Re: Mouse wheel events

2008-01-03 Thread Mike Melanson
Tom Trebisky wrote:
 I have a GTK 2 application I have been developing that I would like
 to have use mouse wheel events.  I have a mouse event handler that
 gets left and right button events just fine, (being connected to the
 button release event).  Naturally, it doesn't get a thing when I
 rotate the center wheel on the mouse.  Can anyone tell me what
 to do, or direct me to appropriate documentation?

Investigate the GDK_SCROLL event. It gives you a GdkEventScroll event
structure that contains a direction field with GDK_SCROLL_UP or

Of course, this is different from the X11 event model which maps scroll
wheel events to mouse buttons 4 and 5.

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: I can't understand the difference output of only a line differ

2007-12-06 Thread Mike Melanson
Binary Chen wrote:
 I tried gdk_draw_image with a small program, but the behavior is very
 confusing, please help me find out whats happening.


I've read through the thread detailing your GTK troubles. I also know
you are trying to write a custom GTK player for a particular multimedia

I just wanted to throw out the possibility of asking your client whether
they have any interest in open sourcing the video codec itself? Take
this step and there is a community of fanatical open source multimedia
enthusiasts (myself included) who would try to incorporate the codec
into FFmpeg (, at which point it would be accessible to a
huge number of existing media players.

Think about it...
-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: When g_timeout_add doesn't seem to be enough

2007-11-28 Thread Mike Melanson
Rafał Mużyło wrote:
 Should problably add that I'm rewriting the app to use libao (so esd
 would be covered) and audio is generated, not played from a file.

I am not familiar with libao and whether or not the PCM output
functionality is blocking or not (or configurable). If its behavior is

  while (running)

If the behavior is non-blocking (i.e., the output_audio() function
returns immediately), you will have to go through the trouble of waiting
somehow until the device is ready to receive more data.

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: How to draw a UYVY Image

2007-10-05 Thread Mike Melanson
Evans Magaoga wrote:
 I am capturing video frames using the using video for Linux function. 
 Is possible to display a frame (Image) in UYVY format on the screen directly 
 using GTK. 
 I am display RGB frame fine. I would like to know if I can display UYVY 
 grames without converting it into RGB 

Perhaps use an Xv overlay? That's outside the purview of GTK, but I know
it's still possible since there are GTK movie players that use Xv
overlays. And you get hardware scaling for free.

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: How to convert a jpg image to a GtkImage ?

2007-08-31 Thread Mike Melanson
Gregory Hosler wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have an application, that amoung other things, is receiving a jpg file
 from a network connection. Once that file is in memory (it's relatively
 small), I wish to load it into a GtkImage (so that I can display it,
 e.g. by adding the GtkImage to a vbox, or something like that).
 I've been thru the Dev Help pages, and I have some questions:
 1) If the image were in an actual file, I could load it e.g. with
gtk_image_new_from_file(). It's not intuitive to me which
function to use to load my in memory file into a GtkImage,
and I am reluctant to save the image to a file, just to load it,
and then delete the file...
 2) I'm seeing the following fnctions, and, well, I'm confused.
   I see GtkImage  the related gtk_image functions.
   I see GdkPixbuf  the related gdk_pixbuf functions.
   I see GtkPixmap  the related gtk_pixmap functions.
When do I use which ?
 (and in order to display my jpg image in a v/h-box, is GtkImage really
 the proper widget to use ?)

My first impulse is that you will need to drag libjpeg into this (pretty
standard everywhere) and delegate image decoding over to that module.
Then create a new image in memory with gdk_image_new() and copy the
decoded RGB data over.

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Difference between GdkPixbuf and GdkPixmap

2007-08-23 Thread Mike Melanson
Gianni Moschini wrote:
 Basicly I'm developing a GtkDrawingArea based application. As far as I
 understand, a GdkPixbuf is stored on the client, and a Pixmap on the
 Of course there are many more differences, but technically that's all
 I need to know.

What is this program intended to do? Something that has to update the
frame often, like a video player? Or an image viewing app where things
don't change often.

 The results were pretty slow. Good looking[1], but slow. I suppose
 this is caused by the the client-server traffic for the pixbuf to be
 drawn each frame.

What facility are you using for profiling? 'top'? Some other tool? Or
does it just 'feel' slower?

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Accelerator keys and popup menus?

2007-08-19 Thread Mike Melanson
Stefan Kost wrote:
 Daniel Pekelharing wrote:
 Hi all,

 Sorry to be posting yet more questions about accel keys...

 I have created a popup menu and assigned accelerator keys to some of the

 I assigned a GtkAccelGroup to the menu using

 I attached the same GtkAccelGroup to the main window with

 I assigned each item an accel path gtk_menu_item_set_accel_path(..),
 and finally I set an accelerator key with gtk_accel_map_add_entry(..).

 The problem is that the accelerator keys don't work on the popup menu,
 using the exact same functions they work fine on the main menu..

 Am I missing something somewhere?

 I seem to have the same problem. Have you found a solution in the last 2 

I had this same problem at one point. The details are a little fuzzy,
but the key is getting the terminology straight. Perhaps what you are
looking for is a mnemonic vs. an accelerator. Look that up. It might
be what you're looking for.

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fake pushing a GTK+ button

2007-05-22 Thread Mike Melanson
danielg RHCE wrote:
 I'm pulling my hair out over something that I believe should be easy but I
 cannot see it.
 I have a program that has your basic set of buttons, windows, switches and
 adjustables.  I have added a listener to tell me if a directory has been added
 to or changed.  The printf statement works great and says, Directory changed
 at all the right times and is silent at all the right other times.
 All I wanted to do was to refresh the directory listing inside the program,
 unfortunately, I don't know the data structure it uses to create the directory
 Easy enough, right?  All I have to do is tell the program that the refresh
 button has been clicked whenever the directory changes.
 No, I don't know enough to know what to put in this post to help, but I've got
 the code and I do have a decent idea how to read it, ask all the questions you
 like, I'll be happy to answer.  I'm stuck. 

Perhaps gtk_button_pressed() is what you are looking for?
Emits a GtkButton::pressed signal to the given GtkButton.

There's also one for a clicked signal; not sure about the diff.

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Gtk+ icon compiled into executable

2007-05-19 Thread Mike Melanson
brad smith wrote:
 I am new to Gtk+ and writing a small application with glade. I have my
 source file and glade file and icon for the dialog. My question is how
 can I include the icon in the final binary so it does not have to
 included in the same folder as the binary.

Perhaps convert the icon file to textual data that can be #include'd in
the source code?

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Querying Key State

2007-05-18 Thread Mike Melanson

From my GTK app, I need to query the state of a key. E.g., I need to
check if the up-arrow is currently down or up. Is there a clean GTK/GDK
way to do this? I know that X11 has XQueryKeymap() but I don't want to
have to fall back on that if I can help it.

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Can A Drawable Canvas Receive Key Events?

2007-04-02 Thread Mike Melanson
Mike Melanson wrote:
 Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 Did you add the events to the event mask before the widget was
 realized ?

 Does the widget in question have keyboard focus at the time
 you want to recieve the keyboard events ?

 Is the widget in question marked to be focus-capable ?
 (i.e. the can-focus bit/property)
 This last item did the trick. I set the can-focus property and the 
 GtkDrawingArea now registers key presses and releases. Thanks.
 Now that it works in the contrived standalone app, I need to figure out 
 how to get key events in an XEmbed'ed application. I apply the same 
 can-focus property change but I'm afraid I might be fighting with the 
 hosting app for the key events.

Answering my own question since I know there are interested people out 

I found that when I put a big text widget inside the XEmbed'ed GtkPlug 
container instead of a big drawable canvas, it was able to receive 
focus. Digging into the GTK source code, I noticed that it calls 
gtk_widget_grab_focus() when it receives a button press event. So I did 
the same for my canvas widget when the user clicks in it, and it seems 
to work. The widget retains focus until the user clicks outside of the 

Wow, I can't believe that looking at the source actually helped. :)

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Can A Drawable Canvas Receive Key Events?

2007-04-02 Thread Mike Melanson
Mike Melanson wrote:
 I found that when I put a big text widget inside the XEmbed'ed GtkPlug 
 container instead of a big drawable canvas, it was able to receive 
 focus. Digging into the GTK source code, I noticed that it calls 
 gtk_widget_grab_focus() when it receives a button press event. So I did 
 the same for my canvas widget when the user clicks in it, and it seems 
 to work. The widget retains focus until the user clicks outside of the 

I missed a crucial step here. You also need to specify that the 
ordinarily non-focusable widget can receive focus by setting its 
can-focus property:


-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Can A Drawable Canvas Receive Key Events?

2007-03-31 Thread Mike Melanson
Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 Did you add the events to the event mask before the widget was
 realized ?
 Does the widget in question have keyboard focus at the time
 you want to recieve the keyboard events ?
 Is the widget in question marked to be focus-capable ?
 (i.e. the can-focus bit/property)

This last item did the trick. I set the can-focus property and the 
GtkDrawingArea now registers key presses and releases. Thanks.

Now that it works in the contrived standalone app, I need to figure out 
how to get key events in an XEmbed'ed application. I apply the same 
can-focus property change but I'm afraid I might be fighting with the 
hosting app for the key events.

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Can A Drawable Canvas Receive Key Events?

2007-03-30 Thread Mike Melanson

I have a standalone test app that has nothing inside the main window but 
a big, drawable RGB canvas (GtkDrawingArea). I can receive nearly any 
kind of event via the canvas: Expose, mouse motion, button 
press/release, scroll wheel, etc. However, I *cannot* figure out how to 
get key press events. I even added the key up/down events to the 
widget's event list using the GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK and 
GDK_KEY_RELEASE_MASK flags passed to gtk_widget_add_events().

Is it even supposed to be possible to get key events for the canvas? Is 
a non-text widget forbidden from receiving key events? When I swap the 
canvas out for a more text-oriented widget, I get all the key events I want.

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list


2007-02-20 Thread Mike Melanson

I have an app that has been drawing bitmaps to the screen using X11
facilities. I'm trying to convert it to use GTK/GDK. This app has always
rendered bitmaps in blue-green-red (BGR) pixel order which, per my
understanding, is the native order that the hardware expects. Now, I am
using gdk_draw_rgb_image()/gdk_draw_rgb_32_image() which clearly states
that it wants data in RGB order.

Is there a facility I am overlooking for rendering the BGR bitmap?

-Mike Melanson
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list