Re: Pidl - an IDL for GObject boilerplate and language bindings

2008-02-12 Thread Andrew Paprocki
Good to see others working on abstractions like this. We have a closed
system for internal use, but it was developed to do much of the same
by reimplementing/extending the GOB syntax and writing a new
compiler for it. Simultaneous code is output in both C/C++ with an
introspection system added for both methods and static methods (in
addition to properties which already exist in GObject) that allows
automatic bindings for JS integration. Standard public/private methods
are still allowed, but just don't get any JS binding. GOB isn't
exactly an IDL, but it accomplishes the same feat when tweaked. The
advantage is that you don't have to maintain a separate IDL file and
implementation. This is still possible, of course, by only exposing
GInterfaces to the binding and declaring everything via an interface.


interface Foo from G:Interface
public void foo(void);

class My:Object from G:Object
(interface Foo)
private gint my_variable = 5;
private GList *my_list = NULL destroywith g_list_free;

static_method My:Object marshal_as OBJECT (NONE) Self *
return GET_NEW;

method BOOL (INT, G:Error:Ref marshal_as POINTER) gboolean
my_class_method(self, gint foo, GError **error)
g_debug(__GOB_FUNCTION__: value: %d, selfp-my_variable);
g_set_error(error, ...);
return FALSE;

public void

interface Foo
private void

Automatically becomes (in JS):

var foo = new MyObject();;
... throws an exception here


On Feb 12, 2008 10:18 AM, Christian Berentsen

 Pidl is an Interface Description Language for GObject C-code with
 automatic language bindings.

 The programmer mainly writes '.pidl' files and implementation in C. Much
 GObject boilerplate is hidden.

 Language bindings are automatically generated.
 (Currently for Python, C++ and C#)

 As we are developing a product relying heavily on GObject, we came to
 the conclusion that the risk of having every developer handling
 boilerplate code could become a big maintenance headache.

 Pidl is still in its infancy and is being evolved on a day to day basis.
 The system is developed in TDD fashion, with test coverage in Python.

 Could this be interesting for anybody else writing GObject based

 Current feature summary:
 Emits C++, Python and C# (and GObject front stubs in C)
 Supports classes, interfaces, properties, methods, and signals.
 Supports implementing interfaces in C++ and C# (not yet Python)
 Errors/Exceptions on methods marked as throwing. (GError marshalled to
 language exceptions, modelled after dbus-glib)
 Weak references (Properties only)
 and more.

 Jarl Christian Berentsen
 Ole Andre Vadla Ravnaas
 (Pidl core monkeys)

 gtk-devel-list mailing list

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Pidl - an IDL for GObject boilerplate and language bindings

2008-02-12 Thread Lieven van der Heide
Sounds good!

I am actually mostly interesting in such a system, that could wrap c++
classes, but I guess this system could be extended to do such a thing.
Maybe a nice project for one day:)

On 2/12/08, Christian Berentsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pidl is an Interface Description Language for GObject C-code with
 automatic language bindings.

 The programmer mainly writes '.pidl' files and implementation in C. Much
 GObject boilerplate is hidden.

 Language bindings are automatically generated.
 (Currently for Python, C++ and C#)

 As we are developing a product relying heavily on GObject, we came to
 the conclusion that the risk of having every developer handling
 boilerplate code could become a big maintenance headache.

 Pidl is still in its infancy and is being evolved on a day to day basis.
 The system is developed in TDD fashion, with test coverage in Python.

 Could this be interesting for anybody else writing GObject based

 Current feature summary:
 Emits C++, Python and C# (and GObject front stubs in C)
 Supports classes, interfaces, properties, methods, and signals.
 Supports implementing interfaces in C++ and C# (not yet Python)
 Errors/Exceptions on methods marked as throwing. (GError marshalled to
 language exceptions, modelled after dbus-glib)
 Weak references (Properties only)
 and more.

 Jarl Christian Berentsen
 Ole Andre Vadla Ravnaas
 (Pidl core monkeys)

 gtk-devel-list mailing list

gtk-devel-list mailing list