Re: Future of GWT survey

2012-10-26 Thread t.dave
have the results of this survey been posted anywhere?  if not, any ETA on 
when they might be?

much thanks!

On Wednesday, September 19, 2012 6:23:24 AM UTC-7, Joonas Lehtinen wrote:
> What is your opinion on the future of GWT?
> How should GWT develop?
> What technologies should it better support?
> ...
> We all would like to get answers to these questions, right? To do so, we 
> created survey with help of Ray Cromwell, Artur Signell, Mike Brock, David 
> Chandler, Daniel Kurka and Bhaskar Janakiraman.
> If you want to help finding the best direction for GWT, please fill the 
> survey at:
> (it will take just 10 minutes)
> When the results are collected, the will share the information with you.
> - Joonas @ Vaadin

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Re: jquery?

2011-10-26 Thread t.dave
my $.02 would be that it all depends on what kind of project/app/
website you're building.  if you want to have a true web application
where the page seldom if ever does a full refresh and you want to have
a lot of fancy and super awesome functionality, then GWT is the way to
go.  i've heard that there are ways with javascript to manage your
project well, but my experience with JS is somewhat limited.  i think
it's better for a large web app to be able to work one level of
abstraction higher by coding in java and taking advantage of
everything that brings.

however, if you're building what's really a website and you want to
have just a sprinkling of ajax or a little cool functionality, then by
all means go with jquery.  it's much more lightweight and for simple
things, way simpler.  but from what i've seen i would definitely not
want to do anything of significant size with that.

most likely building a website will be faster, but a web app has a lot
of advantages.  with a web app you can push your state down into the
client and have a stateless server side which helps bigtime with
scalability.  but, depending on your project there may be security
concerns around doing that.

as always, pros and cons both ways but by asking on a GWT list the
answer of which to go with is most likely going to be GWT.  :)

On Oct 25, 12:53 pm, Luis Montes  wrote:
> Maintaining JS doesn't have to become a nightmare on large projects.  Other
> toolkits besides jquery have taken things like modularity,dependency
> management, and modularity into account.
> Write in GWT if you want to write in Java.

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Re: best architecture for GWT + Spring

2011-07-14 Thread t.dave
i'd also agree with going the route of #2, and keeping GWT-RPC for
convenience.  yes, it's nice architecturally to say your client and
server are loosely coupled via JSON, but in practice writing JSNI
objects to read the JSON is hard to debug and can be rather tedious.

i did that previously with a grails backend, and because grails at
that point was unproven to me wanted to be able to swap it out for
something later and not even tie myself into a java backend.  i
wouldn't recommend it.  unless you have requirements that you can't
have a java backend or really don't think it's going to last, i'd keep
GWT-RPC and have that attach to spring as the previous poster

you might also have requirements of different (non-GWT) clients
calling your restful server side and still want to go with JSON, but
again i'd think about having multiple input/output formats (GWT-RPC,
JSON, XML, etc) all calling into the same services layer instead of
trying to standardize on one input/output data format.

hope that helps!

ps. only my $.02, not necessarily an expert opinion.  :)

On Jul 14, 8:04 am, cri  wrote:
> Definitely #2 for the reasons you mentions, with the GWT RPC server
> side attaching to the Spring application context.
> On Jul 14, 6:15 am, Ernesto Reig  wrote:
> > Hello everybody.
> > I have been discussing this topic with some collegues and we would like to
> > know the "GWT community" expert opinion :)
> > As the title says, the discussion is about the best architecture (or best
> > practices) for building enterprise web applications with GWT and Spring, and
> > the different options available are:
> >  - GWT MVP front-end + Spring MVC + Spring architecture back-end*.
> >  - GWT MVP front-end + Spring architecture back-end*.
> >  - Spring MVC + GWT components inside html´s and JSP´s + Spring architecture
> > back-end*.
> > *Spring architecture back-end is composed of several different maven
> > modules/projects (separated by functionality) each one made with Spring.
> > From my point of view, the best option is the second one. With that option
> > you are not mixing concepts nor using two design patterns together for the
> > same thing (GWT MVP and Spring MVP), which I think is nonsense. Also you can
> > develop the GWT part completely independent with the back-end part (with no
> > Spring MVC in the middle). So you can make the front-end part with GWT, thus
> > using the GWT best practices and features like Activities, Places,
> > RequestFactory, etc. And the back-end part focusing on every module
> > independently, using the technologies you want (Spring in this case) for
> > each one.
> > What do you think about this? Every point is appreciated.
> > Thank you very much.

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Re: .setVisible(true); // I can't see what I am missing

2011-06-27 Thread t.dave
".setVisible(true); // I can't see what I am missing" - enjoyed the
pun.  :)

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Spiffy UI?

2011-05-25 Thread t.dave
is anyone familiar with the Spiffy UI framework?

it potentially looks very interesting but i've only given it a quick
once-over, and haven't dug in enough to really figure out pros & cons.

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Re: User GWT to develop android apps that are not browser based?

2011-05-19 Thread t.dave
try GWTMobile:

i haven't used it myself but believe it does what you're looking for.

On May 19, 2:55 pm, cri  wrote:
> I just skimmed through the Google IO talk by Chris Ramsdale on using
> GWT to build mobile web apps, hosted on Android for example.
> Interesting, but what about using GWT to develop an Android app that
> isn't accessed via the browser, i.e. that is downloaded through the
> Android Market? Is this possible? The latter seems more like a first
> class android application. Thanks

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uploading to amazon s3

2011-01-06 Thread t.dave
hi all, wondered if anyone has had any success doing reliable and
robust uploads to amazon s3 directly from the browser?  i need to
upload mp3 files at 3-10ish MB a pop.

i have it working using the GWT-S3 library (
gwt-s3/) which basically translates into doing glorified form posts.
this works great for smaller image files but the problem i'm running
into is that occasionally uploads (especially of larger files) seem to
disappear into the ether and just spin forever.  i'm looking at
building in a timeout and upload verification, but would also like to
explore something that is flash-based, along the lines of one of these

swfupload-gwt -
gwtswfext -
gwt-plupload -

of these i've made attempts with swfupload-gwt and gwtswfext (both of
these libraries are wrappers to swfupload flash uploader) and made the
most progress with gwtswfext.  that said, i can't actually get the
uploads to work with that library as of yet.

i've found examples of using these libraries and examples of uploading
to amazon s3, but very little crossover between the two.  so before i
start asking any specific questions or posting specific error
messages, wanted to ask if there's anyone on the list with experience
in this or who might be able to provide any examples along these

thanks in advance!


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Re: Database and GWT

2010-08-05 Thread t.dave
iBATIS sounds interesting so i just looked it up... has support been
discontinued as of june 2010?  there's something on the top of the
page saying it's been put in apache's "attic", which is not something
i'm familiar with but it doesn't sound promising.

On Aug 5, 5:26 pm, charlie  wrote:
> Don't forget iBATIS, I love this tool.  Straight SQL mapped to pojo's , with
> iBator to reverse enginer your tables for you.
> Only badside is there's not much documentation, you'll need a book if you're
> new to it.
> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 5:23 PM, Maurice Nee  wrote:
> > Sorry for the broken link. Here you go
> >
> > On Aug 5, 6:20 pm, Maurice Nee  wrote:
> > > You have a couple of options:
> > > 1. Hibernate (or some other ORM tool)
> > > 2. JDBC
> > > 3. PHP and JSON
> > > Be prepared, the Hibernate learning curve is substantial. If you use
> > > Eclipse, you will need to install a slew of plugins for integrating
> > > Hibernate and whichever build tool you pefer, (Maven, Ant, etc.). Then
> > > you will need to address the Hibernate GWT Serialization issues. This
> > > is pretty much the best article on using the two together, but
> > > unfortunately it does not address how to setup your project.  > > href="
> > > using_gwt_with_hibernate.html">Using GWT and Hibernate
> > > I have not used JDBC with GWT, but I think you will need a JRE on your
> > > server.
> > > PHP and JSON is the easiest to get up and running. There are a number
> > > of tutorials online on GWT + PHP + MySQL
> > > On Aug 5, 5:56 pm, Diego Venuzka  wrote:
> > > > Hi!
> > > > After some hours without sleep to solve my compilation problem, i stop
> > in
> > > > another problem. I'll need to insert data in database, and how GWT can
> > help
> > > > with this? Or i can insert using the "tradicional method" with Java?
> > > > Thanks =)
> > > > --
> > > > Diego Venuzka
> > --
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> >
> --

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Re: Any Good GWT Photo Uploaders?

2010-08-05 Thread t.dave
try gwtupload.

i'm not sure if it can handle uploading 150 files simultaneously but
it has multiple upload capability.  as well, there's a separate
mailing list specific to that for questions.

On Aug 5, 1:43 pm, GKotta  wrote:
> Are there any good GWT photo uploader applications out there? The app
> that I am making involves users uploading as many as 150 photos. So I
> was wondering if there are any GWT photo uploaders that can handle
> that many photo uploads all at once.
> Thanks

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Re: The Music Collective, a GWT project

2010-07-12 Thread t.dave
Nice app.  Any concerns about music industry problems?

On Jul 12, 3:08 pm, charlie  wrote:
> Hi all!
> So I'm launching my first GWT 
> app,  A year ago
> pandora started charging for more than 40 hours a month, so I decided to
> write an online mp3 player that I could upload my music to once and listen
> to wherever.
> It's since become an sort of social networking meets music app, where you
> invite friends, they 'like' songs, and you can get a glimpse of what
> everyone is into, music wise, at the moment.
> One interesting aspect was this deferred login / sign up.  The application
> only prompts you for login / signup when you try to do something that
> requires you to be logged in.  This was an after thought, but thanks to how
> GWT is setup, it required little to no changes at all.
> So, what have you built with GWT?  Share!
> Charlie

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Re: Mixing Projects

2010-04-16 Thread t.dave
have you put the code of project B somewhere that project A can see it
when it is deployed?  if you put different projects on the build path
in eclipse it will compile fine but i don't think that cuts it when it
comes time to deploy.

i'm doing something similar, where i have one GWT project reusing the
code of another one in eclipse.  what i've done there is to export the
code from the first project to a jar in the lib directory of the
second project, and not put the first project on the build path of the
second.  the only pain there is if i change the code of the first
project i have to re-export to the jar, but that avoids the deploy
issue you may be running into.  and in the gwt.xml of the second
project you'll have to  the module of the first project.  in
the first project i have 2 gwt.xml files - one with an entry point and
one without.  in the second project i'm inheriting the one without the
entry point.

hopefully i'm understanding the problem correctly - just skimmed the
posts above and quickly throwing in $.02 in hope that it will help.

On Apr 16, 10:53 am, John  wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Brian Smith  wrote:
> >> Did I miss a step?
> > More likely my suggestion was incomplete...
> > Can you correct this using the  element in the module xml file?
> > I haven't been able to test I'm afraid.
> Don't worry about testing.  I appreciate any pointers in the right
> direction, and I'll do the testing.  When I changed my inherit
> statement,  to:
> it compiled without error.  However, it still crashes when I try to
> run the application, even in development mode.  I think the format of
> my source statement is wrong.  I think this is covered someplace in
> the docs, so I'll look when I have time later on.
> John
> --
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Re: How to scroll page to element

2010-04-13 Thread t.dave
I've learned some things reading this thread.  nice.  :)

looks like there are some easier ways of doing things than how i'm
doing my scrolling, and this would probably be not the easiest, but
i'll mention it for completeness.  it's also possible to do the
browser window scrolling in javascript, and make a JSNI call to the
javascript function to do it.  i'm currently using this method to
simulate a page refresh:

function scrollToTop() {
window.scroll( 0, 0 );

and the corresponding GWT JSNI method:

public native void jsScrollWindowToTop() /*-{

just one more option.

On Apr 12, 11:19 am, Brandon Turner  wrote:
> You can get away without a ScrollPanel if you want to as well.  Something
> like:
> verticalPanel.getElement().setScrollTop(secondFlexTable.getElement().getAbsoluteTop());
> -Brandon
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:12 PM, t.dave  wrote:
> > use ScrollPanel.setScrollPosition().  that sets the vertical scroll
> > position of the scrollpanel, which you will need to calculate.  try
> > something like this:
> > new ClickHandler() {
> >  public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) {
> >    int tableTop = secondFlexTable.getAbsoluteTop();
> >    scrollPanel.setScrollPosition( tableTop );
> >  }
> > }
> > i suppose in your case it wouldn't be a click handler if you're basing
> > it off the history token, but hopefully this will point you in the
> > right direction.
> > On Apr 12, 7:34 am, redlaber  wrote:
> > > I want to scroll page, generated with gwt, to some element. Its should
> > > be simple, but i cannt find the solution. For example: I have a
> > > vertical panel with two flexables. When i get the history token
> > > "goto2" I want to scroll my page to the second table. (Sorry for the
> > > terrible english).
> > --
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> >

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Re: How to scroll page to element

2010-04-12 Thread t.dave
use ScrollPanel.setScrollPosition().  that sets the vertical scroll
position of the scrollpanel, which you will need to calculate.  try
something like this:

new ClickHandler() {
  public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) {
int tableTop = secondFlexTable.getAbsoluteTop();
scrollPanel.setScrollPosition( tableTop );

i suppose in your case it wouldn't be a click handler if you're basing
it off the history token, but hopefully this will point you in the
right direction.

On Apr 12, 7:34 am, redlaber  wrote:
> I want to scroll page, generated with gwt, to some element. Its should
> be simple, but i cannt find the solution. For example: I have a
> vertical panel with two flexables. When i get the history token
> "goto2" I want to scroll my page to the second table. (Sorry for the
> terrible english).

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Re: ***Exciting Java Opportunity in Hampshire***

2010-04-08 Thread t.dave
I would like to see a gwt jobs/recruitment/etc list.  I'm not in the
market now but always find it interesting to see what technologies are
grouped together in job postings.  And as GWT (hopefully) :) becomes
more pervasive there will presumably be more of a need for a jobs

On Apr 8, 10:33 am, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> I didn't really think you were allowing advertising :-), and I appreciate
> the hard work that goes into moderating a group like this.
> Ian
> On 8 April 2010 15:44, Chris Ramsdale  wrote:
> > No, it hasn't been decided. To that extent we're filtering any recruiter
> > posts that have nothing to do with GWT. This post happened to slip past the
> > moderation queue (Groups isn't perfect). That said, we block on average 3-4
> > recruiters per day, so let's not jump to conclusions when one makes it
> > through.
> > Job posts that are GWT related are decided on a case by case basis. For the
> > most part though, we block these as well.
> > -- Chris
> > On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> >> So has it been decided that people can advertise on this group, then?
> >> Ian
> >>
> >> On 7 April 2010 14:09, Benny Tech Recruiter 
> >> wrote:
> >>> I am currently looking for a Java Developer for the Leader in Sports
> >>> and Entertainment Integration.
> >>> My client are looking to expand the development team with a new Java/
> >>> Web Developer. They are a quickly expanding company providing cutting
> >>> edge applications and integrations to Live sporting events around the
> >>> globe.
> >>> The position will involve becoming and active member of the software
> >>> development team and taking responsibility for the implementation of
> >>> key software modules. The system is a large multithreaded, multi
> >>> server web system written mainly in Java. Web clients are written
> >>> using GWT (Google Web Toolkit) and data is provided to them through
> >>> the Spring framework. Data storage is handled by MySQL.
> >>> Successful candidates will have a proven history of developing Java
> >>> software and working in a fast paced and cutting edge development
> >>> environment.
> >>> Necessary skills/experience:
> >>> -       Java development, J2SE and some J2EE.
> >>> -       Database development understanding.
> >>> -       Development of web applications including related technologies
> >>> such
> >>> as CSS, javascript and JSP.
> >>> -       Working knowledge of Windows as a development environment and
> >>> Linux
> >>> as a production environment
> >>> Useful skills/experience:
> >>> -       Hibernate and database optimisation
> >>> -       Linux sysadmin
> >>> -       Google Web Toolkit
> >>> If you have the relevant experience for this opportunity and are
> >>> looking for new opportunities please email me with your Cv to either
> >>> or
> >>> --
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> >>>
> >>  --
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> >>
> >  --
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> >

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Re: upgrading to 2.0, problem with adding style name on click

2010-04-01 Thread t.dave
that's awesome.  thanks for the quick response!

On Apr 1, 8:50 pm, kozura  wrote:
> I think you actually just want Widget sender =
> (Widget)event.getSource();, then you can continue as before..
> On Apr 1, 7:45 pm, "t.dave"  wrote:
> > so i'm finally in the process of upgrading from 1.5.3 to 2.0, and
> > converting all my listeners to handlers.  i have a listener class that
> > is always used in conjunction with an image - when the image is
> > clicked on the listener adds a style name indicating it's been
> > clicked.
> > current code, in the class implementing ClickListener:
> > public void onClick( Widget sender )
> > {
> >   sender.addStyleName( "clickedIcon" );
> >   if ( sender instanceof FocusWidget )
> >     ((FocusWidget) sender).setFocus( false );
> > }
> > attempted replacement code, in class now implementing ClickHandler:
> > public void onClick( ClickEvent event )
> > {
> >   event.getRelativeElement().setAttribute( maybe? ...);
> >   event.getRelativeElement().blur();
> > }
> > presumably i can always blur an Element, and as such don't need the
> > check for a FocusWidget equivalent.  however, how can i add a style
> > name?  am i going to have to modify the constructor of the class and
> > pass a reference to the Image Widget?
> > any help on this would be much appreciated.  thanks in advance!
> > dave

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upgrading to 2.0, problem with adding style name on click

2010-04-01 Thread t.dave
so i'm finally in the process of upgrading from 1.5.3 to 2.0, and
converting all my listeners to handlers.  i have a listener class that
is always used in conjunction with an image - when the image is
clicked on the listener adds a style name indicating it's been

current code, in the class implementing ClickListener:

public void onClick( Widget sender )
  sender.addStyleName( "clickedIcon" );
  if ( sender instanceof FocusWidget )
((FocusWidget) sender).setFocus( false );

attempted replacement code, in class now implementing ClickHandler:

public void onClick( ClickEvent event )
  event.getRelativeElement().setAttribute( maybe? ...);

presumably i can always blur an Element, and as such don't need the
check for a FocusWidget equivalent.  however, how can i add a style
name?  am i going to have to modify the constructor of the class and
pass a reference to the Image Widget?

any help on this would be much appreciated.  thanks in advance!


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Re: Server side: start independent Thread at deploy on server

2010-03-30 Thread t.dave
just initialize the thread in the servlet's init() method and shut it
down in the servlet's destroy() method.  then just make sure that the
servlet is started on server startup by adding this to the servlet
definition in your web.xml:

i think that should be the same regardless if you're running on
tomcat, jetty, or whatever.

On Mar 25, 1:26 pm, ""  wrote:
> You would start it any way you would normally do such things in Java/
> Servlets (not a GWT specific question).  Maybe something like
> static Thread mythread = new Thread(){};
> if you need this to start on server startup you need to have this
> hooked into whatever server you're using (ie how to do this on tomcat
> will be different from jetty/websphere/jboss/etc)

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Re: GWT RPC error

2009-12-23 Thread t.dave
it looks like you're referencing code on the GWT client side that the
GWT compiler doesn't support.  this kind of problem can be tricky,
because it looks like it compiles ok in eclipse.  remember that your
GWT client packages will end up in the browser as javascript, and so
GWT only supports only a subset of the JRE in the com.x.client.*

i'd check for any references to Socket: is a restricted class

as well, check the JRE emulation reference for supported client-side
java packages.

On Dec 23, 7:00 am, SergeZ  wrote:
> Hi everybody!!! Please, help me in solving my problem!!!
> I have the standard simple project. The only customization which is
> had been done by me is DB connection (actually Oracle 10g DataBase).
> Of course I use the RPC mechanism. Data, retrieved from DB returning
> from method with String type. When it's time to do for applicaton an
> asyncronous method call, i receiving the such error message:
> Initializing AppEngine server
> The server is running athttp://localhost:/
> 23.12.2009 12:33:21
> log
> SEVERE: [1261571601567000] javax.servlet.ServletContext log: Exception
> while dispatching incoming RPC call
> Service method
> 'public abstract java.lang.String
> org.kamal.hello.client.HelloWorld.client.GreetingService.greetServer
> (java.lang.String)' threw an unexpected exception:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: is a restricted class.
> Please see the Google  App Engine developer's guide for more details.
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
> 487)
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter
> (
>         at
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter
> (
>         at
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter
> (
>         at
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle
> (
>         at
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle(
> 405)
>         at
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle
> (
>         at
> $ApiProxyHandler.handle(
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(
> 506)
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.content
> (
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
>         at
> (
>         at org.mortbay.thread.BoundedThreadPool$
> (
> Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: is a
> restricted class. Please see the Google  App Engine developer's guide
> for more details.
>         at
> (
>         at 

Re: Tomcat RPC Failure on Lost Client Connections.

2009-11-16 Thread t.dave
there's a bit of content on the web about this problem.  if memory
serves it was at least partly blamed on the
RPCServletUtils.readContentAsUtf8() method - that sometimes the
request doesn't make it to the server.  this was blamed on the
vagaries of the internet.

i have it all the time in my web app - probably at least once a day,
but have been unable to replicate it or track down the exact cause.
what version of GWT are you running?  i'm still on 1.5.3 - my hope is
that once i finally get around to rewriting ALL my listeners into a
handler bus and upgrade to 1.7 (or even 2.0 by the time i get to it),
this problem will be solved.


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Re: How to capture function keys ?

2009-11-10 Thread t.dave

i'm not 100% sure how this works, but will throw it out there in case
somebody knows or can figure it out.

the idea of a hot key was floated for my web app.  on a forum a guy
offered to create browser plugins for my app that would be able to
capture function keys.  here's some of the info he sent:

"For the suggestion of having a hotkey... if you expose a function to
do this in the pages javascript I can create Opera, FireFox, and IE
plugins for the site to provide this functionality."

"The principal works this way though, just as you embed a flash player/
movie into a website. You’d, for example, have this code embedded:

And voila! The plugin is now integrated with that
page! So with the plugin now embedded, I could expose some functions
for you to set what hotkeys are associated to JavaScript functions. So
for example you’d then have this code:

 var plugin = document.getElementById(‘appname-hotkey’);

 plugin.setHotKey(“F5”, “nextStep”);

 plugin.setHotKey(“F4”, “prevStep”);

That way whenever F4 or F5 are hit by themselves, they will go to the
next step and previous step respectively. This could integrate with
your back-end by allowing users to set their hot key preferences when
they login. The other perk is that you can easily embed detection if
the plugin is loaded, and if it isn’t do nothing. That way if the
plugin isn’t installed the page will behave as normal."

Anybody know anything about creating browser plugins?

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Re: Help - my web site based on GWT fails to load in IE8

2009-09-25 Thread t.dave

i had IE8 issues when it first came out.  i'm still on GWT 1.5.3 -
thought later versions should play nicer with IE8, but what fixed my
issue was adding the following to the html host page:

not sure if that's a good long term solution, but made my app go from
non-functional to functional.

hope that helps

On Sep 25, 9:06 am, Itzik Yatom  wrote:
> I have just finished to develop a web site that is mostly written in
> GWT. During a non-trivial load that contains many panels and widgets
> build, asynchronous server requests for grabbing information from DB
> and XML file contents, it fails in IE8 on adding the main Composite
> object to the root panel with unclear JavaScript message.
> In Firefox and IE7 it works fine. How can I get information about the
> failure cause ? and this is, actually, a general question - How can I
> get information where is the failure in my Java classes when at
> runtime all Java classes are compiled to JS ?
> It looks like a nightmare when everything works at development
> environment where you can debug the Java code but it fails on runtime
> with an error that tells you nothing about the real problem.
> Thanks in advance
> Itzik Yatom
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