Re: [gwt-contrib] "GWT RPC" and its role in the future of GWT

2018-10-17 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
f a .gwt.rpc file on the server to enumerate types that are
> serializable and a JSNI map on the client, a single class is generated to
> describe this for each platform - server gets one, and client gets another
> for example, and these are almost certainly compliments of each other.
> Avoiding the JSNI map may pose a small risk at increasing generated code
> size, but I've tried to mitigate this by generating specific serializer
> types which describe exactly which operations are supported, so that any
> pruning step when compiling code can delete as much code as possible (and
> support weird cases like only reading a type sent from the server, but both
> reading and writing that same type when communicate with a web worker).
> The SerializableTypeOracleBuilder remains at the heart of the code
> generation mechanism, updated to use TypeMirrors and Elements instead of
> GWT's JType hierarchy. Instead of being invoked by the RemoteService code
> generator, this is instead triggered by its own annotation, expected to be
> found on an interface with helper methods to add various types to an
> existing stream, or decode a stream and read expected data. This interface
> in turn is expected to be generated by another, higher-level annotation
> processor, based on the specific use case (XMLHttpRequest, WebSocket, etc).
> The built-in "high level" processor implementation takes an interface full
> of asynchronous interface methods and generates boilerplate to serialize
> each method's arguments as necessary. Presently, there is one such high
> level processor, which relies on each interface it sees to either offer
> specifics on a base class to extend, or extend another interface which in
> turn provides those specifics - I've planned to add a second ("high-er"
> level?) processor, just for the purpose of allowing a synchronous interface
> to be provided and implemented on the server, and the async instance
> generated automatically.
> Potential future work:
>  * "Opaque serialization" for server-originating objects to sign them and
> return them to the server unchanged, for use in eventually implementing the
> JPA features (which otherwise have been left out so far due to the easy
> attack vector it presents).
>  * More options for automatic de/serialization, possibly including some
> kind of "violator pattern" tool, support for builder/factories,
> @ConstructorProperties for final fields, etc.
>  * Allow disabling polymorphism in whole or in part to save bytes over the
> wire (and more easily support non-Java remote endpoints).
>  * "Allocation-free" (or at least "reduced allocation")
> serialization/deserialization, for memory/allocation constrained
> situations, allowing bean-like data to be read or written, but handled on
> at least one endpoint on a field-by-field basis.
> --
> So, as I continue to polish this and prepare to push builds for others to
> begin trying, I would like to start making packages and groupIds
> consistent. If the direction seems to be that it doesn't belong in
> gwtproject, that's fine by me, plenty of other popular GWT libraries live
> outside the official project, but if we think it might belong here, then to
> avoid later churn in downstream projects, I'd like to start adopting the
> org.gwtproject namespace right away.
> --
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*Stefano Ciccarelli*
YAP Division
/ Director

*M.M.B. s.r.l.*
via Granarolo, 177/7 - 48018 Faenza (RA) - Italy
tel. +39.0546.637711 - fax +39.0546.46077 -

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Re: Google Plugin for Eclipse Mars

2016-10-27 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
Thanks for the info.

What about the Google App Engine integration?

Il giorno mar 18 ott 2016 alle ore 17:16 Brandon Donnelson <> ha scritto:

> Michael is right, GPE and GPE fork is deprecated.
> - GPE is deprecated (or will be in 4th quarter)
> - The new GWT Eclipse Plugin V3 can be installed on mars and neon. The
> install will conflict with GPE or GPE-Fork so it will ask you to remove GPE
> if it is installed.
> - I haven't tested the install GWT Eclipse Plugin V3 with the GPE
> uninstall path very much so I'm interested if that works, and if it doesn't
> please report back :)
>  - 3 options to dowload, the market place is best
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> --
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*Stefano Ciccarelli*
GAE Application Division
/ Director

*M.M.B. s.r.l.*
via Granarolo, 177/7 - 48018 Faenza (RA) - Italy
tel. +39.0546.637711 - fax +39.0546.46077 -

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Re: [gwt-contrib] JsInterop Generator from webidl

2015-04-01 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli

Is it the same?

Il giorno mer 1 apr 2015 alle 23:32 nick936 ha

 while playing with the new JsInterop feature i decided to write a code
 generator which generate the interfaces out of webidls fetched from or the mozilla repository. Yesterday i
 started this littel project. It's a prototype and far away from being
 stable, but enough to use the generated interfaces for test purposes. I did
 a rather quick and dirty just to use the interfaces my internal test
 project and the code needs some refactoring. I used ANTLR4, javasoup and
 javapoet. You can find the sources in this github repo You can find the
 generated Interfaces here
 If you are interested in this i will improve it.

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Re: Chrome Canary 36 not showing sourcemaps

2014-04-15 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
Chrome 35 too. I ha dato switch back to chrome 34.
On Firefox suorce maps are showing, but our project is so big that Firefox
became unusable.

Il mercoledì 16 aprile 2014, Thad Humphries ha

 I'm trying to use the device emulator in Chrome Canary (v. 36.0.1941.0)
 to test various mobile devices. I'd like to debug my mobile code with SDM's
 sourcemaps, but they are not there, unlike on Chrome 34 where sourcemaps are
 at localhost:9876/sourcemaps/mymodule. Is there a flag I need to add to get
 sourcemaps, the way I must add --touch-events to test touch events?

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Re: bugs in 2.5

2013-01-15 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli

2013/1/15 timp

 hello, I lost all of yesterday to two bugs.

 one is within the provided core jre libraries of 2.5,
 one is within the core prototypes within V8.

 Remember the clean
 movement IBM pushed long ago.
 I wish it would come back.  Although maybe it was all a PR fantasy anyway.


 The bugs are $1000 for the JRE, and $2000 for the V8.
 Let me know if you want them.

 I'm sorry to charge, but, time=money.

 Bugs bug everywhere.

 Oh and btw.  Sometimes your GWT compiler fails (not the stackoverflow
 issue reading caches (who wrote that? do you really need to do whatever you
 are doing recursively?)), and then I run it again, and it succeeds.
 Pretty sucky.  And strange to tell you the truth.

 Not saying other companies are necessarily less sucky.  Btw. Just sucky in
 different ways.  And pretty bad ways actually, the whole destroying privacy
 thing... not a fan.

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GWT 2.5, -compileReport and closure compiler

2012-07-02 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
I've noticed that if I enable the closure compiler the -compileReport flag
is totaly ignored and the soycReport in the extra folder is missing.

Someone has a workaround?

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Re: GWT 2.5, -compileReport and closure compiler

2012-07-02 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli

And about the -XfragmentMerge I was jumping! :D

2012/7/2 Jens

 I've noticed that if I enable the closure compiler the -compileReport flag
 is totaly ignored and the soycReport in the extra folder is missing.

 Someone has a workaround?

 Not yet, but you can compile once without closure compiler to see whats
 going on during compile and then compile it again with closure compiler and
 check the generated files to see size differences:

 - war/permutation strong name.html
 - war/modulename/deferredjs/permutation strong
 name/splitpoint.cache.js (one of these files is the left over should be the one with the highest number that does not match
 any split point number)

 Also when you use -XfragmentMerge for the new code split algorithm it
 seems like the compile report shows 0 bytes for left over fragment which is
 clearly wrong (at least in our case here). So don't jump up and be happy if
 you see 0 bytes for left over ;-)

 -- J.

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Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: Move Super Dev Mode to the open source repository. (issue1727804)

2012-07-02 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
I've tried setting compiler.stackMode=native and I gained 30 seconds for a
single permutation, I don't need it during development so I now a compiles
takes around 80/90 seconds.

Now I'm trying to implement the IncrementalGenerator interface on my
generators but GeneratorContext.isGeneratorResultCachingEnabled() seems to
be always false.

2012/6/10 Ray Cromwell

 looks like you have compiler.stackMode = emulated. It won't solve your
 problem, but it should shave off some time to set it to 'native'. One
 thing puzzles me is even the linker stage is taking 15 seconds for
 you. That stage doesn't really do much but write files and create the
 nocache.js script.  There might be some degenerate issue there. Seems
 like a significant amount of time is spend running RPC generators and
 ClientBundle, even though it is not supposed to.


 On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 11:54 PM, Stefano Ciccarelli wrote:
  The full compile takes ~16 minutes for 8 permutations.
  About the SuperDevMode the first compile takes ~260 seconds for 2
  permutations, the subsequent compiles takes from 120-160 seconds each (1
  The speedtracer.html file is attached.
  I have 4gb of ram and I'm using -Xmx1024m.
  I'm sure the performance will improve, the real problem now is that it
 is a
  pain to use with gwt-rpc because I have to deal with generated *.gwt.rpc
  Inviato con Sparrow
  Il giorno sabato 9 giugno 2012, alle ore 21:26, Ray Cromwell ha scritto:
  BTW, can you send me the speedtracer.html file in your
  /tmp/*codeserver/* directory?
  On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Stefano Ciccarelli wrote:
  My app is 60 lines of code and compiles in 120 seconds: a lot of
  uibinder, a lot of classes in rpc, gin… so a lots of generators.
  Sent with Sparrow
  Il giorno venerdì 8 giugno 2012, alle ore 22:38, Ray Cromwell ha scritto:
  I just checked again, one of the internal apps we are trying
  SuperDevMode against has about 400,000 lines of code and combines in
  about 7-8 seconds. So maybe your app has 6x as much code? If not, it
  gives us a clue that perhaps there's some other edge condition causing
  the compile to be slow.
  On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Ray Cromwell
  How big is your app? (KLOC)  Internally, we'd had success with 10s
  refresh on some fairly largish apps. I'm wondering if something else
  isn't going on. Note that the first compile usually takes long, but
  subsequent ones are faster. Are you using UiBinder? One issue could be
  generators using too much time.
  On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Jens wrote:
  Just to finish this off in case anyone else has the same problem -
  this was fixed in r11031.
  Thanks for the info. I had the same problem but now it works. Now lets
  the compilation process will become a lot faster in the future. A single
  permutation of our app compiles on the code server in ~45 seconds and
  not really acceptable during development compared to the classic
  -- J.

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Re: GWT 2.5 RC1 Is Here!

2012-06-28 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
Our project compiles in 9 minutes with GWT 2.4 and 17 minutes with GWT 2.5.rc1.
I think this is not acceptable to save only a 10% in Javascript size.  

Inviato con Sparrow (

Il giorno mercoledì 27 giugno 2012, alle ore 22:39, Rajeev Dayal ha scritto:  

 Hey all,
 We're excited to announce the GWT 2.5 Release Candidate! Read about it on the 
 GWT Blog (, and 
 download it here ( (bottom 
 of the page). The RC has been uploaded to Maven Central with the version 
 string of 2.5.0-rc1.
 Please give it a try and let us know your feedback! Also, many thanks to all 
 of you for your contributions. Without your help, we wouldn't have had a GWT 
 2.5 release at all!
 -Rajeev, on behalf of the GWT team  
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Re: GWT 2.5 RC1 Is Here!

2012-06-28 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
My times are with closure disabled!!! And code server takes never less than two 
minutes to compile a single permutation of the same app.

Sent with Sparrow (

Il giorno giovedì 28 giugno 2012, alle ore 19:21, Dennis Haupt ha scritto:

 same here. enabling the closure compiler almost doubles the compilation
 time. but i don't care, i only have to run the compiler in this mode
 before a release. the code server takes about 10 seconds to handle a
 change in the same app.
 Am 28.06.2012 18:47, schrieb Stefano Ciccarelli:
  Our project compiles in 9 minutes with GWT 2.4 and 17 minutes with GWT
  I think this is not acceptable to save only a 10% in Javascript size.
  Inviato con Sparrow
  Il giorno mercoledě 27 giugno 2012, alle ore 22:39, Rajeev Dayal ha
   Hey all,

   We're excited to announce the GWT 2.5 Release Candidate! Read about it
   on the GWT Blog, and
   download it here (bottom of the
   page). The RC has been uploaded to Maven Central with the version
   string of 2.5.0-rc1.

   Please give it a try and let us know your feedback! Also, many thanks
   to all of you for your contributions. Without your help, we wouldn't
   have had a GWT 2.5 release at all!

   -Rajeev, on behalf of the GWT team

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Re: SuperDevMode and APT

2012-06-14 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
Great idea!

It should work on GAE too using UrlFetch api to talk with the code server.

Could you share some pieces of code, please?  

Inviato con Sparrow (

Il giorno giovedì 14 giugno 2012, alle ore 11:33, Paul Robinson ha scritto:  

 On 13/06/12 18:53, Andrea Boscolo wrote:
  I can confirm that copying the CodeServer's .gwt.rpc files in the local war 
  dir, works but it's a pain: every time they change, they need to be copied.
 There's an alternative to copying gwt.rpc files. I've changed my app so that 
 when it looks for the serialization policy, and it can't find it, it will ask 
 the code server for it. You just need to parse the module base URL to get the 
 module name, and then use the strong name provided to generate the 
 appropriate URL, something like:
 All I need to do now is to add the codeserver URL as a parameter in web.xml 
 (http://web.xml) so that this feature can be enabled/disabled so it doesn't 
 happen in production.
 I don't know whether this technique would work on GAE as well.
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Re: Firefox 13 DevMode Plugin

2012-06-11 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
When will this version appear on the official download page so we can auto

2012/6/7 Alan Leung

 For folks with shinny Windows OSes.


 On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:46 PM, koma wrote:

 working now fine on 64bit linux
 thx !

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Re: Firefox 13 DevMode Plugin

2012-06-11 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
Ok. Thanks. I'll wait :)  

Sent with Sparrow (

Il giorno lunedì 11 giugno 2012, alle ore 23:41, Alan Leung ha scritto:  

 I have to go thought a few internal review process before that happens.
 On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:26 AM, Stefano Ciccarelli 
 ( wrote:
  When will this version appear on the official download page so we can auto 
  2012/6/7 Alan Leung (
   For folks with shinny Windows OSes.


   On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:46 PM, koma 
   ( wrote:
working now fine on 64bit linux  
thx !
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Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: Move Super Dev Mode to the open source repository. (issue1727804)

2012-06-09 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
My app is 60 lines of code and compiles in 120 seconds: a lot of uibinder, 
a lot of classes in rpc, gin… so a lots of generators.   

Sent with Sparrow (

Il giorno venerdì 8 giugno 2012, alle ore 22:38, Ray Cromwell ha scritto:  

 I just checked again, one of the internal apps we are trying
 SuperDevMode against has about 400,000 lines of code and combines in
 about 7-8 seconds. So maybe your app has 6x as much code? If not, it
 gives us a clue that perhaps there's some other edge condition causing
 the compile to be slow.
 On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Ray Cromwell wrote:
  How big is your app? (KLOC)  Internally, we'd had success with 10s
  refresh on some fairly largish apps. I'm wondering if something else
  isn't going on. Note that the first compile usually takes long, but
  subsequent ones are faster. Are you using UiBinder? One issue could be
  generators using too much time.
  On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Jens wrote:
Just to finish this off in case anyone else has the same problem -
this was fixed in r11031.

   Thanks for the info. I had the same problem but now it works. Now lets 
   the compilation process will become a lot faster in the future. A single
   permutation of our app compiles on the code server in ~45 seconds and 
   not really acceptable during development compared to the classic 

   -- J.




SuperDevMode and APT

2012-06-08 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli

I'm poking with SuperDevMode just to understand how it works and I faced
the first problem: how to deal with APT generated classes? They are
generated to .apt_generated directory and aren't found by CodeServer, on
the other side I can only specify one dir as -src to CodeServer.


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Re: SuperDevMode and APT

2012-06-08 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
Yes, I've tried it and doesn't work, but the -cp solution works well.

Now I have to understand how to deal with gwt-rpc because the server misses
.gwt.rpc files...

2012/6/8 Thomas Broyer

 Are you sure -src src -src .apt_generated doesn't work?

 On Friday, June 8, 2012 12:36:22 PM UTC+2, Stefano Ciccarelli wrote:


 I'm poking with SuperDevMode just to understand how it works and I faced
 the first problem: how to deal with APT generated classes? They are
 generated to .apt_generated directory and aren't found by CodeServer, on
 the other side I can only specify one dir as -src to CodeServer.


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Re: SuperDevMode and APT

2012-06-08 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
I know, I'm using App Engine as a servlet container. But the problem is to
generate .gwt.rpc files that are compatibles with the compiled javascript
generated by SuperDevMode.

2012/6/8 Thomas Broyer

 On Friday, June 8, 2012 2:04:48 PM UTC+2, Stefano Ciccarelli wrote:

 Yes, I've tried it and doesn't work, but the -cp solution works well.

 Now I have to understand how to deal with gwt-rpc because the server
 misses .gwt.rpc files...

 CodeServer is only about the code server part [1] (although it can serve
 your static resources too, for cases where you don't have server-side
 code), you still need a Servlet container if you have server-side code.


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Re: SuperDevMode and APT

2012-06-08 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
The .gwt.rpc files are correctly generated in the war relative to the
CodeServer workDir, I have to found a way to copy them to the container war
when they change (not quite often), would be nice if the CodeServer could
do that for me :)

2012/6/8 Thomas Broyer

 On Friday, June 8, 2012 2:18:28 PM UTC+2, Stefano Ciccarelli wrote:

 I know, I'm using App Engine as a servlet container. But the problem is
 to generate .gwt.rpc files that are compatibles with the compiled
 javascript generated by SuperDevMode.

 Oops, sorry; I read too fast.

 Switch to RequestFactory? ;-)

 More seriously, I doubt it'll ever be possible to use GWT-RPC with
 SuperDevMode, due to how/where it generates its output; though maybe you
 could tweak the way serialization policies are loaded on the server-side?
 (hmm, with AppEngine, that might be impossible, as you'd have to access
 files on the file-system; or maybe set SuperDevMode's workDir as a
 subfolder of your -war?)

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Re: Firefox 13 DevMode Plugin

2012-06-05 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
I hope you could put it on the official download page because I'm still stuck 
on Firefox 11.  

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Il giorno martedì 5 giugno 2012, alle ore 20:05, Alan Leung ha scritto:  

 If anyone is wondering, I am aware and working on it.
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Re: how to use Showcase as a library?

2012-05-13 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
setAutoOpen(true) on ManuBar instance (autoOpen=true as a uibinder attribute) 

Stefano Ciccarelli
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On Thursday 10 May 2012 at 22:40, gwt-dev wrote:

 I've been trying to find a GWT example to automatically expand menu on
 mouse-over -- the kind of UI behavior so common on websites these
 days. I finally found it in Showcase that came with GWT-2.4 (the
 menu bar example). However the source code uses annotations and
 other stuff I have never seen in any GWT tutorial or book (there
 hasn't any GWT books in last couple years or so, a hint that GWT is
 really not that hot these days). I really want to use the menu popup
 on mouse-over feature, but can't easily copy it from code, and when I
 jar'ed the classes and used the jar in my project, I get this compile
 [ERROR] Line 156: No source code is available for type; did you
 forget to inherit a required module?
 Any suggestion on how to package the Showcase to a jar, or a pointer
 to a good tutorial?
 I really hope GWT developers at Google write some good tutorials on
 how to use these basic features. Forget the fancy ones like drag-n-
 drop -- how many websites need that?
 thanks in advance.
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Re: Why is the registration to Google I/O Closed?

2012-04-20 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
You are late. All the tickets were sold in 20 minutes.  

Stefano Ciccarelli
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On Friday 20 April 2012 at 15:18, skippy wrote:

 Is the event full?
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Re: IntegerBox not restricting input to integers in GWT 2.4.0

2012-04-20 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
This is exactly what we have done.  
Turning every field red when it is invalid in real time (as a key is pressed) 
is definitely better. 

Stefano Ciccarelli
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On Friday 20 April 2012 at 20:34, Andrei wrote:

 What you propose is a bad design - from a usability perspective. When
 a user presses a button and nothing happens, many users would assume
 that your app is broken (they did press a letter for some reason!)
 It's much better to give those less-than-sophisticated users a chance
 to type a letter and then provide some feedback that this field only
 accepts numbers.
 Also, this way you can be consistent throughout all widgets. For
 example, you can't prevent people from typing letters or numbers in
 the DatePicker field. But they can type something which can't be
 parsed into a date. When they do, the DatePicker turns red. You can
 have exactly the same behavior with the IntegerBox - and any other
 user input.
 On a side note, I wish the GWT was itself more consistent with their
 implementations - like having IntegerBox, LongBox, DoubleBox, and
 DatePicker react in the same way to parsing errors.
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Re: 1 permutation to rule them all

2012-03-26 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
I think you should read this:

2012/3/26 dmen

 GWT has a fundamental architecture flaw. It should not be necessary to
 compile the whole code base more than exactly once. Deferred binding
 is great for implementing algorithms dynamically. For I18N is
 obviously wrong IMO. Thankfully that can be avoided. Ideally only a
 thin DOM abstraction layer should be different for each browser,
 physically separated and loaded from the bootstrap code. Deferred
 binding at the widget level should not be have happened!

 Just my thoughts.

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Window.confirm() on Chrome 16 throws an exception.

2011-11-10 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
I'm using GWT 2.4.

On Chrome 16 (beta) when I call Window.confirm I get an exception.
The stack trace is:
Caused by: java.lang.Throwable: (TypeError): Cannot read property 'hasPort' 
of undefined

The dialog is correctly displayed then when I click Ok or Cancel I get the 

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Re: GWT and concurrency

2010-09-19 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
There is no preemption. The events are polled when the thread is idle
and in your example the thread is not idle because is stuck in your
endless and freezing cycle.

On Sunday, September 19, 2010, Johannes Lehmann wrote:
 I appreciate that with JavaScript interpreters executing in one thread
 there will never be any *true* concurrency. However it seems perfectly
 possible for concurrency issues to arise with the way that
 asynchronous callbacks are used  A simple example is if I am
 continuously checking the value of a variable x, and then incrementing
 while(!stop) {
   int i = x;
   x = i+1;

 Once the event occurs, the handler prints the variable and sets a flag
 that causes the incrementing to stop:
 stop = true;

 The intended behavior might be that the final value of the counter is
 printed. However if the event handler is invoked right after the
 assignment 'int i = x', the value will be incremented one more time
 after it is printed, which is a concurrency bug.

 In such cases the synchronized keyword could have been used to define
 pieces of code which must not be interrupted by other pieces of code
 in such way. In plain Java the synchronized keyword provides an easy
 way of dealing with such issues. The problem I described in my first
 post is very similar to this in nature and I am lost as to what to do.

 I hope this makes what I mean a bit clearer. Of course I am not
 excluding the possibility that I just misunderstood somthing about how
 the GWT/JavaScript eventing mechanism works.



 On Sep 17, 5:40 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On Sep 17, 4:13 pm, Johannes Lehmann wrote:
  OK, that is basically what I assumed. This however seems to create
  concurrency issues, which the synchronized keyword was designed to
  address. Without any language support such as semaphores or mutexes
  and without any guarantees regarding preemption, how could I solve a
  problem such as the above?

 Excuse my ignorance about semaphores/mutexes/preemption details, but
 how can there be concurrency issues if things never execute
 concurrently? (and *your* code will never execute concurrently with
 *your* code)

 If you really want the gory 

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*Stefano Ciccarelli*

*Indaco srl*
via Sabin, 22 - 40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) - Italy
tel. +39.051.827762 - fax +39.051.6874570

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Re: Reflection: Get Variable Name

2010-08-06 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
If you plan to use PHP I suggest to use rest, json and the RequestBuilder.

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 01:17, Maurice Nee wrote:

 Thanks again for the reply. I was planning to send the generated query
 to a PHP file on the server that connects to a MySQL database and
 executes the query, but point taken about the security hole. So how
 would I go about doing this then? Can I just make regular Java classes
 in the server package of my GWT project and then use RPC to send my
 DTOs across the wire to those classes where I can use Reflection to
 analyze the DTOs and build queries from them? Then I guess I would use
 JDBC to execute the query... Also, will I need to setup a servlet
 container like Tomcat on the server?

 On Aug 5, 6:46 pm, Ian Petersen wrote:
  As GWT is client-side only it has no direct access to any SQL database
  (modulo whatever I don't know about client-side storage in HTML5) so
  generating SQL in GWT is either a waste of time or a security hole
  waiting to happen.  Your server should definitely not be trusting SQL
  generated on the client!
  If you want to do what you've described, you need to do it on the
  server, in regular Java, where reflection works as usual.
  On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Maurice Nee wrote:
   Thanks for the reply. Generators seem like a lot to swallow. I'm
   trying to introspect a set of DTO's that I want to marshall to and
   from a database. I would like to be able to make use of the convention
   over configuration principle and have my DTO class names = table names
   in the database and have my Java field names = field names in the
   database. Then I was hoping to use reflection to dynamically build SQL
   queries based on the given DTO. Am I out of luck with GWT?
   Also, I don't have time for the Hibernate learning curve. Hibernate +
   GWT + Gilead + Maven + Spring = Will not meet deadline :)
   On Aug 5, 5:20 pm, Ian Petersen wrote:
   At run time, it's impossible.  At compile time, you use the generator
   API.  Back in the GWT 1.5 time frame it wasn't well documented but
   that may have changed since.
   On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Maurice Nee
How can I get a variable's name in GWT?
How can I get a collection of declared variables in a class in GWT?
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Re: Get week number from a Date object

2010-08-06 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
If you need the ISO week this is what I'm using in GWT:

private static final int ISO_THURSDAY = 4;
private static final int MAX_DAY_OF_WEEK = 6;
private static final int DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
private static final long MILLIS_DAY = 8640;

public int getWeek() {
final Date date = toDate();

// ISO week day (Mon=1 to Sun=7)
final int dayOfWeek = 1 + (date.getDay() + MAX_DAY_OF_WEEK) %
final Date nearestThu = addDays(date, ISO_THURSDAY - dayOfWeek);
final int year = nearestThu.getYear();
final Date jan1 = new Date(year, 0, 1);
return 1 + dayDiff(nearestThu, jan1) / DAYS_IN_WEEK;

public static Date addDays(final Date sourceDate, final long days) {
return new Date(sourceDate.getTime() + (days * MILLIS_DAY));

public static int dayDiff(final Date firstDate, final Date secondDate) {
return (int) ((firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime()) /

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 17:15, Glimpse wrote:

 Hello all,

 I'd like to know if there is an easy way to get the week number from a
 Date object. In pure Java, the Calendar class does the trick via a
 call to get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR); but the Calendar class is not
 available in GWT.

 Any idea?

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*Stefano Ciccarelli*

*Indaco srl*
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Re: GWT 2.0 is unusable in IE7

2010-02-26 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
I have the same problem described here and I can assure you that I'm using
the standard mode. The problem is only with IE7 and I've solved it using the
popup implementation for IE8 (without iframe) in IE6/IE7 dropping support
for IE6.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Joel Webber wrote:

 I can assure you that this is not a general problem -- we've built plenty
 of applications (including the Mail sample) which work fine using a
 structure very much like the one you describe. If it's only happening on IE,
 there's a very good probability that you're running using a quirks-mode
 doctype (i.e., no !doctype html). If that fixes the problem, would you
 please update issue 4532 to reflect that?

 On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 9:45 AM, nagin wrote:

 I am developing Web application using GWT 2.0. I am using Layout panel
 which is added to RootLayout panel.

 In IE 7 when we open dialog box, popup panel, menu item or date picker
 or any thing that pop ups , then all widgets  on the screen except
 popup disappears . when these pop ups are closed then everything
 reappears. This is very irritating to user and make application
 unusable . I had open issue #4532 a month back, but nobody from GWT
 team  have attended or accepted and looked into it yet . It is very
 surprising that such critical issue is not been attended to. I hope
 that GWT team will look into it and try to resolve this earliest.



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Re: DialogBox problem in IE

2010-02-21 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
I have the same problem. The showcase works because it doesn't use
standard mode.
I noticed that the root cause is the iframe used to hide the input tags in IE6.

On Friday, February 19, 2010, obesga wrote:
 Well, some hot news.

 If I display the dialgo box in ie7, the underlying web elements
 dissapear. But if I open a new tab, and load GWT showcase, the dialo
 box of the showcase works ok. And if I return to the previous tab - my
 app - then the page renders correctly (taaachn !!)

 WTF ???

 On Feb 19, 12:18 pm, obesga wrote:
 I've a problem with GWT 2.0.1 and the DialogBox class, with the
 standarts mode on the page (aka !DOCTYPE html)
 When I create and how a DialogBox ( with center() ) the rest of the
 application dissapears, resulting in a white page only with the dialog
 on top.
 When the dialog hides, the other elements return to visible...

 ¿ Do you know why is this happening and how to fix it ?


 (It don't seem to appear a issue or this theme on the forum... I'm the
 only with this problem ? )

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Re: How to use g:DialogBox UIBinder definition from Java

2010-02-10 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
Sorry, I was talking about Thomas Broyer solution #1.
Your code (pastebin) is what I was already doing.

BTW this is the .java:

public final class AboutDialogDisplay {
private AboutDialogDisplay() {

DialogBox thatsJustMe() {
return this;

And this is the .ui.xml:
g:DialogBox animationEnabled=true glassEnabled=true modal=true


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Christian Goudreau wrote:

 First, give us your code for you .java and for your .ui.xml.

 I'll see what  I can do for you, I also had some problems first time I
 tried this. Note that I'm using Gwt-Presenter in my example.


 On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Stefano Ciccarelli wrote:

 Solution #1 doesn't work for me. I get this error:

 Second attempt to set initializer for field f_DialogBox1, from new, true) to

 Hints or suggestions?

 On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Feb 9, 12:00 pm, Ovidiu Gheorghies wrote:
  The DialogBox API (
  javadoc/2.0/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/DialogBox.html) notes that a
  DialogBox can be defined as a UIBinder template as follows:
   g:DialogBox autoHide=true modal=true
 g:captionbCaption text/b/g:caption
   Body text
   g:Button ui:field='cancelButton'Cancel/g:Button
   g:Button ui:field='okButton'Okay/g:Button
  What is the proper way of using this definition from Java code?
  Supposing that the above definition is contained in
  NotificationWindow.ui.xml, the following naive approach to does not work:
  public class NotificationWindow extends Composite {
  private static NotificationWindowUiBinder uiBinder =
  interface NotificationWindowUiBinder extends UiBinderWidget,
  NotificationWindow {}
  @UiField DialogBox dialogBox;
  public NotificationWindow() {
  public void show() {;
  If the EntryPoint-derived class calls:
  (new NotificationWindow()).show();
  then the following exception is logged:
  java.lang.IllegalStateException: This widget's parent does not
  implement HasWidgets
  How is the g:DialogBox definition from the DialogBox API used
  correctly from Java code?

 There are two possibilities: inheriting DialogBox or having a
 DialogBox field (but then not inheriting a Widget).

 Solution #1: inheriting a DialogBox

 class NotificationWindow extends DialogBox {

   public NotificationWindow() {
 // we don't care about the returned value, it'll be 'this'

   DialogBox thatsJustMe() {
  // UiBinder will call this to get a DialogBox instance
  // and this is the DialogBox instance we want to use
  return this;


 Solution #2: not inheriting DialogBox

 // Note: do NOT inherit Composite, Widget or UIObject!
 class NotificationWindow {

   private DialogBox dialogBox;

   public NotificationWindow() {
  dialogBox = uiBinder.createAndBind(this);

   public void show() {;


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Re: How to use g:DialogBox UIBinder definition from Java

2010-02-10 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
I'm already doing like you, but I'd like to try the solution #1 explained by
Thomas Broyer, so the code is from that test. The class already extends
DialogBox and I get the error reported, the extends is missing because I
done something wrong with cutpaste.
I need @Inject because that class is the Display injected in a Presenter.

I want to try that solution because I prefer to extends DialogBox.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Christian Goudreau wrote:

 Oh no his solution #2 isn't like mine at all, lol, but anyway, do you
 really need @Inject ? There's nothing to inject in your example.

 On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Christian Goudreau wrote:

 In your code, for solution #1, you need to extends DialogBox, you forgot

 For my solution, I only encapsulate DialogBox within an HTMLPanel an then
 I added two public function for showing and hiding my dialogbox. (Solution
 #2) Btw, I found solution #2 less intrusive and more simple.

 On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Stefano Ciccarelli wrote:

 Sorry, I was talking about Thomas Broyer solution #1.
 Your code (pastebin) is what I was already doing.

 BTW this is the .java:

 public final class AboutDialogDisplay {
 private AboutDialogDisplay() {

 DialogBox thatsJustMe() {
  return this;

 And this is the .ui.xml:
 g:DialogBox animationEnabled=true glassEnabled=true modal=true


 On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Christian Goudreau wrote:

 First, give us your code for you .java and for your .ui.xml.

 I'll see what  I can do for you, I also had some problems first time I
 tried this. Note that I'm using Gwt-Presenter in my example.


 On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Stefano Ciccarelli wrote:

 Solution #1 doesn't work for me. I get this error:

 Second attempt to set initializer for field f_DialogBox1, from new, true) to

 Hints or suggestions?

 On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Feb 9, 12:00 pm, Ovidiu Gheorghies wrote:
  The DialogBox API (
  javadoc/2.0/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/DialogBox.html) notes that
  DialogBox can be defined as a UIBinder template as follows:
   g:DialogBox autoHide=true modal=true
 g:captionbCaption text/b/g:caption
   Body text
   g:Button ui:field='cancelButton'Cancel/g:Button
   g:Button ui:field='okButton'Okay/g:Button
  What is the proper way of using this definition from Java code?
  Supposing that the above definition is contained in
  NotificationWindow.ui.xml, the following naive approach to does not work:
  public class NotificationWindow extends Composite {
  private static NotificationWindowUiBinder uiBinder =
  interface NotificationWindowUiBinder extends
  NotificationWindow {}
  @UiField DialogBox dialogBox;
  public NotificationWindow() {
  public void show() {;
  If the EntryPoint-derived class calls:
  (new NotificationWindow()).show();
  then the following exception is logged:
  java.lang.IllegalStateException: This widget's parent does not
  implement HasWidgets
  How is the g:DialogBox definition from the DialogBox API used
  correctly from Java code?

 There are two possibilities: inheriting DialogBox or having a
 DialogBox field (but then not inheriting a Widget).

 Solution #1: inheriting a DialogBox

 class NotificationWindow extends DialogBox {

   public NotificationWindow() {
 // we don't care about the returned value, it'll be 'this'

   DialogBox thatsJustMe() {
  // UiBinder will call this to get a DialogBox instance
  // and this is the DialogBox instance we want to use
  return this;


 Solution #2: not inheriting DialogBox

 // Note: do NOT inherit Composite, Widget or UIObject!
 class NotificationWindow {

   private DialogBox dialogBox;

   public NotificationWindow() {
  dialogBox = uiBinder.createAndBind(this);

   public void show() {;


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Re: SuggestBox hides RootLayoutPanel and all its contents

2010-02-03 Thread Stefano Ciccarelli
This is my dirty solution:

!-- To solve a Popup bug in IE7
!-- the code doesn't works anymore on IE6  
when-property-is name=user.agent value=ie6 /

but you have to drop IE6 support.

On 2 Feb, 08:41, hriess wrote:
 Is there in the meantime a solution for this problem? I am using a
 DockLayoutPanel for the layout of the application. A SuggestBox (and
 other PopupPanels) blanks the complete screen in IE7. After upgrade to
 GWT 2.0, UiBinder and LayoutPanels I haven't tested my application
 with IE7 for a long time. Have I to go back in time and check out a
 rather old SVN version of my application?

 Thank you

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