Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2134: Create a general exit-safe interface to C libraries

2013-11-20 Thread GRASS GIS
#2134: Create a general exit-safe interface to C libraries
 Reporter:  wenzeslaus|   Owner:  grass-dev@…   
 Type:  enhancement   |  Status:  new   
 Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  7.0.0 
Component:  Python ctypes | Version:  svn-trunk 
 Keywords:  G_fatal_error, exit, multiprocessing  |Platform:  All   
  Cpu:  Unspecified   |  

Comment(by huhabla):

 Replying to [comment:9 wenzeslaus]:
  Replying to [comment:6 glynn]:
   Replying to [comment:4 zarch]:
Or as already suggested by Glynn (#1646) wrap the
   Using an error handler allows you to avoid process termination. But
 once a fatal error has occurred, you cannot safely call any GRASS
 function; doing so may well result in a segfault.
  One of the issues which `G_add_error_handler` is trying to solve is to
 provide meaningful error message to the user. For example, failing to open
 some temporary file causes `exit` with `No such file /tmp/kjewbf8d38dj`.
 This does not help user nor programmer to understand that the error
 occurred (when does this happened, what is the stack trace, what are
 consequences and what are suggestions to solve it). In other words,
 sometimes the message provided by `G_fatal_error` caller is too low level.
  Python `RPCServer` with wrapper functions throwing exceptions would help
 to solve this issue.  But it seems to me that #1646 remains valid for
 pyGRASS (and possibly others) and C code itself.

 I have re-designed the RPC interface, now the Python function wrapper will
 return an exception and the result of the function calls, so that the RPC
 server interface that provides the {{{call()}}} functions can raise these
 exceptions (exceptions raised in the subprocess will kill the subprocess
 and will not be catch'd in the parent process). Hence, the Python wrapper
 functions transform the C-function return values into meaningful
 exceptions that will be raised in the parent process.

 While re-designing i concluded that a no wait function call
 {{{call_no_wait()}}} is not meaningful when mixed with calls that wait to
 receive data. There is only a limited number of C-functions that do not
 return values or return states. It is better to wait for a function call
 to finish, than risking a race condition in case a fatal error occur'd
 meanwhile. An exception is the messaging interface, which should stay as

 However, maybe two RPC interfaces are meaningful: one that waits for
 functions to return (expecting return values including exceptions) and one
 that does not wait?

  Replying to [comment:7 huhabla]:
   In my opinion the RPC approach is only meaningful for persistent
 applications that need fast access to C-library functions, or that need
 low level API access for data modification (like digitizing).
  And this is not only vector and raster digitizing, this is also new
 scatter plot tool and in fact the whole `g.gui.iclass`, `nviz` (which is
 unfortunately more complicated) and of course everything temporal-related
 (everything started to be temporal-related).
   My intention to write the RPC server was to make the temporal
 framework usable in persistent applications and to be as fast as possible.
  I'm not sure how the speed of `RPCServer` compares to module call but
 the speed is not the only advantage. Fine control of what is called and a
 smoother interface (possibly, depending on wrappers) is the other
 advantage. Calling subprocess from GUI for every single task and parsing
 its output is cumbersome.

 I have added benchmark runs to the rpc server script, to get an idea what
 the performance loss and gain of the RPC interface is:
 GRASS 7.0.svn (Test XY):~  python
 ERROR: A fatal error
 WARNING:root:Needed to restart the rpc server
 ERROR: A fatal error
 WARNING:root:Needed to restart the rpc server
 Raster map exists benchmark
 Time to call 1000 functions directly: 0.017043s
 Time to call 1000 functions via RPC: 0.178600s
 Time to perform 1000 g.findfile module runs: 30.343877s
 Raster map info benchmark
 Time to call 1 functions directly: 0.856104s
 Time to call 1 functions via RPC: 7.189188s
 Time to perform 1 module runs: 120.261683s

Re: [GRASS-dev] new flag to interpolate from nearby raster cells for v.what.rast

2013-11-20 Thread Markus Metz
On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Hamish wrote:

 I just added in the dev branches two new flags for v.what.rast.

 The second flag changes the default containing-grid-cell method to a
 weighted avg. of the 4 nearest raster cell centers (IDW). The search radius
 is not very big [...]

AFAIK, IDW takes as argument the radius which is fixed to 1 which is
questionable. Since v.what.rast samples a raster value at a given
location, why not use the standard raster sampling methods
nearest: nearest neighbor
linear: linear interpolation
cubic: cubic convolution
lanczos: lanczos filter
linear_f: linear interpolation with fallback
cubic_f: cubic convolution with fallback
lanczos_f: lanczos filter with fallback

which are used by r.proj and i.rectify? The concept is essentially the
same: for a given location, estimate the corresponding raster value.

Markus M
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2134: Create a general exit-safe interface to C libraries

2013-11-20 Thread GRASS GIS
#2134: Create a general exit-safe interface to C libraries
 Reporter:  wenzeslaus|   Owner:  grass-dev@…   
 Type:  enhancement   |  Status:  new   
 Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  7.0.0 
Component:  Python ctypes | Version:  svn-trunk 
 Keywords:  G_fatal_error, exit, multiprocessing  |Platform:  All   
  Cpu:  Unspecified   |  

Comment(by huhabla):

 Replying to [comment:2 wenzeslaus]:
  Thanks Soeren, this is what I hoped for and I'm looking forward how this
 will continue. I just quickly looked at this topic for now. So, just some
 small notes now.
  I needed to do this changes to get it working:
  @@ -19,12 +19,13 @@
   from multiprocessing import Process, Lock, Pipe
   import logging
   from ctypes import *
  -from core import *
  +from grass.script.core import *
   import grass.lib.gis as libgis
   import grass.lib.raster as libraster
   import grass.lib.vector as libvector
   import as libdate
   import grass.lib.raster3d as libraster3d
  +from datetime import datetime

 Thanks for the fix, the new version should work now in any directory.

  I though I understand how it works with exceptions and doctest but
 apparently not, even I tried verbose mode:
  python -m doctest -v

 Please try:

 python -v

  Anyway test passes. Would it be possible to write a test also for the
 case of waiting, killing and restarting the server? I mean the case when I
 run something with `call_no_wait(function=aaa)`, it runs for a long time,
 meanwhile I call `call(function=bbb)` but then `bbb` fails and kills the
 server. Does this make sense?

 Yes it does, but i was not able to fix the deadlock that appeared when
 mixing waiting calls with no waiting calls and a fatal error killed
 the subprocess. So i removed the no wait calls from the server interface.

  About the interface. I'm not sure about how to report errors. The
 functions might need to accept keyword arguments in some way. How to deal
 with objects, e.g. how to use pyGRASS through this?

 In the latest implementation the subprocess creates an exception that is
 send through the pipe to the server and is raised there.
 If an object is picklable then it can be send between processes.

  I was not thinking about how to deal with wrapping all C functions. But
 maybe manual wrapping it is inevitable if we want really Python(ic)
 interface. We already have pyGRASS for this reason.
  The last not is about naming. Although it is a well established practice
 in GRASS that things are named with two or more different names, I would
 suggest to use only one name for newly created things. We are at the
 beginning, we can always rename but it would be safer to use one name at
 time. `*C*Interface` is a nice name (although it it might by also
 `*Python*Interface`) but it is more for the particular implementation
 (interface for temporal framework or to messages) than for the general
 thing (server). `RPCServer` is very general, not sure about that. What
 about `CFunctionCaller`? I also heard suggestion `NoGFatal_Huray!!!` from
 someone here but that's not a valid Python identifier, although, with
 unicode identifiers, there might be a way. No strong opinion here.

 The latest RPC server incarnation does not care what kind of functions it
 should call, hence it is very generic and takes care about killed
 subprocesses. You can define any arbitrary function with arguments that
 are picklable and pass it to the RPC server to call it in the subprocess.

 But maybe it would be better to use sharedctypes memory in case of
 digitizing rather than a pipe?

Ticket URL:

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] new flag to interpolate from nearby raster cells for v.what.rast

2013-11-20 Thread Hamish

Hamish wrote:
 I just added in the dev branches two new flags for v.what.rast.

 The second flag changes the default containing-grid-cell method to a
 weighted avg. of the 4 nearest raster cell centers (IDW). The search radius
 is not very big [...]

 AFAIK, IDW takes as argument the radius which is fixed to 1 which is

I'm not sure I follow what you mean, but the distance in the 4-way inverse
distance weighting in the new v.what.rast -i interpolate flag is calculated
for each of the closest four raster cells' center coord by running
G_distance() vs. the vector point's position, and then the weighting in the
weighted average for each of those four cells' data values is by 1/distance^2.

It doesn't assume that the 4 surrounding cells are equally distant:

weightsum = valweight = 0;

weight[i] = 1.0 / (distance[i] * distance[i]);
weightsum += weight[i];

valweight += weight[i] * nearby_d_val[i];
value = valweight / weightsum;   // 0./0. == nan

The other thing of note is that if any of the nearest four cells are null
then it discards it from the weighted average, and proceeds with n-1 elements.
I find this a preferable compromise between the null if-any-nulls and the
fallback to nearest neighbor if-any-nulls methods below; YMMV.

 Since v.what.rast samples a raster value at a given
 location, why not use the standard raster sampling methods
 nearest: nearest neighbor
 linear: linear interpolation
 cubic: cubic convolution
 lanczos: lanczos filter
 linear_f: linear interpolation with fallback
 cubic_f: cubic convolution with fallback
 lanczos_f: lanczos filter with fallback

 which are used by r.proj and i.rectify? The concept is essentially the
 same: for a given location, estimate the corresponding raster value.

what I've called IDW is similar to the bilinear method above, with the
exception of how surrounding NULLs are handled, and nearest is similar
to the default behavior of v.what.rast. If someone wants to take it up
and expand the options to use Rast_interp_bicubic()  co., I'm happy for
it, but would like to preserve the null handling and speed.

The main bug so far is if the print-only flag is used, it doesn't yet
bypass the checks for if the vector map has a table, is in the current
mapset (is alterable), and to remove the need for topology.

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Implementation of the High Pass Filter Additive Fusion technique (i.fusion.hpf)

2013-11-20 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Nick Ves wrote:

  The HPF algorithm about the histrogram matching states Stretch the
  new multispectral image to match the mean and standard deviation of
  the original (input) multispectral image
  In that context why it is wrong to do:

  Ouput - output/sddev(output)*sddev(input)
  Output - Output - mean(output) + mean(input)

Moritz Lennert:

 To give the 'new' image the same mean and stddev of the 'input' image:
 (new - mean(new)) / stddev(new) * stddev(input) + mean(input)

Not entirely sure, I think it works. Taken a fragment from the publicly 
available QuickBird2 image over Sri Lanka (the extent shown at,

get mean and sd for r, g and b

# red

# hpf_red

# green

# hpf_green

# blue

# hpf_blue

and then

r.mapcalc hpf_red_histomatched = ( hpf_red - $mean_red_hpf ) / $sd_red_hpf * 
$sd_red + $mean_red --o

r.mapcalc hpf_blue_histomatched = ( hpf_blue - $mean_blue_hpf ) / 
$sd_blue_hpf * $sd_blue + $mean_blue --o

r.mapcalc hpf_green_histomatched = ( hpf_green - $mean_green_hpf ) / 
$sd_green_hpf * $sd_green + $mean_green --o

check output stats

# r.univar hpf_red_histomatched
mean: 321.375
standard deviation: 172.756

# r.univar hpf_green_histomatched
mean: 434.033
standard deviation: 159.9

# r.univar hpf_blue_histomatched
mean: 285.168
standard deviation: 75.0217

# reset colors to match originals doesn't play exactly nice, so
r.colors hpf_red_histomatched color=grey -e
# repeat for green, blue

# draw
d.rgb ...

Looks nice! Is it that?

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