[Harbour] hbdoc2 compile errors

2010-03-10 Thread Heinz V. Bergen
Using SVN build 2.1.0dev (Rev. 14123)

Trying to make examples\hbdoc2 using hbmk2  and hbmk2 project file hbdoc2.hbp
Get the following errors, what am I doing wrong?

D:\harbour\examples\hbdoc2>hbmk2 hbdoc2.hbp
hbmk2: Processing configuration: d:\harbour\bin\hbmk.cfg
gentxt.prg(101) Error E0019  #error 'Method  not declared or declaration mismatch in class '
gentxt.prg(106) Error E0019  #error 'Method  not declared or declaration mismatch in class '
2 errors

No code generated.
hbmk2: Error: Running Harbour compiler (embedded). 1
(d:\harbour\bin\harbour.exe) -n2 hbdoc2.prg gentpl.prg gentxt.prg genhtml.prg ge
nxml.prg tmplates.prg -q0 -w3 -es2 -oC:\DOCUME~1\hbergen\LOCALS~1\Temp\ -iD:/har

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Re: [Harbour] hbdoc2 compile errors

2010-03-11 Thread Heinz V Bergen

Thank-you, yes it compiles now.


Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> Please check after r14127.
> -
>  enjoy hbIDEing...
> Pritpal Bedi 
> _a_student_of_software_analysis_&_design_
> -- 
> View this message in context:
> http://n2.nabble.com/hbdoc2-compile-errors-tp4712945p4713957.html
> Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
> Harbour@harbour-project.org
> http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

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[Harbour] Clipper NTX Index Corruption

2010-03-31 Thread Heinz V. Bergen
Harbour compiled program is corrupting Cl*pper NTX  Indexes.
Discovered cause was with Indexes containing STR(RECNO()) in its key.
Clipper will return a string length of 7, while Harbour returns a length of 10.
Checked the Harbour Docs and it indicates that Str(Recno()) should also return 
a string length of 7.
Using latest SVN with MINGW32  Am I missing something?

As it is I do have access the Cl*pper Index keys, they are stored in a DBF file 
which is used to recreate the indexes and I will change all references of 
Str(Recno()) to Str(Recno(),7,0) or will Str(Recno(),7) suffice? I will then 
recreate all indexes to solve my corruption problem. But if I didn't have 
access to change the Cl*pper NTX keys this would be an issue when a Harbour 
program accesses and updates.

Regards, Heinz
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Clipper NTX Index Corruption

2010-04-01 Thread Heinz V Bergen

Hello Przemek,

Thank-you very much for the detailed explanation and the additional most
helpful information.
At this time I need to co-exist with pure Cl*pper files and indexes, but
once I get all systems converted to Harbour, I will look at improved
functionality. When the time comes, your suggestions for rddInfo(
are very interesting, or would it be better to convert all to FoxPro CDX?

Also I might suggest updating the Harbour documentation for the STR()
function which currently reads as:

STR() returns  formatted as a character string. If the optional
length and decimal arguments are not specified, STR() returns the character
string according to the following rules: 
Results of STR() with No Optional Arguments 
Expression Returns Value Length 
Field Variable Field length plus decimals 
Expressions/constants Minimum of 10 digits plus decimals 
VAL() Minimum of 3 digits 
MONTH()/DAY() 3 digits 
YEAR() 5 digits 
RECNO() 7 digits 

Thanks again and to ALL for the outstanding work,

Heinz Bergen

>BTW if you do not need to access the indexes by Clipper then you can
>reach the same effect much easier.
>   rddInfo( RDDI_SORTRECNO, .t., "DBFNTX" )
>enables Harbour extension which causes that in newly created indexes
>RECNO() is calculate as hidden trailing part of the key just like in
>CDX or NSX so it gives effectively the same without adding any STR(RECNO())
>to index key and without increasing the index size. It also eliminates
>potentially big performance problem caused by linear scan in NTX indexes
>using a lot of non unique keys when they have to be positioned after
>GOTO or for update.
>You can also use:
>   rddInfo( RDDI_MULTITAG, .t., "DBFNTX" )
>to enable support for multitag NTX indexes - many indexes (tags) in
>single file like in CDX or NSX formats.

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Re: [Harbour] Harbour "random" GPFs

2010-05-02 Thread Heinz V Bergen

Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi All,
> Lately I mentioned having "random" GPFs with my live apps 
> since changing to Harbour r14336. I also mentioned they are 
> gone. This turned out not to be true, they are still present.
> ...
> Viktor

Hello all, not sure if this is related but I have been fighting with random
GPFs also.

-was gui gtwvt app, and app would just close with no error, sometimes
processing 1 iteration of an Import/Export process, sometimes crash after

-compiled as non gui without GTWVT, but still got crashes, but now got an
error message:
  "Unrecoverable error 9019: Stack underflow" and always on the same
Return() statement, sometimes on 1st iteration, usually on the second one,
but sometimes (rarely) 3rd or more.

-compiled with debugger, now get different error:
   Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception error:
Exception Code:C005

Exception Address:0041F2A3
EAX:ABB4  EBX:000D  ECX:  EDX:0004
ESI:00BC3874  EDI:  EBP:0001
CS:EIP:001B:0041F2A3  SS:ESP:0023:0022F540
DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:
CS:EIP: 80 3B B4 0F 86 B4 00 00 00 C7 44 24 0C 00 00 00
SS:ESP: 00C331D8 03CF    000D 00C226B4
7CC 0002 0001 0001 0052C81A 00CAD7CC 0002 00BC33DC

C stack:
EIP: EBP:   Frame: OldEBP, RetAddr, Params...

I don't really understand what this means, my guess is some process appears
to be damaging the stack.
If this is not related to issue, any idea what I need to look at to resolve

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Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Harbour] Harbour "random" GPFs

2010-05-03 Thread Heinz V Bergen

OK, using latest Harbour (r14422) and did a "mingw32-make clean install",
then recompiled my app with "hbmk2" as console app, no GTs and tested, still
got error.
When Windows dialog to send error report, I clicked on debug window opening
VS2005 debugger, showed error in disassembled code as "Unhandled exception
at 0x0041f2a3 in Hb2Ftr.exe: 0xC005: Access violation reading location
0x000d", in case this helps?

 0041F259  sub esp,0ACh 
 0041F25F  mov edi,dword ptr [esp+0C4h] 
 0041F266  mov ebx,dword ptr [esp+0C0h] 
 0041F26D  mov dword ptr [esp+68h],ebp 
 0041F271  testedi,edi 
 0041F273  je  0041F28A 
 0041F275  mov eax,dword ptr [esp+0C4h] 
 0041F27C  movsx   eax,word ptr [eax+4] 
 0041F280  shr eax,0Ah 
 0041F283  and eax,1 
 0041F286  mov dword ptr [esp+68h],eax 
 0041F28A  xor ebp,ebp 
 0041F28C  lea esi,[esi] 
 0041F290  mov eax,dword ptr ds:[00624278h] 
 0041F295  dec eax  
 0041F296  testeax,eax 
 0041F298  mov dword ptr ds:[00624278h],eax 
 0041F29D  je  0041F36A 
>0041F2A3  cmp byte ptr [ebx],0B4h 
 0041F2A6  jbe 0041F360 
 0041F2AC  mov dword ptr [esp+0Ch],0 
 0041F2B4  mov dword ptr [esp+8],0 
 0041F2BC  mov dword ptr [esp+4],0 
 0041F2C4  mov dword ptr [esp],2336h 
 0041F2CB  call0048C830 
 0041F2D0  movzx   eax,word ptr ds:[6240F4h] 
 0041F2D7  testeax,eax 
 0041F2D9  je  0041F290 
 0041F2DB  testal,4 
 0041F2DD  je  0041F37F 
 0041F2E3  testebp,ebp 
 0041F2E5  je  0041F34C 
 0041F2E7  mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[6240F0h] 
 0041F2ED  lea esi,[esi] 
 0041F2F0  mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[6240C8h] 
 0041F2F6  lea ebx,[ecx+ebx*4] 
 0041F2F9  mov eax,dword ptr ds:[006240C0h] 
 0041F2FE  xchgax,ax 
 0041F300  cmp ebx,eax 
 0041F302  jae 0041F325 
 0041F304  sub eax,4 

-recompiled my app with Harbour release 2.0 and tested, had no errors.
Clipper also has no errors.
-tryed various combinations and discovered issue is caused by latest HBMK2,
as using HBMK2 from Version 2.0 distro, copying it to with latest SVN
Harbour\Bin, rebuild app, test and appears to run fine with no more errors,
does that make sense?



First retest your app using latest Harbour (r14412 or newer) 
and see if it fixes these problems.


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Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Harbour] Harbour "random" GPFs

2010-05-04 Thread Heinz V Bergen

Result in Hb_Out.Log after executing app twice, first time got error 9019,
second time got error 6005:

Application Internal Error - C:\op_new\Hb2Ftr.exe
Terminated at: 2010.05.04 09:10:28
Unrecoverable error 9019: Stack underflow
Called from EXPORT(973) in ../BREXPORT.prg
Called from EXPORTEXCP(182) in ../BREXPORT.prg
Called from (b)EVAL(2321)
Called from COMMBROW(2852) in ../../hvblib/HVBLIB.prg
Called from BREXPORT(153) in ../BREXPORT.prg
Called from FTRMEN1(77) in ../FTRMEN1.prg
Called from FTRMAIN(150) in ../FTRMAIN.prg
Called from FTRMENU(467) in ../FTRMENU.prg

Application Internal Error - C:\op_new\Hb2Ftr.exe
Terminated at: 2010.05.04 09:10:49
Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception error: 

Exception Code:C005
Exception Address:004198C3
EAX:6A99  EBX:000D  ECX:  EDX:0004
ESI:00B7E444  EDI:  EBP:0001
CS:EIP:001B:004198C3  SS:ESP:0023:0022F540
DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:
CS:EIP: 80 3B B4 0F 86 B4 00 00 00 C7 44 24 0C 00 00 00
SS:ESP: 00B9CC90 0007  0054B880  0006 00B88D44
00B9E56C 0002 0001 0001 005224DA 00B9E56C 0002 00B7DFEC

C stack:
EIP: EBP:   Frame: OldEBP, RetAddr, Params...

0x0040 0x001F6000 C:\op_new\Hb2Ftr.exe
0x7C90 0x000B2000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
0x7C80 0x000F6000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
0x77DD 0x0009B000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL
0x77E7 0x00092000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
0x77FE 0x00011000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll
0x77C1 0x00058000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
0x7E41 0x00091000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
0x77F1 0x00049000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
0x7639 0x0001D000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL
0x77B4 0x00022000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll
0x77C0 0x8000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll

Called from EXPORT(973) in ../BREXPORT.prg
Called from EXPORTEXCP(182) in ../BREXPORT.prg
Called from (b)EVAL(2321)
Called from COMMBROW(2852) in ../../hvblib/HVBLIB.prg
Called from BREXPORT(153) in ../BREXPORT.prg
Called from FTRMEN1(77) in ../FTRMEN1.prg
Called from FTRMAIN(150) in ../FTRMAIN.prg
Called from FTRMENU(467) in ../FTRMENU.prg

Final app is GUI and contains GtWvt and GtWin, but I have removed and still
produce error, code is in form that directly compiles in clipper also.

I use a .hbm file to compile the app via "hbmk2 @hb2ftr.hbm", file contents

-prgflag=/m /n /dHASCHAR031



Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Could you post your complete hb_out.log? 
> What extra libs do you use (-l hbmk2 options)?
> Viktor
> On 2010 May 3, at 22:15, Heinz V Bergen wrote:
>> OK, using latest Harbour (r14422) and did a "mingw32-make clean install",
>> then recompiled my app with "hbmk2" as console app, no GTs and tested,
>> still
>> got error.
>> When Windows dialog to send error report, I clicked on debug window
>> opening
>> VS2005 debugger, showed error in disassembled code as "Unhandled
>> exception
>> at 0x0041f2a3 in Hb2Ftr.exe: 0xC005: Access violation reading
>> location
>> 0x000d", in case this helps?
>> 0041F259  sub esp,0ACh 
>> 0041F25F  mov edi,dword ptr [esp+0C4h] 
>> 0041F266  mov ebx,dword ptr [esp+0C0h] 
>> 0041F26D  mov dword ptr [esp+68h],ebp 
>> 0041F271  testedi,edi 
>> 0041F273  je  0041F28A 
>> 0041F275  mov eax,dword ptr [esp+0C4h] 
>> 0041F27C  movsx   eax,word ptr [eax+4] 
>> 0041F280  shr eax,0Ah 
>> 0041F283  and eax,1 
>> 0041F286  mov dword ptr [esp+68h],eax 
>> 0041F28A  xor ebp,ebp 
>> 0041F28C  lea esi,[esi] 
>> 0041F290  mov eax,dword ptr ds:[00624278h] 
>> 0041F295  dec eax  
>> 0041F296  testeax,eax 
>> 0041F298  mov dword ptr ds:[00624278h],eax 
>> 0041F29D  je  0041F36A 
>>> 0041F2A3  cmp byte ptr [ebx],0B4h 
>> 0041F2A6

Re: [Harbour] Harbour "random" GPFs

2010-05-04 Thread Heinz V Bergen


Error occurs on the Return() of the function and all processes within were
completed successfully. The function creates Directories, copies files,
creates an FTP script, calls external RUN to PkZip and FTP and then erases
files and removes directories, thought maybe RUN calls were the culprit, so
I have bypassed PKZIP and FTP calls, just replacing with Copy File so
process can continue, and error still occurs. Not sure if posting function
in a usable form will be possible, but I will continue trying to narrow it
down and see if I can come up with something. One item of note though, is
that the latest SVN hbmk2 and release 2.0 hbmk2 do create different
application EXE sizes.


Przemysław Czerpak wrote:
> On Mon, 03 May 2010, Heinz V Bergen wrote:
> Hi,
>> OK, using latest Harbour (r14422) and did a "mingw32-make clean install",
>> then recompiled my app with "hbmk2" as console app, no GTs and tested,
>> still
>> got error.
>> When Windows dialog to send error report, I clicked on debug window
>> opening
>> VS2005 debugger, showed error in disassembled code as "Unhandled
>> exception
>> at 0x0041f2a3 in Hb2Ftr.exe: 0xC005: Access violation reading
>> location
>> 0x000d", in case this helps?
> [...]
>> -recompiled my app with Harbour release 2.0 and tested, had no errors.
>> Clipper also has no errors.
>> -tryed various combinations and discovered issue is caused by latest
>> HBMK2,
>> as using HBMK2 from Version 2.0 distro, copying it to with latest SVN
>> Harbour\Bin, rebuild app, test and appears to run fine with no more
>> errors,
>> does that make sense?
> Can you send here the body of function which creates this problem?
> If possible please try to reduce it removing all code which can be
> deleted and the error is still generated.
> HBMK2 is linked with Harbour compiler library and such errors can
> be caused by wrong code generated by compiler.
> best regards,
> Przemek
> ___
> Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
> Harbour@harbour-project.org
> http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

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Re: [Harbour] Harbour "random" GPFs

2010-05-04 Thread Heinz V Bergen

The offending line 973 code is:

Return( lOK )

The executable is running where intended.


Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> Heinz V Bergen wrote:
>> Called from EXPORT(973) in ../BREXPORT.prg
> Can you show the offending line code ?
> I suspect, you are executing the .exe from a different 
> location other than it is intended to. Right ? Line # 973 in export.prg
> may provide us a clue.
> -
>  enjoy hbIDEing...
> Pritpal Bedi 
> http://hbide.vouch.info/
> -- 
> View this message in context:
> http://harbour-devel.1590103.n2.nabble.com/Harbour-random-GPFs-tp4968103p5003799.html
> Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
> Harbour@harbour-project.org
> http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

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Re: [Harbour] Harbour "random" GPFs

2010-05-04 Thread Heinz V Bergen

Agreed, my thought is that hbmk2 in the two versions are using different
compiler options, as the only difference is the two different versions of
hbmk2 that I used to compile my app. Of course I'm probably looking at this
in a somewhat less knowledgable direction. Based on the same hbm script,
same Harbour.exe and Libs, same Mingw GCC and Libs, I thought both hbmk2
versions would make the same App EXE in the end. Well I took a look at the
source for hbmk2 and Viktor, that is some piece of "artificial

Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Change of executable size or even change in the 
> checksum of the generated executable by itself isn't 
> an indication of a problem.
> hbmk2 is using Harbour libs, which change size all 
> the time, plus it sometimes happens that C compiler 
> options used by hbm2 change over time. The final 
> executable will be created by C linker, which may 
> have its own side of the story.
> Point is to have a consistently and freshly rebuilt 
> Harbour, 3rd party and local libs, and app, when 
> doing tests.
> Viktor
> ___
> Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
> Harbour@harbour-project.org
> http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

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Re: [Harbour] Harbour "random" GPFs

2010-05-06 Thread Heinz V Bergen

My problem has been resolved by fix in Revision 14441.

Thanks all for the insight, code reducing experience and extra thanks to
Przemysław Czerpak for the encouragement and final fix.


Heinz V Bergen wrote:
> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Lately I mentioned having "random" GPFs with my live apps 
>> since changing to Harbour r14336. I also mentioned they are 
>> gone. This turned out not to be true, they are still present.
>> ...
>> Viktor
> Hello all, not sure if this is related but I have been fighting with
> random GPFs also.
> -was gui gtwvt app, and app would just close with no error, sometimes
> processing 1 iteration of an Import/Export process, sometimes crash after
> second.
> -compiled as non gui without GTWVT, but still got crashes, but now got an
> error message:
>   "Unrecoverable error 9019: Stack underflow" and always on the same
> Return() statement, sometimes on 1st iteration, usually on the second one,
> but sometimes (rarely) 3rd or more.
> -compiled with debugger, now get different error:
>Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception error:
> Exception Code:C005
> Exception Address:0041F2A3
> EAX:ABB4  EBX:000D  ECX:  EDX:0004
> ESI:00BC3874  EDI:  EBP:0001
> CS:EIP:001B:0041F2A3  SS:ESP:0023:0022F540
> DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:
> Flags:00010206
> CS:EIP: 80 3B B4 0F 86 B4 00 00 00 C7 44 24 0C 00 00 00
> SS:ESP: 00C331D8 03CF    000D 00C226B4
> 00CAD
> 7CC 0002 0001 0001 0052C81A 00CAD7CC 0002 00BC33DC
> 00C56A30
> C stack:
> EIP: EBP:   Frame: OldEBP, RetAddr, Params...
> I don't really understand what this means, my guess is some process
> appears to be damaging the stack.
> If this is not related to issue, any idea what I need to look at to
> resolve issue?
> Thanks,
> Heinz

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Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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