Super Dev Mode (GWT 2.7-SNAPSHOT) fails with filename too long

2014-06-03 Thread Miroslav Genov

I'm getting a strange error when I try to use the Super Dev Mode with the 
latest version of GWT. 

[WARN] Error writing out generated unit at 
(File name too long)

It seems that by default the GWT is using the "-gen" flag which is using 
too long filenames for any operating system ( as described in: )

Any idea how this issue can be fixed ?

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(RequestFactory) Searching for issue related to

2012-11-26 Thread Miroslav Genov

I'm searching for issue that is related to:
.Does anyone could point me to it cause I couldn't find it.


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textbox focus is not working as expected on IE8

2012-10-08 Thread Miroslav Genov

It seems that focus is not working as expected on IE8. Does anyone has an 
idea why FocusImpl is using FocusImplIE6 when ie8 when FocusImplStandard 
seens more reasonable as described 

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Re: RequestFactory default wire format specification

2012-03-27 Thread Miroslav Genov
:) I see. 

My question was related to documentation, because I've heard you to say 
that some RF parts are working "by design", so I was wondering where there 
is a such a document, that describes it. I know that GWT project has some 
Wiki pages about RF, but non of them is explaining in details the format of 
the request/response messages.

I'm digging into the source, to find out how the things are working and to 
find a way to make some optimization on the server side, cause It's really 
slow. 50 small entities are serialized in ~10 seconds on GAE, where with 
GSON, the serialization takes 300 ms. I made profiling of a simple request 
that doesn't accept any parameters and returns 50 entities.

Here is the test code that is making the request and measures the request 

 public void testMethodReturningLargeDataSet() {

SimpleFooRequest request = simpleFooRequest();

final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
request.returnValueProxies().to(new Receiver>() {
  public void onSuccess(List response) {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println("Size: " + response.size() + " Time: " + (end - 
start) + " ms");

Result time of this test is: Size: 50 Time: 1336 ms, where with gson, the 
serialization time of this 50 objects is ~ 300 ms which means that RF is 4 
times slower then the simple json serialization. 

The profiler is saying that: SimpleRequestProcessor.process method is 
taking 58% of the processing time, where:
createReturnOperations - 20%
   - EntityCodex.encode   10%
   - AutoBeanUtils.getAllProperties()  4%
   - setTypeToken  - 2%
   - Other invocations - 3%

processInvocationMessages  - 37%
   - resolveClientValue - 28%
   - ServiceLayerDecorator.invoke (Service method invocation) - 1 ms (0%)
   - EntityCodex.encode   - 9%

Thomas, do you have any thoughts about some optimizations of RF ?

On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 12:14:11 PM UTC+3, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> The specification is the code ;-)
> Have a look at the* 
> classes for the payload data, and the AbstractRequestContext and 
> SimpleRequestProcessor for how their semantics.
> In the ResponseMessage, there will either be general failure (causes 
> onFailure to be called on all Receivers, including most importantly the 
> "global" one, optionally passed to the fire() method of the 
> RequestContext), violations (same as a general failure, but 
> onConstraintViolations will be called instead of onFailure) or all three of 
> operations, status codes and invocation results (actually, status codes and 
> invocation results go by pair, and either one of operations or 
> status-codes/invocation-results could be empty, but I don't think they 
> could both be). Operations are data about proxies (have they been 
> created/updated/deleted, along with their properties, as requested by the 
> with() on the Requests); status codes gives the result/failure status of 
> each method invocation (will trigger either onSuccess or onFailure of the 
> Receiver associated with the method invocation) and invocation results 
> (paired to the status codes by their index in the lists) will be either a 
> ServiceFailureMessage (passed on onFailure) or the result (passed to 
> onSuccess), depending on the status code.
> On Monday, March 26, 2012 10:11:20 PM UTC+2, Miroslav Genov wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone knows where there is a specification of the wire format which 
>> RF is using by default ?
>> Regards,
>>   Miroslav

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RequestFactory default wire format specification

2012-03-26 Thread Miroslav Genov

Does anyone knows where there is a specification of the wire format which 
RF is using by default ?


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RequestFactory with JsonRpc

2012-03-26 Thread Miroslav Genov

Was wondering where anyone is using RequestFactory with JsonRpc ?

I'm trying to get it working, due performance issue with the standart 
serialization of RF, but the RfValidator complains with:  "The type 
JsonRpcRequestContext must be annotated with Service, ServiceName, or 
JsonRpcService". The strange part is that my RequestContext already have 

public interface JsonRpcRequestFactory extends RequestFactory {

  public interface JsonRpcRequestContext extends RequestContext {

@JsonRpcWireName(value = "findAll")
Request> findAll();

  JsonRpcRequestContext simpleRequest();

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Re: RequestFactory takes long time to handle responce

2011-10-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
It seems that GWT-RPC is working correctly, cause I have another part of my 
code which is retrieving the same list of entities with the same properties 
using GWT-RPC and the whole request is executed in: ~50ms

I think that there is a big performance bottleneck in RF's response 

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Re: RequestFactory takes long time to handle responce

2011-10-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
Hello Thomas, 

I added some more logging statements to my code (doPost method and in the 
ServiceLayerDecorator) and here are the results:
2011-10-23 20:04:17.441

invoke executed in: 12 ms

2011-10-23 20:04:17.805

getProperty executed in: 0 ms

2011-10-23 20:04:19.273 - (all getProperty invocations are with 0ms time), 
i.e ~2 seconds lost in get property invocations 

Total time in do post:

doPost executed in: 3736 ms

Where my own code execution time is from: 2011-10-23 20:04:17.428 
2011-10-23 20:04:17.441
i.e < 20  ms

Any other ideas ? 

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Re: RequestFactory takes long time to handle responce

2011-10-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
Forgot to mention that the my version of GWT is 2.4.0 

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Re: RequestFactory takes long time to handle responce

2011-10-22 Thread Miroslav Genov
Does anyone has encountered a similar issue ? 

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Re: GWT 2.4 Spring Integration Using RequestFactory

2011-09-14 Thread Miroslav Genov
I made similar thing with Guice. You can take a look at:

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Re: Aw: Request Factory: Sending same proxy twice with different requests is causing changes to be dismissed

2011-08-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
I just made a simple ant build script, so you could run the application 
directly, without any IDE setup. To run it you only have to set up your path 
to the GWT SDK and type:

ant devmode

Hope this will help. 

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Re: Aw: Request Factory: Sending same proxy twice with different requests is causing changes to be dismissed

2011-08-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
I made that change in my example app and I'm encountering the same issue. 

Here is the commit of my change, also you can checkout the project and run 
it in hosted mode to see how the things are going.

Here is what I'm doing:

Change name of the customer to: "newname"
Hit preview button: Alert is displayed with "newname"
After that when I click the save button, then the server receives 
"customer1", which is the original name of the customer that comes from the 
database (in my case my In memory implementation). 

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Re: Aw: Request Factory: Sending same proxy twice with different requests is causing changes to be dismissed

2011-08-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
Thomas, do you have any idea how this issue could be resolved? 

I'm still thinking that there should be some solution, cause 
load->edit->preview->save is a common workflow for document based 

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Re: Aw: Request Factory: Sending same proxy twice with different requests is causing changes to be dismissed

2011-08-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
I don't think that I could append RequestContext to another RequestContenxt 
which was already sent to the server. I thought that append() method is used 
for appending several RequestContext invocations into a single http round 
trip. I'm I right about this?

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Request Factory: Sending same proxy twice with different requests is causing changes to be dismissed

2011-08-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
I’m encountering an issue that is causing client side changes to be not sent 
when same entity proxy is sent for the second time to the server. My 
workflow is looking like: 
   - load customer
   - edit customer in editor 
   - preview customer changes
   - save customer

The problem is that the request sent to the server when save operation is 
invoked doesn’t send any customer changes that where made in the editor. 

Loading our existing customer
customerRequest().findCustomerById(customerId).toReceiver(new Receiver() {
  public void onSuccess(CustomerProxy customerProxy) {

CustomerRequest customerRequest = rf.customerRequest();

customerRequest.previewCustomer(customerProxy).toReceiver(new Receiver() 

  public void onSuccess(String customerPreview) {



editor.edit(customerRequest, customerProxy);


Preview customer changes (response is a HTML generated content that is 
displayed in a HTML widget)

public void onPreviewCustomer(ClickEvent event)  {
RequestContext previewCustomer = editor.flush();;

Save customer changes (here is the issue, the customer no longer contains 
changes that where set in the editor and the request that was sent to the 
server doesn’t contains any changed elements)
public void onSaveCustomer(ClickEvent event)  {

CustomerRequest customerRequest = rf.customerRequest();


customerRequest.persistCustomer(customer).toReceiver(new Receiver() {

  public void onSuccess(Void void) {




In debug I can see the changes that are in the CustomerProxy before fire() 
of the requestContext is invoked, but the generated JSON that is sent to the 
server doesn’t contains any of these changes. 

If I make a copy of the entity, the changes are sent, but the problem is 
that my CustomerProxy contains many inner object and I have to make a huge 
proxy copying, which is bad, cause when I add a new property to the proxy, I 
have to add a logic that copies it. 

Any idea how this issue could be resolved ?

btw, The version of GWT which I’m using is GWT 2.4.0.RC1 

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Re: MAC OS Lion: Hosted mode compilation succeed when Service class was renamed to ServiceFoo

2011-08-18 Thread Miroslav Genov
Now I just moved the Service class in the parent package ( service.Service ) 
and hosted mode is working like a charm. 

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Re: MAC OS Lion: Hosted mode compilation succeed when Service class was renamed to ServiceFoo

2011-08-18 Thread Miroslav Genov
ops, forgot to mention the distribution name - ubuntu

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MAC OS Lion: Hosted mode compilation succeed when Service class was renamed to ServiceFoo

2011-08-18 Thread Miroslav Genov
I'm encountering strange issue when using GWT 2.4 RC1. When I compile my app 
(from Intellij IDEA) the code is compiled to JS and everything is working 
like a charm. The problem occurs when I try to use the hosted mode browser. 
Here is the error that is printed in the hosted mode console:

  ERROR: Errors in 
  ERROR: Line 4: Only a type can be imported. 
com.evo.adm.service.server.Service resolves to a package. 
  ERROR: Line 13: Service cannot be resolved to a type. 
ERROR: Unable to find type 
  ERROR: Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this type 
  ERROR: Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your module; it may not 
be inheriting a required module or a module may not be adding its source 
path entries properly. 

Here is the package structure: 


also my module contains source definition for the shared folder. 

When I rename Service class to ServiceFoo, the page is displayed correctly 
in hosted mode too. Does anyone have an idea what can cause this issue? 

On the latest version of linux everything is working like a charm. 

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Re: Dynamically editing list of ValueProxies with ListEditor

2011-08-15 Thread Miroslav Genov
What version of GWT  you are using  ?

What happens if you try something like:

PhoneNumber p1 = request.create(PhoneNumber.class);
PhoneNumber p2 = request.create(PhoneNumber.class);




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Re: How to use Mockito for testing Async calls?

2011-08-11 Thread Miroslav Genov
In my experience, using of mocking frameworks for testing of Async calls is 
not so good and tests are becoming un-readable at some point of time. In our 
app we are using Command Pattern to send different requests 
(Action/Response) and here is our helper class that we are using for 

public class FakeRpcService implements RpcServiceAsync {

  public Action lastAction;
  public AsyncCallback lastCallback;

  public  void execute(Action action, 
AsyncCallback async) {
lastAction = action;
lastCallback = async;

  public  T lastAction() {
return (T) lastAction;

  public void responsesWith(Response response) {
// SMELL private members of simple object are referencing template 
((AsyncCallback) lastCallback).onSuccess(response);

  public void failsWith(RuntimeException e) {
((AsyncCallback) lastCallback).onFailure(e);

so our tests now are looking like:

  public void exportSelectedInvoices() {
List invoices = 

// filter button was clicked
service.responsesWith(new GetInvoicesPeriodReportResponse(invoices));

presenter.onExportSelectedInvoices(new HashSet());

GenerateAjurExportAction action = service.lastAction();
assertThat("the one selected invoice was not sent for 
export?",action.getInvoices(), is(equalTo(invoices)));

service.responsesWith(new GenerateAjurExportResponse("test test"));
assertThat("export response was not 
displayed?",display.exportResponse,is(equalTo("test test")));

Hope this will help you figure out what's the best choice for you.

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Отг: Re: Отг: Handling next and prev buttons of SimplePager ??

2011-08-09 Thread Miroslav Genov
*If i am keeping track of cursors, and what if i click last page arrow 
button, then how do i get the last 20(assume) values ??*

   - If we are talking in GAE context, in order to do that, you have to have 
   a reference to the last cursor. I don't think that there is a way on GAE to 
   retrieve the last cursor, so you can create a work-around over this by using 
   a background task which iterates over list of entities and store the first 
   and the last cursor values when new entity is added or existing is updated. 
   I don't think that this is a good idea, because if you have a millions of 
   rows then you have to use tons of CPU time to end this job, and the data 
   that user sees will be in inconsistent state.

Why the people that are using your app are going to use that functionality ? 
I think that simple text search could help them to lookup for the thing that 
they are looking or maybe some kind of filter to filter data rows. 

   - If are talking about SQL database, then I'm not sure why you ever have 
   to use cursors at all. 

*if i click prev arrow button then how do i display the last page(here i am 
understanding that pager holds the previous data so no need of call to the 

   - You can keep a reference to the last cursor position. 

To be honest, I'm not sure that GWT page functionality is made for GAE or 
any other datastore that is using cursors. Just pagination and cursors don't 
fit well together. 

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Отг: Handling next and prev buttons of SimplePager ??

2011-08-08 Thread Miroslav Genov
If you are using GAE cursors, then I'm mostly sure that they are forward 
only cursors. So if you want to make your pager working, you had to keep all 
received cursors in a list, to move back. 


[page-1] - > cursor null 
hit next
[page-2] -> cursor 1 
hit previous
[page-1] -> cursor null 

[page-1] - > cursor null 
hit next
[page-2] -> cursor 1 
hit next
[page-3] -> cursor 2 
hit previous
[page-2] -> cursor 1 (so when cursor2 is returned, you know how to move to 
page - 4, but don't know how to move to page 2.

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Отг: Do Beanvalidation(JSR-303) and editor framework play along well ?

2011-08-03 Thread Miroslav Genov
Yeah, in 2.3 validation is a little bit broken, cause it was fully 
refactored after GWT 2.2. The things are working well in GWT 2.4-rc1 I 

DynaTableRf contains a nice validation example. To check whether JSR-303 is 
working, just check that demo project but don't forget to remove this 
validation check from

// Check for errors
if (editorDriver.hasErrors()) {
  dialog.setText("Errors detected locally");
//  return;

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Отг: GWT 2.3 - ie8 user agent is recognized as ie6

2011-06-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
Here is header information that comes from my browser:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.2; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 

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GWT 2.3 - ie8 user agent is recognized as ie6

2011-06-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
I'm encountering a strange issue which is causing IE8 user agent to be 
recognized as IE6. 

My app is compiled with:

And my page contains the following definition:

But when I compile my app to js, the browser is showing alert that version 
of my app is for "ie8", but my browser version is ie6, but my version of IE 
is 8.0.6001 and also the compatibility mode is disabled. Any idea what is 
causing this issue ? 

Also there is and another issue. If I have multiple user agents, the 
application generates only permutations for the latest one that is 
specified. Any idea how can I specify several permutations to be created ?

// only safari is generated 

  // fails 
If I use the following definition, the UserAgentGenerator fails 
with BadPropertyValueException

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Broken editor type conversions in GWT trunk r10227

2011-05-26 Thread Miroslav Genov
I'm trying to use trunk version of GWT but I'm encountering some conversion 
issues with the Editor framework. 

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to 

The AbstractEditorDriverGenerator is generating different 
AbstractEditorContext for each property of the entity, so the following 
  ValueBoxEditorDecorator age;




generates AbstractEditorContext for "age" field as 
@Override public Class getEditedType() { return java.lang.Integer.class; 
  @Override public java.lang.Integer getFromModel() {
return (parent != null && true) ? parent.getAge() : null;

And here is the problem, the   TextBoxBase class is using the default 
PassthroghtParser (of type String)

protected TextBoxBase(Element elem) {
  super(elem, PassthroughRenderer.instance(), PassthroughParser.instance());
which is causing the provided exception. Any idea how I can make it working 

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Отг: Re: RequestFactory updating issue: update entity which has fields that are not listed in the proxy interface

2011-05-25 Thread Miroslav Genov
I think that I found where is the problem. The problem is that I'm 
initializing my id locally and RF is checking whether you are doing that by 
using the EPHEMERAL placeholder. 

   * A placeholder value for {@link #clientId} to indicate the id was not
   * created locally.
  public static final int NEVER_EPHEMERAL = -1;

So I have to load object first then I have to update it. The following 
change makes the things working:

 CustomerRequestFactory.CustomerRequest request = rf.customerRequest();
request.findCustomer(1l).to(new Receiver() {
  public void onSuccess(CustomerProxy entity) {
CustomerRequestFactory.CustomerRequest editRequest = 

entity = editRequest.edit(entity);

entity.setName("test test");
entity.setVersion(2l); Receiver() {
  public void onSuccess(Void response) {


Are there are any workarounds which I can use to lie RF that request was 
loaded ?

In my case object is loaded as in the example, but proxy values are copied 
from one proxy to another due some old bugs with RF & Editor integration. It 
seems that this copy functionality is broking everything. 

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Отг: Re: RequestFactory updating issue: update entity which has fields that are not listed in the proxy interface

2011-05-25 Thread Miroslav Genov
I just wrote a small test in my sample project injecting-request-factory 
that explains for what I'm talking about. Here is the commit of changes:

Here is the source code of the test:

Can you take a look whether I'm doing something wrong ?

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RequestFactory updating issue: update entity which has fields that are not listed in the proxy interface

2011-05-25 Thread Miroslav Genov

I'm encountering an issue with RequestFactory when I'm trying to update an 
entity which has properties that are not listed in the proxy objects. For 
example, in my case I have the following structure: 

  String contractCode; // gets/sets
  String serviceName; // gets/sets
  Date installationDate // get/sets -> updated from external service, not 
from the UI

ContractProxy {
  String contractCode;  //gets/sets 
  String serviceName;  //gets/sets

and we have a service class ContractService: 
public class ContractService { 
  public void updateContract(Contract contract) {
dataStore.get().storeOrUpdate(contract); // twig-persist dataStore 
object (GAE)

So, the problem is that when contract is updated, the installationDate is 
set to null, cause RF's ContractProxy->Contract transformation doesn't have 
any information about that installation date. Was wondering how you guys are 
handling this situations ? 

I know that It could be done by copying and updating some of the properties, 
but why I have to use RF, when I have to do it manually ? 

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Attaching custom AutoBeanVisitor in the RequestFactoryServlet

2011-02-20 Thread Miroslav Genov
Does anyone knows if there are some plans RequestFactoryServlet to support 
adding of custom AutoBeanVisitor to the existing MessageFactory ?

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Re: GWT 2.2 and gwt-maps.jar not compatible

2011-02-14 Thread Miroslav Genov
You made a new build of gwt-maps ? 

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Re: CellTable and GAE Datastore cursors

2011-02-01 Thread Miroslav Genov
I think that they are not suitable each other, due the lack of rewind of 
datastore cursors, i.e you can seek to the next offset but you are not 
allowed to move back. To do that you have to make some kind of hack that 
keeps all previous cursor positions. For more information about paging you 
can take a look at

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Re: CellTable: Highlight updated rows

2011-01-26 Thread Miroslav Genov
It would be good if you say how you solve it, so if anyone else has the same 
problem could look at your solution.

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Re: Strange gwt compilation error when using trunk version (r9604)

2011-01-26 Thread Miroslav Genov
I've checked out 
the and it seems 
that the things are okay there. 

The strange thing is that this version has problem with the 
gwt-google-maps-v3 library ( ). 
When maps library is in the classpath and one of my gwt modules
is using it, then the compiler is throwing internal compiler error which is 
pointing to: 

line 276 on

Any idea where this is a temporary issue or it will remain after the release 
of GWT 2.2 ? 

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Re: How to use ListEditor> for a list?

2011-01-25 Thread Miroslav Genov
Also you can take a look into DynatableRf example. I think that the 
rendering of the favorite persons list is created using ListEditor.

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Re: Strange gwt compilation error when using trunk version (r9604)

2011-01-25 Thread Miroslav Genov
Any idea which revision or branch or tag that I could use? 

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Re: Strange gwt compilation error when using trunk version (r9604)

2011-01-25 Thread Miroslav Genov
I just tried out to compile the DynatableRf example and it seems that the 
same problem occurs and there. Here is the full build information:

DynaTableRf$ ant gwtc
Buildfile: build.xml

 [copy] Copying 1 file to 
 [copy] Copying 1 file to 

 [copy] Copying 13 files to 

 [java] Compiling module
 [java]Validating newly compiled units
 [java]   [ERROR] Errors in 
 [java]  [ERROR] Line 105: No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
 [java]   [ERROR] Errors in 
 [java]  [ERROR] Line 80: No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
 [java]   [ERROR] Errors in 
 [java]  [ERROR] Line 36: No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
 [java]   [ERROR] Errors in 
 [java]  [ERROR] Line 101: No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
 [java]   [ERROR] Errors in 
 [java]  [ERROR] Line 160: No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
 [java]   [ERROR] Errors in 
 [java]  [ERROR] Line 207: No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
 [java]   [ERROR] Errors in 
 [java]  [ERROR] Line 155: No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
 [java]   [ERROR] Errors in 

I was wrong that all GWT tests are passing. The EmulTestSuite is failing.

[junit] Tests run: 1169, Failures: 2, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 540.53 sec
[junit] Test FAILED

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Strange gwt compilation error when using trunk version (r9604)

2011-01-25 Thread Miroslav Genov
I'm trying to use GWT's trunk, due some latest RequestFactory fixes. 
Everything is building okay, but the problem occurs when I try to compile my 
project with the new gwt version. The same version of my code is compiling 
correctly when using GWT 2.1.1. I think that the problem is with the 
javax.validation emulation, but don't know where I'm doing something wrong 
or maybe the current trunk project building is broken, case all GWT tests 
are passing. 

Here are the errors that I'm getting:

Information:Compilation completed with 207 errors and 29 warnings
Information:207 errors
Information:29 warnings
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ValidatorFactory; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorFactory; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.TraversableResolver; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type javax.validation.Validator; did 
you forget to inherit a required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ValidatorContext; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.spi.BootstrapState; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ValidatorFactory; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorFactory; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.TraversableResolver; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.metadata.ConstraintDescriptor; did you forget to inherit 
a required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.spi.BootstrapState; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorFactory; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintValidator; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.TraversableResolver; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type javax.validation.Path.Node; did 
you forget to inherit a required module?
Error:No source code is available for type javax.validation.Path; did you 
forget to inherit a required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ValidationProviderResolver; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.spi.ValidationProvider; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ValidatorContext; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ValidatorFactory; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorFactory; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.TraversableResolver; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type javax.validation.Validator; did 
you forget to inherit a required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.bootstrap.GenericBootstrap; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.spi.BootstrapState; did you forget to inherit a required 
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.ValidationProviderResolver; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is available for type 
javax.validation.spi.ValidationProvider; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?
Error:No source code is avail

Re: GWT - Basic RequestFactory example

2011-01-19 Thread Miroslav Genov
In my example, dependency injection is used over the server side service 
classes, so I can inject into them other classes using DI. This gives me the 
ability to test my services in isolation and also few more advantages such 
as scopes and etc. 

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Re: GWT - Basic RequestFactory example

2011-01-19 Thread Miroslav Genov
Are you sure that all jar from lib folder are added in your classpath ? 

It seems that guice-servlet-3.0-rc1.jar is missing. 

Also you can check whether you have only one version of guice in your 

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Re: GWT - Basic RequestFactory example

2011-01-18 Thread Miroslav Genov
I had a small sample project that could help: 

I don't know how simple is it, but it may help you some how. 

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Re: GWT Validation Framework

2011-01-17 Thread Miroslav Genov
You can take a look into DynatableRf example that comes with the SDK.

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Re: GWT Session Handling - user HTTP Session or own solution?

2011-01-17 Thread Miroslav Genov
Sounds well.

Also you can use a cache layer over your database to slow down the latency 
of your database requests. 

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Re: Compressing JSON?

2010-12-23 Thread Miroslav Genov
Why you have to render trend on the client side ?

You probably could ask the server to render graphic as image, then you could 
render it using Image widget ?

This is just an idea, I don't know whether this is possible in your case. 

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Re: Compressing JSON?

2010-12-23 Thread Miroslav Genov

Are you sure that you have to transfer such amount of data to your client ?

Have you considered some kind of data separation or maybe some 
pagination technique ?  If you are returning so much data, this means 
that your users have to look into that data, which in most cases takes a 
lot of time.

On 12/23/2010 02:40 PM, shahid wrote:

My application uses .NET C# on the server side and GWT on the client
side/UI. I use JSON to interchange data between the UI and the server
and the server application is served by IIS 7.
There are situations when my JSON gets bigger and it causes a delay in
UI display. Is there a way that I can compress/decompress JSON and
would that be any helpful?

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Re: Why does GWT+JUnit take so long to start?

2010-07-27 Thread Miroslav Genov
 I suggest you to take a look into MVP pattern. It will speed things 
up. About the UI interface and visualization, you can take a look into a 
webdriver or selenium. Both of them may test user interactions with the UI.

On 27.7.2010 г. 09:53 ч., Felipe Baytelman wrote:

I'm implementing a big project using TDD, but it's becoming a real
JUnit takes 2 minutes to start the first test (basically, setting up).
Is there a way to speed up JUnit with GWT?

Thanks in advance,
--Felipe Baytelman

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Re: GWT / GIN: Adding user class to all presenters

2010-06-30 Thread Miroslav Genov


You can bind User object to a singleton provider that is retrieving user 
information. Here is what we are doing in one of our projects:

public class UserInfo {

  public static UserInfo with(String email, String firstname, String 
surname, String family) {

UserInfo info = new UserInfo(); = email;
info.firstname = firstname;
info.surname = surname; = family;

return info;

  private UserInfo() {


  private String email;
  private String firstname;
  private String family;
  private String surname;

  public String getEmail() {
return email;

  public String getFirstname() {
return firstname;

  public String getFamily() {
return family;

  public String getSurname() {
return surname;

and also we have a provider class:

public class UserInfoProvider implements Provider {

  public UserInfo get() {
Dictionary userInfoDict = Dictionary.getDictionary("userInfo");

String email = userInfoDict.get("email");
String firstname = userInfoDict.get("firstname");
String surname = userInfoDict.get("surname");
String family = userInfoDict.get("family");

UserInfo userInfo = UserInfo.with(email, firstname, surname, family);
return userInfo;

As you can see the provider is retrieving user information using 
Dictionary provided by GWT. Currently our main page is rendering user 
information as an in-line json that looks as follow:

var userInfo = {
email: "",
firstname: "John",
surname: "",
family: "Smith"

And finally we are adding binding to the provider class:
// we are binding it as a singleton, cause we don't want to instantiate 
new UserInfo object each time when user info have to be rendered.

And here is a sample usage:

public class UserDetailsEditor {

public UserDetailsEditor(UserInfo userInfo) {


On 06/29/2010 06:23 PM, jmccartie wrote:

I have a hazy understanding of GIN, but have it working for injecting
presenters, etc.

I'm trying to inject a self-made "User" class into all my presenters
in order to get the currently logged-in user.

I've added @Inject to the constructor on my User class, and added User
to my GIN module ... but apart from that, I'm totally lost. Do I bind
it to my app presenter (tried that, but I get an error since User
doesn't extend my AppPresenter)? As a singleton? Is this even the
right way to get pass this data around?

I hate to post this here (not looking for free homework), but I can't
find a decent tutorial/example on this anywhere else.

Much thanks in advance.


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Re: Adding widgets to PagingScrollTable

2010-06-20 Thread Miroslav Genov
If you have to use dynamic images, then you have to ask the server for a 
proper image to display it with Image.

For example:
String avatarUrl = userProfile.getAvatarUrl(); // it may point to

Image avatar = new Image(avatarUrl);

but if you want to use a static image resources, then you can take a 
look into


On 06/19/2010 05:52 PM, seakey wrote:


I would like to add some gwt-widgets (e.g. like images) to
PagingScrollTable from google-web-toolkit-incubator. If my
understanding of it is correct, there must be an attribute in my
object for each cell of a row. So, if want to have widgets in my
table, there must be an attribute for this widget, i.e. there must be
something like

public Image getImage() {
return image;

public void setImage(Image image) {
this.image = image;

in my class.
But now, if I intend to serialize it via RPC, I get a
SerializationException, because Image isn't serializable.

So, isn't it possible, to add widgets to PagingScrollTable (with RPC-
stuff)? Or is there another way to do this?


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Re: SuggestBox: how to change suggestions sort order?

2010-01-29 Thread Miroslav Genov

You have to extend SuggestOracle and to implement your own Oracle that 
is sorting your results as you like.


forewar wrote:

Still cant find a solution. Is it possible at all?


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Re: gwt-dispatch + how to access request.getRemoteAddr()

2010-01-03 Thread Miroslav Genov
Cool :)

I think that such usage is okay.


mariyan nenchev wrote:
> Thanks!
> I tried to inject Provider and it worked, but i'm 
> not sure if this is the right approach. Hupa project for example 
> injects Provider and uses it for session management. May 
> be i have to look at the implementation, because it is like some magic 
> at this moment :).
> On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Miroslav Genov  <>> wrote:
> Hello,
>  If you wanna do this probably you would have to patch gwt-dispatch a
> little bit. But I'm not at 100% sure about that, cause I'm not
> familiar
> with that library.
>  Guice Servlet allows injections of HttpServletRequest and
> HttpServletResponse classes in case your class is scoped to the
> request,
> i.e annotated with @RequestScoped or bounded to the RequestScope. More
> information can be taken from:
> at heading
> "Available Injections".
>  Everything is looking perfect until you take a look at the
> ActionHandlerModule (located in the gwt-dispatch library)
> <>
>  and more closely in the bindHandler method which currently has the
> following implementation:
>  protected , R extends Result> void bindHandler(
> Class actionClass,
>Class> handlerClass ) {
>bind( ActionHandlerMap.class ).annotatedWith(
> UniqueAnnotations.create() ).toInstance(
>new ActionHandlerMapImpl( actionClass,
> handlerClass ) );
>  }
>  As you can see the ActionHandlerMap class is not bound to any scope
> which means that you are not allowed to inject HttpServletRequest and
> HttpServletResponse in your handler classes.
>  Hope that this information will help you to solve this issue.
> Regards,
>  Miroslav
> mariyan nenchev wrote:
> >
> > I don't think i understand you. I need to use getRemoteAddr() in my
> > execute method (from gwt-dispatch).
> > On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 3:20 PM, philippe  <>
> > < <>>> wrote:
> >
> > You can used a simple http filter.
> >
> > On 3 jan, 12:46, mariyan nenchev  <>
> > <
> <>>> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I am using gwt-dispatch to implement my GWT-RPC calls. I
> need to
> > get the
> > > remote address from the http request. But i don't have
> access to the
> > > request. With direct gwt rpc i would use
> > > getThreadLocalRequest().getRemoteAddr, but how to do it with
> > gwt-dispatch?
> > > For my session management i use Provider
> > sessionProvider. May
> > > be the same for HttpRequest?
> >
> > --
> >
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the
> Google
> > Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> >
> <>
> > <
> <>>.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> <>
> > <
> <>>.
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group.

Re: gwt-dispatch + how to access request.getRemoteAddr()

2010-01-03 Thread Miroslav Genov
  If you wanna do this probably you would have to patch gwt-dispatch a 
little bit. But I'm not at 100% sure about that, cause I'm not familiar 
with that library.

  Guice Servlet allows injections of HttpServletRequest and 
HttpServletResponse classes in case your class is scoped to the request, 
i.e annotated with @RequestScoped or bounded to the RequestScope. More 
information can be taken from: at heading 
"Available Injections".
  Everything is looking perfect until you take a look at the 
ActionHandlerModule (located in the gwt-dispatch library)

  and more closely in the bindHandler method which currently has the 
following implementation:
  protected , R extends Result> void bindHandler( 
Class actionClass,
Class> handlerClass ) {
bind( ActionHandlerMap.class ).annotatedWith( 
UniqueAnnotations.create() ).toInstance(
new ActionHandlerMapImpl( actionClass, 
handlerClass ) );

  As you can see the ActionHandlerMap class is not bound to any scope 
which means that you are not allowed to inject HttpServletRequest and 
HttpServletResponse in your handler classes.

  Hope that this information will help you to solve this issue.


mariyan nenchev wrote:
> I don't think i understand you. I need to use getRemoteAddr() in my 
> execute method (from gwt-dispatch).
> On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 3:20 PM, philippe  > wrote:
> You can used a simple http filter.
> On 3 jan, 12:46, mariyan nenchev  > wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using gwt-dispatch to implement my GWT-RPC calls. I need to
> get the
> > remote address from the http request. But i don't have access to the
> > request. With direct gwt rpc i would use
> > getThreadLocalRequest().getRemoteAddr, but how to do it with
> gwt-dispatch?
> > For my session management i use Provider
> sessionProvider. May
> > be the same for HttpRequest?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> .
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> .
> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 


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Re: listbox that contains widgets instead of just text..

2009-12-05 Thread Miroslav Genov
Ops. My mistake, wrong answer of the right question :).
 Sorry about that. 

 So I think that you could define your own custom widget that is using
several existing widgets that are looking similar to that you wanna
 You could extend the Composite widget and to combine other several
widgets together on it. Here is some example that would make the things
more clear (note that code is not compiled and may contains some

 public class MyListBox extends Composite {
   private Button showListButton = new Button("");
   private MyListBoxListItemsView items = new MyListBoxListItemsView();

   private HorizontalPanel container = new HorizontalPanel();
   public MyListBox(MyObject[] items) {
 showListButton.setStyleName("myListBoxButton"); // set background
image and etc

 showListButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent e) {
 if (!items.showed()) {
 } else {
   items.hideList(); // second button click have to hide list

 and so on. 

 Hope this will help you to solve your issue. 

 Also You can look at the showcase example: 
You could use Basic Popup for showing and hiding list items to the
user.(i.e in my example:showListButton could show and hide the Basic
Popup widget with rendered items) 

 Another option would be using of existing js widget and binding them
through JSNI, but I think that it's a little bit harder then using GWT's
widget library.

On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 20:48 -0800, Jaimon wrote:
> hi, thanks for the help :-) really learned something.
> but my problem is more UI related, i would like to have something that
> looks like dropdown and inside there are widgets.
> sorry if my question was not clear..
> me
> On Nov 20, 7:44 am, Miroslav Genov  wrote:
> > Hello,
> >  You could use MVP to make things much easier and to make client code to
> > use only objects instead of primitive widgets such as listbox.
> >
> >  Here is some example that could make things more clear:
> >
> >  // this class should be used by your code
> >  class CustomerListBox {
> > interface Display {
> >   void addListBoxItem(String item);
> >   void removeListBoxItem(Integer index);
> >   //.
> >   Integer getSelectedItemIndex();
> > }
> >
> > private final Display display;
> > private final List customers = new ArrayList();
> >
> > public CustomerListBox(Display display) {
> > this.display = display;
> > }
> >
> > public void addCustomer(Customer customer) {
> >   display.addListBoxItem(customer.getCustomerName());
> >   customers.add(customer);
> > }
> >
> > public Customer getSelectedCustomer() {
> >return customer.get(display.getSelectedItemIndex());
> > }
> >
> > public void go(HasWidgets parent) {
> >parent.add((Widget)display);
> > }
> >  }
> >
> >  class CustomerListBoxDisplay extends Composite implements
> > CustomerListBox.Display {
> >  private ListBox listBox = new ListBox();
> >
> >  public CustomerListBoxDisplay() {
> >initWidget(listBox);
> >  }
> >
> >  public Integer getSelectedItemIndex() {
> > return listBox.getSelectedIndex();
> >  }
> >  // and etc
> >
> >  }
> >
> > CustomerListBox customerListBox = new CustomerListBox(new
> > CustomerListBoxDisplay());
> >
> > customerListBox.addCustomer(new Customer("1"));
> > customerListBox.addCustomer(new Customer("2"));
> >
> > Customer selectedCustomer = customerListBox.getSelectedCustomer();
> > and etc
> >
> > Hope this would help.
> >
> > Regards,
> >   Miroslav
> >
> > On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 14:05 -0800, Jaimon wrote:
> > > hi,
> >
> > > i have need to create a listbox/drop down that create something other
> > > then just plain text,
> > > can some one show me how to do it? or tell me if it is possible to do
> > > it?
> >
> > > regards
> > > Me
> >
> > > --
> >
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > > "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to

Re: listbox that contains widgets instead of just text..

2009-11-19 Thread Miroslav Genov
 You could use MVP to make things much easier and to make client code to
use only objects instead of primitive widgets such as listbox.

 Here is some example that could make things more clear: 
 // this class should be used by your code
 class CustomerListBox {
interface Display {
  void addListBoxItem(String item);
  void removeListBoxItem(Integer index);
  Integer getSelectedItemIndex();
private final Display display;
private final List customers = new ArrayList();
public CustomerListBox(Display display) {
this.display = display;

public void addCustomer(Customer customer) {

public Customer getSelectedCustomer() {
   return customer.get(display.getSelectedItemIndex());

public void go(HasWidgets parent) {
 class CustomerListBoxDisplay extends Composite implements
CustomerListBox.Display {
 private ListBox listBox = new ListBox(); 

 public CustomerListBoxDisplay() {
 public Integer getSelectedItemIndex() {
return listBox.getSelectedIndex();
 // and etc


CustomerListBox customerListBox = new CustomerListBox(new

customerListBox.addCustomer(new Customer("1"));
customerListBox.addCustomer(new Customer("2"));

Customer selectedCustomer = customerListBox.getSelectedCustomer();
and etc

Hope this would help. 


On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 14:05 -0800, Jaimon wrote:
> hi,
> i have need to create a listbox/drop down that create something other
> then just plain text,
> can some one show me how to do it? or tell me if it is possible to do
> it?
> regards
> Me
> --
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Re: GWT, MVP a beginner's question

2009-10-04 Thread Miroslav Genov

  How you test the following snippet ?

  The following snippet is not following the Law of Demeter and I'm not 
sure that such usage is correct, because in your test if have to mock 
the display, the MyReusablePanel and the Display of MyReusablePanel.


Dave Pinn wrote:
> You would typically have one presenter and one view for each discrete
> part of the page. The idea is to componentise the parts of the page so
> that they can be re-used in a variety of contexts; for example: you
> might have a page navigation sub-panel that gets used on several
> pages.
> To re-use your panel do something like this:
>   public MyContainingPresenter(MyContainingPresenter.Display
> display, MyReusablePanel subPanel) {
> ...
> display.setSubPanel(subPanel.getDisplay().asWidget()).
> ...
>   }
> >

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Re: MVC and JUnit - how to handle handlers?

2009-07-09 Thread Miroslav Genov

 You could create a mock view which is listening for such events. For 
  class MockAddressView implements AddressView, 
HasValueChangeHandlers<...> {
and in your test:

testUpdateUserDataNotifiesViewThatUserDataHasBeenUpdated() {
 HandlerManager eventBus = new HandlerManager();
AddressModel model = new AddressModel (eventBus);
final MockAddressView view = new MockAddressView(eventBus);
view.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler() {
void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvet event) {
view.notified = true;





corpios wrote:
> I'm designing an application following the MVC pattern.
> Each view have its own controller and model.
> The view know about the model and the controller. The controller know
> about the model.
> The Observer pattern is used to handle the model - view relation. The
> model notifies the view about changes in the model.
> When I try to unit test the application logic, i.e the controller and
> model, then I face a problem with the changehandlers. The model will
> try to update the view, but there is no view to update.. and as a
> result a NullPointerException is thrown.
> Does that tell me that I can't unit test application logic where the
> model send notifications to its observers? Or is there a better way to
> do this?
> BR
> Tor
> >

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Re: GWT architecture MVP/EventBus (mentioned at Google I/O)

2009-07-01 Thread Miroslav Genov
Using of
a better idea. If HasWidgets interface is used then you can use the
presenter in a simple unit test without the extension of GWTTestCase cause
the Widget is provided to the HasWidgets's add method as an argument.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:12 PM, Jason A. Beranek

> I've struggled with the go(RootPanel.get()) function as well, but
> discounted the idea of casting my Presenter.Display interface to a
> Widget as it removes an amount of type safety from the presenter and
> somewhat defeats the purpose of having a nice generic Display
> interface for the Presenter to interact with. One solution I've tried,
> which I think is promising, is to add a method to the Display
> interface that accepts the Panel object presented to the go function.
> For example,
> class ContactViewer{
>  interface Display {
>void showDisplay( Panel panel );
>  }
>  ...
>  public void go( Panel panel ) {
>  }
> }
> Using this method, a Widget based ContactViewer.Display can add itself
> to the supplied Panel object and Mocks can ignore the parameter for
> testing purposes. As showing the Display object would be part of UI
> testing anyway, this shouldn't effect test cases for the Presenter.
> Cheers,
> Jason
> On Jun 29, 4:19 pm, mabogie  wrote:
> > check this out:
> >
> >
> >
> > I left out the model (Phone class here) and the command pattern, since
> > I'm not using it yet.
> >
> > For your comment on the casting: I'm having trouble with that too.
> > When I want to attach the widgets to the root panel or whatever other
> > panel, I can't do anything but cast them. But nobody seems to have a
> > good solution...
> >
> > On 29 jun, 23:13, Daniel Jue  wrote:
> >
> > > Does anyone have a working MVP/Eventbus sample of something simple
> > > like the PhoneEditor?
> > > I don't think I'm doing it right.  The code from the IO presentation
> > > leaves out enough details so that I'm not sure what to do.
> > > For instance, in my Presenter.class,
> >
> > > I have something like this:
> > > public class Presenter {
> > > ...
> > > private Display display;
> > > interface Display {
> > > HasClickHandlers getSaveButton();
> > > HasClickHandlers getCancelButton();
> > > HasClickHandlers getNumberField();
> > > HasClickHandlers getLabelPicker();
> > > }
> > > void editPhone(Phone phone) {
> > > = Phone.from(phone);
> > > display.getNumberField().setValue(phone.getNumber());
> > > display.getLabelPicker().setValue(phone.getLabel());
> > > }
> > > ...}
> >
> > > Obviously, a HasClickHandlers object doesn't have a setValue method.
> > > It doesn't feel like I should be casting to the widget here, since we
> > > went through all the trouble of using the Display interface.
> >
> > > I started looking at Mvp4g, but it seems to go off on a tangent with a
> > > code generation class to wire up presenters and views via xml.
> > > It's also intertwined with some mvc4g classes.
> >
> > > I just want something basic that works, so I can seed my project from
> > > there.  A minimalist, working command style RPC example would be nice
> > > too.
> > > Anyone?  If you're in the DC area, I'll buy you a drink!
> >

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Re: TextBox allow only numbers (gwt 1.6.4)

2009-06-26 Thread Miroslav Genov

In GWT 1.6 old listener api has been deprecated and were introduced new 
event system which is using handlers. More information about your case 
can be taken from:

 textBox.addKeyPressHandler and so on.

 Wish you good luck.


Dominik Erbsland wrote:
> I just saw that addKeyListener() is deprecated in gwt 1.6.4.
> Actually I just wanted to make a listener which checks the user input
> in a text box and allows only numbers.
> with gwt 1.6.4 I could not figure out how to do that since I should
> not use the keyboard listener anymore.
> any hints how I can check the input with the KeyUpHandler of gwt
> 1.6.4?
> thanks in advance.
> >

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Re: Client side vs Server side models

2009-06-06 Thread Miroslav Genov

You don't have any problems to access client classes from server side 
code. Just put all your model classes into client package
and use them in the persistence layer.

Kwhit wrote:
> I'm building my first serious GWT app and am looking for a 'template'
> model to structure things. On the client side I need much the same
> objects to populate the UI as on the server side to handle
> persistence. Let's say I need Employee on the client side to edit
> employee details and then I need Employee on the server side to
> persist it.
> As I understand it client side objects must be located in the
> package client.* and persistent objects in ...server.*. Therefore
> I need two files - with slightly different contents -
> the one on the client side acting more or less only as a value object.
> Have I got things right?
> >

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Re: Design pattern for db driven GWT application

2009-05-10 Thread Miroslav Genov

  MVP or MVC may help you to solve this issue.

  Here is some MVP solution that I'm using in one of my projects.
  public interface CityDao {
void getAllCities(ApplicationCallback> cities);

  // may be tested without GWTTestCase
  public class CityDaoRpc implements CityDao {
private MyCityServiceAsync  service;
public CityDaoRpc(MyCityServiceAsync service) {
 this.service = service;
public void getAllCities(ApplicationCallback> cities) {
 service.getAllCities(new AsyncCallback> result) {
// dispatch onSuccess and onFailure

  public interface CityListView{
   void setSities(List cities);

  public class CityListViewWidget extends Composite implements CityListView{
  public CityListViewWidget (CityDao dao) {
   CitiesListPresenter presenter = new 
CitiesListPresenter(new CityListModel(), this, dao);

// all user actions are redirected to the presenter 
which may update the database and the model if it's necessary

  public class CityListModel{
  private List cities;

   public void rowChanged(int row) {
   //fire event to the coordinator or to the presenter

public class CitiesListPresenter {
   public CitiesListPresenter (CityListModel model, CityListView, 
CityDao dao) {
  model.addCitiesUpdateHandler(new CityUpdateHandler>() 
   void onCitiesUpdated(List cities) {
  dao.getAllCities(new ApplicationCallBack>() {
void onSuccess(List result) {

void onFail(Throwable t) {
// handle some kind of error or create an abstraction of 
application class
   public void onRowClicked(int row) {

  private void updateCities(List city) {

1. Separation of business logic from the view
2. Easy testing with jmock ( also the async callbacks - without using of GWTTestCase
3. Code is low coupled and allows better reusing
4. Definition of a custom client side dao allows using of GWT-RPC, XML, 
JSON at the same time or using of different implementation
5. Most of the code is testable without hosted mode browser, i.e. tests 
are running fast
6. Views may communicate each other via custom business events - 
CityChangeSelectionEvent and etc.

1. Code gets bigger in size
2. Widgets are not tested. For this you are free to use GWTTestCase or 
selenium. Both of them may help
3. Much more efforts for creation of unit tests
4. Much more classes. Much more module and etc, but it depends from the 
size of your project.

Hope this will help you in some way.

btw: If anyone has some suggestions about the design of the code, please 
let me know.

Neo wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on a database driven GWT application. Now, in my client
> side I make RPC calls to basically fetch information from the
> databse.
> But the problem is that my client side code gets cluttered with RPC
> calls and onFailure methods and onSuccess methods. Along with this my
> UI code is also getting mixed up.
> How can avoid this problem ?
> I would like to put all my RPC calling logic in some sort of a
> delegate class and let the delegate class return the values to my
> Client class. But I doubt if that will work out as the return type of
> the onSuccess method is void :(
> To summerize, this is what I would like to have :
> Client (Design Layout, Call delegate method) >
> Delegate (make RPC calls, return value to Client) ->
> Server (Implement DAO logic, return value to delegate)
> Is it possible to achieve this sort of a design with GWT apps ?
> Could you please suggest a suitable design pattern for GWT
> applications so that the application can be maintained with ease in
> future?
> >

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Re: Navigation and Filtering

2009-05-05 Thread Miroslav Genov


1) GWT is java-to-javascript compiler which means that GWT is only 
client code, not server code. Here you are talking about the scope of 
the server.
2) Here I think that there are two options. The first one is to have a 
single page with history support of GWT for navigation where the second 
option is
multiple pages which are including one or several GWT modules that are 
attaching widgets to some nodes of the generated DOM tree.
3) Server Issue. The choice is yours.

  Miroslav wrote:
> Hi,
> I´m new to the GWT and made the Stockwatcher Tutorial yesterday.
> I´m actually developing JSF in an internship, but because of problems
> with Ajax I started evaluating GWT for our purposes. It would be nice
> if you could answer me some questions about the difference between JSF
> and GWT and if the GWT fits to our requirements.
> 1) As in JSF, is it possible to have the 'Beans' in scopes ? (Session,
> Application or Request)
> 2) Is it possible to define navigationrules ? In JSF, its possible to
> say "if outcome on page one.jsp is 'yes', goto page two.jsp, else goto
> three.jsp".
> 3) Is there a possibilty to implement a "Loginfilter" so that the
> session of the users can be handled ?
> Thanks for your help in advance !
> Best regards,
> Robin
> >

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Re: GWT 1.6 Custom Event Handler

2009-04-30 Thread Miroslav Genov

Maybe one of the following articles will help you:


Micky wrote:
> Seems like the Observer pattern is the best way to create this
> functionality
> On Apr 27, 5:16 pm, Kelo  wrote:
>> I wrote a post like yours asking for a guidance or something that it
>> can explain how I can create
>> my own handlers and events, and how I can make a drag & drop using
>> mouse handlers but my issue disappeared.
>> On 27 abr, 17:55, Micky  wrote:
>>> I’m building an application that is similar in layout to the Showcase
>>> example that is part of the GWT 1.6 install  - there is central
>>> DeckPanel that contains a number of content widgets and only one of
>>> these widgets can be displayed at any one time. However, whereas the
>>> content widget being displayed in the Showcase example is controlled
>>> by the Tree on the left of the screen, my content widgets need to
>>> cause other content widgets to display.
>>> I’d like to be able to fire an event (e.g. ChangeContentWidgetEvent)
>>> from the content widgets and then have an application level handler
>>> manage the change in the DeckPanel.
>>> Do I need to create a custom event for this? If so, can someone
>>> provide some guidance or good articles on doing so? Is there a better
>>> approach to what I’m trying to do?
>>> Thanks.
> >

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Custom DialogBox with close button in tittle (GWT1.6)

2009-04-28 Thread Miroslav Genov

I have a problem with the DialogBox widget. I saw that there is a topic 
about this in the mail list but it's for the older versions of GWT 
(prior 1.6).

As I saw from the documentation and also at the source of the DialogBox 
it seems that it's not possible adding of a widget to the title bar. 
Thats why I tried to extend the dialog box and
to remove the old caption panel and to replace it with a new one. Here 
is a snippet from my code that is doing this:

Element td = getCellElement(0, 1);
DOM.removeChild(td, ((UIObject) getCaption()).getElement());
HorizontalPanel vp2 = new HorizontalPanel();
DOM.appendChild(td, vp2.getElement());
HTML label = new HTML("Нов Договор");
Button b = new Button("X");
b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {

public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {


vp2.setCellHorizontalAlignment(label, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT);
vp2.setCellHorizontalAlignment(b, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT);

Everything is looking as it has to but the problem is that the 
CllickHandler isn't invoked when X button is clicked. I think that the 
problem is caused by the original DialogBox. In the constructor of the 
DialogBox there are few lines which are registering few mouse events to 
the widget which probably is the reason that my handler is not working. 
Does anyone know how can I solve it? (Or maybe some better solution, 
because this acts as a hack).

Thanks in advance


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Re: A thought about GWT project structure

2009-04-01 Thread Miroslav Genov


Which means that you are using java as a server side language ?
If yes, what library you are using for json ?

  Miroslav wrote:
> Well my gwt project I seperated the client and server side. The main
> thing that is possible if it was one project is passing objects
> stright to the server.
> So my project use json to create objects when the client ask for stuff
> from the server.
> There might be ways to have the object passing but I not sure how to
> do that.
> On Apr 1, 12:27 pm, Ken  wrote:
>> In GWT recommended project structure, client code and server code are
>> placed in one project. I find this structure is not so development-
>> friendly in practice. (GWT 1.6 has some new update to the project
>> structure to make it more like standard WAR project, but client and
>> server code are still in one project.)
>> Client code will be eventually compiled to Javascript and run on web
>> browser. Server code will run on web server. These two parts of code
>> shouldn’t reference to each other. The only connection between them
>> should be the RPC interface (sub-interfaces of RemoteService) and DTOs
>> (the Java objects get transmitted between client and server). Any
>> attempt to let your widget reference to an RPC implementation Servlet
>> or let the Servlet reference to a widget is wrong. However, your Java
>> compiler (not GWT compiler) can not detect this kind of error, as
>> these Java classes are all in the same project, and they are “allowed”
>> to reference to each other. You can’t detect the error either in
>> hosted mode, because client and server code run in same JVM in hosted
>> mode. You only can find out half the issue when you call GWTCompiler
>> (Compiler in GWT 1.6) to translate the client to Javascript. I say
>> half because GWTCompiler only shows you the toxic references from
>> client to server, but not the other way.
>> A solution would be to have three projects instead of one:
>> MyProjectRpc
>> MyProjectGwt
>> MyProjectWeb
>> MyProjectRpc is a GWT module. It only contains RemoteService
>> interfaces and DTOs. It has no UI or widgets.
>> MyProjectGwt is your client module. It inherits MyProjectRpc, and
>> contains widgets. MyProjectGwt’s Java build path includes
>> MyProjectRpc.
>> MyProjectWeb is your server project. It is a standard WAR project.
>> Your RPC implementation servlets go here. Its Java build path includes
>> MyProjectRpc.
>> Therefore, both MyProjectGwt and MyProjectWeb reference to
>> MyProjectRpc only. If your widgets incidentally reference to a
>> servlet, Eclipse (Java compiler) will tell you right away.
>> To make above solution work, you need to configure GWTCompiler to
>> output to MyProjectWeb instead of the default folder www. (-out
>> argument will do the job.) You also need to run your own web server
>> for hosted mode instead of GWT’s internal Tomcat. (Pass –noserver to
>> GWTShell.)
>> There may be better way to do it. Please share your idea for a better
>> project structure. I would appreciate if developers from Google could
>> provide advice.
> >

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Re: Connecting GWT and PHP

2009-03-29 Thread Miroslav Genov

Why you wanna do this ?

Probably this is what you are looking for: 

 Miroslav wrote:
> Ok thanks, I understand that I can use request builder now.  Is there
> a way to host php files on the same server utilised by google web
> toolkit "localhost:8888".
> On Mar 29, 5:50 pm, Miroslav Genov  wrote:
>> Hello,
>>  Any of the following links may help you to find a way to do it:
>> <>
>> Regards,
>>   Miroslav
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Folks,
>>> I was wondering how to send a string varible to a php script from my
>>> google webtoolkit code.
>>> i.e. I want to append a string to a php url so that the php script can
>>> take that string and query the yahoo or delicious api.
>>> I'm using wamp and as GWT is on localhost: and wamp is on
>>> localhost, I'm not sure how if I will be unable to do this because of
>>> the same origin policy.
>>> Help would be greatly appreciated,
>>> Thanks,
>>> Scott.
> >

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Re: Connecting GWT and PHP

2009-03-29 Thread Miroslav Genov

 Any of the following links may help you to find a way to do it:

  Miroslav wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> I was wondering how to send a string varible to a php script from my
> google webtoolkit code.
> i.e. I want to append a string to a php url so that the php script can
> take that string and query the yahoo or delicious api.
> I'm using wamp and as GWT is on localhost: and wamp is on
> localhost, I'm not sure how if I will be unable to do this because of
> the same origin policy.
> Help would be greatly appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Scott.
> >

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Re: Announcing GWT Mosaic 0.2.0-rc1

2009-03-10 Thread Miroslav Genov

 First of all I wanna great you for the good work that you are doing. 
Great Job !.
  But I have a small problem with the validation, are you sure that 
validation is working correctly ?

 I've tried it on IE and also on Chrome and it's not working correctly. 
I think that the problem is because it's not fully implemented or maybe 
only the show case. ( I haven't tried the library yet ).

protected Widget onInitialize() {
return null;// buildPanelWithReportInBottom();

 Hope that this information will help you to fix the problem.

  Miroslav wrote:
> Hi All,
> GWT Mosaic 0.2.0-rc1 based on GWT 1.6 is out.
> Key features:
>  - LayoutManagers, some basic like: FillLayout, BoxLayout,
> BorderLayout, GridLayout and more advanced advanced like: FormLayout
>  - Panels that contain layout managers
>  - Popups like WindowPanel & MessageBox that contain layout managers
>  - Trees & Tables from GWT Incubator
>  - Actions & Beans Binding (JSR295)
>  - GWT Drag-and-Drop Library
> Home page:
> Kind Regards,
> George.
> >

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GWT Style and Comments

2009-02-20 Thread Miroslav Genov

 I have question regarding the code style that is used by the GWT team. 
I know it's not GWT specific question but it is connected.  In the
there is  a guide for formatting and structuring the code and here is 
small quote from it:

   1. public
   2. protected
   3. default
   4. private

What is the reason this modifiers to be in this order ?

First thought that come in my mind was about the javadoc but when I 
tested I saw that the standart javadoc tool that comes with the JDK is 
sorting them regarding this order in the documentation and I'm not sure 
that this is the real reason.

For some of my work I'm placing the private members after the public 
modifiers, because they are connected in somehow and If I have to modify 
something they are close each other in the source and it's easy to 
modify both of them without any scrolling and etc.


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Re: Google Security and GWT

2009-01-25 Thread Miroslav Genov

Hello Matt, 

  Yeah, I know that it will work, but I'm not sure that this is at 100%
the right way and also a secure way.Thats why I was looking for opinions
and suggestions from other developers about this issue. 


On Sun, 2009-01-25 at 10:00 -0800, hazy1 wrote:
> Hi,
> I do what you describe (servlet filter).  It works OK.
> Regards,
> Matt
> On Jan 25, 11:59 am, Miroslav Genov  wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >  I have a question regarding the security that is using google with GWT.
> > Does anyone can give some small overview of the design or maybe an
> > article about the security mechanism that is using google with GWT.
> >
> >  I'm asking this questions here, because I'm trying to create a small
> > security library for GWT which shall provide an easy way for securing of
> > GWT Server side code. I'm on the part where I have to find a secure way
> > for generation of a sid value and to define some interfaces for
> > authentication and for checking whether the SID that comes from the
> > client code is same as the SID stored in the database or some any other
> > kind of storage. Thats why I've spent some time to understand how google
> > health application security was realized.
> >
> > After a little sniffing on google healh application I found that there
> > are a lot of cookies values that are sent to the server. But the think
> > that really confused me was the SID value:
> > =DQAAAHoG8ODKHiiDYoiMJbU2-1sCJ7MsdDG7jpcxDKuTTTK20R9XKuRsUThI-d4xfC8SsqNz5k2VYwi0m1Ilgu_NBsh08oCorcezDdZ0YxYZgTQy79MBsdFcPE9ee61Uafl8iRLsj_EHnbXTXCoYrQz33UvKRh4yAMq3SwrL9M573zEwyw
> >
> > Does anyone know the algorithm that generates this sid?
> >
> > >From that article
> >
> >
> >
> > I found that to secure a single service method you have to add the sid
> > value as a parameter to the service method.
> >
> > "If you are using GWT's RPC mechanism, the solution is unfortunately not
> > quite as clean.  However, there are still several ways you can
> > accomplish it.  For instance, you can add an argument to each method in
> > your RemoteService interface that contains a String.  That is, if you
> > wanted this interface:"
> >
> > Should all of service methods always use this pattern? Or maybe there is
> > a secure way to do that with cookie?
> >
> > The idea which I'm currently have is to filter the incoming data with a
> > servlet filter and in the filter to inject ( Google Guice ) the logic
> > that checks the sid value with the value in the storage. If the value is
> > matching the application will call the doFilter method and fill force
> > the request to be completed. When the value is not matching then the
> > application may throw an exception that the user that is trying to
> > access this service is not authorized to do that.
> >
> > Regards,
> >   Miroslav
> > 

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Google Security and GWT

2009-01-25 Thread Miroslav Genov


 I have a question regarding the security that is using google with GWT.
Does anyone can give some small overview of the design or maybe an
article about the security mechanism that is using google with GWT. 

 I'm asking this questions here, because I'm trying to create a small
security library for GWT which shall provide an easy way for securing of
GWT Server side code. I'm on the part where I have to find a secure way
for generation of a sid value and to define some interfaces for
authentication and for checking whether the SID that comes from the
client code is same as the SID stored in the database or some any other
kind of storage. Thats why I've spent some time to understand how google
health application security was realized. 

After a little sniffing on google healh application I found that there
are a lot of cookies values that are sent to the server. But the think
that really confused me was the SID value:

Does anyone know the algorithm that generates this sid?

>From that article

I found that to secure a single service method you have to add the sid
value as a parameter to the service method.

"If you are using GWT's RPC mechanism, the solution is unfortunately not
quite as clean.  However, there are still several ways you can
accomplish it.  For instance, you can add an argument to each method in
your RemoteService interface that contains a String.  That is, if you
wanted this interface:" 

Should all of service methods always use this pattern? Or maybe there is
a secure way to do that with cookie? 

The idea which I'm currently have is to filter the incoming data with a
servlet filter and in the filter to inject ( Google Guice ) the logic
that checks the sid value with the value in the storage. If the value is
matching the application will call the doFilter method and fill force
the request to be completed. When the value is not matching then the
application may throw an exception that the user that is trying to
access this service is not authorized to do that. 


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2009-01-17 Thread Miroslav Genov

  There are few examples located on

  But I'm not sure where the site contains any examples with GWT and
Hibernate. But for the hibernate you may use DTO ( Data Transfer Object)
pattern to transfer data between the client and the server and also you
may check Gilead ( ) - the old name
was hibernate4gwt. 

  Hope that this information will help you find how to use them


On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 18:37 -0800, Yossi wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking for a template or sample project that will enable me to
> Also it would be great if it will contain a session management with
> authentication (register/login).
> As I see it, this is the infrastructure of the application and I don't
> want to make mistakes there.
> I searched the web a lot and didn't find anything useful.
> Thanks,
> Yossi
> > 

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Re: GWT and Business Intelligence.

2009-01-14 Thread Miroslav Genov

  First I wanna thank on all of you for the answers. As it seems there
is an already solution that is doing this, but I was wondering if using
of GWT is appropriate for that kind of applications ? 
  My idea was to see whether there are people in the mailing list that
are having experience with such or similar applications.

  With most of the web frameworks the developers can reach the final
goal but on what costs ? - time for learning, time for development and


On Wed, 2009-01-14 at 01:59 -0800, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> On 13 jan, 13:10, Kevin Tarn  wrote:
> > Vanilla seems to be blocked for download.
> Actually seems like a broken link (and outdated site: Vanilla is now
> at version 1.3).
> Downloads can be found here:
> (I wouldn't look at the source code if I were you; it's just a proof
> that it can be done, not at all a "reference implementation" that you
> would use as an inspiration)
> > 

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GWT and Business Intelligence.

2009-01-12 Thread Miroslav Genov

Hello ,
   I have a question regarding using of GWT for the creation of a
intranet system for business intelligence. Is GWT good for creation of
such application ?

   I know that the question is complex, but I'm asking it because I
don't know whether I'll have problems with the implementation of some of
the general purpose things that are main for such application. By main
things I mean: exporting types, charts, tabular structure visualization
and etc.

   I hope that there are people in this forum that are having such



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Re: JSON Mashups

2008-12-02 Thread Miroslav Genov

This is a good solution. I like it.

Thanks for the support.


Shawn Pearce wrote:
> How about doing your setName like this:
>   public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
> String old = getFirstName();
> setFirstNameImpl(firstName);
> changes.firePropertyChange("firstName", old, firstName);
>   }
>   private final native void setFirstNameImpl(String fn)/*-{ 
> this.firstName = fn; }-*/;
> ?  Yes, it take an extra method to jump into the JSNI, but the 
> compiler will erase that indirection anyway when it builds the 
> JavaScript.  Your only penalty is the slightly longer code to write 
> for each bound property method.
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 09:45, Miroslav Genov <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> Hello guys,
>  Currently I'm trying to use JSON  mashups in my application, but I'm
> falling on an issue with the binding and validation of the data
> objects.
> In another web project I was used simple POJO objects and the binding
> was implemented in this way:
> public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
>String old = this.firstName;
>this.firstName = firstName;
>changes.firePropertyChange("firstName", old, firstName);
> }
> And here is the question, how can I do this with JavaScriptObjects
> when
> my method stubs are looking like:
>  public final native String getName() /*-{ return
> <>; }-*/;
>  public final native void setName(String name) /*-{
> <> = name; }-*/;
> Probably I have to use some JSNI magic :).
> Does anyone have an idea how to do this ?. Or some better solution for
> binding and validation of such an objects.
> Thanks in advance
> Regards,
>  Miroslav
> >

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JSON Mashups

2008-12-02 Thread Miroslav Genov

Hello guys,
 Currently I'm trying to use JSON  mashups in my application, but I'm 
falling on an issue with the binding and validation of the data objects. 
In another web project I was used simple POJO objects and the binding 
was implemented in this way:

public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
String old = this.firstName;
this.firstName = firstName;
changes.firePropertyChange("firstName", old, firstName);

And here is the question, how can I do this with JavaScriptObjects when 
my method stubs are looking like:
 public final native String getName() /*-{ return; }-*/;
 public final native void setName(String name) /*-{ = name; }-*/;

Probably I have to use some JSNI magic :).

Does anyone have an idea how to do this ?. Or some better solution for 
binding and validation of such an objects.

Thanks in advance


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Re: GWT + Jetty + Maven

2008-11-08 Thread Miroslav Genov

Yes, I know that. My idea is to configure the application to use 
exploded directory instead of war. If war is used on each change of 
static content this war has to be re-builded and redeployed which will 
cost a lot of time and I'm not sure that it's a good idea when is comes 
for development.

I wanna speed up the process of redeployment of html/css in hosted mode 
when is used outer server. Jetty is supporting redeployment but when a 
java file is changed or web.xml the server automatically reloads the 
context. My idea is to run Jetty with a filter for GWT classes ( the 
classes that are interpreted automatically by the hosted mode browser ). 
This will stop the redeployment of the context when some client side 
java file has been changed which will speed up the development of the ui 
interface. Thats why I've tried with:



But it's not working as I expected. I'm almost sure that there is a such 
way of doing this, but I don't know how to do it exactly.

ponthiaux eric wrote:
> You just have to make a war trough maven or any otther framework and
> tell jety to use it .
> 2008/11/7, Miroslav Genov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello guys,
>>   I was wondering if there is a way to configure maven to deploy on
>> jetty gwt code without recompile of client classes, i.e. with using of
>> excludes in the scanTargetPattern configuration. Currently I'm having a
>> completed set up of GWT with maven and jetty and I'm trying to  speed up
>> the redeployment of the static content in hosted mode. At the moment
>> I've tried two types of deployment:
>> Packaging of the application and running jetty with webdir pointing to
>> the target directory.  To do that I'm executing the following command:
>> /mvn package jetty:run -Dwebdir=target/myapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT//
>> When I deploy my application and I change some of the html files, the
>> application doesn't refreshes them. The problem is obvious - html pages
>> are not redeployed to the target directory on save. Here I want to
>> mention that I'm using eclipse as a development environment and maven
>> goal's are started from eclipse.
>> The second situation is when jetty is started with webdir pointing to
>> the src/main/webapp/. In this case the static content and jsp page are
>> reloading like a charm but the problem is that when I change some GWT
>> class Jetty reloads the context. Currently it is done for a few seconds
>> but If I add few more libraries to my project like hibernate and spring
>> this time will be much longer than now.
>> I've tried to exclude the client classes with the followed pattern:
>>  target//myapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT//
>> **/Admin.class
>> But this pattern is not working correctly. I don't know where exactly is
>> the problem. Probably I'm doing something wrong or maybe I'm missing
>> some step.
>> Hope that someone can help. Thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
>>   Miroslav

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GWT + Jetty + Maven

2008-11-07 Thread Miroslav Genov

Hello guys,

  I was wondering if there is a way to configure maven to deploy on 
jetty gwt code without recompile of client classes, i.e. with using of 
excludes in the scanTargetPattern configuration. Currently I'm having a 
completed set up of GWT with maven and jetty and I'm trying to  speed up 
the redeployment of the static content in hosted mode. At the moment 
I've tried two types of deployment:

Packaging of the application and running jetty with webdir pointing to 
the target directory.  To do that I'm executing the following command:
/mvn package jetty:run -Dwebdir=target/myapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT//

When I deploy my application and I change some of the html files, the 
application doesn't refreshes them. The problem is obvious - html pages 
are not redeployed to the target directory on save. Here I want to 
mention that I'm using eclipse as a development environment and maven 
goal's are started from eclipse.

The second situation is when jetty is started with webdir pointing to 
the src/main/webapp/. In this case the static content and jsp page are 
reloading like a charm but the problem is that when I change some GWT 
class Jetty reloads the context. Currently it is done for a few seconds 
but If I add few more libraries to my project like hibernate and spring 
this time will be much longer than now.

I've tried to exclude the client classes with the followed pattern:



But this pattern is not working correctly. I don't know where exactly is 
the problem. Probably I'm doing something wrong or maybe I'm missing 
some step.

Hope that someone can help. Thanks in advance.


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Re: php usage with gwt

2008-11-07 Thread Miroslav Genov

Yes, it will if you are talking for non hosted mode. If you are 
talking about the hosted mode, you have to take a look at the 
documentation how to deploy the application to an external server.

tapan wrote:
> If i rename the .html to .php file will it work
> >

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Re: Need help on writing test cases for asynchronous call backs.

2008-09-09 Thread Miroslav Genov

 The main test class GWTTestCase contains two method which are used in 
this situation: delayTestFinish() and  finishTest. The first tells on 
the test to wait some time to allow on async callback to be executed 
where the second tells on the test class to end it's execution. To see 
more information about this methods, please check the java doc.

 I hope that my explanation has made the things more clear for you.


neversaydie wrote:
> Hello,
>  I am facing a issue while writing a test cases for asynchronous call
> back through my http servlet.
>  Problem is all my test cases fail because the response sent by the
> servlet will be delayed for some time since we are dealing with the
> asynchronous call backs.
>  can somebody suggest me on how to write test cases for these
> servlets ?
>  Thank you
> >

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Re: ANN: SL 0.1.5a released

2008-09-09 Thread Miroslav Genov

  Thanks for the good news :). I'm glad that this library now is 
integrated with the latest version of GWT.

  Thanks for the announcement.


George Georgovassilis wrote:
> Dear All
> We have recently released version 0.1.5a of the SL which is mainly a
> compatibility release for GWT 1.5 and Hibernate4GWT. For those of you
> who are new joiners, the SL is a sister project of the GWT-Widget
> Library [1] aimed at integrating the Spring framework via RPC with GWT
> through binding POJOs transparently to the RPC protocol.
> [1]
> >

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Re: compilation time of GWT 1.5 with Intellij on OS X 10.5

2008-09-08 Thread Miroslav Genov

  I have the same problem on windows vista with IntelliJ 8.0M1. Probably 
the same issue.
  I hope that anyone knows what causes the problem.


Peter Gershkovich wrote:
> I started using GWT 1.5 and noticed greatly increased compilation
> time. I am using IntelliJ 7.04 on Mac OS X (10.5 on Intel platform)
> and the compilation takes very long time.
> Are there ways to improve that process?
> >

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