[GRASS-dev] Handling of Python scripts on MS Windows

2014-02-14 Thread Enrico Gallo
Dear list,

in my very limited experience, the same Python script for GRASS always
runs without problems inside QGIS-GRASS Processing Plugin but
sometimes fails in GRASS Enviroment, if other Python are installed on
the PC (Stand alone, ARCGIS)
Could be QGIS-GRASS Processing Initialization investigated?


enrico gallo
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] r.profile limits in Windows 7

2014-02-14 Thread Enrico Gallo
2014-02-14 10:10 GMT+01:00 Hamish hamis...@yahoo.com:
 Hamish wrote:

 Once done in r.profile, this functionality will be instantly
 available for MS Windows users (using only GUI).

 fwiw both stdin and command line are just as available and work in
 the same way on MS Windows as in Mac and UNIX. That the MS Windows
 users are not currently getting a command line dos box from the
 default desktop icon is debatably a mis-feature (there's a long
 discussion in a trac ticket about that).

in very truth, I need r.profile in a Python script and profile=
option value is given using a string variable
I think stdin is not an option but coordinate_file is OK ..

 Note that currently when you forget to fill `profile` in GUI and
 press Run, you will get strange behavior.

 Now it should be better, you have to leave profile= blank and also
 add - to the coordinate_file= option. Still possible to get stuck waiting 
 for stdin to close, but much
 less probable.


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] r.profile limits in Windows 7

2014-02-12 Thread Enrico Gallo
Dear list,

due to strange misbehaviours, we are doing some stress tests on
r.profile under Grass 6.4 and Windows 7

Case A (less interesting, IMHO):

r.profile fails with ERROR: G_malloc when the number of pixel queried
is more than 1E6
our test: profile lenght: 300km, res=3 OK, res=2 failure ( example a
river analysis on a lidar-derived DTM)

Case B (more interesting):

r.profile fails when profile input is a string larger than 8100
characters (more or less)
I suppose the problem comes from a limit of cmd.exe (8191 characters)
see [0]

Please, consider that using UTM integer coordinates that means only
300 nodes, and this is not so unusual for profile analysis.

Probably, using optionally a text file as profile input could solve
the problem without refactoring the module...
Could be this bug solved in Grass 7?

Hope this helps


enrico gallo

[0] http://support.microsoft.com/kb/830473
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] r.profile + wingrass: missing libfreetype-6.dll - SOLVED

2013-11-08 Thread Enrico Gallo
Dear list,

in my win7 installation, r.profile is not working in Grass 6.4.3 in
GUI nor in CLI

The problem is related to missing libfreetype-6.dll

I solved copying libfreetype-6.dll in Grass lib directory; see this
old message  [0]



[0] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2007-May/031089.html
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Fwd: [GRASS-user] Grass SQLite driver math functions

2013-10-02 Thread Enrico Gallo
Dear list,

a recent thread on user list was about SQLite and math functions support [1]
The specific problem was well investigated, but the second part  of message
(having math support for SQLITE as GRASS default) could be interesting for
future developments. IMHO

2013/9/26 Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org

 Including SQLite math functions in the standard binary GRASS GIS
 distribuition could be a long term solution? I think this is the
 SpatialLite did since 2.3 version.
You mean

-- extension-functions.c (50.96 KB) contributed by Liam Healy on
2010-02-06 15:45:07
Provide mathematical and string extension functions for SQL queries
using the loadable extensions mechanism. Math: acos, asin, atan, atn2,
atan2, acosh, asinh, atanh, difference, degrees, radians, cos, sin,
tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth, exp, log, log10, power, sign, sqrt,
square, ceil, floor, pi. String: replicate, charindex, leftstr,
rightstr, ltrim, rtrim, trim, replace, reverse, proper, padl, padr,
padc, strfilter. Aggregate: stdev, variance, mode, median,
lower_quartile, upper_quartile.

If you refer to this file, then it is more related to (your) SQLite
installation rather than GRASS itself since GRASS just calls SQLite.


as math library is loaded by SQLite

SELECT load_extension('./libsqlitefunctions.so');

but it's not included in SQLite itself (consistently with SQLite
lightness strategy),
could be this library managed as an optional library when compiling GRASS
es: --with-sqlite-math
and then loaded by default (if available) when creating vector support db?

As SQLite is the default db, using this option when compiling GRASS for
binary packages, standard users could have a more powerful field editor
using v.db.update.
Please, consider that for many (power)users in Windows using MinGW is
really something arcane...
Do you think this approach might work?

Best regards
Enrico Gallo

[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-user/2013-September/068987.html
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] could r.stream.* become part of GRASS core?

2012-09-08 Thread Enrico Gallo
Dear list,

as user involved in hydrological analysis, I think r.stream.* modules
are essential tools in GRASS GIS.
Their availability filled in the empty space left by the Horton
Machine / Fruid Turtles library (by prof. Rigon and his fantastic
team) no more supported for GRASS GIS.

Quality, scientific value and great performances of r.stream.*
algorithms it’s out of the question, IMHO
Looking in the user mailing list and searching on the web can confirm
that many users really appreciate those modules even if some people
have trouble with the AddOns installation process.

So, could those modules be part of Grass core in the next releases?
As part of GRASS GIS core, I think they could be fruitfully become
available also in the QGIS GRASS toolbox.

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] grass 7.0 - UnboundLocalError: local variable 'kv' referenced before assignment

2009-07-29 Thread Enrico Gallo
Hi list,

I just finished installing grass 7.0 from svn (Updated to revision 38527)
Ubuntu 9:04, kernel:  2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17
01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I had no error in configure, nor in make (details attached)

when starting grass70, I get following error:

 File /usr/local/bin/grass70, line 862, in module
 File /usr/local/bin/grass70, line 201, in read_gui
   grass_gui = kv['GRASS_GUI']
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'kv' referenced before assignment

if I start with
grass70 -text option, no error, but I have no way to create location 
mapsets from console

I suppose is a Python related error;

I am using

aptitude show python2.6
Package: python2.6
Version: 2.6.2-0ubuntu1

aptitude show python-wxgtk2.8
Package: python-wxgtk2.8

many thanks


Enrico Gallo
./configure --with-tcltk-includes=/usr/include/tcl8.5 --with-opengl-includes=/usr/include/GL/ --enable-shared --with-cxx --with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/postgresql/ --with-sqlite --with-odbc --with-python --enable-largefile --with-x --with-motif --with-nls --enable-64bit --with-libs=/usr/lib64 --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2/ --with-geos --with-readline

  Source directory:/home/gallo/grass7
  Build directory: /home/gallo/grass7
  Installation directory:  ${prefix}/grass-7.0.svn
  Startup script in directory: ${exec_prefix}/bin
  C compiler:  gcc -g -O2 
  C++ compiler:c++ -g -O2
  Building shared libraries:   yes
  64bit support:   yes
  OpenGL platform: X11

  MacOSX application: no

  NVIZ:   yes

  BLAS support:   no
  C++ support:yes
  Cairo support:  yes
  DWG support:no
  FFMPEG support: no
  FFTW support:   yes
  FreeType support:   yes
  GDAL support:   yes
  GEOS support:   yes
  JPEG support:   yes
  LAPACK support: no
  Large File support (LFS):   yes
  MySQL support:  no
  NLS support:yes
  ODBC support:   yes
  OGR support:yes
  OpenGL support: yes
  PNG support:yes
  PostgreSQL support: yes
  Python support: yes
  Readline support:   yes
  SQLite support: yes
  Tcl/Tk support: yes
  wxWidgets support:  no
  TIFF support:   yes
  X11 support:yes
  Regex support:  yes
  POSIX thread support:   no

GRASS GIS compilation log
Started compilation: Mon Jul 27 22:23:02 CEST 2009
Errors in:grass70 -text

No errors detected.
Finished compilation: Mon Jul 27 22:31:49 CEST 2009

grass-dev mailing list