Don't get an alert for ticklers requiring action

2009-06-15 Thread bkh


I have read through the messages in the thread
but have not been able to solve this problem in my Mgtd.  I understand
the concept of ticklers and the alert.  It was one of the best things
about my Mgtd before it stopped working.

I don't remember when my alert message stopped.  I have made hardly
any tweaks, and they were a while ago.  The alert does not appear in
FF2 or 3 or Safari.  I have downloaded a new version and that one
alerts just fine.  I upgraded my Mgtd to r9843 and it still doesn't
work (love the note icons, BTW)

I tried Henk's suggestion of creating a 'ticklers requiring action'
tiddly but I already had one that was functioning just fine, except
for giving the flashing alert. I see plenty of active ticklers in the
dashboard and in the 'ticklers requiring action' tiddly.

I even went into MgtdList to make sure the blinker variable was set
right (it was), although I'm not even getting a static alert.

Any help would be much appreciated.

PS: Sorry for replying directly to author in the previous post.  I
didn't realize it was a closed thread and I needed to start it again.
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Re: New User - some d-cubed things I don't understand

2009-06-15 Thread tomo

Hi, and thanks for using d-cubed!

Regarding your "unfiled" issue, that value comes from the
"Configuration" setting for specifying the default context for new
actions. You can change it to whatever you want, but the reason the
context picker does not do the replacement is because "unfiled" is not
a real context. I personally use "@default" as my default context, and
also make sure that there *is* a context called "@default" so that, if
I ever see stuff in that context during review, I know I have not set
it up with a more useful context.

As to seeing projects with no open actions, you will generally see it
in the "Summary Review" and "Project Review" listed at bottom as
"Projects with no open actions". However, brand new projects that have
no actions in them at all will not show up there. You need to have
actions in the project for it to be considered a live project, and if
all the actions are currently closed, then they will appear in the
lower list.

Hope this helps...

-- tomo

On Jun 12, 3:40 am, akc42  wrote:
> I only discovered TiddlyWiki - and then d3 - yesterday, but they look
> perfect for a couple of things.
> I am trying to set d3 up with some projects and activities, but things
> aren't happening quite how I would have expected.  I presume I am
> misunderstanding something.
> When I initially create an action inside a project, it is created with
> the 'unfiled' tag.  If I then open up the action and hit the context
> button and assign a context, it seems to leave the unfiled tag in
> place, so the action is both in a context and unfiled at the same
> time.  Is this to be expected?
> I have some projects which after I have created an action in them, I
> realised that action needed to be a project, so I 'projectify' it.
> This leaves the original project without any actions.  I would
> therefore have expected it to appear in the summary review as a
> project without actions, but it doesn't appear in any review.  Is that
> to be expected?
> Lastly, not an issue, but just a comment - I am using this on Linux.
> When I open the file in epiphany when some automatic saving occurs (I
> think) it closes all the open tiddlers, and I am just left with the
> tiddlers in DefaultTiddlers.  If I switch to Iceweasel (I am on Debian
> which has renamed Firefox), this problem goes away.
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Re: New User - some d-cubed things I don't understand

2009-06-15 Thread Alan Chandler

tomo wrote:
> Hope this helps...

Yes it does, I understand better now - thanks.

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d-cubed and highlighting todays tasks ("starred items")

2009-06-15 Thread colinchristensen

I am trying D3 and likely will continue using it in place of MGTD. But
there is one thing that I miss - starred items.

I can think of a few work arounds but they are all a bit kludgy and do
not compare to MGTD's simple single-click toggle and the ability to
see them on any report at a glance.

I don't understand the coding behind wiki's but I play around under
the hood a bit at a very basic level.

Is there a way that a person of my so-so ability can introduce
something like starred items into D-cubed?
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