Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files (2)

2013-07-31 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Wednesday 31 of July 2013 11:55:27 Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> Yet another NITF related "problem". An ntf file contains (no SUBDATASETS)
> gdalinfo -nogcp -nomd -mm M1BS.ntf
> ,--%<---
> Band 1 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Blue
> Computed Min/Max=183.000,2047.000
>   Overviews: 3438x3448, 1719x1724, 859x862, 429x431, 214x215
>   Overviews: arbitrary
> Band 2 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Green
> Computed Min/Max=252.000,2047.000
>   Overviews: 3438x3448, 1719x1724, 859x862, 429x431, 214x215
>   Overviews: arbitrary
> Band 3 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Red
> Computed Min/Max=86.000,2047.000
>   Overviews: 3438x3448, 1719x1724, 859x862, 429x431, 214x215
>   Overviews: arbitrary
> Band 4 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Alpha
> Computed Min/Max=50.000,2047.000
>   Overviews: 3438x3448, 1719x1724, 859x862, 429x431, 214x215
>   Overviews: arbitrary
> `--->%--
> Attempting to warp the data with the -rpc switch and convert to GeoTIFF,
> begins with
> "Using band 4 of source image as alpha."
> This results in an "empty" NIR band  in the GeoTIFF file.
> ,--%<---
> Band 1 Block=6728x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Gray
> Computed Min/Max=0.000,2047.000
> Band 2 Block=6728x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
> Computed Min/Max=0.000,2047.000
> Band 3 Block=6728x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
> Computed Min/Max=0.000,2047.000
> Band 4 Block=6728x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
> Computed Min/Max=0.000,0.000
> `--->%--
> No success using '-co "ALPHA=NO"'.  Same "problem" when using gdal_translate
> on the whole ntf file. However, instructing
> gdal_translate -b 4 M1BS.ntf b4.tif
> gives
> gdalinfo -nogcp -nomd -mm b4.tif
> ,--%<---
> Band 1 Block=6876x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Gray
> Computed Min/Max=50.000,2047.000
> `--->%--
> But, this is not "fine". How is this to be done correctly, RPC-based warping
> and conversion in one go?

Related thread/solution:

Translating to a VRT, band by band -- is it the only solution?

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files (2)

2013-07-31 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Yet another NITF related "problem". An ntf file contains (no SUBDATASETS)

gdalinfo -nogcp -nomd -mm M1BS.ntf

Band 1 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Blue
Computed Min/Max=183.000,2047.000
  Overviews: 3438x3448, 1719x1724, 859x862, 429x431, 214x215
  Overviews: arbitrary
Band 2 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Green
Computed Min/Max=252.000,2047.000
  Overviews: 3438x3448, 1719x1724, 859x862, 429x431, 214x215
  Overviews: arbitrary
Band 3 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Red
Computed Min/Max=86.000,2047.000
  Overviews: 3438x3448, 1719x1724, 859x862, 429x431, 214x215
  Overviews: arbitrary
Band 4 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Alpha
Computed Min/Max=50.000,2047.000
  Overviews: 3438x3448, 1719x1724, 859x862, 429x431, 214x215
  Overviews: arbitrary

Attempting to warp the data with the -rpc switch and convert to GeoTIFF, 
begins with

"Using band 4 of source image as alpha."

This results in an "empty" NIR band  in the GeoTIFF file.

Band 1 Block=6728x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Gray
Computed Min/Max=0.000,2047.000
Band 2 Block=6728x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
Computed Min/Max=0.000,2047.000
Band 3 Block=6728x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
Computed Min/Max=0.000,2047.000
Band 4 Block=6728x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
Computed Min/Max=0.000,0.000

No success using '-co "ALPHA=NO"'.  Same "problem" when using gdal_translate 
on the whole ntf file. However, instructing 

gdal_translate -b 4 M1BS.ntf b4.tif


gdalinfo -nogcp -nomd -mm b4.tif

Band 1 Block=6876x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Gray
Computed Min/Max=50.000,2047.000

But, this is not "fine". How is this to be done correctly, RPC-based warping 
and conversion in one go?

Thanks, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-29 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Should I file for this a ticket in GRASS' trac first?




Markus Metz wrote:
> >> What says g.proj georef=your_geofile -p?

Nikos Alexandris:
> > g.proj -p georef=15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf

> > Trying to open with OGR...
> > ...succeeded.
> > WARNING: Read of file 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf was
> > successful, but it did not contain projection information. 'XY
> > (unprojected)' will be used XY location (unprojected)

> > This is however 1) strange -- it misses a message like "Trying to open
> > with GDAL..." and 2) (successively) not true because gdalinfo reports:

Markus M:
> g.proj first tries to open the geofile with OGR, if that fails, it
> tries to open it with GDAL. Apparently OGR found a driver with which
> it could successfully open the geofile. This might be a bug in OGR
> (Frank?).

Nikos A: 
> > Using this file in
> > "grass7 -c 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.tif
> > /grassdb/test_Location"

> > creates the following Location:
> > g.proj -p
> > name : Lat/Lon
> > proj : ll
> > datum : wgs84
> > ellps : wgs84
> > no_defs : defined
> > unit : degree
> > units : degrees
> > meters : 1.0

Markus M:
> grass7 -c uses g.proj to create a location, thus the resulting
> projection info of grass7 -c and g.proj georef= should be identical.


Markus M:
> >> What reports when trying to import in a location that
> >> definitively does not match the SRS?

Nikos A:
> > Now, seems to correctly recognise the SRS!

Markus M: 
> Good. So it is either a bug in g.proj (even though the call to OGROpen()
> succeeds) or in OGR.
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-29 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Nikos Alexandris:

> > > I am trying to handle ntf files (NITF) as easy as possible -- working
> > > with some WorldView 01/02 and QuickBird imagery.


> > > 2) A second, of less importance, question, is:  how important are the
> > > warnings like:  "Warning 1: Unable to save auxilary information in
> > > /vsisubfile/3884_471349721,10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-
> > > P1BS-500060446050_05_P003.ntf.aux.xml." ?

Frank W:

> > This is not important.  I presume you are getting this with JPEG2000
> > compressed image streams in NITF?

Nikos A:
> Correct

> > If you file a bug I might be able to clear this up but there are layers of
> > complexity that make it challening.

> I will (take the time later to) file a ticket.

Done as

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-21 Thread Markus Metz
On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 9:20 PM, Nikos Alexandris
> 1)
>> What says g.proj georef=your_geofile -p?
> g.proj -p georef=15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf
> Trying to open with OGR...
> ...succeeded.
> WARNING: Read of file 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf was
> successful, but it did not contain projection information. 'XY
> (unprojected)' will be used
> XY location (unprojected)

> This is however 1) strange -- it misses a message like "Trying to open with
> GDAL..." and 2) (successively) not true because gdalinfo reports:

g.proj first tries to open the geofile with OGR, if that fails, it
tries to open it with GDAL. Apparently OGR found a driver with which
it could successfully open the geofile. This might be a bug in OGR

> Using this file in
> "grass7 -c 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.tif /grassdb/test_Location"
> creates the following Location:
> g.proj -p
> name : Lat/Lon
> proj : ll
> datum : wgs84
> ellps : wgs84
> no_defs : defined
> unit : degree
> units : degrees
> meters : 1.0
grass7 -c uses g.proj to create a location, thus the resulting
projection info of grass7 -c and g.proj georef= should be identical.
> 2)
>> What reports when trying to import in a location that
>> definitively does not match the SRS?
> Now, seems to correctly recognise the SRS!


So it is either a bug in g.proj (even though the call to OGROpen()
succeeds) or in OGR.

Markus M
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-20 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Markus Metz:

[almost all previous discussion erased]

Following a test using an IKONOS-NTF set of files -- they do not contain 
Actually, the same files as in my last/previous post.  Will re-test also for a 
NITF container 
that includes SUBDATASETs.


> What says g.proj georef=your_geofile -p?

That's a very nice parameter which I never thought of to combine with "-p" :-)

g.proj -p georef=15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf
Trying to open with OGR...
WARNING: Read of file 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf was
 successful, but it did not contain projection information. 'XY
 (unprojected)' will be used
XY location (unprojected)

This is however 1) strange -- it misses a message like "Trying to open with 
GDAL..." and 2) 
(successively) not true because gdalinfo reports:

gdalinfo -proj4 -nomd -noct -nogcp 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf | 

'+proj=utm +zone=37 +south +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m 
+no_defs '

Exactly the same happens (as above) for the multi-spectral bands. A bug?  Using 
this file in

"grass7 -c 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.tif /grassdb/test_Location"

creates the following Location:

g.proj -p
name   : Lat/Lon
proj   : ll
datum  : wgs84
ellps  : wgs84
no_defs: defined
unit   : degree
units  : degrees
meters : 1.0

> What reports when trying to import in a location that
> definitively does not match the SRS?

Now, seems to correctly recognise the SRS!

,---8<-- in=15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf 
ERROR: Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location.

   Location PROJ_INFO is:
   name: Lat/Lon
   proj: ll
   datum: wgs84
   ellps: wgs84
   no_defs: defined

   Dataset PROJ_INFO is:
   name: Universal Transverse Mercator
   proj: utm
   datum: wgs84
   ellps: wgs84
   zone: 37
   south: defined
   towgs84: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
   no_defs: defined

   You can use the -o flag to to override this check and use
   the location definition for the dataset.
   Consider generating a new location from the input dataset using the
   'location' parameter.

> Both tests should be done both with the NITF file and with a
> subdataset of the NITF file.

Not applicable in this case, no SUBDATASETs in these file(s). 

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-16 Thread Markus Metz
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Nikos Alexandris
> Markus Metz:
>> >> This is mixing different concepts, i.e. import and georeferencing. You
>> >> can use i.rectify after importing raster data. RPC is not supported by
>> >> GRASS, thus the gdalwarp approach is most probably the preferred
>> >> solution. In good GRASS tradition, you could also figure out a
>> >> reasonable target grid geometry and set this with the corresponding
>> >> option to gdalwarp.
> Nikos Alexandris:
>> > Ok -- On/Off: would it make sense to be able to say
>> > grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF
> Markus Metz wrote:
>> You probably mean
>> grass -c Some_GDAL/OGR_recognized_Container
>> /grassdb/Location_Based_On_GDAL/OGR_recognized_dataset
> Absolutely.
>> which is already possible.
> Is it (always)?  Please, see below whenever time permits.

It should be possible.

>> > and, if need be, select the SDS that contains/is the SRS, i.e.
>> > grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF sds=2
>> No, for e.g. hdf and NITF you can specify the sds directly, no need to
>> have a sds= option.
>> In general, grass -c  would use the SRS of the geodataset,
> which is?  The one that gdalinfo reports on top, right?

Yes, or ogrinfo.
>> not the SRS of the embedded GCPs or any other geotransform
>> information. Transformation/georeferencing would be done after import
>> with i.rectify or before import with gdalwarp.
> Got it. I, think, I have a problem then...

The projection as recognized by GRASS is indeed different from the one
reported by GDAL.

What says g.proj georef=your_geofile -p?

What reports when trying to import in a location that
definitively does not match the SRS?

Both tests should be done both with the NITF file and with a
subdataset of the NITF file.

Markus M

> Working with
> # GDAL
> gdal-config --version
> 1.10.0
> # which?
> which gdal-config
> /usr/bin/gdal-config
> # formats:
> gdalinfo --formats | grep NI
>   NITF (rw+vs): National Imagery Transmission Format
> # grass?
> g.version -bg
> version=7.0.svn
> date=2013
> revision=57074
> build_date=2013-06-12
>  ./configure  --with-cxx --with-includes=/usr/include/ --with-libs=/usr/lib64/
> --with-proj --with-proj-includes=/usr/include/ --with-proj-libs=/usr/lib64/ --
> with-proj-share=/usr/share/proj/ --with-geos --with-geos=/usr/bin/geos-config
> --with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-x --with-motif --with-cairo --with-
> opengl-libs=/usr/include/GL --without-ffmpeg --with-python=yes --with-
> python=/usr/bin/python2.7-config --with-wxwidgets --with-freetype=yes --with-
> freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2/ --with-odbc=yes --with-sqlite=yes --
> with-mysql=yes --with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql --with-mysql-
> libs=/usr/lib/mysql --with-postgres=yes --with-postgresql=yes --with-postgres-
> includes=/usr/include/postgresql --with-opencl --with-openmp --with-pthread --
> with-lapack --with-fftw --with-readline --with-regex --with-nls --with-jpeg --
> with-tiff --with-png --with-netcdf --without-opendwg --enable-largefile=yes
> Consider the following example
> # below, obviously not epsg=4326, but UTM 37S
> gdalinfo -proj4 -nogcp -nomd -norat -noct -nofl
> 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf
> Driver: NITF/National Imagery Transmission Format
> Files: 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf
> Size is 13768, 44528
> Coordinate System is:
> PROJCS["unnamed",
> GEOGCS["WGS 84",
> DATUM["WGS_1984",
> SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
> TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],
> PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],
> PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],
> PARAMETER["central_meridian",39],
> PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],
> PARAMETER["false_easting",50],
> PARAMETER["false_northing",1000]]
> PROJ.4 string is:
> '+proj=utm +zone=37 +south +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m
> +no_defs '
> Origin = (545471.000,9533235.000)
> Pixel Size = (1.000,-1.000)
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (  545471.000, 9533235.000) ( 39d24'35.06"E,  4d13'22.02"S)
> Lower Left  (  545471.000, 9488707.000) ( 39d24'35.85"E,  4d37'32.19"S)
> Upper Right (  559239.000, 9533235.000) ( 39d32' 1.67"E,  4d13'21.75"S)
> Lower Right (  559239.000, 9488707.000) ( 39d32' 2.71"E,  4d37'31.89"S)
> Center  (  552355.000, 9510971.000) ( 39d28'18.81"E,  4d25'26.98"S)
> Band 1 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   Min=0.000 Max=2047.000
>   Minimum=0.000, Maximum=2047.000, Mean=392.957, StdDev=204.156
> # use it
> grass7 -c 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.tif /ge

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-16 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Markus Metz:

> >> This is mixing different concepts, i.e. import and georeferencing. You
> >> can use i.rectify after importing raster data. RPC is not supported by
> >> GRASS, thus the gdalwarp approach is most probably the preferred
> >> solution. In good GRASS tradition, you could also figure out a
> >> reasonable target grid geometry and set this with the corresponding
> >> option to gdalwarp.

Nikos Alexandris:

> > Ok -- On/Off: would it make sense to be able to say
> > grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF

Markus Metz wrote:
> You probably mean
> grass -c Some_GDAL/OGR_recognized_Container
> /grassdb/Location_Based_On_GDAL/OGR_recognized_dataset

> which is already possible.

Is it (always)?  Please, see below whenever time permits.

> > and, if need be, select the SDS that contains/is the SRS, i.e.
> > grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF sds=2
> No, for e.g. hdf and NITF you can specify the sds directly, no need to
> have a sds= option.

> In general, grass -c  would use the SRS of the geodataset,

which is?  The one that gdalinfo reports on top, right?

> not the SRS of the embedded GCPs or any other geotransform
> information. Transformation/georeferencing would be done after import
> with i.rectify or before import with gdalwarp.

Got it. I, think, I have a problem then...

Working with

gdal-config --version


# which?
which gdal-config


# formats:
gdalinfo --formats | grep NI

  NITF (rw+vs): National Imagery Transmission Format

# grass?
g.version -bg


 ./configure  --with-cxx --with-includes=/usr/include/ --with-libs=/usr/lib64/ 
--with-proj --with-proj-includes=/usr/include/ --with-proj-libs=/usr/lib64/ --
with-proj-share=/usr/share/proj/ --with-geos --with-geos=/usr/bin/geos-config 
--with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-x --with-motif --with-cairo --with-
opengl-libs=/usr/include/GL --without-ffmpeg --with-python=yes --with-
python=/usr/bin/python2.7-config --with-wxwidgets --with-freetype=yes --with-
freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2/ --with-odbc=yes --with-sqlite=yes --
with-mysql=yes --with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql --with-mysql-
libs=/usr/lib/mysql --with-postgres=yes --with-postgresql=yes --with-postgres-
includes=/usr/include/postgresql --with-opencl --with-openmp --with-pthread --
with-lapack --with-fftw --with-readline --with-regex --with-nls --with-jpeg --
with-tiff --with-png --with-netcdf --without-opendwg --enable-largefile=yes

Consider the following example

# below, obviously not epsg=4326, but UTM 37S
gdalinfo -proj4 -nogcp -nomd -norat -noct -nofl 

Driver: NITF/National Imagery Transmission Format
Files: 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf
Size is 13768, 44528
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
PROJ.4 string is:
'+proj=utm +zone=37 +south +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m 
+no_defs '
Origin = (545471.000,9533235.000)
Pixel Size = (1.000,-1.000)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (  545471.000, 9533235.000) ( 39d24'35.06"E,  4d13'22.02"S)
Lower Left  (  545471.000, 9488707.000) ( 39d24'35.85"E,  4d37'32.19"S)
Upper Right (  559239.000, 9533235.000) ( 39d32' 1.67"E,  4d13'21.75"S)
Lower Right (  559239.000, 9488707.000) ( 39d32' 2.71"E,  4d37'31.89"S)
Center  (  552355.000, 9510971.000) ( 39d28'18.81"E,  4d25'26.98"S)
Band 1 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Min=0.000 Max=2047.000 
  Minimum=0.000, Maximum=2047.000, Mean=392.957, StdDev=204.156

# use it
grass7 -c 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.tif /geo/grassdb/Location_Pan

# where am I in?


# where?
g.proj -p

name   : Lat/Lon
proj   : ll
datum  : wgs84
ellps  : wgs84
no_defs: defined
unit   : degree
units  : degrees
meters : 1.0

This is not correct, is it?

Then, reporting on _all_ multi-spectral bands like

gdalinfo -proj4 -nogcp -nomd -norat -noct -nofl po_697515_red_000.ntf | 
grep proj


'+proj=utm +zone=37 +south +ellp

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-16 Thread Markus Metz
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Nikos Alexandris
> Markus Metz:
>> This is mixing different concepts, i.e. import and georeferencing. You
>> can use i.rectify after importing raster data. RPC is not supported by
>> GRASS, thus the gdalwarp approach is most probably the preferred
>> solution. In good GRASS tradition, you could also figure out a
>> reasonable target grid geometry and set this with the corresponding
>> option to gdalwarp.
> Ok -- On/Off: would it make sense to be able to say
> grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF

You probably mean

grass -c Some_GDAL/OGR_recognized_Container

which is already possible.

> and, if need be, select the SDS that contains/is the SRS, i.e.
> grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF sds=2

No, for e.g. hdf and NITF you can specify the sds directly, no need to
have a sds= option.

In general, grass -c  would use the SRS of the geodataset,
not the SRS of the embedded GCPs or any other geotransform
information. Transformation/georeferencing would be done after import
with i.rectify or before import with gdalwarp.

Markus M
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-16 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Nikos A:

> > No (except that I left this option as the "final attempt" of many tests --
> > working with some >1GB images here, so it took me hours... :D).  Your
> > confirmation, though, is highly useful!

Eli Adam wrote:

> Sometimes to avoid materializing large intermediate datasets on disk, a VRT
> can be used.  I'm not sure if this would be useful in your case.

Right, in theory it is extremely useful. Dunno if it'll work. In my To Do 
list... :-)

Frank W:

> > On the GDAL side we often have special info in trac wiki pages under the
> > BuildHints page, but in this case the issues are more usage rather than
> > building so there is no obvious place for user contributions.  The format
> > pages for NITF do have quite a bit of info.  It is (I think) the only
> > driver with an "advanced" page.  However, there are many kinds of NITF
> > files and thus usage patterns that are an issue so it isn't clear how to
> > handle that in the user docs.

> I and others have put GDAL usage notes here,

Thank you, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-16 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Frank Warmerdam:

> >> Perhaps you were hoping to do the RPC based warp within GRASS?

Nikos Alexandris:

> > Yes, I was hopping to say something like:

( Yeah, right... hopping :D )

> > --%<---
> > in=NITF.ntf out=NITF sds=1 band=1,2,3,4 transform=rpc[,tps]
> > [resampling=n,b,c,cs,l,a,m]
> > --->%--

Markus Metz:
> This is mixing different concepts, i.e. import and georeferencing. You
> can use i.rectify after importing raster data. RPC is not supported by
> GRASS, thus the gdalwarp approach is most probably the preferred
> solution. In good GRASS tradition, you could also figure out a
> reasonable target grid geometry and set this with the corresponding
> option to gdalwarp.

Ok -- On/Off: would it make sense to be able to say

grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF

and, if need be, select the SDS that contains/is the SRS, i.e.

grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF sds=2


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-15 Thread Markus Metz
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 1:52 AM, Nikos Alexandris
> Nikos Alexandris:
>> Perhaps you were hoping to do the RPC based warp within GRASS?
> Yes, I was hopping to say something like:
> --%<---
> in=NITF.ntf out=NITF sds=1 band=1,2,3,4 transform=rpc[,tps]
> [resampling=n,b,c,cs,l,a,m]
> --->%--
This is mixing different concepts, i.e. import and georeferencing. You
can use i.rectify after importing raster data. RPC is not supported by
GRASS, thus the gdalwarp approach is most probably the preferred
solution. In good GRASS tradition, you could also figure out a
reasonable target grid geometry and set this with the corresponding
option to gdalwarp.

Markus M
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-14 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Nikos Alexandris:

> > I am trying to handle ntf files (NITF) as easy as possible -- working with
> > some WorldView 01/02 and QuickBird imagery.

> > 1) The question is:  how do you correctly import in GRASS-GIS QuickBird &
> > WorldView imagery from N(I)TF containers?

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Your working solution with gdalwarp seems reasonable.  Is there a problem
> with it?

No (except that I left this option as the "final attempt" of many tests -- 
working with some >1GB images here, so it took me hours... :D).  Your 
confirmation, though, is highly useful!

> Perhaps you were hoping to do the RPC based warp within GRASS?

Yes, I was hopping to say something like:

--%<--- in=NITF.ntf out=NITF sds=1 band=1,2,3,4 transform=rpc[,tps] 

:D -- I know, I am asking for too much.  I have read the following post
already: .

Also, there is already a (kind of related) grass-ticket:

> > 2) A second, of less importance, question, is:  how important are the
> > warnings like:  "Warning 1: Unable to save auxilary information in
> > /vsisubfile/3884_471349721,10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-
> > P1BS-500060446050_05_P003.ntf.aux.xml." ?

> This is not important.  I presume you are getting this with JPEG2000
> compressed image streams in NITF?


> If you file a bug I might be able to clear this up but there are layers of
> complexity that make it challening.

I will (take the time later to) file a ticket.  I was hopping, anyhow, in case 
such warnings are not a real big deal, to have a way to supress them.  That 
would ease off, me thinks at least, scripting.  Some option like the "-q" one 
-- though, in this case it doesn't silence these Warnings.

> > My working solution (seems to be), is to gdal-warp the SUBDATASET that
> > contains the raster spectral bands _and_ by using the -rpc switch
> > (mentioned in some past post in GDAL-dev's ML [19]).  Otherwise, the
> > resulting warped image is heavily skewed and not ready for analysis.
> > E.g.:
> > --%<---
> > gdalwarp -rpc NITF_IM:0:10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-
> > P1BS-500060446050_05_P003.ntf 10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-
> > P1BS-500060446050_05_P003_NorthUp.tif
> > --->%--

> > This post is, also, sort of a BUMP related to my previous latest message
> > in the GDAL-dev-ML's thread entitled  "Can't read NITF images" :-!  I
> > think that N(I)TF files, no matter whatsoever the status of the related
> > drivers are, as well as the "feelings" towards favouring it or not,
> > deserves some more examples, a page in GRASS-Wiki perhaps, etc.

> I'm afraid I'm one of those who neglected that thread.  I thought I saw Even
> answer is so I was happy to keep out of it.

> I can't speak to how the files should be described in GRASS.  Generally
> I'd hope that the value of using GDAL is that GRASS wouldn't need to
> talk too much about specific formats.

It certainly is so (in general).

> On the GDAL side we often have special info in trac wiki pages under the
> BuildHints page, but in this case the issues are more usage rather than
> building so there is no obvious place for user contributions.  The format
> pages for NITF do have quite a bit of info.  It is (I think) the only driver
> with an "advanced" page.  However, there are many kinds of NITF
> files and thus usage patterns that are an issue so it isn't clear how to
> handle that in the user docs.

I am (slowly) getting to see that there is a "bigger" picture.

> I've skimmed the rest of your post, but I don't have any particular
> advice or anything to add.  I do think it is reasonable to correct
> such images into a nicer form with gdalwarp before running

Your reply as a whole is very useful for me.

Thank you Frank, Nikos

[rest deleted]
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-14 Thread Frank Warmerdam
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Nikos Alexandris

> Hi list & apologies for cross-posting.
> In short,
> I am trying to handle ntf files (NITF) as easy as possible -- working with
> some WorldView 01/02 and QuickBird imagery.
> 1) The question is:  how do you correctly import in GRASS-GIS QuickBird &
> WorldView imagery from N(I)TF containers?


Your working solution with gdalwarp seems reasonable.  Is there a problem
with it?  Perhaps you were hoping to do the RPC based warp within GRASS?

> 2) A second, of less importance, question, is:  how important are the
> warnings
> like:  "Warning 1: Unable to save auxilary information in
> /vsisubfile/3884_471349721,10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-
> P1BS-500060446050_05_P003.ntf.aux.xml." ?

This is not important.  I presume you are getting this with JPEG2000
image streams in NITF?  If you file a bug I might be able to clear this up
but there
are layers of complexity that make it challening.

> My working solution (seems to be),
> is to gdal-warp the SUBDATASET that contains the raster spectral bands
> _and_
> by using the -rpc switch (mentioned in some past post in GDAL-dev's ML
> [19]).
> Otherwise, the resulting warped image is heavily skewed and not ready for
> analysis.  E.g.:
> --%<---
> gdalwarp -rpc NITF_IM:0:10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-
> P1BS-500060446050_05_P003.ntf 10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-
> P1BS-500060446050_05_P003_NorthUp.tif
> --->%--
> This post is, also, sort of a BUMP related to my previous latest message in
> the GDAL-dev-ML's thread entitled  "Can't read NITF images" :-!  I think
> that
> N(I)TF files, no matter whatsoever the status of the related drivers are,
> as
> well as the "feelings" towards favouring it or not, deserves some more
> examples, a page in GRASS-Wiki perhaps, etc.

I'm afraid I'm one of those who neglected that thread.  I thought I saw Even
answer is so I was happy to keep out of it.

I can't speak to how the files should be described in GRASS.  Generally
I'd hope that the value of using GDAL is that GRASS wouldn't need to
talk too much about specific formats.

On the GDAL side we often have special info in trac wiki pages under the
BuildHints page, but in this case the issues are more usage rather than
building so there is no obvious place for user contributions.  The format
pages for NITF do have quite a bit of info.  It is (I think) the only driver
with an "advanced" page.  However, there are many kinds of NITF
files and thus usage patterns that are an issue so it isn't clear how to
handle that in the user docs.

I've skimmed the rest of your post, but I don't have any particular
advice or anything to add.  I do think it is reasonable to correct
such images into a nicer form with gdalwarp before running

Best regards,

> Now, the long story is that,
> I 've been through the list (grass-user, gdal-dev), manuals (grass
> importing
> related stuff & gdal's driver's documentation), well known and easy to find
> pages in GRASS-Wiki, GDAL tutorials, etc.  I haven't found any concrete
> examples on working with NITF images and GFOSS. [**See various links in the
> end]
> I would appreciate any hints (while I am actively searching How To do this
> best) to save time in the quest to find an optimal solution which can be
> scripted to handle various images from the same source.  Unfortunately,
> there
> is no access in GeoTiffs (so far/yet)!
> Set aside the internal compression "obstacle" (JPEG2000) which one can
> overcome using the OpenJPEG driver (or, necessarily some proprietary (?)
> bound
> solution [0, 1, 2, 3]), NITF files that contain multiple SUBDATASETS may
> look
> like:
> # code ###
> gdalinfo -nomd -norat -noct -nofl 10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-
> P1BS-500060446050_05_P003.ntf
> Driver: NITF/National Imagery Transmission Format
> Files: 10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-P1BS-500060446050_05_P003.ntf
> Size is 35840, 27648
> Coordinate System is `'
> GCP Projection =
> GEOGCS["WGS 84",
> DATUM["WGS_1984",
> SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
> TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
> GCP[  0]: Id=UpperLeft, Info=
>   (0.5,0.5) -> (43.80889,-23.35444,0)
> GCP[  1]: Id=UpperRight, Info=
>   (35839.5,0.5) -> (43.62194,-23.33444,0)
> GCP[  2]: Id=LowerRight, Info=
>   (35839.5,27647.5) -> (43.6225,-23.19583,0)
> GCP[  3]: Id=LowerLeft, Info=
>   (0.5,27647.5) -> (43.80833,-23.21528,0)
> Subdatasets:
>   SUBDATASET_1_NAME=NITF_IM:0:10APR13WV020600013APR10075059-
> P1BS-500060446050_05_P003.ntf
>   SUBDATASET_1_DESC=Image 1 of 10APR13WV0206000