Re: GWT Dev plug-in for Firefox 11

2012-03-17 Thread phb
Thanks.  Any ETA on Vista x64?

On Mar 17, 3:07 am, Alan Leung wrote:
 I had just compiled a FF11 linux 32 / 64 only version here:


 On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Alan Leung wrote:
  I am working on it

  On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Paul Wujek wrote:

  Today Ubuntu is asking me to update for FF11, but of course this will
  kill my development environment.

  Is there an estimate of when the GWT plug-in will be available?

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Re: UTF-8 Encoding Problem

2010-07-21 Thread phb
For example, if you're using Eclipse (as many of us are) you need to
look at the Resource tab under Project  Properties, which will
probably have defaulted to Cp1252.  Switch this to Other: UTF-8.

You may also have to look at Edit  Set encoding..., although this
will probably do the right thing once you've changed the project

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Re: How to get unpublished events from a SuggestBox?

2010-02-10 Thread phb
Okay, as I think about it, this approach won't work anyway, because I
don't want to change the drop down menu here.  I only want to fill in
the suggestion textbox, like the Google suggestbox does.  So short of
cloning the class and all its support (yuck) I guess this ends up
being a feature request for the base class.  It's a tiny change to the
underlying code, but I can't see a way to create the effect from the

Still very curious about why the suggestbox wasn't seeing my event
though.  I even tried suggestBox.fireEvent() on it, and it seemed to
have no effect.  Anybody know how to do this right?

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Re: Free memory allocated to GWT widgets

2010-02-09 Thread phb
As I posted a while back, I was having severe memory leak issues.  In

- Look at your own code.  If you're still holding references to
widgets, GC doesn't think it's supposed to free them (of course).  In
particular, watch out for static references, which don't get cleared
even when objects are cleaned up.
- You can add onUnload() methods to try to explicitly null out
whatever you can.  And if these aren't getting called, that's a big
- If you use ImageBundle, consider turning off support for IE6
transparency.  That was killing me, because...
- As far as I can tell, some GWT widgets just plain leak.  PopupPanel
is the only one I'm pretty sure leaks, but the GWT issues list shows
other suspects. IE7 seems to be worst.

To your original question, no, I think there's really no way to force
GC to free something it thinks you have a reference to.

Hope this helps,

On Feb 8, 10:21 pm, SmartKiller wrote:
 Guys  !! No reply ... :(
 Please put your thoughts.

 On Feb 2, 6:39 pm, SmartKiller wrote:

  I am facing this problem in myGWTapplication.Memoryis kept getting
  allocated but is neverfreeupmemory. Now following question arieses:

  1. Does is good idea to rely on browser's garbage collection.
  2. Is it possible to force apply GC? if yes how.
  3. I am using tab panel in my application. If that any way i 
  canfreememoryupon tab switching?

  Thanks in advance for all your suggestions.

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How to get unpublished events from a SuggestBox?

2010-02-09 Thread phb
SuggestBox is an opaque grouping of several underlying widgets which
*nearly* does exactly what I want.  What it doesn't do is update the
textbox with suggested text as you arrow up or down through the list,
or as you hover over suggestions with the mouse.  For an example of
why this is useful, see for instance the Google home page.  There is
an internal MenuBar event that handles highlighting the appropriate
item, but I can't hear it from my package.

Now I can add a KeyDownHandler and catch the arrow key events, and
that works just fine, but then I can't see the current selected item
because the underlying MenuBar is hidden.  So instead I thought of a
really hacky way to do it, by sending a KEY_TAB event in, letting the
box think it's being selected and fire the selection event normally,
but then handling the event differently on the back end.

Unfortunately, although I do see things in the right order, when I
change the keystroke like this:

   Document doc =;
   NativeEvent nativeEvent = doc.createKeyDownEvent(false, false,
false, false, KeyCodes.KEY_TAB,KeyCodes.KEY_TAB);

the SuggestBox still sees a KEY_DOWN.  Also, when I just create a new
event and fire it to either the SuggestBox or its TextBox, it doesn't
seem to respond, and my SelectionHandler isn't called, even though my
KeyDownHandler does see it.

So (1) anyone have a better approach, or failing that (2) anyone know
how to get this one to work?


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Anyone know how to *undo* addWindowClosingHandler()?

2010-01-14 Thread phb
I wanted to prevent people from inadvertently leaving our app, so I
used this:

handler = Window.addWindowClosingHandler(new ClosingHandler() {
public void onWindowClosing(ClosingEvent event) {
event.setMessage(Are you sure?);

Worked like a charm.  However, there are some times when this is
unhelpful, and at these times I'd like to be able to selectively allow
users to leave without being prompted.

I tried handler.removeHandler().  No detectable effect.
I tried event.setMessage(), event.setMessage(null), and
event.setMessage(New msg).  Only fixed FF.
I tried changing over to the old Listeners and calling
removeWindowCloseListener().  No detectable effect.
I tried adding a native $wnd.onunload = null.  No detectable effect.
I tried adding $wnd.document.body.onbeforeunload = null.  Only fixed
There doesn't seem to be a preventDefault() on the onWindowClosing
event class, and that's probably a good thing (but it might have

I don't see any GWT bugs open against this, and I'm running out of

I'm running GWT 1.7 if that matters (putting off the 2.0 upgrade until
we get the current version out to some customers).

An acceptable workaround for my two current cases would be to be able
to mailto and download actions without the WindowCloseHandler
triggering, and without leaving a dangling blank window if the default
mail app is not the browser.  Opera does both, Safari does mailto, but
which I can't get IE, Chrome or FF to behave.  Any hints on this front
would also be appreciated.

The fact that I could get more or less acceptable results with FF,
Safari, and Opera leads me to think of this as a browser bug, rather
than a GWT bug, but it doesn't help my users to hear this...

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PopupPanel memory leak in IE (was huge, now just pesky)

2010-01-14 Thread phb
Has anyone else noticed that if you put a big JPG into a PopupPanel,
show it, and then clean it up, there's a significant memory leak (but
only on IE)?  It seems like it should be cleaned up by default, but I
also tried building my on onUnload(), which is being called, and doing
all manner of aggressive things within it to try to tell the browser
that I'm okay with freeing up the content, but to no avail.  Sieve
shows that whatever I have inside that panel retains at least one
reference count, and so the item leaks.  Issue 2329 sort of tracks
this, but doesn't quite acknowledge that at least in GWT 1.7 the basic
case is as broken as the GWT 2.0 setGlassEnabled() one.  I see it with
simply the following:

popup = new PopupPanel(true);

However, the leak was really huge earlier, and the GWT team provided a
very effective, very simple workaround that really saved me, so I
thought I should share it here.  I have a fairly elaborate dialog in a
PopupPanel(), with nice rounded corners and various icons.  To support
transparency, IE was using an offscreen buffer which was getting
pretty huge (50-100MB) and then later got leaked.  The leak is still
there, but the hugeness is gone, thanks to the following four lines
added to the myModule.gwt.xml file:

  when-type-is /
  when-property-is name=user.agent value=ie6 /

Note that this does mean that PNG rendering in IE6 is now ugly, but
for my customers that's not nearly as big an issue as the browser
falling over because it's chewed up all available system memory.  YMMV
-  you'll want to test your site in IE6 before deploying this change.

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