Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-12 Thread Marie Schnoor

michaela wrote:

In fact more people are willing to ask question in their own journals that
fill up a list with talk on a minor subject. Probably because they have been
scared off in the past for doing so.

I find all the forms of communication online useful. There are nuggets of
gold on all the lists and journals I am involved with.

Michaela de Bruce

I totally agree with you, Michaela. Thank you for sharing your personal 
story. Yours is a blog I enjoy reading.

And, interestingly, enough, it's my circle of favorite blogs which keep 
me inspired when I get stuck in a project. More than once, I have 
e-mailed the owner of a blog and asked them about their thread choices, 
or their accessories, or whether or not to pre-wash something. I've 
always gotten a friendly response.

I think some people are just naturally more open--I don't enjoy talking 
about the daily grind, but rather about my projects and what status they 
are in. As a self-taught seamstress, I find that open and friendly 
dialogue much, much more helpful than any high-level sewing book. Books 
are great for research, but it's rather hard to say, Oi, book! Does 
this make my bum look big?

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-12 Thread Lavolta Press

I think some people are just naturally more open--I don't enjoy talking 
about the daily grind, but rather about my projects and what status they 
are in. As a self-taught seamstress, I find that open and friendly 
dialogue much, much more helpful than any high-level sewing book. Books 
are great for research, but it's rather hard to say, Oi, book! Does 
this make my bum look big?

That's just the difference between whether you prefer 
personal/emotional/socially supportive dialog or straight information 
without it.  A great many sewing and wardrobe planning books will tell 
you things like, Having large, bright flowers or wide horizontal 
stripes across the back of your pants is guaranteed to make your bum 
look large.  And if you've got any doubt, consult a mirror.

Information is one thing and social support is another.  The two don't 
have to be connected by any means.  Not everyone has a strong need for 
social support/approval.  I agree that's what many blogs seem to be for, 
it just holds no interest for me personally.

Lavolta Press

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-12 Thread Susan B. Farmer

Quoting Hope Greenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I'd like to recommend the use of blogs for another reason, one that 
we recommend to our faculty and students quite often: personal 
organization. While bookmarking sites like are great at 
helping you organize your bookmarks, blogs can help you in a slightly 
different way. While blog posts are generally organized 
chronologically, and you can organize them by category, at the heart 
of blogging systems is a search engine. So, one way to use a blog is 
as a storage place for items or articles you find online, to which 
you can add your comments.

Now *that* I didn't know -- and that's a big plus right now.  I use 3
different computers with 3 different sets of bookmarks.  *sigh* 
Granted, the set on the laptop is probably the best organized, it's my

primary machine, but still 

Does anybody know of any good bookmark management tools?

Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-12 Thread Chris Laning
Fran wrote:
  Not everyone has a strong need for
 social support/approval.  I agree that's what many blogs seem to be for, 
 it just holds no interest for me personally.

I have two: one LiveJournal, for miscellaneous ramblings on how I'm doing 
personally, and another on Blogspot, which is for articles related to my 

The LiveJournal one I started mostly because several of my friends are on LJ, 
and it seemed like a good place to put the occasional blather about weather in 
the Central Valley, the health of my cat, what I saw on my trip to England this 
year, and other stuff that would mostly be of interest to family and close 
friends. It's a way of letting that small audience know how I'm doing without 
having to write each one individually.

The Paternosters blog ( is something I started 
to force myself to sit down and WRITE about my research on the history of 
rosary beads. For about a year and a half I was producing one to two articles a 
week; it got sidetracked somehow after my England trip this spring and I 
haven't gotten back to it, but I certainly have not run out of things to talk 
about. I find that writing gives me more ideas about things to research and 
write about, and I've learned a lot in the process. I like it also because it's 
somewhere to post the answers to FAQs and anything else I want to make 
available, and yet it's simple to maintain just by sitting down and typing 
something; I don't have to create or configure entire Web pages to hold the 

0  Chris Laning
+  Davis, California  -

h-costume mailing list

RE: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-12 Thread zelda crusher

I'd like to recommend the use of blogs for another reason, one that we 
recommend to our faculty and students quite often: personal organization.

I don't have a blog or LJ as yet, despite 5 years nagging (erm, I mean 
encouraging) from my children, But lately I have considered it so I could 
have a place to put thoughts that I want to follow up on AND THAT I CAN FIND 
THE NEXT TIME I LOOK FOR IT!  I have journalled for many years (or tried to) 
but paper copies get misplaced.  I always know where LJ is.  My kids assure 
me that I can keep it locked and allow friends only, meaning nobody if I 
wish it. I like options in organizational strategies!


h-costume mailing list

RE: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-12 Thread Susan B. Farmer

Quoting zelda crusher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I'd like to recommend the use of blogs for another reason, one that 
we recommend to our faculty and students quite often: personal 

I don't have a blog or LJ as yet, despite 5 years nagging (erm, I 
mean encouraging) from my children, But lately I have considered it 
so I could have a place to put thoughts that I want to follow up on 

*snicker*  You should see the folder of to-Do lists that I have!  I
contemplate typing them up and organizing them from time to time .

I have journalled for many years (or tried to) but paper copies get 
misplaced.  I always know where LJ is.  My kids assure me that I can 
keep it locked and allow friends only, meaning nobody if I wish it. 
I like options in organizational strategies!

Yeah -- my son is an LJer too.  Don't know if he'd friend me or not
(he's just turned 18) ...

Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-12 Thread Hope Greenberg

Susan B. Farmer wrote:

Does anybody know of any good bookmark management tools?

There are a couple of social bookmarking sites. I use
(all about it here: The advantages are several:
- your bookmarks are stored online so it doesn't matter what computer 
you are using, you will always have access to them
- the tags (keywords) you use to describe your bookmarks get compiled 
into the entire system so you and people who use the same tags as you 
can find things you have bookmarked--spreading the work and the wealth, 
as it were (i's called building folksonomies, i.e taxonomies or naming 
conventions determined by the people who use them instead of by an 
- if you use the Firefox web browser ( 
there is an add-on that works with that let's you add a 
button to your toolbar so you can add bookmarks with the click of a mouse
- you can build a network of people with whom you want to share 
bookmarks, and they can share their bookmarks with you
- and then there are the cool things related to RSS that let you pour 
your bookmarks into your blog and such--but let's not get carried away...

We now return you to your regularly scheduled sewing...

- Hope
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-12 Thread Susan B. Farmer

Quoting Hope Greenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Susan B. Farmer wrote:

Does anybody know of any good bookmark management tools?

There are a couple of social bookmarking sites. I use
(all about it here: The advantages are several:


Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-12 Thread Kimiko Small
I am just starting to use this system as well, and it is taking awhile for me 
to input every bookmark I have, and add in the tags, notes, etc. It will take 
me a bit of work over some time, but it looks like it is worth doing.
  But I wanted to comment that the Firefox add on has also been put into the 
Explorer system as well, as that is what I use.

Hope Greenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - if you use the Firefox web browser ( 
there is an add-on that works with that let's you add a 
button to your toolbar so you can add bookmarks with the click of a mouse

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[h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-11 Thread Kathy Page
I'll chime in with a wooden nickel or two, for what it's worth.

I've never gotten into that document every stitch diary thing. I am too busy 
thinking about the work I am doing, where it needs to go and how to get there 
to worry about where my camera is or accessing some convoluted file system (my 
husband set up my system, and thus is a reflection of his odd, uncommunicative 
mind... not very user friendly.)  to tell everyone how my day's work went. I 
have people asking me to do it, but I am just not wired for it. I never kept up 
with a diary as a kid, I am lousy at sending letters - I have the attention 
span of a gnat even for email, for that matter. Occasionally I'll take a pic or 
two if it's something really bizarre or way left of the accepted centre. I 
would rather show someone in person, talk face to face and interact directly. 
That is when I really start flooding with ideas and information.
My network is also to blame for my lack of readily available photographs; my 
camera software is in my husbands computer which is an Apple, thus I haven't 
the foggiest how things work. Asking him is like pulling hen's teeth so, I find 
myself very efficient in my photography. 
Have I found other's LJ and blogs useful and interesting? Occasionally. Do I 
tend to find a plethora of information I don't care about/need to know? Yes. I 
am with Dawn on this one, I keep my stuff on my website (which I can't even 
keep up to that - I have *years* of stuff that has to be put on there) which 
having to do all that technical schtuff to get it looking right and operating 
efficiently, one finds good reason to not post every last iota of thought onto 

All this quite ironic coming from a person who has a difficult time *not* 
talking for extended periods of time. ;-)

Ermine, a lion rampant tail nowed gules charged on the shoulder with a rose Or 
barbed, seeded, slipped and leaved vert(Fieldless) On a rose Or barbed vert a 
lion's head erased gules.
Its never too late to be who you might have been.
-George Eliot
Tosach eólais imchomarc. - Questioning is the beginning of knowledge.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-11 Thread Alexandria Doyle

I don't much care to do a blog or read most of the blogs out there.  I
know they have their uses, like when my niece was studying in Germany
and could post what was going on for the family at home.  And
occassionally I'll look at someone's dress diary if there's a direct
link to something that peaks my interest.

But in general I prefer to keep my plans to myself until I see how
they're going to turn out and there's also a time thing.  I can see
where doing a blog would end up eating time that should otherwise be
for doing one of my many projects.

So while blogs are okay for other people, I can live without them.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-11 Thread aquazoo
 I'm another non-blogger.  I think it would be sad if the information
shared on this list was diminished because a majority decided to do
blogs instead.

 I'm on a number of lists where occasionally someone will post a link
to a blog or web page if they have posted something relevant or want
to show a finished project.  Also in most cases any comments are
posted to the blog or personally to the individual rather than back
to the list.

 A key phrase for me is signal to noise ratio — how much is posted
that's of interest to me compared to other information?  I might read
a blog if I like someone's writing style, and then there are some
that are just plain amazing:


h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-11 Thread michaela
I have two lj's and am pretty open about why I started them and why I
actually have two.

I started my first one to record how I was dealing with a chronic
debilitating illness. The fact was I couldn't write at the time but typing
could be done without causing too much strain. I could also choose to go
back and spell check if need be. I never did because very few people were
reading it and I never expected many to even if they did stumble across my
journal. I soon decided to make it friends only because I didn't want to
bore many people about how the latest mouth ulcer was going and in fact so
that no stranger who might be lurking would know when I was in a
particularly vulnerable state.

Pretty soon my costuming notes, outgrew my daily notes so I created a
costume specific journal where I could nut out ideas and those who wondered
how on earth we costumers actually work could see the whole process.

You'd be surprised how helpful it is for those starting to see that those
who do this regularly manage to deal with the cat or a child or simple
working out a pattern piece.

I've never gotten into that document every stitch diary thing. I am too
busy thinking about the work I am doing, where it needs to go and how to get
there to worry about where my camera is or accessing some convoluted file
system (my husband set up my system, and thus is a reflection of his odd,
uncommunicative mind... not very user friendly.)  to tell everyone how my
day's work went. I have people asking me to do it, but I am just not wired
for it. I never kept up with a diary as a kid, I am lousy at sending
letters - I have the attention span of a gnat even for email, for that

With many online journals you have a small client that runs in the
background that you can just click on and type up a really brief note. This
is the only reason I manage to keep up regularly. If I had to log in through
the website and then upload photos every time it would languish like my
written journals I started when I was younger. I'm not saying this would be
useful for you, but even I didn't realise there was such an ability until
about a year into having mine. At which time my updates suddenly increased.

I find it a much more user friendly place. I can help far more people by
giving them a quiet note in their journal than trumpeting across a huge list
you could/should have done it this way.

In fact more people are willing to ask question in their own journals that
fill up a list with talk on a minor subject. Probably because they have been
scared off in the past for doing so.

I find all the forms of communication online useful. There are nuggets of
gold on all the lists and journals I am involved with.

Michaela de Bruce

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h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: OT: LJ/ blogspot/Yahoo360 etc.

2006-07-11 Thread Kimiko Small
You are a nuggest of gold in the online world, whatever forum, mailing list, or 
blog you may be using. I want to say Thank You for sharing what you've learned, 
and thereby teaching many of us along the way.

michaela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I find all the forms of communication online useful. There are nuggets of
gold on all the lists and journals I am involved with.

Michaela de Bruce

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