[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2011-09-15 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by pclog...@gmail.com:

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2011-08-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by a.korzhe...@gmail.com:

Would really like to see smth like that:

@sprite .myClass {
  gwt-image: url("image.png");

because if i have external css with this class i would like to define image  
there and not in UiBinder via 

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2011-04-13 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by t.broyer:

See http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=4877#c2  
for an example of literal() with moz-linear-gradient.

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2011-04-12 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by seebau...@cip.ifi.lmu.de:

Hi, I have a problem with the point 'removing all nessecary whitespaces'
(aktually I'm working with gwt 2.1.1, because the new gxt-version isn't in  
my code usually looked like this (other user.agents omitted for  

@if user.agent safari{

   .top {background-color: silver;
 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left  


inspecting this with Chromium devtools I see, that the rule becomes to:

background-color: silver;


Ok, looks like the whitespaces get optimized away, but what can I do  
against it?

i tried this:

background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left\ top, left\ bottom,  
from(white), to(silver));

/* but it became:*/
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left topp,left  


Escaping other spaces led to similar results with other characters  
I'm not sure if I understood the @literal-syntax, because I always get some  
warnings and the poperties I use it with don't appear in the optimized  

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2011-04-12 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by seebau...@cip.ifi.lmu.de:

Hi, I have a problem with the point 'removing all nessecary whitespaces'
(aktually I'm working with gwt 2.1.1, because the new gxt-version isn't in  
my code usually looked like this (other user.agents omitted for  

@if user.agent safari{

   .top {background-color: silver;
 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left  

inspecting this with Chromium devtools I see, that the rule becomes to:
background-color: silver;


Ok, looks like the whitespaces get optimized away, but what can I do  
against it?

i tried this:
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left\ top, left\ bottom,  
from(white), to(silver));

/* but it became:*/
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left topp,left  

Escaping other spaces led to similar results with other characters  
I'm not sure if I understood the @literal-syntax, because I always get some  
warnings and the poperties I use it with don't appear in the optimized  

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2010-08-10 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by ehboto:

It would be useful to allow usage of the @media rule in the resource's css  


That way making widgets that work both on the screen and when printed  
wouldn't require any wacky workarounds.

(btw there's already an issue for this  

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2010-05-01 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by iabdullo:


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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2010-03-12 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by thobias.karlsson:

Has anybody solved the issue with style dependent names?

This is what I want to do:

public class HoverLabel extends Composite {

	private static HoverLabelUiBinder uiBinder =  

interface HoverLabelUiBinder extends UiBinder {}

interface Style extends CssResource {
String over();

@UiField Style style;

public HoverLabel(String firstName) {
addDomHandler(new MouseOverHandler() {
public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) {
}, MouseOverEvent.getType());
addDomHandler(new MouseOutHandler() {
public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) {
}, MouseOutEvent.getType());


.lbl {}
.lbl-over {
background-color: red;


Note: I don't want to have the style name 'lbl' inside of my Style  
interface. I want to be able to override the primary style name when  
referencing to HoverLabel from another widget UIBinder, like this:


.blueLbl {}
.blueLbl-over {
background-color: blue; 

		Hover to make me  


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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-12-30 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment by dusan.maliarik:

Thanks all for this wonderful feature, I am wondering why it is not  
possible to allow runtime reinjection of CssResource, most importantly,  
allowing @eval to be evaluated again. It is also interesting why it is only  
possible to use static methods.

whole thing would be more flexible if we could set variables using created  
CssResource object, and then inject/reinject/refresh particular resource

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-12-29 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment by peled.roy:

Sorry, here's the code:
@sprite #home


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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-12-29 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment by peled.roy:

Sorry, here's the code:
'@sprite #home

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-12-29 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment by peled.roy:

I have a problem with spriting;
I added the following style rule
@sprite #home
but what I get is inline data image instead of one sprite that contains all  
of my images...

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-12-19 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment by a.revolution.ultra.blue:

Guys, check the other post on client bundle, {...@nenchev / @shahidzaman}, I  
answered both your questions there. @whoever-asked-about-resetting-rules, I  
have some custom implementation that allows for dynamic / updateable rules.  
Remember that all IE browsers only allow a max of 31 stylesheets {inline or  
link}, even in IE8 {would 63 kill them, honestly?}. Also, there is no  
reliable way to remove style elements properly in all browsers, so instead  
I store and clear StyleElements manually. My implementation uses a few  
custom data classes and whatnot, but you can get the important bits you'll  
need from it.
String id,rule;
//Styles is a JS object that stores StyleElements like HashMap
if (styles.xHas( id )){
//If the rule named id already has an element, get it
StyleElement el = styles.xCast( id );
//We start with a text node. I auto-wrap {braces}, but this can be confusing
 Text txt = Document.get().createTextNode( "."+id+"{" +rule+ "}" );
//Next, clear the style elements. Rules are text nodes
for(int o = el.getChildCount();o-->0;el.removeChild( el.getChild( o ) ));
//xRNA is my own js <--> java overlay type.
xRNA asRna = el.cast();
//If the style element does NOT have a styleSheet property
if (asRna.xFalse( "styleSheet" ))
//Just append the text node to create rule
 el.appendChild( txt );
  //Otherwise, we set use the browser .styleSheet object's cssText   
 asRna.xGetRna( "styleSheet" ).xSetStr( "cssText" , txt.getNodeValue() );
//You can do this in a jsni method if you like, just do  
}catch(Throwable e){GWT.log( "ack" , e );} }
//If there is no style element yet
//Make and store one using the deprecated injectStylesheet method
 styles.xSet( id , StyleInjector.injectStylesheet( "."+id+"{" +rule+ "}"  
) ); }
If anyone finds this confusing, I can make a jar and upload somewhere. It  
actually uses Deferred binding to save the if, but that's not big deal.  Or  
you can wait a month when I release my full API in case I haven't tested  
well enough.

It would be very nice to StyleElement extended with a setStyle() method  
that does all this internally instead of my haxored static classes, but...  
What're you gonna do?

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-12-19 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment by a.revolution.ultra.blue:

Guys, check the other post on client bundle, {...@nenchev / @shahidzaman}, I  
answered both your questions there. @whoever-asked-about-resetting-rules, I  
have some custom implementation that allows for dynamic / updateable rules.  
Remember that all IE browsers only allow a max of 31 stylesheets {inline or  
link}, even in IE8 {would 63 kill them, honestly?}. Also, there is no  
reliable way to remove style elements properly in all browsers, so instead  
I store and clear StyleElements manually. My implementation uses a few  
custom data classes and whatnot, but you can get the important bits you'll  
need from it.
String id,rule;
//Styles is a JS object that stores StyleElements like HashMap
if (styles.xHas( id )){
//If the rule named id already has an element, get it
StyleElement el = styles.xCast( id );
//We start with a text node. I auto-wrap {braces}, but this can be confusing
 Text txt = Document.get().createTextNode( "."+id+"{" +rule+ "}" );
//Next, clear the style elements. Rules are text nodes
for(int o = el.getChildCount();o-->0;el.removeChild( el.getChild( o ) ));
//xRNA is my own js <--> java overlay type.
xRNA asRna = el.cast();
//If the style element does NOT have a styleSheet property
if (asRna.xFalse( "styleSheet" ))
//Just append the text node to create rule
 el.appendChild( txt );
  //Otherwise, we set use the browser .styleSheet object's cssText   
 asRna.xGetRna( "styleSheet" ).xSetStr( "cssText" , txt.getNodeValue() );
//You can do this in a jsni method if you like, just do  
}catch(Throwable e){GWT.log( "ack" , e );} }
//If there is no style element yet
//Make and store one using the deprecated injectStylesheet method
 styles.xSet( id , StyleInjector.injectStylesheet( "."+id+"{" +rule+ "}"  
) ); }
If anyone finds this confusing, I can make a jar and upload somewhere. It  
actually uses Deferred binding to save the id, but that's not big deal.  Or  
you can wait a month when I release my full API in case I haven't tested  
well enough.

It would be very nice to StyleElement extended with a setStyle() method  
that does all this internally instead of my haxored static classes, but...  
What're you gonna do?

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-12-19 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment by a.revolution.ultra.blue:

Guys, check the other post on client bundle, {...@nenchev / @shahidzaman}, I  
answered both your questions there. @whoever-asked-about-resetting-rules, I  
have some custom implementation that allows for dynamic / updateable rules.  
Remember that all IE browsers only allow a max of 31 stylesheets {inline or  
link}, even in IE8 {would 63 kill them, honestly?}. Also, there is no  
reliable way to remove style elements properly in all browsers, so instead  
I store and clear StyleElements?? manually. My implementation uses a few  
custom data classes and whatnot, but you can get the important bits you'll  
need from it.
String id, rule;
//Styles is a JS object that stores StyleElements like HashMap
if (styles.xHas( id )){ //If the rule named id already has an element, get  
it StyleElement el = styles.xCast( id );
try{ //We start with a text node.
 Text txt = Document.get().createTextNode( "."+id+"{" +rule+ "}" );
//Next, clear the style elements. Rules are text nodes
for(int o = el.getChildCount();o-->0;el.removeChild( el.getChild( o ) ));
//xRNA is my own js <--> java overlay type.
xRNA asRna = el.cast();
//If the style element does NOT have a styleSheet property
if (asRna.xFalse( "styleSheet" ))
//Just append the text node to create rule
 el.appendChild( txt );
//Otherwise, we set use the browser .styleSheet object's cssText  
 asRna.xGetRna( "styleSheet" ).xSetStr( "cssText" , txt.getNodeValue() );
//Note, I actually use deferred binding, just modified this for 'clarity'
}catch(Throwable e){GWT.log( "ack" , e );} }
//If there is no style element yet
//Make one using the deprecated injectStylesheet method
 styles.xSet( id , StyleInjector.injectStylesheet( "."+id+"{"
+rule+ "}" ) ); }
If anyone finds this confusing, I can make a jar and upload somewhere. Or  
you can wait a month when I release my full API in case I didn't test well  

It would be very nice to StyleElement extended with a setStyle() method  
that does all this internally instead of my haxored static classes, but...  
What're you gonna do?

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-12-19 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment by a.revolution.ultra.blue:

Guys, check the other post on client bundle, {...@nenchev / @shahidzaman}, I  
answered both your questions there. @whoever-asked-about-resetting-rules, I  
have some custom implementation that allows for dynamic / updateable rules.  
Remember that all IE browsers only allow a max of 31 stylesheets {inline or  
link}, even in IE8 {would 63 kill them, honestly?}. Also, there is no  
reliable way to remove style elements properly in all browsers, so instead  
I store and clear StyleElements? manually. My implementation uses a few  
custom data classes and whatnot, but you can get the important bits you'll  
need from it.

//Styles is a JS object that stores StyleElements like HashMap
if (styles.xHas( id )){
//If the rule named id already has an element, get it
StyleElement el = styles.xCast( id );

//We start with a text node.  I auto-wrap {braces}, but this can be  
Text txt = Document.get().createTextNode( "."+id+"{"
+toWrite.xGetStr( i )+
"}" );
//Next, clear the style elements.  Rules are text nodes
for(int o = el.getChildCount();o-->0;el.removeChild( el.getChild( o ) ));
//xRNA is my own js <--> java overlay type.
xRNA asRna = el.cast();
//If the style element does NOT have a styleSheet property
if (asRna.xFalse( "styleSheet" ))
//Just append the text node to create rule
el.appendChild( txt );
//Otherwise, we set use the browser .styleSheet object's cssText  
asRna.xGetRna( "styleSheet" ).xSetStr( "cssText" , txt.getNodeValue() );
//Note, I actually use deferred binding to do this now.
}catch(Throwable e){GWT.log( "ack" , e );}
//If there is no style element yet
//Make one using the deprecated injectStylesheet method
styles.xSet( id , StyleInjector.injectStylesheet( "."+id+"{"
+toWrite.xGetStr( i )+
"}" ) );

If anyone finds this confusing, I can make a jar and upload somewhere.  Or  
you can wait a month when I release my full API in case I didn't test well  

It would be very nice to StyleElement extended with a setStyle() method  
that does all this internally instead of my haxored static classes, but...   
What're you gonna do?

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-12-19 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment by a.revolution.ultra.blue:

Guys, check the other post on client bundle, {...@nenchev / @shahidzaman}, I  
answered both your questions there.  @whoever-asked-about-resetting-rules,  
I have some custom implementation that allows for dynamic / updateable  
rules.  Remember that all IE browsers only allow a max of 31 stylesheets  
{inline or link}, even in IE8 {would 63 kill them, honestly?}.  Also, there  
is no reliable way to remove style elements properly in all browsers, so  
instead I store and clear StyleElements manually.  My implementation uses a  
few custom data classes and whatnot, but you can get the important bits  
you'll need from it.

if (styles.xHas( id )){
StyleElement el = styles.xCast( id ); //my own native JS map class.  Use  
Text txt = Document.get().createTextNode( "."+id+"{"
+toWrite.xGetStr( i )+
"}" );//id is a class name used in css, and as style element id
for(int o = el.getChildCount();o-->0;el.removeChild( el.getChild( o ) ));
//To clear elements, just remove all text nodes
xRNA asRna = el.cast(); //This is my custom js object.
if (asRna.xFalse( "styleSheet" )) //If styleElement has styleSheet  
el.appendChild( txt ); //We must add style as text node
asRna.xGetRna( "styleSheet" ).xSetStr( "cssText" , txt.getNodeValue() );
//This gets the styleSheet js object, and sets the cssText property as a  
}catch(Throwable e){GWT.log( "ack" , e );}

If this confuses you, I can make up a jar for anyone who wants to use it.

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: Comment on CssResource in google-web-toolkit

2009-11-11 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by shahidzaman:

I have been unable to make this work. Please point out where I am making a  
mistake. I am trying to use an external style sheet. I have got the  
resources inherit in gwt.xml. The stylesheet is using @external for all  
styles and I have defined an interface:

public interface AppBundle extends ClientBundle {

public static final AppBundle INSTANCE = GWT.create(AppBundle.class);

public CssResource gxtall();

public CssResource gxtgray();

// other image etc resources here

and I am trying to inject the styles at runtime in onModuleLoad() as  

boolean all = AppBundle.INSTANCE.gxtall().ensureInjected();

but all is false. I get an empty string when I do this :

String cssText = AppBundle.INSTANCE.gxtall().getText();

Am I missing anything here ??

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