Re: [Gvsig_english] Fwd: Projections for Portugal

2017-06-30 Thread Antonio Falciano

Il 28/06/2017 12:19, Associação de Municípios TERRAS DO INFANTE ha scritto:

-- Forwarded message --
From: *Associação de Municípios TERRAS DO INFANTE* <
Date: 2017-06-27 16:42 GMT+01:00
Subject: Projections for Portugal
To: <>



I just downloaded your testing version, build 2827, and found that ESRI
projection 102164 is being interpreted by gvSIG as EPSG:5018, which is
an error.

I'm agree, it's a wrong assumption based on SRS name similarity.

In fact, ESRI:102164 shall be interpreted by gvSIG as EPSG:20790.

Geodesically speaking, ESRI:102164 and EPSG:20790 are two different
SRSs, even if they looks very similar, for two reasons: firstly they
adopt different prime meridians (respectively Greenwich and Lisboa),
secondly ESRI:102164 doesn't consider the transformation parameters
towards WGS84 (like all ESRI SRSs and it was in the past for all prj).
So gvSIG doesn't relate them correctly, because they're not equivalent
in Geodesy.
Operationally speaking, instead, because their projected coordinates are
the same, the user could set EPSG:20790 manually at the moment, as
Mario has well explained in the previous email.
It's clear that projection file recognition in gvSIG could be further
improved including also ESRI codes, but the transformation parameters
would be missing in that case. So I think that ESRI codes should be
remapped as EPSG ones in order to take full advantage of transformation
parameters and avoid unwanted data shifts.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Bioclimatic variables

2016-10-21 Thread Antonio Falciano

Il 21/10/2016 20:03, Lizandra Jaqueline Robe ha scritto:

It is not available at all... I'm using version, in portuguese...

Ok, so it should be "Mostrar camadas raster" under the "Ferramentas para
camadas de pontos" group of SEXTANTE algorithms.


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Re: [Gvsig_english] Bioclimatic variables

2016-10-21 Thread Antonio Falciano

Il 21/10/2016 19:34, Lizandra Jaqueline Robe ha scritto:

Unfortunately, it did not work. I can't find "Sample raster layers"
under the option "Tools for point layers"... the Geoprocessing Toolbox? Which version of gvSIG and language are
you using? Is it simply greyed out (bug) or is not available at all?


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Bioclimatic variables

2016-10-21 Thread Antonio Falciano

Il 21/10/2016 17:41, Lizandra Jaqueline Robe ha scritto:

Thank you very much, Antonio! I get all the raster I wanted.

Don't mention it!

Now I'm looking for some function which allows me to extract the values
of a raster by collection points. GvSig is able to give me that?

Yes, for sure. "Sample raster layers" (Tools for point layers) is the
geoprocess to use in this case.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] 3D vector layers

2016-10-20 Thread Antonio Falciano

Il 18/10/2016 18:13, Óscar Martínez ha scritto:

Hi Silvia,

Sorry with our last emails I forgot this one.

So this two quick scripts:

- a 2D point layer with a column of z of which I would create a 3D point


- a 2D line layer with a column containing the elevation of each corner
of the line which I would create a 3D line layer.
(*This script will be useful for lines and for polygons*, becouse their
geometry works in the same way)


Hi all,
alternatively, as stated in my first post, it's possible to use only one
script for all types of geometries (and eventually for other layer
formats different from ESRI Shapefile) using ogr2ogr:

# encoding: utf-8

from gvsig import *
import os

from gvsig import uselib
from import ogr2ogr

def main(*args):

  layer = currentLayer()
  zfield = "ID"
  if layer != None:
# get the input layer path (2D)
datastore = layer.getDataStore()
inLayerPath = datastore.getFullName()

# get the output layer path (3D)
dirname = os.path.dirname(inLayerPath)
filename = os.path.basename(inLayerPath).split(".")[0]
# for instance, we use the same file extension of the input layer
# but it could be another OGR format (e.g. SpatiaLite)
extension = os.path.basename(inLayerPath).split(".")[1]
outLayerPath = os.path.join(dirname, filename + "_3D." + extension)

if extension.lower() == "shp":
  format = "ESRI Shapefile"
#elif extension.lower() == "..."
#  format = "..."
  print "Not implemented yet!"

ogr2ogr.main(["-f", format,
  "-zfield", zfield,



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Re: [Gvsig_english] 3D vector layers

2016-10-12 Thread Antonio Falciano

Il 12/10/2016 14:44, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:

Dear all,
sorry for asking here, but I can not find any information about the
possibility to handle 3D vector layers (as shapefiles) in gvSIG.
Is it possible to create/modify a 3D vector layer (point, line) in gvSIG?

I have two types of data to modify:
- a 2D point layer with a column of z of which I would create a 3D point
- a 2D line layer with a column containing the elevation of each corner
of the line which I would create a 3D line layer.

Any idea on how I can do?

Hi Silvia,
these kind of tasks are easy to solve using OGR (available in gvSIG 2.3).
For instance: ogr2ogr layer3D.shp layer2D.shp -zfield z
So this may be matter of a Jython script in gvSIG.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Bioclimatic variables

2016-10-05 Thread Antonio Falciano

Il 04/10/2016 20:22, Lizandra Jaqueline Robe ha scritto:

Hello guys,
I just came accross GVSIG, and I was wondering if it can be used to
construct bioclimatic variables from the new version 2 WorldClim data.

Hi Lizandra,
gvSIG can be used for such task and many others, for sure!
Firstly, you can download the available WorldClim variables by tile (in
reference to your area of interest) and format (e.g. GeoTIFF) from the
WorldClim website. Then you can calculate other variables of your
interest combining them using the Raster Calculator available in the
Processing toolbox.


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Re: [Gvsig_english] Join linestring segments

2016-05-20 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 20/05/2016 02:55, Gary Luke ha scritto:
> Antonio
> Thank you. I tried it previously without success. This time I tried
> various tolerances. Reducing to 0.01 did the job. What parameter is
> the tolerance value - pixels, kilometers ???

the tolerance value is generally expressed in meters or degrees
respectively in projected and geographic coordinate reference systems.
Sometimes lines are not snapped together, so the tolerance can be a
great help. Alternatively, if we don't want to alter the input geometries,
we can also use one of the Dissolve geoprocesses.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Join linestring segments

2016-05-19 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 19/05/2016 01:51, Gary Luke ha scritto:
> I have a number of river linestrings where segments are not in their
> correct sequential order running along the river length. What tool can I
> use to join the coincident starts and ends of segments.
> I don't know how to describe this. I could send a sample if that would help.

Hi Gary,
the best tool available in gvSIG in order to accomplish this task should
be the "Join adjacent lines" geoprocess. You can find it in the
Geoprocessing toolbox under the "Tools for line layers".
It allows to join lines even if their start and end points are not
coincident thanks to a tolerance. Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Help for beginner and I hope future developer

2016-03-19 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 16/03/2016 22:01, ha scritto:
> Hello,
> my name is Anaïs, I'm French.
> I just know GvSIG, it's very good!
> At university, we use QGis. I have a problem and looking on internet I
> saw that solution is to use GvSIG.

Hi Anaïs,

> I explain my problem.
> I have a points layer and a line layer. There's only one line.
> I want create segments on my line with my points layer.
> I used "snap point to layer" to put my points layer exactly on the line.
> My first question : How it works? Perpendicular line then intersection
> between lines?

Yes, "Snap point to layer" calculates the distance of each point from
the closest line. If this distance is within a tolerance, the point is
snapped to line, otherwise not.

> Then, I tried to use "split line with point layer" but I have an error
> and I don't know why?
> The message say : "File not found. segment.shp Do you want to locate the
> file?"

The error is probably due to the fact that both layers contain a field
with the same name (ID). For instance, rename the ID field of point
layer as IDP and retry. It should work now.

> Does somebody help me?
> Thanks!
> Anaïs
> PS : Sorry, I have to work my english. Work with you can help if you accept!

Don't worry! My English is not perfect too! :)


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Improvement and development of GIS skills

2016-03-19 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 17/03/2016 22:01, ha scritto:


> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Gvsig_internacional digest..."


> Thank you very much! It works perfectly.
> I saw that you are GIS professional.
> I think my skills are reduced. I would really advance in order to
> develop myself. The mapping is very important. In all purview.
> So my question : What do you advise me to improve?
> How do I do to see and write scripts in GvSIG?
> If you have any advice I am taking.

Hi Anaïs,
there are a lot of GIS professionals here who can help you!
My simple advise consists into learning by doing following your
professional interests. Which GIS skills to improve is very subjective.
About scripting in gvSIG 2.x there are some documents here [1], several
blog posts [2], examples in gvSIG Outreach [3] and a MOOC about it [4]
in gvSIG Training. Hope this helps!



Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Raster styling

2016-02-26 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 26/02/2016 09:01, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
> Dear all,
> I am using gvSIG 2.3 build 2423 on a windows 64 machine.
> After creating a project I loaded both vectors and rasters (asc) maps
> and gave a style to them using gvSIG tools.
> If I close and reopen the program I can't see the raster maps even if I
> delete them from the layers and reload them into gvSIG. If I want to see
> the raster maps again I have to activate the color table and redo the
> styling.

Hi Silvia,
after you set the color table, you should also click on the "Save as
default" button in the "Color table" window in order to save a Raster
MetaFile (rmf) containing the color table to apply always.
Then if you create a new project and add the same raster datastore,
it will be loaded with the same color table saved before and store in
the rmf file. Tested in build 2425 win x86_64 and it works.
About the error, I can't reproduce so I don't know what happened.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem with nodata value in raster style

2016-02-17 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 17/02/2016 10:29, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
> Dear all,
> I have a raster covering a region of which only a small part has valid
> data and the rest is all nodata value (- in the asc format).
> The visualization is a map with all black in the part where there are
> nodata values and white where there are the valid values. This is
> because the styling considers - as a value and therefore the legend
> is created from - to 50 (which is the maximum value of my data).
> My question is, is there a way to specify the nodata value in the
> styling or somewhere? I tried to specify the minimum and maximum values
> in the styling window but they work only with equidistance and in
> addition all the values below the minimum are visualized with the same
> color as the minimum...

Hi Silvia,
the NoData value can be set in the Raster properties, General tab.
If you like you can consider NoData values as transparent.

> I am now using the latest build of the 2.3 version (2423) on a windows
> 64 bits.



Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] WMS service not working

2016-02-04 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 04/02/2016 15:51, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
> Thanks Antonio for the quick answer.
> I am using the gvsig 2.3 build 2419 on windows 64 bits.
> >
> I've tried to add the first WMS layer (administrative boundary)
> offered
> by this service - tiled or not, cached or not - in a view defined in
> EPSG:4326 and it works fine both in gvSIG 2.2 and 2.3 64-bits build
> 2419. Because there are several layers offered by this WMS server, can
> you tell us which specific layer is not visualized specifying your
> settings and attaching the gvSIG.log?
> Ok, this layer works also for me, but can you try the 
> OrthoimageCoverage2008 and OrthoimageCoverage2011? I can not visualize 
> them, I use:
> - image/png
> - SRS: 4326 or 25832
> - text/plain
> but since I am not an expert on these services probably I am doing 
> some wrong choice in them?
> Attached you can find the error log: gvsig_log_wms.

unfortunately I get the same error reported in your log. First gvSIG 
checks if it supports all the CRSs used by the service, then try to add 
the layer... Something of quite similar to a known issue:

> >
> Trying the same exercise always with the administrative boundaries
> in a
> view defined in EPSG:25832 this time, enabling the caching, I can load
> the layer only if I choose the WFS version 1.0.0 in the Options tab.
> Effectively there are some problems when loading the version 1.1.0.
> Playing a bit with settings they should work now.
> Sorry, I didn't select the layers to visualize... not so clear to tell 
> you the thruth... In any case it seems to load something but it 
> doesn't visualize anything.
> Attached you can find the error log: gvsig_log_wfs.

In this case, the log reports that you have tried to load the layer 
'inspire:TN.RailTransportNetwork.RailwayYardArea', but gvSIG can't 
retrieve it... I've verified that the service works, but such layer is 
3D so it should not be fully supported by gvSIG, if I'm not wrong. I'm 

> IMHO the progressbar is not very user-friendly sometimes, especially
> when the layer names are too long. In this case, it can appear hidden
> completely. So it seems that nothing is happening.
> Maybe a simple progressbar with fixed width and without text before
> could be more useful in order to understand if gvSIG is really
> working,
> connecting or something else.
> Which progress bar do you mean? I can even see one... I am working on 
> a laptop, 13in so probably it is also more hidden under some other 
> window...

I mean the progressbar on the right side of statusbar. It appears when 
there are long tasks running.


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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem creating

2016-01-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/01/2016 12:42, Mario Carrera ha scritto:
> Hi Silvia,
> the problem is because it's a Multipoint layer.
> You can solve it using the "Geometries to points" geoprocess (located at
> "Tools for vector layers" menu in Sextante geoprocesses), to convert it
> to a Point2D layer, and then the "Add measure" option will be available.

Hi Mario,
excuse me... I've answered again to Silvia without reading yours first.
Repetita iuvant! :-)


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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem creating

2016-01-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/01/2016 09:09, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to add two fields to a point shapefile with the coordinates
> of the points X,Y.
> I have this very simple shapefile (just 2 fields) created using an other
> GIS in projection EPSG:3003. Following the instructions I should be able
> to visualize the option Add Measure in the Table menu of the shapefile,
> but for this file this option is not available.
> Do you have any idea on what or where I am wrong?

Ciao Silvia,
it seems like a bug. You should simply open the attribute table and
click on Layer > Add measure > Add X and Y, but it doesn't work with
your shape both in gvSIG 2.2 and 2.3 build 2416. Instead, I've tried to
do the same task with a point layer created in gvSIG and it works fine.
Could you please open a ticket about this issue in the bug tracker?


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem creating

2016-01-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/01/2016 14:57, Mario Carrera ha scritto:
> Yes, it seems there's an error when it's a multipoint layer. It creates
> 4 points for each one. I've created a ticket:

Mario, it's not an error of the geoprocesses (Geometries to points or
Separate multipart features). Each multipoint is made of three point, as
I have shown before. That's why the points are triplicated!
So you can invalidate #4060.


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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem creating

2016-01-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/01/2016 14:31, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
> Sorry... 3 times each point.
> Silvia
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Silvia Franceschi wrote:
> Thank you guys!
> It works now, but, when I convert the geometries from multipoints to
> points I obtain the same feature 6 times (this for each point in the
> layer) do you have an idea on why it happens?

Silvia, the same happens with ogr2ogr:
ogr2ogr punti_distanze_explode.shp punti_distanze.shp -explodecollections
It depends by how the shape was generated by the fist application you
used. In fact:

ogrinfo -q punti_distanze.shp punti_distanze

Layer name: punti_distanze
   name (String) = 1
   test2 (Real) = 4.000
   MULTIPOINT (1817161.951617 4806174.3258,1817161.951617 
17161.951617 4806174.3258)

   name (String) = 1
   test2 (Real) = 4.000
   MULTIPOINT (1817159.6262579849 4806112.4438195806,1817159.6262579849 
438195806,1817159.6262579849 4806112.4438195806)

...and so on.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem reprojecting layers with OSM background

2015-09-02 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 02/09/2015 08:38, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
> Ciao Antonio,
> sorry for missing the version, you are perfectly right, I am using
> 2.1.0-2269 final version for Linux.

Ciao Silvia,
have you tried the latest final version (2.2.0 build 2313)?

> Do you have any idea on what it is programmed to have the new release of
> gvSIG?

gvSIG 2.3 will introduce some deep changes, as stated here:

> And also an other question: in the new version, using the new bindings
> for GDAL, would it be possible to read directly the prj file in order to
> avoid to specify the projection of the data every time you import them?

Yes, at least in theory... It will depend by how the CRS extension will
be refactorized and the economic resources. It's an historical lack of
gvSIG that needs to be solved, if gvSIG wants to grant the full
interoperability with other GIS applications.
For instance, another important feature coming from GDAL bindings should
be the raster reprojection.


> Thanks
> Silvia
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 5:36 PM, Antonio Falciano wrote:
> Il 01/09/2015 17:10, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
> > Hi all,
> > I have a problem reprojecting some vector layers on a OSM background.
> > What I did is this:
> > 1. I created a new view with the projection 3857 and imported OSM
> > service after installing appropriate the add-on plugin
> > 2. imported a shapefile with projection 32632 and specified it in the
> > panel of the view -> add layer menu in order to have a on the fly
> > reprojection
> > 3. the result is that the shapefile is imported but not correctly
> > reprojected and it appears shifted from the right location.
> >
> > What am I doing wrong? isn't it correct to start with a general
> > projection of 3857?
> > I had to do that because with 32632 projection for the View, the OSM map
> > wasn't reprojected.
> Ciao Silvia,
> unfortunately it's a known bug [1]. Your workflow is the right one, but
> the coordinate conversions and transformations toward EPSG:3857 are not
> yet supported in the latest versions of gvSIG (e.g. 2.2), because
> libjni-proj4 is outdated. :( So, in the meanwhile we have to reproject
> our data elsewhere (e.g. GDAL/OGR).
> This issue should be fixed in gvSIG 2.3 using the official bindings of
> GDAL for Java, as gvSIG core developers can confirm. Stay tuned! ;)
> Antonio
>     [1]
> PS: For completeness, please report always what version and build of
> gvSIG you are using.
> --
> Antonio Falciano
> ___
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Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem reprojecting layers with OSM background

2015-09-01 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 01/09/2015 17:10, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem reprojecting some vector layers on a OSM background.
> What I did is this:
> 1. I created a new view with the projection 3857 and imported OSM
> service after installing appropriate the add-on plugin
> 2. imported a shapefile with projection 32632 and specified it in the
> panel of the view -> add layer menu in order to have a on the fly
> reprojection
> 3. the result is that the shapefile is imported but not correctly
> reprojected and it appears shifted from the right location.
> What am I doing wrong? isn't it correct to start with a general
> projection of 3857?
> I had to do that because with 32632 projection for the View, the OSM map
> wasn't reprojected.

Ciao Silvia,
unfortunately it's a known bug [1]. Your workflow is the right one, but
the coordinate conversions and transformations toward EPSG:3857 are not
yet supported in the latest versions of gvSIG (e.g. 2.2), because
libjni-proj4 is outdated. :( So, in the meanwhile we have to reproject
our data elsewhere (e.g. GDAL/OGR).
This issue should be fixed in gvSIG 2.3 using the official bindings of
GDAL for Java, as gvSIG core developers can confirm. Stay tuned! ;)



PS: For completeness, please report always what version and build of
gvSIG you are using.

Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] : manipulating coordinates within a shape-file

2015-03-05 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi all,
the simplest way to divide each coordinate by 1000, i.e. apply a *scale* 
factor of 0.001, consists into using the Transform geoprocess. Hope 
this helps!


Il 05/03/2015 14:57, Mario Carrera ha scritto:

 Hi Christian,

 What type of layer is?

 If it's a point layer you would be able to get the coordinates using the
 field calculator, and then dividing them by 1000. Finally you can create
 an event layer.

 If it's a polygon or line layer it can be done by scripting. In that
 case, could you attach a small area of your layer?


 El 05/03/15 a las 14:43, Brandt, Christian escribió:
 Hi Mario,
 yes, I mean the x, y coordinates.
 Using the shift tool within the geoprocessing tools just lets me define 
 hard values for shifting but I need each x,y coordinate to be divided by 
 1000. Is there the possibility within gvsig to do so.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [] Im Auftrag von Mario 
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. März 2015 13:12
 An: Users mailing list
 Betreff: Re: [Gvsig_english] : manipulating coordinates within a shape-file

 Hi Christian,

 are you referring to move objects in two directions (X and Y)?

 In that case you can go to the Tools-Geoprocessing-Toolbox menu, and then 
 to gvSIG Geoprocesses- Vector layers tools- X and Y shift

 Best regards,

 El 04/03/15 a las 16:43, Brandt, Christian escribió:
 Dear list,
 how can the coordinates of the objects moved within a shape-file at gvsig? 
 The objects' coordinates have to be moved by factor 1000.

 I look forward to hear from you.


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Re: [Gvsig_english] Lesson 3.2 Working w/ Tables

2014-12-20 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 20/12/2014 00:19, Burton, Floyd C ha scritto:
 Hello all,

 I'm a little behind because of school, but I'm trying to finish
 everything by next week. I am however stuck on this particular lesson.

 1. When I try to add measurement X,Y - nothing is appearing in my
 attribute table. Did anyone else have this problem? If so, can some tell
 me what I'm doing wrong?

 2. When I try to stop editing and save my modifications, it does not
 allow me to save. Can someone help with this as well?

Hi Floyd,
which gvSIG version/build are you using? The issues you report don't
happen in gvSIG 2.1 build 2260. Hope this helps.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Some basic questions

2014-12-12 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 12/12/2014 16:59, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
 Ciao Antonio!
 nice to meet you! :)
 Thanks for the complete explanations!
 After the gvSIG conference I am testing gvSIG for some applications and,
 in my opinion, there are some usability issues that could help the user
 to fast navigate and do actions with it.

 If you think that some of my suggestions will be integrated in the next
 release, so I will start to open feature request or issues, this will
 take me some time, so, I will do it only if it has sense.

Ciao Silvia,
I'm glad to see you testing gvSIG! :)
All the usability issues that you (and also other users) can discover and
useful suggestions are welcome in order to have a better gvSIG user
experience. So take your time with further testing and don't hesitate to
open some tickets, when you want. The developers will keep them in count
for sure and eventually fix them, especially when they represent a great
enhancement for gvSIG.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Introduction to gvSIG 2.1 workshop available

2014-10-16 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 16/10/2014 15:34, Mario Carrera ha scritto:

 Hi all,

 we've published a workshop about the new gvSIG 2.1 version in English.

 This workshop was given at the 1st Mexican gvSIG Conference, in April,
 and it has been translated to English thanks to Elena Sánchez and
 Francisco Solís.

 It shows the main gvSIG functionalities, and it includes the new
 features that have been included in gvSIG 2.1.

 The workshop and the cartography are available from [1].

 We hope it's useful for you.

 Best regards,


Hi Mario, all,
thank you all for sharing this interesting workshop!
For Mexican gvSIG users, I'd like to say that the EPSG Registry has been
updated in the meanwhile (v. 8.5 in the latest builds of gvSIG 2.1.0),
so EPSG:6362 (Mexico ITRF92 / LCC), but also the more recent EPSG:6372
(Mexico ITRF2008 / LCC), can be used in place of the User CRS described
in the workshop. Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] field calculator 2nd: converting strings to numbers; field presettings

2014-07-02 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 01/07/2014 15:35, Brandt, Christian ha scritto:
 Dear Antonio,
 thank you very much for your quick reply.
 Following the procedure you suggested I get furthermore the error messages 
 Do you have any ideas what happens there?

Hi Christian,
sincerely speaking I don't understand what happened in your case.
The toNumber function should work like a charm if applied correctly.
Could you please attach the gvSIG.log and explain us more in detail the
details of your workflow?


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] calculation of lengths with the field calculator

2014-07-01 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 01/07/2014 10:02, Brandt, Christian ha scritto:
 Dear list,

 I am wondering why it is not possible to calculate lengths with the
 field calculator into a double-precision defined field of a polyline
 theme (used operator: ()length)

 I am currently using gvsig 1.12.

 Can anybody help?

Hi Christian,
you can use the perimeter() function in this case, because length() is
for string field only. Alternatively, you can avoid to use the field
calculator and use instead Layer  Add geometric info tool.

 Where can I find a list/description of all available field calculation

You can find it in the Field Calculator. If you click on a function, you
will notice the information relative to that function and its synthax.
That's all. Hope this helps.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] field calculator 2nd: converting strings to numbers; field presettings

2014-07-01 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 01/07/2014 13:43, Brandt, Christian ha scritto:
 Dear list,
 using the operator toNumber within the field calculator to convert as 
 string defined numbers into double precision defined numbers  resulted in 
 error messages.
 Also if I define a new double precision field to write the string values in 
 there bad messages occur.
 Can anybody help?
 I am currently using gvsig 1.12.

Hi Christian,
if you select a numeric field (integer or double), you can find the
command toNumber among those of Numeric type:

Operator:  toNumber(Parameter)
Parameter: String value
Returns: double_value
Description: Returns a new number initialized to the value represented 
by the specified String

For instance, if we select the header of a double field called
DoubleFld in the table, this expression:


will return a double value (integer or double, it depends by the field
you are calculating) in all (selected) records of DoubleFld.
The same should happen for integer fields.

 Besides that, I am wondering if it is possible to preset the field lengths 
 before exporting an .csv file to a .shp file.

You can manage the fields in the Manage fields dialog.
First you have to start editing, then open the table and finally choose
the Table  Manage fields... menu option.
Hope this helps your calculations!


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Update of EPSG Registry in gvSIG 2.1

2014-06-29 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi César,
I've tried some new Italian EPSG codes and they're working fine.
All the CRSs (and their related transformations) contained in the latest
version of the EPSG Registry are now available, such as those of
Argentina requested in [#2455].
However, some issues still persist: [#1371], [#2596] and [#2389].
In reference to the first two, I've commented the related tickets.
Instead, the last one seems to occur with other transformations too and
it should depend by how gvSIG (and GeoTools) manage the direction of
transformations and not by the Registry, because each transformation is
declared only once in the Registry itself, even if it's valid in both
In order to test it, simply overwrite the EPSG.sql contained in the extension (in the case of a fresh install)
or in the gvSIG user folder with that contained in [1], as described in
[#2306]. And then have fun with CRSs and transformations! :)
The next challenge is to finally add the support of projection files
(.prj), but this is another ...feature request! ;)
After the deep refactoring of gvSIG 2.x, it should be an absolute must!


Il 29/06/2014 04:56, César Martínez Izquierdo ha scritto:
 Thank you very much Antonio. Have you tried any of the added
 projections? Do they work fine?
 I will test it as soon as I get a free time slot ;-)

 Best regards,


 On 28 June 2014 19:55, Antonio Falciano wrote:
 Hi all,
 considering that there are several tickets in the bugtracker about the
 CRSs and their transformations (e.g. [#1371], [#2306], [#2389], [#2455]
 and [#2596]), I've converted the latest version of EPSG Registry
 (8.4, May 2014) for HSQL [1], trying to replicate the same structure of
 the EPSG.sql file available in gvSIG 2.1. In order to test it, follow
 the simple steps described in the ticket [#2306].
 I'm sure you will find it as a useful improvement for gvSIG 2.1.


 PS: Sorry for the cross-posting.


 Antonio Falciano
 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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[Gvsig_english] Update of EPSG Registry in gvSIG 2.1

2014-06-28 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi all,
considering that there are several tickets in the bugtracker about the
CRSs and their transformations (e.g. [#1371], [#2306], [#2389], [#2455]
and [#2596]), I've converted the latest version of EPSG Registry
(8.4, May 2014) for HSQL [1], trying to replicate the same structure of
the EPSG.sql file available in gvSIG 2.1. In order to test it, follow
the simple steps described in the ticket [#2306].
I'm sure you will find it as a useful improvement for gvSIG 2.1.


PS: Sorry for the cross-posting.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Fwd: [GSOC] OGR library support for gvSIG Mini

2014-03-21 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 21/03/2014 12:47, Vanessa Maria Martinez Garcia ha scritto:


 I'm Vanessa Mª Martínez a Computer Engineering student from Universitat
 de Valencia.

 I'm interested in GIS software and Android development and I write a
 GSOC 2014 proposal to include OGR into gvSIG Mini which you can read at

Hi Vanessa,
this link requests authentication... Could you provide a valid one, if
possible? Alternatively I found this on OSGeo wiki (maybe a bit outdated):
Yours is a very interesting challenge, good luck!


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] How to create contour line from point shape file

2013-11-06 Thread Antonio Falciano

Il 06/11/2013 16:58, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas ha scritto:

  El 06/11/13 16:14, Thun Nguyn

Hi all,
I asked about this issue a few
  days ago and Antonioanswered but I still don't knowhow

to create contour from point shape file.
So I hope you
make a video thattutorial this function,

 Best regard,
Thuan Nguyen

  On this video[1] you have part of the process commented by
  Antonio, they start with contours but it's the same for your point
  layer. Precisely the part about using SEXTANTE to first rasterize
  a vector layer and afterwards interpolate the blanks. Once you
  have your interpolated raster, as Antonio told you, the last step
  is create the contours using the appropriate SEXTANTE tool.

Hi Thuan,
I've just uploaded a short video about your question:
Hope this helps.

Antonio Falciano 

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Can gvSig create isolines from set of data points?

2013-11-02 Thread Antonio Falciano

Hi Thuan,
all the tools cited before are contained in the SEXTANTE toolbox.
You can access to this toolbox from the SEXTANTE menu or toolbar.
Here you can search the before mentioned tools. 
More info about SEXTANTE for gvSIG:


  Il 02/11/2013 11:12, Thun Nguyn ha scritto:

so much for your help, but pleaseget more detailed instructions,

  Trn trng
Thun Nguyn

2013/11/1 Antonio Falciano
Il 01/11/2013 15:38, Thun Nguyn ha scritto:
 Dear all,
   Please tell me if gvSig support interpolation
  function that allows to
   create isolines from set of data points. And, how
  creat isolines with
   gvSig 1.12?

Hi Thuan,
the answer is yes. You can do it using SEXTANTE for gvSIG.
Firstly, use "Rasterize vector layer" and then "Void
filling" (spline
interpolation) or, if you want, other interpolation
techniques contained
in the "Rasterization and interpolation" group of
Finally, use the "Contour lines" tool in order to create the
Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano
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Antonio Falciano 

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Can gvSig create isolines from set of data points?

2013-11-01 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 01/11/2013 15:38, Thuận Nguyễn ha scritto:
 Dear all,
 Please tell me if gvSig support interpolation function that allows to
 create isolines from set of data points. And, how creat isolines with
 gvSig 1.12?

Hi Thuan,
the answer is yes. You can do it using SEXTANTE for gvSIG.
Firstly, use Rasterize vector layer and then Void filling (spline
interpolation) or, if you want, other interpolation techniques contained
in the Rasterization and interpolation group of geoalgorithms.
Finally, use the Contour lines tool in order to create the isolines.
Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG Logo at gis.stackexchange

2013-10-30 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 30/10/2013 16:30, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas ha scritto:
 El 30/10/13 16:25, sergioayl escribió:
 Thanks Jorge for your answer. I did that but a message appears: Vote
 Up requires 15 reputation. And below another warning message says:

 You must have at least *5* reputation on Geographic Information
 Systems Stack Exchange to answer a question.

 Oh! so it seems you need to have been on the website for a while to have
 enough experience to be able to do this thing. I imagine it's intended
 to avoid spammers and such.

 I'm subscribed to gvSIG questions and from time to time I check the
 website to help others, so I have some of those reputation points.

Hi all,
@sergioayl: it's quite easy to reach at least 5 reputation. You need to
make a question (or better answer to a question) with at least one vote up.
I'd like to see more gvSIG users/developers also on GIS Stack Exchange.
It's incredible to see how gvSIG is poorly represented here. :(


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG Logo at gis.stackexchange

2013-10-28 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 28/10/2013 17:50, Jorge Sanz ha scritto:
 El 28/10/13 17:23, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas escribió:
 Dear all,

 I've added gvSIG to the commuinty ads review at [1]. We need at least
 six votes to add gvSIG as one of the projects supported at this popular
 website frontpage so if you have an account and can give us a thumbs up,
 it would be great!!

 Thanks Antonio Falciano for pointing this and Mario Carrera for the
 proxy request :-)


 And for 2014 we will be a little bit faster on this =)

Done! :-) Here's the direct link:


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Help with Shape file

2013-10-16 Thread Antonio Falciano
it seems that you have not set the View CRS properly:
Hope this helps.


Il 16/10/2013 12:07, Ravi Kumar ha scritto:
 I am preparing for an exercise in Vector analysis, using gvSIG,Qgis and
 The shape file opens in units= 'metre', in Qgis and OpenJUMP but it is
 not so with gvSIG.

 above is a link to one of the shapes. gvSIG opens it with units that are
 not metres, and also shows lat longs upsurd.

 Pl let me know where I am going wrong.
 ThanQ in advance.

 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Field Calculator: look for an expression saved in a file

2013-09-27 Thread Antonio Falciano

Il 27/09/2013 09:43, phil_murcia ha scritto:

Hi Antonio,

Thanks so much for the advice. It seems once you get to grips with the
Jython functions you gain a lot of capabilities. However I cannot get my
expression to work, without wanting to turn this extremely useful thread
into a troubleshooting discussion, I cannot work out why.

I have created my .py file, and switched in all the correct headings (I have
also checked for line errors in spyder environment). In gvSIG I begin
editing the layer, open the attribute table, select the 'compat' column and
then open the expression calculator. I then go to the advance tab and
explore for the correct .py file, on loading this I am still unable to click
'ok' and the 'evaluate' seemingly still does nothing. With the .py loaded I
then tried switching back to the general tab and entering the second
expression compat([Agr],[Urb],[For],[Com],[Pub]) - but when I then try and
click ok I then get an error expression with a traceback description.

I am not implementing the expression correctly or am I missing something

Hi Phil,
sorry, I haven't tested the script yesterday. You can try with the
script in attachment in order to respect the right indentation. I have
also substituted the for reserved word with fore. Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano
def compat(agr,urb,fore,com,pub,lub):
  if lub==Agr:
  elif lub==Urb:
  elif lub==For:
   elif lub==Com:
  elif lub==Pub:
  return result ___
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Field Calculator: look for an expression saved in a file

2013-09-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/09/2013 10:18, Antonio Falciano ha scritto:
 Il 27/09/2013 09:43, phil_murcia ha scritto:
 Hi Antonio,

 Thanks so much for the advice. It seems once you get to grips with the
 Jython functions you gain a lot of capabilities. However I cannot get my
 expression to work, without wanting to turn this extremely useful thread
 into a troubleshooting discussion, I cannot work out why.

 I have created my .py file, and switched in all the correct headings
 (I have
 also checked for line errors in spyder environment). In gvSIG I begin
 editing the layer, open the attribute table, select the 'compat'
 column and
 then open the expression calculator. I then go to the advance tab and
 explore for the correct .py file, on loading this I am still unable to
 'ok' and the 'evaluate' seemingly still does nothing. With the .py
 loaded I
 then tried switching back to the general tab and entering the second
 expression compat([Agr],[Urb],[For],[Com],[Pub]) - but when I then
 try and
 click ok I then get an error expression with a traceback description.

 I am not implementing the expression correctly or am I missing something

 Hi Phil,
 sorry, I haven't tested the script yesterday. You can try with the
 script in attachment in order to respect the right indentation. I have
 also substituted the for reserved word with fore. Hope this helps!

Ops... It seems that an elif was not well indented. Please correct it!


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Interesting question about Field Calculator

2013-09-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/09/2013 10:49, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas ha scritto:
 I'm subscribed to gvSIG questions on GIS StackExchange site and
 yesterday one arrived that I can't directly answer but I'm interested to
 pass here, looking for more skilled users of the Field Calculator of
 gvSIG 1.12

 The problem is quite easy but I don't know if accessing a particular
 field based on the value of another is possible without doing some

 Any ideas to help this user?

Hi Jorge,
we have just discussed about this question in this thread:
IMHO it's not possible to calculate such field without scripting,
because the references of the fields are not static, but change
according to a specific value.


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Field Calculator: look for an expression saved in a file

2013-09-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/09/2013 10:23, Antonio Falciano ha scritto:
 Il 27/09/2013 10:18, Antonio Falciano ha scritto:
 Il 27/09/2013 09:43, phil_murcia ha scritto:
 Hi Antonio,

 Thanks so much for the advice. It seems once you get to grips with the
 Jython functions you gain a lot of capabilities. However I cannot get my
 expression to work, without wanting to turn this extremely useful thread
 into a troubleshooting discussion, I cannot work out why.

 I have created my .py file, and switched in all the correct headings
 (I have
 also checked for line errors in spyder environment). In gvSIG I begin
 editing the layer, open the attribute table, select the 'compat'
 column and
 then open the expression calculator. I then go to the advance tab and
 explore for the correct .py file, on loading this I am still unable to
 'ok' and the 'evaluate' seemingly still does nothing. With the .py
 loaded I
 then tried switching back to the general tab and entering the second
 expression compat([Agr],[Urb],[For],[Com],[Pub]) - but when I then
 try and
 click ok I then get an error expression with a traceback description.

 I am not implementing the expression correctly or am I missing something

 Hi Phil,
 sorry, I haven't tested the script yesterday. You can try with the
 script in attachment in order to respect the right indentation. I have
 also substituted the for reserved word with fore. Hope this helps!

 Ops... It seems that an elif was not well indented. Please correct it!

Ops again... The right expression to type is:
compat([Agr],[Urb],[For],[Com],[Pub],[Land-use B])
[Land-use B] was missing.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Interesting question about Field Calculator

2013-09-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/09/2013 11:14, Antonio Falciano ha scritto:
 Il 27/09/2013 10:49, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas ha scritto:
 I'm subscribed to gvSIG questions on GIS StackExchange site and
 yesterday one arrived that I can't directly answer but I'm interested to
 pass here, looking for more skilled users of the Field Calculator of
 gvSIG 1.12

 The problem is quite easy but I don't know if accessing a particular
 field based on the value of another is possible without doing some

 Any ideas to help this user?

 Hi Jorge,
 we have just discussed about this question in this thread:
 IMHO it's not possible to calculate such field without scripting,
 because the references of the fields are not static, but change
 according to a specific value.

Forget my last assumption. :) In first approximation, we should solve
the problem with this expression too (not tested):

([Land-use B]==Agr)*[Agr]+
([Land-use B]==Urb)*[Urb]+
([Land-use B]==For)*[For]+
([Land-use B]==Com)*[Com]+
([Land-use B]==Pub)*[Pub]

We should also check if Land-use B assumes other values which don't
match with the available fields, because 0 is a possible score.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Field Calculator: look for an expression saved in a file

2013-09-26 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 26/09/2013 14:10, phil_murcia ha scritto:
 I am trying to create a python expression to insert into the expression
 calculator that fills a column for me in the attribute table, but am
 struggling to find the correct syntax - or even successfully implement the
 simplest of python expressions. The table shows the compatibility of
 Land-use A with each instance of land use B, but I need to create a final
 column that can select the correct number from the correct column, depending
 on what is in the Land-use B column. An example of my attribute table is
 shown below.


  ID  |  Land-use A |  Agr  |  Urb  | For  | Com |  Pub | Land-use B |
   1   N  14  3 0   2
   2   G  23  5 1   0
   3   K  42  3 5   1
   4   N  14  3 0   2

 An example of my desired attribute table can be seen below:


  ID  |  Land-use A |  Agr  |  Urb  | For  | Com |  Pub | Land-use B |
   1   N 143   02
 Agr  1
   2   G 235   10
 Pub  0
   3   K 423   51
 Urb  2
   4   N 143   02
 Urb  4

 Perhaps it is possible to do this in the gvSIG expression calculator without
 import a .py file - but either way I can not seem to get the syntax right.
 Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi Phil,
you should define a Jython function in order to accomplish this task.
For instance:

def compat(agr,urb,for,com,pub,lub):
   if lub==Agr:
   elif lub==Urb:
   elif lub==For:
   elif lub==Com:
   elif lub==Pub:
   return result

Save it in a file and process it as advanced expression in the field
calculator. Then select the header of Compat column and type the
following expression:


It should work as you expect.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Visibility analysis

2013-09-24 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 24/09/2013 11:48, Angus Jeffery ha scritto:
 I am doing some visibility analysis work in gvSIG. I often use the grass
 r.cva process and various of the sextante visibility tools for standard
 viewsheds. I would like to work out how to do a 'reverse viewshed',
 whereby the output is a raster/heat map within a parcel of land, showing
 which areas are more or less visible from the surrounding area outside
 the parcel of land in the wider landscape. Does anyone have any ideas
 which tools to use and how to approach this most efficiently in gvSIG?
 Best regards

Hi Angus,
more or less visible suggests me you are trying to compute the so
called fuzzy viewshed, i. e. the degree of visibility between 0 and 1
of targets and vice versa. This kind of viewsheds are more sofisticated
than binary ones, which only say if a target is visible or not. The
logic consists into applying a fuzzy membership based on some physic law
to visibility and finally multiply the resulting raster with the
classical binary viewshed.
Some years ago [1] I reproduced them with SEXTANTE models (if I remember
well with SEXTANTE 0.6), but I'm not sure if all the tools involved in
this model are quite stable to do this work at the moment. Good luck!


[1] (in Italian, sorry!)

Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Visibility analysis

2013-09-24 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 24/09/2013 13:26, Angus Jeffery ha scritto:
 Hi Antonio
 Thanks for your reply. Very interesting despite my lack of Italian and I
 can see some application for your research.
 However, it's not quite what I meant - what I want to try to do is work
 out which part of a defined site (I have a polygon) is least (or most)
 visible from the surrounding landscape within a defined radius (I have
 raster of elevation data). Any ideas?

Hi Angus,
I'd convert the polygon into a set of equispaced points using e.g. the
SEXTANTE Create graticule tool (to be clipped). The distance to adopt
should be the DEM cell size. Each point can be considered as a single
target and then be used for the computation of a binary viewshed in
order to understand from where it's visible within the search radius.
The number of pixels of the binary viewshed whose value is equal to 1
(i.e. the sum of all the values within the search radius) will represent
the score of each point. Higher is the score, more visible from
different places the point will be. It could be calculated with the
SEXTANTE Basic statistics tool.
The complex part is that we have to iterate over all the points and for
sure the best approach is to do it programmatically, e.g. with some
BeanShell scripting under SEXTANTE or Bash/Python under GRASS GIS.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Saving raster with coordinate reference information

2013-07-03 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 03/07/2013 10:45, RichardC ha scritto:

 I'm exploring the use of gvsig (Version: 2.0.0-2066 final) for my work and
 was wondering how to ensure the coordinate reference system of a displayed
 raster layer is retained in the exported/saved tif file.

 For example, through the following: Layer  Export to  Save as

 I can select .tif and tfw but neither contain CRS information (according to
 gdalinfo and importing into GRASS)

 Any suggestions would be welcome.

Hi Richard,
CRS info are not saved in the raster layers exported by gvSIG (IMHO this
is a bug), but we can use gdal_translate with the -a_srs option after
exporting them.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem opening Sextante Toolbox

2013-06-19 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 19/06/2013 11:04, georgsedlmeir ha scritto:
 Dear list,
 my colleagues and I frequently get an error message when trying to open the
 sextante toolbox. The issue seems to be connected to layers in a view,
 because the error never occurs with
 empty views or after deleting all layers from a view. However, we haven't
 figured out yet what exactly causes the problem. Would you mind taking a
 look into the attached logfile? Any help would be much appreciated.

 Best regards,


Hi Georg,
I'm not very sure this time, but try to delete the SEXTANTE history.
Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem opening Sextante Toolbox

2013-06-19 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 19/06/2013 13:06, georgsedlmeir ha scritto:
 Hi Mario,
 you are right, there were two WMS layers in the view. I deleted them and now
 Sextante works. The WMS has to be deleted, just unchecking it in the layer
 list doesn't help. As far as I remember other affected projects don't use a
 WMS but all of them use raster files.
 Strangely enough, when trying to add the WMS again, I get exactly the same
 error message I got from Sextante before, the one included in the log file.
 So basically now we know what leads to the error message, but how can we add
 WMS or other raster files to the view and still use sextante? Or ist it a
 known bug already?

Hi all,
I have just tried to open the SEXTANTE toolbox in gvSIG 1.12 with a WMS
layer (visible or not) and I cannot reproduce the issue. Georg, can you
please update gvSIG (or try with the gvSIG 1.12 portable distribution),
open the same .gvp and verify if the error still persists?


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Feedback gvSIG -- Stable or Beta?

2013-06-12 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 11/06/2013 01:31, Simon Cropper ha scritto:
 Hi Guys,

 Operating System: Ubuntu 13.04 (using Gnome Classic Interface).
 gvSIG Version
 Java version: 1.6.0_20


 Having used gvSIG v2 for the last week I wonder whether it is
 appropriate that it is flagged as the latest release with a few known

 I must be unlucky as I have stumbled on many such errors and wasted
 quite a lot of time trying to work around various issues. Editing in
 this version caused data corruption over and over, on different
 shapefiles sourced from different locations.

 In the end, due to time constraints, I have reverted to using gvSIG
 v1.10 and using other open source applications (QGIS and GRASS) to
 complete what at best would be called basic spatial work.

 Personally, I think this version should be flagged as Beta as it is in
 no way stable enough to be released into a production environment.

Hi Simon,
IMHO these words explained well the situation:
Also it has to be taken into account that the level of stability of
this new version is not as high as we would have wished, considering it
a final version in order to be used by the community in an official way,
and mainly to tackle the new developments on it. [1, 2]
I would not suggest to use gvSIG 2.0 in production right now, however
we have to consider that the actual level of stability is a bit higher
than two months ago (BN2066), thanks to the continuous efforts of
developers and users like you. Many thanks to all!



Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG and geoprocessing: problem with union

2013-06-12 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 07/06/2013 16:56, djcarjav ha scritto:
 Hello Lucia and Wolfgang. Best regards.

 I write because I do not know if now the problem has already been solved

 Currently I have problems with the tool Union (gvSIG and geoprocessing:
 problem with junction), now I'm testing the operation with versions 1.12 and
 2.0 of gvSIG and I get the same error, not if there is a solution for it, or
 is it one bad trade I'm doing.

 The error log is as follows.

 [Thu, 23-May-2013 12:10:51]-ERROR:
 java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException at
 java.util.concurrent.FutureTask $ Sync.innerGet (Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get (Unknown Source)
   at es.unex.sextante.gui.core.GeoAlgorithmExecutors $
 ( 53)
   at (Unknown Source)
 Caused by: es.unex.sextante.core.SextanteLogHandler @ 947a0d at
 ( 174)
 ( 124)
   at es.unex.sextante.core.GeoAlgorithm.execute (
   at es.unex.sextante.core.GeoAlgorithm.execute (
   at ( 59)
   at ( 1)
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask $ Sync.innerRun (Unknown Source)
   at (Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (Unknown
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor $ (Unknown
   at (Unknown Source)

 I would appreciate if someone could help me with this as I am making a model
 and this operation has slowed me.

consider that not all the SEXTANTE geoalgorithms are suitable for models
and that there are at least two Union algs available: the SEXTANTE and
the gvSIG ones.
If an alg is not suitable for models, consider the option to split your
whole model in two or more sub-models and executing the not suitable
alg(s) alone.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] About gvSIG project files formats (.gvp and .gvproj)

2013-06-07 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 06/06/2013 19:11, Cèsar Ordiñana ha scritto:
 El 06/06/13 16:08, Antonio Falciano escribió:
 Hi all,
 I have three fundamental questions about the different project files
 formats of gvSIG 1.x and gvSIG 2.0 versions:
 1) What are the main differences between the .gvp and .gvproj files?
 2) Will an Import .gvp file tool be developed in gvSIG 2.0?
 3) Why do .gvproj files seem to be more closed than .gvp ones?
 Thanks in advance for your attention.


 Hi Antonio,

 1) All of them, it is a new format based on XML Schema and new APIs to
 load and store persistence data. We had problems with the old format to
 maintain compatibility when gvSIG code changed, and the APIs where much
 harder to use. This format is used in other persistence files used in
 gvSIG 2.0: symbols, thematic maps, ...

 2) It's in the TODO list, but don't know when. It won't be an easy task,
 at least to be able to restore all info of all gvSIG plugins in a
 project, but at least the most important things (layers, symbology, ...)
 I think could be loaded.

 3) In reality its a zip file, just unzip it and will see a state.xml
 file, which is the real project file. The .gvproj file also contains the
 XML Schemas, and maybe other resources needed in the future, like the
 Open/LibreOffice file formats. I think the internal XML is easier to
 read/write/use, but I hope users won't need to edit it very often.


Hi Cèsar,
many thanks for your exhaustive answers. gvproj format becomes more
clear now!


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.11: Error opening document: ProjectView

2013-06-07 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi Francisco,
the best choice should be don't allow empty strings as layer names at
all! But... I'm wondering if this bug is really due to users choices. :)


Il 07/06/2013 16:07, Francisco Puga ha scritto:
 What do you think that should be the correct behavior, don't allow
 empty strings as layer names, show a warning as is suggested in the
 bug report, or another one.

 I think that the best, is avoid enter empty names, as it can cause
 troubles in other parts of the application.

 2013/6/6 Antonio Falciano:
 Il 06/06/2013 14:23, georgsedlmeir ha scritto:
 Dear Antonio,

 that was spot-on, thank you so much! Problem solved.

 Don't mention it, Georg. :)
 This issue sometimes happens also on gvSIG 1.12. It can be reproduced
 renaming a layer in the ToC with an empty string and saving the gvSIG
 project. Then, the so obtained .gvp file becomes not usable, like
 described in this ticket [#1542].



 Antonio Falciano
 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem gvSIG -- How do I work with Multisurface3D Shapefiles?

2013-06-06 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 06/06/2013 06:40, Simon Cropper ha scritto:
 Hi Guys,

 Operating System: Ubuntu 13.04 (using Gnome Classic Interface).
 gvSIG Version
 Java version: 1.6.0_20


 I have a MultiSurface3D ESRI shapefile.

 I have tried but can't seem to convert it to something that gvSIG can
 use properly.

 The file contains 7 polygons but I can't copy, update properly or use
 with the geoprocessing wizard.

 I have tried ogr2ogr -f ESRI Shapefile -nlt POLYGON25D
 ./POLYGON25D.shp ./Areas_3D.shp

 but this did not work. I suspect it is the Multisurface type rather than
 the 3D/2D issue, although this does not help.

Hi Simon,
have you tried with SEXTANTE Remove3DM tool?


Antonio Falciano
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[Gvsig_english] R: Re: Problem gvSIG -- How do I work with Multisurface3D Shapefiles?

2013-06-06 Thread Antonio Falciano
I can't check it now in gvSIG 2.0, but Remove3DM tool should be available in 
SEXTANTE bundled with gvSIG 1.12 for sure.


Antonio Falciano
Inviato da dispositivo mobile

Simon Cropper ha scritto:


I was unable to find this tool in the toolbox/sextante+gvSIG_geoprocesses!

So no, I have not used this function...

On 06/06/13 16:49, Antonio Falciano wrote:
 Il 06/06/2013 06:40, Simon Cropper ha scritto:
 Hi Guys,

 Operating System: Ubuntu 13.04 (using Gnome Classic Interface).
 gvSIG Version
 Java version: 1.6.0_20


 I have a MultiSurface3D ESRI shapefile.

 I have tried but can't seem to convert it to something that gvSIG can
 use properly.

 The file contains 7 polygons but I can't copy, update properly or use
 with the geoprocessing wizard.

 I have tried ogr2ogr -f ESRI Shapefile -nlt POLYGON25D
 ./POLYGON25D.shp ./Areas_3D.shp

 but this did not work. I suspect it is the Multisurface type rather than
 the 3D/2D issue, although this does not help.

 Hi Simon,
 have you tried with SEXTANTE Remove3DM tool?


Cheers Simon

    Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator

    Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
    GIS Packages
    bash / Python
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Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.11: Error opening document: ProjectView

2013-06-06 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 06/06/2013 13:31, georgsedlmeir ha scritto:
 Dear list,
 a colleague informed me about an existing problem with a gvSIG 1.11 project:
 When she tries to open it,
 the following message pops up:

 Error opening document:Ohne Titel 1 - ProjectView

 Everything in the project except for the map section in the project manager
 remains empty. No views, no tables, just one map layout.

 I've attached both the gvSIG.log and the .gvp file. There seems to be a
 mismatch between layer definitions in the .gvp file, resulting in an

 What might have caused that error in the first place?
 And what could be a feasible solution to salvage the project? I wouldn't
 mind editing the .gvp file.

 Any suggestions? Thank you very much.

Hi Georg,
IMHO the problem is here in the gvp file:

property key=numLayers value=10/property key=LayerNames
value=Flurstücke ,Gebäude ,Altablagerungen ,Altstandorte ,belastete
Flächen ,unbelastete Flächen ,Einzugsgebiet der Brunnen ,Brunnen
,Umgriff ,/

The numLayers value is equal to 10, while the LayerNames values seem
to be only 9. How to solve? I should remove the last comma in the
LayerNames values and also update the numLayers:

property key=numLayers value=9/property key=LayerNames
value=Flurstücke ,Gebäude ,Altablagerungen ,Altstandorte ,belastete
Flächen ,unbelastete Flächen ,Einzugsgebiet der Brunnen ,Brunnen
,Umgriff /

Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.11: Error opening document: ProjectView

2013-06-06 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 06/06/2013 14:23, georgsedlmeir ha scritto:
 Dear Antonio,

 that was spot-on, thank you so much! Problem solved.

Don't mention it, Georg. :)
This issue sometimes happens also on gvSIG 1.12. It can be reproduced
renaming a layer in the ToC with an empty string and saving the gvSIG
project. Then, the so obtained .gvp file becomes not usable, like
described in this ticket [#1542].



Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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[Gvsig_english] About gvSIG project files formats (.gvp and .gvproj)

2013-06-06 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi all,
I have three fundamental questions about the different project files
formats of gvSIG 1.x and gvSIG 2.0 versions:
1) What are the main differences between the .gvp and .gvproj files?
2) Will an Import .gvp file tool be developed in gvSIG 2.0?
3) Why do .gvproj files seem to be more closed than .gvp ones?
Thanks in advance for your attention.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Feedback gvSIG -- Add-on manager

2013-06-04 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi Simon, all,

Il 04/06/2013 03:11, Simon Cropper ha scritto:
 Hi Guys,

 Operating System: Ubuntu 13.04.
 gvSIG Version
 Java version: 1.6.0_20


 1. The dialog title has a underscore in the name.
  I suspect it shouldn't.

You're right. gvSIG ui has to be fully internationalized yet, so all the
underscores mean missing translation at the moment.

 2. When selecting from alternative repositories from the drop
  down list associated with the third radio button. The
  radio button should be automatically selected once an
  alternative repository is selected.

IMHO, when an installation mode different from Installation from URL
is selected, the repositories drop-down list should not be active, just
like the textbox related to Installation from file.

 3. It is unclear if the various repositories are mirrors.
  Some basic feedback to the user on this screen would help
  people understand when any of these option should be used.

I like the idea that the URLs list should be updated remotely in order
to clean it regularly and eventually set the best possible option, like, as the first available.
This sounds like a further feature request! ;)

 4. The main category list should also include not installed

I should add an update category too, because it's not always clear if you
have installed the last version of something (e.g. Addons manager).

 5. In the main category list you have simbology it should
  be symbology. I suspect this would also be a good spot for
  the symbol sets.

IMHO Symbology category should contain all related plugins and
symbols. Instead, Symbols type should be related to all symbol sets,
as it is actually designed.

I add something else to this useful list...

6. I'd leave the operating system column and let gvSIG to understand on
which os is running.

7. When some critical bugs about (experimental or not) plugins are
fixed, I'd update the repositories more frequently in order to allow and
encourage the users to continue the tests. Release early, release often! ;)


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem gvSIG -- Program crashes when opening ECW file

2013-05-22 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 22/05/2013 08:31, Simon Cropper ha scritto:
 Hi Guys,

 Operating System: Ubuntu 13.04 (64 bit).
 gvSIG Version
 Java version: 1.6.0_20


 When I try and open an ECW file from a fresh install of gvSIG it crashes.

 The ECW file is not corrupt as I can open it using an old version of
 gvSIG on Windows (in VirtualBox!).

 During the install I noted the installation package indicated that it
 installed the ECW support plug-in. I can see the file but selecting it
 causes the java VM to disappear. gvSIG records no errors.

 It has not help reinstalling gvSIG with a new install of Java.

 Any suggestions? I have searched the Internet but nothing obvious except
 recommendations to use Java in 32 bit mode not 64 bit mode. The attached
 report shows that java started in 32 bit mode.

 I have also attempted to use Version 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12 but none work.

 *command line output*

Hi Simon,
thank you for reporting this issue. It seems that it was already
reported in the bug tracker [#1695] with a very similar configuration
and it's still open.
I'm Italian and so I understand quite well written Spanish, but others?
So I think that it would be better to write tickets in the bug tracker
in English. IMHO full internationalization of gvSIG projects passes through
this little details and it's very important for the chances of gvSIG



Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem gvSIG -- Program crashes when opening ECW file

2013-05-22 Thread Antonio Falciano
These two blog posts written by Mario Carrera explain well how to solve 
this kind of compatibility issues:
Hope this helps.


Il 22/05/2013 09:32, Pau Aragó ha scritto:

 You can install 32 bits libraries ] in ubuntu to work properly with 
 gvSIG. At least works for me.

 2013/5/22 Simon Cropper


 Yes, I saw a few bug reports in Spanish. It was unclear what the
 was of these reports.

 It does not help however that none of my Linux based versions of gvSIG
 work and that I have to use a 5-year old virtual machine with an
 outdated XP version with a outdated gvSIG to see the raster data.

 Do I assume that this issue is not being worked on and I should
 investigate alternative fosGIS solutions or can anyone help nut
 out what
 is going on?

 On 22/05/13 16:52, Antonio Falciano wrote:
  Il 22/05/2013 08:31, Simon Cropper ha scritto:
  Hi Guys,
  Operating System: Ubuntu 13.04 (64 bit).
  gvSIG Version
  Java version: 1.6.0_20
  When I try and open an ECW file from a fresh install of gvSIG
 it crashes.
  The ECW file is not corrupt as I can open it using an old
 version of
  gvSIG on Windows (in VirtualBox!).
  During the install I noted the installation package indicated
 that it
  installed the ECW support plug-in. I can see the file but
 selecting it
  causes the java VM to disappear. gvSIG records no errors.
  It has not help reinstalling gvSIG with a new install of Java.
  Any suggestions? I have searched the Internet but nothing
 obvious except
  recommendations to use Java in 32 bit mode not 64 bit mode. The
  report shows that java started in 32 bit mode.
  I have also attempted to use Version 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12 but
 none work.
  *command line output*
  Hi Simon,
  thank you for reporting this issue. It seems that it was already
  reported in the bug tracker [#1695] with a very similar
  and it's still open.
  I'm Italian and so I understand quite well written Spanish, but
  So I think that it would be better to write tickets in the bug
  in English. IMHO full internationalization of gvSIG projects
 passes through
  this little details and it's very important for the chances of gvSIG

 Cheers Simon

 Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator

 Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
 GIS Packages
 bash / Python
 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

 To see the archives, edit your preferences or unsubscribe from
 this mailing list, please access this url:

 Pau Aragó Galindo

 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Antonio Falciano

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Network extension for gvSIG 1.12 available

2013-02-19 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 19/02/2013 12.13, gvSIG News Office ha scritto:

 A new version of the network analysis extension compatible with gvSIG
 1.12 is now available.

 It can be installed from the gvSIG add-ons manager (menu Tools  Add-ons
 manager, select the Installation from URL option, and the
 org.gvsig.graph (1.1.0-1241 version) plugin) and comes with the
 following new features:
   * Processes performance improved.
   * Export route as layer.

Hi all,
many thanks for the new release. I have only a question. Why is the
version of the new plugin 1.1.0-1241? What does it mean? The version
before this one was 1.12.0-1417, so it seems that we have to downgrade
the plugin. The plugin version system is not very clear at the moment.


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Network extension for gvSIG 1.12 available

2013-02-19 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi Manuel,
thanks for your kind explanation. I'll test it ASAP.


Il 19/02/2013 14.03, Manuel Madrid ha scritto:
 Hi Antonio,

 The old version of the plugin has a wrong build number. We assigned by
 mistake the build number of gvSIG 1.12 final version (1417) instead of
 its own build number.

 In the new version we fixed this. Unfortunately the real build number is
 lower than the old one, which is probably a little bit confusing.

 Anyway, you can be sure that the 1.1.0-1241 is the latest and newer
 version of the plugin.

 Sorry for the inconvenience,

 El 19/02/13 12:25, Antonio Falciano escribió:
 Il 19/02/2013 12.13, gvSIG News Office ha scritto:

 A new version of the network analysis extension compatible with gvSIG
 1.12 is now available.

 It can be installed from the gvSIG add-ons manager (menu Tools  Add-ons
 manager, select the Installation from URL option, and the
 org.gvsig.graph (1.1.0-1241 version) plugin) and comes with the
 following new features:
* Processes performance improved.
* Export route as layer.

 Hi all,
 many thanks for the new release. I have only a question. Why is the
 version of the new plugin 1.1.0-1241? What does it mean? The version
 before this one was 1.12.0-1417, so it seems that we have to downgrade
 the plugin. The plugin version system is not very clear at the moment.


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] raster limitations

2012-09-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 26/09/2012 16.25, Andre Pais ha scritto:
 Hi there. I´ve downloaded the latest gvSIG version, 1.12 final. I´ve
 installed it (activated GRASS and SAGA in the Sextante options) and used
 right away because I have an academic work which consists of developing a
 spacial analysis exercice using raster operations, first using ArcGIS and
 then I must replicate it using an opensource, in my case gvSIG. In the
 process, here are a few problems I´ve came up to:

Hi Andre,

 1 - Sextante doesn´t allow to create a DEM-TIN like I did using 3d Analyst
 of Arcmap; SAGA has a function called Shape to TIN but it doesn´t
 generates an output ;

The first one is a known limitation of gvSIG and SEXTANTE, because they
are not able to manage a 3D TIN at the moment, but this is not the only
way to create DEM fortunately.
The second one may depend by SAGA (and GRASS) bindings in SEXTANTE which
are not stable yet and so not all SAGA modules work fine.

 2 - I need to create a DEM in order to generate slope and aspect charts for
 my area of study. Since there isn´t an option to define a mask (like there
 is in Arcmap), I did a clip using the shape with altimetric information as
 input and the area of study as clipping layer. The result has the altimetric
 information for my area of study. Then I need to rasterize this result
 layer. So I went to Sextante and used Rasterize vector layer in order to
 convert it to raster format, having defined an appropriate cell size and the
 extent as my area of study ( in the hope that the result would have the form
 of my area of study). Then I did a void filling ( I´ve read this somewhere)
 to generate a proper DEM. But unfortunately the result is a rectangular DEM
 instead of being limited to my area of study (which by the way is the
 portuguese equivalent to an ayuntamiento) Why?

This behavior is what we should expect. In fact, the result of Void
filling doesn't take in count your mask because of its definition: it
completes the information of one raster layer that has cells without
data. The information to complete the cells without data is taken from
the surrounding cells using interpolation methods. (Source: SEXTANTE
help). So the mask should be applied after (and not before) the Void
filling by multiplying them.

 3 - There is an option in Sextante called Rasterize vector layer (for
 mask) but it doesn´t seem to do what i want.

I have tried it and seems to work like a charm. Its result should be a
mask with ones where there are vector geometries, otherwise zero.

 4 - The GRASS function is to confusing and doesn´t work properly.
 It gives an error :Failed to import data into GRASS mapset;

See my answer to the point 1. These are SEXTANTE bugs, I'm sorry.

 5 - The reclassify function of sextante is a bit confusing as well. It
 requires a min value, a max value and a new value. For example, if i need to
 reclassify a slope chart, e.g, 5 classes (0-10%, 10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40% and
 40%). I have put the min and max for the each class. Why do I need to write
 new values? Shouldn´t the program assume that? I´ve tried to write 1, 2, 3,
 4 ,5 (to match the classes) but the output has 0 value in some pixels but
 there is no class 0. Why?

Because it's not possible to write in the reclassified raster 0-10%,
10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40% and  40%, so let's say we need some
aliases in order to do this task. AFAIK it works everywhere in this way.

 6 - Why haven´t the programmers of the latest version improved the symbology
 options and visualization in rasters. It´s a pain having to work in black,
 grey and white and not be able to see the classes of a certain raster with
 different colors (with this being shown in the view)

You can apply the color table you like, as Francisco suggested.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] raster limitations

2012-09-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/09/2012 12.44, Andre Pais ha scritto:
 Thanks for the answer Antonio. Unfortunately I didnÂŽt quite well
 understand your answer to question 5. My slope classes are: 0 - 10; 10 -
 20; 20 - 30; 30 - 40 e 40 so i would do this:


which means that 0-10 slope class would be equal to 1, 10-20 slope class
would be equal to 2 ...and so on. You can save these rows as CSV file
and load it as LUT in the Reclassify tool by clicking on the Open button
of the Fixed table dialog.

 By the way is it normal to have a max slope over 100%?

Yes, I think so... Take a look at this:
Consider that a percent slope of 100% means that the tan(alpha) is equal
to 1, i.e. alpha is equal to 45 degree. ;)


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] sextante breakdown

2012-09-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/09/2012 20.54, Nacho Uve ha scritto:
 Anyway, I can confirm that in my installation of gvSIG-1.12-final
 SEXTANTE is working.

Hi all,
and what does happen if you install the org.gvsig.remotesensing
extension? In Italian gvSIG users mailing list we found a...
java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: The import
org.gvsig.remotesensing cannot be resolved.
So I suggest to do not install the org.gvsig.remotesensing extension in
the meanwhile if you don't want to break SEXTANTE. ;)
If someone has installed the org.gvsig.remotesensing extension, he/she
has to delete its folder manually.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] sextante breakdown

2012-09-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/09/2012 21.10, Pablo Cuadrado ha scritto:
 Nacho, What is your environment? In W7 64 bits i don't get it works. In
 WXP and Ubuntu 32 bits it works fine.

Hi Pablo,
in 64-bit W7 a JRE 32-bit is needed in order to be able to run gvSIG
and all the stuff properly. Maybe, this is the problem.


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Cannot add GeoDb table to a View (Antonio Falciano)

2012-08-20 Thread Antonio Falciano
I'm happy to know that legacy.sql solves these compatibility issues.
Thanks for sharing your follow up.


Il 19/08/2012 2.57, Al Vigil ha scritto:
 The problem is solved.  I followed up with postgis via the ticket you 
 mentioned in your message.  Their advise, to install legacy.sql, fixed 
 the problem.  This is what posgis said:

 /Comment(by robe):/
 / Al,/
 / You can try installing the legacy.sql file packaged with PostGIS
 2.0 that
  is in share/contrib/postgis-2.0 folder (where the other PostGIS
  are).  That reinstalls all the legacy functions we took out and
  many of these kinds of issues./
 / If that still doesn't work, can you turn on logging on your
 database and
  let us know what errors you are seeing in the logs./
 / to turn on logging do the following - replace mygisdb with the
 name of the
  database you are connecting to./
 / {{{
  ALTER DATABASE mygisdb SET log_statement='all';
 / The logs are usually written to the pg_logs folder of your
 PostgreSQL data
  Check the latest one -- usually notes the missing function or
 issue with
  Il 17/08/2012 21.12, Al Vigil ha scritto:
  I have no trouble displaying shp files, only PostGis GeoDb tables.
  Am using the binaries for Postgresql 9.1 and PostGis 2.0.1
 running under
  Windows Vista.  The vectors
  are stored in a geometry column and am using projection 4326 on the
  View, the same projection as the table.
  Hi Al,
  I think that the issue is probably due to your PostGIS version,
  gvSIG 1.1x actually supports only PostGIS 1.x and not the latest
  In reference to this there's also a ticket in the PostGIS bug
 tracker [1].
  IMHO adding the PostGIS 2.0 support is a useful feature request,
 but I
  don't know if developers have enough time and resources to solve
  problem right now that gvSIG 1.12 final is going to be released.
  Antonio Falciano
  Gvsig_internacional mailing list
  End of Gvsig_internacional Digest, Vol 79, Issue 10

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Cannot add GeoDb table to a View

2012-08-17 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 17/08/2012 21.12, Al Vigil ha scritto:
 I have no trouble displaying shp files, only PostGis GeoDb tables.
 Am using the binaries for Postgresql 9.1 and PostGis 2.0.1 running under
 Windows Vista.  The vectors
 are stored in a geometry column and am using projection 4326 on the
 View, the same projection as the table.

Hi Al,
I think that the issue is probably due to your PostGIS version, because
gvSIG 1.1x actually supports only PostGIS 1.x and not the latest 2.0.
In reference to this there's also a ticket in the PostGIS bug tracker [1].
IMHO adding the PostGIS 2.0 support is a useful feature request, but I
don't know if developers have enough time and resources to solve this
problem right now that gvSIG 1.12 final is going to be released.



Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Set EPSG:4326 as default CRS for new views (gvSIG feature requests #753)

2012-06-15 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi all,
IMHO geographically speaking, EPSG:4326, i.e. a global CRS, is much
neutral than a national one, like EPSG:23030. We generally use WGS84 from
all countries! Furthermore, I often see how several (not only basic)
users adopt EPSG:23030 improperly, while using EPSG:4326 would have the
advantage to represent projected coordinates in degrees in the status
bar and so encouraging us to change the CRS of the view accordingly with
our geodata. Without talking about web services which use only WGS84
geographic coordinates...!
I'm agree with Ben about an initial agnostic CRS (for instance, useful
in local surveys), however if there's the need to initialize a CRS in
gvSIG, I think that EPSG:4326 is better, because covers the most part of
user needs and it represents the best possible compromise.
@Francisco: thanks for opening the ticket #779!


Il 14/06/2012 13.10, Francisco Puga ha scritto:

 I don't have a strong opinion on this, so i encourage people to
 express themselves before make the change.

 Anyway, i'm not sure, but i think that there are some places in the
 code that 23030 is hardcoded, so it should be identified and changed.
 This can have secondary effects, so i don't feel comfortable making
 the change for 1.12.

 I open a ticket for the 1.x branch.

 Again, thanks for point this Antonio.

 2012/6/13 Benjamin
 I don't think there is any good default for a spatial
 reference system. The only thing that makes sense IMHO
 would be to allow users to work without any SRS at all
 and to set one when/if they choose to.

 Btw. you can set the default SRS for new views in
 the program preferences, so whatever the gvSIG default
 may be: it's easy to change it permanently.



 Benjamin Ducke
 {*} Geospatial Consultant
 {*} GIS Developer

   benducke AT

 On Wed, Jun 13, 2012, at 18:39, Antonio Falciano wrote:
 Hi all,
 I think that this feature request [1] could be directly applied
 since gvSIG 1.12. What do you think about it?



Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.1x bug: Strange behavior of rec operator in Field calculator

2012-06-15 Thread Antonio Falciano
Muchas gracias, Francisco! ;)


Il 15/06/2012 13.22, Francisco Puga ha scritto:

 As the fix for this bug is trivial i will commit it for the next build
 of gvsig 1.12

 now, rec() is appended at the end of the expression already typed.

 Grazie per la segnalazione ;)

 2012/6/15 Antonio Falciano:
 Hi all,
 typing a whatever expression in Field Calculator and then double
 click on the rec operator, the expression written before is deleted and
 replaced only by rec(). This behavior happens in gvSIG 1.11 and 1.12
 (with Java 1.6).


 Antonio Falciano
 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Antonio Falciano
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[Gvsig_english] How to declare the JRE_HOME in gvSIG 1.12?

2012-06-13 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi all,
how to declare the JRE_HOME (or JAVA_HOME) in the new gvSIG
initialization file gvsig-desktop.l4j.ini in order to avoid the use of
the system JRE? If I add a JRE_HOME entry in desktop.l4j.ini, gvSIG is
not executed at all! :(


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] How to declare the JRE_HOME in gvSIG 1.12?

2012-06-13 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi Francisco,
thank you very much for your kind explanation. It seems very easy to
customize the gvsig-desktop.exe file and avoid the issues discussed
yesterday in this thread [1].



Il 13/06/2012 16.35, Francisco Puga ha scritto:
 AFAIK that's not possible. Sorry.

 gvSIG 1.12 builds the Windows launcher (gvsig-desktop.exe) using
 launch4j [1] as it's being done in gvSIG 2.0. The
 gvsig-desktop.l4j.ini allows pass arguments to the jre at runtime but
 nothing more.

 You should make your own gvsig-desktop.exe file to make what you want
 but it's easy.

 1.- Download launch4j
 2.- Hack this file
 (see how it's done in the gvsig-desktop of the portable version here [2]

 3.- Execute launch4j with your hacked configuration file.
 4.- Replace your gvsig executable with yours

 The other option is that you create a .bat file similar to this:

 or similar to the file distributed with the linux version


 2012/6/13 Antonio
 Hi all,
 how to declare the JRE_HOME (or JAVA_HOME) in the new gvSIG
 initialization file gvsig-desktop.l4j.ini in order to avoid the use of
 the system JRE? If I add a JRE_HOME entry in desktop.l4j.ini, gvSIG is
 not executed at all! :(


 Antonio Falciano
 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] bug in build 1411 gvSIG 1.12: NoSuchMethodError with Shortest path (org.gvsig.graph)

2012-06-12 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi Fran,
thanks for your kind attention and amazing work. I take this opportunity
to suggest two useful feature requests in reference to the Network Analysis
1) adding a Save / Load barriers layer buttons (options) in the Route
control panel (Network menu);
2) adding a Delete all option in the Network / Delete submenu (as first
option possibly).
They should be very easy to implement and save time in the analysis.


Il 12/06/2012 0.36, Francisco José Peñarrubia ha scritto:
 Hi Antonio.

 There will be a new release of network analysis extension when the 1.12
 reaches its stable status.

 Thanks for the test!


 El 11/06/2012 20:03, Antonio Falciano escribió:
 After the recent update of JTS library, there's a NoSuchMethodError when
 attempting to calculate the Shortest path with the Network extension

 (45 more)

 Note: org.gvsig.graph works fine only on a fresh gvSIG 1.11 installation
 (without the latest SEXTANTE and JTS 1.12).


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] bug in build 1411 gvSIG 1.12: Priority to All supported files in the Open dialog of Add layer

2012-06-12 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi Francisco,
you're right, but that's not my fault! ;)
Build 1411 installer is without JRE, so I have used the system JRE which
is regularly updated to version 7. Is this not a bug?


Il 12/06/2012 18.18, Francisco Puga ha scritto:
 Do you know which version of java are you using...

 After a quick test i begining to think that in java 7 the default
 option is raster but in java 6 works correctly, the default option is
 all supported files

 2012/6/11 Antonio
 I ask to re-open the ticket #323 [1]. It seems that All supported
 files is always the last option in the filter of Open dialog, at least
 in Italian (Tutti i file supportati).



 Antonio Falciano
 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] bug in build 1411 gvSIG 1.12: Priority to All supported files in the Open dialog of Add layer

2012-06-12 Thread Antonio Falciano
That's why portable versions are generally less time consuming (e.g.
build 1406) and basic users don't fall in Java gotchas. ;)
Thank you very much for the patch.


Il 12/06/2012 18.51, Francisco Puga ha scritto:

 I agree that is not your fault :P

 I reopen the ticket and create a patch [1], because in this case is
 easy to fix, but remember that right now gvSIG is tested with java 1.6
 and trying to maintain the compatibility with java 1.5, so only not so
 much time consuming bugs related to java 1.7 can be fixed right now.

 Said that, a different topic is discuss what should be the target java
 version of gvSIG, but this is for other thread. Just remember that the
 resources are scarce so not everything can be accomplished.


 2012/6/12 Antonio
 Hi Francisco,
 you're right, but that's not my fault! ;)
 Build 1411 installer is without JRE, so I have used the system JRE which
 is regularly updated to version 7. Is this not a bug?


 Il 12/06/2012 18.18, Francisco Puga ha scritto:
 Do you know which version of java are you using...

 After a quick test i begining to think that in java 7 the default
 option is raster but in java 6 works correctly, the default option is
 all supported files

 2012/6/11 Antonio
 I ask to re-open the ticket #323 [1]. It seems that All supported
 files is always the last option in the filter of Open dialog, at least
 in Italian (Tutti i file supportati).


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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list, please access this url:

[Gvsig_english] bug in build 1411 gvSIG 1.12: Priority to All supported files in the Open dialog of Add layer

2012-06-11 Thread Antonio Falciano
I ask to re-open the ticket #323 [1]. It seems that All supported
files is always the last option in the filter of Open dialog, at least
in Italian (Tutti i file supportati).



Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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[Gvsig_english] bug in build 1411 gvSIG 1.12: NoSuchMethodError with Shortest path (org.gvsig.graph)

2012-06-11 Thread Antonio Falciano
After the recent update of JTS library, there's a NoSuchMethodError when
attempting to calculate the Shortest path with the Network extension

(45 more)

Note: org.gvsig.graph works fine only on a fresh gvSIG 1.11 installation
(without the latest SEXTANTE and JTS 1.12).


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax -new question

2012-06-06 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 06/06/2012 9.48, spatialjoe ha scritto:
 Hi all,

 can someone please help me out with an SLD-expression for symbolizing
 features similar to a SQL-query like
 SELECT * WHERE field LIKE %value1% ?

Hi Johannes,
because it seems that LIKE operator and wildcards are not allowed in the
current implementation of Expressions symbology, my best suggestion
consists into using the Substring operator, e. g.

Substring([FIELD_NAME],0,6) == string || Substring([FIELD_NAME],1,7)
== string  || Substring([FIELD_NAME],2,8) == string ...and so on

depending on the of field length, so you have to change the
indexes properly in order to catch the substring. Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax

2012-04-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi all,
there aren't dark secrets behind... It seems a bug: the parser of
the Expression filter doesn't accept floating decimal, in fact:

[Field]= 5 like a charm

[Field]= 0.5 ...returns a NumberFormatException

 From the gvsig.log of gvSIG 1.12 devel (build 1406):

For input string: [Field] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input 
string: [Field] sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown 
Source) java.lang.Double.valueOf(Unknown Source) java.lang.Double. 
(Unknown Source) 



com.iver.cit.gvsig.fmap.MapControl$Drawer2$ Source)


Il 26/04/2012 22.21, Pablo Cuadrado ha scritto:
 Hi Benjamin,
 For me is dark toobut trying it works.
 With [field]=0.5 works ¿=?
 In more complex expressions I have a lot of errors and I don´t locate a
 good reference about this grammar.
 Best regards.
 Pablo Cuadrado

 *De:* Benjamin Ducke
 *Para:* Users and Developers mailing list
 *Enviado:* Jueves 26 de abril de 2012 17:29
 *Asunto:* [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax

 Dear All,

 could someone shed some light on this eternal dark
 secret of gvSIG and provide some SLD grammar examples
 that can be used with the Expression filter and the
 advanced labeling?

 E.g. in the Expression filter (Symbology) I try to
 simply filter out all features for which Field has a
 value equal or greater than 0.5. I enter the following:

 [Field] = 0.5

 And get an Invalid expression error.

 What would be the correct syntax?



 Benjamin Ducke
 {*} Geospatial Consultant
 {*} GIS Developer
 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax

2012-04-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 27/04/2012 10.13, Pablo Cuadrado ha scritto:
 In gvSIG 1.11 works with [field]=0.5

Hi Pablo,
yes, I can confirm, so this is only a new bug in gvSIG 1.12 devel.

 Antonio, ¿Do you know a reference about this grammar?

About SLD syntax? Unfortunately not, but it's quite similar to SQL.
I suggest only to remember these basic rules:
1) use only the available operators in the right textbox;
2) use text instead of 'text' (differently from the Filter syntax);
3) wildcards are not allowed;
4) finally, check always if the expression is valid ...That's all! ;)


 Pablo Cuadrado

 *De:* Antonio Falciano
 *Enviado:* Viernes 27 de abril de 2012 9:57
 *Asunto:* Re: [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax

 Hi all,
 there aren't dark secrets behind... It seems a bug: the parser of
 the Expression filter doesn't accept floating decimal, in fact:

 [Field]= 5 like a charm

 [Field]= 0.5 ...returns a NumberFormatException

  From the gvsig.log of gvSIG 1.12 devel (build 1406):

 For input string: [Field] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input
 string: [Field] sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown
 Source) java.lang.Double.valueOf(Unknown Source) java.lang.Double.
 (Unknown Source)





 com.iver.cit.gvsig.fmap.MapControl$Drawer2$ Source)


 Il 26/04/2012 22.21, Pablo Cuadrado ha scritto:
   Hi Benjamin,
   For me is dark toobut trying it works.
   With [field]=0.5 works ¿=?
   In more complex expressions I have a lot of errors and I donŽt locate a
   good reference about this grammar.
   Best regards.
   Pablo Cuadrado
   *De:* Benjamin Ducke
   *Para:* Users and Developers mailing list
   *Enviado:* Jueves 26 de abril de 2012 17:29
   *Asunto:* [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax
   Dear All,
   could someone shed some light on this eternal dark
   secret of gvSIG and provide some SLD grammar examples
   that can be used with the Expression filter and the
   advanced labeling?
   E.g. in the Expression filter (Symbology) I try to
   simply filter out all features for which Field has a
   value equal or greater than 0.5. I enter the following:
   [Field] = 0.5
   And get an Invalid expression error.
   What would be the correct syntax?
   Benjamin Ducke
   {*} Geospatial Consultant
   {*} GIS Developer
   Gvsig_internacional mailing list
   To see the archives, edit your preferences or unsubscribe from this
   mailing list, please access this url:
   Gvsig_internacional mailing list
   To see the archives, edit your preferences or unsubscribe from this
 mailing list, please access this url:

 Antonio Falciano
 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax

2012-04-27 Thread Antonio Falciano
Archaic solution that works fine in gvSIG 1.12 devel too! ;) Although,
at least one among numerator and denominator has to be double.
So, instead of


we have to type





Il 27/04/2012 11.12, Francisco José Peñarrubia ha scritto:
 Brilliant! :-)

 El 27/04/2012 11:11, Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio escribió:
 Hello. Instead of the boring:
 [Field] = 3.14159
 you can use Ancient Egypt's approximate fraction:
 [Field] = (256 / 81)

 Hope it helps ;-)
 Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
 Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
 Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68

 *De:* en nombre de Antonio
 *Enviado el:* vie 27/04/2012 10:50
 *Asunto:* Re: [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax

 Il 27/04/2012 10.13, Pablo Cuadrado ha scritto:
  In gvSIG 1.11 works with [field]=0.5

 Hi Pablo,
 yes, I can confirm, so this is only a new bug in gvSIG 1.12 devel.

  Antonio, ¿Do you know a reference about this grammar?

 About SLD syntax? Unfortunately not, but it's quite similar to SQL.
 I suggest only to remember these basic rules:
 1) use only the available operators in the right textbox;
 2) use text instead of 'text' (differently from the Filter syntax);
 3) wildcards are not allowed;
 4) finally, check always if the expression is valid ...That's all! ;)


  Pablo Cuadrado
  *De:* Antonio Falciano
  *Enviado:* Viernes 27 de abril de 2012 9:57
  *Asunto:* Re: [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax
  Hi all,
  there aren't dark secrets behind... It seems a bug: the parser of
  the Expression filter doesn't accept floating decimal, in fact:
  [Field]= 5 like a charm
  [Field]= 0.5 ...returns a NumberFormatException
  From the gvsig.log of gvSIG 1.12 devel (build 1406):
  For input string: [Field] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input
  string: [Field] sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown
  Source) java.lang.Double.valueOf(Unknown Source) java.lang.Double.
  (Unknown Source)
 com.iver.cit.gvsig.fmap.MapControl$Drawer2$ Source)
  Il 26/04/2012 22.21, Pablo Cuadrado ha scritto:
   Hi Benjamin,
   For me is dark toobut trying it works.
   With [field]=0.5 works ¿=?
   In more complex expressions I have a lot of errors and I donŽt
 locate a
   good reference about this grammar.
   Best regards.
   Pablo Cuadrado
   *De:* Benjamin Ducke
   *Para:* Users and Developers mailing list
   *Enviado:* Jueves 26 de abril de 2012 17:29
   *Asunto:* [Gvsig_english] SLD grammar syntax
   Dear All,
   could someone shed some light on this eternal dark
   secret of gvSIG and provide some SLD grammar examples
   that can be used with the Expression filter and the
   advanced labeling?
   E.g. in the Expression filter (Symbology) I try to
   simply filter out all features for which Field has a
   value equal or greater than 0.5. I enter the following:
   [Field] = 0.5
   And get an Invalid expression error.
   What would be the correct syntax?
   Benjamin Ducke
   {*} Geospatial Consultant
   {*} GIS Developer
   Gvsig_internacional mailing list
   To see the archives, edit your preferences

Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.11: add consecutive numbers to selection?

2012-03-28 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi all,
field expression is based on the values of the same row, however field
calculator commands are Jython's functions. So it's possible to memorize
a variable during field calculations using the advanced tab, for
instance loading and evaluating the following script
from javax.swing import JOptionPane

def consecutiveN():
   global index
 if rec() == 0:
   index = 0
   index = index + 1
   index = ''
   return index

# Usage: consecutiveN()
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(None, 'Usage: consecutiveN()', 
consecutiveN, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE)

Its usage is very simple. If the first record is not selected, the index
will be 1-based and so consecutiveN() will do the trick, otherwise it
will start from 0 and so consecutiveN()+1 would be necessary.


Il 27/03/2012 20.17, Francisco Puga ha scritto:
 Seems like a simple request but after think a bit more, i don't find a
 way to accomplish it. Field Expression is based on the values of the
 row actual being processing, it hasn't have memory, so the program
 doesn't know which is the next number to use.


 El día 27 de marzo de 2012 19:07, spatialjoeescribió:
 Hi Francisco,

 thanks for your advice. With sextante numbering individual selections of a
 layer will result in new individual shapefiles which then can be merged back
 into one. Not sure if I like this but that's the way it'll work.
 Nonetheless pointing to sextante was useful anyway. I somehow got mentally
 stuck  with rec()+1.
 Thanks again!



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Re: [Gvsig_english] Add transparency to all the symbols of a legend [1]

2012-01-18 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 17/01/2012 20.18, Nacho Uve ha scritto:

 Both scripts are wonderful features!!! Thank you very very much
 Batch transparency works perfectly!

Hi Nacho,
I'm very happy to see that you appreciate the usefulness of these
scripts. :) I think that Batch transparency could be a good addiction
to extTOCextra, while Batch legend maybe should be refined further.
Although the last one is usually a less frequent task than the first.
Unfortunately I have not time to dedicate them at the moment.

 but the legend one do not launch any dialog...

Both scripts work if there are one or more active layers in the ToC.
They were tested against gvSIG 1.11.

 I've found that can be related with this two imports:
from com.iver.utiles.xmlEntity.generate import XmlTag
from com.iver.utiles import XMLEntity

 Any pointer to solve the problem?

I think it should depend by the classes that manage the symbology. They
have been changed in the more recent gvSIG versions, so this could be
the problem.


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Add transparency to all the symbols of a legend [1]

2012-01-18 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 18/01/2012 8.26, Nacho Uve ha scritto:
 More info...
 Batch legend do not work on gvSIG-EIEL-RC2 on windows, but in Linux it

Because both scripts were tested on gvSIG 1.11 and gvSIG EIEL is based
on gvSIG 1.12, I imagine that there could be some compatibility problems
in the symbology management.


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Has the Add-ons URL been updated?

2012-01-09 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi Jorge,
they work now, many thanks!
So the complete Add-ons URLs for gvSIG 1.11 and 1.12 are:


Il 09/01/2012 14.47, Jorge Piera Llodrá ha scritto:
 Hi Antonio.

 The address for the new repository is


 On 01/09/2012 02:21 PM, Antonio Falciano wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have noticed that the Add-ons URLs of packages.gvspki is not working
 these days. So I'm wondering if it has been updated after the migration
 from Thanks in advance for your reply.


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Has the Add-ons URL been updated?

2012-01-09 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi Mario,
furthermore I found that the old repository URL is hardcoded and so the
new URL is not persistent. :( For instance, different packages URLs could
be stored in the andami-config.xml, such as for OGC web services. ;)


Il 09/01/2012 14.53, Mario Carrera ha scritto:

 Hi Antonio,

 the packages for gvSIG 1.11 are now available from
 They were migrated from osor, but the old url is directly on gvSIG. You
 can access to the new one.

 Best regards,

 Antonio Falciano escribió:
 Hi all,
 I have noticed that the Add-ons URLs of packages.gvspki is not working
 these days. So I'm wondering if it has been updated after the migration
 from Thanks in advance for your reply.


 Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Sextante

2011-12-19 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi all,
the easiest way to have the SEXTANTE algorithms list consists in
opening the SEXTANTE command line, typing:
and finally pressing Enter. ;)


Il 19/12/2011 16.39, Nacho Uve ha scritto:
 Hi Marcel,

 AFAIK, there is no such list, but here's a link[1] to the
 documentation available in the contextual help from the code repository.
 I hope this help. There are more algorithms if you link SEXTANTE with GRASS.

 Nacho V.


 2011/12/19 maccel

 Just look at the links about sextante.  Interesting but I can't find
 a list of the 300+ functions sextante have.  Do someone have such a
 list and descriptions to look at or can we only know when sextante
 is install?

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 Juan Ignacio Varela García

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Antonio Falciano
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Re: [Gvsig_english] Field Calculator: look for an expression saved in a file

2011-12-15 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 15/12/2011 10.34, Nacho Uve ha scritto:
 Thanks for sharing this issue on the list! I think scripting is a very
 powerful tool for many GIS users.

 I miss very much documentation, manual, tutorials and/or examples for
 this topic. Time ago, I tried to use it, but I gave up shortly
 thereafter because my lack of knowledge about it.

 Maybe a short post in the blog can be very very useful to start
 working... :-)

Hi Nacho,
here's a short but useful blog post in order to start working with
Jython scripting in gvSIG [1]. There's also the Scripting tutorial on
Joinup [2] and furthermore there are some useful snippets of Jython code
in gvSIG mailing lists archives [3]. Finally, an interesting discussion
about the gvSIG 2.0 scripting capabilities [4] and two working examples [5].
So... Happy Jython coding! ;)



Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Field Calculator: look for an expression saved in a file

2011-12-14 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 13/12/2011 10.28, iaborsi ha scritto:
 Hi Antonio,
 thanks a lot! I've tried that: very easy, and it works perfectly!
 I take this opportunity to make an additional question: if in writing
 this Jython function I need additional Modules (typically an original
 group of functions defined by myself) which is the right path to save
 this stuff? I guess is the same directory from which I upload my Jython
 function, isn't it?
 To be clearer (following you example below): I want to modify your
 example script in this way:
 from MyNewModule import *

 def m2tokm2(value):
 result = MyNewFunction(temp)
 return result
 where MyNewFunction() is defined within the module MyNewModule.

 I guess I have to save the module within the same path of

Good idea, Iacopo! Importing further modules would extend the
potentiality of advanced expressions. It should be possible to import a
module within the same path, however it returns always a Jython
exception. Probably the simplest way to use other functions contained in
other module(s) consists in processing them before, even if it's not
pythonic at all.


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Field Calculator: look for an expression saved in a file

2011-12-14 Thread Antonio Falciano
Great, Iacopo! I had not thought this kind of solution.
I'm happy to know that someone likes to use Jython with gvSIG!
A public script repository is missing yet. I hope that it will be very
soon thanks to the new scripting capabilities of gvSIG 2.0.


Il 14/12/2011 11.50, iaborsi ha scritto:
 It is enough to save the new Module(s) within the following gvSIG path:


 Of course, the Module has to be Jython compliant.


 Iacopo Borsi
 Dipartimento di Matematica U.Dini
 Università di Firenze.
 V.le Morgagni 67/A
 50134 Firenze - Italy
 Tel. +39.0554237147
 Fax. +39.0554237133
 e-mail [hidden email] /user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=7093061i=0

 Quoting Antonio Falciano [via]
 [hidden email] /user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=7093061i=1:

   Il 13/12/2011 10.28, iaborsi ha scritto:
   Hi Antonio,
   thanks a lot! I've tried that: very easy, and it works perfectly!
   I take this opportunity to make an additional question: if in writing
   this Jython function I need additional Modules (typically an original
   group of functions defined by myself) which is the right path to save
   this stuff? I guess is the same directory from which I upload my Jython
   function, isn't it?
   To be clearer (following you example below): I want to modify your
   example script in this way:
   from MyNewModule import *
   def m2tokm2(value):
   result = MyNewFunction(temp)
   return result
   where MyNewFunction() is defined within the module MyNewModule.
   I guess I have to save the module within the same path of
   Good idea, Iacopo! Importing further modules would extend the
   potentiality of advanced expressions. It should be possible to import a
   module within the same path, however it returns always a Jython
   exception. Probably the simplest way to use other functions contained in
   other module(s) consists in processing them before, even if it's not
   pythonic at all.
   Antonio Falciano
   Gvsig_internacional mailing list
   [hidden email] /user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=7093061i=2
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   mailing list, please access this url:
   If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the
   discussion below:
   To start a new topic under gvSIG users, email
   [hidden email] /user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=7093061i=3
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Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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[Gvsig_english] Add transparency to all the symbols of a legend [1]

2011-12-14 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi all,
here's two Jython scripts about legends of vector layers: (Batch legend and Batch Transparency)
In detail, the script Batch transparency allows to apply the
transparency/opacity to all the classes of symbols of one or more vector
layers at once, a common task that is very time consuming, as you
all probably know by experience. I'm sure that it can be improved
further because not all shape and symbols types are currently supported,
however I was wondering if it could be a good starting point in order to
have this feature in the official gvSIG versions.
Thanks for your kind attention.



Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Field Calculator: look for an expression saved in a file

2011-12-13 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 12/12/2011 14.39, iaborsi ha scritto:
 I'm quite new with gvSIG.
 This is my question.
 I wish to write a specific expression as Python script, to be used
 in the Field Calculator (after starting an editing session).
 Reading through the Manual, I see that it is possible just saving this
 script in a Python file and uploading it from the appropriate box:
 Field Calculator  Advanced tab.
 I've done it, also using some dummy script, but it doesn't work.
 Can anybody post some explicit example of using this feature?

you have simply to define a Jython function which returns the result of
your calculation, load it from the Advanced tab and finally use that
function as the built-in functions of the Field Calculator.
For instance, if we have a field containing the area expressed in square
meters (e.g. SUP_M2) and we want to convert it in square kilometers,
we can write:

def m2tokm2(value):
   return result

We save this script as, load it from the Advanced tab
and then we can use the Jython function writing in correspondence of
a new field called e.g. SUP_KM2:


Finally, the field SUP_KM2 will be populated by area expressed in km^2.


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Show new view maximized by default

2011-11-29 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 29/11/2011 19.50, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas ha scritto:
 Hash: SHA1

 El 29/11/11 19:34, Francisco Puga escribió:

 I create  a patch in gvSIG to open a new window view maximized by
 default. Before applied it i want to ask if everybody agree with this
 change, as there are people that likes the actual behavior of have the
 view in a small window.

 Another option will be create a new option in preferences that allows
 the user select if the view should be open by default or not, but this
 is not done jet.


 mmm good question, and thanks for the job Fran

 I think the most desirable behaviour for me would be to open the view
 with the same size of the last view closed, but I'm not really strong on

 Probably adding this to preferences would be great, but if I have to
 choose for a default option, my choice is to maximize it.

 More opinions?

Hi all,
thanks for the patch, Francisco! As Jorge, I think that the better
choice is to maximize the view by default, because it's less time
consuming. The same behaviour could be extended to other types of
document, such as tables and maps, however in these cases it's useful to
consider it in user preferences. ;)


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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Re: [Gvsig_english] Star Map with GVSIG

2011-10-14 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 14/10/2011 22.54, dragan djordjevic ha scritto:

 is there any posibility to do Star Map with GVSIG ?

Hi Dragan,
I think it should be possible to reproduce Star Maps in gvSIG.
IAU (International Astronomic Union) coordinate reference systems are
implemented, however I never use it. I'm sorry.

Best regards,

Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.11 sextante

2011-10-07 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 07/10/2011 16.55, spatialjoe ha scritto:
 Hi Nacho, list
 refining the update:
 It seems not to be a problem with project file but with the view.
 I copied the view and inserted it into a freshly opend project-  error
 I created a new empty view in the same fresh project -  no problem
 As for not visible raster layer: I do not know how to find this out right
 clicking the TOC gives me no hints?

Hi spatialjoe,
could you attach gvsig.log and sextante.log files, please?
Which SEXTANTE version are you executing? That bundled in gvSIG 1.11?


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

Re: [Gvsig_english] Add-ons-manager

2011-08-05 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 05/08/2011 11.05, Wolfgang Qual ha scritto:
 Dear list,

 the add-on manager is a very good idea to make it easier for gvSIG users
 to install special extensions. However, in my case, this additional
 tool will not work, as I my user rights are limited. gvSIG is installed
 on /opt/gvSIG... and the installation can only be performed by the
 In general, installation of programms should be done by them, that's ok.
 But for extensions, it would be good, if this manager would also work for my
 configuration. Maybe the add-ons-manger would work, if only one or a
 few directories would have write permission. I could try to ask my
 it-staff to
 configure that. In short: is it possible to use the add-ons manager with
 limited user rights? Which directories have to be write-access? I hope
 that I could describe the problem...

Hi Wolfgang,
I believe that it's possible to use the add-ons manager with limited
user rights. The only directory that has to be writable is
[gvSIG_1.11_folder]\bin\gvSIG\extensiones (substitute the backslashes
\ with slashes / depending your needs), i.e. only where the
extensions are installed. ;)


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

Re: [Gvsig_english] Interesting extensions - has anyone tested them?

2011-08-05 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 04/08/2011 19.13, Francisco Puga ha scritto:
 Hi Wolfang,

 Andrés explains nicely your first question :)

 2011/8/4 Wolfgang
 thanks for your fast answer. Looks great, but is there also an English
 description? What I noticed: if you draw a non-regular polygon, there's no
 context menu any more, all information is included in the command line.

 I think this is already fixed in the development version. Please test
 it from here:

 (Remove the com.iver.cit.gvsig.cad folder in your gvSIG installation
 and use this)

 Notice also, in edition properties the option to active remove last
 vertex with the right button of the mouse. If you enable it, you lost
 the context menu but with the right button but you gain remove the
 last point added in a comfortable way. To end the geometry you can
 press space

 Cut polygon seems to be the same as split polygon (which was developed for
 our administration), but seems to be a bit more easy to use. But what can be
 done with snappers and follow geometry?

 If you have many layers where are able to snapped the system becomes
 really slow. The snappers buttons allow you disable them temporally
 to increment the performance.

 follow geometry allows digitalize a geometry following exactly
 other. I just record a screencast to show how it works.

Hi all,
follow geometry is really a great enhancement! Great job!!! :-)


Antonio Falciano
Gvsig_internacional mailing list

Re: [Gvsig_english] Hillshade and others DEM question

2011-05-20 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 20/05/2011 9.14, tegir ha scritto:
 I'm new to gvSIG (use version 1.11), want to say hello and wonder, if there
 is a way to do a hillshade. I have a DEM, but can't find any Hillshade tool.

you can find a Shaded relief tool under the Visibility and lighting 
group in the SEXTANTE toolbox.

 Also, I created a profile with the profile tool and after calculating it
 opens automatically and looks fine. But if I close this profile window once,
 I'm not able to open it again. Can anyone help me, please?

It's available again if you click on Result button in the SEXTANTE 

 And my last problem, I want to display the DEM in a color ramp from blue
 over green, brown to white. I think this is only with the extension raster
 pilot possible. Unfortunately this extension doesn't exist in the latest
 version. Is there another way to do it? Maybe create a own color ramp?

If you search color tables in the user manual, you'll find the solution. ;-)
Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano

Gvsig_internacional mailing list

Re: [Gvsig_english] R: Re: Problem from polylines to polygons

2011-05-19 Thread Antonio Falciano
Hi Giovanni,
there are some vertices that need to be snapped on the rectangle. Just 
a trick: you could extend all internal lines in order to intersect the 
external rectangle and then polygonize them. Sorry for my approximation, 
but it's a topological problem that needs further investigation and I 
haven't enough time to study it now.


Il 19/05/2011 9.52, Gio_ca ha scritto:

 Hi Antonio,

 Further to your request, I zipped and attached the shape file with 
 polylines that I am trying to convert in a shapefile with 8 polygon 



 Messaggio originale
 Da: [hidden email] /user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=6381007i=0
 Data: 18/05/2011 17.53
 A: Gio_ca[hidden email]
 Ogg: Re: Problem from polylines to polygons

 please, can you send us in private your line layer? Thanks.


 Il 18/05/2011 17.42, Gio_ca ha scritto:

  Thanks Jorge.
  I can try but as long as I see from the attribute table of your
  you just got 5 polygons while they should be 8. Probably you are
  polygons whose edges are both inner lines and part of the outer
  See my attachment in the earlier messages that I produced with
 ArcInfo with
  a polygon highlighted in dark green. Do you have that polygon
 also in your
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  Sent from the gvSIG users mailing list archive at
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 Antonio Falciano

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 *shape last* (2K) Download Attachment 

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Antonio Falciano

Gvsig_internacional mailing list

Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem from polylines to polygons

2011-05-18 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 18/05/2011 13.51, Gio_ca ha scritto:
 Hi everybody,
 I have just installed gvSIG because I need to convert a polyline feature
 (shape) into a polygons.
 I used the sexante tool but I didn't get what I expected.
 Basically I have an outer boundary (rectangle) and inside I have some
 ellipses and other polylines connecting on side of the boundary to another.
 It seems to me that the outer boundary is not recognized as a polyline.
 Indeed the polylines connecting two edges of the outer boundary are closed
 automatically after the conversion.

 Can anybody help me on that?

Hi Giovanni,
have you tried the Polygonize tool in SEXTANTE? This algorithm 
converts lines to polygons, considering only the edges which describe 
closed areas and without returning overlapping polygons. Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano

Gvsig_internacional mailing list

Re: [Gvsig_english] Problem from polylines to polygons

2011-05-18 Thread Antonio Falciano
Il 18/05/2011 14.48, Gio_ca ha scritto:
 Hi Antonio,
 I just tried polygonize but this what I got:

And what do you obtain if you execute Split polylines at nodes tool 
before Polygonize?

Antonio Falciano

Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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