
2013-05-15 Thread Joel Krauska
The HTTP Log Format tracks bytes_read, which appears to be the number of
bytes in the HTTP response send from the backend to the requesting client.

I feel also that bytes_sent may be an interesting field to track.

For example: An Image upload site may care a lot more about image uploads
to their servers than downloads. (esp for an upload backend pool)

Checking the ratio of bytes_read vs bytes_sent also provides interesting
insight in to how an application is performing.

Is there anyway I can lobby to get bytes_sent added to future revisions of
the HTTP Log format?

Is there any other method to collect this info?

The stats page is already collecting Bytes in and Bytes out, but I'm
missing it in the log format, so I can't look at it on a per-request level.



Re: Simple health check return... -- without backend needed?

2013-01-18 Thread Joel Krauska
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:44 AM, Jonathan Matthews

 On 18 January 2013 02:26, Joel Krauska wrote:
  monitor-uri looks like it would only work as a path match.
  I need to match a Host header.

 Could you elaborate a bit on why you're trying to do this? Is it for a
 human or machine audience? Etc etc ...

It's for an external check that unfortunately I cannot change.

It looks like the custom 503-200 rewrite will do the trick.

But it would be simpler to have a more generic 'monitor' method that could
be ACL triggered.


Simple health check return... -- without backend needed?

2013-01-17 Thread Joel Krauska
Is there a simple way to have haproxy send a simple response for a given

Matching somewhat the functionality of Nginx's empty_gif module?
I don't need to send an actual empty gif, but just a simple 200 and OK
would be fine.

Use case would be to have an ACL that when matched always responds with a
simple 200.
(external check to make sure HAProxy is functional without needing to hit
any backends.)

Can an acl respond with errorcode 200?

Would creating a backend with no members and changing the 500 response file
to look like a 200 response file work?
(seems hacky)

Any advice?



Re: Simple health check return... -- without backend needed?

2013-01-17 Thread Joel Krauska
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Jonathan Matthews

 On 17 January 2013 23:02, Joel Krauska wrote:
  Is there a simple way to have haproxy send a simple response for a given
  Matching somewhat the functionality of Nginx's empty_gif module?
  I don't need to send an actual empty gif, but just a simple 200 and OK
  be fine.
  Use case would be to have an ACL that when matched always responds with a
  simple 200.
  (external check to make sure HAProxy is functional without needing to hit
  any backends.)

 Sounds like you want to configure monitor-uri:

monitor-uri looks like it would only work as a path match.

I need to match a Host header.

eg. (always return 200 when haproxy is running)
vs  (proxy to backend pool)

Re: Backends Referencing other Backends?

2012-10-24 Thread Joel Krauska
The reasons I would want them are in the original email, but here are
some more details.

1.  -- Gathering of unique stats without having to define a pool twice
This would be stellar for adhoc debug. (how much traffic matches this
ACL??), but also useful for general traffic classification.

2.  -- Allowing a pool to be served by a backup pool if all of the
original pool's servers are down.

Our app tier machines are technically capable of serving /ANY/
content. (we have a common code deploy)
However, we use HAproxy and header or URL matching to group certain
sub-groups of traffic to certain pools.
eg. Send image renders (which take longer and can block other traffic)
to a dedicated pool of image render boxes.

If somehow the entire image render pool died, it would be /ok/ to
briefly allow that traffic to hit other servers in our general pool.

I find that the longer a config file gets, the more error prone it becomes.

Having some 'macros' or 'includes' and some of the techniques I was
asking for avoids having to repeat configuration and reduce errors.

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:41 AM, Baptiste wrote:
 Hi Joel,

 Unfortunately, this kind of configuration is not doable.
 Could you tell us why  you want to do such thing, what is the real
 need for this (even if I have  some ideas about it ;) )


Backends Referencing other Backends?

2012-10-23 Thread Joel Krauska
Hello fellow Haproxy users.

Here are some thoughts and example ideas about backend definitions and
seeing if anyone has thought of these features or if they're even
possible today.


Joel Krauska

1. 'Stats only backend'
I'd like to keep stats for a certain matching condition, but don't
want to define the same backend twice.

use_backend one if { hdr_dom(host) -i one  }
use_backend two if { hdr_dom(host) -i two  }

backend one
cookie SID insert indirect
server app-01:8080 app-01:8080 cookie app1-8080 check inter 3s
rise 2 fall 2 maxconn 255
server app-02:8080 app-02:8080 cookie app2-8080 check inter 3s
rise 2 fall 2 maxconn 255
option httpchk GET /healthcheck.html
stats admin if TRUE

backend two
use_backend one

Not sure if stats for one should == stats for one + stats for two, or
if it would be better for hits to two to only count on two...
I think my preference would be that stats would only count against backend two.
Obviously you need to be careful not to allow for backend looping.

2. 'backend with backup backend'
Fall through to a different backend if primary servers are unavailable
(similar to backup server -- but not requiring defining groups twice
if there's some overlap in pool definitions)

use_backend one if { hdr_dom(host) -i one  }
use_backend two if { hdr_dom(host) -i two  }

backend one
cookie SID insert indirect
server app-01:8080 app-01:8080 cookie app1-8080 check inter 3s
rise 2 fall 2 maxconn 255
server app-02:8080 app-02:8080 cookie app2-8080 check inter 3s
rise 2 fall 2 maxconn 255
option httpchk GET /healthcheck.html
stats admin if TRUE

backend two
server app-03:8080 app-03:8080 cookie app1-8080 check inter 3s
rise 2 fall 2 maxconn 255
server app-04:8080 app-04:8080 cookie app2-8080 check inter 3s
rise 2 fall 2 maxconn 255
backup_backend one

3. 'backend macro includes'
Similar in concept to #1, but maybe more flexible.

use_backend one if { hdr_dom(host) -i one  }
use_backend two if { hdr_dom(host) -i two  }

backend_macro macro-one
cookie SID insert indirect
server app-01:8080 app-01:8080 cookie app1-8080 check inter 3s
rise 2 fall 2 maxconn 255
server app-02:8080 app-02:8080 cookie app2-8080 check inter 3s
rise 2 fall 2 maxconn 255
option httpchk GET /healthcheck.html
stats admin if TRUE

backend one
include_backend_macro macro-one

backend two
include_backend_macro macro-one

Re: request per second statistics

2012-10-02 Thread Joel Krauska
I use something like this:
(it has a few things that are specific to my implementation)

import os
import csv
import urllib2
import pprint
import time

datadir = '/home/rrdcollect/haproxy-stats/rrds'
hostlist = ['']
haproxycreds = ['url','user','pass']
key_values = ['scur', 'bin', 'bout']
for host in hostlist:
   print host

   url = 'http://%s/%s;csv;norefresh' % (host, haproxycreds[0])
   print url
   pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
   passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
   passman.add_password(None, url, haproxycreds[1], haproxycreds[2])
   authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
   opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
   f = urllib2.urlopen(url)

   firstrow = True
   e = dict()
   for row_ind,row in enumerate(csv.reader(f)):
  if firstrow:
 mapping = row
 firstrow = False
  if FRONTEND in row or BACKEND in row:
 d = {}
 for ind,col_val in enumerate(row):
col_name = mapping[ind]
row_key = row[0],row_ind
   for keys in key_values:
  for key_tuple,row_dict in e.iteritems():
 row_val = row_dict.get(keys,'')
 if keys == scur:
pitem = CurrentSessionRate
 elif keys == bin:
pitem = bpsIn
row_val = int(row_val)*8
row_val = str(row_val)
 elif keys == bout:
pitem = bpsOut
row_val = int(row_val)*8
row_val = str(row_val)

 rrd = %s/haproxyStat_%s_%s_%s.rrd % (datadir,
pitem, key_tuple[0], host)
 print rrd
 cmd = rrdtool update %s N:%s % (rrd, row_val)
 print cmd
 if not os.path.isfile(rrd):
print 'RRD does not exist!'
from time import time
now = int(time())
print now
print now
maxvalue = 10
if bps in pitem:
   cmd = 'rrdtool create %s --start %s
--step 300 DS:data:DERIVE:600:0:%s RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:9000
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:4000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:72:5000
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:2500' % (rrd, now, maxvalue)
   cmd = 'rrdtool create %s --start %s
--step 300 DS:data:COUNTER:600:0:%s RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:9000
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:4000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:72:5000
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:2500' % (rrd, now, maxvalue)
print cmd

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Saul Waizer wrote:
 Hello List,

 This is a general question, has anyone developed a method of polling
 statistics from HAproxy to determine the current requests per second rate? I
 am building a custom nagios plugin that will also work with graphite and
 cacti, i am trying to find the best approach to gather RPS statistics. Any

 Thank You,

Delay Frontend Binding?

2011-12-16 Thread Joel Krauska
Is it possible to delay the FrontEnd binding until the back ends have had
time to do health checks and rise?

I use multiple HAProxy nodes with multiple A records.
eg: resolves to a.b.c.d and a.b.c.z

If the first machine goes down, most browsers happily move along to a
different IP if the first IP fails to respond to port 80.

However, I think I am seeing when I recover the original host, it will
briefly send 503s when it has bound to port 80 on the frontend, but hasn't
connected all the back ends.

Thus I'm looking for a mechanism to delay the binding on the FrontEnd for a
small timewindow.
(ideally I would set this window to just above my 'RISE' thresholds for
backend health checks)

I was looking for this in the config, but couldn't find it.

Do other people see this problem?

I imagine I could hack together a gatekeeper using iptables, but I feel
like it might be a nice feature for HAProxy.


Expire Cookies ??

2011-03-31 Thread Joel Krauska
It would be nice to be able to set an expiration timer on server 
persistence cookies set by HAProxy.


From what I can tell HAProxy is not setting an expires window for cookies.

Is this a feature that I just can't find in the documentation?



Apache Compatible HAProxy Log Formatting?

2011-03-09 Thread Joel Krauska
Has anyone worked out a way to get HAProxy to output logging in an 
Apache Combined Log Format?

Most log analysis tools out there already speak Apache log format and I 
was hoping to avoid writing a parser for what is essentially mostly the 
same information.

Anyone got a work around for this situation?



Re: Configuration API?

2011-02-07 Thread Joel Krauska

On 2/7/11 1:01 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 09:45:21AM +0100, Bedis 9 wrote:

Do you have an example of what purpose it would serve ? I'm asking
because it's not very easy to implement with table-based algorithms,
since the size of the table is determined by the GCD of all active
servers' weights. Thus adding a new server will change the size of
the table.

It's also a feature I've never seen on other products either, which
makes be doubt about its usefulness.

Hey Willy,

It's really useful in big organizations, when you have to manage tens
and tens of LBs and you want to ease the management.
An API available remotely allows you to write your own centralized
management tools:
- configuration backup
- configuration edit and push
- collection of statistics

I'm well aware of the usefulness of the API, I was meaning that switching
a server's role between active and backup did not seem useful to me ;-)

What was your original intent of the Backup Server feature?

Our organization uses backup servers to assist with new code rollout and 
easy rollback. (I'm not fond of it, just looking to automate it with APIs)

example use case:

Four Servers A,B,C,D
All Running The Same Code Rev
A  B are primary
C  D are in backup

The Upgrade:
C  D upgrade to new code rev.

The Flip: (as quickly as possible to try to stay atomic)
C  D taken out of Backup State
A  B put in to Backup State

Sanity Checking Phase:
Make sure new live roll is performing as expected.
Hold on to older rev A  B boxes until you feel C  D are solid.
(typically 15-30 minutes)
If the new push is terrible, you can revert The Flip above.

Steady State:
Upgrade A  B to match C  D's code revs.
Now A  B can be thought of as emergency backup for if/when C/D fall over.

Lather, rise repeat (swapping AB/CD above)

Does the above use case make sense to you?

Known limitations:

Ideally it would be much easier to downgrade a single system's code.
(working on that)

Also this clearly doesn't well scale to larger deployments -- 50 active 
and 50 standby. (working on that too.)


Re: Configuration API?

2011-02-04 Thread Joel Krauska

Awesome - This is a great start.

Putting a server in backup or primary mode would be a nice addition.

Adding new servers would also be nice, but that's likely to be a harder 


On 2/4/11 12:46 PM, John Marrett wrote:

Check out section 9.2. Unix Socket commands


On 11-02-04 03:40 PM, Joel Krauska wrote:

Has there ever been effort in building out a configuration API for

It would be nice to be able to tweak configs externally to do things.
(simpler things now, but obviously being able to tweak /ANY/ config
parameter might be nice down the road)

My wish list:
- put a server in backup mode or primary node as needed
- raise or lower a server weight
- add a new server to an existing pool

How do other folks do this in a programmatic fashion?
(just adjust config files and HUP?)


Re: Load Balancing with haproxy makes my application slower?

2011-01-29 Thread Joel Krauska


I think it would be helpful to further explain your testing scenario.

How do you simulate concurrent users?

What is RSTav?

Usersps is sessions per second??

I think most folks use Apache Bench
as a fairly common industry standard for HTTP server performance.

Would you consider rerunning your test using ab as well?

Equivalently, you might look at httpperf (see the haproxy web page for 
some notes)

One tuning thing you might try is dropping down your timeouts.
You have:
timeout connect 1
timeout client 30
timeout server 30

I typically use an order of magnitude smaller.
(these are exaple defaults listed in an example in 2.3 of the HA proxy docs)

Best of luck,


On 1/29/11 10:53 AM, Sean Hess wrote:

I'm performing real-world load tests for the first time, and my results
aren't making a lot of sense.

Just to make sure I have the test harness working, I'm not testing
real application code yet, I'm just hitting a web page that simulates
an IO delay (500 ms), and then serializes out some json (about 85 bytes
of content). It's not accessing the database, or doing anything other
than printing out that data. My application servers are written in
node.js, on 512MB VPSes on rackspace (centos55).

Here are the results that don't make sense:

When I run this test against a single application server (bottom one),
You can see that it stays pretty flat (about 550ms response time) until
it gets to 1500 simultaneous users, when it starts to error out and get

When I run it against an haproxy instance in front of 4 of the same
nodes (top one), my performance is worse. It doesn't drop any
connections, but the response time edges up much earlier than against a
single node.

Does this make any sense to you? Does haproxy need more RAM? I was
watching the box while the test was running and the haproxy process
didn't get higher than 20% CPU and 10% RAM.

Please help, thanks!

Re: Custom field addition to Statistics Report webpage?

2011-01-26 Thread Joel Krauska

On 1/25/11 10:48 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

Hi Joel,

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 01:29:11PM -0800, Joel Krauska wrote:

I'm not sure if people have asked for this, but I would love a custom
field/column in the Stats Report web page.

Specifically, I would like to be able to see my backend server
version. This is a custom text string which I could provide a
health-check-like URL to populate.

Then the HAProxy stats page could be a one-stop page to watch during
rolling upgrades of backends.

Probably for easy customization, an external call to third party
script would be ideal.

Has anyone considered this before?  Is there any way to hack existing
features to do this?

You should take a look at stats show-desc. You can already use it to
report a section-specific string. You can then have your upgrade script
fill it from a config template. For instance :

backend foo
stats show-desc @@foo.version@@

Then replace @@foo.version@@ with whatever you like.

Assuming you're in a secure enough environment to consider such things,
you should also take a look at stats show-legends which reports much
more information (eg: mode, IPs, cookie names, etc...). This is different
from what you asked for but will surely help troubleshoot issues if you
already feel concerned with the config version.



I think you've described a per-backend description.
I enabled stats show-desc, but that's a per backend feature, right?

I'm looking for a per-server (subset of backend) field.

Use case:

backend pool foo has four servers: a,b,c,d

initial state, all four servers are running code rev 22.

I initiate a rolling upgrade, which includes a graceful shut, upgrade of 
code and graceful start of each server.

The new code rev is 23.

As I upgrade the code on each server from version 22 to version 23... 
It would be nice if HAProxy was able to poll a given URL to identify the 
unique version of each server to monitor the progress of the upgrade and 
confirm quickly/visually that all members of the same backend are in 
sync at the end of an upgrade

mid upgrade
a - version 23
b - version 23
c - down (currently be upgraded)
d - version 22

It's sort of like a special case of a healthcheck, but for a given URI 
and displaying the output, not just if the check succeeded.

Something you'd consider adding?

In the meantime I've got my own little per server version table page 
that has this info, but it's very similar to the haproxy page

(pools and member servers)



Re: Custom field addition to Statistics Report webpage?

2011-01-26 Thread Joel Krauska

On 1/26/11 2:06 AM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 12:56:54AM -0800, Joel Krauska wrote:

On 1/25/11 10:48 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

Hi Joel,

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 01:29:11PM -0800, Joel Krauska wrote:

I'm not sure if people have asked for this, but I would love a custom
field/column in the Stats Report web page.

Specifically, I would like to be able to see my backend server
version. This is a custom text string which I could provide a
health-check-like URL to populate.

Then the HAProxy stats page could be a one-stop page to watch during
rolling upgrades of backends.

Probably for easy customization, an external call to third party
script would be ideal.

Has anyone considered this before?  Is there any way to hack existing
features to do this?

You should take a look at stats show-desc. You can already use it to
report a section-specific string. You can then have your upgrade script
fill it from a config template. For instance :

backend foo
stats show-desc @@foo.version@@

Then replace @@foo.version@@ with whatever you like.

Assuming you're in a secure enough environment to consider such things,
you should also take a look at stats show-legends which reports much
more information (eg: mode, IPs, cookie names, etc...). This is different

from what you asked for but will surely help troubleshoot issues if you

already feel concerned with the config version.



I think you've described a per-backend description.
I enabled stats show-desc, but that's a per backend feature, right?

I'm looking for a per-server (subset of backend) field.

Use case:

backend pool foo has four servers: a,b,c,d

initial state, all four servers are running code rev 22.

I initiate a rolling upgrade, which includes a graceful shut, upgrade of
code and graceful start of each server.

The new code rev is 23.

As I upgrade the code on each server from version 22 to version 23...
It would be nice if HAProxy was able to poll a given URL to identify the
unique version of each server to monitor the progress of the upgrade and
confirm quickly/visually that all members of the same backend are in
sync at the end of an upgrade

mid upgrade
a - version 23
b - version 23
c - down (currently be upgraded)
d - version 22

It's sort of like a special case of a healthcheck, but for a given URI
and displaying the output, not just if the check succeeded.

Something you'd consider adding?

In the meantime I've got my own little per server version table page
that has this info, but it's very similar to the haproxy page
(pools and member servers)

OK I see better what you're looking for. Then you could already do
something like this using the health checks. Since the stats page
reports the health check response (eg: 200 OK), the code which
handles the health check on the server could simply adjust the
response to report the version (200 OK: version 1.12) and you'll
find it in the stats page.


Ok, so I've modified our HTTP responses to include the version.

I've noticed that it's only displayed as a tooltip (pop up box when you 
mouse-over the TD).

td class=ac title=Layer7 check passed: OK: version v201
u L7OK/200 in 3ms/u/td

I'd really like it to show up in the text portion of the page.
td class=ac title=Layer7 check passed: OK: version v201
u L7OK/200 in 3ms : version v201/u/td

Configurable option?



Re: Custom field addition to Statistics Report webpage?

2011-01-26 Thread Joel Krauska

On 1/26/11 4:30 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 03:00:00PM -0800, Joel Krauska wrote:

Ok, so I've modified our HTTP responses to include the version.


I've noticed that it's only displayed as a tooltip (pop up box when you
mouse-over the TD).

td class=ac title=Layer7 check passed: OK: version v201
u  L7OK/200 in 3ms/u/td

yes indeed.

I'd really like it to show up in the text portion of the page.
td class=ac title=Layer7 check passed: OK: version v201
u  L7OK/200 in 3ms : version v201/u/td

We should not do that simply because that enlarges columns. It's
hard to have the whole table fit on 1600x1200 screens when numbers
are big, so we cannot enlarge colums with varying response sizes.

Configurable option?

Not until the stats are fully reworked to become more configurable
at least.



How about exporting that extra information in the csv?


Custom field addition to Statistics Report webpage?

2011-01-25 Thread Joel Krauska
I'm not sure if people have asked for this, but I would love a custom
field/column in the Stats Report web page.

Specifically, I would like to be able to see my backend server
version. This is a custom text string which I could provide a
health-check-like URL to populate.

Then the HAProxy stats page could be a one-stop page to watch during
rolling upgrades of backends.

Probably for easy customization, an external call to third party
script would be ideal.

Has anyone considered this before?  Is there any way to hack existing
features to do this?

