GWT 2.4.0. rc1 Could not find static method with a single parameter of a key type

2011-08-11 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
Hi all,

I have one entity Device that is stored in database and Two proxies for that 
entity, one EntityProxy and one ValueProxy.

class Device {
  private Long id;

  public Long getId();
  public Integer getVersion();

  public String getMac();
  public void setMac(String mac);

The entity proxy for Device entity is:

@ProxyFor(value = Device.class, locator = DeviceLocator.class)
interface DeviceProxy extends EntityProxy {
  String getMac();

  void setMac(String mac);

The value proxy for Device entity is:

public interface DeviceInfoProxy extends ValueProxy {
  String getMac();

I load devices from server with methods:

RequestListDeviceProxy getAllDevices();
RequestDeviceInfoProxy getDeviceWithMac(String mac);

with version GWT 2.2.0 this works just fine. 
I migrate to version GWT 2.4.0 rc1 and when I try to load devices I receive 
error: Could not 
find static method with a single parameter of a key type
and so on.

So from the stack trace above I understand that for some reason, 
DeviceLocator for Device entity is not used and Request Factory tries to 
find static method findDevice in Device object, and when that method is 
not found throw exception.

I debug and notice that in ServiceLayerCache in method getOrCache(), 
when methodMap is filled, for Device entity create Pair object with Device 
and BaseProxy, and in the map do not put any locator for Device entity.
So I add DeviceLocator to DeviceInfoProxy (that is ValueProxy).

This fixed the problem, but I do not understand what was the problem? why 
this fix the problem? and is this the right way to fix the problem?

I do not have problem with another Entity objects or proxies in my project. 
I just have this problem only for Device entity and Device entity is the 
only one entity that have Two DTO (EntityProxy/ValueProxy) objects.

Lazo Apostolovski

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GWT History Chrome encoding problem.

2011-07-19 Thread Lazo Apostolovski

I have an encoding issue with Chrome and history tokens that contains a 
cyrillic characters.

I set browser history as History.newItem(?query=кирилица);

this should modify browser url to http://host:8080/#search;q=кирилица;

in Mozilla browser works fine but when I use Chrome browser URL looks like 


Any idea how this could be fixed?


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RequestContext method with enumeration parameter

2011-03-25 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
Hi there,

I use gwt request factory to load some object from server. I'll give an 
example code:

This code works just fine in GWT Hosted mode. But problem appears when I 
compile GWT code to JavaScript. For some reason, FooState enumeration can't 
be serialized. Java script throws:
Uncaught java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:$
And request factory does not send anything to the server. This bug appears 
only when I give enumeration as parameter in RequestContext method, in 
compiled JavaScript code. In hosted mode I dont have any problems with this.

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Re: RequestFactory Entity validation.

2011-02-21 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
I make a workaround to support validating by groups.
Because RequestFactory validation, validate each received object
separately, validation groups have to be transported separated from

The workaround:
In the client code I create one helper object called,
ValidationHelper. This object have static methods and fields. With
calling static method addGroups() I define sequence from validation
groups, that will be used for validating all object transfered by
I override configureRequestBuilder() and send() methods in
DefaultRequestTransport, and I make to add all validation group
sequence to be added in the request header. On the server code I get
this header from request, split groups to get group class name, and I
use reflection to get proper group instances. I provide this groups in
ServiceLayerDecorator class and get them every time when validate()
method is called.

Here is the example of how this thing work.


On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Lars wrote:
 I'm also wondering about this. Another example would be if you want to
 use the User-bean for creation of users - as well as editing
 (different constraints).
 I guess there's no way to do this today? One possible way to implement
 this could perhaps be to allow annotations on the methods in the
 (extensions of) RequestContext. E.g:
 @ValidationGroup(value={group1, group2})


 On Feb 7, 3:11 pm, Lazo Apostolovski
 Hello group.

 I use GWT RequestFactory and Hibernate validation to make syntactic
 I have one object who need to be validated, but in different cases I need
 validation on different fields.

 Short example:

 class User {
   private String name;

   private String nickName;


 In one case I want to load User by name, and want to perform syntactic
 validation only by name field. In other case validation need to be performed
 by nickname.
 Is there any way to use Validating Groups?

 any other solution?

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Re: FocusWidget fired repeats the event

2011-02-10 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
How many times you add new ClickHandler?

I think that you add more then one different handlers, who listening for 
click event. TextBox.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){}). Maybe when page 
reload or something.

Try to debug how many different instances you are creating and adding.

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Re: Partial bean validation

2011-02-09 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
Hello any body please?

Its realized? Its not realized? Will be realized? Patch is needed? Cant be 
realized? Isn't planed?

Any answer?

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Re: Partial bean validation

2011-02-09 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
Is this somehow related with this issue?

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Partial bean validation

2011-02-08 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
Hello group.

I use request factory to transfer entity, from client side to server site. 
Transfered entity should be validate and persisted. For entity validation I 
use JSR303 validation. But in different cases I need to validate different 
properties of the entity. JSR303 validation give opportunity to use groups 
to make partial validation on the object.

I make a little exploration, on how the bean validation is performed by 
request factory servlet. I found that validation for each received object is 
performed by SimpleRequestProcessor on line 527. I use GWT-2.1.1 version.

This code:

519: private ListViolationMessage validateEntities(RequestState source) {
520:   ListViolationMessage errorMessages = new 
521:   for (Map.EntrySimpleProxyId?, AutoBean? extends BaseProxy entry 
: source.beans.entrySet()) {
522: AutoBean? extends BaseProxy bean = entry.getValue();
523: Object domainObject = bean.getTag(Constants.DOMAIN_OBJECT);
525: // The object could have been deleted
526: if (domainObject != null) {
527:   SetConstraintViolationObject errors = 
528:   if (errors != null  !errors.isEmpty()) {
529: SimpleProxyId? id = entry.getKey();

RequestFactory allways use default group to make validation. 

Is there any way to make partial validation on a bean, by using groups? 
Any workaround? Any idea? 
Is there any way for validation groups to be implemented in gwt request 
factory in the future?

Maybe the validation group (or group sequences) to be defined, before firing 

RequestMyProxy request = RequestFactory.getMyProxyRequest();
request.checkGroup(MyGroup.class).fire(new ReceiverMyProxy(){...}

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Re: ScrollPanel not taking the full height (100%)

2011-02-08 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
Wrap the child in g:HTMLPanel /g:HTMLPanel

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RequestFactory Entity validation.

2011-02-07 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
Hello group.

I use GWT RequestFactory and Hibernate validation to make syntactic 
I have one object who need to be validated, but in different cases I need 
validation on different fields.

Short example:

class User {
  private String name;

  private String nickName;

In one case I want to load User by name, and want to perform syntactic 
validation only by name field. In other case validation need to be performed 
by nickname.
Is there any way to use Validating Groups?

any other solution? 

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Re: RequestFactory strange behavior.

2011-02-01 Thread Lazo Apostolovski

is this a bug or I make something wrong?

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RequestFactory strange behavior.

2011-01-31 Thread Lazo Apostolovski

I have a form who contains some ValueBoxEditorDecorator elements (who are 
text boxes).
In one of that element's, customer write his private number. Customer 
private number is validated with JSR303 validation. I use gwt 2.1.1.

I have 3 cases:
1. If customer number isn't valid, message is displayed near input box.
2. If number is valid and customer didn't exist in database, server throwsan 
exception and enable register customer button so customer can be 
registered in the system.
3. If customer is found, customer data is loaded in other fields and we are 
all happy :)

The code who do the whole thing is:

class CustomerEditorView extends Composite implements EditorCustomerProxy 

interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriverCustomerProxy, 
Driver driver = GWT.create(Driver.class);
ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString firstName;

ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString surname;

ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString code;

CustomerRequest request;
CustomerProxy customer;

public CustomerEditorViewImpl() {



public void edit(CustomerProxy customer) {

// create request who will manage this proxy
request = requestFactory.customerRequest();

// if customer is null create new empty proxy
if (customer == null || Strings.empty(customer.getCode())) {

customer = request.create(CustomerProxy.class);


if (this.customer != customer) {

customer = CustomerProxyCopier.copy(customer, request); // create new proxy 
and make a deep copy


this.customer = customer;
driver.edit(this.customer, request);


// this method need to check if customer is registered in the system
// if customer is registered then return customer data and fill another 
// if customer is not registered catch exception and enable register 
customer button.
// if customer code isn't valid show validation error message
public void onCheckCustomerButtomPressed(String code){


request.getCustomerByCode(String code).fire(new ReceiverCustomerProxy(){

public void onSuccess(CustomerProxy response) {

edit(response); // calls upper method 


public void onFailure(ServerFailure error) {


// adds customer to edit again BECAUSE
// if not added again proxy is locked, cant be modified,
// method driver.flush() can't be called
// newly added customer information can't be loaded from editor to proxy


public void onViolation(SetViolation errors) {







When the form is loaded for first time, CustomerEditorView.edit() method is 
called with null parameter. That method gets new Request, create new empty 
proxy and add proxy to the editor driver. Customer write his code in code 
field, and press check button. Check button calls method 
onCheckCustomerButtomPressed() and give customer code as parameter. Request 
factory send code to the server. But customer make a mistake and wrote wrong 
code. JSR303 validation validate the code and return validation error 
message Receiver.onViolation() method is called, and message is displayed on 
the screen. Customer see the error, make code correction and press check 
button. Now the code is valid and system check if user exists in database. 
When user doesn't exist, system throws exception and Receiver.onFailure() 
method is called. When this method is called, proxy is locked and can't be 
edited. So edit method is called again to create new proxy with which I can 
work with. Now customer fill another field's and press the registerbutton. 
However customer edit and his code and again the code validation fail. 
System return validation message and Receiver.onViolation() method is called 
again and driver.setViolations(errors); is executed again.

The problem is that when driver.setViolations(errors) is called, errors 
isn't displayed on the screen. In my investigation I get to:
class AbstractRequestFactoryEditorDriver line 163-164

// Only attach the error to the first delegate in a co-editor chain.
leafDelegates.get(0).recordError(error.getMessage(), null, error);

in this code, the first element from leafDelagates is allways used to show 
violation errors. But when another object is given to the editor, he is 
added in leafDelegates array as second element. (or N element if user 
reusedriver N times 
driver.edit()). But when violation errors is loaded they are allwaysdispatched 
to first 
leafElement. The error isn't displayed because error is given to wrong 
delegate and proxy is different. I try to call driverInitialize before 
driver edit method but without efect.
Does we allways need to get first element from leaf and give him errors? 
What if we get the last element, that one who is last added and proxy points 
to him? 

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Receiver.onViolation() is called several times

2011-01-27 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
Receiver.onViolation is called several times when there are validation 
errors after each request. 

interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriverItemProxy, ItemEditor{}

private ItemRequest request;

public void edit(...){

request = requestFactory.itemRequest();


public void getItem() {

request.getItemById(/*give id here*/ id).fire(new ReceiverItemProxy(){


public void onSuccess(ItemProxy response) {



public void onFailure(ServerFailure error) {

public void onViolation(SetViolation errors) {



When I call this method first time, and sending request fail with 
violations, method onViolation() is called only once.
Its OK to this point.

(call - getItem() = call - onViolation() )

The problem is: if I call this method second time and request fails again, 
method onViolations() is called two times in row. 

(call - getItem() = call - onViolation() - onViolation())

If I call this method third time, onViolations() is called three times in 

(call - getItem() = call - onViolation() - onViolation() - 

after N calls.

(1 call - getItem() = call - onViolation() - onViolation() - N)

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Receiver.onViolation() is called several times

2011-01-27 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
Receiver.onViolation is called several times when there are validation
errors after each request.

interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriverItemProxy,

private ItemRequest request;

public void edit(...){

request = requestFactory.itemRequest();


public void getItem() {

request.getItemById(/*give id here*/ id).fire(new


public void onSuccess(ItemProxy response) {



public void onFailure(ServerFailure error) {

public void onViolation(SetViolation errors) {



When I call this method first time, and sending request fail with
violations, method onViolation() is called only once.
Its OK to this point.

(call - getItem() = call - onViolation() )

The problem is: if I call this method second time and request fails
again, method onViolations() is called two times in row.

(call - getItem() = call - onViolation() - onViolation())

If I call this method third time, onViolations() is called three times
in row.

(call - getItem() = call - onViolation() - onViolation() -

after N calls.

(1 call - getItem() = call - onViolation() - onViolation() - N)

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OnViolation method doesnt show error message.

2011-01-27 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
When I execute the next code, and when onViolation() method is called, no 
error message is showed in the ValueBoxEditorDecorator.
Any idea why?

ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString itemName;

public void onClick(){

  ItemRequest request = requestFactory.ItemRequest();
  ItemProxy proxy = request.create(ItemProxy.class);



  driver.edit(proxy, request);

  driver.flush().fire(new ReceiverVoid(){
public void onSuccess(Void response) {


public void onViolation(SetViolation errors) {

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How to set style on row in CellTableT

2010-08-24 Thread Lazo Apostolovski
My question is simple. How to set style on specific row on CellTable?

For example I want to show table with data for clients who paid, who
not paid and who payment is processing, but each row need to be
colored differently.
I want to set green background color on row for clients who paid,
yellow color background color for client who waiting for processing
payment and red background color style for clients who not paid.

How can I do this?
Is there any method like addRowStyle()?
Table prepare HTML string and then set it to the panel to make
rendering faster but is there any way to set styles on rows for
specified entity?


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Re: need to execute commands on windows machine from remote server

2009-10-22 Thread Lazo Apostolovski

If I understand correct. You want to use GWT to start program on the 
client side when you send some event from server side.
GWT Code is compiled to JavaScript. JavaScript is executed by the 
browser so browser security police don't give permition the code from 
javascript to be executed out of box (out of browser environment). So 
you can call even cd c:\user command on the client machine.

The answer on your question is NO.
sathya wrote:
 I need to execute command on client side.I have all clients username
 and passwords.So I need to login to client machine (windows) and
 execute commands

 On Oct 19, 1:00 pm, gwtfanb0y wrote:
 I dont exactly understand what you want. Do you want to execute a
 on the client-side (the browser) or on the server-side (input coming
 from the client) ?

 On 19 Okt., 08:21, sathya wrote:

 I need to execute commands on windows machine (eg: c:\program files
 \outlook.exe) using java program. However java program will be running
 on remote server(tomcat server on other machine).
 So my job is to connect to windows machine from server and execute
 commads on client.
 Can you help in implementing this using java program?
 I believe I can do this using SSh or using https connection from
 server to windows machine. However I am not sure which the best method
 to do this is. Also I would like to know if they are any other methods
 to implement this.
 Sathya.- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -


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Re: need to execute commands on windows machine from remote server

2009-10-22 Thread Lazo Apostolovski

Fix on my message before I mean You can't call even cd c:\user on the 
client computer. You cant use GWT to remote access files or remote call 
any dos or other command on the client computer.


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Re: how to send variables in form panel

2009-10-22 Thread Lazo Apostolovski

Its probably a multipart message :S

Try googling for how to accept multipart message on the server side

here is some example but i don't know if you find usefull.

public HashMapString, InputStream parseMultipartMessage(
  HttpServletRequest request) {

mapWithStreams = new HashMapString, InputStream();

boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
try {
  if (isMultipart) {
FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);

ListFileItem items = upload.parseRequest(request);

for (FileItem item : items) {
  mapWithStreams.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getInputStream());
  } else {
mapWithStreams.put(DEFAULT_KEY, request.getInputStream());
} catch (FileUploadException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return mapWithStreams;

In normal message (not multipart) data from the text fields come like 
the body of the message. If you try to transfer file in normal message 
then Stream is send like the body of the message. So you can transver 
only Parameters or only stream. If you want to transfer parameters and 
stream in same message you need to use multipart message. In multipart 
message InputStream come on server like a body of the message. If that 
input stream contain multipart message you need to parse that message. 
So in one part you will have values from input fields and in other part 
you will have Stream for uploaded file. Read about multipart messages on 
the wiki site. Code abowe will parse all input streams from multipart 
message and place them to the HasMap. The Key in HashMap is the File 
name. You can access to streams later when you need them. To the 
parameters you can access on the same way like you deed before:


Good luck.

YoeZ wrote:
 Hey abhiram,

 I still have a problem in server side,, can you tell me how to catch
 variable from client.

 Let say I have a textbox in client.

 Textbox txtComment = new Textbox;
 txtComment .setText(hello);

 in server side:
 I've tried:
 String varXXX = (String) request.getParameter(txtComment);

 but that's not working. :(

 and I've also tried like this :

 try {
 List items = upload.parseRequest(request);
 Iterator it = items.iterator();
 while (it.hasNext()) {
 FileItem item = (FileItem);
 if (item.isFormField()) {
   String name = item.getFieldName();
   if (name.equals(txtComment)) {
   ret = item.getString();
 return ret;
 } catch (FileUploadException e) {
 return null;

 but still null return.

 can you tell me how to catch it.


 On Oct 21, 12:32 am, abhiram wuntakal wrote:
 Hey Yoez,

   Not sure if it helps. But i have a workaround solution for this. Make it a
 two-step process. First use a RemoteServiceServlet to pass across your
 variables to the server side and then save these values into some variables
 on the server side.

  Then you can use a HTTPServlet to pass across your file contents to the
 server side. Now you have the file as well as the variables.


 On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 6:12 PM, YoeZ wrote:

 thanks ian,, but i'm using GWT and tried to uploadfile which is must
 using FormPanel.
 I have successfully upload my file to server with UploadFile widget,
 but I have another textboxes too. and dunno how to catch inside
 On Oct 19, 7:15 pm, Ian Bambury wrote:
 You'll stand more chance of an answer if you ask that question in a Java
 forum. This is a GWT group.
 2009/10/19 YoeZ
 hello... please help
 On Oct 18, 12:31 am, YoeZ wrote:
 I have 1 form panel with some textboxes and file upload.
 the question is, how to get variables from client/form panel in
 i created DTO/Pojo object to hold variables in client, but i donk
 how to catch in servlet..
 please help


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Re: Is there a way to block until a server response is available?

2009-10-16 Thread Lazo Apostolovski

Maybe this will help you.
You can use Command pattern to send request after server responde to 
previous request. The idea is. You have one callback, that callback is 
given to another callback who in onSuccess() method call the next 
command and then give that callback to the finall callback. So to be 
more clear, create one interface Command who have only one method execute.

public interface Command {
abstract void execute();

Create interface Loader who have two methods add(Command command) and 

public interface Loader {
void add(Command command);

void execute();

Create implementation for that interface for example ChainLoader who 
have one collection ListCommand command and method add(Command 
command) add elements in that collection. The method execute check if 
the collection contain any command and if size is 0 return. If size is 
not 0 Get first command from the commands, call execute method and 
remove that command from the list.

public class ChainLoader implements Loader{
ListCommand commands = new ArrayListCommand();
public void add(Command command){
public void execute(){
if(commands.size() == 0){
Command command = commands.get(0);
if(commands.size()  0){

Create one CommandChain who implements your AsyncCallback interface, and 
in constructor receiveAsyncCallback and Loader.

public class CommandChainT implements AsyncCallbackT{
private AsyncCallbackT callback;
private Loader loader;
public CommandChain(AsyncCallbackT callback, Loader loader) {
this.callback = callback;
this.loader = loader;
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

public void onSuccess(T result) {

Finaly create CommandChain what you will use to make the chain.

public abstract class EntityCommandT implements Command {
private AsyncCallbackT callback;
public EntityCommand(AsyncCallbackT callback) {
this.callback = callback;
public void execute(){

public abstract void proceed(AsyncCallbackT callback);


How you probably say WTF? :) The use is really simple for example i 
write one test you can modify in your code:
public void test(){
  AsyncCallbackString callback0 = new AsyncCallbackString() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

public void onSuccess(String result) {
  AsyncCallbackString callback1 = new AsyncCallbackString() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

public void onSuccess(String result) {
  Loader loader = new ChainLoader();
  CommandChainString chain1 = new CommandChainString(callback0, 
  CommandString command1 = new CommandString(chain1) {
public void proceed(AsyncCallbackString callback) {
  CommandChainString chain2 = new CommandChainString(callback1, 
  CommandString command2 = new CommandString(chain2) {

public void proceed(AsyncCallbackString callback) {

Good luck ;)

Shawn Pearce wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 15:48, AndiMullaraj wrote:
 There are cases when blocking calls to server are indispensable
 (agreed, assync calls are the way to go for 99% of the cases).

 I scanned the client API and cannot find a way on how to do this. If
 not through a direct API call,  is there a way on how to achieve this?
 (Like having a wait/process_events loop going until the response comes
 from the server).

 No.  Most browsers are single threaded.  They can't send an HTTP
 request or parse an HTTP response while they are also executing
 JavaScript.  So GWT assumes that is the case and requires you to
 return control to the browser.  Which means blocking calls are not


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Re: Is there a way to block until a server response is available?

2009-10-16 Thread Lazo Apostolovski

Just a little change. You need to remove command from list before call

On Oct 16, 1:48 am, AndiMullaraj wrote:
 There are cases when blocking calls to server are indispensable
 (agreed, assync calls are the way to go for 99% of the cases).

 I scanned the client API and cannot find a way on how to do this. If
 not through a direct API call,  is there a way on how to achieve this?
 (Like having a wait/process_events loop going until the response comes
 from the server).

 Thanks for you attention,

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