying to GAE. 7 unit test files run in
around 0.5 seconds and developing is fun again!

Findings so far

* Ray's presentation was really helpful

* Commands as events (aka asychronicity on steroids!): I'm kinda OK
with this. I'm aware of David's posting above so I'm not 100% sure
although still positive about my implementation. You do loose the
procedural feel of the service call and AsyncCallback return although
it is really asynchronous. I expected it to be difficult to test but
it's not. I need more experience with it

* I moved the definition of the Viewer (RR's Display interface) to the
Presentation interface. Sorry Ray, it was in the wrong place

* I dropped the idea of using HasClickHanders, HasValues, ... in favor
of methods like getPassword(), and addSignInClickHandler() in the
Viewer interface. I think it's a very elegant idea but it doesn't sit
well with EasyMock and I prefer tested code to elegant code and don't
think I loose much

* MVP is great, really easy to test and so, to develop

I still need to figure out a position on places / history (see posts
above). My real application makes heavy use of History and I like it a
lot. But I still don't have a comfortable pattern that joins the
viewers and history together yet.

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Client source, what's included, what's not

2009-07-21 Thread Kwhit

How does the compiler/deployer know what source code is to be
xcompiled into JS for and shipped to the browser and what not in

More specifically I would like

 src/com..myproj.clientto be included




Is there a way of doing that?
Not a big problem if not but it keeps my project structure clean if
there is a way.


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Re: Determine implemented interfaces

2009-07-19 Thread Kwhit

And Class.isAssignableFrom.
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Re: Command Pattern, MVP, EventBus

2009-07-17 Thread Kwhit

On Jul 15, 9:36 pm, David Peterson  wrote:
- Thinking further, I think it's better to separate the EventBus from
- the Command system somewhat. The reason being that generally, events
- are used to update on changes that have already happened, or are
- to happen. They don't trigger the actual event itself.

Yes I've been thinking about that.

Any user action that interacts with the server: sign in, create
account, update address, etc., has an asynchronous response. I find
myself tempted to wrap the service request in and make it synchronous
but that would be morally wrong and lead into all kinds of
difficulties in the details. So I've gone the other route...

My proof of concept implementation treats a click on the 'sign in'
button as an event which it fires and forgets to the event bug. Maybe
this goes too far in the other direction - time will tell. I'll post
my results as soon as I've got some real experience with it.
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Re: Announcing GWTUpload

2009-07-17 Thread Kwhit

Great stuff - I'll be using that very soon. Any chance of a cancel
button to cancel an ongoing upload?
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Re: How to create my own Event for Composite Widgets ?

2009-07-14 Thread Kwhit

java.util is out, HandlerManager and Handlers are in


It's a change for the better
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Re: GWT architecture MVP/EventBus (mentioned at Google I/O)

2009-07-13 Thread Kwhit

I'm following your work with interest Eduardo, I'm in the process of
building a 'dream-team reference application' myself including RPC,
EasyMock, GIN, Guice, ... so I can unit test and hack end-to-end
without deploying on a server.

Here's question / comment...

I don't understand the go() method on the presenter impl classes. Take
for example mainPresenter.go(): it does a bit of widget composition
adding the menu and returns the view which is the job of getView().
Then in go() you call menuPresenter.showMenu() which doesn't actually
show the menu but instead it returns the view which is again the job
of MenuPresenterImpl.getView().

My guess is you are (like me) having some problems in the last metre
of the 100m just glueing the application together. I don't have a nice
answer for that yet...

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Command Pattern, MVP, EventBus

2009-07-10 Thread Kwhit

Just throwing up an idea here to see how many bullet holes it comes
down with.

I'm playing around with the command pattern which is a hot topic at
the moment and wondered why it shouldn't be merged with the EventBus?
The command pattern proposed by RR has to add a response object - the
original doesn't (I don't have a GoF copy to hand), using and event
bus would remove the requirement for it.

Using the example presented by RR.

1/ User clicks on 'save' to save the edited phone number

2/ Presenter creates an RpcCommandEvent{, }
and fires it to the eventBus

3/ RpcPipe, listening for RpcCommandEvent events, ships them off the
to the server

--- Server side ---

4/ RpcPipeService receives the event and invokes a specialized handler

5/ The handler verifies (for the sake of the example but I would
normally do this client side) the new phone number, finds it OK and
updates the storage

6/ Handler returns new phone number for contact ID x

7/ RpcPipeService ships (returns) the response on across the pipe

--- Back on the client side ---

8/ RpcPipe fires the RPC return value as an event on the bus

9/ Listeners to ContactInfoUpdated events update the phone number

I, in my ignorance, find the above a net gain

* +ve: One pipe fits all, no need to update the mechanics of the RPC
* +ve, -ve: The event designer has to know that the event should be
shipped over the pipe
* +ve: The statefulness of the RPC mechanism (every request has a
response) fades away
* +ve: In fact the Pipe itself could disappear with a bus on the
server (see below) - end to end unit testing

In my event driven fever I would also like to have an event bus on the
server so that the handlers could register themselves for events but I
not worried too much about that yet.

OK fire away!

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Re: GWT Best Practices doubt

2009-07-10 Thread Kwhit

Fair enough - ironically I just ran into the collision here. The other
Command is a command pattern too. I would still prefer RpcCommand or
the like but 'nuff said.

> Er..., used with MenuItem and
> DeferredCommand (which many apps make use of).

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Re: New user with some simple quastions on using GWT with eclipse

2009-07-10 Thread Kwhit

Yes that's it. The engine starts up a hosting environment built on
Jetty and you run/debug it there.

I guess the socket error you're getting is caused by you relaunching
the application and it's trying to use port 8080 again but it's
already taken

The Java gets cross-compiled when you deploy it to a server. Look at
the Google App Engine for that - it's a fantastic service.

The time-to-debug cycle does present a small hurdle especially as the
application gets larger and it takes time to navigate to the place you
want to debug / fix. You need to start looking at Guice/GIN, EasyMock
and JUnits as an alternative.

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Re: GWT Best Practices doubt

2009-07-09 Thread Kwhit

Just my .02: Call it what it is and use the term Command rather than
Action - it's an implementation of the Command Pattern. I know Ray
said it was used elsewhere but that's in his app but not elsewhere

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Re: client statefull server stateless

2009-07-07 Thread Kwhit

I'm interested in Dean's comments on performance impact of session
data which seems counter intuitive to me (not that I doubt you at all
Dean, just want to understand!)

1/ The session is going to be stored anyway right. That's part of the
contract with the client. I don't know what this equates to in terms
of bytes but I guess it's not less than a 100.

2/ ytrewqsm's original problem would be solved by storing one single
long in the session: the user ID. The session is 'secure enough' for
many applications (banking, etc., excepted). Each service request made
by the client in the context of that session can be authenticated

3/ We can't, and don't need to avoid being platform specific - we are
talking GAE not WebSphere, WebLogic, JBoss, ... My guess is that the
session will be stored somewhere in BigTable and will be scalable.

4/ For all other state needs - throw them at the client. There's a
bunch of memory and CPU power out there that's free for the
application - use it but keep an eye on client performance

The alternative has a large impact on the design of the client raising
the entry barrier significantly and I don't think that's in line with
GAE's endgame.

> serialization and server sync cross-talk in J2EE clusters. Even tho
> the data kept is like 128 bytes ( which would seem harmless ), it
> still leads to significant I/O for a LARGE number of users. Terracotta

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Re: Do I have to use foreach or for-index-loop ?

2009-07-06 Thread Kwhit

Just a small note, I'd keep the final and add one on the Foo too. Less
bugs and in-code documentation. I wrote an article somewhere called
"Use finals everywhere" - I think it's a shame that final isn't the
default in Java and instead you had to write, for example, var int i;

 final int length = list.size();
 for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
         final Foo foo = list.get(i);


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Re: client statefull server stateless

2009-07-06 Thread Kwhit

I think ytrewqsm has a point.

If user X has authenticated, the server can know which user it is
(stateful) and refuse to change (for example) another user's profile
in response to a "Change user Y's password to xyz" request.

If the server is stateless and the logged in user state is held on the
client (recommended) then the server will innocently go ahead and
process the a spoofed change password request (and any other spoofed

I think that is what ytrewqsm is getting at
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Re: Serialization

2009-07-06 Thread Kwhit

Not sure but can't this be can't it be done using Serializable (or
IsSerializable - I don't understand what the difference is) rather
than introducing a Transferable interface so you don't get an increase
in code size?

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Re: GWT - Main Servlets?

2009-07-05 Thread Kwhit

It's up to you. You can have as many servlets as you like - one acting
as a switch or several handling different aspects of your application.
In the project I'm working on now I have a JSON 'report' server for
visualizations, an authentication servlet and a couple of others
taking care of the main business of the application.
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Re: Best pattern for client/server communication?

2009-07-02 Thread Kwhit

I don't have a boilerplate pattern available as I'm still
experimenting myself. There seems to be two schools of thought:

1/ Try and reuse classes on both server and client sides which means
exporting server logic to clients and vice versa

2/ Separating client and server logic and evolving the two separately

At first I tried to do the former but I didn't like it: it's just not
clean IMHO.

What I'm trying to do now is focus on the service interface offered by
the server to the client. Using Google App Engine helps this
discipline. I define the service interface in terms of actions:
'Create new user', 'Transfer X from account x to account y', 'Get
Employee details'. I'm at the frustrating phase that there's a lot of
similar objects on both sides of the fence. But, over time, I'm seeing
these diverge and evolve differently solving their own use cases
without the restraint of trying to maintain a one-size-fits-all

In many of my core server-side and persistent objects: Employee,
Account, etc., I have/had a method: EmployeeVo Employee.toVo(): i.e.
to value object (as opposed to toString()). But, as my use cases
become more refined I find that things evolve to having a Person
object with toUserVo(), toEmployee()  and toCustomerVo() methods that
create client side objects that are shipped out to log in, update
employee details or have a customer select a shipping address.

I love these types of problems - that's what makes programming so much

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Re: unable to find xml file

2009-06-30 Thread Kwhit

I would really consider running through the Google getting started
tutorials. They are well structured and pretty complete in that they
also introduce you to the server side and App Spot which is frankly a
brilliant service.

Here's the three most used links I used whilst getting up to speed.
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Re: Bug? Serialization of inner classes

2009-06-26 Thread Kwhit

Great answer (you got 5 stars for that).

The reason that I want it for an inner class of course is so I have
access to the containing class. I've got a work around in place so I
guess I'll have to stick with that.

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Re: Bug? Serialization of inner classes

2009-06-25 Thread Kwhit

Still no good, the lines of code below fail with an error message
telling me that DataModel.InnerClass' was not serializable and has no
concrete serializable subtypes

public class DataModel implements Serializable, Iterable {

public class InnerClass implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 
public int i;
public InnerClass() { }

public int getI() {
return i;

public void setI(int i) {
this.i = i;

public InnerClass ic;
public InnerClass getIc() {
return ic;
public void setIc(InnerClass ic) {
this.ic = ic;

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Re: Bug? Serialization of inner classes

2009-06-25 Thread Kwhit

Not since 1.5. Private ctors should be fine as I understand it. I
tried it and got the same error messages

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Bug? Serialization of inner classes

2009-06-25 Thread Kwhit

In the following code snippet the inner classes Row and Cell do not
run through serialization. When it gets to "Verifying instantiability"
an exception is thrown, see below.

Everything does work if I take the inner classes out and make them
first class citizens


public class DataModel implements Serializable,
Iterable {
private static final long serialVersionUID =
public class Row implements Iterable, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID =
public List cells;

Row() {

public Cell get(int index) {
Cell result = cells.get(index);
if(result == null) {
result = new Cell();
cells.set(index, result);
return result;

public Iterator iterator() {
  return cells.iterator();

public class Cell implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID =
private String contents;

Cell() {

public void setContents(Object contents) {
this.contents = contents == null ? null :

public void setContents(int integer) {
this.contents = Integer.toString(integer);

public String getContents() {
   return contents;


Caused by: Type
'com.inexas.flashcards.client.reports.DataModel$Row' was not included
in the set of types which can be serialized by this
SerializationPolicy or its Class object could not be loaded. For
security purposes, this type will not be serialized.

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Re: Class.newInstance and Class.cast

2009-06-23 Thread Kwhit

I'm not sure that it does any good or not but if you need the method
too you should star the issue by clicking on the link in Andre's post
above and clicking on the star.

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Re: Class.newInstance and Class.cast

2009-06-23 Thread Kwhit


It leaves me with a long and ugly if-then-else as a work around

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Re: Help required when or how to use timer

2009-06-18 Thread Kwhit


> >4/ At the last interrupt have the object commit suicide and remove
> >itself
Feedback will wake up every, say, 250ms.. You want to keep a highlight
visible for say 5 seconds so that's 20 wake ups. Count them. On the
20th you're going to set the background back to it's original color -
probably white. When you've done that remove the association between
the cell/row and the Feedback object and don't set the timer again.
There's no more references to that Feedback object so it will be
forgotten about and garbage collected.

> >5/ On an edit clear any existing feedback objects and kill them.
> >Instantiate a new Feedback object and forget about it
When you start editing a cell check if there are any associated
Feedback objects - there will be either 0 or 1. If you find one then
remove it and set a flag in it to tell it not to change the background
color of the cell and that's it.

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Re: Help required when or how to use timer

2009-06-18 Thread Kwhit

That's a nice graphical feedback idea Suren (I'll steal it one day
soon I'm sure ;-)

How I would do it

1/ Create a Feedback object that has a time in side of it that takes
card of the cell, row, etc.. Associated with the cell, row, in some

2/ Inside the feedback object set the hot color as desired and the
schedule regular intervals say 1/3 of a second giving a total of 15
interrupts. At each interrupt move the color 1/15th of the way back to
white - quite easy to do if you split up the RGB values

3/ Have a poisenPill() method on the object that will terminate it

4/ At the last interrupt have the object commit suicide and remove

5/ On an edit clear any existing feedback objects and kill them.
Instantiate a new Feedback object and forget about it

Your users will be fighting to edit as many cells as they can as fast
as they can

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Re: Unchecked Exception

2009-06-17 Thread Kwhit

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GWT tutorial

2009-06-17 Thread Kwhit

Just finished the last of the StockWatcher tutorial sections. It must
have been a monumental piece of work to put the whole thing together -
great work. Thanks.

It would have been nice to have an easy route to submit corrections on
the couple of typos I came across - a moderated wiki?
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Re: how we can implement LazyPanel

2009-06-17 Thread Kwhit

Yes it can make a difference if you've got a complex app
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Re: supporting bookmarked URLs

2009-06-17 Thread Kwhit

I think you should be able to set up a wildcard url to map to a single
servlet and then have the servlet do the switching for you.
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Re: Is it not possible to include a Serialized bean object as a variable in another Serialized Bean..??

2009-06-17 Thread Kwhit

As far as I understand it, default ctors no longer need to be public
since GWT 1.5. I define all mine private unless I need them

On Jun 16, 3:17 pm, Jim  wrote:
> Change Department(){}  to public Department(){}
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Re: how to modify the default port (8080) of hosted mode ?

2009-06-16 Thread Kwhit

In Eclipse you can modify the port on the Run or Debug configurations
menu - took me a while to stumble on that one.
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Re: Thinking about learning GWT

2009-06-16 Thread Kwhit

But I would seriously look at using Google app spot. Deploying is easy
and unless you've got a very successful application on your hands,
it's probably for free.

On Jun 16, 7:03 am, tedpottel  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm thinking about using GWT.  Quastion,
> will GWT run ok on my current web hosting service?  Since it does not
> support jsp, I'm assuming GWT will work, except for doing rpc?
> - Ted
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Re: One class calling another class - this has to be simpler than I am making it.

2009-06-13 Thread Kwhit

1/ I would have started a new discussion thread rather than trying to
change this one into a different discussion - your question is likely
to get lost

2/ Take a look at the History and HTML links (see link below). You can
add a list of links for the user to select the application state, you
also get the back button out of the box.


On Jun 14, 6:14 am, Booth Martin  wrote:
> This has got to be simpler than I am making it.  I have looked at many
> examples and tutorials and either I am not seeing something, or I am not
> understanding what I am seeing.

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Client side vs Server side models

2009-06-06 Thread Kwhit

I'm building my first serious GWT app and am looking for a 'template'
model to structure things. On the client side I need much the same
objects to populate the UI as on the server side to handle
persistence. Let's say I need Employee on the client side to edit
employee details and then I need Employee on the server side to
persist it.

As I understand it client side objects must be located in the
package client.* and persistent objects in ...server.*. Therefore
I need two files - with slightly different contents -
the one on the client side acting more or less only as a value object.

Have I got things right?

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