Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 94, Issue 10

2010-10-09 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. U.S. civilians donate radios to Afghans (Arnaldo)
   2. sATmORN dx (Charles Bolland)
   3. Oct. 05 - 08 logs (L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs October 8-9, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. Fw: [DXplorer] RMRC broadcast at  9.10.2010 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   6. Re: [DXplorer] RMRC to NA 6130 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   7. Re: RMRC to NA 6130 (Brandon Jordan)
   8. Logs for Al Muick (Albert Muick)
   9. Glenn Hauser logs October 9, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2010 06:52:42 +0200
From: "Arnaldo" 
Cc: hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com, playdx2003
,   DXLD ,
Subject: [HCDX] U.S. civilians donate radios to Afghans
Message-ID: <53b53a15ae4e46e99bca256d26306...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

The U.S. military's mission in Afghanistan is more often about helping farmers 
and teachers than firefights with the Taliban. That gives people at home, like 
Royse City plastics maker John Stettler, a way to support the war by helping 
the military help the Afghans.
Stettler put up $10,000 this year to buy radios for villagers in Afghanistan's 
Helmand province. A battalion of U.S. Marines is handing out these solar and 
hand-crank radios in places where there is no electricity. 
"If we send Americans to risk their lives in other countries, it's important 
for civilians to do their part," said Stettler, 53. "It's a citizen's duty." 

Stettler's $10,000 was a challenge grant given to Spirit of America, a Los 
Angeles charity. Jim Hake, founder of Spirit of America, asked Stettler and 
other donors to respond after he got an appeal for radios from the 3rd 
Battalion of the 1st Marine Division in Garmsir. 

The appeal raised $30,000 that's being spent on 3,000 radios shipped directly 
to the Marines in Afghanistan. 

"Broadly speaking, we help the troops help the local people," Hake said. "From 
our perspective, by providing radios, we're helping to open families and 
villages to outside information and music as well. From the Marine Corps' 
perspective, it also opens villages to outside information and helps them 
combat Taliban propaganda." 

Hake said Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson, who led the Marine forces into Helmand 
province last year, told him: "We spend 10 percent of our time hunting and 90 
percent of our time helping." 

U.S. generals running the war in Afghanistan say information is one of the key 
battlefields, and radio is the medium both sides use in this fight. Most 
Afghans live in small villages, cannot read or write, and don't have 
electricity. Their news comes over the radio. 

Taliban stations 

Media surveys in Afghanistan by aid groups have found most villages have had 
radios since U.S. forces overthrew the Taliban almost nine years ago. But the 
radio in the tea shop or mosque, powered by a small generator or a car battery, 
could be tuned by a Taliban sympathizer to a Taliban station. Giving families 
their own radios lets them listen to something else. 

So far this year, U.S. forces and their allies have handed out 45,000 radios - 
and put on-air many of their own radio stations. 

"We have three radio stations set up on combat outposts, with a fourth station 
coming in the next couple of weeks," Lt. Col. Ben Watson, the 3rd Battalion's 
commanding officer, wrote in an e-mail from Garmsir. 

Watson explained that the stations are manned by two local Afghan DJs and 
Marines working with translators. They offer a mix of programming, including 
local leaders supporting the government, music and news. 

"We encourage locals to write in or tell our patrols what they like and don't 
like about the programming so that we can constantly improve," he wrote. 

Scores of ra

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 9, 2010

2010-10-09 Thread Glenn Hauser
** ARGENTINA. Reception from Lithuania, q.v., was so poor that I kept 
bandscanning during the 2230 sesquihour Oct 9, periodically checking 6130. On 
15345.0, R. Nacional seemed right on frequency for a change, Oct 9 at 2248 with 
silly ballgame, as obvious from keywords ``pelota`` and ``partido`` but they 
never really said ``partido tonto de pelota`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** BRAZIL. 12174, SRDA is still putting out horrible loud extremely distorted 
spur, Oct 9 at 2246, also much weaker 11356. Checking the fundamental 11765, 
seemed to be a YL gospel huxter alternating with David Miranda, and much lower 
modulation level (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHAD. 6165, RNT, Oct 9 at 2254, hilife music with French comments 
interspersed, considerably better signal than Lithuania; 2301, ``Ici Ndjamena, 
La Station(?) Nationale``, brief NA by military band until 2302:30, carrier 
stayed on a while. I assume this is back to normal schedule following Ramadan, 
-2300 Sats, unlike -2230 otherdays. RN Venezuela did not reappear as it had 
once recently on this unscheduled frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** COLOMBIA. 6035, Oct 9 at 2319, could make out some Spanish 
commercial-hype-sounding talk vs the 6030 ACI from the DentroCuban Jamming 
Command, and R. Martí, so presumably LV del Guaviare, not doing as well as DR 
on the other side. No major broadcasters are scheduled here in Spanish (Glenn 

** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 6025, as soon as I tuned in Oct 9 at 2255, they said 
``Amigos oyentes de Radio Amanecer Internacional``, so I could immediately tune 
on, escaping the religionist exhortations to follow; fair over CCI (Bolivia? Or 
Iran`s 13-hour overnight Arabic service), and considerable ACI from the 
Dentro-FueraCuban radio war on 6030. Another check at 6025: CCI worse, making 
low rumble tnx to RAI being off-channel (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LITHUANIA [and non]. 6130, Rhein-Main Radio Club special consolation 
broadcast for Radio Saint Helena Day, which was canceled: Did not anticipate 
very good reception from that far into eastern Europe, and such was the case. 
No CCI or ACI, but signal generally too weak and fading vs noise level. 

Tune-in Oct 9 at 2235 , poor with music only; 2241 some talk but unreadable, 
2242 music, and so forth. 2252 mentioning QSL cards; 6130 now a little better, 
maximum 7 bars on the DX-398 with reel-out antenna, 8 with a longer random wire 
clipped on, but that`s still far from enough for clear copy considering the 
noise and modulation levels. 

2304 announced ``Life on the Ocean Waves``, RSH theme tune and played a bit of 
it; then schedule to different regions, presumably studio recording of last 
year`s RSHD. 2307 seems two guys conversing, mentioning R-M-R-C-. SINPO at best 
35333. 2317 mentioned 11092.5 U-S-B, time quarter to one GMT. 

By 2327 signal had worsened, now unreadable. Tnx to RMRC for undertaking this, 
and hope we may get to hear this hour later online. Probably would have been 
better to NAm on 7 MHz band; e.g. RUI on 7440 was much stronger in English 
before 2300, but they do have a few hundred more kW and I assume lots more 
antenna gain. I gather reception was quite a bit better north and east of here, 
as would be expected (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)  

** NIGERIA [and non]. 7350, I`m wondering if this new frequency for R. Nigeria, 
Abuja, weakly audible here from 0600, is also on the air in the evenings? No 
sign of it on a few chex after 2235 UT Oct 9, and by 2358 the frequency had 
Chinese on it, which is CRI English via EAST TURKISTAN from 2300. 
Unfortunately, unlike the mornings, there are several other major broadcasters 
scheduled on 7350 in the evenings; but it might be free after 2030 if Moldova`s 
registration at 2000-2200 is wooden; and surely between 2200 and 2300. A 
Nigerian would not likely be on later than 2300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** RUSSIA. 5900, checked Oct 9 at 2256 and later, no sign of V. of Russia, 
English to North America, apparently gone since the end of September, but is 
there a replacement as yet unfound? Predictably, their sked at 
http://english.ruvr.ru/radio_broadcast/schedule/ still shows 5900 at 22-02. But 
it also fails to show 9665 at 23-02 which has really been on for several weeks. 
What do they know back in Moscow? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, Oct 9 at 2325 plugging http://www.radio211.com where you 
may request a QSL for SW or webcast, or P O Box 456, Orangeville Ont., missed 
postal code. ``Radio 211, on WBCQ, 50,000 watts of Amplitude Modulation`` 
(well, not exactly: ``compatible`` USB, i.e. reduced carrier and reduced LSB 
but could also hear some modulation on lower side.) On to Bible quotation about 
olive oil. 

This is Rod Hembree`s latest enterprise, part of the Good Friends Radio 
Network, which has bought out 9330 for 15 hours daily, 13-04 UT

[HCDX] Logs for Al Muick

2010-10-09 Thread Albert Muick
QTH:Kabul, Afghanistan
RX: WinRadio G303e
ANT:200m Longwire/Randomwire
ACC:Palstar MW-550P Mediumwave Preselector

6676 USB  09 OCT, 1624 UTC, SINGAPORE, Singapore VOLMET with synthesized
male voice reading weather conditions for Malaysia and Singapore.  Good
quality signals and no QRM.

7165  09 OCT, 1605 UTC, ETHIOPIA, Radio Ethiopia (tent.).  Strong carrier
but very weak modulation.  I could just barely make out the English language
by the male announcer.  Taking turns with a female announcer and many
mentions of Ethiopia.

7175  09 OCT, 1540 UTC, ERITREA, Voice of the Broad Masses, in presumed
Amharic (according to schedule) with area music and announcements by man.
Station ID at 1558 and suddenly smashed by what appeared to be strong DRM
signal as viewed on the specral display, however, although it locked, there
was no data. Fair signals with no QRM and some slight fading up to that

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I had time for the hobby, but
finally getting some spare time again.  I completely missed the RMRC
broadcast by drifting off to sleep.

If there are any fiber optic technicians out there who might be interested
in working on Kandahar Airfield, please drop me a note and a CV/resume.  I
need 2-3 technicians and a project manager for converting our WiMAX network
to fiber, utilizing the existing NATO pit and duct systems.

Hope everyone is well!


Al Muick

"When the government keeps detailed records on every move we make
and we either need advance permission for everything we do or are
penalized for not knowing what the rules are, America will be
declared a police state."
 - Rep. Ron Paul, Texas

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Re: [HCDX] RMRC to NA 6130

2010-10-09 Thread Brandon Jordan
LITHUANIA, Rhein-Main Radio Club special RSH 2009 broadcast via 
Sitkuani, 6130, 2230-2330 - English with clips of RSH 2009 broadcast, 
comments, QSL details. Initially poor but improving to fair by 2330. 
Transmitter left on until 2332.

Brandon Jordan, Memphis, TN
Perseus SDR, Wellbrook K9AY, Welbrook ALA330S, KAZ
www.bcdx.org | www.dxtests.info

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Re: [HCDX] [DXplorer] RMRC to NA 6130

2010-10-09 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

LITHUANIA  6130  TCI-California antenna beamed in direction of 310 degrees
serves a powerful signal in target zones 4,7,8,9,10,11 in North America.

6130 here in Stuttgart only co-channel CNR Lhasa Tibet in English (!) with 
typical Chinese dance music, S=9+10dB, 2230 UT Oct 9.

From 2234 UT onwards heard the St. Helena Happening broadcast TINY 


In an angle difference of 51 degress ... to main lobe via TCI 8-dipol beast
at 310 degrees.

- Original Message - 
From: "Don Jensen" Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 12:49 AM

Subject: Re: [DXplorer] RMRC to NA 6130

Powerful signal from carrier on at 2228.  IS, ID into pgming, which
continues strong at 2350/

From: James Ronda
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2010 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [DXplorer] RMRC to NA 6130

Traces of audio here at 2230; some improvement so that individual words and
voices could be heard by 2236; best in LSB
Jim Ronda  Tulsa, OK

On Oct 9, 2010, at 5:33 PM, John Herkimer wrote:
Huge signal on clear freq (6130) at *2230 with Rhein-Main Radio Club English
program to NA.

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Fw: [DXplorer] RMRC broadcast at 9.10.2010

2010-10-09 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

Subject: Re: [DXplorer] RMRC broadcast at 9.10.2010

Wonderful strong signal of S=9+35dB, here in Stuttgart, Germany, centered in
the main lobe of the 259 degrees outlet from Lithuania, no QRM.

China co-channel now heard at 1633 UT after Sitkunai ceased transmission,
but CRI Hakka bcast weak in 212 degrees from Urumchi site, in direction of
Bombay, Maledives/Seychelles, Madagascar and Eastern South Africa.

... and three seconds bargain of HCJB's German feed too, bcast on 9770 kHz
instead of scheduled 5940 kHz from 1630 UT regularly.

Same excellent transmission signals from Sitkunai heard already 40 years ago
on USSR era. But not that happening content ... :-)

Danke RMRC und Harald fürs Ereignis.

73 wb

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 8-9, 2010

2010-10-09 Thread Glenn Hauser
** AUSTRALIA. 15400, unlike yesterday, HCJB propagating well Saturday Oct 9 at 
1325 with some downunderite reading boring loggings, so checked their other 
frequency, 15340: nice south Asian vocal music, and still no het from Morocco, 
neither audibly from ex-15341, nor subaudibly from presumed 15340, whence it is 
presumably not propagating instead. Back to 15400 at 1330 just as DX Partyline 
ends on time, no ID, immediately into Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** BULGARIA. 15700, Oct 9 at 1333, R. Bulgaria with folk music on accordion, 
lo-fi announcement; 1350 now it`s accordion with piano in Saturday traditional 
music show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6070, Oct 9 at 0601, CFRX newscast by YL with improved modulation, 
and I was ready to give them an R5, but a few minutes later it declined to R4 
and continued to plummet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 9625, Oct 9 at 0553, tone test as happens so frequently, long after 
CBCNQ 0506 sign-off; why? Vs splatter from REE/CR 9630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 9: none found 8-16 MHz before 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CUBA. 11760, back on the air and VG with RHC English, Oct 9 at 0551, jazz 
piano music // 5970, 6060 and JBM 6150, but no 6010. Next check 0603, 6010 had 
replaced 11760. But unlike a previous night, 9525 in Spanish was not extended.

As I started to tune down the 21m band, Oct 9 at 1339, no signal on 13880, so 
figured one of the RHC channels would be off, unable to produce this leapfrog. 
Yes: 13780 VG as usual, but nothing on 13680. 

Despertar con Cuba was airing a report from Puerto Rico on a baseball 
championship, slanted to how the Cuban team was doing; 1342 Agenda 21 
environmental report about a weather radar in Pinar del Río established in 
1972; urging us to go green. By this time I was axually listening on 12030 

** GUATEMALA. 4055-, TGAV, Oct 9 at 0555 carrier and JBA music (Glenn Hauser, 

** INDIA. Can`t get enough of that Bengaluru hum! 9690, AIR GOS English channel 
at 1330-1500, already on air at 1318 Oct 9, otherwise open carrier, but off 
again at 1322 check, having confirmed that the transmitter will be ready to 

9425, Bengaluru at 1318 Oct 9, AIR IS, flutter, ACI de FEBC 9430; 1320 Vande 
Mataram, 1321+ sign-on in Hindi mentioning kHz. Could not hear this National 
Channel on // 9470 Aligarh with huge WTWW from 9479. 

9870, Bengaluru with VBS, Oct 9 at 1319 pop music, flutter, CCI from presumed 
China (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 3325, Oct 9 at 1231 tune-in to hear talk in Indonesian, but 
vanished at 1231:30*. This could explain why I was not hearing any signal the 
day before when I tuned in somewhat later, after having had nice daily peaks 
before 1300: RRI Palangkaraya turning off transmitter earlier, for some reason. 
What does Atsunori Ishida at http://rri.jpn.org/ say? Observations since Oct 7 
not yet entered
However, Ron Howard heard 3325 on the air from 1439 Oct 9 Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, back to normal VG signal Oct 9 after weakish 
yesterday; 1249 rock in English during Japanese hour; 1314 in English Today in 
History about consequences of NK nuclear tests; 1315 Focus, on ``Indonesia 
becoming more attractive to international business``; usual IADs (Glenn Hauser, 

** JAPAN. R. Nikkei, Oct 9 at 0553 fair on both 9595 and 9760 in non // 
Japanese talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALAYSIA. 6049.6, Oct 9 1306, weak music to talk, VP, 1308 mixing music and 
talk. Confirmed off-frequency compared to WEWN 12050. A semihour earlier I was 
only hearing the het with HCJB(?). Now with some audio there is still a het 
from algo on 6050.0. 

I defer to Ron Howard who reported thus Oct 4: ``pop music show at
1301 in vernacular with many "Radio Malaysia Asyik FM" IDs; fair;
slight drift.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7350, Oct 9 at 0559, JBA carrier from presumed R. Nigeria, Abuja; 
wonder if this will ever rise to audibility over here. Shame to have such a 
nice clear frequency, with pitiful peanut power. Is anyone in Europe hearing it 
in the evenings? But then it would collide with Russia, Moldova, Iran, China, 
East Turkistan. Maybe there are some gaps when it could be detected (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 1610, NWS Enid relay again audible, Oct 8 at 2200 UT, JBA on 
caradio in Enid, so the Great Salt Plains TIS (Jet/Cherokee OK), WQCL720, is 
back in biz after radiating loud noise blob for a few weeks.

1580, checked KOKB Blackwell Saturday Oct 9 at 1347, and it`s nominal with 
local sports talk during the hour when, tnx to KOKB open carrier, we used to 
hear the mystery Spanish sports show which turned out to be KHGG Fort Smith AR. 
With KOKB applying modulation, no cha

[HCDX] Oct. 05 - 08 logs

2010-10-09 Thread Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. October, 05 0835-0845 female in English hosting 
listeners by phone, listener talks followed by male in studio in comments "in 
1993..police..Australia rescue", many times this sequence. 35322, (lob-B).


3970, Korea, North, KCBS Pyongyang, Wonsan. October, 05 0846-0855 elation 
music, short male and female in Korean talks in music break. 25222, (lob-B).


5020, Solomon Islands BC, Honiara. October, 05 0858-0910 Pacific music, male 
and female in English announcements on top of the hour "Solomon 
Islands..company..you're listening radio..www". 34333, (lob-B).


5055, Brasil, R. Difusora, Cáceres. October, 06 0900-0918 male in Portuguese ID 
annoucements "..60 metros..", religious talks "Igreja..pedir a Deus a 
sabedoria", religious music; fading, 25322. October, 08 0859-0908 sign on at 
0900 with male ID announcements "R. Difusora de Cáceres para o Brasil", "abre 
espaço para seu programa A hora milagrosa..a Igreja Apostólica apresenta o 
programa A hora milagrosa" male explaining miracles happened with followers of 
this religious entity Igreja Apostólica "a mãe, a Sra..explicou ao filhinho que 
confiasse no poder da fé..então o garoto recebeu um milagre atestado pelo 
médico..pois voltou a enxergar"; 35333, (lob-B).


Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - Dipole 18m, 32m; Longwire 22m. 

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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2010-10-09 Thread Charles Bolland
 Bolivia, 6134.83, Radio Santa Cruz, 0950-1020,  Noted
a female and two
males in Quecha Language comments while the signal
bounces between 
good and poor.   At 0956 music presented.  At times the
language sounds like
Quecha and then Spanish.  Signal seemed to peak on the
hour to a good level.
 (Chuck Bolland, October 9, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] U.S. civilians donate radios to Afghans

2010-10-09 Thread Arnaldo
The U.S. military's mission in Afghanistan is more often about helping farmers 
and teachers than firefights with the Taliban. That gives people at home, like 
Royse City plastics maker John Stettler, a way to support the war by helping 
the military help the Afghans.
Stettler put up $10,000 this year to buy radios for villagers in Afghanistan's 
Helmand province. A battalion of U.S. Marines is handing out these solar and 
hand-crank radios in places where there is no electricity. 
"If we send Americans to risk their lives in other countries, it's important 
for civilians to do their part," said Stettler, 53. "It's a citizen's duty." 

Stettler's $10,000 was a challenge grant given to Spirit of America, a Los 
Angeles charity. Jim Hake, founder of Spirit of America, asked Stettler and 
other donors to respond after he got an appeal for radios from the 3rd 
Battalion of the 1st Marine Division in Garmsir. 

The appeal raised $30,000 that's being spent on 3,000 radios shipped directly 
to the Marines in Afghanistan. 

"Broadly speaking, we help the troops help the local people," Hake said. "From 
our perspective, by providing radios, we're helping to open families and 
villages to outside information and music as well. From the Marine Corps' 
perspective, it also opens villages to outside information and helps them 
combat Taliban propaganda." 

Hake said Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson, who led the Marine forces into Helmand 
province last year, told him: "We spend 10 percent of our time hunting and 90 
percent of our time helping." 

U.S. generals running the war in Afghanistan say information is one of the key 
battlefields, and radio is the medium both sides use in this fight. Most 
Afghans live in small villages, cannot read or write, and don't have 
electricity. Their news comes over the radio. 

Taliban stations 

Media surveys in Afghanistan by aid groups have found most villages have had 
radios since U.S. forces overthrew the Taliban almost nine years ago. But the 
radio in the tea shop or mosque, powered by a small generator or a car battery, 
could be tuned by a Taliban sympathizer to a Taliban station. Giving families 
their own radios lets them listen to something else. 

So far this year, U.S. forces and their allies have handed out 45,000 radios - 
and put on-air many of their own radio stations. 

"We have three radio stations set up on combat outposts, with a fourth station 
coming in the next couple of weeks," Lt. Col. Ben Watson, the 3rd Battalion's 
commanding officer, wrote in an e-mail from Garmsir. 

Watson explained that the stations are manned by two local Afghan DJs and 
Marines working with translators. They offer a mix of programming, including 
local leaders supporting the government, music and news. 

"We encourage locals to write in or tell our patrols what they like and don't 
like about the programming so that we can constantly improve," he wrote. 

Scores of radio stations are operating in Afghanistan and sending signals from 
across the border in Pakistan. The Afghan government, Britain's BBC and the 
U.S. government's Voice of America broadcast nationwide. 

Voice of America also sends FM and short-wave signals into the tribal regions 
of Pakistan across the Afghan border - an area rich in Taliban radio operations 
as well, according to a State Department inspector general's report released 
last year. 

"The Taliban operate a large number of unlicensed FM transmitters throughout 
the region," the report found. "While they have limited range, these 'rogue' 
stations regularly broadcast propaganda, including frequent claims for 
terrorist actions carried out by the Taliban." 

Media groups operating in Afghanistan say villagers are skeptical of the Afghan 
government's broadcasts and prefer programs that relate information about their 
local area. That's where the Taliban and the U.S. military try to operate. 

'First with the truth' 

Soon after the war started, the U.S. Agency for International Development sent 
30,000 radios to Afghanistan, but U.S. AID workers in Kabul say that effort has 
ended. Voice of America is distributing 20,000 more radios. 

Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, issued 
guidelines in August that urge his forces to "fight the information war 

"Be first with the truth," the guidelines read. "Beat the insurgents and 
malignant actors to the headlines." 

But supplies aren't always in place when they're needed, which is why Watson 
turned to Spirit of America. 

"We are at the end of a long and challenging logistics pipeline out here, and 
we don't get everything we want just as fast as we'd like it," Watson wrote. 
"SOA [Spirit of America] helps immensely to supplement the number of 
hand-crank, solar-powered radios we get through military channels in order to 
allow us to supply to the local population so they can listen to our radio 
stations. Their support is a huge help." 

Some radios are both h