Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 and much, much more...

2009-12-09 Thread Rockster

Seriously I was having a feature that worked perfectly with GWT1.7
in hosted mode,
but when I start running on FF and Chrome, I got strange behavior.

Thanks to the DevMode and plugin I could test it cross browser!

Many many many thanks for that.

Keep up the Good work!


On Dec 9, 4:32 pm, Rajeev Dayal wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Brendan wrote:
  I had to install new software, not just update, but it found the
  latest plugin and the 2.0 sdk just fine.

  Unrelated to your question, I also had to manually switch from the 1.7
  to the 2.0 SDK in GWT settings, but that might just be my eclipse-
  plugin incompetence.

 That is the default behavior - we do not automatically switch your project's
 SDKs for you, even when you install a new SDK.

  On Dec 8, 10:18 pm, Mohamed Mansour wrote:
   Thanks GWT, any ETA when it will be available for eclipse plugin?

   Eclipse states the following:

    Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
   not be found.
     Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5
     Missing requirement: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5
   1.2.0.v200912062003) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.validation 0.0.0' but
   it could not be found

   On Dec 8, 10:13 pm, Miguel Méndez wrote:

Hi Folks!

We have some very exciting announcements today.  Please check out the
following blog post that covers the GWT 2.0 SDK, Google Plugin for
and -- brand new in GWT 2.0 -- a performance analysis tool called Speed
Tracer.  I think that you will find it pretty interesting...

Miguel on behalf of the GWT team


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handle to opened window.

2009-10-27 Thread Rockster



with javascript you can get a handle to the window that is opened
through the (native javascript).

In GWT the returns a void.

Is there a specific reason for this ? How to get the handle to the
opened window with native GWT ?

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Re: panel in tabpanel cannot be set to invisible

2009-10-15 Thread Rockster

hi Alex,

thanks for the code-snippet. It worked out as expected.
The tabs are dynamically created, so removing them (and later adding
them) would
require that I keep references in memory to later make it visible

So this code is really helpfull!

On Oct 15, 1:26 pm, Ian Bambury wrote:
 I just ran a quick test, adding and removing the same item to a tab panel
 25,000 times in Chrome, GWT1.7 - no memory increase.
 Just making the tab disappear means that you can't release the memory used
 by the corresponding widget if you wish.

 Can you post some code that demonstrates your memory increase problem?


 2009/10/15 alex.d

  Adding/removing tabbars causes increase in memory usage and with no
  possibility to trigger garbage collector it kind of sucks. Making tab
  invisible is actually easier than it sounds:

  public static void setTabVisibility(TabPanel tabs, int index, boolean
      if (index = tabs.getTabBar().getTabCount() || index  0)

      // Native Google implementation of TabBar uses an
      // so, the DOM primary element is a table element (with just one
      Element table = tabs.getTabBar().getElement();
      Element tr = DOM.getFirstChild(DOM.getFirstChild(table));
      // (index + 1) to account for 'first' placeholder td.
      Element td = DOM.getChild(tr, index + 1);
      UIObject.setVisible(td, visible);
   catch (Exception e)

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Re: panel in tabpanel cannot be set to invisible

2009-10-14 Thread Rockster

It is customer requirement so we want to make it invisble.
I know what you mean, but other visible tabs (that are not in scope
for this user) could confuse the user.

So Again, how do I make  the tab invisible ?

On Oct 14, 8:44 am, alex.d wrote:
 Do you really want to make tabs invisible or just to switch between
 them like when is clicking on one tab?

 On 13 Okt., 15:02, Ian Bambury wrote:

  You are just making the content of the deckpanel invisible, not the tab.

  2009/10/13 Rockster


   I'm adding panels to a tabpanel and I see some strange behavior.

   The code is something like this:

   TabPanel tabPanel= new TabPanel();
   UIObject tabUI1 = createPanel();
   UIObject tabUI2 = createPanel2();

   tabPanel.add((Widget)tabUI1, title);

   tabPanel.add((Widget)tabUI2, title2);

   The second tab is still shown and fully active, while I made it
   BTW, imagine that tabUI2 can later on be activated and become visible

   Can anyone help ?

   Seems like this issue was posted before, but no one really gave an

   Is this a flaw in the tabpanel ?
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panel in tabpanel cannot be set to invisible

2009-10-13 Thread Rockster


I'm adding panels to a tabpanel and I see some strange behavior.

The code is something like this:

TabPanel tabPanel= new TabPanel();
UIObject tabUI1 = createPanel();
UIObject tabUI2 = createPanel2();

tabPanel.add((Widget)tabUI1, title);

tabPanel.add((Widget)tabUI2, title2);

The second tab is still shown and fully active, while I made it
BTW, imagine that tabUI2 can later on be activated and become visible

Can anyone help ?

Seems like this issue was posted before, but no one really gave an

Is this a flaw in the tabpanel ?

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Re: Open Source WIdget Library

2009-10-04 Thread Rockster

or gwt-mosaic!

On Oct 3, 10:56 pm, Geraldo Lopes wrote:
 Another option:


 On 3 out, 08:56, James wrote:

  Hello All,
  I've been looking for the best open source widget libraries to extend
  GWT 1.6. EXT-GWT was very good, but it's not cheap for commercial use.
  Specially there are some widgets we need ie a calendar widget that we
  don't want to do home grown if possible. I also looked at GWT-EXT, but
  I was told there were some issues using them? Any others? Just wanted
  some feedback on this.

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Re: unable to compile gwt 1.6

2009-04-20 Thread Rockster

Hi Sumit,

this really helped! Thanks, the compilation is even faster now and I
don't need the -Xss argument anymore.
I really spend a lot of time on this and I'm glad that you guys fixed

My machine was chocking with the current settings.

But how come you didn't find this before releasing the GWT 1.6.4 ?

Were large applications not part of the test suite ?

Regards  Thanks again for the tip.


On Apr 17, 10:43 pm, Sumit Chandel wrote:
 Hi Rockster,
 Passing in a stack size of 128M seems awfully huge. How much memory does
 your machine have exactly? You might want to try compiling with a more
 reasonable stack size, say -Xss2048k or -Xss4096k.

 Scott has been working on fixing the issue with the compiler requiring too
 much stack, so if this still doesn't solve the problem, you might want to
 try the patched dev JAR attached to Issue #3510 as a workaround for now.

 Issue #3510:

 Hope that helps,
 -Sumit Chandel

 On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Rockster wrote:

  I get this stackerror:

  [gwt-compile] Exception in thread main java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
  unable to create new native thread
  [gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
  [gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Thread.start(
  [gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Shutdown.runHooks(
  [gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Shutdown.sequence(
  [gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Shutdown.exit(
  [gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Runtime.exit(
  [gwt-compile]   at java.lang.System.exit(
  [gwt-compile]   at

  This is wrapped in a java.lang.StackOverflowError

  I'm using maven (2.0.9), jdk.1.5 (18) and ant.

  This is the ant code I'm using:

  target name=GWTCompile depends=compile
                         failonerror=true fork=true  
                         jvmarg value=-Xmx512M /
                         jvmarg value=-Xss128m/
                         jvmarg value=-Xms128M/

                                 pathelement path=${gwt-src}/ /
                                 pathelement path=${compile_classpath} /
                                 pathelement path=./src /
                         arg /

  I tried many different values for the heapsize. I even tried using
  jdk1.6 (with no success).

  Maven calls the antscript with maven-antrun-plugin

  What is going wrong ?

  Any help is welcome!
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Re: java.lang.StackOverflowError with GWT

2009-04-14 Thread Rockster

So upgrading to java 1.6 is the only solution for this ?

On Apr 13, 6:50 pm, Andy wrote:
 Well, Alex is right - I just upgraded to Java 1.6 and everything
 works. the JavaScript now compiles lightning fast!!!
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unable to compile gwt 1.6

2009-04-14 Thread Rockster

I get this stackerror:

[gwt-compile] Exception in thread main java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
unable to create new native thread
[gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
[gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Thread.start(
[gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Shutdown.runHooks(
[gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Shutdown.sequence(
[gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Shutdown.exit(
[gwt-compile]   at java.lang.Runtime.exit(
[gwt-compile]   at java.lang.System.exit(
[gwt-compile]   at

This is wrapped in a java.lang.StackOverflowError

I'm using maven (2.0.9), jdk.1.5 (18) and ant.

This is the ant code I'm using:

target name=GWTCompile depends=compile
failonerror=true fork=true  
jvmarg value=-Xmx512M /
jvmarg value=-Xss128m/
jvmarg value=-Xms128M/

pathelement path=${gwt-src}/ /
pathelement path=${compile_classpath} /
pathelement path=./src /
arg /

I tried many different values for the heapsize. I even tried using
jdk1.6 (with no success).

Maven calls the antscript with maven-antrun-plugin

What is going wrong ?

Any help is welcome!

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Re: java.lang.StackOverflowError with GWT

2009-04-13 Thread Rockster

The problem is still there with Ant.

I tried -Xss4096, but still the same error.

Upgrading to jdk1.6 is not an option right now.

Anyone ?

On Apr 11, 6:57 am, Vitali Lovich wrote:
 1024k seems kind of small.  My Linux box has 8192k as the default according
 to ulimit.  Keep increasing the stack size (try 4096k).  Clearly that's the

 On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Alex wrote:

  Well, in my case it helped to upgrade JDK from 1.5.0_11 to 1.6.0_07...
  after that ant compilation worked just fine with -Xss1024k.

  On Apr 10, 6:11 pm, Alex wrote:
   The same in my case: porting my 1.5.3 app to 1.6.4 and Ant fails with
   the StackOverflowError error... -Xss1024k doesn't help (helped to do
   Compile/Browse from the hosted mode though).

   Did anybody find a solution?

   On Apr 10, 3:09 am, Rockster wrote:

The same here. In ant I do the following:

        target name=GWTCompile depends=compile
                        failonerror=true fork=true  
                        jvmarg value=-Xmx1G /
                        jvmarg value=-Xss1024k/
                        jvmarg value=-Xms64M/

                                pathelement path=${gwt-src}/ /
  path=${compile_classpath} /
                                pathelement path=./src /

                        arg value=com.xx.MyModule /

And still I get GWTCompile:

[gwt-compile] Compiling module com.qualogy.qafe.gwt.QAFEGWTWeb
[gwt-compile]    [ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
[gwt-compile] java.lang.StackOverflowError

I tried to use

sysproperty key=-Dgwt.compiler.jvmargs value=-Xmx1G -Xss1024k/

and this

sysproperty key=gwt.compiler.jvmargs value=-Xmx1G -Xss1024k/

But no success.

Can somebody help me on this ?

On Apr 9, 9:27 pm, Andy wrote:

 I've been trying to upgrade to 1.6.4, but am also getting this error.

 I use Ant to build my WAR, so I added the JVM arg to my script, but
 matter what value I specify, it doesn't make any difference.

 ...and I get an OutOfMemoryException is I set it too high!

 Will using the Eclipse plug-in make any difference?

 I have one super module, so would breaking it apart into smaller
 components help?
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Re: java.lang.StackOverflowError with GWT

2009-04-13 Thread Rockster

This is what I do and it fails

The sysproperty doesn't have any effect.

Hope to hear from you guys soon (again, I'm using jdk1.5/winxp).

target name=GWTCompile depends=compile
failonerror=true fork=true  
jvmarg value=-Xmx1G /
jvmarg value=-Xss4096k/
jvmarg value=-Xms64M/
!--sysproperty key=-Dgwt.compiler.jvmargs 
value=-Xmx1G -

pathelement path=${gwt-src}/ /
pathelement path=${compile_classpath} /
pathelement path=./src /
arg /

On Apr 13, 11:24 am, Vitali Lovich wrote:
 Heap space isn't his problem - he's running out of stack.  Also, GWTCompiler
 is 1.5 - he's using 1.6 (from what I gather, because this wasn't an issue
 with 1.5) where it is just Compiler.

 Can you try to just keep increasing the stack size?  Also, can you post the
 ant task you are using - maybe you're passing in the options incorrectly.

 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 4:52 AM, Shawn Brown

  What about using something like:

  java fork=true maxmemory=1024m
                         jvmarg line=-XstartOnFirstThread /

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Re: java.lang.StackOverflowError with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Rockster

The same here. In ant I do the following:

target name=GWTCompile depends=compile
failonerror=true fork=true  
jvmarg value=-Xmx1G /
jvmarg value=-Xss1024k/
jvmarg value=-Xms64M/

pathelement path=${gwt-src}/ /
pathelement path=${compile_classpath} /
pathelement path=./src /

arg value=com.xx.MyModule /

And still I get GWTCompile:

[gwt-compile] Compiling module com.qualogy.qafe.gwt.QAFEGWTWeb
[gwt-compile][ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
[gwt-compile] java.lang.StackOverflowError

I tried to use

sysproperty key=-Dgwt.compiler.jvmargs value=-Xmx1G -Xss1024k/

and this

sysproperty key=gwt.compiler.jvmargs value=-Xmx1G -Xss1024k/

But no success.

Can somebody help me on this ?

On Apr 9, 9:27 pm, Andy wrote:
 I've been trying to upgrade to 1.6.4, but am also getting this error.

 I use Ant to build my WAR, so I added the JVM arg to my script, but no
 matter what value I specify, it doesn't make any difference.

 ...and I get an OutOfMemoryException is I set it too high!

 Will using the Eclipse plug-in make any difference?

 I have one super module, so would breaking it apart into smaller
 components help?
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Re: Why not use applets?

2009-04-01 Thread Rockster

I don't want to think of a situation where you have to install plugins
to use your webapplications. Don't get me wrong, I like Adobe Flex.
But doesn't run on any device (read: phone!)

Now I can walk with my iPhone and access almost any application.

Javascript nowadays seems almost as fast as plugin technologies
GWT is a nice example of this.

On Mar 31, 10:15 pm, Clint Gilbert wrote:
 Hash: SHA256

 That may be true, but the perceptual damage is done.  I never bothered to 
 keep up with
 Applet developments because the user experience was so bad for so long.  (10+ 
 years?  I'm
 pretty sure I saw my first applet in 1995, but I don't know if it was running 
 in a browser.)

 So does the JVM plugin start up as fast as Flash now?  If so, that's great.

 D Peters wrote:
  For the record -- a significant amount of the common applet
  performance gripes were cleared up in 6u10.  I'm suprised that so many
  java developers know nothing about this release.  This was a milestone
  for JavaFX to move forward -- since it was built on top of a lot of
  these improvements.  If you don't mind JavaFX in the browser (it
  doesnt have to run as JNLP, by the way)-- then you probably won't mind
  using an applet -- because it is essentially running as an applet.  As
  more people develop JavaFX applications, and it becomes more
  widespread, you will have a broader base of users who can also use

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Re: How to debug IE6 crash

2009-03-12 Thread Rockster

I have the same problem now with IE6 (and seems to be also in IE7).

Somehow, when you close the IE window, an error message pops up
with the message that an error occured in the script of this page.

Do I want to continue ? 

If you click yes, and go to that URL in a new window (since the
previous window
had to be closed in order to get the error message) the program
continues to perform as expected.

IE6 is the worst browser! (Maybe IE7 is even worse)

Firefox, opera, Chrome, Safari all perform as expected.

On Mar 12, 1:30 pm, Austen wrote:
 Thanks Adam. I suspected that may be the only way.

 After some persistence using the comment-out-and-run method I've got
 the bottom of the issue.

 I was updating results in my app by replacing the FlexTable with a new
 FlexTable on every update. Which I guess defeats the whole point of a
 I've now reworked things so that I create one FlexTable on loading the
 app and each update only alters the relevant rows in the table.
 IE6 is now crash free again.

 On Mar 12, 7:46 am, alex.d wrote:

  This kind of stuff with IE6 sucks. I had a problem like yours once and
  i ended up with commenting my code out part by part and putting a lot
  of Window.alert() in it :(

  On 11 Mrz., 19:52, Austen wrote:


   I have a problem with IE6 crashing when using my app.
   The app works fine in IE7/FF3/Chrome etc.

   I'm attempting to use MS script debugger with no luck. The error isn't
   caught by script debugger (or maybe it is, but it crashes before I can
   view it) and when I try and step line by line IE6 still crashes before
   I get to see anything interesting.

   The problem is, how do I find the problem?!

   Anyone got an idea on how to proceed?

   Thanks in advance

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How to Recover from java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document

2009-03-10 Thread Rockster


this problem is highly annoying. I'm dynamically setting panels
contents with this code:

   if (w instanceof HasWidgets  ui
instanceof HasWidgets){
 // clear the elements
HasWidgets target = (HasWidgets)w;

HasWidgets source = (HasWidgets)ui;
IteratorWidget itr = 
while (itr.hasNext()){

The exception occurs at target.clear() statement

This works perfectly in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, but Of course IE6/7
is the problem (apparently the screen was still building)..
I noticed that this happens if the clicking fast (so that setting the
panel to another occurs)
results in this behavior.

Is there a workaround for this ? Do I have to change something.


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Re: What are your thoughts on Cappuccino and SproutCore?

2009-02-27 Thread Rockster

Looks nice though.
I checked the video and was impressed

(only thing : yet another language to learn Objective J, not hard, but
again another one...)

On Feb 26, 2:26 pm, ivo wrote:
 Cappuccino and SproutCore have been around for a while and they are
 really starting to make an impression on web developers.

 I've been using GWT in one project for 2 months, and I'm loving it.
 However I tried out Cappuccino, just to get the felling of it, and I
 was truly impressed. I was able to re-design the project's UI in
 Cappuccino in one week, and it seems to me that a lot of my server
 side code can be re-utilized if I use something like cp2javaws
 (haven't tried it).

 So, my question to you guys is how will GWT compete with Cappuccino or
 SproutCore, (and I'm not even mentioning JavaFX), and if you have
 anything planned to extend GWT capabilities of building really rich
 UIs just as easy as Cappuccino.

 Don't get me wrong, I'm a truly GWT lover. In my opinion GWT is
 superior in both performance and code security (minimization /
 obfuscation), but right now I'm really tempted to throw away 2 months
 of GWT work...

 Some pointers: announced, I recommend watching the 
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Re: Struts+GWT

2009-02-13 Thread Rockster

I totally agree with Gregor.

Struts is for navigational purpose in Classic WebApplications (let's
call that Web1.0 technology).
Struts became an industry standard in the Web1.0 era.

The programming model behind GWT is like it was before web: Just
create an application and don't worry about
request/response etc. Everyhing happens in that application.

My suggestion to you:

A struts appliction contains Actions. The Body of the Actions should
in fact NOT contain any business logic.
That's where the SOA kicks in.  You might have the real logic in the
body of another class.
You can reuse that class

So (in the old case)

MyAction extends Action {

  MyService myService = new MyService()

   // of course you have here some navigational actions



In GWT this is the RPC/RPCImplementation/RPCAsync combination.

RPCImpl implements RPC{




   There you can reuse your MyService class.

BTW: MyService is nothing fancy, just a class (best with Interface and
separate implementation).
From this point on you can use anything you want (Spring,

Good luck,

On Feb 12, 1:26 pm, gregor wrote:
 I would search the group for many posts about struts and GWT. Some
 people are forced to integrate GWT with legacy struts systems, but the
 bottom line is that if you are starting out a new app, you do not need
 to use struts. Use GWT RPC.

 On Feb 12, 10:09 am, Rockster wrote:

  Could you state what the reason is you want to use Struts in
  combination with GWT ?

  On Feb 12, 8:37 am, GWT GWT wrote:

   Hi ,
   I am trying to develp an application using GWT+Struts .
   I had search on net But I am not getting tutorial to develop  an 
   using GWT+Struts.
   So from where will I get that tutorial.
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Re: Struts+GWT

2009-02-12 Thread Rockster

Could you state what the reason is you want to use Struts in
combination with GWT ?

On Feb 12, 8:37 am, GWT GWT wrote:
 Hi ,
 I am trying to develp an application using GWT+Struts .
 I had search on net But I am not getting tutorial to develop  an application
 using GWT+Struts.
 So from where will I get that tutorial.
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GWT hosting parties

2009-02-11 Thread Rockster


I'm about to use GWT for customers. I'm using Tomcat currently for
beta deployments on my server. (Of course Jetty is also a good one).

Can anyone advise me on good Tomcat/Jetty hosting ? Do you have
experience with it ?

Kind regards,
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Re: GWT hosting parties

2009-02-11 Thread Rockster

Super. Indeed I could not find proper hosting, but this a great
solution (it seems).

Thanks for the info.

On Feb 11, 5:59 pm, mbracken wrote:
 Not sure if you're looking for a host with tomcat ready to go, but if
 you're looking to roll your own setup I'd check out slicehost.   Good
 tutorials on how to setup your instance with tomcat too.

 On Feb 11, 5:30 am, Rockster wrote:


  I'm about to use GWT for customers. I'm using Tomcat currently for
  beta deployments on my server. (Of course Jetty is also a good one).

  Can anyone advise me on good Tomcat/Jetty hosting ? Do you have
  experience with it ?

  Kind regards,
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Re: Who's Using GWT?

2009-01-13 Thread Rockster


Tagline: Building Enterprise Applications  Made Easy
Status: beta,  is live !

QAFE is a framework to easily create Enterprise Applications  with all
requirements that are needed in these environments. It's fully
except for the complex logic (you write that in Java/Database stored
procedures). There is a declarative UI and the interaction
with the backend is also declarative. So no javascript/java/complex
The architecture is divided in several and design patterns are applied
the hood. Data transfer from any datasource (Java source/Database) is
in such a way, that even this is easy. Idea is NOT to bother
(database) developers
with object orientation (it's a totally different mindset).

The UI is abstracted from any technology, which makes it possible to
any presentation technology. Currently to GWT and (not final) Adobe's
Flex (or any other presentation technology in future).

The SOA consumes java (service) classes with easy as well as the
with databases (tables/stored procedures/ custom SQL, etc). There is
no need for Java/javascript.
Just XML

We are setting up the site. In the
you can try out the code from the Showcase in the QAFE Labs Try
So in fact with QAFE you can create any application with ease.

GWT made so much possible. Without GWT this project would not work.
GWT has a clean base and doesn't rely on javascript libraries.
Optimized output is super.

Looking forward to your feedback.


On Jan 10, 6:15 am, krishna wrote:
 Hi All,

 We developed a p2p micro-lending platform using GWT -

 We've also developed a theme generator for GWT -

 Things that we are looking forward to in GWT and related areas are

 1. API for developing opensocial applications
 2. Seamless integration with GAE
 3. Any tool/feature that can help in SEO


 On Dec 12 2008, 6:39 am, Sumit Chandel

  Hello everyone,

  We've recently updated the GWT homepage to include a page displaying a
  non-exhaustive list of applications that are built with GWT. We were
  also able to capture a few developers on video for those who happened
  to be around the Google Mountain View area and developed awesome
  applications using GWT. Check out more details on both of these at the
  link below:

  Who's Using GWT?:

  It's great that we were able to catch some of our local developers on
  video, but we know there are other great stories out there from other
  developers in the community. So, I thought it would be cool if I
  stickied this Groups thread for community members to share their
  experience with everyone.

  Feel free to post up your own GWT application(s), along with your most
  loved / requested features and any tips and tricks you've come across
  as you developed your applications that you'd like to share with the
  rest of the community. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  -Sumit Chandel
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Re: Need for a great GWT GUI library

2008-12-22 Thread Rockster

I'm using gwt-mosaicand it's very good. SmartGWT is in fact a
javascript wrapper for the SmartClient js library.
For native GWT, go for gwt-mosaic.

On Dec 22, 9:16 am, Miles T. wrote:
 Hi Juan,

 Ext GWT (aka gxt, previously MyGWT) is a full GWT solution (no
 wrapping JS library). It provides :
 - containers and layouts
 - MVC layer
 - complete look and feels
 - rich set of widgets (including grids, drag and drop...)
 - form data binding
 - lazy rendering
 Drawbacks :
 - bugs : as the library is young, there are some bugs, but they are
 quickly fixed when you post a ticket (and there are almost always
 workarounds when you can't wait).
 - slower but not slow : In hosted mode, start time will be slower than
 a vanilla GWT app, but I don't get any performance issue once the
 app is launched
 - GPL license or pay (it can be a drawback for people who neither can
 release under GPL nor can pay)
 I use it since April 2008 in an internal app (223 classes for the GWT
 side) and it saves me a lot of time. I don't have to write a line of
 HTML/CSS code.


 On Dec 21, 10:39 pm, ckendrick wrote:

  If SmartGWT seems slow, just disable Firebug or similar development
  utilities, and be sure you haven't done anything like completely
  disabling browser caching.  For normal end users who don't have these
  tools or settings, it's quick.

  On Dec 19, 7:13 am, Juan Backson wrote:

   Smart-GWT - slow and memory intensive
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GWT 1.5.3. and gwt-dnd-2.5.6 fails

2008-10-21 Thread Rockster

When you startup a project with gwt-dnd-2.5.6 and gwt 1.5.3 a failure

[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:gwt-dnd-2.5.6.jar!/com/allen_sauer/gwt/dnd/
[ERROR] Line 51: The constructor WidgetArea(Widget, null) is undefined
[ERROR] Line 135: The constructor WidgetArea(Panel, null) is undefined

Please, can someone confirm this and what to do ?

Im currently downgrading to 1.5.2. of GWT.

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Re: GWT 1.5.3. and gwt-dnd-2.5.6 fails

2008-10-21 Thread Rockster

Found the problem:

library dependencies is one thing, the other is that I was also using
gwt-mosaic, which includes
a source code copy of the gwt-dnd (the exact package name was to be
found for WidgetArea).

On Oct 21, 11:11 am, Rockster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When you startup a project with gwt-dnd-2.5.6 and gwt 1.5.3 a failure

 [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:gwt-dnd-2.5.6.jar!/com/allen_sauer/gwt/dnd/
 [ERROR] Line 51: The constructor WidgetArea(Widget, null) is undefined
 [ERROR] Line 135: The constructor WidgetArea(Panel, null) is undefined

 Please, can someone confirm this and what to do ?

 Im currently downgrading to 1.5.2. of GWT.

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