[GRASS-user] GRASS 6.4.2RC2 crashing during digitising

2011-12-26 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

Note this is in the WXPYTHON GUI

I have been digitising vectors, using tools including add new boundary
or centroid, move vertex, delete vertex, split line, probably a few
others too.

Most of the time no problems, but I just had GRASS crash (all windows
disappeared, only the 'terminal' I started it from still open) after
using the split tool, then using the 'delete vertex' tool. I selected a
boundary vertex to delete (left-mouse click), then on right-click to
confirm, it all crashed.

When I have just started up GRASS again, I found that vector had
boundaries and centroids, but the areas were not shaded. when I started
the digitiser mode, it gave me the 'no topology' message. I clicked OK
to rebuild, and it crashed again, though in the terminal I noted the
usual output from when topology is rebuilt (e.g. number of boundaries,
centroids, number of areas without centroids, etc).

Upon starting GRASS a third time, I found that vector still did not have
topology. I used the v.build (rather than just asking it to rebuild
prior to digitising). This seemed to recover my vector correctly, and
did not cause a GRASS crash. I found one area that seemed to have 'lost'
its centroid though.

I was checking the data (in digitising mode) for the areas I'd digitised
before the crash, they seemed in order, then I used the pan tool (about
the third time I'd used it whilst in this digitising session) to move
towards the part of the map where I'd been working at the time of the
initial crash, and GRASS crashed again!

Upon starting up GRASS AGAIN! I found that vector had lost topology

run v.build again, seemed to correct the problems, tried to open up
digitiser mode and it crashed AGAIN.

Did a shut-down and restart of my computer.
Another GRASS session - had to do v.build again, then it crashed when I
tried to enter digitiser mode and select that vector layer.

Went back to running GRASS in tcltk. Had to do v.build on the vector in
question, but could open it for editing with v.digit. I got a message
upon running v.digit that 
Coor files of vector map GRT11_12@Lacebark is larger than it should
be (1113 bytes excess)

Which I understand as I've come across this sort of message before when
vectors have been corrupted or there's erroneous boundaries/centroids
etc floating around from a job part-done before a crash.

Why though, has this occurred in the first place (i.e. the initial crash
and loss of topology when using 'move vertex' tool in digitiser)? It
seems all the crashes that followed in wxgui when I tried to get back to
the vector to correct/digitise may have been caused by this coor file
error, but the wxgui didn't tell me that, it just crashed repeatedly. at
least the tcltk gui has told me of this problem, so now I could get on
to fixing it with v.digit.

I tidied up the boundaries/centroids where I'd had the crash, found a
single-point boundary in existence under one of the vertices of a
'proper' boundary, not sure how or when this could/would have been
created. But along with some unclosed boundaries and centroids in these
unclosed areas, I got it tidy, and tried wxgui again.

HOORAY! I can digitise again in wxgui, it didn't crash!

Now, this experience is currently too longwinded to report as a bug,
does anyone else have some suggestions on what parts would be the
relevant bits if I was to report this as a bug? do I need to run GRASS
and replicate the problem with 'debug' mode or something to get more
useful output on what's happening?

Feedback appreciated. As a footnote - I don't mind persevering with
'newer' GRASS versions to help figure out glitches etc, but it is
frustrating when the glitches I find cause substantial loss or
corruption of my data. I do have irregular manual backups, but even
losing half-an-hour's worth of work between backups, and taking twice as
long to check/restore/redo it all is precious wasted time for me. Does
anyone else have a protocol (maybe an auto-save to
'filename-dateextension') to reduce their data loss / downtime when
testing out newer GRASS setups on their system?


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[GRASS-user] d.area.thematic ? and other d. in wxgui

2011-12-26 Thread Shane Litherland
Fellow GRASSers,

I have been playing/reading through vector classification, in the help
files under v.class, there is reference to d.area.thematic which
actually opens up a help page for d.thematic.area.

I was also looking via the wxgui search module, for either combination
of these tools, didn't seem to come up in the menu tree.

I tried typing either of these into the command console, the latter gave
a message that it's not yet implemented in wxgui, the former had no

So it seems the reference to d.area.thematic in the help files (at least
on the v.class page) is merely a typo?

Whilst looking around, I happened to type d.vect.. in the command
console, and found there was a d.vect.thematic tool. It opened up a
dialog for me to play with. Yet using the search module, I could not
find where d.vect.thematic was in the menu tree.

In fact, I had trouble finding where many d. commands are in the wxgui,
I tried entering a few in the command console from the several that came
up for auto-fill, often got a message about 'not yet in wxgui' so are
most d. commands still a work in progress to activate in wxgui?

I have more question/comments regarding d.vect.thematic, a tool which I
found in wxgui that seems to do a similar task to d.thematic.area, in a
separate post.


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[GRASS-user] d.vect.thematic in wxgui

2011-12-26 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi again,

here's some of my experience with the d.vect.thematic in 6.4.2RC2 wxgui:

I tried doing a basic process through the dialog i.e. select a map,
feature type=area, pick a column, 5 intervals, most of other settings
were default.

I ran it, and it showed the vector in thematic colouring, as a new layer
in the existing display. It was listed as a layer in the layer manager
Right-clicking on it in the manager and choosing properties, brought up
the d.vect.thematic dialog again, not the d.vect properties dialog that
other 'normal' vector layers showed. Seemed right to me.

Trying to use the query tool on the layer in the display window
repeatedly gave me a message that:
no map layer selected for querying
I checked it was the active layer in manager, and tried several places
on the thematic as I could see it in the display, with same result.

I tried zooming in/out to see if I could select a spot better (maybe I
wasn't getting the mouse click over the middle of the area, or over
where the centroid should be?..) and had a strange result.

The display did zoom, but the thematic was redrawn at the new scale
whilst the previous draw remained in place. even using the
display/render map tools in the display window did not 'clear' it up. So
after three or four zooms, I had a very colourful tessellation of my
thematic vector layer at multiple scales, but it was not very useful for
data analysis :-}

the panning tool at first seemed to be dragging the thematics and
background around in the display window, but upon releasing the mouse,
the background was redrawn in the new position but the thematics
'snapped' back to the same position they were relative to the display
window. i.e. if I had some thematic areas coloured lower-left of screen,
and I panned the display so they and background seemed to be centred,
the background would redraw with my new 'centre' but the thematic that
was lower-left still showed in lower-left. So it was no longer over the
same bit of ground, in effect.

Is this tool still a 'work in progress' to be fully functional in wxgui?
Or should it be working but I have found a bug?

A coupla questions moving past the issue of whether it works or not:

Can I use SQL or v.class or mathematical combos of columns for the
'column' input (similar to use in v.class or d.thematic.area)? It seems
I have to select a column from the table, looking at the dialog box for
this tool.

In my situation, I want to use column_3 x (column_4 squared) as the
value input for the 'column' part of the command. I can easily create
this value in the table with a bit of SQL but if I can implement this
step in GRASS it would keep the table smaller and be more versatile for

I wanted to use the query tool as mentioned above, to check what values
the thematic had chosen... I'd previously used a thematic tool in tcltk
in earlier GRASS versions and noted that for a vector layer with
numerous cats for each centroid, the value chosen for the thematic
corresponded to the entry with the highest cat (generally the most
recent entry). I actually wanted to display the highest value from the
column in question for all of the entries...
Does anyone know if d.vect.thematic can be manipulated to define what
values it uses for a given area/point/etc if multiple values exist for
that area/point? in some cases, maybe I do want to display the value
from the most recent event, other times I might want to see the max or
min value at that point from all the values for that area/point.

I am OK at doing bits like this in SQL, but am somewhat lost as to how
I'd cover the geospatial aspect if GRASS itself can't do it. I am
wondering if using PostGIS to put a geometry column to the table in
question might be what I should pursue? Then I could do all the
selecting/filtering in SQL feed a 'view' (as a 'table') to GRASS to do
the d.vect.thematic on?

Hope the comments above are useful; hope someone has feedback on my
latter questions :-)


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] 'v.distance'

2011-12-26 Thread Bulent Arikan
Dear List,

I have a points vector file, which I use as input in 'v.distance' to create
a new vector file of lines (showing the minimum distance to the coast). The
output is naturally a vector file that contains lines between each point
and the sea. However, I realize that the output map cannot be queried. Even
if I have GRASS connect the new (lines) vector file with the points as the
second layer, querying of the lines does not return results.

What I want to do is to assign CAT numbers to each line (it can be same
with the CAT# of its point of origin) so that I can display lines
individually in the new lines vector file for further analyses.

Thank you for your help!

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] no v.overlay with empty map: bug or feature?

2011-12-26 Thread Patrice Dumas

With grass 6.4 I could do a v.overlay with an empty map.  That was in a 
loop to overlay different maps, so I thought I could start from an empty
map, and then overlay tables one at a time and process the result to 
remove unneeded columns and rename them.

With grass 7 (svn from yesterday) it doesn't seem to work anymore:

v.in.ascii -e output=empty_map input=-
v.in.region output=other_map
v.overlay ainput=empty_map binput=other_map output=maps_overlay operator=or

Copying vector features from empty_map@PERMANENT...
ERROR :No area features found in vector map empty_map@PERMANENT. Verify
'atype' parameter.

I can try the other way around, after adding a table to other_map, same error:

v.db.addtable other_map
v.overlay ainput=other_map binput=empty_map output=maps_overlay operator=or

Copying vector features from other_map@PERMANENT...
Copying vector features from empty_map@PERMANENT...
ERROR :No area features found in vector map empty_map@PERMANENT. Verify
'btype' parameter.

I already have a workaround, and I can see the point of the error message.
Yet, I am not completly sure that overlaying with an empty map should never
be possible.

Is it a bug, or is it on purpose?  If it is a bug I will report it in the
tracker, but I am not sure it is indeed a bug.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS 6.4.2RC2 crashing during digitising

2011-12-26 Thread Markus Neteler
On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 4:32 AM, Shane Litherland
litherland-f...@bigpond.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 Note this is in the WXPYTHON GUI

 I have been digitising vectors, using tools including add new boundary
 or centroid, move vertex, delete vertex, split line, probably a few
 others too.

 Most of the time no problems, but I just had GRASS crash (all windows
 disappeared, only the 'terminal' I started it from still open) after
 using the split tool, then using the 'delete vertex' tool. I selected a
 boundary vertex to delete (left-mouse click), then on right-click to
 confirm, it all crashed.

Please post the error messages which you can find in the wxGUI
console. Then it will be way easier to figure out the problem.

@devs: Since you wrote that all windows disappeared, I wonder if the crash
log could be saved anywhere for inspection?

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS 6.4.2RC2 crashing during digitising

2011-12-26 Thread Martin Landa

2011/12/27 Markus Neteler nete...@osgeo.org:


 @devs: Since you wrote that all windows disappeared, I wonder if the crash
 log could be saved anywhere for inspection?

if you enable WX_DEBUG or DEBUG messages then any error messages are
redirected to the terminal.

Debug messages `g.gisenv set=DEBUG=5` would help to understand what is
wrong with digitizer.


Martin Landa landa.martin gmail.com * http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa
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