Re: [groff] mom manpage

2018-12-04 Thread Peter Schaffter
rminal display is
desired.  A one-liner shell script if the 2nd example is too onerous
to type.  I honestly can't see how that's harder to access.

Out of the usual place?  No, just not in /usr/share/man.
Documentation resides in other common locations.  Are texinfo docs
somehow not "usual?"

Gratuitously?  I selected xhtml for the mom docs after careful
consideration.  It served my purposes best.

> You want HTML and PDF versions?  Not a problem

There is some irony in your dismissing html documentation, then
acknowledging, as you do here, that some folks want it.

> You want hyperlinking?  Not a problem with .Xr links in modern
> manual pages either.

Linking wasn't a feature of manpages when mom was created.
Switching to manpage format now just because linking is possible
would be monumentally pointless.

> You want bells, whistles, and moving gifs of cute cats?  Bad idea,
> documentation is about efficiently conveying information, not
> about fluff and pictures and gimmicks.

Not sure where you're getting your ideas about html documentation
from.  It is capable of moments of sobriety, you know.  The online
git documentation, for example, doesn't have any cute cats that I
can see.  Or bells, or whistles, or fluff, or gimmicks.  At most, a
some very helpful graphics.

> Even moderately large systems can be beautifully documented in a
> single manual page - for example, a shell.

Which, by its very nature, is well suited to being documented in
a manpage.  The right tool for the job.  Not the right tool for
documenting everything.

Insisting that manpages are the only true documentation format,
elevating them to the point that become a measure of the quality of
one's coding, runs counter to the Unix Rule of Diversity: distrust
all claims for one true way.  It's a good admonishment.

> If is system is too large and a single page would become unwieldy,
> yes, in the first step, you split it up to the next logical level
> -i guess for mom that would be macros, but you can probably judge
> better than i can what that next level is.  That gives you too
> many pages, most of them unreasonably short?  So you form logical
> groups of related macros, make one page for each group, and name
> the page after the most important or typical macro of the group.

I giggled.  Honestly.  What you've described has resulted in the
sprawling mess of the groff manpages!  To my mind, the most useful
piece of information in groff(1) is "The groff info file contains
all information on the groff system in a single document."  Why?
Because the info file is indexed and hyperlinked and I don't have to
figure out whether groff(1), groff_font(5), groff(7), groff_char(7),
groff_diff(7), nroff(1), troff(1), ditroff(1) or groff_out(1) has
the information I'm looking for.  From the command line, I can go
straight to what I want.  (For the record, I'm no fan of info.)

Some programs simply are not well served by manpage-style
documentation.  Mom is one of them.  Does that make her an example
of bad coding (Doug's view on the subject)?  Perhaps.  Has she
been successful at the purpose for which she was created?  From my
perspective, resoundingly yes.  In addition to aiding her target
users, mom is helping groff itself remain vital.

> This is not rocket science and nothing new - just do it...  ;-)

Methinks you underestimate what would be involved. :) It wouldn't
be the grunt work; it would be the conceptual reworking of the
material, a daunting task for zero gain--and likely a loss--in
utility.  I haven't shirked creating a manpage for mom; I would
prefer she didn't have one at all, other than, as proposed, one with
a description, calling instructions, and a pointer to the html (and
pdf) documentation.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] gratitude for man pages (was: mom manpage)

2018-12-04 Thread Peter Schaffter
Colin --

On Tue, Dec 04, 2018, Colin Watson wrote:
> One pleasant side-effect of this mild confusion is that I get
> thank-you letters about man pages in general from time to time.
> Here are a few samples, shorn of any personal information:

That's wonderful!  I was trying to make a point with my quips.  I
had no idea the outcome would be discovering this.  Good on everyone
who took the time to express their gratitude.


Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] mom manpage

2018-12-05 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Dec 05, 2018, James K. Lowden wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2018 15:16:50 -0500
> Peter Schaffter  wrote:
> > When I analyze my initial impression of manpages, I see that it
> > was a clash between approaching computing from the humanities,
> > as a non-programming user, versus approaching computing from the
> > sciences, as a programmer.
> I don't think that's quite right, Peter.  I suggest to you that's the
> difference between a user guide and a reference manual.  We need both,
> always have, and the humanities have nothing to do with it, except
> insofar as they teach clear exposition. 

I used humanities as a collective noun referring to users who come
to a Unix system as philosophers, historians, linguists, writers of
fiction, essayists...  Such users do, generally, approach computing
from a different perspective than sysadmins and programmers.  They
do not *think* like sysadmins and programmers.  The filters they
bring to bear on documentation are very much related to the issue at
hand.  Not to acknowledge that leads to BOFH thinking.

Manpages target the B.Sc. crowd, not the B.A. crowd, if I may speak
very broadly to make the point.  I believe the latter tends
to have the same reaction to manpages that I did on first exposure.
"Manpage" implies "a manual."  A common understanding of the term
manual, the one brought to bear by my "B.A crowd," is

 "[A] comprehensive and step-by-step guide to a particular topic for
  both beginners and practitioners that also serves as a reference
  book.  A manual details what is given and what is required,
  explains how to put the presented information into practice, and
  instructs how to solve problems as they occur." []

Manpages are the antithesis of this, so conceptual clashes of the
sort I experienced are likely to occur.  I'd hate to be guilty of
extrapolating the general from the specific, but I'm certain I am
not alone in my initial reaction to manpages.  

I do hope it's clear I am not attacking manpages or suggesting
their content, style, or formatting be altered, except insofar as
I'm Ingo's camp when it comes to mandoc.  Manpages serve the needs
of their target audience, of which I am a card carrying member.
How well they do so will likely always be contentious, as, IMO, it
should be; that's how we make them better.  Nevertheless, they are
not and will never be suitable for all documentation.  I dispute the
notion that if you can't document your work manpage style, your code
is sub par.  Classic case of "true in most instances, not in all."

> You'd have a hard time convincing me that MOM is more complex
> than troff itself, or that groff_mom(7) would be longer or
> harder to organize than groff(7).

Heaven forfend!  I'd never suggest mom was more complex than troff.
But she is nothing like g/troff.  Groff is a typesetting
*program*.  Mom is, for all intents and purposes, a formatting
*language*--as such, akin to html/css.  Nowhere is html/css
documented in manpage format, for the obvious reason that you can't
learn a language from reading the dictionary.  You need more than
just "this is what the words mean."  Organizing html/css into a
usable manpage would, I think, prove a complex task indeed.  _Ita
quoque mom._

A better analogy might be GNU Lilypond, which provides a formatting
language for engraving music.  The language is not covered in a
manpage because, quite simply, it cannot be, not in any meaningful
way.  Instead, its manpage does what I propose is best for mom: it
gives the NAME, a DESCRIPTION, the invocation SYNOPSIS, and command
line OPTIONS--the kind of information I want from a manpage, which
I am likely to be consulting at the terminal because I intend to
perform a command line operation.  For actually creating lilypond
documents, users are directed to the full manual.  (I shudder to
think of consulting a manpage for all that guile/scheme.)

> The very fact that your HTML documentation is frequently viewed is
> proof, actually, that a reference manual is needed.

I see it differently.  What it tells me is that mom users like
consulting the documentation from their web browser.  The experience
is comfortable and familiar.  Users don't have to go on the Web to
consult the docs, which ship with groff, yet they persist in doing
so.  More a question of "familiarity breeds ease of use" than silent
pleas for a manpage, I should think. :)

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] mom manpage

2018-12-06 Thread Peter Schaffter
Bertrand --

On Thu, Dec 06, 2018, Bertrand Garrigues wrote:
> As the html doc is de facto the current reference doc for mom (again,
> I'm not arguing whether it's good or bad), I think the paragraph "4.6
> mom" in groff documentation should be modified.

Changed entry per your request:

diff --git a/doc/groff.texi b/doc/groff.texi
index a6d1260..4526d3c 100644
--- a/doc/groff.texi
+++ b/doc/groff.texi
@@ -4649,11 +4649,26 @@ command line).
 @c XXX documentation
 @c XXX this is a placeholder until we get stuff knocked into shape
-See the @cite{groff_mom(7)} man page (type @command{man groff_mom} at
-the command line), which gives a short overview and a link to its
-extensive documentation in HTML format.
+Complete documentation for the @file{mom} macros is in html format.
+@end display
+An online version is also available.
+@end display
+PDF features and usage are covered in
+@end display
+See also @cite{groff_mom(7)} (type @command{man groff_mom} at the
+command line).
 @c =
 @c =

I'm not sure whether it's okay for entry points to local files to
have literal paths or whether they need to be rendered symbolically
for build/install purposes, so I won't commit without your go-ahead.

> I think the online html doc could also be mentioned in
>; in the "Mission Statement"
> paragraph, a .mom document is given as an example without a single word
> on what the mom package is.

Done, discretely.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] mom manpage

2018-12-07 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Dec 07, 2018, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 06, 2018 at 06:38:40PM -0500, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> > +@display
> > +@file{/usr/share/doc/groff-base/html/mom/toc.html}
> > +@end display
> [...]
> > +@display
> > +@file{/usr/share/doc/groff-base/pdf/mom-pdf.pdf}
> > +@end display
> [...]
> > I'm not sure whether it's okay for entry points to local files to
> > have literal paths or whether they need to be rendered symbolically
> > for build/install purposes, so I won't commit without your go-ahead.
> These paths are *very* Debian-and-derivatives-specific (even leaving
> aside the hardcoded /usr/share/doc prefix, the split between groff-base
> and groff is a Debianism), so they can't be committed upstream like
> that.

That's what I thought.

> Either the local references will need to be omitted, or we'll
> need some kind of arrangement along the lines of the existing
> @HTMLDOCDIR@ and @PDFDOCDIR@ in groff's man pages (I'm not sure how
> practical that is in texinfo).

Neither am I.  What I know about texifo wouldn't fit in a thimble.
Bertrand, how do you feel about omitting the local docs, leaving
just the pointer to the online docs?  If you're agreeable, I can
commit the change.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] mom manpage

2018-12-09 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Dec 07, 2018, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> > Neither am I.  What I know about texifo wouldn't fit in a thimble.
> You mean it would, right?  Put it in there, and enough space will
> probably be left to fit in my knowledge of textinfo, as well.

Is the fact the we both mistyped 'texinfo' evidence our of shared

> So indexing is actually much better with manual pages, and
> searching doesn't work at all with HTML.

It could equally be said that *an* index (i.e. a categorized, linked
list of terms) is much better with html, and searching inside
displayed manpages leaves much to be desired.

The issue isn't which format is better, rather which is more apt.
Some programs are better served by documentation in a format other
manpages.  Mom is one of them.  The 1.x release documentation
addressed the issue explicitly:

 "Some mom users are sure to ask: “Why is the documentation in
  html?  If mom’s so great, why not pdfs to show her off?  And if
  groff’s so great, why not write a man page?”


  The documentation is in html because I still find it the best tool
  for navigating lengthy manuals.  Html, with its anchors and links,
  came into being precisely so people could do something they’d
  never been able to with the printed word: instantly track down
  internal and external references in a document.

  It’s essential that people reading mom’s documentation never
  have difficulty finding precisely the macro they need for a
  particular task.  Equally, when reading up on a macro, they should
  never be presented with terms or other macro names for which they
  cannot instantly find accurate explanations.  Short of having
  written the documentation in TeX for the info browser (and TeX
  bloat is one of the reasons I prefer to typeset with groff), I
  can think of no better way to achieve the kind of truly useful
  documentation I wanted than html."

> I'm sorry i'm not very constructive today, but i don't know how to
> fix the texinfo problem either.

As Betrand has pointed out, the awkwardly-named POSITIONS FROM
INSTALLATION in groff(1) takes care of the problem.

> But one thing is certain: linking to the WWW more prominantly than
> to the local documentation, or in a way that is less likely to
> fail for the user, is a very bad idea.  What the user finds on the
> Web may not even correspond to the version of the software that is
> actually installed.

I develop mom independently of groff.  An unfortunate but inevitable
consequence is that mom releases occur more frequently than groff
releases.  You're quite right: the online documentation may
not--in fact can be expected not to--correspond to the installed
documentation.  It supersedes the installed documentation--another
reason why an attempt to render it as a manpage is ill-advised.
Users who install a version of mom newer than what's installed with
groff are stuck with an out-of-date manpage until the next groff

Taking this into account, I propose

diff --git a/doc/groff.texi b/doc/groff.texi
index a6d1260..f588d5f 100644
--- a/doc/groff.texi
+++ b/doc/groff.texi
@@ -4649,11 +4649,36 @@ command line).
 @c XXX documentation
 @c XXX this is a placeholder until we get stuff knocked into shape
-See the @cite{groff_mom(7)} man page (type @command{man groff_mom} at
-the command line), which gives a short overview and a link to its
-extensive documentation in HTML format.
+The main documentation files for the @file{mom} macros are in html
+format.  Additional, useful documentation is in pdf format.  See the
+groff(1) manpage "Collection of Installation Directories" for their
+@itemize @bullet
+Entry point to the full mom manual.
+Hyperlinked index of macros with brief descriptions, arranged by
+PDF features and usage.
+@end itemize
+The mom macros are in active development between groff releases.
+The most recent version, along with up-to-date documentation, is
+available at 
+See also @cite{groff_mom(7)} (type @command{man groff_mom} at the
+command line).
 @c =
 @c =========

If all are agreeable and my .texi formatting is acceptable, I can
commit this.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] mom manpage

2018-12-11 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Dec 11, 2018, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> At this point, i think the full cleanup Peter intends to do is
> better delayed until after release.

Agreed.  IIRC--I'm too lazy to look--I started the thread by saying
it was a low priorty issue. :)
> A small patch clarifying, within the manual page itself, what the manual
> page is, and what it is not, as far as Peter thinks that is useful and
> currently lacking, would be OK before release, i think, because a
> small patch to a manual page is unlikely to cause a distraction to
> release preparation work and almost certainly won't break the build
> or introduce a bug.

The manpage as it is covers this prominently enough I think.  No
need to change it for the release.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] mom manpage

2018-12-11 Thread Peter Schaffter
Branden --

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> I'm happy to aid with the maintenance of groff_mom(7), as my
> predilections and neuroses seem to have led me to stumble into an
> unofficial role as a groff man page editor, but a synoptic view of
> mom is beyond my current competence.

I'm sometimes wonder if it isn't beyond mine, too. :)

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] mom: blockquotes lose indent across page breaks

2018-12-17 Thread Peter Schaffter
John --

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018, John Ankarström wrote:
> I've run into a fairly annoying bug in the mom macro package: if
> I let a blockquote run across multiple pages, it will be indented
> only on the first page.
> Like this:
> Here begins my blockquote, with normal indentation.
> But here comes a page break:
> ---
> Now the blockquote continues, but the indentation
> has been lost!
> Does anyone know of a way to fix this?

I'm not seeing the problem at this end with the most recent version
of mom, so which version of mom are you using?  If it's recent,

  pdfmom -z -dVERSION=1 foo

at the prompt should spit it out.  If that returns nothing, look in
the file 'om.tmac'.  The version is just underneath the copyright
notice.  If your om.tmac is stock, it should be located at


If you've downloaded mom from her website, look inside the om.tmac
you're currently using.


Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] mom: blockquotes lose indent across page breaks

2018-12-17 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Dec 17, 2018, John Ankarström wrote:
> However, now I'm faced with another problem: the .BIBLIOGRAPHY
> macro doesn't seem to work.  This code used to create a nice,
> capitalized heading right in the center, followed by my
> accumulated bibliography:
> .HEADER_CENTER "Bibliografi"
> .[
> $LIST$
> .]
> Now, all I get is a smaller, left-aligned uncapitalized heading with no
> bibliography following.

An overzealous cleanup of the LIST macro, which used in the
generation of bibliographies, is the culprit, plus a hard-to-spot
typo in the title-quad section of bibliography setup.

The title is no longer in caps by default, nor is it underlined.  If
you want caps and/or underlining, you have to enable it.  Also, the
addition of a HEADER_CENTER to bibliographies requires explicitly
enabling it.  Here's what you want:

  .HEADER_CENTER "Bibliografi"

I've updated mom-2.4.tar.gz on mom's website, so you can grab the
fixed om.tmac from there.

Peter Schaffter

[groff] Push mom fix?

2018-12-17 Thread Peter Schaffter
Branden --

I'd like the bibliography/refer fix to mom to be in the upcoming
release.  On my end, regression tests check out and the sample docs
build fine.  Okay to push, or will that mess things up?

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] Push mom fix?

2018-12-18 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Dec 17, 2018, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2018-12-17T20:56:53-0500, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> > Branden --
> > 
> > I'd like the bibliography/refer fix to mom to be in the upcoming
> > release.  On my end, regression tests check out and the sample docs
> > build fine.  Okay to push, or will that mess things up?
> Bertrand is the person to ask, as he's the release manager.

Sorry.  I meant to address Bertrand.  Your names have an awful lot
of letters in common. :)

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] mom: blockquotes lose indent across page breaks

2018-12-18 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Dec 18, 2018, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Peter Schaffter wrote on Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 08:55:04PM -0500:
> > I've updated mom-2.4.tar.gz on mom's website,
> Never change tarballs after they are released.

> That causes bad trouble to downstream packagers:

The tarballs aren't, and never have been, for packagers.  The
"distinct from groff" nature of mom development means that any
"packaged" version will be the one from contrib/mom when groff
is built.  Tarballs are posted so users can update mom without
having to pull groff from the development branch.  The two (i.e.
contrib/mom and the tarballs) are always in synch, but packagers are
not expected to use the tarballs, and indeed, none have.

Every once in a while, as presently, mom presents a bug whose fix
is so small that it doesn't warrant a version change but does need
to be made available to run-of-the-mill users immediately.  A patch
applied to version N.N rather than a release of version N.N-x, as it
were.  In such cases--extremely rare--the patch is applied to the
development branch of groff/contrib/mom and the "users' tarball"
is silently updated.  Since no one is packaging mom for shipment
separately from groff, concerns about downstream packaging aren't

Mom began life entirely separate of groff because of groff's
slow release cycle.  I got a couple of requests from Debianites
wanting to package her, and a proposal from Werner that she become
part of groff.  I chose the latter despite the headache of the
groff-packaged version perpetually lagging behind the latest mom
release, a problem solved by posting the tarballs.  Though mildly
unconventional, this pragmatic solution has worked without a hitch
for over ten years.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] GNU troff version 1.22.4

2018-12-23 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Dec 23, 2018, Bertrand Garrigues wrote:
> After a last commit (copyright year displayed on 'groff --version'),
> I've created tag 1.22.4 and pushed the official package on GNU ftp.
> Below is the annoucement done on the GNU info mailing list.
> I just need to make a few update on the groff website.
> Many thanks to everyone who contributed, tested and reported bugs.

Congratulations are in order.  I can't recall the last time there
was so much activity prior to a release.  I add my voice to
Bertrand's thanks.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] Groff and poor font rendering

2019-03-12 Thread Peter Schaffter
Kevin --

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019, Kevin Moses wrote:
> I seem to have no problem printing clear readable fonts with
> my printer when the PDF file is generated by, for example, an
> ebay shipping label.  However, any pdf file that I create with
> say, pdfmom -P-e > new.pdf results in a decent page,
> but still clearly pixelated, and certainly not as sharp as more
> conventional google doc files, etc.

Does the pixelation show up in your pdf viewer, when you print out
a copy, or both?  Bad rendering at the screen could be a sign of a
misconfigured viewer.  Try several viewers and see if the problem
persists in all of them.

I'm unfamiliar with Void Linux.  Can you possibly test with another
distro?  If I understand correctly, Void is "from scratch."  Its
font handling may well be the source of your problem.

If you haven't got access to another distro, could you attach a
small source file and its pdf along with the command line you used
to build it?

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] Does the groff -ms implementation have a way to switch to a new column in .2C mode?

2019-06-06 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Thu, Jun 06, 2019, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
> The context is that I've got a part of my text that needs to stay together,
> and it is being split across columns, so I need to switch the column before
> that part starts.  I have used a .br and .ne X, where X is guesstimate at
> the lines needed, but wondered if there was a cleaner approach.

If, instead of -ms, you used the mom macros, you could accomplish
this cleanly with .COL_NEXT.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] In text references: optional page numbers?

2019-06-14 Thread Peter Schaffter
Paul --

On Fri, Jun 14, 2019, Paul Swanson wrote:
> Using groff, refer and the ms macros, I can't figure out how to
> achieve in text references with optional page numbers.
> Here's what I'd like to achieve.
> Sometimes, I need to reference a given work in its entirety:
> ... and thus all is foo bar (Smith 1984).
> Other times, I need to quote the same author / source directly:
> ... "and thus all is foo bar" (Smith 1984, p. 42).
> I can't figure out how to create an in text reference that will
> behave like that.

Have a look at

for a discussion of parenthetical references in text.  It covers
what you want.  It's part of the mom macros' documentation but it's
not mom-specific, just refer usage explained more approachably
than the refer(1) manpage.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] Unicode fonts output

2019-08-06 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Aug 06, 2019, Deri wrote:
> Two problems:-
> One, my "solution" used underscores when it should have used
> hyphens, so the "magic" is "U-"!!

I was about to mention this when your post appeared. :)
> Two, I have found, in your example, the .FAMILY line needs to come
> after .START.

Yes, but not quite.  The correct place is after .PRINTSTYLE but
before .START.  PRINTSTYLE wipes out any family, point size,
leading, etc. directives that come before it and replaces them with
default formatting.  Therefore, global changes to a doc's type
parameters are only respected if they come after PRINTSTYLE (and
before START), as described here:

Peter Schaffter

Re: "mom": How to transition from two columns back to one?

2019-12-17 Thread Peter Schaffter
Steve --

On Tue, Dec 17, 2019, Steve Ross via wrote:
> Is there a way in "mom" to force it to (more or less) evenly fill
> both columns with text and then exit back to a single column mode?

Yes and no. :)

It's a little hard to grasp precisely what you want from your ASCII
representation, but assuming a page that has 2-column text at the
top with some single-column, full-measure text underneath, you first
have to balance the columns yourself using .COL_NEXT or .COL_BREAK.

At the spot you want to break out of column mode, enter

  .rr #COLUMNS
  .LL \\n[#DOC_L_LENGTH]u

Subsequent text will be over the full measure.

If you wish to return to 2-column mode *on the same page*, enter

  .nr #COLUMNS 1
  .nr #COL_NUM 1
  .LL \n[#COL_L_LENGTH]u

If you wish to *break to a new page* after the full-measure text and
reinstate 2-column mode,

  .nr #COLUMNS 1
  .nr #COL_NUM 1
  .LL \n[#COL_L_LENGTH]u
  .rr #NEWPAGE

Peter Schaffter

Re: "mom": How to transition from two columns back to one?

2019-12-23 Thread Peter Schaffter
Steve --

On Mon, Dec 23, 2019, Steve Ross wrote:
> As a follow-up question, and after the above commands, why does
>      \n[#DOC_L_LENGTH]
> return the value of DOC_L_LENGTH (e.g., 468000) in machine units while,
> for example, both
>      \n[#LL]
> and
>      \n[LL]
> return the value of zero? 
> And likewise for, for example,
>      \n[#QUOTE_INDENT]
> and
>      \n[QUOTE_INDENT]
> I think that I don't understand how to access the LL and 
> QUOTE_INDENT registers.

They return zero because mom doesn't set any of these registers.
The register set by '.LL' is \n[#L_LENGTH].
The register set by '.QUOTE_INDENT n' or '.QUOTE_STYLE INDENT n'

Unless you're doing something fancy, there's no need to access
directly any of mom's registers.  Registers used by mom are entirely
set via macros.  Fundamental to mom's design is moving everything into
macro space, as opposed to the classical macro sets, which require
manipulating registers and strings at the groff request level.

Peter Schaffter

Re: How to use refer macros-agnostic way?

2020-01-08 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Jan 08, 2020, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> In my opinion, the manual page [refer(1)] is perfectly adequate,
> if you accept that it is not a tutorial but rather a reference
> manual that you refer to for particular details of implementation
> or invocation.

The caveat is significant: you must accept that manpages aren't
instruction manuals, which term I prefer to "tutorial," which has
a whiff of condescension.  They're more like abstracts with cheat

> In fact, all of the manual pages for troff-related utilities
> assume that you're already familiar (at least in very broad
> terms) with the basic ideas of how the utilities are meant to be
> used.

A classic manpage Catch-22: useful only after you already know what
you turned to the manpage to learn.

I disagree that refer(1) is perfectly adequate:

  * there's no mention that the mom macros, which have been part of
groff for close to twenty years, are suitable for use with refer;

  * the wording of the preamble to the list of field identifiers
creates the impression that they are the only ones available;

  * there is no mention that the number of reference types can be
extended beyond the four that are listed;

  * sections dealing with accent strings in bibliographic databases
need to be updated to state first that accented characters
should be entered as named glyphs, reflecting contemporary
usage, and only secondarily that accent strings, if preferred,
should come after the affected character.

I thoroughly sympathise with the OP's frustration with the refer
manpage, even if there's nothing to be done about it.  It's complete
and accurate, but communicates its substance poorly to all but the
initiated.  It would be of enormous help if, at the very least, the
SEE ALSO section pointed readers to Lesk's paper so they don't have
to plough through the whole manpage only to discover that they're as
befuddled and befogged as before, with no clue where to find the
kind of helpful information they were seeking.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] 02/07: **/*.man: Put subsection heads in sentence case.

2020-01-30 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Jan 31, 2020, John Gardner wrote:
> Personally, I prefer headings to be written in sentence-case, and
> title-case limited to *literal* titles: the name of a book, movie, song,
> album, etc. Ergo, .SH and .SS are better off sticking to sentence-case, if
> just to eliminate the mental overhead of remembering which words to
> capitalise and which not to.

I concur.  Titles--including chapter titles--get title case,
headings should get sentence case.  It really does look better that

Peter Schaffter

Re: she's it, not her ...

2020-02-07 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Feb 07, 2020, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> Oh well.  A German attempting to educate a French about the
> English written by a Canadian who lives in Ontario and Quebec
> and was born in Costa Rica.  What could possibly go wrong?

I love this.

BTW, I accidentally replied to Marc off list, explaining the
rationale behind "she" in the momdocs.  He replied with corrections
to my (French) grammar.  May the circle continue...

Peter Schaffter

Re: mom: .START macro resets page dimensions

2020-03-23 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Mar 23, 2020, Serge Baumer wrote:
> In the om.tmac, the .START macro calls .DEFAULTS unconditionally.  Here
> are few lines of code from the very beginning of the .DEFAULTS
> definition:
> .if !\\n[#DOC_TYPE]=5 \{\
> .   ie !d $PAPER .PAPER LETTER
> .   el .PAPER \\*[$PAPER]
> .\}
> They are introduced by a commit dated 2018-03-04 to replace the more
> simple
> Thus, the new code is in the official 1.22.4 but not in earlier groff.
> So, what we get here if we're not making slides (i.e. #DOC_TYPE != 5)
> but have used .PAGE or any of .PAGEWIDTH, .PAGELENGTH separately before
> .START.  If we haven't used .PAPER yet, it's called here with "LETTER",
> resetting our custom page dimensions.  But if we'd called .PAPER, say,
> before making page size tweaks: it's called again now, destroying our
> previous work all the same.  So, we have a chance to setup our own page
> size only with slides.

It's astounding how long a bug like this can hang around before it's
discovered.  There are two culprits.  The first is that mom has
been setting the default papersize (letter) in om.tmac itself with
'.PAPER LETTER' when she should be calling PAGEWIDTH and PAGELENGTH
separately.  The second is that the DEFAULTS clause, above, is
unnecessary.  It's cruft from testing that I neglected to remove.
When these issues are corrected, PAGELENGTH, PAGEWIDTH, and PAGE
behave as expected.

One thing to be wary of: PAGEWIDTH only sets the width of the
physical page.  It does not in/decrease the line length (an
assumption mom does not make), and must be done either by giving an
explicit R_MARGIN or an explicit LL.

> I didn't report this as a bug because I'm not sure that here's no
> some sort of planned behaviour and that I didn't miss some info.
> I can create a ticket though.

It is a bug.  No need to create a ticket.  Most mom bug reports come
to me directly and go into the BUGS file.

I'll make the necessary changes to the om.tmac in the groff
repo and to the tarball at the mom site within a day or two.  If
you're in a hurry, you can make the changes yourself.  Search
through om.tmac for the text "Set up a default papersize".  Remove
the line beneath, '.PAPER LETTER', and replace it with


then remove entirely the clause in DEFAULTS, above.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] [mom] blockquote indent breaks

2020-03-26 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Mar 25, 2020, Marcus Atilius Regulus wrote:
> When I change the value of BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT (which
> I need since I usually set PARA_INDENT 0) and
> it wraps to another page, the indent breaks.

Thanks for reporting this.  The fix will be in the mom 2.4-4_a
bugfix release, which I hope to make available over the weekend.
Your timing is fortuitous.  I was planning to do the release a
couple of days ago but COVID-19 disruptions prevented it, so I can
include the indent fix.
> Replacing /usr/share/groff/1.22.4/tmac/om.tmac with
> the om.tmac from mom-2.4-4.tar.gz from
> gives
> ! SyncTex Error : No file?

No idea what's causing this.  2.4-4 from the tarball works fine at
my end.  I don't use synctex.  At what point in your toolchain is it
invoked?  A normal groff document build has nothing to do with TeX.
I've read reports of the Evince document viewer spitting out the
message, but that is not a groff or mom issue.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [groff] [mom] documentation typo single-quote inline

2020-03-27 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Mar 27, 2020, Marcus Atilius Regulus wrote:
> There seems to be a typo in mom's documentation:
> It says:
> Open (left) single-quote\[oq]
> Close (right) single-quote  \[oq]
> should be imo:
> Close (right) single-quote  \[cq]

Thanks.  I do like a good pair of eagle eyes.

Peter Schaffter

Re: mom footnote belonging to a Heading

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Schaffter
Heinz --

On Sun, Mar 29, 2020, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
> I have a need to place a foote note to a HEADING, but can not manage it.
> Any hint for me?
> example:
> .HEADING 1 "Aus der Dobrudscha und Bessarabien"
> Dieser Teil erschien im Jahrbuch 1963 ab Seite 173
> .HEADING 2 "Deutsches Leben am Schwarzen Meer: was lehrt Sarata?"

Mom's HEADING macro cannot natively accommodate footnotes because
the break after each line of heading text is hardwired in.  IOW, \c
as the last character of heading text has no effect; it does not
join the footnote marker to the head, but rather plants it at the
beginning of the next line of regular text.

As a workaround, insert this code at the top of your file:

.vpt 0
.sp -1
.nop \v'-\\*[$HEAD_\\n[#LEVEL]_BASELINE_ADJ]'\h'\w'\\$1'u'\c

This allows adding a footnote to any heading level provided that

  - no \c is attached to the heading text
  - the footnote is terminated with .FOOTNOTE END BREAK

BLOCKQUOTE, CODE, or another HEADING.  If not, insert

  .ev 0

after the HEADING.


  .HEADING 1 "Aus der Dobrudscha und Bessarabien"
  Dieser Teil erschien im Jahrbuch 1963 ab Seite 173
  Paragraph text.
  .HEADING 2 "Deutsches Leben am Schwarzen Meer: was lehrt Sarata?"
  .ev 0
  Text not introduced by PP.

I'm not sure how robust this is, though it works well in the testing
I've done.

Peter Schaffter

Re: mom footnote belonging to a Heading

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Mar 30, 2020, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 29. März 2020, 22:04:57 CEST schrieb Peter Schaffter:
> > On Sun, Mar 29, 2020, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
> > > I have a need to place a foote note to a HEADING, but can not manage it.
> > > Any hint for me?
> > As a workaround, insert this code at the top of your file:
> > 
> >   am HEADING
> > .ev HEADING
> > .vpt 0
> > .sp -1
> > .vpt
> > .nop \v'-\\*[$HEAD_\\n[#LEVEL]_BASELINE_ADJ]'\h'\w'\\$1'u'\c
> >   ..
> > 
> > This allows adding a footnote to any heading level provided that
> > 
> >   - no \c is attached to the heading text
> >   - the footnote is terminated with .FOOTNOTE END BREAK
> > 
> > Text after a HEADING or a HEADING+FOOTNOTE must be a PP, EPIGRAPH, QUOTE,
> > BLOCKQUOTE, CODE, or another HEADING.  If not, insert
> > 
> >   .br
> >   .ev 0
> > 
> > after the HEADING.
> works not perfect, sorry, attached the result as screen shot.
> You see the foot note number just behind the capital letter 'B'

You neglected to say you were centering your headings. :)
The following amended code should take care of the problem:

  . ev HEADING
  . shift \\n[.$]-1
  . vpt 0
  . sp -1
  . vpt
  . nr heading_w \w'\\$1'
  . nr center_i \\n[.l]+\\n[.i]-\\n[heading_w]/2
  . if \\n[.ce] .in \\n[center_i]u
  . nop \h'\w'\\$1'u'\v'-\\*[$HEAD_\\n[#LEVEL]_BASELINE_ADJ]'\c

A minor annoyance to this is that you must pop the HEADING
environment explicitly after the footnote:

  .HEADING 1 "Aus der Dobrudscha und Bessarabien"
  Dieser Teil erschien im Jahrbuch 1963 ab Seite 173
  Begin paragraph text...

Please test.  Further tweaks may be required.

Peter Schaffter

Re: mom footnote belonging to a Heading

2020-03-30 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Mar 30, 2020, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
> Am Montag, 30. März 2020, 09:47:17 CEST schrieb Heinz-Jürgen Oertel:
> > I did, and now it looks very good for me.  For now it's a good
> > solution for me.
> I did not look close enough, only for the heading and the
> footnote.  Sorry.  After a Heading now all paragraphs are indented
> to the start of the centered heading, All first lines of a PP
> paragraph are correct, but the following lines are intended.  This
> changes after a a new page begins.  On the next page all paragraphs
> are correctly formatted.  I have attached a picture.

The only way I can reproduce this is by neglecting to pop the
environment after a heading, which makes sense.  For various
reasons, the workaround needs an indent to attach footnote markers
to centered heading text.  If the environment isn't popped, the
indent remains active.  Mom herself pops the environment after
printing the page header, which is why the indent disappears after
a page break.  The workaround cannot take care of popping the
environment because, of necessity, it terminates with the "join to
next line" character, \c, needed to attach the footnote marker.

Can you confirm that you have used the following template style for
entering all your headings after including the workaround?

.HEADING 1 "Heading with footnote"
Footnote text
.ev \" Pop env.
Paragraph text...
.HEADING 1 "Heading without footnote"
.br \" Add break
.ev \" Pop env.
Paragraph text...

If you have and the problem persists, try explicitly setting the
environment to zero, i.e. '.ev 0', after the HEADING.  If that still
leaves you with indented paragraphs, I will have to see more of your
source file to track down the problem.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Proposed: drop groffer (was: contrib/groffer/

2020-04-21 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Apr 21, 2020, Ulrich Lauther wrote:
> Maybe I am not qualified to contribute my opinion, as I never used groffer.

Same here.  I've never used groffer.  Seems superfluous.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Potential enhancements to from

2020-04-28 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Apr 27, 2020, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
> Today I finally took the time to figure out how to install groff fonts using
> the shell script .
> It was way easier than following the manual steps.
> In doing so I made some changes to script that made it easier for me to
> use.  I'm sending this e-mail so folks can look at the changes and see
> if they would be useful in general.
> I changed the documentation of the -l and -s options to refer to the
> prefixes /usr/local/share/groff and /usr/share/groff respectively
> because those are the directories they actually use.

> I added a -P option that lets you specify the prefix to use.  I often
> install software into places like /sw/versions/groff/git (so I can
> have multiple versions of software installed), which means
> that the I'd specify "-P /sw/versions/groff/git/share/groff".

Needs better documentation.

  -P  dir
  Path to the top-level groff directory if groff has been
  installed in a non-default location.

> I added a -n option that stops the source font file from
> being installed anywhere.  This is useful if you don't have
> /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype or /usr/local/share/fonts/opentype
> or /usr/local/share/fonts/type1, which, if you didn't specify -C
> and depending on the type of font file, is where the source file
> is copied to.

Okay.  Does the same thing as answering "n" to the prompt that asks
whether to copy, but might be useful for batch processing.

> I changed the script so it checks if has write access to the
> prefix directory specified, rather than checking if it is running
> as root, because if you've installed groff into a location you
> have access to as a normal user it will be writable.  And if you
> are running it as root it will also be writable.


> I also moved the check after the parsing of the command line
> options, so it uses the user specified prefix directory, whether
> that was set with -l or -s.


> Also, wouldn't this script be useful to include in the groff
> distribution?

I'm inclined to think so, however it contains non-portable bashisms
and so might not be appropriate.  The script was a quick and dirty
solution to font installation.  Something similar but more robust
and not reliant on a particular shell interpreter would be better.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Potential enhancements to from

2020-04-28 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Apr 28, 2020, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
> Peter Schaffter  wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 27, 2020, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
> >> I added a -P option that lets you specify the prefix to use.  I often
> >> install software into places like /sw/versions/groff/git (so I can
> >> have multiple versions of software installed), which means
> >> that the I'd specify "-P /sw/versions/groff/git/share/groff".
> > 
> > Needs better documentation.
> > 
> >   -P  dir
> >   Path to the top-level groff directory if groff has been
> >   installed in a non-default location.
> Yes, that is much better.  I've attached a patch against the original
> versus a version with that change made.

Patches applied.  Revised has been uploaded to the
mom website.

Re: Potential enhancements to from

2020-04-30 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Apr 29, 2020, James K. Lowden wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 17:45:46 -0400
> Peter Schaffter  wrote:
> > Something similar but more robust and not reliant on a particular
> > shell interpreter would be better.
> I just took a look, Peter, because I have some experience writing
> Bourne shell scripts.  I don't see anything bash-specific, just
> looking over it.  You might just change #!/bin/bash to #!/bin/sh;
> I think it will run pretty well, maybe perfectly.

On Debian derivatives, dash(1) has a bug in its signal handling,
hence !#/bin/bash rather than the generic !#/bin/sh.  In turn, bash(1)
requires the bash-specific 'set -o posix' in order for ctrl-C to

Peter Schaffter

Re: Potential enhancements to from

2020-04-30 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Apr 29, 2020, James K. Lowden wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 17:45:46 -0400
> Peter Schaffter  wrote:
> > > Also, wouldn't this script be useful to include in the groff
> > > distribution?
> > 
> > I'm inclined to think so, however it contains non-portable bashisms
> > and so might not be appropriate.  The script was a quick and dirty
> > solution to font installation.  
> That's the best and biggest Q&D shell script I've ever seen.  

Perhaps I should have said "...started off as a quick and dirty
solution." :)

Peter Schaffter

Re: Groff macro to make .UR and .UE links clickable in PDF?

2020-06-16 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Jun 16, 2020, Steve Izma wrote:
> Anyway, my strategies for typesetting for a printed document:

Excellent advice, well reasoned and well presented.

I would add that inserting \: (the zero-width break point) before
or after every forward slash in a URL, depending on the style
guidelines of a document, saves a lot of manual fiddling when URLs
must be broken across lines.  Not all the fiddling, but enough to
warrant making it a first line of defence.

Peter Schaffter

Re: \: re-enables hyphenation--should it?

2020-07-31 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Jul 31, 2020, Dave Kemper wrote:
> \& has no effect on breaking (nor is it documented to).  "Zero-width
> space" is kind of a misnomer for it, I guess.  CSTR #54 called it a
> "zero width filler character"; the term "zero-width space" for it
> seems specific to the Texinfo document.

Surely the most useful and accurate way to describe \& is "a
zero-width, non-printing character."

Peter Schaffter

Re: Groff vs Heirloom troff (was Re: Quick question: how to do .index in groff?)

2020-07-31 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Jul 31, 2020, Steve Izma wrote:
> For almost everything I typeset, especially books and
> newsletter-type publications, I always at least a few places
> where I need to use track kerning on a paragraph in order to get
> good word spacing and to shorten or lengthen paragraphs in order
> to avoid widows (the last line of a paragraph starting a column
> of text). When I adjust the kerning (or mortising, if necessary)
> in values of one-hundredth or one-thousandth of a point, it can
> make a difference in whether a word fits on a line or is broken
> or pushed to the next line, thereby making the paragraph too
> long. I avoid trying to adjust only part of a paragraph because
> that can drastically affect the "colour" (i.e., density) of the
> text.

Ditto.  This was "how the pros did it" 40 years ago when I was
apprenticing in a type shop, and it's still the way they do it.  No
programme, application, or algorithm can produce typographic results
as good as those that have been fine-tuned by a human.  The finer
the tuning--i.e. line-by-line--the better the result.

> That said, I've never been convinced that paragraph-at-a-time
> justification makes a difference to the work I need to do for
> getting good word fits and even colour to the page.

Based on my own experience, I agree.  Sure, with the KP algo you
almost never get widows, but that doesn't mean the typographic
strategies used to achieve this golden state are always

> ...I would like to caution people who think that the
> implementation of that algorithm [Knuth-Plass] in groff is going
> to lessen the effort that goes into high-quality typography.

Again, I agree.

Several years ago, I fielded the idea that, instead of chasing after
the Grail of paragraph-at-once, groff's line-formatting algorithm be
improved instead.  I worked on systems that used the formatting
strategy I proposed

and can confirm that it significantly reduced the amount of
intervention required to achieve good grey on a line-by-line basis.
There wasn't much interest in the proposal back then--I felt a bit
like a voice crying in the wilderness--but maybe it's time to try
crying again?

Peter Schaffter

Re: -P needs to allow dots in its argument.

2020-08-04 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Aug 02, 2020, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
> The linux version of homebrew installs groff's data directory in
> /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/share/groff by default.
> I must have cargo culted the check_optarg without checking everything out
> when I added the -P option.  I've attached a patch to to
> make it check that the argument to -P is a directory and that it is
> writable.

Good.  Thanks.  Patch has been applied to on the mom
> I kept the check that the argument doesn't start with a dash, even though
> someone evil might start their directory with a dash.  Should that check be
> dropped?

Bash parses getopts in a rudimentary fashion that doesn't
distinguish between an option and an argument.  Given the choice
between checking for evil (starting a dirname with a dash) and
checking for absentmindedness (forgetting to supply the dirname),
better to opt for the latter.  Although these days it sometimes
doesn't seem so, there's far more absentmindedness in the world than
evil. :)

Peter Schaffter

Re: (off topic?) Docbook? Re: manlint?

2020-09-27 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Sep 27, 2020, James K. Lowden wrote:
> I think the idea behind grothml is that one input document "just works"
> with any backend.  A different -- and, I would argue, more
> realistic -- approach would be a macro-to-HTML converter that worked
> only for documents expressly written with HTML in mind, using only
> macros and eschewing troff requests.  Such a document is, I assert,
> easily converted to HTML and produces perfectly acceptable PDF.  

Yes.  I do this frequently with -mom.  It's almost trivial.  It
doesn't require much more than a couple of sed scripts.
> Almost any macro set you pick maps onto HTML


FWIW, the mom macros were designed with conversion to other "...ML"
formats in mind.  Almost all typesetting functions are performed
with macros even when groff has requests to accomplish the same
thing; equally, the most common inline requests are treated as
string-invoked macros.  (The goal was to insulate users--and
documents--as much as possible from low-level troff.)  Semantic
elements are all unambiguously associated with a macro.  Every
semantic macro has corresponding style macros, which can be
converted to stylesheets.  PDF linking has a clear syntax that
allows unambiguous creation of ids for internal linking and a
dedicated macro for external links.

For all that, if I know a document is likely to be converted
to HTML, I make sure the document is written sensibly for the
conversion--exactly what James proposes.  It's admittedly easy with
-mom, but I see no reason why -ms documents intended for HTML output
can't be written specifically for it using the available macros.
Nothing wrong with asking document writers to shoulder some of the

Peter Schaffter

Re: (off topic?) Docbook? Re: manlint?

2020-09-28 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Sep 28, 2020, Steve Izma wrote:
> I think Larry's point here is that it's not that hard to write a
> script to go from a markup language to groff.

I think the crux of the matter is going from a markup language *to a
specific groff macroset*, not merely "to groff."

A couple of years ago, Yves Cloutier and I discussed his idea of
creating an entirely new markup language, which would begin life as
a markup=>groff converter and proceed from there.  Needless to say,
he discovered quickly that his converter needed a macroset to map
the markup to; conversion to low-level groff is futile because many
of the operations groff is expected to perform demand being managed
by macros.

Going the reverse direction, groff=>markup language (e.g. HTML),
it is equally evident that only conversions from a known macroset
are going to produce semantically clean results.  Thus, I feel that
any work done on a grohtml-like device must start by determining an
appropriate macroset to use for the conversion, then extending it to
include additional macrosets.

grohtml(1) makes no mention of macrosets, which lacuna can only be
construed by users in one of two ways: grohtml is macro-agnostic,
thus it will convert any macroset, or grohtml only converts
low-level groff ("...converts the output of GNU troff to html.").
I believe neither is true.

Using -ms as an example, I would dearly love to see the DESCRIPTION
in grohtml(1) begin:

  "The grohtml front end...translates the output of documents
   formatted with the groff_ms(1) macros to html.  Users should
   always invoke grohtml via the groff command with the -Thtml
   and -ms options."

Peter Schaffter

Re: Releasing groff 1.22.5?

2020-10-10 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sat, Oct 10, 2020, Colin Watson wrote:
> May I suggest bumping to 1.23?  I know groff doesn't practise strict
> semver, but this would be justified in that scheme (there are several
> new features).

I concur.  Branden's Herculean labour of cleaning out the
documentation stable alone merits a shiny new 1.23.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Learning troff - where to start?

2020-10-13 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020, Damian McGuckin wrote:
> How many people use features of 'groff' that are not in 'troff'?

The mom macros rely heavily on extensions to groff that were
implemented during Werner's term.  Since many (most?) new groff
users these days gravitate towards mom, I'd say quite a lot of
people rely on those features.

I learned troff entirely from ctsr54.  It is not for nothing that
it remains the canonical starting point for exploring groff.

Prentice-Hall published _Troff Typesetting for UNIX Systems_
(Emerson, Paulsel) in 1987.  It's still available online.  It might
be the very thing the OP is looking for. 

Peter Schaffter

Re: Learning troff - where to start?

2020-10-14 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020, Johann Höchtl wrote:
> Groff is certainly feature-rich, stable and polished with
> great documentation.  But I also value l8n, being able to
> input utf8-characters directly into the source or easily
> switch fonts.  Not to mention PAO (paragraph-at-once) from
> Knuth-Plass.  In that respect both Heirloom and Neatroff are
> compelling alternatives and it would be great for mom if she would
> be available there too.

I haven't inspected either Heirloom or Neatroff closely so I don't
know how big a job porting would be.  I'm not likely to undertake it
myself, though if anyone wanted to, I'd be more than happy to act as
a go-to resource.

What difficulties do you have entering UTF8 directly into the
source?  I've produced groff documents in most of the Western
European and Scandinavian languages with direct UTF8 input.  Are
your troubles with languages other than those?  Also not sure what
you mean by "easily switch fonts."  Since '.ft " is as easy as
it gets, I assume you mean something else.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [bug #59573] traps are not initialised (set, planted)

2020-12-05 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Dec 06, 2020, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> [redirecting to groff@ for discussion]
> Background: In, Bjarni
> pointed out that a recent change I made caused some diagnostics to
> appear.
> > troff: ../contrib/mom/examples/ error: cannot move
> > unplanted trap macro 'FN_OVERFLOW_TRAP'

> As noted in my commit message, I thought--admittedly based on
> little but my own instincts and meager experience as a *roff
> author compared to you--that it would be more helpful to aler the
> user when they were doing something that "looked like" it should
> do some work, but didn't really.  What approach best suits the
> user base?
>   1. Revert the change, possibly telling users in the manual how
>   write their own validity-testing wrapper for .ch.

What would such a wrapper look like?  I am unaware of how to test
for whether a trap has been set other than .ptr, which prints to
I'm in favour of reverting the change until we come to a consensus
about its usefulness and how it's implemented.

>   2. Postpone the change for after the 1.23.0 release but advise
>   of it in the release notes as planned subsequently, so people
>   have time to adapt.

Not fond of this one.
>   3. Downgrade the error to a warning.

This seems reasonable, given the current nop behaviour, which
groffers expect.  It is useful for debugging to know a trap hasn't
been planted, but, like an undefined string, it should be treated as
a warning.

>   This will require determine an appropriate warning category for
>   it.

I'd recommend mac (.warn 512), and update the description of mac
in troff(1) and elsewhere to "Use of undefined strings, macros,
diversions, and traps."  My reasoning is that .ch "uses" a trap,
hence the absence of that trap means you're using something

A warning alerts you to a potential problem and allows
you to do something about it if necessary; an error is just plain
wrong and has to be fixed.  The .ch problem is of the first
category and should be treated as such.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [bug #59573] traps are not initialised (set, planted)

2020-12-05 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Dec 06, 2020, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> Hi Peter!
> Thanks for the swift follow-up!
> At 2020-12-05T13:35:09-0500, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 06, 2020, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> > >   1. Revert the change, possibly telling users in the manual how
> > >   write their own validity-testing wrapper for .ch.
> > 
> > What would such a wrapper look like?  I am unaware of how to test
> > for whether a trap has been set other than .ptr, which prints to
> > stderr.
> I don't think there is.

I didn't think so, but if there's one thing I've learned about
groff, it's that the list knows collectively what an individual may
not. :)

> > I'd recommend mac (.warn 512), and update the description of mac
> > in troff(1) and elsewhere to "Use of undefined strings, macros,
> > diversions, and traps."  My reasoning is that .ch "uses" a trap,
> > hence the absence of that trap means you're using something
> > undefined.
> I like this, and would be happy to implement it.  I don't know if my
> scruples will permit to add simply "and traps" to the description like
> that, though experts will surely "know what is meant", but I think I
> interpret your intentions.

You do indeed.  "...and traps" was off-the-cuff.
> I either lacked imagination when implementing
> e3b909eda11419daaf9e1ff028defc0e972ac827 or underestimated your
> creativity in exercising dark corners of the *roff language design
> space.

Peter Schaffter

Re: preconv generates a good unicode escape but groff can't find special character

2020-12-06 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Dec 06, 2020, Filip Banák wrote:
> Hi.
> First of all, I swear it worked this morning. Then suddenly I process my
> .mom file and the 'č' character is gone.
> This is the command and output:
> preconv | pdfmom > file.pdf
> troff: warning: can't find special character 'u0063_030C'

I can't reproduce this.  FreeSans in a test file spits out the 'č'
character as expected.  Can you attach a small file exhibiting the

Peter Schaffter

Re: Fwd: preconv generates a good unicode escape but groff can't find special character

2020-12-06 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Dec 06, 2020, Filip Banák wrote:
> Okay, I absolutely do not understand this, but is the fail that
> shows the error. Yet now when I created a new file,, it works
> flawlessly.

There's a mistake in, easy to miss.  I didn't register it
right away.

  AUTOLEAD 2 \# .LS 16 or .PT_SIZE + 2

The comment should be introduced by \" and not by \#.  In the
file you omitted the comment so everything processes

Peter Schaffter

Re: preconv generates a good unicode escape but groff can't find special character

2020-12-07 Thread Peter Schaffter
> My personal opinion is that using syntax highlighting is a bad
> idea in general...  Of course, i'm aware that a majority of people
> disagrees with this personal opinion and like syntax highlighting
> for reasons i do not fully understand.

Contrast and legibility.  Grouping conceptually similiar items by
colour assists mightily in wading through long swaths of code,
and in a document using markup, distinguishes the text from the
formatting.  Html without syntax hightlighting?  No way!

It has, however, never occured to me that people use syntax
highlighting for final syntax validation.  I'd never condone that.
Mind you, long patches of code/text in the wrong colour has alerted
me to errors more times than I can count.

>   If you choose to use syntax highlighting, always assume that
>   the highlighting is totally bogus and makes no sense whatsoever.

Methinks that's a little overstated.  "Totally bogus" and "make no
sense whatsoever" are erroneous assumptions since competent syntax
highlighting is correct in more cases than it is not and generally
makes perfect sense.  Better to say "assume that the highlighting
isn't perfect," which is both more accurate and a more useful piece
of advice.

>   Never, ever rely on syntax highlighting for any kind of syntax
>   validation.

"Never, ever rely on syntax highlighting for *final* syntax validation."
Peter Schaffter

Re: "mom": text on second page is overstruck

2020-12-18 Thread Peter Schaffter
Steve --

On Sat, Dec 19, 2020, Steve Ross via wrote:
>  At the request of Oliver Corff, I've attached two files:
> "": The source file for "mom".  (Please excuse the 
> random tests that fill the file.)

I'm not seeing the attachments.  Could you resend?

Peter Schaffter

Re: "mom": text on second page is overstruck

2020-12-18 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Dec 18, 2020, Steve Ross via wrote:
> The "groff" version is 1.22.3.The "mom" version is 2.1-c_1.The command line 
> is:    $ groff -mom -Tpdf > tmp.pdf

Your document builds fine with the most recent version of mom (2.4-4_c).

Peter Schaffter

Re: End-of-sentence spacing

2020-12-19 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sat, Dec 19, 2020, Ulrich Lauther wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 10:27:01AM +, Dorai Sitaram wrote:
> > groff pretty much forces one to use two spaces after
> > sentence-ending punctuation, unless it's at the end of a source
> > line.
> In my opinion it is good style to start every sentence on a new
> source line.

A piece of advice I have been happily ignoring since sometime back
in the 90s.  Certain kinds of texts (scientific, technical) and the
ways they are to be used (e.g. one off, or formatted for multiple media
types and platforms) undeniably benefit from it.  But I simply
cannot compose a work of fiction, or an article, or a rewiew one
screen line at a time.  It is not how one reads (at least not those
of us who grew up reading ink on dead trees), and significantly
interferes with one's ability to assess the meaning and flow of the

This is the the first paragraph of _Bleak House_ typed one screen
line at a time, no wrap:

Michaelmas term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincoln's Inn 
Implacable November weather.
As much mud in the streets as if the waters had but newly retired from the face 
of the earth, and it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus, forty feet 
long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up Holborn Hill.
Smoke lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle, with flakes 
of soot in it as big as full-grown snowflakes—gone into mourning, one might 
imagine, for the death of the sun.
Dogs, undistinguishable in mire.
Horses, scarcely better; splashed to their very blinkers.
Foot passengers, jostling one another's umbrellas in a general infection of ill 
temper, and losing their foot-hold at street-corners, where tens of thousands 
of other foot passengers have been slipping and sliding since the day broke (if 
this day ever broke), adding new deposits to the crust upon crust of mud, 
sticking at those points tenaciously to the pavement, and accumulating at 
compound interest.

I can't even read the whole text because half of it is off-screen!

Moreover, if I turn wrapping on, the last sentence alone takes up
six lines on an 80-col terminal and would be hell to edit for those
of us who use 'k' and 'j' to navigate up and down in vi since a
single 'j' moves the cursor six lines down--generally not what you
expect.  Wrap conflates 'k' and 'j' with '('and ')'.  In other words,
'k' and 'j' effectively become sentence navigation commands instead
of screen movement commands.  This represents a significant loss of
editing functionality.

Here's the same paragraph, 72 characters per line, automatic wrap.

"London.  Michaelmas term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting
 in Lincoln's Inn Hall.  Implacable November weather.  As much mud in
 the streets as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of
 the earth, and it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus,
 forty feet long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up
 Holborn Hill.  Smoke lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft
 black drizzle, with flakes of soot in it as big as full-grown
 snowflakes—gone into mourning, one might imagine, for the death of
 the sun.  Dogs, undistinguishable in mire.  Horses, scarcely better;
 splashed to their very blinkers.  Foot passengers, jostling one
 another's umbrellas in a general infection of ill temper, and losing
 their foot-hold at street-corners, where tens of thousands of other
 foot passengers have been slipping and sliding since the day broke
 (if this day ever broke), adding new deposits to the crust upon
 crust of mud, sticking at those points tenaciously to the pavement,
 and accumulating at compound interest."

I can see all the text, my head doesn't have to swivel like at
a tennis match to read from left to right, and I can grasp the
overall effectiveness of the paragraph in a few seconds.  I can,
furthermore, navigate up and down in the text in the expected manner
in addition to jumping from sentence to sentence if I wish.

Since groff imposes no requirement that each sentence be a unique
source line, I see no reason even to suggest it to (new) users as
good style, except as a useful, and perhaps at times required,
strategy for collaborative/multiplatfom/multimedia documents.

Furthermore, since groff treats end of sentence characters followed
by one space, two spaces, or newlines identically when sentence
spacing is disabled (as it is by default), the issue of whether to
enter monospaced input with one or two spaces between sentences
is moot.  Either can be used.  I prefer two because even in
proportional font typesetting, readability is improved by the space
between sentences being fractionally larger than the space between
words; two spaces is how you tell groff to use sentence spacing when
you're not doing 

Re: End-of-sentence spacing

2020-12-20 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sat, Dec 19, 2020, Dave Kemper wrote:
> I think you're confusing starting every sentence on its own line with
> using newlines nowhere *except* between sentences.

You are right.  My distaste for hitting return instead of space
after a period clouded my reading of the advice. :)

> > Furthermore, since groff treats end of sentence characters followed
> > by one space, two spaces, or newlines identically when sentence
> > spacing is disabled (as it is by default),
> That *should* be true, but isn't
> (  Some non-English-language tmac
> files disable wider sentence spacing, and perhaps some macro packages,
> but by default groff itself does not.

Perhaps I should have been more verbose and written: According
to the info(1) manual, initially both the WORD_SPACE_SIZE and
SENTENCE_SPACE_SIZE are 12; since this prevents SS from being larger
than WS, it effectively disables sentence spacing.

It just seemed easier to write "disabled by default."

Peter Schaffter

Re: End-of-sentence spacing

2020-12-20 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Dec 20, 2020, Dorai Sitaram via wrote:
>  I'm not completely sure it's true for all modern applications,
>  but I hope you're right that it doesn't hurt in general to
>  explicitly type two spaces after a sentence.  As a dinosaur,
>  that's what I used to do, but trained myself out of it after
>  reading a high-profile tirade scolding me (at least it felt like
>  I was being individually targeted, so I promptly wilted).  I mean
>  of course the famous

The article addresses itself to the use of two spaces after a
sentence *in typeset copy*, i.e. copy that uses proportional fonts,
which is indeed frowned upon.  How one enters monospaced text at the
screen or on a typewriter--yes, people still use typewriters and the
ribbon is still sold--is not covered at all, except to point out an
error that results from conflating the two (putting two spaces in
typeset copy).  In typewriter-style copy, e.g. email, "two spaces
between sentences" has been considered standard for a really long
time.  In my experience, it does make monospaced text easier to
digest.  I reflexively reformat received emails to introduce the
extra space if it's not there.  YMMV.

That said, there is no reason not to introduce a tiny amount of
extra space between sentences in typeset copy.  It depends on the
font.  Those with tall caps in relation to the x-height usually
don't need it, but those with caps that blend into the overall grey
are often improved.  It's a judgment call that requires a practised

Peter Schaffter

Re: "mom": addition of ellipsis causes an over-strike

2020-12-20 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Dec 20, 2020, Steve Ross via wrote:
> In the resulting PDF output file, the ellipsis appears on page 10,
> as expected.  However, on the same line, about six characters
> further to the right, I also see about three characters being
> over-struck, which is unexpected.
> I have attached both the input "mom" file
> (""), and the output PDF file
> ("sample_docs-steve.pdf").
> The "groff" version is 1.22.3.The "mom" version is 2.4-4_c.

There is no overstriking when your file is processed with groff
1.22.4 (and later).  From the age of your originally-installed mom
and groff, it looks as if your distro hasn't kept up with groff

Peter Schaffter

Re: End-of-sentence spacing

2020-12-21 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Dec 22, 2020, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> For those who have not read it yet: the original
> has unfortunately vanished, but I have saved a copy:

Thank you!  I hadn't read it, and I loved it.  Basically, everything
that was passed on to me when I apprenticed as a typesetter in a
commercial shop lo, these many years ago: paragraph text benefits
from sentences with a little more space between them than between
words (the full em was considered a bit too old school).  The amount
of space was related to font, size, leading, and line length.

When we switched to phototypesetting on Compugraphic 8400s (anybody
remember those beautiful beasts?), we used the search/replace
function to add "kern units" to spaces after EOS characters to
achieve the effect.  We'd do it in one pass, then give the galleys to
the proofreader to catch the sentences beginning with capital T, V,
W, or Y, which either needed no extra space or had to be brought
back a tad.  (There's something single-spacers never seem worried
about, despite the obvious holes: tightening period-space-T/V/W/Y
combinations.  They could at least be consistent in their hatred of
unequal word/sentence spacing!)

Peter Schaffter

Re: End-of-sentence spacing

2020-12-22 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Dec 22, 2020, Dave Kemper wrote:
> It seemed a minor thing before, but now that it's tripped up the
> author of possibly the most elaborate macro package published in
> the roff language's 50-year history, I wonder if that's worth
> revisiting.

Being said author, I can confirm that yes, I did indeed get tripped
up in exactly the way Dave described: quick check of paragraph one
to refresh my memory, not reading under the fold, forgetting that
sentence space means additional space.  I obviously knew once or mom
wouldn't have macros for manipulating word and sentence spacing,
but it's something I haven't had to think about in years.

That said, while the info entry for .ss is accurate as is, the
material does need to be re-ordered somewhat.  First off, a reader
of the entry, looking for information on sentence spacing, and
rationally assuming 'ss' stands for 'sentence space,' is presented,
surprisingly, with "Change the size of a space between *words.*"

Then, because of the capitalization of the argument descriptions,
the eye tends to jump to: "Initially both the WORD_SPACE_SIZE
and SENTENCE_SPACE_SIZE are 12," which, without some explanation
of sentence space, leads to the conclusion that the value of
sentence_space_size is discrete.  The erroneous conclusion
then appears to be confirmed in the second paragraph:  "If the
second argument is not given, sentence space size is set to
WORD_SPACE_SIZE," which, as before, suggests "is equal to," not
"is added to", word space size.

So, yes, it's worth re-working the info .ss entry.  Perhaps begin
with something like: "Change the size of the space between words
and sentences.  The space between sentences is derived by adding
WORD_SPACE_SIZE and SENTENCE_SPACE_SIZE.  Thus '.ss 12 0' results in
no additional space being added between sentences, whereas '.ss 12 12'
results in an additional 12 units of space between sentences."

Peter Schaffter

Re: End-of-sentence spacing

2020-12-22 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Dec 22, 2020, John Gardner wrote:
> I condemn two spaces, period.

Having gotten bitten by the who-says-what-where bug concerning
double-spaced sentences, I re-read my own documentation for the .SS
macro in mom.  Seems to me I covered all the bases:

 "Typeset copy should never have two spaces between sentences, and
  the "zero" argument [to .SS] tells groff to give the extra spaces
  no space at all (effectively removing them).  Therefore, if you
  double-space your sentences (as you should when writing in a text
  editor), get in the habit of putting

.SS 0

  at the top of your files.

  If you do use SS for something other than ensuring that you don’t
  get unwanted sentence spaces in output copy, you can set or reset
  the sentence space to the groff default (the same width as a word
  space, ie double-spaced input sentences will appear double-spaced on
  output as well) with


  If you’re using the document processing macros and your PRINTSTYLE
  is TYPEWRITE, .SS DEFAULT is the default, because you do want
  double spaces between sentences in copy that imitates the look of a
  typewritten document."

Peter Schaffter

Re: Sample thesis template for groff mom

2021-01-20 Thread Peter Schaffter
Shane --

On Wed, Jan 20, 2021, Shane Bishop wrote:
> I'm a university student working on my thesis for my Honours
> Bachelor of Computer Science.  I'm new to groff, and I'm wondering
> if there is a place where I can access sample templates/groff
> source for University theses.
> I'm looking for examples using the mom groff macros, but if there
> are samples in another macro set, that might be valuable as well.

There are no templates of the sort you're looking for.

> I took a look in /usr/share/doc/groff/examples/mom, which did have
> some useful examples, but it didn't have an example for formatting
> captions on embedded images, or an example with a bibliography.

Examples of these are in the html documentation, rather than in
example files.  Have a look there.  The online documentation is at

Peter Schaffter

Re: source code of groff-and-mom.pdf

2021-01-30 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sat, Jan 30, 2021, Senor.Pan.Tau--- via wrote:
> Hello,
> does anyone have the source code of the pdf manual groff-and-mom.pdf 
> available for study purpose? To many non experts it is easier to anderstand 
> via examples instead of theory.
> It wouldn't have to be the complete code of course, but may-be somthing like 
> the first and last 10 pages or so.
> Thanks a lot,
> PanTau

Copy of source code sent off list.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Formatting bibliography with mom and refer

2021-02-02 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Feb 02, 2021, - - wrote:
> I'm not quite sure what's decided by refer and what by mom
> regarding the format of the references in my bibliography list.

The formatting of references is controlled by mom (order of fields,
punctuation, italics).

> I currently have no idea how to affect the order of the fields.
> Is there anyway to include the field/change the reference label
> format in general with macros or do I need to dive into the tmac
> files?

Mom generates references in MLA style, which is hardcoded into
mom's macro file, om.tmac.  Making changes requires making changes
in that file.  The order of fields is set in the 'ref*specs' macro;
punctuation and spacing are determined by the various 'ref*add-'
macros, where  is the single-letter field identifier.

If you're new to groff, you'll like find mucking about in om.tmac a
bit intimidating, the 'refer' section particularly, however the code
is well commented.  Ask if you have any questions whatsoever.

> I have a reference database file containing mainly web site
> references but the site URL inserted to %u field is not shown in
> the output document in anyway and that's a big problem for me.

I imagine the missing %u is because you're using an old version of
mom, most likely the one that shipped with your groff installation.
The %u bug was reported and fixed a while ago.  Grab a copy of the
most recent version of mom from

and replace your version of om.tmac with the one in the package.
Again, if you have questions, ask.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Long text in tbl won't wrap, maybe related to mom

2021-02-05 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Feb 05, 2021, Bento Borges Schirmer wrote:
> I'm having great joy composing little documents for some homework
> and assignments using groff and the mom package.  Yesterday I
> wanted to learn how to make tables so I read through mom's
> excellent documentation and reproduced all tables except the last
> one from L. L. Cherry and M. E. Lesk's Tbl --A Program to Format
> Tables, when I encountered a problem where the lines wouldn't
> wrap:

The problem is twofold.  The first is that your example doesn't
appear to be formatted correctly with respect to tabs.  Your email
shows spaces.  I don't know if that's something that happened with
my mail client or whether you genuinely used spaces.  At any rate,
it's always a good idea with tbl(1) to specify the tab character so
it's visible.  Most folks use tab(@) in their global options.

The other source of your problem is indeed in mom.  Tbl appears to
require that adjusting be turned off in order to process text blocks
correctly, which mom is not presently doing.  If you precede calls
to '.TS' with '.na', and follow calls to '.TE' with '.ad',
tables process as expected.  The following, copied directly from
Lesk with the addition of @ as the tab delimiter, produces the table
as expected (with mom-2.4-4_e and 'pdfmom -t > file.pdf')

expand tab(@);
cb s s s
c | c | cs
ltiw(1i) | ltw(2i) | lp8 | lw(1.5i)p8.
Some Interesting Places
Name@Description@Practical Information
American Museum of Natural History
The collections fill 11.5 acres (Michelin) or 25 acres (MTA)
of exhibition halls on four floors. There is a full-sized replica
of a blue whale and the world's largest star sapphire (stolen in 1964).
T}@Hours@10-5, ex. Sun 11-5, Wed. to 9
Central Park West & 79th St.
\^@\^@Admission@Donation: $1.00 asked
\^@\^@Subway@AA to 81st St.

I will make the necessary change to om.tmac and commit it as
bugfix release (2.4-4_f) in the next day or two.  The change will
also be present in the 'current release' tarball on mom's website.
Meantime, just manually add the .na/.ad.

Peter Schaffter

Re: First post...

2021-02-07 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Feb 07, 2021, wrote:
> Is this mailing list the right place to post genral questions about
> "how to troff" or is this mailing for groff specific questions?

I believe you will never find a group of people more knowledgeable
about troff, going right back to its earliest implementation.  Ask

Peter Schaffter

Re: Hierarchical numbering in mom

2021-02-09 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Feb 09, 2021, Dmitriy Kurshakov wrote:
> I am trying to make a document with hierarchical numbering like in
> agreement:
> 1. Heading 1.
> 1.1. Long paragraph 1.1.
> 1.2. Long paragraph 1.2.
> 2. Heading 2.
> 2.1. Long paragraph 2.1.
> ...and so on.
> As far as I understand mom's documentation, the hierarchical numbering is
> available only for headings.


> My attempts to get hierarchical paragraph numbering with nested
> lists has no success.

LIST is not the way to go.  Rather, put this at the top of your

. nr para 0 1
. nr head +1
.am PP
  \\n[head].\\n+[para].\ \"

Assuming '.HEADING_STYLE 1 NUMBER', normal usage of



will give you paragraphs numbered as per your example.

Note that this is a quick and dirty solution.  It works correctly only for
first-level headings.

Peter Schaffter

Re: groff: FLOAT FORCE and PDF_IMAGE with mom macros

2021-02-11 Thread Peter Schaffter
Shane --

On Thu, Feb 11, 2021, Shane Bishop wrote:
> I am trying to create a PDF document with the mom macros using the
> PDF_IMAGE macro.  I want my images to automatically move to the
> next page when there is insufficient vertical space for them on
> the current page.

>From the docs:

 "Mom now treats all pdf images identically to floats, which is to
  say that if an image doesn’t fit on the output page, she will
  defer it to the top of the next page while continuing to process
  running text."

However, if you want text to stop at the place the pdf image is
inserted in the source file, leaving a hole at the bottom of the
page, then FLOAT FORCE is the way to go.

> When I compile my PDF with the command
> pdfmom -t > report.pdf,
> I get an "environment stack overflow".  The PDF generates just
> fine, despite the warning.

I'm not seeing the warning at my end.  Which version of mom are you

  pdfmom -dVERSION=1 foo

will tell you.  (Foo can be anything; pdfmom just needs a name of
some sort or it will hang.)  The current version is 2.4-4_e.

If you are up-to-date, could you send a file (and its associated
images) exhibiting the warning?  I dealt with it in version 2.2, or
so I thought.

Peter Schaffter

Re: groff "mom": How to add vertical space around bullet items?

2021-02-15 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, Steve Ross via wrote:
> I may have missed it in the "mom" documentation, but I'm looking
> for a way to adjust the vertical spacing between the ITEMs of a

Use ITEM  (e.g. ITEM .5v to put half a linespace between
list items).  If you always want the same spacing, redefine ITEM to
include it, like this:

.rn ITEM ITEM-orig
.de ITEM
. ITEM-orig .5v

Spacing above and beneath LISTs must be entered explicitly with a
spacing macro or request (.SP, .ALD, .sp).  Mom makes no assumptions
concerning list spacing, given the multitude of uses and abuses to
which LIST/ITEM are routinely subjected.

Peter Schaffter

Mangled pdf in Chrome browser?

2021-02-20 Thread Peter Schaffter
A user contacted me off list saying that the example pdf file at

is rendering as garbage in the Chrome browser.  I don't use Chrome.
Can someone check if this is true?

Peter Schaffter

Re: Mangled pdf in Chrome browser?

2021-02-20 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sat, Feb 20, 2021, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 11:42:09AM -0500, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> > A user contacted me off list saying that the example pdf file at
> > 
> >
> > 
> > is rendering as garbage in the Chrome browser.  I don't use Chrome.
> > Can someone check if this is true?
> Renders ok to me.  Does the user know that most of the text is supposed
> to *read* as "garbage", i.e. the classic placeholder "Lorem ipsum" text?
> Are they expecting a real text?

He says everything is garbled, mangled fonts, weird paragraphs, etc,
so no, he's not mistaking greeking for unintentional gibberish.
I've suggested, given that this would be a pdf issue and not in my
bailiwick, that he contact the list with details if the problem

Peter Schaffter

Re: Mangled pdf in Chrome browser?

2021-02-20 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sat, Feb 20, 2021, Robert Goulding wrote:
> It looks fine to me on Chrome 88.0.4324.186 (on a Chromebook) - R.

Thanks for checking.

Peter Schaffter

Update groff_tmac(5)

2021-03-28 Thread Peter Schaffter
I don't look at groff_tmac very often.  I just noticed this entry
for the mom macro package:

  mom  The new mom macro package, only available in groff.  As this
   is not based on other packages, it can be freely designed.
   So it is expected to become quite a nice, modern macro package.
   See groff_mom(7).

Mom's been around for almost two decades.  She's no longer the new
kid on the block.  Isn't it time this entry be updated?

Peter Schaffter

Soft hyphens

2021-03-28 Thread Peter Schaffter
When hyphenation is disabled, soft (discretionary) hyphens are

I discovered this when a mom user emailed me that (some) soft hyphens
were appearing as hard hyphens between syllables mid-line when run-on,
line-numbered footnotes were being output, even though hyphenation was
disabled in the environment in which the footntes were collected.
The solution to the problem was to disable filling, not hyphenation.

I'm wondering if the interpretation of soft hyphens when .nh is
active is correct behaviour.  It's counter-intuitive and feels like
a bug.  If it is the expected behaviour, we need to amend the info
manual to state that .nh does not disable the interpretation of soft

Peter Schaffter

Re: Soft hyphens

2021-04-03 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sat, Apr 03, 2021, Dave Kemper wrote:
> On 3/28/21, Peter Schaffter  wrote:
> > I'm wondering if the interpretation of soft hyphens when .nh is
> > active is correct behaviour.
> I don't know the answer to your question,

I got an answer from Doug McIlroy.

 "In pre-Unix roff hyphenation mode 0 turned off all breaking of words.
  The original troff, however, behaved as described above, and also
  broke genuinely hyphenated words in mode 0."

> but in general, anything that will require some kind of change
> --even if it's presently unknown whether that change is to the
> software or to the documentation--should have a savannah ticket
> opened ( to
> keep tabs on it.

>From what Doug said, I don't think it qualifies as a bug, more of
an idiosyncracy.  I do think it needs to be documented in the info
manual, though.  I've opened a ticket and assigned it to Branden.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Update groff_tmac(5)

2021-04-03 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sat, Apr 03, 2021, Dave Kemper wrote:
> On 3/28/21, Peter Schaffter  wrote:
> > Mom's been around for almost two decades.  She's no longer the new
> > kid on the block.  Isn't it time this entry be updated?
> This was updated a few weeks ago in commit bbbcafc8
> (
> The description of mom could still be refined if you have a
> wording you'd prefer.

I missed that commit.  Thanks for drawing it to my attention.  The
wording is fine.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Soft hyphens

2021-04-04 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Apr 04, 2021, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> I think the sentence
>Explicitly hyphenated words such as "mother-in-law" are eligible for
>breaking after each of their hyphens when GNU 'troff' fills lines.
> does most of the work you're asking for...

It does, but for clarity and and completeness, the sentence must
mention soft hyphens.  A word with a soft hyphen cannot be said to
be "explicitly hyphenated"; the nature of a soft hyphen is that it's
optional, not explicit.  Even if it can be argued that a soft hyphen
is explicit because it's introduced by the user, the potential for
misunderstanding warrants clarification.

Something like

  Explicitly hyphenated words such as "mother-in-law" or
 "brother\%hood" are eligible for breaking after each of their
  Explicitly hyphenated words such as "mother-in-law" and words
  containing the soft hyphen character are eligible for breaking
  after each of their hyphens...

would be more useful than requiring readers to extrapolate (a
Very Bad Thing in documentation) that the discretionary hyphen
counts as an explicit hyphen.

Equally, the corresponding entry for .nh needs to include that
explicit and soft hyphens continue to be interpreted as valid break
points.  Conceptually, soft hyphens feel like part of automatic
hyphenation, even if groff doesn't treat them as such.  Users need
to be alerted in order to prevent surprises.

Peter Schaffter

Re: "point size" is not usable as a term

2021-04-19 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021, Bjarni Ingi Gislason wrote:
>   Bug #60403 (closed) unified the writing of "point-size" to "point
> size".
>   The problem is,
> that this coinage does not make sense.
>   The "point" in this compound,
> is a name of a unit of measurement,
> is thus a constant,
> but its definition
> (size, numerical value)
> depends of the used measurement system
> (system of units).
>   The right term is "type size",
> which is usually measured (stated) in "typographic points".

And then there's the real world, where 'point size' is used
by every (English speaking) typesetter, graphic designer, and
proofreader I've ever worked with.  Like it or not, 'point size'
became synonymous with 'type size' a very long time ago.  The groff
manual is not a place for grinding semantic axes.  Use of the
near-universal 'point size' is preferable.

Peter Schaffter

Re: mom:

2021-04-29 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021, Wim Stockman wrote:
> I found a small bug in the wonderful script on
> your mom website in the make_font function you should add the
> "-e text.enc" to the afmtodit_opts

Done.  Thanks.

Peter Schaffter

Re: man-intro

2021-05-23 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, May 23, 2021, Oliver Corff wrote:
> in a follow-up to my last message I just want to give one
> real-world example of a very terse manpage, "for the initiated
> reader only."
> Take refer(1).

> Terseness is nice, but in the case presented here the first paragraph of
> DESCRIPTION in the refer(1) manpage is logically true, though not truly
> helpful.

In support of Oliver's feelings on the subject, I cite from the mom
documentation, written years ago:

 "Refer has been around for a long time.  It's powerful and has many,
  many features.  Unfortunately, the manpage (man refer), while
  complete and accurate, is dense and not a good introduction.  (It's
  a classic manpage Catch-22: the manpage is useful only after you
  know how to use the program.)"

(Pedants: I use Catch-22 in its popular meaning, not the strict
Hellerian definition.)

> Sometimes a minimal degree of verbosity makes everything clearer.

Hear, hear.  I had a German prof at UofT years ago who was fond
of saying: Never use one word where two will do.  Ironic, given the
source, but he was talking about English style, not German.

I confessed to Branden off list recently that the origins of the mom
macro set are to be found in my intense frustration with the terse,
nearly opaque documentation of all things *roff.  (Exception made
for cstr54, which somehow balances conciseness with readability.)
My feeling was that if I could translate groff's machine-code
documentation to something humanly readable, it would attract users.
That morphed into "Why not write a complete user interface for
groff and document it separately, sparing users from having to read
*roff documentation at all?"  Years later, I realise I bit off far
more than I expected to chew, but the idea was sound.  Mom and her
documentation have drawn a lot of new groff users.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Macro's for making an exam.

2021-06-09 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Jun 09, 2021, Hans Bezemer wrote:
> .if (\n[s] == 0) .ig ++
> .br
> Text
> .++
> But when I try to put it in a macro it doesn't work:
> .nr s 0
> .if (\n[s] == 0) .ig ++
> .br
> ..
> .de SOLEND
> .++
> ..

You need to escape the backslash when it's in a macro definition:

  .if \\n[s]=0 .ig ++

Alternatively, disable the escape mechanism:

  .if \n[s]=0 .ig ++
Peter Schaffter

Re: [mom] Using LIST with DOCTYPE SLIDES

2021-06-13 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Jun 13, 2021, Oliver Corff wrote:
> With regard to .PRINTSTYLE, the mom manual online is quite
> assertive, but for the example here it did not seem to produce any
> differences in output, either present or absent.



"PDF slides are a special kind of mom document, formatted for viewing
 in a PDF reader’s presentation mode.  In most respects, they behave
 identically to the other document types.  Key differences are:

 - headers, footers, and pagination are disabled by default
 - type is set QUAD CENTER by default
 - flex-spacing and shimming are disabled by default; shimming may be
   re-enabled (with NO_SHIM OFF), but not flex-spacing
 - there’s no need for PRINTSTYLE"

For all other doctypes, yes, definitely assertive. :)

The rational for slides not requiring PRINTSTYLE is that since no
one is going to need typewritten, double-spaced, MLA-formatted
slides, the template is always TYPESET.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [mom] Using LIST with DOCTYPE SLIDES

2021-06-14 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Jun 14, 2021, Oliver Corff wrote:
> Let's say, "to need anymore". In the early 1990s, I was once tasked with
> making presentation slides, and since video projectors were not readily
> available, real slides were the way to go. Text presentations were
> delivered to a terminal of which I took pictures with Polaroid 135 film
> (rapid development within minutes with dedicated processor), the film
> was then cut and framed and the presentation was ready to go.

Blast from the past!  Makes me nostalgic for the days of galley
type from huge rolls of photograpic paper, cut up and assembled on
artboards (rules and whatnot drawn by hand with a Rapidograph), and
handed off to the camera department for negatives, Dylux proofs, and
final plates.  Pre-press was a lot more fun before DTP.

Peter Schaffter

Re: "absolute" vertical position seems awfully relative

2021-06-21 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Jun 21, 2021, Dave Kemper wrote:
> But specify a macro package of -ms, -me, or -mm on the command line,
> and the results change: the text is now in noticeably different
> positions on the two pages.  The placement with all three macro
> packages is remarkably similar.
> Why should a macro package change groff's concept of an absolute
> distance from the top of a page?

The mom macros don't exhibit the behaviour.  I wouldn't have thought
it possible.  The question isn't why should it, but how could it?
The only thing I can think of is that the .bp is triggering a macro
that changes the .vs.  That could result in different vertical
placements, but not, I think, "noticeable."

Peter Schaffter

Re: Introducing mu, my new macro package

2021-07-01 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Thu, Jul 01, 2021, John Ankarström wrote:
> I've been working on my own troff macro package for the last couple of
> weeks, and I thought I'd share it with you here:

As Mike said, welcome to the Macro Writers Guild. :)

Peter Schaffter

Re: Question about ?roff on Reddit

2021-07-14 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Jul 14, 2021, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> I saw the following post on r/linux today:
> Perhaps some of the folks here can provide some insight.

I have no desire to create a Reddit account just to answer this
thread, but I hope someone else on the list does.  It seems absurd
that in 2021 people still have notions about groff that were already
out-of-date twenty years ago.

If someone does respond on Reddit, can said person please notify the
list so the rest of us can read what's said?

Peter Schaffter

Re: Macros for printing envelopes?

2021-07-16 Thread Peter Schaffter
Nate --

On Thu, Jul 15, 2021, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> As I see it, with groff I can easily create files for addresses I
> use often and should be able to code a script that accepts those
> one-off addresses.

I use this strategy with the mom macros.  Here's the .mom template

--envelope template---

.\" #10 envelope (US)
.PAGE9.5i 4.125i .3i .3i .4i .4i
.FAM Futura
.FT  R
.LS  13
.\" Return address here
.IL  3.5i
.SP  |2i-1v
.PT_SIZE 12.5
.LS  15
.\" Destination address here

The Return address is always filled in.  In a script, the
Destination address can either be cat(1)ted together with the
template from an address on file, or groff's .rd request can be
appended to the end of the template so one-off addresses can be
typed in at the command line.  Depending on your printer, you may
need to rotate the file to landscape orientation (the -P-l flag at
the command line).

Hope this helps.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Macros for printing envelopes?

2021-07-16 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Jul 16, 2021, James K. Lowden wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Jul 2021 12:44:04 -0400
> Peter Schaffter  wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 15, 2021, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > > As I see it, with groff I can easily create files for addresses I
> > > use often and should be able to code a script that accepts those
> > > one-off addresses.
> > 
> > I use this strategy with the mom macros.  Here's the .mom template
> > file:
> But ... don't you need some kind of input-tray selection escape, or
> something?  How does the printer know to pause and wait for you to
> insert an envelope?  

Depends on the printer, I guess.  My one-tray printer
knows I've inserted envelopes because I insert them before
processing/sending-to-printer.  Very old school. :)

The OP was wondering about how to set up envelopes using groff
without having to write new macros.  It's easy, as my example
showed, and that's what I hoped to convey.  FWIW, it doesn't require
a macroset.  It's a walk in the park to create an envelope template
using just groff requests.

How such a template is used with a script, however, is entirely site
dependent.  As far as selecting trays goes, that can be done with
lpoptions(1) or the -o flag to lpr(1) in the script.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Fwd: Would it be reasonable to list the fonts that are available by default in groff?

2021-07-16 Thread Peter Schaffter
Kurt, thanks for saving me having to explain why groff doesn't know
anything about and fontforge.

Doug, I hope you see this.

On Sat, Jul 17, 2021, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
> In the meantime, if you want to install fonts in OpenType or TrueType
> formats for use with devps and devpdf, greatly simplifies
> the process.

> $(IFDIR)/ -n -P "$DEST" -d -F CormorantGaramond -f +R
> CormorantGaramond-Regular.ttf

Which doesn't look very simplified at all.  If I wanted to sing the
simplicity of the script, the example command line would be: 


Answer a few questions the script asks, and hey, presto!
everything's taken care of.

> ...but not all distributions create the site-font directory.

The script creates it if it's not found in what are, honestly,
the only two locations it's ever likely to be, and populates it
with devps/ and devpdf/, which in turn are each adorned with dummy
DOWNLOAD files.  The script alerts you to what it's doing.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Why does refer(1) have no database field for "edition"?

2021-08-02 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Aug 02, 2021, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> Why does refer(1) have no database field for "edition"?
> GNU refer doesn't.  Neither did AT&T refer according to my searches.

The lacuna isn't in refer(1), but in the macro packages using it.
Any %c, where c is an alphabetic character, can be used to create
a field refer(1) understands.  It is up to macro writers to work
out the the formatting and placement within a refer(1) citation or
bibliography entry.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Why does refer(1) have no database field for "edition"?

2021-08-02 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Aug 02, 2021, Oliver Corff wrote:
> I also have a few more fields on my wish list, like for
> translator, and subsequently, original title.

In mom, the translator field identifier is '%l'.

MLA style, which mom observes, has no rules for the inclusion of the
original title of a translated work, presumably because if you're
citing a translation, the name of the original is not significant
for the purposes of research or verification, at least not in a
list of Works Cited.  MLA recommends that if you want to convey the
original title of a translated work, the original name should appear
in your prose.

That said, it you don't want to follow MLA punctiliously, you could
co-opt mom's '%t' identifier (original title of a work if the
citation is from a reprint with a different title).  Thus, %T would
be the title of the translation, and %t would be the original title.

%t would have to be slightly modified in om.tmac (the macro ref*add-t)
because the prefix to %t includes "Rpt. of".  It's an easy change to

> Perhaps, but this is really just a wish, it would be great to
> include a mechanism for a more flexible choice of bibliography
> styles.

Agreed, but it's a big job.  Even working from refer.tmac (APA?
Chicago?), it took weeks to set up MLA in mom and iron out the bugs.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Why does refer(1) have no database field for "edition"?

2021-08-02 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Aug 02, 2021, Oliver Corff wrote:
> Hello Peter,
> since you have demonstrated with mom how to extend the standard, if not
> to say "frozen" capabilities of the macros for refer(1), and with regard
> to the offline conversation we already had on the topic of bibliography
> styles, what would be your verdict on the idea to isolate the
> bibliography processing part (that is, understand %c fields and
> formatting) and put everything into a macro package of its own, perhaps
> with an interface to introducing more bibliography styles? From your
> perspective as the creator of a full-fledged macro package, what are the
> caveats?

The only real issue would be establishing the most efficient way
to make the different biblio styles available to the various macro
packages.  Without bothering to check (it's a holiday in Canada
today and I intend not to work), piggy-backing on the existent
refer-mm/ms/me.tmac and refer.tmac arrangement might do the

The one caveat is that bibliography style is intimately linked with
citation style, so switching to a style different from a macro
package's default might require changes within the package's tmac
file as well.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Why does refer(1) have no database field for "edition"?

2021-08-02 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Aug 02, 2021, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> > > Why does refer(1) have no database field for "edition"?
> > The lacuna isn't in refer(1), but in the macro packages using it.
> > Any %c, where c is an alphabetic character, can be used to create
> > a field refer(1) understands.  It is up to macro writers to work
> > out the the formatting and placement within a refer(1) citation or
> > bibliography entry.
> Certainly it can be extended, but it would be useful if
> there were some general agreement on which character to use
> (preferably something mnemonic;  "E" is already taken by
> "editor"), unless you are satisfied with a solution that
> works only with one macro package (if competing approaches
> are taken by the writers of different macro packages).

Mom uses %e for edition.  It's the best candidate since it has
a twenty year history of being used in mom documents.  No other
package I know of claims it, meaning, in real terms, that its use is
established (sort of).
> Sticking it onto the end of the title field is ugly, because
> one might like the title to be printed in italics, whereas the
> edition is "meta information" and should therefore perhaps be
> in the regular font.

There are no should therefores or guesswork when it comes to
formatting bibliographies.  Where edition goes and how it's
formatted is fixed by the style:

*Chicago puts it after the title, preceded by a comma, in roman,
followed by the publication data in parentheses.

*APA places it in parentheses after the title, in roman, with a
period after the right parens.

*MLA puts it after the title, preceded by a period, in roman,
followed by a comma, followed by the publication data.

Those are the only ones I know, but you catch my drift.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Why does refer(1) have no database field for "edition"?

2021-08-02 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Aug 02, 2021, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> > There are no should therefores or guesswork when it comes to
> > formatting bibliographies.  Where edition goes and how it's
> > formatted is fixed by the style: [...]
> If you're submitting a paper to a journal you obviously have to
> follow the journal style (usually the editors will take care of
> that), but for in-house documents I'm not required to use either
> of those styles and can define my own, in which case I do have a
> choice on how to format the bibliography.

Indeed, but the subject under discussion is making refer(1)
conformant to various acknowledged styles, not in-house usage.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Why does refer(1) have no database field for "edition"?

2021-08-03 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Aug 03, 2021, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> > Indeed, but the subject under discussion is making refer(1)
> > conformant to various acknowledged styles, not in-house usage.
> But isn't that the job of the macro package, not refer?

Yes, it is.  My phrasing, above, was poor.
> I guess the question is "How can refer make that job easier?",
> which you answered by saying that mom defines a new database
> field for the edition.  If we consider this usage the status
> quo, should it be documented with an appropriate entry in the
> list of field names in the refer manual page?

Not unless (until?) it's implemented for all the canoncical macro
packages.  I proposed %e as a candidate for the edition field
because it's been around long enough in mom that it makes sense for
other macro packages to follow suit.  Plus it has the advantage of
being a meaningful mnenmonic.

> (The manual page does speak of the "conventional meaning" of
> each field, implying that this is by common agreement rather
> than by rule of an authority.)

That is indeed the case.  Field identifiers for refer(1) are

Two things surprise me about what I'll call "the whole refer
picture."  One is that ms/mm/me do not implement fields for URLs and
other Web/Internet sources.  Mom implements five additional fields
for Internet sources as required by MLA:

  %s site name
  %c content (e.g. Web, Email, Blog...).
  %o organization, group, or sponsor or the site
  %a access date
  %u URL

Methinks, in 2021, that the other groff macro packages should catch
up with this newfangled Internet thingy.

The other is that nowhere is there any indication what style of
bibliographic formatting is provided by the ms/mm/me implementations
of refer(1), a matter of some importance for authors preparing
submissions and students writing papers.  Mom is upfront about
formatting in MLA style, which is useful to groffers seeking a macro
package that does MLA.  I believe the other packages should follow
suit and state, in their manpage or in refer(1), which style guide
is being followed for refer(1) bibliographies.

Peter Schaffter

Mom html docs

2021-09-16 Thread Peter Schaffter
Branden --

On the groff-commit list I noticed two commits fixing typos in mom's
html docs.  Pleased you spotted them, of course, but...

Because mom is a contrib project, I maintain the documentation
myself.  We might end up at cross-purposes with two sets of eyes
going over it and committing changes.  Better to send me patches or
just draw things to my attention.  Mom version releases always
include doc fixes along with additions and emendations.

That said, I sure woudn't mind your eagle eyes scouring the momdocs
with the same zeal and aplomb with which you've been attacking the
groff docs.  If you're of a mind to continue, let me know and I'll
hold off making a version release (in the works) until you're done
committing changes.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Pushing a mom test fix

2021-10-05 Thread Peter Schaffter
Branden --

On Tue, Oct 05, 2021, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> The number of pages in the slide demo has gone up from 27 to 33.

...while the number of slides in the file has only gone from
7 to 8.  It's the number of PAUSEs that's increased.  Useful to
know.  Something in the pipeline is tagging material after a PAUSE
('.pdfpause' from pdf.tmac) as a new page.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Pushing a mom test fix

2021-10-05 Thread Peter Schaffter
>> Something in the pipeline is tagging material after a PAUSE
>> ('.pdfpause' from pdf.tmac) as a new page.
> Each separate transition is in fact a "page"

That's what I figured when I saw Branden's commit.  Is this
something that should be documented?  I don't imagine many users
need to know the number of virtual pages in a slide presentation.
On the other hand, maintainers might, as Branden discovered.

Peter Schaffter

Absolute spacing redux

2021-10-05 Thread Peter Schaffter
I've been frustrated by groff's absolute spacing (.sp |) for

First off,  is calculated from the first baseline of the
vertical spacing currently in effect when .sp | is called, not
from the top edge of the printer medium or PDF/PostScript display.
The behaviour is documented in the info manual and a workaround
is provided, but that doesn't obviate that while for tty devices
the behaviour makes sense, it doesn't for -Tps and -Tpdf, which, I
posit, are more frequently used in 2021 than tty devices, manpages

Secondly, this behaviour has consequences beyond the annoyance of
having to add -\n(.vu or -1 to absolute spacing requests.  Consider:

.ds A "Now is the time for all good men
.ds B "to come to the aid of the party.
.\" First half
.ps 12
.vs 24
.sp |1i-1
.ev foo
.evc 0
.vs 18 
.di bar
.sp |1i-1
.in \w'\*A 'u
.\" Second half
.sp |2i-1
.ev foo
.di baz
.in \w'\*A 'u

The first half uses '.sp |dist-1' before outputting its diversion,
the second uses .mk/.rt.  In both cases, processed with -Tpdf or
-Tps, string B is higher than string A; diversions whose vertical
spacing differs from the prevailing one are not output at the
location arrived at by '.sp |dist-\n[.v]u' but rather
'.sp |dist-\n[.v-at-top-of-diversion]u'.

In a demonstration like this one, the problem is correctable by
transparently embedding the .ev foo/.evc 0 requests in the first
half inside its diversion, but in complex, trap-invoked macros
this strategy may not be desirable or even possible.  Alternative,
context-sensitive solutions are often non-evident and fussy to

I believe groff needs a dedicated request for unambiguous absolute
spacing.  One that says, "Advance from the top of the printer sheet
to the location I say and print whatever comes next right there."
The same goes for .mk/.rt.  (Preparing mom 2.5, I was surprised to
discover that .rt suffers from the same problem, one of the reasons
I've decided to bring this up.)

What say ye?  I'd like to put this in as feature request, but
there's not much point if others don't see its utility.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Pushing a mom test fix

2021-10-06 Thread Peter Schaffter
Branden --

On Thu, Oct 07, 2021, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> Hi, Peter!
> At 2021-10-05T15:37:09-0400, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> > >> Something in the pipeline is tagging material after a PAUSE
> > >> ('.pdfpause' from pdf.tmac) as a new page.
> > > 
> > > Each separate transition is in fact a "page"
> > >
> We could add a notice in gropdf(1) about this.

I don't think it's necessary.  You more or less confirm that page
counts of slide files are a non-issue outside of Bertrand's script.
I'm sure if anyone needs to know that transitions count as pages,
the info's somewhere in ISO 82000.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Absolute spacing redux

2021-10-06 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Thu, Oct 07, 2021, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2021-10-06T00:31:56-0400, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> > I believe groff needs a dedicated request for unambiguous absolute
> > spacing
> I didn't play with your demo yet, but the first thing that comes to my
> mind is that a _request_ might not be the best syntactical place to
> locate this extension from a language design standpoint.  Might it make
> more sense as a new measurement modifier?

Quite possibly.

> As "|" means "absolute" (in its idiosyncratic way) maybe the
> reckoning you're proposing could use a prefix of "@".

At first glance, a good choice.  '.sp @2i'  But see below.

> It doesn't need composability with "|", if I understand you, and
> outside of the few places where "|" is already recognized, it
> doesn't need to be exposed anywhere else.

There's the problem of .rt, though, when it's called without an
argument.  When it has an arg, it might as well be .sp, so the proposed
@ works.  Without an arg, how do we signal "return unambiguously
to the last .mk'd location," which, moreover, is .rt's expected
behaviour, according to the info docs:

  "The 'rt' request returns _upwards_ to the location marked with the
   last 'mk' request."

So we'd still need a new request.  Maybe .@rt if @ is adopted for .sp?
Or a new arg? '.rt @'?

Or the .rt issue could be swept under the carpet with some
additional documentation.  The info bit, above, with "...subject to
variations in vertical spacing that may be introduced by outputting
diverted material whose vertical spacing differs from the one in
effect when .rt is called."

I'm being ironic, of course, but it does expose the scope of the

> The other question that troubles me, as many of you will have predicted,
> is one of lexicon.

Me, too.

> What are we going to _call_ these "|" and "@" modifiers?  We can
> take over "absolute positioning" for "@" if we want, and document
> our deviation from CSTR #54 in a footnote[2].  Maybe the harder
> problem is what to then call the "|" modifier that we will have to
> continue to support indefinitely.

"Absolute positioning" is an Orwellianism. '.sp 1i' is absolute;
'.sp |1i' is relative (to the top of the page).  I wouldn't
recommend it.

Perhaps there's no need to call | and @ by different names.  They
(would) do the same thing, just a little differently:

"The DIST arg to 'sp' accepts two modifiers, '@' and '|'.  '@'
 positions what follow relative to the top of the page. '|'
 positions what follows relative to the top of the page plus one
But there's still the .rt problem.

Peter Schaffter

Re: On gripes with refer(1) and it's accumulate setting.

2021-10-08 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Oct 08, 2021, Sigurd Hermann wrote:
> I can't refer (easily) to the same book or paper multiple times
> without either (1) doing this:
> .[
> $LIST$
> .]
> and then doing the reference again, with a different page number, but
> this is annoying, since unless I plan ahead it can look weird.
> I want to do this:
> .\" pretend of course that I've included whatever bibliography file
> .\" before citation
> .[
> Standard ML
> %P 50--75
> .]
> .[
> Standard ML
> %P 89--120
> .]

It's hard to judge, but it looks as if the solution you're seeking
might be

  [ Standard ML
  .] 50-75)

Assuming you have

  bracket-label " (" ")" ", "

or similar in your .R1/.R2 block, the [ before "Standard ML" tells
refer(1) to print an opening parenthesis.  The text after .]
replaces the closing parenthesis, allowing you to cite the page
range.  Notice that you have to add the closing parenthesis yourself
after the page range.

The example is for MLA citations.  If you use, say, APA style, it
would look like this

  [ Standard ML
  .] , pp. 50-75)

Alternatively, you could create a database record for Standard ML
that omits the %P, in which case your

  Standard ML
  %P 50-75

or similar should work.  It depends on where the reference is going
(footnote, endnote, parenthetical insertion) and the style guide
you're following.  In cases where the style guide demands that
bibliography or List of Works Cited entries include the number of
pages in a work (i.e., it requires a %P field), the first suggestion
is the way to go.  If number of pages doesn't need to be included in
the bibliography entry, the second is preferable.

Hope this helps, at least a little.

I agree about the refer(1) manpage.  In my case, it required
considerably more than three readings.  It's so dense that every
time I opened it, I found myself thinking, "Did someone forget to
uncompress the file?"  It's like Jello without the water.

There was a thread earlier this year about refer(1).  I may return
to it.

Peter Schaffter

Make pdfbackground less noisy

2021-10-19 Thread Peter Schaffter
Deri --

Is there a way to suppress the diagnostics pdfbackground spits out?
mom files processed with pdfmom are already saddled with pointless
"can't transparently output node at top level" messages emanating
from groff.  pdfbackground adds even more noise, making it difficult
to spot genuinely useful messages and warnings.

Peter Schaffter

Re: Make pdfbackground less noisy

2021-10-20 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Oct 19, 2021, Deri wrote:
> On Tuesday, 19 October 2021 17:16:32 BST Peter Schaffter wrote:

> > Is there a way to suppress the diagnostics pdfbackground spits out?

> I think the noise has been removed in current version in git
> master.

It has.  I was using an older version.

Peter Schaffter

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