Re: Wave Demise.........sad day for GWT

2010-08-04 Thread retro
Well one great news is INSTANTIATIONS...I am pretty
sure their GWT designer team has some designers on board and they can
whip out some skins.

Also, google is putting money to good use so for God's sake acquire

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Re: Wave Demise.........sad day for GWT

2010-08-04 Thread retro
Well google acquired Instantiations so probably GWT designer will be
open sourced in some form.

There are a bunch of must do's for GWT to be a credible alternative
and if the might of Google cannot give us an end to end ajax toolkit
then the likes of Sun microsystem's failing is no surprise. maybe free
software is a tricky business.

Must do's for GWT:

1) Where is my freaking DataBinding? I know i can add listeners and
add MVP to do what we want, but the design seems fit for just simple
UI's. Anyone looking for an alternative to Flex/SproutCore/Ajax/RIA
should have better databinding support.

2) Give me a nice professional skin, for God's sake the enterprise
skin should be easy to build and there should be better looking
widgets. Even a blind person will cringe when he sees the GWT widgets.
It makes me feel like Web 1.0 was so much better and i don't need

3)Add some security/authorization/authentication support to widgets.
Understood that it's fake security being on the client, but it's still
needed for suppressing component display based on user roles.

4) DataBound widgets in GWT 2.1 are a shame compared to what EXT or
SmartGWT grids offer. If they can do it in Javascript and it's too
tough to do the same in GWT, then for God's sake stand up and say we
give up, and add GodDamn wrappers to google branded javascripts.

I have a hundred other things which i can think of but it seems like
Google is not putting enough people behind GWT. Bruce/Ray/Sumit anyone?

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Wave Demise.........sad day for GWT

2010-08-04 Thread retro
Well poster boy for google's gwt adoption google wave officially died
today. I would love the wave/gwt team to share lesson's learned. Also
can we have the UI code open sourced as well?

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ImageBundle png getting downloaded multiple times

2009-08-19 Thread retro

   When i go to my app firebug shows the xyz.cache.png being
downloaded once. If i hit refresh i see 4 requests for the same image

Any ideas why will this happen?

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Automatic resource inclusion for CSS and cache?

2009-08-19 Thread retro

When we use stylesheet in module xml file does GWT compiler keep track
of if the stylesheet changes? I mean does the bootstrap nocache pull
the changed CSS everytime it changes like it does for the cache.html
or do we need to add the appropriate cache headers?
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Session Timeout with RemoteServiceServlet?

2009-07-31 Thread retro

How is session max inactive interval handled with remote service. I am
seeing a weird issue where timeout is happening even after i am
calling the servlet methods in between calls.

Any ideas?
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GWT incubator log production mode how to log?

2009-07-17 Thread retro

Can anyone point out the configuration necessary to log  client side
messages to the server log in production mode? Any help is appreciated
as documentation is not helping much.
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Re: Problems with gwt history in firefox after adding a frame........Urgent help needed

2009-06-30 Thread retro

I meant Chrome.

On Jun 30, 7:00 pm, retro  wrote:
> This is the same behavior with firefox as well.
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Re: Problems with gwt history in firefox after adding a frame........Urgent help needed

2009-06-30 Thread retro

This is the same behavior with firefox as well.
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Problems with gwt history in firefox after adding a frame........Urgent help needed

2009-06-30 Thread retro

Hi Guys,
   i am running into an issue with history getting wiped out after
i launch a popup with an iframe added to it as content.

The PopUpPanel has a content area which is a simple panel. I set the
Frame as the widget on the simple panel. After this popup is close i
remove Frame from parent.

This for some reason messes up the history in firefox. Everything
works just fine in IE. Anyone else has seen this ?Any help is greatly

I do have the history frame included on my host page.
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Flex Table or DIV's for layout

2009-06-12 Thread retro

Which will be lighter size wise if there are too many of them for
laying out components? Suggestions?
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Multiple Message classes vs Single Constant file huge size jump?

2009-06-09 Thread retro

Hi Guys,
  I recently switched my UI to break down the constants into
multiple message classes each having a static reference to itself. I
am seeing the size grow by almost 200k.

Is this expected? Are there any better ways to organize properties?

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Re: Handling focus/change events on composite widgets

2009-05-27 Thread retro

Hi Ian,
  Sorry for being vague. The use case is having a item height
widget with separate boxes for height in feet and one for inches. I
need to be able to fire validation on this box as a whole when one of
the box changes but only if the focus is not in the other boxes, so
this logically needs to behave as one box for focus lost events. This
could be true for another use case as well where widget has 3
textboxes but they need to fire focus lost as one when some boxes
value changes, but not if user is still focused on the other two

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Re: Handling focus/change events on composite widgets

2009-05-27 Thread retro

anyone has not tackled this? please reply?
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Handling focus/change events on composite widgets

2009-05-26 Thread retro

I know this is an oft repeated question and probably many of you have
solved it so any help is greatly appreciated.

I have a composite widget with 2 textboxes which are laid on a
horizontal panel. I need to fire a change event on this composite
widget only when the user starts modifying these text boxes and when
he leaves the whole field, as in focus is still not in one of the two

I am pretty sure that i cannot fire change event from focus lost by
adding flags monitoring for focus as order of events is not

anyone knows how to handle this?
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GWT incubator log inherit production throws an error

2009-05-11 Thread retro

When i try to inherit Logging-production it throws an error saying gwt-
logging property not defined. Is there any documenation other then the
wiki which shows how to correctly use this in production mode and also
how to configure the servlet if we need too for remote logging?

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