[GRASS-user] Export the conversion from Vector to Raster

2010-05-07 Thread Kim Besson
This is probably a very dumb thing but I'm having a few difficulties doing
this. I have an SHAPEFILE with classification polygons. And I need to
Convert to raster (e.g. TIF) So I thought of using GRASS (of course)

1- Define region with a Landsat image used to create those Training areas
outside GRASS
2- Run v.in.gor
v.in.ogr -o dsn=C:\Data\GISDataBase\training_data.shp output=train00
Over-riding projection check
Layer: training_data
Default driver / database set to:
driver: dbf
Importanto feições do mapa 448...
Building topology for vector map train00...
Registering primitives...
448 primitives registered
2903 vertices registered
Building areas...
448 areas built
448 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 448
Number of primitives: 448
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 448
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 448
Number of isles: 448
Number of areas without centroid: 448
Cleaning polygons, result is not guaranteed!
Building topology for vector map train00...
Number of nodes: 448
Number of primitives: 448
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 448
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: -
Number of isles: -
Break polygons:
Remove duplicates:
Break boundaries:
Remove duplicates:
Clean boundaries at nodes:
Change dangles to lines:
Remove bridges:
Building topology for vector map train00...
Building areas...
448 areas built
448 isles built
Attaching islands...
Number of nodes: 448
Number of primitives: 448
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 448
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 448
Number of isles: 448
Number of areas without centroid: 448
Layer: training_data
Building topology for vector map train00...
Registering primitives...
896 primitives registered
3351 vertices registered
Building areas...
448 areas built
448 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 896
Number of primitives: 896
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 448
Number of centroids: 448
Number of areas: 448
Number of isles: 448
448 input polygons
Total area: 6.159110e+006 (448 areas)
Overlapping area: 0.00e+000 (0 areas)
Area without category: 0.00e+000 (0 areas)

3- It created a vectorial train00. When I open it at GRASS and overlays it
with my landsat images they MATCH...
4- I want to create a RASTER exacly with the same characteristics as my
landsat images but using Class Field as Raster values. I mean, the pixels
inside polygons with class value 12 will have a vlue of 12.
Reading GRASS book I decided to use v.to.rast
v.to.rast input=trai...@permanent output=train_raster00 type=area
column=Class labelcolumn=cat
Loading data...
Pass 1 of 2:
Reading areas...
Reading features...
Writing raster map...
Pass 2 of 2:
Reading areas...
Writing raster map...
Converted areas: 448 of 448
Converted points/lines: 0 of 0
v.to.rast complete.

5- Open train_raster00 and it seems to be Ok when comparing with Vectorial
6- Metadata from is train_raster00
 |   Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories: 0
 |   Data Type:CELL
 |   Rows: 7109
 |   Columns:  7662
 |   Total Cells:  54469158
 |Projection: x,y
 |N: 23020.21492744S: -190249.78507256   Res:30
 |E: 177696.83076767W: -52163.16923233   Res:30
 |   Range of data:min = 1  max = 17
And Metadata from Landsat is:
|   Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories: 0
 |   Data Type:CELL
 |   Rows: 7109
 |   Columns:  7662
 |   Total Cells:  54469158
 |Projection: x,y
 |N: 23020.21492744S: -190249.78507256   Res:30
 |E: 177696.83076767W: -52163.16923233   Res:30
 |   Range of data:min = 0  max = 255

So it maches :)

7- Now, export this raster.Since I want a Geotiff I used:
r.out.tiff input=train_raste...@permanent output=trainraster00a
If I do gdalinfo to the exported file I get:river: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: /mnt/GIS/trainraster00a.tif
Size is 7662, 7109
Coordinate System is `'
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (0.0,

Re: [GRASS-user] Export the conversion from Vector to Raster

2010-05-07 Thread Markus Metz
Kim Besson wrote:


 7- Now, export this raster.Since I want a Geotiff I used:
 r.out.tiff input=train_raste...@permanent output=trainraster00a

You must use r.out.gdal to get a GeoTIFF, r.out.tiff produces an
ordinary tif image, not a spatial raster dataset.

Markus M
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Export the conversion from Vector to Raster

2010-05-07 Thread Kim Besson
Hi Markus
I did this:
And I got
PROJ_INFO not found for  DATA
PROJ_UNITS not found for  PT_IGP
Exporting to GDAL data type: Byte
Unable to set projection
Input raster map contains cells with NULL-value (no-data). The value -1 was
used to represent no-data values in the input map. You can specify nodata
value by nodata parameter.

It's strange. Then I decided to do g.region display and I realized that:
projection: 0 (x,y)
zone:   0
north:  23020.21492744
south:  -190249.78507256
west:   -52163.16923233
east:   177696.83076767
nsres:  30
ewres:  30
rows:   7109
cols:   7662
cells:  54469158
(Fri May 07 10:40:07 2010) Comando terminado (0 sec)

(Fri May 07 10:40:30 2010)

g.region -p

projection: 0 (x,y)
zone:   0
north:  23020.21492744
south:  -190249.78507256
west:   -52163.16923233
east:   177696.83076767
nsres:  30
ewres:  30
rows:   7109
cols:   7662
cells:  54469158

I have NO PROJECTION :( How come? I have defined my Location from a
projected Landsat image the same that I have imported. Any clues of what I
did wrong?

2010/5/7 Markus Metz markus.metz.gisw...@googlemail.com

 Kim Besson wrote:


  7- Now, export this raster.Since I want a Geotiff I used:
  r.out.tiff input=train_raste...@permanent output=trainraster00a

 You must use r.out.gdal to get a GeoTIFF, r.out.tiff produces an
 ordinary tif image, not a spatial raster dataset.

 Markus M

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Export the conversion from Vector to Raster

2010-05-07 Thread Markus Metz
Kim Besson wrote:
 Hi Markus
 I did this:
 r.out.gdal input=train_raste...@permanent
 output=C:\Data\GISDataBase\trainraster00b nodata=-1

nodata = -1 and type = Byte is no good because the range of Byte is 0
- 255 and -1 gets converted to 255, i.e. all NULL cells will become
255 (all cells that are already 255 stay 255) but nodata is -1 so info
about NULL cells gets lost.

 And I got
 PROJ_INFO not found for  DATA
 PROJ_UNITS not found for  PT_IGP

check the original Landsat data with gdalinfo. They are usually in
UTM. If the original data don't have projection info, the xy location
is correct and you have to manually reproject to a proper location. If
the original data do have projection info, something went wrong while
defining the location, no idea what.

Markus M

 Exporting to GDAL data type: Byte
 Unable to set projection
 Input raster map contains cells with NULL-value (no-data). The value -1 was
 used to represent no-data values in the input map. You can specify nodata
 value by nodata parameter.
 It's strange. Then I decided to do g.region display and I realized that:
 projection: 0 (x,y)
 zone:       0
 north:      23020.21492744
 south:      -190249.78507256
 west:       -52163.16923233
 east:       177696.83076767
 nsres:      30
 ewres:      30
 rows:       7109
 cols:       7662
 cells:      54469158
 (Fri May 07 10:40:07 2010) Comando terminado (0 sec)

 (Fri May 07 10:40:30 2010)

 g.region -p

 projection: 0 (x,y)
 zone:       0
 north:      23020.21492744
 south:      -190249.78507256
 west:       -52163.16923233
 east:       177696.83076767
 nsres:      30
 ewres:      30
 rows:       7109
 cols:       7662
 cells:      54469158
 I have NO PROJECTION :( How come? I have defined my Location from a
 projected Landsat image the same that I have imported. Any clues of what I
 did wrong?
 2010/5/7 Markus Metz markus.metz.gisw...@googlemail.com

 Kim Besson wrote:


  7- Now, export this raster.Since I want a Geotiff I used:
  r.out.tiff input=train_raste...@permanent output=trainraster00a

 You must use r.out.gdal to get a GeoTIFF, r.out.tiff produces an
 ordinary tif image, not a spatial raster dataset.

 Markus M

grass-user mailing list