[gmx-users] pressure simulation along the z-axis

2015-02-02 Thread felipe zapata
Hi all,
I have a box containing several strands of some biopolymers and I want to
do a simulation of this box fixing the X and Y direction, while applying
pressure only along the Z axis.
Can anybody please tell me how to achieve this?


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Re: [gmx-users] pressure simulation along the z-axis

2015-02-02 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 2/2/15 4:41 PM, felipe zapata wrote:

Hi all,
I have a box containing several strands of some biopolymers and I want to
do a simulation of this box fixing the X and Y direction, while applying
pressure only along the Z axis.
Can anybody please tell me how to achieve this?

Use semiisotropic pressure coupling and set the x-y compressibility to zero.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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[gmx-users] q-bio Summer School 2015

2015-02-02 Thread Christoph Junghans
Dear all,

there will be a GROMACS tutorial as part of the q-bio Summer School
2015 at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM (details



Original Announcement:

Dear Faculty, Students and Postdocs,

We are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for
the Ninth Annual q-bio Summer School.

The application requires a CV and a 1-page statement of interest in the
summer school (combined into a singe .pdf). Scholarships are available.
_Applications will be due on*Monday, February 16 at 11:59pm (MST)*_.
Submitted applications may be revised until that time.

To apply now, please visit our website:

The q-bio Summer School will cover nine different general topic areas
and be held at *three different campuses*. The specific dates and campus
locations are:

1. July 6-21, 2015 at the Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO

2. July 13-28, 2015 at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM

3. July 13-28, 2015 at the University of California in San Diego, CA.

*School Overview:* The q-bio Summer School is an annual event intended
to advance predictive modeling of cellular regulatory systems by
exposing participants to a survey of work in quantitative biology and by
providing in-depth instruction in selected techniques, with an emphasis
on techniques useful for modeling cellular regulatory networks. Certain
data analysis techniques and experimental methods will also be covered.

Lectures will be offered at *three campuses.* At the *San Diego campus*,
the focus will be on synthetic biology. At the *Albuquerque and Fort
Collins campuses*, the focus will be on different aspects of systems
biology. Students will each work on a mentored project in one of the
following areas: stochastic gene regulation, cell signaling,
biomolecular simulations, viral dynamics, cancer dynamics, fluorescence
imaging and imaging data analysis, and
experimental/computational/theoretical methods in synthetic biology.
Participants will attend daily core lectures, project-specific lectures,
journal clubs, and computer and experimental labs. The summer school is
designed for graduate students, postdocs, or anyone with a quantitative
background who is new to modeling cellular regulatory systems/networks.
After completion of the school, all students are strongly encouraged to
attend either the Ninth q-bio Conference in Blacksburg, VA (August 5-8,
2015) or the Fourth Winter q-bio Meeting (TBA).

*The main topics of the 2015 summer school are:*

  * Biomolecular Simulations (Albuquerque, NM)
  * Cell Signaling (Albuquerque, NM)
  * Membrane Biology (Albuquerque, NM)
  * Viral Dynamics (Albuquerque, NM)
  * Cancer Dynamics (Fort Collins, CO)
  * Complex Biological Dynamics (Fort Collins, CO)
  * Stochastic Gene Regulation (Fort Collins, CO)
  * Computational Synthetic Biology (San Diego, CA)
  * Experimental Synthetic Biology (San Diego, CA)

Please see the school wiki
for more information about each specific topic.

At the School, students will attend 20-25 hours of core lectures, 20-25
hours of course-specific lectures, 10-15 hours of computational and
experimental labs, and 10-15 hours of student presentations. There will
also be 20-30 hours of mentored project work, which may include some
simple experiments, theoretical developments and/or real data analyses.

Questions? Please see our FAQs page on wiki site first, or contact our
program manager, Shannan Yeager, at the address below.


  * S. Gnanakaran, New Mexico Consortium, Los Alamos
  * Jeff M. Hasty, University of California, San Diego
  * William S. Hlavacek, New Mexico Consortium, Los Alamos
  * Marek Kimmel, Rice University, Houston
  * Brian Munsky, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
  * Ashok Prasad, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
  * Douglas Shepherd, University of Colorado, Denver
  * Patrick Shipman, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
  * Mara P. Steinkamp, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
  * Lev S. Tsimring, University of California, San Diego

*For inquiries about the scientific content at the summer school, please

  * Brian Munsky (Fort Collins Campus): mun...@engr.colostate.edu
  * Bill Hlavacek (Albuquerque Campus): wshlava...@gmail.com
  * Lev Tsimring (San Diego Campus): ltsimr...@ucsd.edu

*Point of Contact*: Shannan Yeager, q-bio Program Manager,

For more information, please visit the school wiki

Please visit and join the q-bio group on LinkedIn:

*Online Application website:

Christoph Junghans
Web: http://www.compphys.de
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* Please search the archive at 

Re: [gmx-users] Umbrella Samling Alteration

2015-02-02 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 2/1/15 11:22 PM, Alexander Law wrote:

Dear Gromacs Users

I am currently running the series of simulations using the following command:

mdrun -deffnm umbrella0 -pf pullf-umbrella0.xvg -px pullx-umbrella0.xvg

I wish to lessen the amount of time for each of these simulations from 10 ns to 
6 ns. These simulations are already up to around 5 ns, is it possible to change 
the time to 6 ns without altering the md_umbrella.mdp file and starting agin? 
Also, will this reduction have any major impacts on the quality/efficacy of the 

Use mdrun command-line option -nsteps to override the number of steps specified 
in the .tpr file, but you can't do this if the runs are in progress.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Re: [gmx-users] topology and parameter set up

2015-02-02 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 2/2/15 8:20 AM, Jennifer Vo wrote:

Dear Justin,
Many thanks for your help. My em.mdp is
integrator  = steep
emtol   = 100.0
emstep  = 0.01
nsteps  = 10
coulombtype = PME
pbc = xyz

My nvt.mdp is
title   = Protein-ligand complex NVT equilibration
define  = -DPOSRES -DPOSRES_LIG ; position restrain the protein and
; Run parameters
integrator  = md; leap-frog integrator
nsteps  = 5 ; 2 * 5 = 100 ps
dt  = 0.002 ; 2 fs
; Output control
nstxout = 500   ; save coordinates every 1.0 ps
nstvout = 500   ; save velocities every 1.0 ps
nstenergy   = 500   ; save energies every 1.0 ps
nstlog  = 500   ; update log file every 1.0 ps
energygrps  = Protein NPD
; Bond parameters
continuation= no; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs; holonomic constraints
constraints = hbonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds)
lincs_iter  = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order = 4 ; also related to accuracy
; Neighborsearching
cutoff-scheme   = Verlet
ns_type = grid  ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist = 10; 20 fs, largely irrelevant with Verlet
rcoulomb= 1.4   ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw= 1.4   ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
; Electrostatics
coulombtype = PME   ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range
pme_order   = 4 ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing  = 0.16  ; grid spacing for FFT
; Temperature coupling
tcoupl  = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps = Protein_NPD Water_and_ions; two coupling groups - more
tau_t   = 0.1   0.1 ; time constant, in ps
ref_t   = 300   300 ; reference temperature, one
for each group, in K
; Pressure coupling
pcoupl  = no; no pressure coupling in NVT
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc = xyz   ; 3-D PBC
; Dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres  ; account for cut-off vdW scheme
; Velocity generation
gen_vel = yes   ; assign velocities from Maxwell distribution
gen_temp= 300   ; temperature for Maxwell distribution
gen_seed= -1; generate a random seed

It generated no error in the log file. This is em.log
Steepest Descents converged to Fmax  100 in 10536 steps
Potential Energy  = -2.1753502e+06
Maximum force =  8.4056786e+01 on atom 12
Norm of force =  4.0102091e+00

For the NPT.mdp, since I have got error from the previous run, so I tried
commenting out the neighborsearching part to take the default number and
there is still error as the previous email.

This doesn't make sense to me.  Please copy and paste error messages rather than 
trying to remember or reinterpret them.  Changing the nonbonded setup midway 
through a run (or between stages) is fundamentally unsound.  Verify that your 
settings are right; IIRC a 1.4-nm cutoff is wrong for AMBER force fields.


Regarding the coordinates, I merged 2 coordinate files into 1 file as your
tutorial about Protein-Ligand Simulation (
run a genconf to renumber the system, editconf to create the cubic box and
genbox to solvate the system. Then I add 24 NA since the charge of the
whole system is -24.

I don't know which step is a possible cause to the error.

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Justin Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

On 2/2/15 6:37 AM, Jennifer Vo wrote:

Dear Experts,
I am facing the problem of simulation of protein - ligand complex using
amber99sb force field.
Since I created a topol.top for the system

; Include forcefield parameters
#include amber99sb.ff/forcefield.itp
[ atomtypes ]
;name   bond_type mass charge   ptype   sigma epsilon
   CA   CA  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01
1.91  0.0860
   H4   H4  0.0  0.0   A 2.51055e-01   6.27600e-02
1.41  0.0150
   HA   HA  0.0  0.0   A 2.59964e-01   6.27600e-02
1.46  0.0150
   CC   0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01
1.91  0.0860
   OO   0.0  0.0   A 2.95992e-01   8.78640e-01
1.66  0.2100
   NN   0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01
1.82  0.1700
   HH   0.0  0.0   A 1.06908e-01   6.56888e-02
0.60 0.0157
   N*   N*  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01
1.82  0.1700
   CT   CT  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   4.57730e-01
1.91  0.1094
   H2   H2  0.0  0.0   A 2.29317e-01   6.56888e-02
1.29  0.0157
   H1   H1  0.0  0.0   A 2.47135e-01   6.56888e-02

[gmx-users] ngmx tools

2015-02-02 Thread asasa qsqs
Dear Justin,I'm using the GROMACS 5.0 , it seems that there isn't ngmx tool 
in this version, would you please help me? Which command(s) must be used for 
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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Re: [gmx-users] Covalent bond/crosslink formation with calcium

2015-02-02 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 2/2/15 7:08 AM, Turgay Cakmak wrote:

Dear Gromacs users,

We are simulating a large nanofiber assembly composed of repeating units of
peptides, and we have been trying to see how the addition of calcium would
affect its behavior. We have already tried adding calcium ions in a random
distribution, which we successfully did.

But we also would like to insert calcium ions directly within the fiber
structure, near areas with negative charges that the calcium cation can
potentially bind. Is such a configuration possible (or sensible) to
simulate in Gromacs?

Anything is possible.  You'll have to justify if it's sensible :)

Likewise, we would like to specify a number of covalent bonds between some
of these side chains and the calcium ions, representing a well-crosslinked
system. Is this possible, and if so, do you know of a suitable set of
calcium forcefield parameters for the task?

I have never heard of such bonded parameters.  People usually just modify 
nonbonded parameters to get proper coordination geometry.  Divalent metal ions 
are quite tricky, and most force field parameters are pretty bad approximations 
of the true nature of the actual interactions.

You'll almost certainly have to derive suitable parameters, which will involve 
reparametrization of charges, because charge-transfer effects would be 
significant in such a complex.  Simply slapping a covalent bond between some 
peptide group and an ion with +2 charge is likely too crude to be realistic.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

Gromacs Users mailing list

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http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List before posting!

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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

[gmx-users] combine two solvent box to one large box.

2015-02-02 Thread BIRD
hello all
I have made two solvent boxes with DIFFERENT protein in each box, the box have 
the same X-Y-Z length.
I want to combine two boxes to one large box at one dimension like X or Y‍
Witch command could do that??
best regard
Cao, PhD
Institute of Physics
Nankai University
Tianjin, China
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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Re: [gmx-users] Force field For Protein-Ligand Complex

2015-02-02 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 2/2/15 3:36 AM, neha bharti wrote:

Hello All

I have to perform molecular dynamics simulation of protein-ligand complex
in water.
Initially I tried using gromos force field but there is some problem in its
ligand itp file which is generated by PRODRG server. I also tried it with
the help of ATB but again its giving error.

Can I use CHARMM 27 or Charmm 36 force field for the same. Is there any
reference paper??

You can do any protein-ligand complex simulation with any force field; it's all 
just a matter of how easy it is to generate ligand parameters.  For CHARMM, use 
the ParamChem server.  There are analogous servers and programs for AMBER, as well.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

Gromacs Users mailing list

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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Re: [gmx-users] Significant differences in Ewald Vs PME for clay sheet

2015-02-02 Thread Gaurav Goel
Hi Mark,

We have done repeat calculations with version 5.0.4. To briefly give you
the main results--
1. Both versions, 4.5.1 and 5.0.4, with either Ewald and PME give the same
values for potential energy and interparticle forces.
2.  Ewald (gromacs version 5.0.4), PME (5.0.4) and PME (4.5.1) give the
same result for the virials also. Only Ewald (4.5.1) is different. However.
only Ewald (4.5.1) matches the sheet size and Young's modulus as obtained
by force field developers.
3. Use of 3d or 3dc does not change the above determination.

Fourierspacing =0.08; rc=1.2 nm; ewald_rtol=1e-5; geometry=3d in all cases.
Increasing accuracy of PME does not affect results.

Case 1. Ewald / 4.5.1
Case 2: PME / 4.5.1
case 3: Ewald / 5.0.4
case 4; PME / 5.0.4

Ew/4.5.1   PME/4.5.1 Ew/5.0.4   PME/5.0.4

Total PE:  -404119 -404118  -404112   -404113
Note 1: Individual contributions to the total PE in all 4 cases are
similarly matching.
Note 2: Force versus atom plots as obtained from .trr file is again
matching in the four cases.

However, the various virial contributions differ significantly between case
1 and rest:
   Ew/4.5.1   PME/4.5.1 Ew/5.0.4   PME/5.0.4
Vir-xx:   7444.71   -43309.3-43317.7   -43315.8
Vir-yy:  -6327.84   -56862.3 -56869.5  -56869.5

Above numbers clearly indicate a large compressive pressure in cases 2-4
(PME), that is commensurate with observed increase in sheet size along x-
and y- directions in (semi-isotropic) NPT ensemble at zero pressure.

So in absence of any other data we can say something funky was happening in
virial calculation with Ewald/4.5.1 which was rectified in version 5.0.4.
However, Ewald/4.5.1 is the only case that matches with simulations of
Heinz et al. done using the molecular studio package. Any suggestions?


On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 6:25 PM, Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.com

 On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 6:48 AM, Gaurav Goel gauravgoel...@gmail.com

  Hi mark,
  We have used version 4.5.1.
  Ewald_geometry = 3d gives exactly same results as 3dc. E.g., viral_xx is
  -43303.7 in former and -43303.8 in latter.

 OK, thanks. In practice, probably only Berk has any clue what this code
 does and how, and if there's a problem then we'd need to know whether it
 still exists in the latest versions (e.g. 5.0.4). Can you try that on your
 inputs, please?


   On 23-Jan-2015 10:28 pm, Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.com
   What do you see with ewald_geometry=3d? In what GROMACS version?
   On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Gaurav Goel gauravgoel...@gmail.com
A (brief) background:
We have prepared a periodic Na-MMT clay sheet using force-field
as developed by Heinz and co-workers. The box (and clay sheet) are
nm in x- and y- directions. Sheet thickness along z is 0.7nm and we
  add a
vacuum layer to get a box_z=4nm.
On using Ewald summation for electrostatic interactions, we get an
correspondence with results of Heinz et al. The equilibrium box-size
2.6nm in x and y, as reported by Heinz using Ewald summations.
Young's modulus values are in close agreement with other simulation
as well as experimental data.
However when we use PME electrostatics, we see the equilibrium box
increases to 2.7nm. Also, the Young's modulus values are doubled
to Ewald summations. This prompted us to dig more into the energy and
*** ***
As test case, we took a single snapshot of Ewald summation
clay sheet configuration (box dimensions: 2.6 x 2.6 x 4 nm) and using
'mdrun -rerun' determined the potential energy, forces and virial
components. Details are below:
Case 1. Ewald (fourierspacing=0.12 ~ 40 wave vectors; ewald_rtol:
Case 2: PME (fourierspacin=0.08; ewald_rtol: 1e-7; pme_order 8;
We have tried a few other combinations, such as standard Ewald-PME
of ewald_3dc, but all the numbers are same as case 2.
Case 1(Ewald)case 2 (PME)
Total PE:  -404119   -404118
Note 1: Individual contributions to the total PE in both cases are
similarly matching.
Note 2: Force versus atom plots as obtained from .trr file is again
matching in the two cases.
However, the various Virial contributions differ significantly:
Vir-xx:   7444.71 -43303.8
Vir-yy:  -6327.84 -56858.7
Above numbers clearly indicate a large compressive pressure in case 2
(PME), that is commensurate with observed increase in sheet size
and y- directions 

Re: [gmx-users] topology and parameter set up

2015-02-02 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 2/2/15 6:37 AM, Jennifer Vo wrote:

Dear Experts,
I am facing the problem of simulation of protein - ligand complex using
amber99sb force field.
Since I created a topol.top for the system

; Include forcefield parameters
#include amber99sb.ff/forcefield.itp
[ atomtypes ]
;name   bond_type mass charge   ptype   sigma epsilon
  CA   CA  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
  H4   H4  0.0  0.0   A 2.51055e-01   6.27600e-02 ;
1.41  0.0150
  HA   HA  0.0  0.0   A 2.59964e-01   6.27600e-02 ;
1.46  0.0150
  CC   0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
  OO   0.0  0.0   A 2.95992e-01   8.78640e-01 ;
1.66  0.2100
  NN   0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
  HH   0.0  0.0   A 1.06908e-01   6.56888e-02 ;
0.60  0.0157
  N*   N*  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
  CT   CT  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   4.57730e-01 ;
1.91  0.1094
  H2   H2  0.0  0.0   A 2.29317e-01   6.56888e-02 ;
1.29  0.0157
  H1   H1  0.0  0.0   A 2.47135e-01   6.56888e-02 ;
1.39  0.0157
  OH   OH  0.0  0.0   A 3.06647e-01   8.80314e-01 ;
1.72  0.2104
  HO   HO  0.0  0.0   A 0.0e+00   0.0e+00 ;
0.00  0.
  OS   OS  0.0  0.0   A 3.1e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.68  0.1700
  PP   0.0  0.0   A 3.74177e-01   8.36800e-01 ;
2.10  0.2000
  O2   O2  0.0  0.0   A 2.95992e-01   8.78640e-01 ;
1.66  0.2100
  CK   CK  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
  H5   H5  0.0  0.0   A 2.42146e-01   6.27600e-02 ;
1.36  0.0150
  NB   NB  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
  CB   CB  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
  N2   N2  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
  NC   NC  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
  CQ   CQ  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
; Include chain topologies
#include A.itp
; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES
#include posre_A.itp
; Include chain topologies
#include B.itp
; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES
#include posre_B.itp
; Include custom ligand topologies
#include npd.itp
; Ligand position restraints
#include posre_npd.itp

; Include water topology
#include amber99sb.ff/tip3p.itp

; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
;  i funct   fcxfcyfcz
11   1000   1000   1000
; Include generic ion topology
#include amber99sb.ff/ions.itp

[ system ]
; Name
system in water
[ molecules ]
; Compound#mols
A 1
B 1
NPD   1
SOL   42322
NA   24

The Protein and the Ligand were under energy minimization and a short MD
separatedly to be sure there is no problem with the topology. But when I
merge two topol.top from protein and from ligand, the error came at NPT
step after successfully energy minimization and NVT
This is likely either a 1,4 interaction, or a listed interaction inside a
smaller molecule you are decoupling during a free energy calculation. Since
interactions at distances beyond the table cannot be computed, they are
skipped until they are inside the table limit again. You will only see this
message once, even if it occurs for several interactions.
IMPORTANT: This should not happen in a stable simulation, so there is
probably something wrong with your system. Only change the table-extension
distance in the mdp file if you are really sure that is the reason.

This is NPT.mdp
title   = system in water
define  = -DPOSRES -DPOSRES_LIG ; position restrain the protein
; Run parameters
integrator  = md; leap-frog integrator
nsteps  = 50; 2 * 50 = 1000 ps, 1 ns
dt  = 0.002 ; 2 fs
; Output control
nstxout = 5000  ; save coordinates every 1.0 ps
nstvout = 5000  ; save velocities every 1.0 ps
nstenergy   = 500   ; save energies every 1.0 ps
nstlog  = 500   ; update log file every 1.0 ps
energygrps  = Protein NPD
; Bond parameters
continuation= yes   ; Restarting after NVT
constraint_algorithm= lincs ; holonomic constraints
constraints = all-bonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds)
lincs_iter  = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS

Re: [gmx-users] ngmx tools

2015-02-02 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 2/2/15 7:18 AM, asasa qsqs wrote:

Dear Justin,I'm using the GROMACS 5.0 , it seems that there isn't ngmx tool 
in this version, would you please help me? Which command(s) must be used for 

The program has been renamed gmx view in version 5.0.  It's only a rudimentary 
viewing tool, so you are much better off with something like VMD or PyMol.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Re: [gmx-users] Compilation errors (5.0.4)

2015-02-02 Thread Mark Abraham

I can't think what could be going on there. What does

cd build-intel-mkl-cuda
find * -name gmx\*


Are you able to compile and install gcc+CUDA? (probably slightly faster)


On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Satyabrata Das satyabrata...@gmail.com

 Dear All,
 I am trying to compile Gromacs 5.0.4 on a CPU / GPU cluster and the details
 are as follows:

 Intel compiler (12.1), Cuda 4.2,  MKL Library, single, GPU =on and however
 unable to compile.

 Please see the attached file for compilation details and errors / warnings:
 The errors in the 'make install' stage is listed below:

 CMake Error at src/programs/cmake_install.cmake:42 (file):
   file INSTALL cannot find
 Call Stack (most recent call first):
   src/cmake_install.cmake:38 (include)
   cmake_install.cmake:48 (include)

 make: *** [install] Error 1

 Kindly help.

 With best regards,

 Satyabrata Das

 Gromacs Users mailing list

 * Please search the archive at
 http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List before

 * Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists

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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Re: [gmx-users] Cluster recommendations

2015-02-02 Thread Carsten Kutzner
Hi David,

On 22 Jan 2015, at 18:01, David McGiven davidmcgiv...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey Karsten,
 Just another question. What do you think will be the performance difference
 between two gromacs runs with a ~100k atoms system like the one I mentioned
 on my first email :
 - 1 server with 4 AMD processors, 16 cores each (64 cores) with no GPU
 - 1 server with 4 AMD processors, 16 cores each (64 cores) with one GTX 980
 - 1 server with 2 Intel processors, 10 cores each (20 cores) like the ones
 you mentioned, with one or two GTX 980 GPU.
 I'm not interested in exact performance numbers, I just need to understand
 the logistics behind the CPU/GPU combinations in order to make an
 inteligent cluster purchase.
I never benchmarked 64-core AMD nodes with GPUs. With a 80 k atoms test
system using a 2 fs time step I get
24 ns/d on 64 AMD   cores 6272
16 ns/d on 32 AMD   cores 6380
36 ns/d on 32 AMD   cores 6380   with 1x GTX 980
40 ns/d on 32 AMD   cores 6380   with 2x GTX 980
27 ns/d on 20 Intel cores 2680v2
52 ns/d on 20 Intel cores 2680v2 with 1x GTX 980
62 ns/d on 20 Intel cores 2680v2 with 2x GTX 980

So unless you can get the AMD nodes very cheap, probably the 20-core
Intel nodes with 1 or 2 GPUs will give you the best performance and the best 


 Thanks again.
 2015-01-16 14:46 GMT+01:00 Carsten Kutzner ckut...@gwdg.de:
 Hi David,
 On 16 Jan 2015, at 12:28, David McGiven davidmcgiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Carsten,
 Thanks for your answer.
 2015-01-16 11:11 GMT+01:00 Carsten Kutzner ckut...@gwdg.de:
 Hi David,
 we are just finishing an evaluation to find out which is the optimal
 hardware for Gromacs setups. One of the input systems is an 80,000 atom
 membrane channel system and thus nearly exactly what you want
 to compute.
 The biggest benefit you will get by adding one or two consumer-class
 to your nodes (e.g. NVIDIA GTX 980). That will typically double your
 performace-to-price ratio. This is true for Intel as well as for AMD
 nodes, however the best ratio in our tests was observed with 10-core
 Intel CPUs (2670v2, 2680v2) in combination with a GTX 780Ti or 980,
 ideally two of those CPUs with two GPUs on a node.
 Was there a difference between 2670v2 (2.5 GHz) and 2680v2  (2.8 GHz) ?
 wondering if those 0,3 GHz are significative. Or the 0,5 GHz compared to
 2690v2 for the matter. There’s a significative difference in price
 Usually the percent improvement for Gromacs performance is not as much
 as the percent improvement in clock speed, so the cheaper ones will
 give you a higher performance-to-price ratio.
 I'm also wondering if the performance would be better with 16 core Intels
 instead of 10 core. I.e E5-2698 v3.
 Didn’t test those.
 I would like to know which other tests have you done. What about AMD ?
 We tested AMD 6380 with 1-2 GTX 980 GPUs, which gives about the same
 performance-to-price ratio as a 10 core Intel 2680v2 node with one GTX 980.
 The Intel node gives you a higher per-node performance, though.
 Unless you want to buy expensive FDR14 Infiniband, scaling across two
 or more of those nodes won’t be good (~0.65 parallel efficiency across
 ~0.45 across 4 nodes using QDR infiniband), so I would advise against
 it and go for more sampling on single nodes.
 Well, that puzzles me. Why is it that you get poor performance ? Are you
 talking about pure CPU jobs over infiniband, or are you talking about
 CPU+GPU jobs over infiniband ?
 For a given network (e.g. QDR Infiniband), the scaling is better the lower
 the performance of the individual nodes. So for CPU-only nodes you
 will get a better scaling than for CPU+GPU nodes, which have a way higher
 per-node performance.
 How come you won’t get good performance if a great percentage of
 The performance is good, it is just that the parallel efficiency is
 not optimal for an MD system 100,000 atoms, meaning you do not get two
 times the performance on two nodes in parallel as compared to the
 aggregated performance of two individual runs.
 Bigger systems will have a better parallel efficiency.
 supercomputer centers in the world use InfiniBand ? And I'm sure lots of
 users here in the list use gromacs over Infiniband.
 I do, too :)
 But you get more trajectory for your money if you can wait and run on
 a single node.
 Thanks again.
 Best Regards,
 On 15 Jan 2015, at 17:35, David McGiven davidmcgiv...@gmail.com
 Dear Gromacs Users,
 We’ve got some funding to build a new cluster. It’s going to be used
 for gromacs simulations (80% of the time). We run molecular dynamics
 simulations of transmembrane proteins inside a POPC lipid bilayer. In a
 typical system we have ~10 atoms, from which almost 1/3 correspond
 water molecules. We employ usual conditions with PME for electorstatics
 cutoffs for LJ interactions.
 I would like to hear your 

Re: [gmx-users] topology and parameter set up

2015-02-02 Thread Jennifer Vo
Dear Justin,
Many thanks for your help. My em.mdp is
integrator  = steep
emtol   = 100.0
emstep  = 0.01
nsteps  = 10
coulombtype = PME
pbc = xyz

My nvt.mdp is
title   = Protein-ligand complex NVT equilibration
define  = -DPOSRES -DPOSRES_LIG ; position restrain the protein and
; Run parameters
integrator  = md; leap-frog integrator
nsteps  = 5 ; 2 * 5 = 100 ps
dt  = 0.002 ; 2 fs
; Output control
nstxout = 500   ; save coordinates every 1.0 ps
nstvout = 500   ; save velocities every 1.0 ps
nstenergy   = 500   ; save energies every 1.0 ps
nstlog  = 500   ; update log file every 1.0 ps
energygrps  = Protein NPD
; Bond parameters
continuation= no; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs; holonomic constraints
constraints = hbonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds)
lincs_iter  = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order = 4 ; also related to accuracy
; Neighborsearching
cutoff-scheme   = Verlet
ns_type = grid  ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist = 10; 20 fs, largely irrelevant with Verlet
rcoulomb= 1.4   ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw= 1.4   ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
; Electrostatics
coulombtype = PME   ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range
pme_order   = 4 ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing  = 0.16  ; grid spacing for FFT
; Temperature coupling
tcoupl  = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps = Protein_NPD Water_and_ions; two coupling groups - more
tau_t   = 0.1   0.1 ; time constant, in ps
ref_t   = 300   300 ; reference temperature, one
for each group, in K
; Pressure coupling
pcoupl  = no; no pressure coupling in NVT
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc = xyz   ; 3-D PBC
; Dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres  ; account for cut-off vdW scheme
; Velocity generation
gen_vel = yes   ; assign velocities from Maxwell distribution
gen_temp= 300   ; temperature for Maxwell distribution
gen_seed= -1; generate a random seed

It generated no error in the log file. This is em.log
Steepest Descents converged to Fmax  100 in 10536 steps
Potential Energy  = -2.1753502e+06
Maximum force =  8.4056786e+01 on atom 12
Norm of force =  4.0102091e+00

For the NPT.mdp, since I have got error from the previous run, so I tried
commenting out the neighborsearching part to take the default number and
there is still error as the previous email.

Regarding the coordinates, I merged 2 coordinate files into 1 file as your
tutorial about Protein-Ligand Simulation (
run a genconf to renumber the system, editconf to create the cubic box and
genbox to solvate the system. Then I add 24 NA since the charge of the
whole system is -24.

I don't know which step is a possible cause to the error.

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Justin Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

 On 2/2/15 6:37 AM, Jennifer Vo wrote:

 Dear Experts,
 I am facing the problem of simulation of protein - ligand complex using
 amber99sb force field.
 Since I created a topol.top for the system

 ; Include forcefield parameters
 #include amber99sb.ff/forcefield.itp
 [ atomtypes ]
 ;name   bond_type mass charge   ptype   sigma epsilon
   CA   CA  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01
 1.91  0.0860
   H4   H4  0.0  0.0   A 2.51055e-01   6.27600e-02
 1.41  0.0150
   HA   HA  0.0  0.0   A 2.59964e-01   6.27600e-02
 1.46  0.0150
   CC   0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01
 1.91  0.0860
   OO   0.0  0.0   A 2.95992e-01   8.78640e-01
 1.66  0.2100
   NN   0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01
 1.82  0.1700
   HH   0.0  0.0   A 1.06908e-01   6.56888e-02
 0.60 0.0157
   N*   N*  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01
 1.82  0.1700
   CT   CT  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   4.57730e-01
 1.91  0.1094
   H2   H2  0.0  0.0   A 2.29317e-01   6.56888e-02
 1.29  0.0157
   H1   H1  0.0  0.0   A 2.47135e-01   6.56888e-02
 1.39  0.0157
   OH   OH  0.0  0.0   A 3.06647e-01   8.80314e-01
 1.72  0.2104
   HO   HO  0.0  0.0   A 0.0e+00   0.0e+00
 0.00  0.
   OS   OS  0.0  0.0   A 3.1e-01   7.11280e-01
 1.68 0.1700
   PP   0.0  0.0   A 

[gmx-users] template.cpp compilation problem with Gromacs 5.0.4

2015-02-02 Thread Milton Sonoda
Dear Gromacs users

I would like to code my own analysis programs but
I'm facing problems with template.cpp compilations
with gromacs 5.0.4.

Made source GMXRC.
cmake goes nicely but make does not make it.

Any suggestions?

Here goes cmake and make output.

Thanks a lot

$mkdir build
$cd build
$ cmake ..

-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.2
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.2
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version 0.26)
-- checking for module 'libgromacs'
--   found libgromacs, version 5.0.4
-- Looking for GromacsVersion in
-- Looking for GromacsVersion in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Looking for init_mtop in
-- Looking for init_mtop in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Looking for output_env_done in
-- Looking for output_env_done in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Looking for gmx_nonbonded_setup in
-- Looking for gmx_nonbonded_setup in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Looking for init_domdec_vsites in
-- Looking for init_domdec_vsites in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Boost version: 1.55.0
-- Found GROMACS: /usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so
GROMACS version 5.0.0 found
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to:


Scanning dependencies of target template
[100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/template.dir/template.cpp.o
In file included from
 from /usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/analysisdata.h:209,
 from /home/milton/pesq/bta/progs/template/template.cpp:38:
error: ‘std::move’ has not been declared
 using std::move;
error: ‘unique_ptr’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a type
 typedef std::unique_ptrT type;
In file included from
 from /home/milton/pesq/bta/progs/template/template.cpp:38:
error: ‘type’ in ‘struct
gmx::gmx_unique_ptrgmx::AbstractAverageHistogram’ does not name a type
 typedef gmx_unique_ptrAbstractAverageHistogram::type
error: ‘AverageHistogramPointer’ does not name a type
 AverageHistogramPointer resampleDoubleBinWidth(bool bIntegerBins)
error: ‘AverageHistogramPointer’ does not name a type
 AverageHistogramPointer clone() const;
In file included from
 from /usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options.h:149,
 from /home/milton/pesq/bta/progs/template/template.cpp:38:
/usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options/abstractoption.h:73:9: error:
‘type’ in ‘struct gmx::gmx_unique_ptrgmx::AbstractOptionStorage’ does not
name a type
 typedef gmx_unique_ptrAbstractOptionStorage::type
/usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options/abstractoption.h:123:17: error:
‘AbstractOptionStoragePointer’ does not name a type
 virtual AbstractOptionStoragePointer createStorage() const = 0;
In file included from /usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options.h:149:0,
 from /home/milton/pesq/bta/progs/template/template.cpp:38:
/usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options/basicoptions.h:101:17: error:
‘AbstractOptionStoragePointer’ does not name a type
 virtual AbstractOptionStoragePointer createStorage() const;

Re: [gmx-users] DNA-protein complex - which force field to use?

2015-02-02 Thread Felipe Merino


On 02/02/15 10:18, Erik Marklund wrote:

On 2 Feb 2015, at 01:53, Jernej Zidar 
jernej.zi...@gmail.commailto:jernej.zi...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi everyone!
  I would like to study a DNA-protein complex. The protein part is
composed of aminoacids covalently attached to the DNA bases. Which
force field would you recommend? Based on recent experience I was
thinking of using either OPLS-aa or CHARMM. OPLS-aa would be the
prefered choice because it performs way better than CHARMM.

At least for proteins that seems incorrect
The comparison here is with an old version of CHARMM. CHARMM36 is 
supposed to be way better now. In any case, If you are working with DNA 
the best choice seems to still be Amber-ff99sb with the bsc0 correction. 
I would actually use something like Amber-ff99sb*-ildn-bsc0. All those 
modifications are already available to be read in gromacs around.



Kind regards,

Erik Marklund, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Fulford JRF

Department of Chemistry
Physical  Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory
University of Oxford
South Parks Road

  Any recommendations or experiences?

Thanks in advance!

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Gromacs Users mailing list

* Please search the archive at 
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List before posting!

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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

[gmx-users] topology and parameter set up

2015-02-02 Thread Jennifer Vo
Dear Experts,
I am facing the problem of simulation of protein - ligand complex using
amber99sb force field.
Since I created a topol.top for the system

; Include forcefield parameters
#include amber99sb.ff/forcefield.itp
[ atomtypes ]
;name   bond_type mass charge   ptype   sigma epsilon
 CA   CA  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
 H4   H4  0.0  0.0   A 2.51055e-01   6.27600e-02 ;
1.41  0.0150
 HA   HA  0.0  0.0   A 2.59964e-01   6.27600e-02 ;
1.46  0.0150
 CC   0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
 OO   0.0  0.0   A 2.95992e-01   8.78640e-01 ;
1.66  0.2100
 NN   0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
 HH   0.0  0.0   A 1.06908e-01   6.56888e-02 ;
0.60  0.0157
 N*   N*  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
 CT   CT  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   4.57730e-01 ;
1.91  0.1094
 H2   H2  0.0  0.0   A 2.29317e-01   6.56888e-02 ;
1.29  0.0157
 H1   H1  0.0  0.0   A 2.47135e-01   6.56888e-02 ;
1.39  0.0157
 OH   OH  0.0  0.0   A 3.06647e-01   8.80314e-01 ;
1.72  0.2104
 HO   HO  0.0  0.0   A 0.0e+00   0.0e+00 ;
0.00  0.
 OS   OS  0.0  0.0   A 3.1e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.68  0.1700
 PP   0.0  0.0   A 3.74177e-01   8.36800e-01 ;
2.10  0.2000
 O2   O2  0.0  0.0   A 2.95992e-01   8.78640e-01 ;
1.66  0.2100
 CK   CK  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
 H5   H5  0.0  0.0   A 2.42146e-01   6.27600e-02 ;
1.36  0.0150
 NB   NB  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
 CB   CB  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
 N2   N2  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
 NC   NC  0.0  0.0   A 3.25000e-01   7.11280e-01 ;
1.82  0.1700
 CQ   CQ  0.0  0.0   A 3.39967e-01   3.59824e-01 ;
1.91  0.0860
; Include chain topologies
#include A.itp
; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES
#include posre_A.itp
; Include chain topologies
#include B.itp
; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES
#include posre_B.itp
; Include custom ligand topologies
#include npd.itp
; Ligand position restraints
#include posre_npd.itp

; Include water topology
#include amber99sb.ff/tip3p.itp

; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
;  i funct   fcxfcyfcz
   11   1000   1000   1000
; Include generic ion topology
#include amber99sb.ff/ions.itp

[ system ]
; Name
system in water
[ molecules ]
; Compound#mols
A 1
B 1
NPD   1
SOL   42322
NA   24

The Protein and the Ligand were under energy minimization and a short MD
separatedly to be sure there is no problem with the topology. But when I
merge two topol.top from protein and from ligand, the error came at NPT
step after successfully energy minimization and NVT
This is likely either a 1,4 interaction, or a listed interaction inside a
smaller molecule you are decoupling during a free energy calculation. Since
interactions at distances beyond the table cannot be computed, they are
skipped until they are inside the table limit again. You will only see this
message once, even if it occurs for several interactions.
IMPORTANT: This should not happen in a stable simulation, so there is
probably something wrong with your system. Only change the table-extension
distance in the mdp file if you are really sure that is the reason.

This is NPT.mdp
title   = system in water
define  = -DPOSRES -DPOSRES_LIG ; position restrain the protein
; Run parameters
integrator  = md; leap-frog integrator
nsteps  = 50; 2 * 50 = 1000 ps, 1 ns
dt  = 0.002 ; 2 fs
; Output control
nstxout = 5000  ; save coordinates every 1.0 ps
nstvout = 5000  ; save velocities every 1.0 ps
nstenergy   = 500   ; save energies every 1.0 ps
nstlog  = 500   ; update log file every 1.0 ps
energygrps  = Protein NPD
; Bond parameters
continuation= yes   ; Restarting after NVT
constraint_algorithm= lincs ; holonomic constraints
constraints = all-bonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds)
lincs_iter  = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order = 4 ; also related to accuracy


[gmx-users] Umbrella Samling Alteration

2015-02-02 Thread Alexander Law
Dear Gromacs Users

I am currently running the series of simulations using the following command:

mdrun -deffnm umbrella0 -pf pullf-umbrella0.xvg -px pullx-umbrella0.xvg

I wish to lessen the amount of time for each of these simulations from 10 ns to 
6 ns. These simulations are already up to around 5 ns, is it possible to change 
the time to 6 ns without altering the md_umbrella.mdp file and starting agin? 
Also, will this reduction have any major impacts on the quality/efficacy of the 

Many Thanks,

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[gmx-users] template.cpp compilation problem with Gromacs 5.0.4

2015-02-02 Thread Milton Sonoda
Dear Gromacs users

I would like to code my own analysis programs but
I'm facing problems with template.cpp compilations
with gromacs 5.0.4.

Made source GMXRC.
cmake goes nicely but make does not make it.

Any suggestions?

Here goes cmake and make output.

Thanks a lot

$mkdir build
$cd build
$ cmake ..

-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.2
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.2
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version 0.26)
-- checking for module 'libgromacs'
--   found libgromacs, version 5.0.4
-- Looking for GromacsVersion in
-- Looking for GromacsVersion in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Looking for init_mtop in
-- Looking for init_mtop in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Looking for output_env_done in
-- Looking for output_env_done in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Looking for gmx_nonbonded_setup in
-- Looking for gmx_nonbonded_setup in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Looking for init_domdec_vsites in
-- Looking for init_domdec_vsites in
/usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so; - found
-- Boost version: 1.55.0
-- Found GROMACS: /usr/local/gromacs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgromacs.so
GROMACS version 5.0.0 found
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to:


Scanning dependencies of target template
[100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/template.dir/template.cpp.o
In file included from
 from /usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/analysisdata.h:209,
 from /home/milton/pesq/bta/progs/template/template.cpp:38:
error: ‘std::move’ has not been declared
 using std::move;
error: ‘unique_ptr’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a type
 typedef std::unique_ptrT type;
In file included from
 from /home/milton/pesq/bta/progs/template/template.cpp:38:
error: ‘type’ in ‘struct
gmx::gmx_unique_ptrgmx::AbstractAverageHistogram’ does not name a type
 typedef gmx_unique_ptrAbstractAverageHistogram::type
error: ‘AverageHistogramPointer’ does not name a type
 AverageHistogramPointer resampleDoubleBinWidth(bool bIntegerBins)
error: ‘AverageHistogramPointer’ does not name a type
 AverageHistogramPointer clone() const;
In file included from
 from /usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options.h:149,
 from /home/milton/pesq/bta/progs/template/template.cpp:38:
/usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options/abstractoption.h:73:9: error:
‘type’ in ‘struct gmx::gmx_unique_ptrgmx::AbstractOptionStorage’ does not
name a type
 typedef gmx_unique_ptrAbstractOptionStorage::type
/usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options/abstractoption.h:123:17: error:
‘AbstractOptionStoragePointer’ does not name a type
 virtual AbstractOptionStoragePointer createStorage() const = 0;
In file included from /usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options.h:149:0,
 from /home/milton/pesq/bta/progs/template/template.cpp:38:
/usr/local/gromacs/include/gromacs/options/basicoptions.h:101:17: error:
‘AbstractOptionStoragePointer’ does not name a type
 virtual AbstractOptionStoragePointer createStorage() const;

Re: [gmx-users] Force field For Protein-Ligand Complex

2015-02-02 Thread rajendra kumar
You may also use Amber99sb-ildn and GAFF for protein and ligand,
respectively. You can find method in this paper:
http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/ci500020m. Although, AM1-BCC method
was used for charge calculations, I would suggest to use RESP method.

With best regards,
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Re: [gmx-users] Using g_mindist for calculating hydrophobic interaction between protein and ligand

2015-02-02 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 2/2/15 9:52 PM, Agnivo Gosai wrote:

Dear Users

I wish to characterize the hydrophobic interactions between a protein and a
ligand by using the g_mindist analysis tool.
I searched the forum and found a post which tells that it is supposedly the
best tool available in gromacs for doing the job.
Now , while reading the post a doubt cropped up in my mind.
Do I need to provide an index file containing only the hydrophobic residues
of the protein and the ligand ?

Not just that, but just the hydrophobic atoms.  Generally contact analysis 
focuses on heavy atoms, because hydrogens often inflate the totals.

Or, just a normal index file with all the protein residues and ligand
residues in two separate groups will do the job?

No, this would give you the total number of atomic contacts between the protein 
and ligand, which is not what you're after.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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[gmx-users] Using g_mindist for calculating hydrophobic interaction between protein and ligand

2015-02-02 Thread Agnivo Gosai
Dear Users

I wish to characterize the hydrophobic interactions between a protein and a
ligand by using the g_mindist analysis tool.
I searched the forum and found a post which tells that it is supposedly the
best tool available in gromacs for doing the job.
Now , while reading the post a doubt cropped up in my mind.
Do I need to provide an index file containing only the hydrophobic residues
of the protein and the ligand ?
Or, just a normal index file with all the protein residues and ligand
residues in two separate groups will do the job?

Thanks  Regards
Agnivo Gosai
Grad Student, Iowa State University.
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Re: [gmx-users] combine two solvent box to one large box.

2015-02-02 Thread Mark Abraham

Strip the solvent, then you can use editconf to put the origin of both
boxes at (0,0,0), then translate one of them, then use a text editor to put
everything in the same coordinate file (updating atom counts and box
vectors). Then solvate. Doing this on a solvated system is the path to the
Dark Side...


On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 3:12 PM, BIRD vgsplay...@163.com wrote:

 hello all
 I have made two solvent boxes with DIFFERENT protein in each box, the box
 have the same X-Y-Z length.
 I want to combine two boxes to one large box at one dimension like X or Y‍
 Witch command could do that??

 best regard
 Cao, PhD

 Institute of Physics
 Nankai University
 Tianjin, China
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Re: [gmx-users] Problem with Lysozyme in Water Tutorial

2015-02-02 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 2/2/15 12:10 PM, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:

I have installed v-5.0.4 in Debian Wheezy without any warning or erroe messages.

I have tried running the Lysozyme in Water Tutorial ( the one written for v-5)
and have generated an error message in Step 4.

The message is:

File input/output error:
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

I checked the reference and did not find one [defaults] directive in the .itp
file, let alone two

Pleas advise.

You don't have ions.mdp in the working directory.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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[gmx-users] Problem with Lysozyme in Water Tutorial

2015-02-02 Thread Stephen P. Molnar
I have installed v-5.0.4 in Debian Wheezy without any warning or erroe 

I have tried running the Lysozyme in Water Tutorial ( the one written 
for v-5) and have generated an error message in Step 4.

The message is:

File input/output error:
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

I checked the reference and did not find one [defaults] directive in the 
.itp file, let alone two

Pleas advise.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. Life is a fuzzy set
Foundation for Chemistry Stochastic and Multivariate
Skype:  smolnar1

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Re: [gmx-users] Problem with Lysozyme in Water Tutorial

2015-02-02 Thread HANNIBAL LECTER
It just means you either missed grompp -f ions.mdp ...


the ions.mdp file is not there in the directory where you are performing
your simulations.

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Stephen P. Molnar s.mol...@sbcglobal.net

 I have installed v-5.0.4 in Debian Wheezy without any warning or erroe

 I have tried running the Lysozyme in Water Tutorial ( the one written for
 v-5) and have generated an error message in Step 4.

 The message is:

 File input/output error:
 For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
 website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

 I checked the reference and did not find one [defaults] directive in the
 .itp file, let alone two

 Pleas advise.

 Thanks in advance.

 Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. Life is a fuzzy set
 Foundation for Chemistry Stochastic and Multivariate
 Skype:  smolnar1

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 Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List before posting!

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[gmx-users] Hope this can help someone using REMD in Gromacs

2015-02-02 Thread jia jia
Dear Gromacs User:
I found when after running REMD in gromacs and try to generate trajectories
for each replic based on the origin trajectories based on conditions, if
the exchange step is mower than 1ps, after time pint 100ns there will be
some noise spikes in the RMSD or other characters calculated from
trajectories for each replic.
The noise seems because when using demux.pl, the output formart for time
is -20%g so you will get things like
399988   0
399988   1
399988   0
in your replica_index.xvg.
If you want to remove the noise, you can
1) add a line
$timestep = XXX; in beginning (XX is timestep with unit ps)
2) change print formart in line 33 and 44 from %-20g to %-20f
3) change the line 70 to $tstep = $log_time[4] * $timestep;

Note the results based on origin demux.pl is CORRECT, it just a little
Hope this can help someone using REMD.
Cheers: )
ZhiGuang Jia
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[gmx-users] Force field For Protein-Ligand Complex

2015-02-02 Thread neha bharti
Hello All

I have to perform molecular dynamics simulation of protein-ligand complex
in water.
Initially I tried using gromos force field but there is some problem in its
ligand itp file which is generated by PRODRG server. I also tried it with
the help of ATB but again its giving error.

Can I use CHARMM 27 or Charmm 36 force field for the same. Is there any
reference paper??

Please help.

With Regards
Neha Bharti
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Re: [gmx-users] DNA-protein complex - which force field to use?

2015-02-02 Thread Paulo Netz
Hi Jernej

I'll choose AMBER or CHARMM, because these two forcefields
have a more reliable description of nucleic acids. In my experience,
OPLS-aa and GROMOS do not seem to be able to produce stable
simulations in the large time scale for nucleic acids systems.

Best regards

Paulo Netz

2015-02-02 2:53 GMT+01:00 Jernej Zidar jernej.zi...@gmail.com:

 Hi everyone!
   I would like to study a DNA-protein complex. The protein part is
 composed of aminoacids covalently attached to the DNA bases. Which
 force field would you recommend? Based on recent experience I was
 thinking of using either OPLS-aa or CHARMM. OPLS-aa would be the
 prefered choice because it performs way better than CHARMM.

   Any recommendations or experiences?

 Thanks in advance!

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[gmx-users] Compilation errors (5.0.4)

2015-02-02 Thread Satyabrata Das
Dear All,
I am trying to compile Gromacs 5.0.4 on a CPU / GPU cluster and the details
are as follows:

Intel compiler (12.1), Cuda 4.2,  MKL Library, single, GPU =on and however
unable to compile.

Please see the attached file for compilation details and errors / warnings:
The errors in the 'make install' stage is listed below:

CMake Error at src/programs/cmake_install.cmake:42 (file):
  file INSTALL cannot find
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  src/cmake_install.cmake:38 (include)
  cmake_install.cmake:48 (include)

make: *** [install] Error 1

Kindly help.

With best regards,

Satyabrata Das
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