Re: Haproxy 1.4 url redirection issue

2014-03-03 Thread Neil - HAProxy List
Hello Amol

Here is an example of the sort of thing I use

The 3 important things for are
  SetEnv HTTPS on
  UseCanonicalName On

VirtualHost *:8080

  ## Vhost docroot
  DocumentRoot /var/www/

  ## Directories, there should at least be a declaration for /var/www

  Directory /var/www
Options Indexes ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

  ## Logging
  LogLevel warn
  ServerSignature Off

  ## Custom fragment
This tricks PHP into believing the script was accessed over SSL
  SetEnv HTTPS on

  DirectoryIndex index.php
  UseCanonicalName On

  ErrorLog |/usr/bin/cronolog --link

  LogFormat %h %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b \%{Referer}i\ \%{User-Agent}i\
  LogFormat %{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b \%{Referer}i\
\%{User-Agent}i\ proxied
  SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^ direct # make it always set
  SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-For ^.*\..*\..*\..* !direct
  SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-For ^.*\..*\..*\..* proxied
  SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/healthcheck$ !direct

  # keep these SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/healthcheck$ !proxied
  CustomLog |/usr/bin/cronolog --link
/var/log/apache2/%Y/servicename_directaccess-%Y%m%d.log direct env=direct
  CustomLog |/usr/bin/cronolog --link /var/log/apache2/servicename_access
/var/log/apache2/%Y/servicename_access-%Y%m%d.log proxied env=proxied


I like to log traffic from the loadbal separately to traffic from the
public and I ignore /healthcheck from the loadbal but not from others.
You'll need to tell haproxy to option forwardfor. Also using cronolog.


On 1 March 2014 15:27, Baptiste wrote:


 More chance to get an answer from Apache 2.2 and wordpress people...


 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Amol wrote:
  well the application behind haproxy in this case is wordpress on
  any settings there?
  On Friday, February 28, 2014 4:57 AM, Baptiste wrote:
  It may not fix the issue.
  But at least the configuration will do what you expect from it...
  That said, the issue may be in the application too :)
  It is commonly seen that applications don't behave properly when SSL
  offloading is enabled in front of them.
  On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Amol wrote:
  Thanks Baptiste, let me give that a try
  On Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:37 AM, Baptiste
  Hi Amol,
  There are a few improvement you can do.
  First update your frontend acl to:
   acl host_xx hdr(host) -i
  then in your backend, this ACL should never match: acl login_page
  url_beg  /xyz
  replace url_beg by path_beg.
  Your problem is not there as well.
  I think your application server is sending hardcoded data or Location
  analyzing the body of the pages and HAProxy logs may help here.
  On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Amol wrote:
  Hi i am using HA-Proxy version 1.4.12 and i have an issue trying to
  my website to http
  requirement : when a user types in he should
  be redirected to
  currently it does that and some of the video links on our main page do
  work (basically vimeo has http links while our page is https so it
  security exception)
  at the same time we need users with to
  redirected to (this helps users login
  secure application)
  so under my current configurations i cannot get the first part to work,
  basically ( works and stays http but when i type it does a redirection to https)
  frontend http-in
 bind xx.xx.xx.xx:80 name http
 bind 10.xx.xx.xx:8000 name https # forwared by stunnel
 acl host_xx hdr_beg(host) -i
 use_backend xx-http if host_xx
 default_backend xx-https
  backend xx-http
 balance roundrobin
 cookie BALANCEID insert indirect nocache
 option http-server-close
 option httpchk OPTIONS /check.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\ www
 server xx-app1 xx.xx.xx.xx:80 cookie A check
 server xx-app6 xx.xx.xx.xx:80 cookie B check backup
 acl secure dst_port eq 8000
 acl login_page url_beg  /xyz
 redirect prefix if login_page !secure
  backend xx-https
 mode http
 balance roundrobin
 cookie BALANCEID insert indirect nocache
 option http-server-close
 # option forwardfor except
 option httpchk OPTIONS /check.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\ www
 server xx-app1 xx.xx.xx.xx:80 cookie s1 weight 1 maxconn 5000

Bonobo : 1 jeans acheté -10 euros sur le 2eme article

2014-03-03 Thread Bonobo par Charles
Title: Document sans nom
Cliquez ici pour lire cet e-mail dans votre navigateur.	Bonjour $firstname$,	Du 25/02 au 09/03 inclus,	Profitez de votre offre Jeans : 	1 jean achet -10 sur le 2ème article*FEMMEHOMMELOOKBOOKBLOG		LIVRAISON ET RETOUR		GRATUIT EN MAGASINLIVRAISON		SOUS 3 JOURSPAIEMENT		SCURIS		300magasins		en france Localiser un magasin		Suivez-nous sur :*L’offre « 1 jean achet -10 sur le 2ème article » est valable du 25/02 au 09/03/2014 inclus sur le site Bonobo et dans les magasins Bonobo (y compris magasins multi enseignes). La rduction de 10 sur le 2ème article est conditionne par l’achat d’un jeans (hors BNB Limited et Les Limited), la rduction s’appliquera sur le 2ème article achet (hors accessoires, Happy Prices, BNB Limited et Les Limited). Offre non cumulable avec toute autre promotion en cours hors Blue Card et Opration Recyclage.		Conformment à la loi « Informatique et Liberts » du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des donnes vous concernant. Pour l'exercer, vous pouvez vous adresser à : Bonobo La Moinerie /10 impasse du Grand Jardin 35400 SAINT-MALO ou par mail à 		Merci d'ajouter à votre carnet d'adresses afin de vous assurer que nos e-mailings arrivent dans votre boîte de rception (et non dans celle du courrier indsirable)		Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir d'offres de notre part, 	Dsinscrivez vous ici

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2014-03-03 Thread
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2014-03-03 Thread Sander Klein


would it be possible to support IP_FREEBIND with HAProxy-1.5 on linux?

I'm asking because nonlocal_bind only works for IPv4 and it seems linux 
upstream does not want to support nonlocal_bind for IPv6.

A thread about this can be found here:

Currently I'm binding IP's to a dummy interface so HAProxy can start, 
but this is starting to become a nightmare.




2014-03-03 Thread Sander Klein

On 03.03.2014 14:45, Sander Klein wrote:


would it be possible to support IP_FREEBIND with HAProxy-1.5 on linux?

I'm asking because nonlocal_bind only works for IPv4 and it seems
linux upstream does not want to support nonlocal_bind for IPv6.

A thread about this can be found here:

Currently I'm binding IP's to a dummy interface so HAProxy can start,
but this is starting to become a nightmare.

Replying to myself... I'm probably looking for the 'transparant' option. 
Looking at the docs it seems to do what I want...




2014-03-03 Thread Lukas Tribus

 On 03.03.2014 14:45, Sander Klein wrote:

 would it be possible to support IP_FREEBIND with HAProxy-1.5 on linux?

 I'm asking because nonlocal_bind only works for IPv4 and it seems
 linux upstream does not want to support nonlocal_bind for IPv6.

 A thread about this can be found here:

 Currently I'm binding IP's to a dummy interface so HAProxy can start,
 but this is starting to become a nightmare.

 Replying to myself... I'm probably looking for the 'transparant' option.
 Looking at the docs it seems to do what I want...

Yes, the transparent option sets IPV6_TRANSPARENT on IPv6 sockets, which
should achieve this.

Please let us know if this works for you; we do IP_FREEBIND only on IPv4,
not on IPv6.

Also, be advised that this is not supported on ancient kernels, support
for those things appeared in 2.6.37. You may want to use a 3.x kernel for



[PATCH] MINOR: set IP_FREEBIND on IPv6 sockets in transparent mode

2014-03-03 Thread Lukas Tribus
Lets set IP_FREEBIND on IPv6 sockets as well, this works since Linux 3.3
and doesn't require CAP_NET_ADMIN privileges (IPV6_TRANSPARENT does).

This allows unprivileged users to bind to non-local IPv6 addresses, which
can be useful when setting up the listening sockets or when connecting
to backend servers with a specific, non-local source IPv6 address (at that
point we usually dropped root privileges already).


Before this patch an unprivileged bind fails:
setsockopt(5, SOL_IPV6, 0x4b /* IPV6_TRANSPARENT */, [1], 4) = -1 EPERM 
(Operation not permitted)
bind(5, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(1080), inet_pton(AF_INET6, 
2005::1, sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, 28) = -1 
EADDRNOTAVAIL (Cannot assign requested address)

After the patch:
setsockopt(5, SOL_IPV6, 0x4b /* IPV6_TRANSPARENT */, [1], 4) = -1 EPERM 
(Operation not permitted)
setsockopt(5, SOL_IP, IP_FREEBIND, [1], 4) = 0
bind(5, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(1080), inet_pton(AF_INET6, 
2005::1, sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, 28) = 0

 src/proto_tcp.c |6 ++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/proto_tcp.c b/src/proto_tcp.c
index 11f6331..2b12ef8 100644
--- a/src/proto_tcp.c
+++ b/src/proto_tcp.c
@@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ int tcp_bind_socket(int fd, int flags, struct 
sockaddr_storage *local, struct so
 #if defined(IPV6_TRANSPARENT)
|| (setsockopt(fd, SOL_IPV6, IPV6_TRANSPARENT, 
one, sizeof(one)) == 0)
+#if defined(IP_FREEBIND)
+   || (setsockopt(fd, SOL_IP, IP_FREEBIND, one, 
sizeof(one)) == 0)
 #if defined(IPV6_BINDANY)
|| (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_BINDANY, 
one, sizeof(one)) == 0)
@@ -787,6 +790,9 @@ int tcp_bind_listener(struct listener *listener, char 
*errmsg, int errlen)
 #if defined(IPV6_TRANSPARENT)
 (setsockopt(fd, SOL_IPV6, IPV6_TRANSPARENT, 
one, sizeof(one)) == -1)
+#if defined(IP_FREEBIND)
+(setsockopt(fd, SOL_IP, IP_FREEBIND, one, 
sizeof(one)) == -1)
 #if defined(IPV6_BINDANY)
 (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_BINDANY, 
one, sizeof(one)) == -1)

Re: inspecting incoming tcp content

2014-03-03 Thread PiBa-NL


Im not sure if this is the exact issue that Anup was having, and maybe 
i'm hijacking his thread, if so i'm sorry for that, but when try to 
check how it works i also having difficulties getting it to work as i 
expected it to.

I'm using HAProxy v1.5dev21 on FreeBSD 8.3.

Ive written in a frontend the following which checks for a GET web 
request to determine which backend to use, this works..:

mode tcp
tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m bin 474554
use_backend web_80_tcp if PAYLOADcheck
tcp-request content accept if PAYLOADcheck

However when changing the match line to the following it fails:
acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m str GET
acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m sub GET
acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m reg -i GET

The req.payload returns a piece of 'binary' data, but the 'compatibility 
matrix' seems to say that converting for use with sub/reg/others should 
not be an issue.

Then the next step is of course to not match only the first 3 characters 
but some content further in the 'middle' of the data stream..

Am i missing something ? Or might there be an issue with the implementation?

This is currently only for finding if and how that req.payload check can 
be used. Of course using 'mode http' would be much better for this 
purpose when running http traffic, but that isn't the purpose of this 

Ive spoken on irc with mculp who was trying something similar but 
couldnt get it to work either, and seen a previous question which seems to 
have gone without a final solution as well.

So the question is, is this possible or might there be some issues in 
'converting' the checks?

Thanks for your time.

Greets PiBa-NL

Baptiste schreef op 28-2-2014 10:57:


and where is your problem exactly?


On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 7:39 AM, anup katariya wrote:


I wanted to inspect incoming tcp request. I wanted to something like below

payload(0, 100) match with string like 49=ABC.


Re: [PATCH] MINOR: set IP_FREEBIND on IPv6 sockets in transparent mode

2014-03-03 Thread Willy Tarreau
On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 09:10:51PM +0100, Lukas Tribus wrote:
 Lets set IP_FREEBIND on IPv6 sockets as well, this works since Linux 3.3
 and doesn't require CAP_NET_ADMIN privileges (IPV6_TRANSPARENT does).
 This allows unprivileged users to bind to non-local IPv6 addresses, which
 can be useful when setting up the listening sockets or when connecting
 to backend servers with a specific, non-local source IPv6 address (at that
 point we usually dropped root privileges already).

Patch applied, thank you Lukas!


ENOTCONN from recv() on illumos

2014-03-03 Thread Joshua M. Clulow
Hi folks,

I was testing haproxy-1.5-dev22 on SmartOS (an illumos-based system)
and ran into a problem.  There's a small window after non-blocking
connect() is called, but before the TCP connection is established,
where recv() may return ENOTCONN.  On Linux, the behaviour here seems
to be always to return EAGAIN.  The fix is relatively trivial, and
appears to make haproxy work reliably on current SmartOS (see patch
below).  It's possible that other UNIX platforms exhibit this
behaviour as well.

Does this fix appear to be acceptable?

--- haproxy-1.5-dev22/src/raw_sock.c2014-02-02 23:41:29.0 +
+++ haproxy-1.5-dev22-PATCHED/src/raw_sock.c2014-03-03
21:38:45.23282 +
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
else if (ret == 0) {
goto read0;
-   else if (errno == EAGAIN) {
+   else if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == ENOTCONN) {


Joshua M. Clulow
UNIX Admin/Developer

La actualización Gerencial que le dará - GRANDES RESULTADOS

2014-03-03 Thread Katherine Gonzalez

Gerenciales de Alto ImpactoBogotá 11, 12, 13 
Marzo de 


  empresa, por extraordinaria que sea, es susceptible de caer. No hay 
  ninguna ley de la naturaleza que garantice que los más poderosos puedan 
  permanecer en la cima inevitablemente... pero ¿CÓMO CAEN LOS 
  Presentamos un 
  extraordinario seminario que se llevará a cabo en Colombia. ¡No se pierda 
  uno de los eventos más interesantes en el mundo gerencial actual!. 
  Para ampliar 
  la información y obtener los beneficios de inscripción temprana diligencie 
  sin compromiso los siguientes datos: 
  -Nombre:-Empresa:-Ciudad:-Teléfono:-E-mail:"Su información jamás será compartida ni comercializada. 
  Garantizamos total confidencialidad y privacidad de sus 

  Centro de 
  atención telefónica: 01 8000 51 30 51, PBX (4) 444 09 18 


  Importante: En 
  cumplimiento con la ley 1581 de 2012, queremos comunicarle que si usted no 
  desea recibir la información actualizada con los temas más innovadores de 
  nuestra agenda de eventos de capacitación, puede des-suscribirse de estas 
  invitaciones respondiendo este correo con el asunto BAJA. 
  Este correo no puede ser considerado intrusivo ya que cumple con 
  las políticas antispa m internacionales y locales.Este correo ha sido 
  enviado enviado a:

RE: ENOTCONN from recv() on illumos

2014-03-03 Thread Lukas Tribus
Hi Joshua,

 Hi folks,

 I was testing haproxy-1.5-dev22 on SmartOS (an illumos-based system)
 and ran into a problem. There's a small window after non-blocking
 connect() is called, but before the TCP connection is established,
 where recv() may return ENOTCONN. On Linux, the behaviour here seems
 to be always to return EAGAIN. The fix is relatively trivial, and
 appears to make haproxy work reliably on current SmartOS (see patch
 below). It's possible that other UNIX platforms exhibit this
 behaviour as well.

 Does this fix appear to be acceptable?

The same thing was already done for send() in commit 0ea0cf606e1d (BUG:
raw_sock: also consider ENOTCONN in addition to EAGAIN) [1].

CC'ing Willy.




Re: ENOTCONN from recv() on illumos

2014-03-03 Thread Willy Tarreau
Hi guys,

On Tue, Mar 04, 2014 at 12:30:18AM +0100, Lukas Tribus wrote:
 Hi Joshua,
  Hi folks,
  I was testing haproxy-1.5-dev22 on SmartOS (an illumos-based system)
  and ran into a problem. There's a small window after non-blocking
  connect() is called, but before the TCP connection is established,
  where recv() may return ENOTCONN. On Linux, the behaviour here seems
  to be always to return EAGAIN. The fix is relatively trivial, and
  appears to make haproxy work reliably on current SmartOS (see patch
  below). It's possible that other UNIX platforms exhibit this
  behaviour as well.
  Does this fix appear to be acceptable?
 The same thing was already done for send() in commit 0ea0cf606e1d (BUG:
 raw_sock: also consider ENOTCONN in addition to EAGAIN) [1].
 CC'ing Willy.

Good point. I've amended the commit message, applied it and tagged it
for backport to 1.4 as well.



2014-03-03 Thread Willy Tarreau
Hi Sander,

On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 04:01:12PM +0100, Lukas Tribus wrote:
  On 03.03.2014 14:45, Sander Klein wrote:
  would it be possible to support IP_FREEBIND with HAProxy-1.5 on linux?
  I'm asking because nonlocal_bind only works for IPv4 and it seems
  linux upstream does not want to support nonlocal_bind for IPv6.
  A thread about this can be found here:
  Currently I'm binding IP's to a dummy interface so HAProxy can start,
  but this is starting to become a nightmare.
  Replying to myself... I'm probably looking for the 'transparant' option.
  Looking at the docs it seems to do what I want...
 Yes, the transparent option sets IPV6_TRANSPARENT on IPv6 sockets, which
 should achieve this.
 Please let us know if this works for you; we do IP_FREEBIND only on IPv4,
 not on IPv6.
 Also, be advised that this is not supported on ancient kernels, support
 for those things appeared in 2.6.37. You may want to use a 3.x kernel for

Please test the snapshot from this morning, it contains Lukas' patch.


Re: inspecting incoming tcp content

2014-03-03 Thread Willy Tarreau

On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 09:12:27PM +0100, PiBa-NL wrote:
 Im not sure if this is the exact issue that Anup was having, and maybe 
 i'm hijacking his thread, if so i'm sorry for that, but when try to 
 check how it works i also having difficulties getting it to work as i 
 expected it to.
 I'm using HAProxy v1.5dev21 on FreeBSD 8.3.
 Ive written in a frontend the following which checks for a GET web 
 request to determine which backend to use, this works..:
 mode tcp
 tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
 acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m bin 474554
 use_backend web_80_tcp if PAYLOADcheck
 tcp-request content accept if PAYLOADcheck
 However when changing the match line to the following it fails:
 acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m str GET
 acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m sub GET
 acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m reg -i GET
 The req.payload returns a piece of 'binary' data, but the 'compatibility 
 matrix' seems to say that converting for use with sub/reg/others should 
 not be an issue.
 Then the next step is of course to not match only the first 3 characters 
 but some content further in the 'middle' of the data stream..
 Am i missing something ? Or might there be an issue with the implementation?

What you've done is absolutely correct. It is possible that there's a
bug somewhere in the cast. I'm CCing Thierry who has a pending patch
set of about 50 patches to rework ACLs (merge ACL+map and allow to update
them on-the-fly) to ensure he checks this case.


Re: weights

2014-03-03 Thread Willy Tarreau
On Sat, Mar 01, 2014 at 11:06:32PM +0530, vijeesh vijayan wrote:
 Thanks. will share screenshot shortly. roundrobin recommented for mysql

What Baptiste is explaining is that leastconn focuses on balancing
the number of established connections and not the cumulated number
of connections. If one server responds slowly and the other responds
fast, the slow one will always have a certain number of open
connections while the fast one will have very few. Thus it is normal
that haproxy will pick the fast one more often than the slow one. And
this is precisely the purpose of leastconn.

Some people use leastconn to avoid servers which are suffering from
some local system perturbations (eg: backups). And in general, what
you're observing means exactly that one server is working much better
than another one.

So round robin will equally distribute the number of requests to your
servers, but will degrade the quality of service since the slow one
will get more requests than right now, and the fast one will remain
mostly idle waiting for the slow one to get its share.
