contact info ?

2000-08-29 Thread guss \(jim, elizabeth and pablo guss\)

hi.  i'm wondering if anyone on the list might have a way to get a hold of
lister hugh hamilton.  i'd like to get back in touch with him and don't seem
able to reach him by e-mail.  thanks!

--  jim

   (o o)

Jim Guss
(505) 989-1725 bef. 9pm mdt
206 Tesuque Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505-3838, USA



2000-07-05 Thread guss \(jim, elizabeth and pablo guss\)

 -Original Message-
 Hmm...the brains were in the trunk.

no.  i have had it explained to me quite clearly that brains to be found in
the car are located on the right-side passenger's seat.  comes with
real-time instructions and feedback on directions, rate of speed, etc.
occasionally, displays are quite colorful.  oh yeah, you can take it with
you wherever you travel, and it's still always right ! -- obviates need for
cartridges for additional external input data...  so's i'm a-thinkin' e-map
sounds pretty choice.  8*}

btw, re tankbags:  have recently been in touch with bagster in france.
great folks, (at home office in france, NOT @ italjet in nyc.)  manufacturer
is reworking strategy for u.s. sales, including possibly selling direct,
likely on-line.  i know some listers have the bagster tank bag and bra set
up.  many like it a lot, and report it works really well for funny gts "gas
tank lite" non-ferrous, odd shape, tough-to-tankbag center hump.  seems like
sweet set up, and direct prices may be favorable compared with those from
other manufacturers.  hope to have more gts bagster news to report soon.

-- jim

back from limbo

2000-06-04 Thread guss \(jim, elizabeth and pablo guss\)

hi y'all --

just got pc up and running after mother board and cpu fried and died.  about
five weeks of tech-support hell.  also, about same time, slammed with
serious illness.  glad to be recovering from both.  haven't meant to be
blowing anybody off if trying to contact me, just no e-mail; (we were
way-way-way offline.)  look forward lots to more gtstuff near future.   --
jim .

¡ hola !

2000-03-14 Thread guss \(jim, elizabeth and pablo guss\)

hello list --

very happy to join you as active participant rather than virtual passenger.
thanks terry for nice introduction, as well as for your warm hospitality and
beautiful bike.  i can't hope to come close to providing the wisdom terry
has over time to the list, but i'm sure to enjoy the bike and being a member
of the gts touring society.  -- j .

Jim Guss
(505) 989-1725
206 Tesuque Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505-3838, USA

warm fluffy thoughts

1999-12-24 Thread guss

hi guys --

wish all joyous holidays and happy, healthy new millenium.

and, if there are any elves out there still trying to squeeze in some giving
for their favorite gtsts member but have run out of stuff to monogram at
land's end, i suggest in response to the recent thread about heated gloves
that to the list be added a set of hotgrips, found at  old
set worked great; high setting too hot in light snow storm with old deerskin
work gloves.  new set has much better sounding insulation and a newly
available, cool sounding, infinitely adjustable variable heat controller.
for me, they went on easily; i just gave my mechanic $15 to install them
while performing the rest of a full service on tdm.  however, it sounds like
the big challenge most experience doing it themselves is removing the old
grips.  and yes, i found with palms and pinkies cooking, knuckles and backs
of hands happy and toasty, too.  they are not so cool lookin' and stylin' as
those hippo hands ;-) but there're no bulky mitts or extra wires to mess
with hopping on to head out on the highway.  i know it's not canada, eh, or
minnesota, yah, but we are at 7,000 feet base elevation in santa fe and most
twisties head up from here.  morning commute and high road to taos both made
much more user friendly with hotgrips -- helps extend riding season
year-round, or close, the snow usally melts rapidly.  good thing made even
better.  and still eleven shopping hours before christmas.  anyway, my 2¢.
best wishes for happy holidays.


-- jim

disc locks

1999-12-12 Thread guss

hi.  what do gts list members do about disc locks?  do they fit on front
wheel?  thanks, -- j .

Jim Guss
(505) 989-1725
206 Tesuque Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505-3838, USA


1999-11-10 Thread guss

saw a thread a while back about givi v. krauser, but i have little
information about the 34-liter krauser bags.  i'm wondering if they might be
a good way to go, but wonder if i ought to wonder first, ;-) , for example,
if they are at all available, and what other concerns i should take into
account.  does anyone know much about these?  thanks, -- jim

¡ fluff ! ok, hi gang. and, thanks for kind repli

1999-10-24 Thread guss

hi.  been some time since my query a little while ago which generated such
nice responses from so many of you.  way too much time in hospital etc with
wife, not nearly enough on the road in the wind.  i'm happy to say, btw,
that it looks like she'll be pretty much fine.  anyway, i wanted to drop a
decent note to say thanks for the warm welcome to your list.  (and
acknowledge i figured out a little late why plain text was so much smoother
with a listproc than mime.)  i was knocked out by your obvious enthusiasm
for your machines.  i think its a brilliant bike.  i will be definitely be
on the look-out to score a good deal on a '94 this winter if one comes
along.  i know -- there have been some sweet offerings of '93's recently --
but, i can't help it, i've just got a thing for blue bikes.  and i had to
turn down a '93 that just turned up ;-) in new mexico; some wise guy had
gone to the trouble of over-painting it screaming zonker yellow.  look
forward to joining your ranks in the gtsts on radd wheels instead of just in
spirit.  but, here's to headin' out on the highway lookin' for adventure.
i'd pipe up for stuff like the cool sounding special order air filter, etc.,
but i'm thinkin' it may be a little premature without any idea when i'll
ever have the bike to need it.  let's hope soon.  thanks for the zestful,
comradely response.  -- jim

jim guss
(505) 989-1725
206 tesuque drive
santa fe, new mexico 87505-3838, usa

fwd to list of orig (snipped) newbie gts info req to weaver

1999-09-27 Thread guss

hi.  recently joined list.  lurking a little to test waters, etc.

i presently have a '93 yamaha tdm 850, (not a gts 1000,...yet.)
i've been intrigued by the gts since learning about it about a year and a
half ago, (not coincidentally about the same time i started riding.)  i've
heard james parker lives here in santa fe and hope someday to meet him.  i
just missed riding, and probably buying, a gts in albuquerque a while ago
had sat on their floor following trade-in for about three years, 'cause no
one knew what to make of it.  i did have a chance on a recent trip to
california to ride a gts briefly and was _very_ impressed with its
one of the big draws for me is not the front end but its early success with
electronic fuel injection; i have had a _ton_ of problems getting the
jetting right on the tdm for our 7,000 foot elevation.  i have found riding
the bike to be great and much more fun than pushing it or getting stuck in
the middle of no place.  so efi reliability seems like it could be a big
bonus.  but it seems like getting one to me is still going to be a bit of a
safari, which before i launch on it, i have a few concerns, and i'd value
your thoughts.  the bike seemed heavy and loath to flip from one tight turn
to another.  riding position is nice but hard hard on wrists.  enormous
complexity seems likely to make mechanic visits particularly painful.
rarity points to fewer parts and less familiarity, not to mention _hard_ to
find one in the first place.  nice sounding ones, especially blue ones, are
still, for me, _really_ expensive.  (my wife is mid-stream in a torrent of
health disasters.)  the recent thread about abs difficulties makes me wonder
about that and other mechanical problems that might have plagued the bikes
and their owners.  but for all that, boy do they seem cool.  and i'm pretty
smitten, so it's kind of a logistics thing.  maybe this winter it will
somehow seem easier and more do-able.  but for now, i'm enjoying the list,
but wondering how folks with more than twenty minutes on a gts feel about
the good, bad, ugly and beautiful of living with one.

thanks a lot,

-- jim guss

jim, elizabeth and pablo guss
(505) 989-1725
206 tesuque drive
santa fe, new mexico 87505-3838, usa