GWT custom tree with styling.

2011-04-12 Thread xworker
Hi all
Struggling a bit with styling a gwt tree to fit a design I got handed by 
some people who actually know this stuff. Posted a question on 
For instance, how do I get the leaf images on the right side instead of the 
left side. And how do I make the leafs react to mouseover. It seems when you 
look at the HTML code generated by the GWT there's a lot of table elements 
and divs that you can access and style. Do I have to make my own renderer to 
get complete control of the tree layout 
If I get this working I will write a small tutorial about it since lots of 
people seem to struggle with styling and GWT.

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Tree with I18N

2010-11-05 Thread xworker

I am wondering how to build a TreeItem with I18N and not have
different tokens for a menu item.

If I build a TreeItem like this:

Tree tree;

TreeItem customer = new TreeItem(customerGroup);


  public void onSelection(SelectionEventTreeItem event) {
the ValueChange token I get when a user clicks the create node is
create and then I get code like

 public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEventString event) {
  String token = event.getValue();
CreateCustomerView create = new CreateCustomerView(eventBus,

But what if I want to have different languages in the TreeItem nodes,
then I want something other then the text as a token, perhaps an id.
Can I solve this with the Places pattern from the MVP pattern, and if
so how does that work?

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Injecting EventBus with GIN

2010-11-01 Thread xworker
Hi all

Trying to inject the eventbus into a component but I'm getting the
has no default (zero args) constructor. error. Any clues what I'm
doing wrong? Very new to GIN, so it might be trivial..

Here is my code:

public class MyWidgetClientModule extends AbstractGinModule {
  protected void configure() {


public interface MyWidgetGinjector extends Ginjector {


and the component I trying to inject:
public class I18NLabel extends Label implements

private final SimpleEventBus eventBus;
private String key;

public I18NLabel(SimpleEventBus eventBus) {
this.eventBus = eventBus;

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Plugin failed to connect to hosted mode server at Weblogic

2010-10-13 Thread xworker

Running an GWT app on weblogic. How I deployed:

Went into the weblogic console, - deployments, browsed to the
location of the project/war dir. It deployed fine. When trying the url
i get

Plugin failed to connect to hosted mode server at

the url was

Any ideas?


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Ui:msg I18N and Dictionary/HashMap

2010-09-03 Thread xworker

Is it possible to use the ui:msg tag with Dictionary? Right now I have
stored my text resources in a HashMapString,String which is a
Singleton because I could not figure out how to convert it into a

I'm getting the values from the server which gets it from a databse
via webservices.

In the entry class:

customerService.getMapForKey(key ,new AsyncCallbackHashMapString,
Object() {
public void onSuccess(HashMapString, Object 
result) {

public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {


In my views i'm getting the values like this:


How could I use this in my uibindings files?


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I18N with texts from db.

2010-09-02 Thread xworker
Hi all

I want to build a system with I18N where the texts in key/value pairs
wich I want to load from a webservice and cached in the server part of
GWT. I have done this before in JSF applications with hashmaps and now
I'm about to implement it in GWT. Which I18N construct would be best
to use for this purpose? I have looked at the Dictionary, but I'm not
sure if it would be the best option. The Dictionary can be created
like this:

Dictionary theme = Dictionary.getDictionary(CurrentTheme);

the getDictionary method takes a String as input, I'm thinking to
return a String representation of a hashmap from the server part of
GWT and create the Dictionary with it. I will have an admin interface
where admins can manually refresh cache and set cache timeouts.

Thoughts/comments on this?

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Store information in Cookies?

2010-08-27 Thread xworker

How do I go about and save information between  views on the client? I
have a dropdown with values, when the user selects something I want to
use that information when showing another view later on, but I dont
want to switch to that view directyly. Is the only way to store the
information in the Cookies?

Example: the user selected a value in a dropdown in a view in a
docklayout in the top container. When the user later on navigates to a
detail view in the center container I want to show different data
depending on what is selected from the dropdown menu. Since the view
is created everytime it is about to be shown, I can't store anything
in it.


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Re: Views without presenters - how should they handle events?

2010-07-28 Thread xworker

For now I'm putting events on the eventbus from the view. Then in the
entrypoint class handle all the events. I send the eventbus in the
constructor to the view since I have'nt put in GIN yet. I will look
into the new AcitvityManager concept from the 2010 IO and the


On 28 Juli, 16:23, PeteUK wrote:

 I'm starting with GWT and struggling to know how I should architect my

 I am using the Mail application's source code as a basis for mine, so
 I'm hoping this reaches others who have inspected the source for the
 Mail application.

 Within the Shortcuts area, are three sub-areas (stacks in the
 StackLayoutPanel): Mailboxes, Tasks, and Contacts. Inside Mailboxes,
 assume I replaced the tree with a single button In Box, and created
 an event handler for it:

 public class Mailboxes extends Composite {

   void btnClicked(ClickEvent e) {


 I am not sure how to proceed in internally architecting the handling
 code. The Mailboxes class is a view but doesn't really have an
 associated presenter. I have an outer presenter which really deals
 with the entire outer view of the application (the root layout panel).
 I've been thinking about the following choices but not sure how to

 1) I could put these events on the event bus, and dependency-inject
 the event bus into the Mailboxes instance somehow (I'm looking into
 gin/guice as a separate thing).

 2) I could define a Presenter interface for Mailboxes which has a
 callback for this button. The Mailboxes class is a view class with no
 corresponding presenter class though, so not sure how I could
 implement this! The Mailboxes instance is created in Shortcuts.ui.xml
 as follows:

       g:header size='3'Mailboxes/g:header     // .N.B style divs
 removed for brevity
       mail:Mailboxes ui:field='mailboxes'/           // ---
 Mailboxes instance created here

 3) Define a Presenter interface for Mailboxes and implement the
 callback in the outer presenter object. This means outer presenter is
 dealing with things a lot lower in the object tree than I feel it

 If your task was to extend the Mail application in this way, how would
 you think it should be done?



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Re: DockLayoutPanel MVP and events

2010-07-21 Thread xworker
Hi Thomas

Thanks for your reply, I have started to look into the ActivityManager
and Place patterns, but have not found lots of documentation. Is there
any examples?
Is gwt-p going to be standard for 2.1 or will google release there own


On 14 Juli, 17:07, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On 8 juil, 10:39, xworker wrote:


  Very new to GWT and MVP. Trying to expand the contacts example with a
  DockLayoutPanel with a tree navigation in the west section. Using MVP
  and ui:bindings.

  Got an DockLayoutPanelView and Presenter. Inside is a tree component
  to the west and a content component in center. How will I get the
  events from the tree component?

 The generally adopted way of doing things in GWT is to have custom
 events go through the event bus. In this case, you're talking about
 navigation, so maybe the concept of place would be better than
 just some custom event. I encourage you to look at gwt-platform, gwt-
 presenter and other MVP frameworks for GWT, and/or look at the
 Activity concept from the upcoming GWT 2.1.

 Using actvities, you'd have an ActivityManager managing your center.
 The tree would use the PlaceController.goTo to navigate to a new
 place. An ActivityMapper (that you passed to the ActivityManager in
 the constructor) would map the place to an Activity (a presenter), and
 the ActivityManager will manage the current Activity for the display
 it manages, will stop() the current activity if its ok
 (willStop returns true) and then only start the new Activity, which
 will call the Display back to show its view.
 The tree would probably also listen to PlaceChangeEvent on the event
 bus to update the selected item depending on the current place (in
 case some other component calls the PlaceController.goTo)

  My DockViewPresenter:

  public class DockPresenter implements Presenter {

          public interface Display {
                  Widget asWidget();

          private final ContactsServiceAsync rpcService;
          private final HandlerManager eventBus;
          private final Display display;
          private ContactsPresenter contactsPresenter;
          private TreePresenter treePresenter;

          public DockPresenter(ContactsServiceAsync rpcService,
                          HandlerManager eventBus, Display view) {
                  this.rpcService = rpcService;
                  this.eventBus = eventBus;
                  this.display = view;

                  contactsPresenter = new ContactsPresenter(rpcService, 
                                  new ContactsView());
                  treePresenter = new TreePresenter(rpcService, eventBus, new

          public void bind() {

          public void go(final HasWidgets container) {



  As you can see I am creating the two presenters for the content and
  the tree, but I dont know how to get the events (clicks, selections)
  from them. They seem to be swallowed be the dock.  I'm guessing I
  should register handlers in the bind() method, but how? When
  navigating to the tree component without the dock, events works fine.


  public class TreePresenter implements Presenter {

    public interface Display {

          HasSelectionHandlersTreeItem  getTree();
      Widget asWidget();

    private final ContactsServiceAsync rpcService;
    private final HandlerManager eventBus;
    private final Display display;

    public TreePresenter(ContactsServiceAsync rpcService, HandlerManager
  eventBus, Display view) {
      this.rpcService = rpcService;
      this.eventBus = eventBus;
      this.display = view;


    public void bind() {

  SelectionHandlerTreeItem() {

            public void onSelection(SelectionEventTreeItem event) {
                TreeItem item = (TreeItem) event.getSelectedItem();
                GWT.log(Node selected +item.getText());



  Thanks- Dölj citerad text -

 - Visa citerad text -

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@UiHandler with Tree component

2010-07-13 Thread xworker
Hi all

Can't get this to work:

declaring a tree:

Tree tree = new Tree();

then declaring a handler:

  void onTreeSelect(SelectionEventTreeItem event)
  Window.alert(You clicked the tree);

Wont fire. Why?


P.S This is my fourth post, still no answer on any of them. Are my
questions to stupid or to hard or doesn't anyone know anything about
GWT? A bit concering as we are thinking of chosing GWT for a large
enterprise project.

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Re: handling events in MVP with containers

2010-07-12 Thread xworker
Is there really no comments on this? Am I doing something wrong or
does GWT handle events this way. Doesn't seem right that I have to
handle everything in the DockPresenter. Could someone please point me
in the right direction


On 9 Juli, 14:43, xworker wrote:
 Hi all.

 Got this setup:

 Dock (DockLayoutPanel)
   --Tree (Tree)
   --Content. (SimplePanel)

 DockPresenter creates and bind the presenters for tree and content
 like so:

 public DockPresenter(ContactsServiceAsync rpcService,
                         HandlerManager eventBus, Display view) {
                 this.rpcService = rpcService;
                 this.eventBus = eventBus;
                 this.display = view;

                 contactsPresenter = new ContactsPresenter(rpcService, 
                                 new ContactsView());
                 treePresenter = new TreePresenter(rpcService, eventBus, new

 Then in the bind method in the DockPresenter i got this:

         public void bind() {

                 eventBus.addHandler(SelectionEvent.getType(), treePresenter);

 I want to propagate all the Selection events to the treePresenter. The
 treePresenter looks like this:

 public class TreePresenter implements Presenter,
 SelectionHandlerTreeItem {


         public void onSelection(SelectionEventTreeItem event) {
          TreeItem item = (TreeItem) event.getSelectedItem();


 But the onSelection method never gets called. Have I misunderstod the
 MVP event model? I dont want to handle all event in the dock
 presenter, then everyting gets tangeld upp and not very decoupled.
 What is the proposed way to handle events in a setup with nestled
 presenter and containers widgets containing other widgets?

 It seems that an good example with MVP ui:binding and DockLayoutPanel
 (or similar) with a tree navigation to the west which changes content
 in the center panel would benefit alot of people.

 Thanks for your time

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GWT 2.1 Simple Place example

2010-07-12 Thread xworker
Hi all

Strugling with finding documentation and a simple example with the new
Place concept. Can anyone shed some light? Most examples point to
generated scaffold code with roo. Not easy to read, and at this point
I dont want to use Roo. Just want a simple example or explanation
about the new concepts in 2.1 (Places,Activity).


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handling events in MVP with containers

2010-07-09 Thread xworker
Hi all.

Got this setup:

Dock (DockLayoutPanel)
  --Tree (Tree)
  --Content. (SimplePanel)

DockPresenter creates and bind the presenters for tree and content
like so:

public DockPresenter(ContactsServiceAsync rpcService,
HandlerManager eventBus, Display view) {
this.rpcService = rpcService;
this.eventBus = eventBus;
this.display = view;

contactsPresenter = new ContactsPresenter(rpcService, eventBus,
new ContactsView());
treePresenter = new TreePresenter(rpcService, eventBus, new

Then in the bind method in the DockPresenter i got this:

public void bind() {

eventBus.addHandler(SelectionEvent.getType(), treePresenter);

I want to propagate all the Selection events to the treePresenter. The
treePresenter looks like this:

public class TreePresenter implements Presenter,
SelectionHandlerTreeItem {


public void onSelection(SelectionEventTreeItem event) {
 TreeItem item = (TreeItem) event.getSelectedItem();


But the onSelection method never gets called. Have I misunderstod the
MVP event model? I dont want to handle all event in the dock
presenter, then everyting gets tangeld upp and not very decoupled.
What is the proposed way to handle events in a setup with nestled
presenter and containers widgets containing other widgets?

It seems that an good example with MVP ui:binding and DockLayoutPanel
(or similar) with a tree navigation to the west which changes content
in the center panel would benefit alot of people.

Thanks for your time

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DockLayoutPanel MVP and events

2010-07-08 Thread xworker

Very new to GWT and MVP. Trying to expand the contacts example with a
DockLayoutPanel with a tree navigation in the west section. Using MVP
and ui:bindings.

Got an DockLayoutPanelView and Presenter. Inside is a tree component
to the west and a content component in center. How will I get the
events from the tree component?

My DockViewPresenter:

public class DockPresenter implements Presenter {

public interface Display {
Widget asWidget();

private final ContactsServiceAsync rpcService;
private final HandlerManager eventBus;
private final Display display;
private ContactsPresenter contactsPresenter;
private TreePresenter treePresenter;

public DockPresenter(ContactsServiceAsync rpcService,
HandlerManager eventBus, Display view) {
this.rpcService = rpcService;
this.eventBus = eventBus;
this.display = view;

contactsPresenter = new ContactsPresenter(rpcService, eventBus,
new ContactsView());
treePresenter = new TreePresenter(rpcService, eventBus, new

public void bind() {

public void go(final HasWidgets container) {


As you can see I am creating the two presenters for the content and
the tree, but I dont know how to get the events (clicks, selections)
from them. They seem to be swallowed be the dock.  I'm guessing I
should register handlers in the bind() method, but how? When
navigating to the tree component without the dock, events works fine.


public class TreePresenter implements Presenter {

  public interface Display {

HasSelectionHandlersTreeItem  getTree();
Widget asWidget();

  private final ContactsServiceAsync rpcService;
  private final HandlerManager eventBus;
  private final Display display;

  public TreePresenter(ContactsServiceAsync rpcService, HandlerManager
eventBus, Display view) {
this.rpcService = rpcService;
this.eventBus = eventBus;
this.display = view;


  public void bind() {

SelectionHandlerTreeItem() {

  public void onSelection(SelectionEventTreeItem event) {
  TreeItem item = (TreeItem) event.getSelectedItem();
  GWT.log(Node selected +item.getText());




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DockLayoutPanel and MVP

2010-07-07 Thread xworker

I want to create a simple app with a DockLayoutPanel with a tree for
navigation west and a content panel center which switches when
selection a node in the tree. I'm using the MVP pattern with
Presenters,Views and ui bindings. All my components work by them selfs
but when I try to load the Dock nothing besides the top is shown.

this is my ui.xml:

.header {
background-color: #00;


g:DockLayoutPanel unit='EM'
g:north size='15'
g:Label styleName={style.header}Header/g:Label

g:west size='15'
contacts:MyTree ui:field=treeView /

ui:field='contactsView' /

What could be wrong?


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Re: DockLayoutPanel and MVP

2010-07-07 Thread xworker
Please ignore this... OFC I was using the RootPanel instead of the


On 7 Juli, 15:58, xworker wrote:

 I want to create a simple app with a DockLayoutPanel with a tree for
 navigation west and a content panel center which switches when
 selection a node in the tree. I'm using the MVP pattern with
 Presenters,Views and ui bindings. All my components work by them selfs
 but when I try to load the Dock nothing besides the top is shown.

 this is my ui.xml:

                 .header {
                         background-color: #00;


         g:DockLayoutPanel unit='EM'
                 g:north size='15'
                         g:Label styleName={style.header}Header/g:Label

                                 g:west size='15'
                                         contacts:MyTree ui:field=treeView 

 ui:field='contactsView' /

 What could be wrong?


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Re: Problem with eclipse plugin.

2010-06-28 Thread xworker

Tried deleting the run configuraitons but the error is the same.

I'm running Eclipse 3.5 with the  Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5


On 24 Juni, 16:09, Jason Parekh wrote:
 Try deleting the existing launch configuration (Run  Run configurations)
 and then re-running.

 If you can reproduce this behavior from a blank slate, please file a bug.


 On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 7:24 AM, xworker blomqvist.andr...@gmail.comwrote:


  I have created a GWT project in Eclipse as a Dynamical webproject.
  When I choose Run- Web Application (with the google plugin) I get
  this error:

  Unknown argument: -style
  Google Web Toolkit 2.0.3
  DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | auto] [-whitelist whitelist-
  string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel
  level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort
  port-number | auto] [-server servletContainerLauncher[:args]] [-
  startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] module[s]

  I am behind a company firewall so I have installed the plugin
  What could be the issue?


  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
  Google Web Toolkit group.
  To post to this group, send email to
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at Dölj citerad text -

 - Visa citerad text -

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Re: Problem with eclipse plugin.

2010-06-28 Thread xworker
Updated the plugin to:

  Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5 1.1.101.v200911161426

But now I get this error instead:

Unknown argument: -portHosted
Google Web Toolkit 2.0.3
DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | auto] [-whitelist whitelist-
string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel
level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort
port-number | auto] [-server servletContainerLauncher[:args]] [-
startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] module[s]

I cannot install from the updated site since I'm behind corp.
firewall. Will continue to search for a newer zip version of the


On 28 Juni, 12:48, xworker wrote:

 Tried deleting the run configuraitons but the error is the same.

 I'm running Eclipse 3.5 with the  Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5


 On 24 Juni, 16:09, Jason Parekh wrote:

  Try deleting the existing launch configuration (Run  Run configurations)
  and then re-running.

  If you can reproduce this behavior from a blank slate, please file a bug.


  On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 7:24 AM, xworker blomqvist.andr...@gmail.comwrote:


   I have created a GWT project in Eclipse as a Dynamical webproject.
   When I choose Run- Web Application (with the google plugin) I get
   this error:

   Unknown argument: -style
   Google Web Toolkit 2.0.3
   DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | auto] [-whitelist whitelist-
   string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel
   level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort
   port-number | auto] [-server servletContainerLauncher[:args]] [-
   startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] module[s]

   I am behind a company firewall so I have installed the plugin
   What could be the issue?


   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
   Google Web Toolkit group.
   To post to this group, send email to
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group atölj citerad text 

  - Visa citerad text -- Dölj citerad text -

 - Visa citerad text -

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Re: Problem with eclipse plugin.

2010-06-28 Thread xworker
Found the RC2 eclipse plugin. Works.

Case closed.


On 28 Juni, 12:48, xworker wrote:

 Tried deleting the run configuraitons but the error is the same.

 I'm running Eclipse 3.5 with the  Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5


 On 24 Juni, 16:09, Jason Parekh wrote:

  Try deleting the existing launch configuration (Run  Run configurations)
  and then re-running.

  If you can reproduce this behavior from a blank slate, please file a bug.


  On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 7:24 AM, xworker blomqvist.andr...@gmail.comwrote:


   I have created a GWT project in Eclipse as a Dynamical webproject.
   When I choose Run- Web Application (with the google plugin) I get
   this error:

   Unknown argument: -style
   Google Web Toolkit 2.0.3
   DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | auto] [-whitelist whitelist-
   string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel
   level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort
   port-number | auto] [-server servletContainerLauncher[:args]] [-
   startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] module[s]

   I am behind a company firewall so I have installed the plugin
   What could be the issue?


   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
   Google Web Toolkit group.
   To post to this group, send email to
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group atölj citerad text 

  - Visa citerad text -- Dölj citerad text -

 - Visa citerad text -

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Problem with eclipse plugin.

2010-06-24 Thread xworker

I have created a GWT project in Eclipse as a Dynamical webproject.
When I choose Run- Web Application (with the google plugin) I get
this error:

Unknown argument: -style
Google Web Toolkit 2.0.3
DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | auto] [-whitelist whitelist-
string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel
level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort
port-number | auto] [-server servletContainerLauncher[:args]] [-
startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] module[s]

I am behind a company firewall so I have installed the plugin
What could be the issue?


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