Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 95, Issue 13

2010-11-12 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs November 11-12, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Nov 11-12 Logs (brian384...@aol.com)
   3. Fri EVe DX (Charles Bolland)
   4. Vanuatu on 7260 // 3945 (L?cio Bobrowiec)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:32:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser 
To: d...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: s...@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 11-12, 2010
Message-ID: <278977.75395...@web51106.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

** ALASKA [non]. 9655, still trying to hear/confirm KNLS` scheduled English at 
15-16: Nov 12 at 1459 I hear a familiar IS, but it`s RRI`s, which I realize 
bears some similarity to KNLS`s! 1500 Enescu theme and Romania scheduled in 
Arabic, but there is QRM de something (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Friday Nov 12 at 1412, JBA carrier from LRA36, and now 
there is something on 15480; see UNIDENTIFIED (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 12:
 8400, JBA at 1322; fair by 1343 when I am also getting it on 9350
 9350, good at 1343. Gone at 1457 recheck
10500, JBA at 1322, but less so than on 8400; same at 1343
 9350 is an unusual spot, but must have been irresistible for unheard Sound of 
Hope, as nothing at all is scheduled there except WWCR at 21-23 (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA. Now we know what became of RHC`s short-lived new frequency 15390: 
moved to 15230! Nov 11 at 1920 there is RHC // 11760 but an echo apart, also // 
12040, 11730, 11690 but at this time not heard on 15360/15370/15380/15390. 
15230 was a prime RHC frequency until abandoned many years ago; not clear why 
Arnie would move 15390 back to 15230 now. 

In fact, it`s on as early as 1411 Nov 12, QRMing CRI English via Sackville 
which has been on this B-season frequency for years! CRI way on top, but I 
manage to // the QRM audio underneath with 15360 an echo apart at 1450, when 
the 15230 RHC signal has gained a little on CRI; Commies vs Commies! 15230 may 
have seemed attractive as nothing else is scheduled there 15-22, but CRI is on 
it at 13-15 and Australia at 22-24, so RHC should only use it between 15 and 22.

Perhaps RHC is still experimenting, as Nov 10 at 1138, Mark the Dark Coady in 
Ontario logged RHC on a slightly different unlisted frequency, 15235 // 6095.

Then at 1545 Nov 12 checking the RHC schedule presented in Spanish at 
I find it does show 15230 now in Spanish: to Buenos Aires at 11-23 and 00-05, 
breaking for Portuguese in between. 

Anything else new on it? English 11760 at 20-21 on this version is destined for 
Central America, rather than N/C/SAm, and no English for Europe (Glenn Hauser, 

** GUATEMALA. 4052.5-, R. Truth, Nov 12 at 0600 with Lord`s Prayer in English, 
music and closing amenities, national anthem 0605-0610 then some open carrier. 
Fair signal and no QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI absent Nov 12 at 1456, tho it had been on as usual 
less than a sesquihour earlier during English with IADs disrupting music. They 
had been staying on during the now unimpeded 1400 hour in Indonesian, sometimes 
past 1500 with more music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. 15341.1, RTM, Nov 12 at 1447 again looking for foreign language 
capsules as Harold Frodge reported on Nov 2, but none heard, just Arabic music 
and talk, het from 15340 presumed HCJB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7350, R. Nigeria has not been heard here lately; such as Nov 12 at 
0550. Then I think there is a trace of a JBA carrier. Schedule has been 
*0545v-1200*. How is it in Europe, Nigeria? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENIN

[HCDX] Vanuatu on 7260 // 3945

2010-11-12 Thread Lúcio Bobrowiec
3950, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. November, 07 2334-2345 male in Chinese 
discussion with female, predominating male. 25332, (lob-B).
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 09 0751-0803 male in English talks, 
outside segment. 35233, (lob-B).
3905, Papua New Guinea, R. New Ireland, Kavieng. November, 10 0758-0808 Pop 
music, male and female in Pidgin talks. 25232, (lob-B).
7260, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 12 0754-0805 Pop music, female in 
English talks “R. Vanuatu..week end”, Romantic music, short tribal music, male 
talks. //3945, 3 (lob-B).
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec – Embu SP Brasil - Sony SW40 - Dipole 18m, 32m, Longwire 

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[HCDX] Nov 11-12 Logs

2010-11-12 Thread Brian384875
** BAHRAIN. 9745, Radio Bahrain, 0040-0135, Nov 12, reduced
carrier USB,  Local Mid-East style music. Weak but readable. (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
** COSTA RICA. 5954.18, ELCOR - Radio Republica, 0340-0400*,
Nov 11,  Spanish talk. ID. Weak. Poor under jammer. (Brian Alexander, 

** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 6025.08, Radio Amanecer, 1103-1115,
Nov  12, Spanish religious talk. ID. Lite instrumental music. Poor in
noisy  conditions and some adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, 
** ECUADOR. 3279.90, LV del Napo, 0255-0308*, Nov 11, Spanish 
religious  talk. Christian music. Abrupt sign off. Poor. Weak in noisy 
conditions.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ECUADOR. 3279.90, LV del Napo, *0939-1005, Nov 12, abrupt
sign on  with Spanish talk. Rustic local music. Fair level but muffled
audio. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** INDONESIA. 9525.96, Voice of Indonesia, *0953-1015, Nov 12,
abrupt  sign on in listed Korean with talk and pop music. Into English 
at 1000 with  IDs, contact information and review of upcoming programs. 
English news at  1002. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 
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2010-11-12 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.786, Radio Santa Cruz, 2225-2240,  Noted
singing by a male.  Signal was still very weak, so
not much making it to South Florida.   However, noticed
the signal drifting upwards from 6134.786KHz 
at tune in to 6134.801KHz at 2240.   (Chuck Bolland,
November 12, 2010)
Peru, 6019.275, Radio Victoria, 2240-2250,  Noted a
poor signal here with a male in Spanish comments.
Signal is still just starting to fade in, but with a
threshold signal.  Tuned into the harmonic on
which was just as threshold as Victoria on 6mHz.
(Chuck Bolland, November 12, 2010)
Peru, 4746.958, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 2300-2310,  Noted
a poor signal here with a few persons in
Spanish comments and music.   Signal was actually
threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, November 13, 2010)
Wanted!  Someone to identify the three
carriers/stations on the following frequencies: 
1.   4864.696KHz  2.  4864.979 KHz  3.  4865.025KHz
I mainly interested in Identifying the Bolivian, Radio
Logos which is supposed to be 
one of the three.  Thanks in Advance for your help.
Honduras, 3339.97, Radio Misiones Int.(HRMI),
0005-0020,  Noted a male in English and a female
translating his comments to Spanish.   Comments are
religious.  Signal was fair.   (Chuck 
Bolland, Novembeer 13, 2010)
Bolivia, 3309.99, Radio Mosoj Chaski, -00150-0030,
Signal just audible over the noise.   Heard 
a female in Spanish language comments until 0018, and
at that time music is presented.  Signal
was threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, November 13, 2010)
Guyana, 3289.98, Voice of Guyana, 0018-0030,   Noted a
female in English language comments
for a couple of minutes.  This is followed with 40's
type dance music.   Signal is poor and 
struggling with the noise.   (Chuck Bolland, November
13, 2010)
Guatamala, 4052.46, Radio Verdad, 0022-0035,   Noted a
male in Spanish language comments.  
The males diction is very poor.   He talks while
someone plays the "Organ" behind him.   
Signal was Good except for the poor comments.   (Chuck
Bolland, November 13, 2010)
Brazil, 4915.97, Radio Difusora de Macapa, 0033-0045,
Signal is rather poor with music and 
Portuguese language comments from a number of
individuals.   Station not yet faded in
well enough this evening.   (Chuck Bolland, November
13, 2010)
26N 081W
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 11-12, 2010

2010-11-12 Thread Glenn Hauser
** ALASKA [non]. 9655, still trying to hear/confirm KNLS` scheduled English at 
15-16: Nov 12 at 1459 I hear a familiar IS, but it`s RRI`s, which I realize 
bears some similarity to KNLS`s! 1500 Enescu theme and Romania scheduled in 
Arabic, but there is QRM de something (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Friday Nov 12 at 1412, JBA carrier from LRA36, and now 
there is something on 15480; see UNIDENTIFIED (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 12:
 8400, JBA at 1322; fair by 1343 when I am also getting it on 9350
 9350, good at 1343. Gone at 1457 recheck
10500, JBA at 1322, but less so than on 8400; same at 1343
 9350 is an unusual spot, but must have been irresistible for unheard Sound of 
Hope, as nothing at all is scheduled there except WWCR at 21-23 (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA. Now we know what became of RHC`s short-lived new frequency 15390: 
moved to 15230! Nov 11 at 1920 there is RHC // 11760 but an echo apart, also // 
12040, 11730, 11690 but at this time not heard on 15360/15370/15380/15390. 
15230 was a prime RHC frequency until abandoned many years ago; not clear why 
Arnie would move 15390 back to 15230 now. 

In fact, it`s on as early as 1411 Nov 12, QRMing CRI English via Sackville 
which has been on this B-season frequency for years! CRI way on top, but I 
manage to // the QRM audio underneath with 15360 an echo apart at 1450, when 
the 15230 RHC signal has gained a little on CRI; Commies vs Commies! 15230 may 
have seemed attractive as nothing else is scheduled there 15-22, but CRI is on 
it at 13-15 and Australia at 22-24, so RHC should only use it between 15 and 22.

Perhaps RHC is still experimenting, as Nov 10 at 1138, Mark the Dark Coady in 
Ontario logged RHC on a slightly different unlisted frequency, 15235 // 6095.

Then at 1545 Nov 12 checking the RHC schedule presented in Spanish at 
I find it does show 15230 now in Spanish: to Buenos Aires at 11-23 and 00-05, 
breaking for Portuguese in between. 

Anything else new on it? English 11760 at 20-21 on this version is destined for 
Central America, rather than N/C/SAm, and no English for Europe (Glenn Hauser, 

** GUATEMALA. 4052.5-, R. Truth, Nov 12 at 0600 with Lord`s Prayer in English, 
music and closing amenities, national anthem 0605-0610 then some open carrier. 
Fair signal and no QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI absent Nov 12 at 1456, tho it had been on as usual 
less than a sesquihour earlier during English with IADs disrupting music. They 
had been staying on during the now unimpeded 1400 hour in Indonesian, sometimes 
past 1500 with more music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. 15341.1, RTM, Nov 12 at 1447 again looking for foreign language 
capsules as Harold Frodge reported on Nov 2, but none heard, just Arabic music 
and talk, het from 15340 presumed HCJB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7350, R. Nigeria has not been heard here lately; such as Nov 12 at 
0550. Then I think there is a trace of a JBA carrier. Schedule has been 
*0545v-1200*. How is it in Europe, Nigeria? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. Tulsa market TV/radio news alignments: 1170, KFAQ, Nov 12 at 1404 
UT quoting Fox 23 [KOKI-22] local news and weather items in ``KFAQ News Time``; 
740, KRMG, Nov 12 at 1407 with traffic report from News on 6 [KOTV-45]. So 
where on the radio may we hear news from KJRH-8 and KTUL-10? KRMG has added an 
FM relay, but not KFAQ, backward.

May I suggest that traffic reporting, at least, is more appropriate from radio 
stations to be quoted by TV stations, as there are few TVs in cars, and no one 
can hear `channel 6` on FM any more. But then, TV stations are more likely to 
have choppers, altho often outsourced and no longer essential for locating 
hazards and jams (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 18058-, Nov 12 at 1454, carrier and bits of mod, no doubt from third 
harmonic of R. Victoria, Lima on 6019.3+. Glad to see some  others reporting 
this now, such as Harold Frodge in MI, Nov 6 at 2202 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [non]. 11730, surprised to hear Creole Nov 12 at 0102; 11730 is an RHC 
Spanish frequency all day earlier, so could it be RHC? Certainly not // 5040. 
No, it`s YFR, now scheduled via Ascension at 01-02, so the Haitians have a 
choice between Commies and Christians, as Lavwadlamerik (VOA) abandoned 
expanded Kriyol last April, another victim of the quake, having decided that no 
one was listening to SW in Haiti, not even the VOA Creole sesquihour daily 
which existed previously (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1538: first airing confirmed on WRMI 
Thursday Nov 11 after 1600 UT on webcast; but no first airing on WBCQ, 7415 
Thursday at shifted time of 2000 --- instead last we